All 10 Straw Hats RANKED from Weakest to Strongest! (One Piece)

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as we leave wano and enter the final Saga we have just about every Straw Hat getting some kind of significant power boost and receiving a new Bounty but with all these new factors in play I wanted to take another look at the straw hats and rank them from weakest strongest before we get into it though if you're enjoying the one piece content on this channel and you want to keep it coming remember to leave a like and comment down below I think it'd be pretty fun if you all left your own list down in the comments right now and then we see if they line up with mine at the end of the video and of course make sure to subscribe to the channel for more one-piece content in the future and to keep up with our weekly one-piece chapter reviews but with all that being said let's get into the actual video spoilers and all So currently I think it's safe to say that there are tiers of straw hat power levels none of them are particularly weak but the ones who are at the top are kind of miles ahead of the others like I could definitely see several characters on the straw hat crew being placed in fights with King queen or Jack and at least holding their own but with other characters that just straight up isn't the case right and honestly I think a lot of the positions on this list will be pretty debatable but I believe that it's probably safe to say that Chopper is the weakest member of the crew again I'm not saying Chopper is weak it isn't like he's kaido minion number 346 but I also don't think that he really competes with mid-level Yanko crew members on average but let's talk about that in a moment Chopper joined the crew all the way back in the drum island arc after Luffy helped him stop Waffle's Invasion and obviously a chopper wants to be the Cure All medicine the best doctor in the world so his dreams don't particularly align with him being very strong and because of that it isn't really a priority and it doesn't matter too much for his character which unfortunately means that he tends to get the least development on the crew as a lot of One Piece development is through its fights on drum Island Chopper's abilities were fairly straightforward he is a reindeer who ate the human human fruit this gave him human-like intellects as well as three basic forms his normal reindeer form his tiny hybrid form which is the most common to be used and his human form which turns him into something that looks almost like a Yeti each of these offers their own unique benefits giving him better Mobility intellect and strength respectively however Chopper also invented the rumble ball the original Rumble ball would give Chopper access to four new forms these being the furry guard point which acted like Luffy's gum gum balloon antler point which as you might guess makes his antlers much bigger and stronger which is very useful for lifting or tackling opponents Arm Point which gave him buff arms for attacking and jump point which allowed him to jump further and higher he can also use the scope ability while he's in his hybrid form which allows him to find enemies weaknesses but this is Chopper's biggest weakness the rumble balls are not perfect this means that he only has access to most most of his abilities some of the time the original Rumble ball only lasted for three minutes each and needed 6 hours between uses which is not the ratio you want to be looking at he could of course eat more in that time frame but there would be side effects if he ate a second Rumble ball he would gain extra abilities but he would lose control over his Transformations and begin swapping randomly if he took a third Rumble ball he would be forced into monster point a behemoth-like form where he is filled with rage and attacks everything and anyone around him regardless of if their friend or Foe Chopper especially early on had a ton of Versatility at his disposal but was extremely Limited in terms of time on top of this even despite his time limitation his strongest normal form wasn't stronger than Zorro his fastest form wasn't as fast as Sanji and his most defensive form couldn't reflect as much as Luffy's he's kind of a jack of all trades and definitely not a master of any however things would change a bit after he spent the two-year time skip on Torino Kingdom Chopper mastered his abilities to the point where he could access all of his forms and the new Kung Fu point which would make the best of both arm and jumping Point combining them into one with the exception of monster point this would be the only form that would still require a rumble ball to access but because it only took one Rumble ball Chopper would remain in total control of himself although again it would only last for 3 minutes finally with the help of Caesar Clown this three minutes was bumped up to 30 with the trade-off of leaving him as a shrunken version of brain point for an unknown amount of time basically it's similar to the old effects of Luffy's Gear 3 where he would shrink after using it obviously Chopper's monster point is insanely strong but it is so so limited 30 minutes is getting to the point where it's reasonable for a fight but I doubt that more than one fight would really be resolved in that time on top of that what happens if Chopper commits to that 30 minute transformation and whoever he's fighting just runs away for a half hour and comes back afterwards his Kryptonite in this form is anyone slightly faster than him or anyone who can convince him to have a conversation yes he has times where he is super strong but because of the limitations around his character I think we have to mark him as the weakest after Chopper though I think the next three are up for some debate but for me I would probably put Brooke here Brooke of course joined the crew back in Thriller bark where he immediately stood out as being pretty strong however he was notably not even a close match for ryuma with his shadow even saying himself that ryuma wasn't taking him seriously at all despite getting bodied by him meanwhile Zorro managed to take him out with really no issue to be fair saying that he doesn't compare to Zorro is a pretty high bar especially before the time skip but even so the Gap is pretty significant that said Brooke like Zorro is a swordsman but rather than using three sword style like sorrow does Brooke instead uses a cane sword for a more fencing like battle style emphasizing speed and precision overpower calling it The Gentle blade style so yes while Zoro is a better swordsman than Brooke they're in different categories so it's not the easiest thing to compare the Styles they're both useful in different situations Brooke of course though is also the cruise musician and while this is great for boosting the morale of his crew it also allows him to have unique effects on his enemies using Enchanted Melodies through his music that can cause people to even fall asleep it puts him in this kind of interesting position of being a front-line fighter as he's a swordsman but also being a support unit at the same time much like Chopper I feel like Brooke doesn't have a defined identity on the battlefield and that causes him to be a bit lacking overall now what does help Brooke though is his devil fruit the yomiyomi Nomi which is objectively the most fun devil fruit to say this fruit gave Brooke a second chance at life after dying in the Florian triangle however as his soul took 50 years to find his body he would be revived as a skeleton this makes Brooke light enough to run on water and immune to certain types of damage or environmental effects for example he's not able to feel the cold on Punk Hazard and also is unable to be electrocuted Brooke also obviously can't be made to bleed as he's immune to any flesh-based injury but he is still susceptible to damage and pain in general the fruit also grants him a connection to the underworld this manifests in a few ways he can Infuse his Blade with the chill of the underworld which can freeze his opponents with ice created from his Soul's energy and of course Brooke can also astrally project his own soul allowing him to travel through solid object sex fly away and spy on his enemies and finally it allows him to have some level of sway Over The Souls of others specifically he mentions how his music allows him to feel the souls of others and move them with the melody most iconically this being used against big mom's homies as a sort of pseudo-conquerors hockey that causes them to stop in place he's basically a red maid she got fencing he got some ice powers you got status effects and it all comes together in this really unique fighter but like I said with chopper it seems that the more versatility a character gets the less they seem to stand out so because of that I think Brooke will be our second weakest on to our third character and I'm gonna be real this whole section was kind of difficult to sort out but I think I'm landing on putting Nami here Nami of course was officially added to the crew in arlong park and originally acted more as a thief or a spy not really meant for close-up fighting her weapon of choice at the time was a connectable bow staff which she used to be able to take down just about any low-level enemy that they came across but that's kind of the best she could do at the time for the most part there wasn't really anything extra that she would be doing outside of navigation spying or theft this changed a little bit in Alabaster when she was given the first iteration of the climate act which was made by usop keeping with the collectible staff design that she was used to but now adding the addition of several party tricks as well as an occasional actually useful ability these include the abilities to create heated or cooled pockets of air which would be used in tandem with nami's knowledge of Science and weather to allow her to create pockets of rain or lightning or produce mirages or she could just straight up use the climb attack in general to entangle and launch enemies with tornado Tempo the perfect climate Act improved her abilities with the use of dials from Sky Pia this modified version was first introduced on the straw hats trip to Annie's Lobby on Rocket Man this kind of solidified the movement of Nami shifting away from her role as a thief and more into the role of something like a mage which is definitely cool but I do wish she had more moments that stem from her having that Thief role in the modern series in this form all of the gimmicks have been removed and all of the abilities are much stronger creating larger and more deadly lightning bolts as well as more potent heat and cool balls just in general anything the old version could do this is able to do in a stronger form and her battle with cauliflower was where she was able to test out most of these new abilities these sorcery climate Act was introduced when Nami returned to sabaori after the time skip it makes use of all of the technology and weather knowledge that she gained studying on with area this ironically adds in some more casual uses like the original had but rather than party tricks these could instead be used for things like taking a shower or creating sea clouds in battle is where this thing really begins to shine though Mirage Tempo now allows her to turn invisible gust sword launches a burst of wind at the opponent she can produce chains of thunderballs that could be swung almost like a whip that electrocutes anything it touches and heat rain snow or thunder eggs can be produced which hatch for powerful burst effects and so there is yet another upgrade as we got the grow up sorcery climate act which was improved by usop using pop greens one of the biggest advantages of this version is that unlike previous versions it doesn't need to be carried in separate parts instead it's just a single piece which has the ability to grow as the name suggests the biggest increase to nami's Power by far through this series though occurs on whole cake island with the last upgrade to her Arsenal as Zeus becomes hers and upgrades all of her thunder-based attacks then finally in wano Zeus's Soul would actually fuse with the climb attack and produce a sentient weapon he can freely manipulate the size and shape of the climate act and even turn it into things like a mace on top of this Zeus can transfer his Consciousness into the clouds that Army creates to create sentient storms that can Target enemies with homing bolts honestly at the current point in the story Nami is devastatingly powerful and almost unrecognizable from where she started in terms of indirect combat I'd say she can pack the biggest punch as well as do the most AOE damage of anyone in the crew at this level however when it comes to hand-to-hand combat she is also the most at risk having very little physical strength and durability basically if she can keep her distance that's great but if she's ever caught off guard it's kind of game over that said I do think her spot is more or less interchangeable with the next one which I think should be Usopp picked up in syrup Village usop is the cruise Marksman and specializes in ranged attacks and Ingenuity constantly making the best of his situation on the battlefield he was originally a massive coward but as the series progressed he has become only a little bit of a coward which like good for you fam we're making progress much like Nami his weapon of choice a slingshot is upgraded several times through the series his original Arsenal would focus around a normal slingshot which would be used to fire off lead gunpowder eggs smoke bombs fire pellets Tabasco shurik him and Cactus bombs for the most part these were kind of gimmicks or distractions but they would open up opportunities for Usopp to put into action some kind of plan or for the rest of his crew to step in and do the final blow these were in combination to his classic close range joke items like usop Hammer rubber band of Doom and usopp's spell which I mean they exist but they're not the most useful and as funny as they were when they were first introduced I'm kind of glad they're gone for the most part they really take away from this idea of Usopp growing as a warrior and they made him seem much more childish usopp's first big upgrade came at the end of Sky Pia when dials were incorporated into his Arsenal tone dials breath dials flavor dials flash dials and of course impact dials I'll be became extremely useful we see these really coming into play with his fight with Luffy where he manages to hold his own pretty damn well and controls the flow of battle for the majority of it here kind of having the same issue that I mentioned with nami where when he's at a distance that's great he's doing pretty solid for the fight but as soon as Luffy's able to close that distance the fight ends pretty quickly after usop splits from the crew and returns as sniper King he begins using the dial powered up giant slingshot Kabuto this is much stronger than his old slingshot and is able to fire so far and accurate that even Marine rifles don't have a chance in competing with him as we see in any sloppy the specific reason that Kabuto is so strong is that it makes use of breath dials installed that help to propel his shots however dial stop being the big thing for Usopp overall after his time in the Boeing archipelago Usopp instead begins to integrate pop greens with his slingshot much like nami's climate act this allows his slingshot to grow or Shrink inside eyes while also gaining extra strength as it grows however the pop greens aren't just used in the design of the slingshot they're actually used as his artillery as well and with these in his Arsenal he effectively becomes a long-range Summoner some of these pop greens that we've seen include the giant Venus flytrap powerful seaweed reflexia flowers bamboo shoots exploding grass and a giant wolf made of grass there's a bunch more but basically it allows usop to have an answer for any situation he finds himself in it might not always pack as much of a punch as nami's Lightning but they're by no means weak and the options that he offers I think just Place him a little bit ahead of her as well as just him being much more durable in general we've seen Usopp take some insane hits throughout the series and that's before even considering that usop also has access to Observation hockey which allows him to make shots that are just ungodly now on to Frankie we pick him up as we leave water 7 and obviously Frankie is a cyber after trying to stop the puffing Tom from bringing his mentor to any Lobby Frankie was left broken and brutalized however he managed to gather scrap metals and irons on a ship lost at sea and rebuilt himself the entire front half of his body was remade with metal and is effectively impervious to attacks from the front at least attacks that wouldn't be able to get through metal his torso also now opens to store fuel typically Cola to energize his entire system and on top of this of course he added a lot of General modifications and weapons into himself including detachable fists machine guns Rockets flamethrowers nail guns air cannons and extendable calves that can be used to turn him into a reverse Centaur his back however remains more or less untouched as he was unable to reach it during this process during the time skip Frankie would spend two years on the island that vegapunk was from and learned as much as he could from his lab he rebuilt his entire body to become more advanced this new body being much bigger and bulkier but housing many more tools and weapons as a result things like changeable hairstyles Fireballs tiny hands that extend from his hands the radical beam nipple lights and the improved version of all of his previous abilities he couldn't even turn his legs into tank treads if he needs to however despite all of these tools Frankie is ironically pushed into the brawler role of the crew often going against people like Senor pink in battles of machismo and brute strength rather than making use of all the technology he has that said when push comes to shove his vast array of weapons does allow him the versatility to find Solutions in most situations very similar to usop and it's a trend that you probably see in most of the characters we've mentioned so far the more versatile these characters tend to be the less specialized and overall powerful they are as well however a big benefit that Frankie has though is that he can make the best of his environment in order to supplement his own strength creating structures like stairs or Bridges is to keep himself in good positions during a fight or making on-the-spot weapons to better suit the situation that he finds himself in in this way Frankie's potential on the battlefield is only limited by the supplies that he has available to him and while it might not be strong enough to allow him to defeat people like kaido or big mom it does allow him to at least create big opportunities to either strike back or help his crew escape but on top of this I think that it would be unfair to talk about Frankie's power without also mentioning the Arsenal of mechs and machines that he supplied the crew with because Frankie's strength isn't just limited to what he can do but also what he allows his crew to do obviously the sunny is included in this which allows the straw hats to become a pretty powerful force at Sea complete with Cuda burst turrets and the gaon cannon the gallon Cannon I don't know how to pronounce that but whatever but just as important are these shark submerged 3 which allows for underwater escape and exploration the black rhino 4 which can Barrel through enemies at high speeds and even knock over big mom and the brachio tank 5 which is a tank which is durable and strong enough to allow Chopper and usop to deal with big mom considerably well it isn't like they're going to win the fight but to say that the tank helped their odds is an understatement on top of that the black rhino and brachio tank can actually be docked to form the iron pirate General Frankie this is an extremely durable and Powerful giant Mech that has machine guns in the left arm a projectile Shield his own gaon Cannon rockets and of course comes complete with a powerful sword as well much like Chopper's monster point this is a massive power boost to Frankie but it just isn't practical to be used all the time as it has its own requirements however unlike monster Point there's no time limit on this and if the attack fails you won't be left a Sitting Duck now moving on from Frankie to what I would consider to be the last of the mid-tier crew members being Robin and let's be real Robin is insanely strong especially early in the series she joins just after Alabaster and at this point in the series if the enemy isn't a logia user or exactly a character like Luffy or buggy with a workaround to her abilities Robin could just snap their neck instantly and take the win although I guess you do need to have a neck for her to do this so the priest she fought on Sky Pia was saved by a technicality as a child Robin ate the Hana Hana Nomi a devil fruit which allowed her body to bloom on any surface that she chooses and the range is pretty considerable Robin's go-to attack is to have her arms Sprout from an opponent's back have them Reach up to their neck and clutch it back and honestly there just isn't much to be done to stop this we've seen her use this to take out massive groups of enemies in a single motion and it's just kind of unfair at the early stages of the story and much like Frankie's Ingenuity with his surroundings Robin's abilities are very much only limited by Her Imagination in general when she joins the crew after Alabaster I would say she could probably even take on Zoro Sanji in a fight because there's just not much you can do against an opponent like Robin although of course that's just my opinion obviously if either of them gets a good hit and they win but getting that opportunity would be pretty rough I think what makes Robin so threatening in general is just that her limbs can grow anywhere it's pretty straightforward and simple the range of places that her attacks can come from as well as the fact that they can just appear allows her to become a very talented assassin but of course she isn't limited to just creating hands and cracking people's necks Robin can reproduce any part of her body eyes spy with ears to eavesdrop legs to kick with anything she can even grow a massive collection of hands to produce wings that will actually allow her to fly for a few moments and though it's never seen in the series she could 100 discussed whoever she's fighting by covering them head to toe in things like teeth or eyeballs or tonsils or whatever else and I don't know about you but I'm not fighting if I'm covered in teeth I'm gonna be honest I'm gonna go home shower and question every life choice that brought me to that moment now Robin's fruit is not perfect though and there is a pretty considerable downside that being that these body parts are a part of her meaning that they're limited to her own strength and that if they take damage she will still feel it but as Robin becomes more powerful throughout the series that also means that her abilities become more powerful for example during the two-year time skip Robin learns the basics of Fishman karate from the revolutionaries and can Implement those abilities through her fruit a pretty substantial power boost Post Time skip Robin also produces massive versions of her legs and arms similar to how she used to make wings but what's even cooler is her ability to straight up make a clone of herself and of course in her fight with black Maria in wano we see her new technique demon blooming where she creates a giant copy of her upper body while doubling her appendages and creating things like bat wings and fangs and horns to give off the general appearance of a demon the Hana fruit allows Robin to be incredibly creative producing Nets paths to roll her crew to safety or or even grabbing Frankie's nuts and bolt on top of that Robin herself is just incredibly intelligent great at Espionage and survival she's a talented assassin and she's gifted at Deception all tools which feed into the use of her fruit and open opportunities for her to be successful in any fight but with that we are finally moving on to the monsters of the crew and like I said every member is strong but the gaps between those mentioned so far and those remaining is just too significant not to bring up now of these next four characters there's one that we have the least experience with and while he has always been shown to be incredibly powerful I think that jinbei falls short to both Zorro and Sanji when you take into consideration their power-ups from Moana it's obviously debatable as we haven't seen a lot of jinbei fighting overall especially in comparison to the others but given what we've seen so far I think this is where I'm putting him we first heard of Jean Bay all the way back in the East blue when Johnny and yosuku mention him we don't actually meet him until impel down when he shares a cell with Ace of course Luffy would soon show up and free Jean Bae and we get our first look at him in combat when he AIDS Luffy both in The Escape of impel down and in the Battle of marineford and at Marine Ford we see Jean Bay fighting morya and just dunking on him which is pretty impressive when he considers that Luffy and the rest of the straw hats very recently just struggled quite a bit to deal with him through the rest of marineford jinbei would manage to hold his own against really anyone he came across and while he wasn't about to overpower the Admirals he could at least defend himself against them and protect others from them for the most part and I don't know about how you guys saw him but to me he was always kind of on the level of Marco or juzo at the time after the time skip we see him in Fishman Island and finally he would officially join the crew all the way in whole cake Island where he needed to fearlessly tell off big mom in order to leave her crew without any restriction from there he would eventually join up with everyone in wano where he battled who's who of the tobiropo and managed to take the win now something to mention is that post-wano jinbei is bound to be shot up to 1.1 billion and I'm sure that a lot of people are going to make the argument that he's stronger than Sanji because Sanji is worth 70 million less however bounties are not just a representation of power and you gotta remember that jinbei is a former warlord he was instrumental in the founding of the sun Pirates he has ties to ryugu Kingdom and he is a former Powerhouse member of big mom's crew he just has a more developed resume as well as directly betraying the world government in his past so in my opinion at least I think that it makes sense that he has a higher Bounty despite being weaker of course jinbei is far from weak overall though so let's talk about what he can actually do in terms of strength and durability jinbei able to survive attacks like being punched through by sakazuki which is more than we can say about some people and he's strong enough to punch wadatsumi up into the air which is pretty impressive considering watsumi's size where his real strength shines though is him Fish Man karate jinbei is a prodigy of fish man karate and even became a black belt as a child he is such a master of the craft that his punches don't need to make contact with enemies as just the particles of water in the air surrounding him becomes strong enough to compress twist and launch back any enemy around him he can even manipulate the water in people's bodies or secrete water from himself like how hodi did after overdosing on energy steroids basically when it comes to Fishman karate and the manipulation of water jinbei is the expert making him someone who is just innately powerful and durable while also being a technical Master he's kind of like the fish man karate equivalent of mihawk and then you have to take into account his Armament hockey this allowed him to fight Ace for five days on even footing despite Ace being logia user and is durable enough to protect him from Big mom's Cognac and from who's whose rokushiki abilities and of course as a fish man all of his abilities strength and speed are magnified vastly when he's underwater James Bay of course also has access to Observation hockey however it isn't on the level of people like Luffy or Sanji now some in a mention with Jean Bae is that he offers something similar to usopp's Canon skills or the weapons that Frankie makes and specifically that is that jinbei is a masterful Helmsman who can understand and manipulate the water around the sunny to allow the crew to battle Escape or fight regardless of the situation that they find themselves in even through massive waves or while being chased by big mom on top of that like Chopper he can communicate with animals on some level although specifically he can only talk to sea creatures and this is something that's pretty interesting as it should only be merfolk who are able to do that but despite jinbei being a fish man he's still capable of it we even see him summoning massive PODS of whale sharks now next up is the third strongest straw hat and I think that's Sanji of course Sanji joined the crew way back in the East blue at the end of the brattier arc and he learned his specialized style of fighting from zeph this being a method which focused on the use of his legs because a chef should never risk injuring his hands from the start of the series Sanji has always been both very durable and very powerful and while these were not fully awakened at the time in part this is probably due to his genetic modifications his father judge had performed experiments on his children while his wife was still pregnant in order to make them super soldiers sanji's mother however managed to counteract the effects slightly which allowed Sanji to keep his Humanity at the cost of making him weaker than his siblings these genes would fully awaken after Sanji wore his raid suit a few times later in the series and effectively made him miles stronger than he had ever been in the past in terms of his early shows of durability though in his fight with Caribbean arlong Park Sanji is is brought down to the depths of the ocean and then quickly resurface as a method of crushing his internal organs through the change in pressure he took a head-on blast of electricity from anal and stayed up long enough to thank him for lighting his cigarette and after Awakening his german-enhanced genes he managed to shatter Queen's sword with his neck without taking any damage Sanji now has a full-on exoskeleton that makes him nearly invulnerable to damage and boosts his healing as well if he does take damage for example during his fight with Queen he broke every bone that he had only to get back up and snap himself back into place the way I look at it is that Zorro has always been able to endure the most damage while Sanji has always been able to take the biggest individual hits one specializes in endurance and the other in durability now Sanji is also exceptionally fast but again his genetic modifications bring this to the next level as he could move so quickly that Queen mistook him for being invisible this can be coupled with Skywalk or blue walk which allow allow him to more or less move freely through air or water making him extremely mobile as well so what we have now is a guy who moves so fast he can become invisible with the ability to freely move in any direction in any environment and in the event that you actually do manage to land a hit on him he'll barely take damage or just shrug it off but at the same time he has enough power in his kicks to take down some of the most powerful pirates in the world Post Time skip Sanji is able to take down pacifistas in one shot despite them being made of things harder than steel he has added an Armament hockey to be able to protect against judge's spear or to damage Luffy pretty considerably and when he finally adds in his enhancements he manages to take Queen down in a single barrage of kicks that sent Queen flying out of oneigashima and even reverted him back to his human form Sanji is incomparably stronger than he was prior to that battle now and I know that a lot of people think jinbei is stronger but I don't really see that as a possibility after this change it's kind of hard to talk about what specific abilities or attacks with Sanji as it's just variation of kick high kick spin kick or whatever but a notable mention is of course Diablo jambe and eventually Ifrit chambe these see Sanji igniting his leg increasing his speed and power and burning opponents on contact and finally we gotta talk about observation hockey as Sanji specializes in it this was framed specifically because he needed to be constantly Vigilant on the kalabaka kingdom Sanji is now able to sense other people's presence strength emotion and even intention we see him dodging katakuri's attacks despite category being a stronger observation user and he was also able to understand both Viola and kinemon's true intentions right off the bat although he was admittedly blinded by puddin's acting Sanji senses to shiggy being beaten by Virgo despite the vast range between them and even as recent as a few chapters ago he is the one who sensed Bonnie when she was trapped in the warm Eddie between his observation hockey armament and his genetic enhancements Sanji is just kind of this perfect defensive combatant while still being a threat in his own right which is why I'm putting him in third place second obviously goes to Zoro Zorro was the first crewmate that Luffy picked up way back in shellstown and he trained in shimotsuki Village Under koshiro and made a promise to his rival kawina that one day one of them would become the greatest swordsman in the world before she inevitably passed away by the time Luffy found him Zorro had earned the title of pirate Hunter being famous across the East blue for bounty hunting it was at this point where even crocodiles Baroque Works took an interest in him and sent someone to try and recruit him Zorro uses three sword style a method of swordplay which focuses on one sword in each hand and one in his mouth and as early as Alabaster we even see him being able to slice through steel demonstrating himself to be devastatingly powerful very early on like I mentioned in the Sanji section Zorro also has superhuman endurance from being nearly cut in half to mihawk and then immediately fighting arlong and Hachi to his famous nothing happened moment to every other battle where Zorro starts the fight on death's door only to persevere through it Zorro is next to Unstoppable once he starts a fight he will undoubtedly take a load of damage probably more than anyone else could but he will get back up and continue to fight until he finds a way to win now despite focusing on his famous three sword style through the years we've seen Zoro improvise with no sword style one sword style two sword style nine sword style and even once fought with usof chained his arm holding another sword so he can make the best of whatever materials he has available and while we rarely see him fighting without his sword the dude is monstrously strong we see him crushing Miss Monday's head way back in whiskey Peak using just his hand and of course I always think back to Thriller bark when we see him lifting those insane weights while doing a handstand and that is before his time skip power boost hell even earlier in the series during his fight with Mr one he picks up a collapsing building while he himself is extremely injured so it's pretty clear that the dude is fairly strong so even without his swords I'm sure he could beat the hell out of someone but of course we do have to talk about his actual swordsmanship in terms of the power of His slices we've seen Zoro cut through mountains as he fought Pika he can slice through pacifistas and now he can even cut combatants like both King and kaido and a big part of that is his most recent Evolution after swapping his shisely for enma enma is a crazy person's sword swallowing and pulling out the hockey of its wielder until there's nothing left the first time we see Zorro holding it the sword completely shrivels up his arm and even accidentally causes him to cut a cliff in half once mastered though Zoro was able to use king of Hell three sword style his currently most powerful stance which has enma draining all of his hockey and then infusing that energy into all three of his swords this gives him a lot more range and power than ever before even allowing him to cut and overpower King despite not being able to leave a scratch on him before this started I'd say it's about as significant a boost as sanji's enhancements but while sanji's new form is always active and extremely safe this seems to be more of a glass Cannon All or Nothing Last Resort technique so I'm assuming it's much stronger than sanji's form but with a much bigger risk associated with it regardless both are pretty badass his two sword style tends to be used when Zorro needs specific bursts of power and speed like when he's trying to cut the C train a lot of the time this form uses more unsheathing and re-sheathing based attacks like rashimon or his flying slashes although normal sword fighting is obviously on the table as well in this form he's even able to take on kyuki Maru one of wano's strongest ninjas with relative ease one sword style is probably on the lower end of zoro's power but it's still pretty impressive his first Panda hole was used in one sword style he cut through Mr one's steel he took down ryuma he overpowered hodi using one sword style it seems to be that a lot of moments where zoro's growth needs to happen immediately or positions where he's put in a corner and needs to adapt are all revolving around him being in this one sword style State now no sword style see Zorro manifesting his attacks around him in what looks like Aura this is apparently not hockey instead his killing intent made into a tangible thing which is terrifying and this is kind of seen again as we move on to nine sword style which falls into this category as we see Zorro having four extra arms and two extra faces it is a solidified illusion in the same way that no sword style is it's in this form that he begins to look like the deity Ashura and kaido even notices for the first time that Zoro has access to conquerors hockey speaking of after just Awakening Khan conquerors hockey he is able to knock out several low-level Beast Pirates very shortly after furthermore he's even able to infuse his blades with them as he fought King these are fairly Advanced abilities for someone who just learned about having conquerors hockey yes we've seen most conquerors users kind of activating their abilities in moments of stress but the active decision to trigger conquerors hockey and knock people out tends to be something that is learned over time on top of that infusing his blades with conquerors is sort of similar to the ryuo technique that Luffy learned in wano so it seems like Zorro has some kind of proficiency with conquerors hockey at least when it comes to learning abilities however Zorro's Armament is his bread and butter using it to hold back the bird Cage's strings cutting people clad in Armament themselves and even fueling enma in battle of course his observation hockey is pretty decent being able to detect caribou and ryugu Palace as well as Batman's attempt to kill suru with an arrow from a distance outside of this though the last thing we need to mention about Zorro is his ability to cut fire now like kinemon this isn't the most powerful ability especially in comparison to all his hockey but it is noteworthy all the same and finally the strongest Straw Hat to no one's surprise after leaving wano is of course Monkey D Luffy as a child Luffy ate the gum gum fruit turning his body into Rubber and making him resistant to any and all blunt force attacks that don't involve hockey this means punches Falls and even bullets will literally bounce right off of him it also makes him completely immune to Electric attacks as well while originally not being very talented with his fruit he trained for a decade to master a variety of long-ranged and stretchy attacks to the point where his journey begins with him knocking out the king of the coast Luffy's biggest strength though has always been his imagination and combat sense he's able to use his rubbery body to find Solutions in any situation that he finds himself in and to overcome them or at least to learn learn from his opponent to become all that much stronger for example in his battle with crocodile he realizes that water is the key to defeating the warlord so he creates the water Luffy form and later simplifies it by using his own blood to harden crocodile sand and make him vulnerable it is quick and ingenuitive thinking similarly cp9 bodied him in water 7 due to their rokushiki techniques specifically their speed which allowed them to overwhelm him and make use of their powerful attacks to defeat him so Luffy creates gear second and third gear second integrates Luffy's imitation of the shave technique pumping his blood through his body much faster and essentially fueling himself into extreme speeds that bluno just isn't able to keep up with and by moving at these speeds his attacks also become strong enough to overpower bluno's iron body however Luffy realizes that this ability strains him and puts him on a clock so he also created gear third a form which sees him blowing into his arm terms and inflating parts of his body for massive finishing attacks when there's no other option on top of that we see Luffy making things like Nets flying saucers creating boxing gloves out of Mr three's wax wearing an afro using a golden ball as a power boost to his gum gum rifle eating a bunch of crackers and so many more things that signify his ability to think on his feet his next big power boost though would come after learning and mastering hockey conqueror's hockey would help him overcome the Marines at Marine Ford help him defeat the boa sisters and take out hordes of hody Jones's men Armament was added to his gear second and third to make them immensely powerful and observation would eventually be trained to the point fighting katakuri to allow him to see a few moments into the future and predict his opponent's actions it's also around this time that we start seeing that imagination seems to play a big role in Luffy's Powers gear second and third already kind of go beyond the idea of what rubber should be allowed to do or at least they stretch the idea to its logical limits but suddenly we have attacks like red hawk and Thor elephant gun incorporating fire and electricity into his attacks respectively and this goes even further as we see him enter gear 4. against Dopey Luffy uses bounce man a thick bouncy boy who uses elastic compression rather than the usual stretch and release that we've seen up till now this form also allows Luffy's attacks to look like cannons firing from his fists and can be multiplied in his Kong organ attack on top of this Luffy can grow these to be massive with King Kong attack and he can even fly with a motion similar to sanji's Skywalk by using his compressions and releases to propel himself which again that is a lot for rubber to do gear 4 also has Tank Man a fat form covered in Armament hockey almost similar to Virgo it makes Luffy impervious to attacks and allows him to keep eating to the point where cracker couldn't make any more soldiers that's it that's all this form does it's kind of a meme but I do have to mention it every time we go through Luffy's Powers because it's technically there less of meme though is the final gear 4 version snake man first seen his fight against katakuri Luffy trades all of his defensive Armament for offensive stats making him a glass cannon in this form his punches can extend endlessly and will continue to pick up speed and velocity as they fly through the air on top of that they can freely change direction and continue to pick up power until they hit their target these kind of form a versatile triangle for Luffy bounce man for power Snake Man For Speed and Tank Man when it's dinner time these forums are further enhanced in wano when Luffy learns a new form of hockey expression with ryuo with this Luffy can Infuse his attacks with conquerors haki to increase their power as well as to admit his attacks so that they don't even need to make direct contact or so that they can make deeper hits a tool which is instrumental in his taking down of kaido whose body was essentially invulnerable to damage now with all of this Lu goofy would be just about even in my opinion with Sanji and zoro's new powers but of course it doesn't end here during his fight with kaido Luffy awakens gear fifth becoming the embodiment of Joy boy and breaking the laws of physics as he Embraces Tune Force it turns out the gum gum fruit was actually the mythical Nika fruit and once awakened it allows the user to turn their imagination into reality which has kind of been Luffy's whole thing the whole time in this form Luffy gets this dope new white color palette a new outfit and he can do whatever he wants he's not all-powerful in terms of strength it's not like we see him one shot in kaido but his options become next to infinite we see him getting hit by a kaido's club only to take the shape of it and not really take much damage he bends the ground and turns it into rubber so he can bounce back Boro breath he uses kaido as a jump rope he becomes gigantic and can grab hold of lightning basically he is not limited by anything except his creativity this doesn't mean he's Immortal this doesn't mean he's Unstoppable and it does seem to drain him quite a lot but while it's active he is an insane force of Nature and I think it's hard to debate about him being the strongest straw hat but there you have it all 10 Straw Hat ranked on their power yes there's some wiggle room and you could move people from here or there depending on your interpretation but I think in general this is a pretty close to correct list at the very least let me know if you think I'm crazy or if you agree with me down in the comments and if you have some idea for future upon one piece videos like this let me know those as well as always if you enjoy this video remember to leave a like and you can of course subscribe to the channel so you don't miss more great one-piece content in the future finally feel free to check out my own channel axle beats if you're interested in supporting me directly as well but with that all being said thank you guys so much for watching and until next time I hope you all stay excellent
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 731,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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