Kisuke Urahara: THE EXILED | BLEACH: Character Analysis

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before this video begins i really need all of your help looking at the analytics of the channel a staggering 87 of people who watch my videos are not subscribed it helps me more than you will know by subscribing and turning on the bell notifications this way i can continue to make these videos and hopefully bring you even longer form content like this in the future this urahara character analysis has been done as a thank you for helping me reach my 20 000 subscriber milestone so for each milestone we hit i'll be doing a very popular character analysis to show my appreciation for your support who knows maybe a yohabak or ichigo analysis may be next so i have been really looking forward to doing an analysis on urohara but i wanted to make sure that it was for a subscriber milestone video kisuke orahara is the laidback calm and collected genius of the series he has multiple faces that he switches between depending on the situation at hand and should not be underestimated as his carefree nature is incredibly deceptive there are a couple of phases that his personality transitions through as is exile from the soul society changes and shapes his character that we grow to appreciate and even rely upon when the odds are heavily stacked against the shinigami this video will be adding to my eisen analysis where i also mentioned urahara several times as the relationship between the two characters is vital to understand their motives for action and why they become the main opposing forces of the series through their differing ideals and philosophies first appears in chapter 13 of the manga and in episode six of the anime our first impression of him is that of a tall pale-skinned grey-eyed character who initially helps the characters of the series through supplying them with gods from his store creatively called the urohara shop his coat that he wears is an inversion of the captain's coat that the shinigami wear it is black with white diamonds running along the bottom of it this subtle design choice connects his current life to his past life as a captain when i noticed the inverted design of his coat i immediately felt the significance of urohara being exiled including the effect that this must have had on him i will discuss his exile later on in the video on how he proves himself worthy of redemption despite having done nothing wrong in the past urahara was always clean shaved and more presentable than he is now after his exile he keeps a rough stubble along with his signature hat and clogged sandal combo which leads to him being referred to as mr hattonclogs the hat that he wears creates a purposeful shadow over his eyes which initially made me question his nature whether he had any sinister ulterior motives he has always been mysterious and he remains on the sidelines observing and being aware of any major incident that occurs in the series there are however a few key moments that he does intervene which are so impactful that they leave you desperately wanting to see more like how he arrives to help ichigo against ukiara in chapter 194 or in chapter 233 when he arrives to help rangiku against the iranka's loopy and wonderwise despite his reliable serious and intelligent nature he is also very cheerful and friendly always coming across as humble and optimistic regardless of how hopeless the situation may be he demonstrates his optimism and commitment to others through how he helps the vizards after they were deemed to be monsters by the central 46 during the turn back the pendulum arc even after the emotional impact of being exiled from the soul society for a crime that he did not commit he still desired to undo eisen's holification on his comrades working tirelessly to help them this sums up urahara's character despite his calm collected and very eccentric behavior he is reliable and someone that you can count on this has always made me feel reassured whenever ichigo and the sole society were in danger knowing that urohara was present gave me hope that he would have something up his thieves to turn the tide of battle into shinigami's favor another fascinating aspect of his character is how his role within each arc is always changing we see urohara train ichigo in the substitute shinigami arc in the fulbright arc he is working behind the scenes to plan a way to restore ichigo's powers he is assisting the characters from the sidelines during the iranka invasion or actively taking part to stop the main antagonist during his battle against eisen and lastly in the final arc of the series he does a mixture of all of these roles through how he studies the quincy he helps to create tools to assist the shinigami and actively takes part in battle through his encounters with kilgae oppi and askin the various roles that he can adopt and interchange between demonstrates the dynamic nature of his personality and his various strengths this easily makes him one of the most interesting characters to feature within bleach the urohara that we know presently within the timeline of bleach was heavily formed and influenced by his past experiences his prior life as a captain explains why he was exiled from the soul society and the origin of a century-long vendetta against sosuke eisen i will be heavily discussing urohara's life prior to being exiled and then the life that he is forced to adapt to after his exile so let's begin by looking into his life before his exile this will explain how the events that occur in his past have an impact on his personality motives and relationships the earliest information that we know about urohara is that he was raised in the home of the noble shihoen family alongside his childhood friends yuri ichi and tasai both he and yurichi joined the gotai 13 at the same time they were both part of the onmitskido the stealth division with urohara being the head of the stealth division's detention unit he was responsible for the supervision and imprisonment of all criminals within the soul society the detention unit is also responsible for sealing away individuals who joined the goti 13 but were deemed to be too dangerous to remain within the organization these individuals are detained within an underground facility called maggot's nest where urahara later recruits mairie from in order to form the shinigami research and development institute the tasks of the detention unit remain in mystery and concealed from the rest of the public under gotai 13. urahara being in charge of this division reveals a darker past where he may have undertaken morally questionable activities for the greater good of the soul society we unfortunately don't see how and why he was raised in the chiron mansion and his time as the merciless leader and enforcer of the detention unit these are aspects that kubo had written about but unfortunately could not include within the manga hopefully in the future we get to learn more about urohara's earlier developmental years which will help to shed more light on his character however we do see urohara be promoted from the on mitsukido to the captain of the 12th division during the 10 back the pendulum arc let's now discuss his involvement in the arc that revealed to us the truth behind the vizard's masks the turnback the pendulum arc begins 110 years before the present day we see uruhara as the newly appointed captain of the 12th division he arrives reluctantly to his own induction ceremony yurichi scolds him reminding him that he is a captain now and he should enter with confidence and not hesitation he is replacing kiriyo hikifune as the captain of the 12th division as she was recently promoted into the royal guard serving the soul king head captain yamamoto tells the other captains in attendance that the suggestion for urohara to become a captain was recommended by the leader of the second division which is of course yurichi following her recommendation urahara was inspected for his competency through undergoing the captain's proficiency exam he was assessed by the head captain along with three other captains present as witnesses they concluded that urohara excelled in demonstrating his abilities and character as a captain and was promptly appointed as the captain of the 12th division on paper he is more than capable of being a captain but his lack of confidence and experience as a leader shows clearly when he introduces himself to his underlings as their new captain they look on with reluctant and concerned expressions as he states that he guesses that he is their new captain while nervously laughing everyone else is too reluctant to express their opposition but as lieutenant hiyori immediately denounces urohara as their new captain she is confused about how someone who used to be the third seat within the second division could be promoted to such a high rank she is concerned about how someone who secretly kills people behind their back can be qualified to become their new leader she tries to get approval for disrespectful claims from the other members but they unconvincingly disagree it is clear that everyone initially did not accept urahara or were reluctant to be led by him obviously the prior captain kiriyohikifune must have left a notable impression on them hiyori is confused as to why urohara is not mad at her for badmouthing his prior division but he reaffirms his new role by reminding her that he is now her captain and won't be offended by remarks to a decision he no longer belongs to this clearly shows that urohara is not driven by sentimental feelings and attachments to his past he follows what must be done as his duty at the moment is to lead squad 12 and his patience with huri demonstrates his commitment to fulfilling this duty he says that in the morning he came to terms with his new role and adjusted his attitude i would only be angry if someone badmouthed the 12 division he is honest and endearing but his efforts are met with further opposition as hiyori is still not willing to accept him in his new role as her leader in the evening urohara is approached by his fellow captain shinji who offers him some words of advice he comments on how he is having trouble being accepted into the 12th division xinji explains why hiyori was so opposed to urahara's promotion telling him that she treated the former captain of squad 12 like a mother the impression that kiriyo hikifune has left is making it difficult for urohara to take over from her position he agrees with shinji that this is exactly the case urohara desires to learn more about his squad and its members but he is firm in wanting to lead squad 12 in his own way and not to continue on with the former captain's way of leading them upon hearing this shinji offers some sound advice to the newly appointed captain he says that it is okay to sympathize with his underlings but he should never forsake who he is just to please his subordinates he tells urohara that he should be himself and if nobody chooses to follow him because of this then maybe he was not cut out to be a captain after all shinji further remarks that urohara does not appear to be the type to forsake who he is in order to gain the acceptance of others while leaving he tells him that he only came to give him advice because he reminds him of himself shinji and urhara do indeed share some common personality traits like how they are both comical but can become incredibly reliable when they are needed even after shinji leaves he proves how perceptive he is through detecting eisen eavesdropping on their conversation this highly perceptive trait is another one that he shares with urohara shinji also comments on a similarity that they both share stating that neither of them would forsake who they are just to please others as they can only lead their underlings in their own specific way he bluntly gives advice to urohara by telling him that he may not be fit to be a captain if nobody wants to follow him this is very similar to the way that urohara also gives blunt advice to others like in chapter 227 when he tells orihime to stay out of the upcoming battle with the irankas as their participation may do more harm than good the following day urohara appears to have taken shinji's advice and redecorates the squad 12 headquarters hiyori is still opposed to the new changes but he remains patient and understanding with her suggesting that he wants her to accept him gradually and to get to know him she is so reluctant to accept urahara she disrespects him despite his cheerful and understanding approach he makes his first request as a captain when he asks her to accompany him to the underground facility maggot's nest like i mentioned earlier while he was the third seat of the second division one of his responsibilities was to serve as the warden of maggot's nest a place that we learn is full of wrongfully convicted individuals urohara explains the purpose of this detention facility and proves that there is more to his character than the cheerful and joking outer shell that he portrays himself as it isn't wrong to think that he may harbor ulterior motives or may be dishonest considering his past he used to be the commanding officer of the management force his main duty was to imprison and supervise criminals another one of his duties was to locate dangerous individuals who are serving within the gotai 13 and imprisoned them within the underground facility which we know to be maggot's nest he describes maggot's nest as a place where the prisoners have done nothing wrong their only crime is their latent potential which the gotai 13 deems to be a threat to the organization exactly as urahara describes they are innocent but they cannot be allowed to roam freely within the soul society due to their potential to cause trouble hiyori rightfully questions the logic of the maggots nest as it makes no sense to imprison people who have done nothing wrong but urohara asks her if she knows anyone who has resigned from the gotai 13. he informs her that it is not possible to leave the organization those who take a leave of absence for an extended period of time are considered to be expelled unlocated in order to be confined within maggot's nest this is because anyone who qualifies as a member of the gortai 13 is indeed a dangerous individual according to the central 46. they cannot be allowed to roam freely this is why they are imprisoned for attempting to resign i only explained this so that you may understand that urohara was in charge of imprisoning innocent people of course it was for the greater good of the soul society he was fulfilling the commands of the central 46 who out of insecurity could not tolerate anyone leaving the gortai 13. it is ironic that it is this very group who later exiled urahara despite all of the morally questionable tasks he must have undertaken for their sake i'll go into more detail about his exile shortly the motive behind taking his lieutenant hyuri with him to maggot's nest was to recruit mayuri to work for him transforming the dangerous threat into a valuable asset who can work for the goti 13 providing that a suitable environment is created for him to utilize his talents this environment is offered to mayuri in the form of the research and development department an organization founded by kisuke urahara one that has not existed before in the history of the gotai 13. he offers mairie to be his assistant director furthest healing the deal by saying that if anything happens to urohara then he would automatically take up his responsibilities this explains how he would come to be the captain during the present-day timeline it appears that urohara did indeed fit into his new role as a captain and he leads his division in his own unique way he does so for nine years as we timeskip and see him again during the second half of the arc after the nine year time skip we see uruhara along with his subordinates mayuri and hiyori together they approach shinji and his lieutenant isen who asks urohara if he has heard about the recent deaths that have been discovered in the rukongai district this is the turning point to urohara's life as a captain as eisen asks if he knows about the deaths that he is responsible for himself a number of the rukongai citizens have disappeared for unknown reasons during the past month their clothes remained on the ground while their bodies have entirely vanished urahara is informed that the 9th division has been asked to investigate their disappearances soon after this we see the somewhat improved bond between urohara and his lieutenant hiyori who asks him to back her up while she is arguing with mayuri we are shown that even during his time as a captain urohara was coming up with new inventions and actively taking part in the research and development department that he established based on the information he learned from shinji earlier about these souls disappearing as they could no longer maintain their human form he attempts to create a human container which may be able to store the unstable soul within to prevent it from disintegrating he is attempting to create this container using their existing gigai technology he is then interrupted by a member of the ninth division who has been sent to bring someone from the 12th division to investigate the recently disintegrated shinigami this request is the catalyst that leads to urohara and eisen crossing paths and is subsequent banishment to the world of the living to fulfill this request urohara politely requests for hiyori to investigate and gather samples from the area saying that she is the only one that he can trust she appears to be surprised by his faith in her she does not argue back and feels obliged to listen to urohara after he tells her that he is counting on her this is a significant moment as it burdens him with the well-being of yuri he is responsible if something happens to her especially considering she is going to investigate a dangerous area just after she departs most of the 9th division and its captain kensei are ambushed and taken out the soul society is alerted to the status of the ninth division they are on high alert after their spiritual pressures begin disappearing urahara shows how much he has grown as a captain over the nine years as he immediately asks if yuri has left but unfortunately he is too late to have prevented her from leaving he feels regret wishing that he had gone himself instead of endangering her by counting on her to assist him he even insinuates that he should have known that it would have been too dangerous to send her alone considering the highly unusual disappearances and unknown nature of the disintegrating souls while he rushes to a captain's meeting to discuss the emergency situation we see urohara in a rare moment where he has lost his composure because he knows he has little time before hiyori arrives at her destination maybe because he is younger here but the character that we know and love is always prepared and rarely is seen to have lost his composure we can tell that there is growth that he has yet to go through when we read through these portions of the story this causes him to frantically rush from one place to another comparing his decisive actions here to the unconfident and nervous versions of himself when he was first appointed as a captain demonstrates growth for his character as we see that he earned the respect of his underlings and successfully changed the 12th division so that it fits his style of leadership his feelings of concern for his lieutenant shows that he has come a long way from being a prison warden who spent his time enforcing strict rules and prisoners he certainly would not have felt concerned towards them the same way that he does for hiyori when he arrives late to the meeting he is in time for the head captain to announce that five captains will be sent to locate the whereabouts of squad 9. urahara pleads to be chosen to assist but is refused which causes him to uncharacteristically outburst that his lieutenant is on her way there she is in danger and needs his help yurichi is the one who reprimands him for his outburst demanding that he snaps back to his senses she reminds him to have fate in his subordinate because at the moment he is regretting his decision and disrespecting yuri by assuming she is not capable of following his commands his surprised expression indicates that he has undermined hiri and her abilities and he has totally stepped out of line during an emergency meeting with all of the captains shonsui notices that urohara is upset and frankly looking exhausted due to this observation he suggests sending his lieutenant lisa in place of tessai the commander of the kido cop this is a great moment for shunsui's character which i did not emphasize upon in my analysis of his character he demonstrates his capacity for care and consideration through this act and uses it to offer comfort to urohara later he tells urohara not to worry reassuring him that hiyori is strong just like his own lieutenant lisa he uses this opportunity to teach him that a captain must have trust and patience in their underlings however despite these acts of reassurance this arc excels in making you the reader feel uneasy through urohara's apprehension and out of character panicking he is cautious because he is the only person able to come close to understanding the true reason behind the mysterious disappearances of souls he is helpless and made to stay on the sidelines while blindly having faith in hyori some say that urohara is shady and knows more than what he lets on and the latter is definitely true for his character especially considering some of his actions like how we secretly place the hokyoku within rukia as well as not warning ichigo and the others about eisen before they're left for the soul society so what is it that urohara knows about the sore disappearances that he isn't telling us here a hall of fat kensei begins to attack kyori and the other shinigami who was sent by head captain yamamoto urahara however not being the type to sit around and do nothing wears a riyatsu concealing cloak and decides to help the others this is contrasted with how eisen later uses the same concealing cloak to observe his hollow white attacking ishin urohara is discovered by tessai his childhood friend who knows him better than anyone his behavior during the captain's meeting led him to assume that urahara would disobey his orders and go to save his lieutenant tessai grew up with urahara at uruichi's mansion i must have seen him grow up and go through a wide range of emotions and moments from urahara's developmental years that we are sadly robbed from experiencing in the manga he plans to go to save the shinigami on his own but tasai adds to the unsettling feeling of this arc by saying that he can sense an undescribable fear in the air and voluntarily accompanies urahara to save his lieutenant as we know before urohara arrives everyone who is sent by the soul society is forcibly hollified against their will urahara stops eisen before he can kill the holofy test subjects he cuts off eisen's lieutenant armband and faces him the act of removing his lieutenant's armband is ironic as it is urohara who has his identity within the soul society revoked this flashback is the first time that we see urohara confront eisen who is similar to him while also being ideologically different urahara accepts the status quo of the world eisen on the other hand chooses to rebel against the vacant god of the world even arrogantly wanting to replace the soul king and rule over reality as a god himself their encounter during that fateful night is very brief yet impactful enough to leave devastating consequences on urohara's life just as we suspected earlier urahara knew exactly what was going on as he correctly deduces that eisen has been conducting qualification experiments this correct assessment of the current circumstances impresses eisen as he describes urohara to be the man that he has expected him to be both of them are incredibly powerful intelligent and were born gifted with enough talent to lead them to question the nature of reality they both come to learn the truth behind the soul king and even question the moral structure of the soul society urahara is too afraid of the consequences if he goes down the path of progression and change so he chooses to allow the world to be the way that it is this ultimately leads to his exile which i will now go on to break down after eisen leaves urohara is left with the aftermath of his twisted experiments it becomes a priority to deal with shinji and the others tasai confronts urohara about his knowledge of qualification asking if he knows a way to reverse it we learned that he knew of qualification when he was studying how to strengthen the souls of shinigami he continued to study this topic to the point that he created a device that could destroy the boundary between hollows and shinigami this device is indeed the hokyoku urohara tries using the hokyoku he created in order to heal shinji and the others despite working tirelessly he is unable to reverse what eisen did to them urohara is disappointed and feels remorse for his comrades as he is not able to undo what was done when urahara and tessia are eventually arrested they are brought in front of the central 46 who conclude this flashback arc with the most heart-wrenching end to any story that i have ever experienced urahara initially is pretty oblivious about all of this even when his arrest is described as an interrogation he just wonders if he is being suspected of something why would he be worried as he is in the right to think that he has done nothing wrong after urahara reveals where he was last night he is asked if that is where he was conducting his holification experiments the change in expression as he immediately realizes he's being accused of qualifying his fellow shinigami the soul society who he devoted his life to and worked his way up to a respected position within has betrayed him by accusing him of a crime that he did not commit he pleads for his innocence trying to tell them that it was lieutenant eisen but the mere suggestion is comical as eisen was seen to have not left the serie tay by multiple witnesses including a captain rank and this is enough to clear eisen's name of course we know through his kyokusuitsu he manipulated several shinigami into believing they saw him the night before it is interesting to compare eisen sombokto which alters people's perceptions but we learned that urahara zombato literally alters people's reality through its ability to deconstruct whatever it touches it is a great parallel when you compare how one alters perception on one alters reality urahara's guilty verdict is set in stone as it is then revealed that evidence of holification was found in his research lab his tireless attempts to help his friends are twisted into sickening frankenstein experiments it tears on my heartstrings when i see the pastor of my favorite character in the series i'll witness the events which shaped his character into the ever-reliant humble shopkeeper who despite having his secrets always comes through with a solution to the problems we encountered throughout the series he was eventually found guilty of conducting treasonous research and causing harm to his comrades he is held responsible for the holification of shinji and the others including his own lieutenant yori whom he already felt so much guilt towards what must he be feeling to know that she was horrified because he sent her out on a mission and he is then accused of hurting her by the system that he chose to accept and devote his life to overnight his world is turned upside down and he has every reason after his exile to go against the soul society even if it is to clear his own name but urahara on the other hand decides to hide out in the world of the living and promises to come up with a solution to help his comrades shinji and the others were described by the central 46 to be no better than hollows who needed to be disposed of urahara's promise to undo eisen's qualification experiments was indeed kept as shinji and the other vaisards admit that they owe a lot to kisuke without his sacrifice they would have been killed and he would have had to live out his days with that regret while knowing everybody holds him responsible for it if you think about it urohara is the one who saves the soul society as he patiently comes up with the method to capture eisen after he is defeated by ichigo he warned the soul society about eisen but they chose to ignore him and in the end urahara's patience did indeed pay off for 100 years he remained silent and diligently worked on a way to stop isen he remained behind the scenes and maintained his honor and integrity and redeemed himself for a crime that he did not commit urahara didn't try to prove his innocence once he was banished from the soul society he didn't try to restore his name of credibility he was seen as a traitorous villain as traumatic as this may be he still held his composure and did what had to be done this is why kisuke orohara feels like the behind the scenes hero of the series one who didn't even ask for anything in return despite having everything taken away from him this is incredibly powerful writing which leads to so many threads of discussion i will now continue with analyzing urahara's character after his exile and how he lived out his days in the world of the living about eight years after his exile urahara sets up a star in the human world and patiently continues his plans to stop eisen in chapter 533 we see him bump into ichigo's mother masaki this occurs after she helps ishin fight against the hollow white and was bitten by it she purposely allowed the hollow to bite her in order to close the distance between them and fire a quincy arrow through its head however her dangerous tactic led to the hollow white becoming a part of her and tainting her pure quincy blood when urahara accidentally crosses paths with masaki he immediately senses that she has a hollow presence within her from his expression it is obvious that he knows that this has something to do with eisen masaki's condition eventually begins to deteriorate as a hollow hole appears on her body urahara offers ishin and ryuken a way to save her his time studying the effects of holification and how to reverse them over all of these years is being put to the test urahara confirms that he has been studying what masaki is going through for close to 100 years he immediately tells ishin and ryuken who he is even admitting that he was banished from the source society i believe that losing his connection to the soul society has really impacted urahara and i'll look at the relationship that he has with the source society later on when i discuss how he was forgiven by them and no longer banished urahara tells us an unfortunate consequence of eisen's qualification experiments he reveals that masaki will never be who she once was after his treatment this is an echo to the vizards who had their entire lives altered their spiritual composition tainted as they were forced to accept a hollow soul as a part of themselves now the same is happening to masaki but the difference here is that she is a quincy not a shinigami the entire purpose of horrification like i have mentioned is to strengthen the soul by pouring a hollow soul into it this destroys the boundary between the two souls originally it was devised as a way to strengthen shinigami but it became apparent that controlling qualification was incredibly difficult if hollification is left untreated it progresses until the two souls become mixed and the patient becomes an uncontrollable monster that cannot be reasoned with this is of course exactly what happened to shinji hiyori and the others during the 10 back the pendulum arc qualification is fatal as it leads to the boundary between the soul and the outside world to be destroyed when this happens the soul self-destructs against its will this process is called soul suicide this explains why their disappearances during the turn back the pendulum arc had their clothes but their bodies had disappeared it's because their souls had literally self-destructed leaving behind their clothing and it also explains why the vizards owe a lot to urahara because they literally saved their lives and prevented them from undergoing soul suicide and helped them to control their hollow abilities later on during his research over the past 100 years urohara discovered a way to prevent soul suicide this is done by pouring into the soul something that will repel the holification the soul only self-destructs when a saw loses its balance the only way to resolve this is by introducing another foreign element which will tip the scales the other way hence restoring balance to the soul the method urahara used to undo the holification in the vizards was by creating a vaccine from a quincy arrow and a human soul he injected this into them and achieved a 100 success rate in preventing the final fatal symptom of hollification the difficulty with masaki is that urahara can only prevent her from dying but he needs a source of conflicting power that will remain by her side until the day that she dies this power needs to be strong enough to prevent her from hollifying and thus keep her as a human this is where ishin volunteers to enter a human giga and relinquish his powers so that masaki can be saved urahara explains that shinigami are the opposite of quincy and humans are the opposite of hollows so it is ishin who must help masaki by tipping the scales of a soul the other way to balance it ishin would literally become a living vaccine for masaki this is the only solution that urohara has to this problem once ishin sacrifices his abilities and decides to live an ordinary human life urahara helps him to start up his new life in the world of the living it always fascinates me how he picks up the pieces of eisen's devastating experiments as we know he continues to work behind the scenes to stop eisen but ends up becoming a pawn in his plans after he decides to place his hokyoku inside rukia let's now go to the beginning of bleach and understand what exactly urohara was doing and why the series portrayed him as a shady mysterious figure who made us feel doubt if he was on our side in chapter 175 eisen reveals to us how urahara tried to destroy the hokyoku that he created during this chapter we learned that urohara was the captain of squad 12. this is almost 200 chapters before they turn back the pendulum arc he had created the hokyoku which eisen describes as a substance which can remove the barrier between hollows and shinigami eisen credits kisuke urahara as the first person who made a successful breakthrough in regards to holification the aim of all of this research was to merge the soul of a hollow with a shinigami in order to attain new heights and to surpass the limitations of one's potential however urahara deemed the hokyoku to be too dangerous and decided to destroy it but it proved too difficult to destroy the only way he could get rid of it was to place a protective barrier around the hokyoku and to place it into someone else's soul urohara kept this information from ichigo and the others and most importantly from rukia who he had placed his hokkieku into when eisen had learned that rukia went missing in the world of the living he instinctively knew that urahara was behind it the gigai that urahara had given to rukia at the start of the series was no ordinary one normal geekai are easily traceable by the soul society due to being made up of highly concentrated reishi which compensates for the loss of power that shinigami undergo while in that form the gi guy that urohara gave to rukia contained no reishi so it was untraceable as well as this the user of that gigai would have their shinigami powers slowly fading away until they would pass a point of no return and would be lost forever so rukia who had been using this kikai would have had a shinigami power slowly drained from her in order to transform her into a normal human soul this is the dark side to urahara's character although his intention to destroy the hokyoku was good his execution was very flawed eisen describes that urohara was not trying to help rukia he was trying to turn her into a human in order to destroy the hokyoku that he had created this of course did not occur as rukia was found by renji and byakuya and brought back to the source society urahara reacts to this turn of events by training ichigo and recruiting him and his friends to recapture rukia ichigo decided to save his friend while urahara the whole time facilitated his desire to prevent the hokyoku from falling into the wrong hands eisen however was one step ahead of him and managed to obtain his hokyoku which was the catalyst to the whole aranka arc in chapter 51 urahara and uroichi are aware that there are two shinigami who have arrived in the world of the living to locate rukia when ichigo learns that rukia has run away urahara appears with great timing and offers to free his shinigami form from his body he allows ichigo to fight renji and biakia so that he could experience first hand how unmatched he is he reminds him of this when ichigo impatiently wants to go to the soul society in chapter 57 urohara offers to send him to the soul society but only if he trains with him for 10 days when he trains with him we are given so many teasers to the true extent of urohara's power we even see his shikai during these 10 days of training to show how rare it is to see urohara show off his powers we have to wait over 500 chapters after this moment to see his bankai release after his training is completed he sends ichigo orihime chad and uryu through a senkaimon that he creates so that they could reach the soul society he tries to touch the senkaimon himself but it rejects his hand proving that he is indeed banished from the soul society at the end of the soul society arc urohara apologizes for what he did to rukia and how he did not tell them the truth about what was going on he offers a heartfelt apology and for me clears any doubts of his character being shady or having any ulterior motives he ultimately tried to do the right thing even ichigo comes to this conclusion requesting that he stops with his apology he isn't angry at what urohara did admitting that he didn't really do anything wrong urahara finds himself in these questionable and tough situations where he has to make a decision and usually he is left with no other option but to do something he would prefer not to do ichigo says that he wasn't sure of urahara's true intentions but without his help they would not have survived their encounters in the soul society we learned that he kept the truth from them because he was afraid that they would change their mind about saving rukia which angers ichigo who proves it would not have made a difference to his decision to save her he does ask urohara to apologize to rukia however as she was impacted the most by urahara's selective truths moving on from this i think it is important now to focus on how urahara's character fits nietzsche's philosophical concept of the last man i mentioned before about urohara and eisen sharing a lot of similarities but their approaches to life being entirely different even arguing that they react to the same piece of information in poor polar opposite ways like the truth behind the soul king and the nature of reality which is the backbone of the entire conflict with eisen urahara is indeed the antithesis to eisen the conflict that nietzsche describes is that of the ubermensch versus the last man in the context of bleach eisen is the ubermensch he realizes how fake reality is and that indeed the god who rules over it is indeed dead but what is his response to this knowledge he did not fall into despair or nihilism he instead transitioned from a man to a superman which is what the ubermensch is described as the knowledge of a lifeless cops ruling over reality gave isen the strength to dethrone god and take his position and rule the world based upon his own ideals urahara however complies with the system that is set in place and he has no intention to change anything he can see the consequences of following the path of the ubermensch i mean look at all of the mess that urahara has to clean up because of eisen's ambition to stand at the top urahara in his own attempt to understand the nature of the world created the hokyoku which served as the inspiration for eisen to create his own separately these two devices were flawed but eisen realized if he merged his hokyoku with urahara's hokyoku then it would truly become complete and it would truly become a wish-granting orb which could assist eisen to reach the top this was urahara's regret his genius resulted in eisen experimenting with hollification although he is not directly responsible for his twisted acts he is indirectly involved through inspiring him to create his own hokyoku the last man cannot bring himself to alter the system he would rather live in a flawed system comfortable with its contradictions and flaws it is incredibly ironic how he was a victim to his own compliance when the very flawed system he decided to not oppose exiled him eisen indeed took advantage of the flaws of the system on several occasions through getting away with his holification experiments and pinning the blame on urahara as well as manipulating the soul society to bring rukia to him and execute her so that he may get a hold of urahara's hokyoku this is indeed the benefits of being an ubermensch they see the flaws of the system but do not comply with them he actively uses these laws against the system that he wishes to overthrow if urohara is the opposite of the ubermensch then he should be someone who lacks the will to power to enact any change the last man is described by nietzsche as someone who is weak willed and does not have the stomach to fight for progress is urahara too soft why is it that he doesn't want to change the world through a morally acceptable way although i don't agree with the notion that urohara is weak willed i do have to say that he is afraid because he is fearful of the consequences of following such a path the vizards gin ichimaru ishin masaki and urara himself are a few of the lives that eisen directly impact and changed forever because of his ambition this path leads to deaths piling up under his feet as his research and modification of hollows also led to the death of kain shiba because of the parasitic hollow that he modified and countless other shinigami and even his own companions like the espada tozen and even gin the will to power is something that the hokyoku was constantly assessing when it accepted eisen and his ambitions as we know the hokaku in the end rejected eisen because he had lost his will to power after getting so close to finally achieving his desire his loneliness was what made him lose his will to power making him unable to carry out his plans when this occurs his feelings of superiority quickly subside and give way for more human emotions of resentment which is shown by his remarks about urohara when eisen is rejected by the hokyoku a seal urahara placed within him begins to take effect this is because his power has weakened enough for him to be sealed the outburst he directs at urahara solidifies their long-standing rivalry and eisen's role as the ubermensch his anger stems from urahara's unwillingness to change a broken system a system that is protecting a lifeless corpse one that caused urahara's exile and ultimately it allowed eisen to progress to the point that he did because he took advantage of the flaws within the system urahara's response to eisen's curses show how he is unwilling to change the world he says that the soul king maintains the balance of the soul society his presence is what bonds us together and without such a bond the world would crumble his justification for thinking in this way is that this is just how the world is and this single line confirms that urohara is indeed the last man he patiently waited for a century to defeat the egotistical ubermensch of the series in the context of bleach the last man is a patient and understanding individual while the ubermensch is an egotistical self-absorbed monster so after eisen's defeat the next vital step for urohara's character is to be forgiven by the soul society i want to look at what urohara was doing during the fulbright arc and how some supplementary information from a light novel reveals more about his actions after eisen's defeat we learn a lot about urohara and the events that take place after eisen was imprisoned during the bleach light novel death save the strawberry the events of this novel take place five months after eisen's defeat and up until ichigo begins his powers urahara's name begins to spread throughout the soul society as he was recognized as being instrumental to stopping eisen he was given permission to sell his items from his star to the soul society as well as this urahara tessai yurichi and the wizards were pardoned after head captain yamamoto spoke with the central 46. it was decided that their actions from 100 years ago were because of eisen's plan they had nothing to do with the incidents that took place so just like that they were once more accepted and recognized by the source society and pardoned for any wrongdoings later rukia comes to the world of living and speaks with urohara during this time she thanks him for everything that he has done how he continued his research for 100 years and without his help it would not have been possible to stop eisen urahara admits to her that he did not willingly choose to come to the world of the living but he is very much happy with his current life their purpose behind rukia coming to visit urahara is because he wants to figure out a way to return ichigo's powers to him he tells rukia that he started to research how to restore his powers immediately after he lost them he says that he remembers the look that ichigo had on his face after he used mugetsu and lost his powers he felt responsible that he had to give up so much in order to stop the hokyoku that urahara himself had created he reassures rukia that he will find a way to restore his powers and will contact rukiyo when he has figured something out a year after this meeting urohara contacts rukia once more and presents to her assad that can be used to transfer their collective rayatsu to ichigo ishin also decided to help urohara after he saw how upset ichigo was because he could not help uryu after he was attacked by fukushima asian understood ichigo's feelings of powerlessness and he compared it to his own powerlessness when he could not protect his wife masaki when she was attacked by the grand fischer urahara continues to explain that the sword is not strong enough to restore ichigo's powers to the level that they were at before for this to happen they need a large amount of rayatsu he asks rukia to have hers and everyone else's reaction placed into the sword she accepts this task and takes the sword to the soul society so that she can strengthen it to a point where it can restore ichigo to his prior state after learning that they are trying to restore ichigo's powers the head captain summons urohara to bring the sword along with all of the captains and lieutenants to a meeting the head captain says that they were all saved by ichigo in the past now it is their time to save ichigo from ginjokugo he orders all of the captains and lieutenants to give their reactsu into the sword and he will not punish anyone who does so he is overlooking the rules of the soul society in order to help ichigo the novel concludes with a really touching moment for urohara which highlights the emotional impact of being accepted by the soul society for him the head captain orders urohara for the first time in 100 years saying that he must help ichigo to regain his shinigami powers urahara looks at the head captain with confidence in his eyes he wholeheartedly accepts this order imagine being exiled for a century and then being accepted once more he describes the feelings that he was feeling saying that he was drowned by the word exiled for the longest time after the head captain recognized him once more it was like he was finally able to breathe once more it is incredibly emotional and insightful to see this side to urohara revealing how much of an impact being pardoned and accepted back into the soul society had on him rukia also credits urohara with preparing the sword that was used to transfer ichigo's powers back to him once again he provides another solution to our problem that we have in the series urahara is a good man he honored the wrongful decision made by the soul society to exile him he remained in silence for the longest while he never had an opportunity to challenge the judgment placed onto him despite the feelings of betrayal he must feel he still helped the soul society and never held them responsible for kicking him out he was mature enough to realize that it was eisen that he should direct his emotions towards he may not have agreed with the soul society's decision to exile him but he was not willing to stoop to izan's level through going against them or bringing shame to them for banishing him he even warned them about eisen during the turn back the pendulum arc but they were unwilling to listen to him i remember when urahara was brought to the central 46 and they pinned the blame on him for what eisen did i had such a lump in my throat and was left feeling speechless especially after knowing how much he does to help the soul society despite everything he enjoyed they were so disrespectful and cruel to him when they decided to banish him but urahara remained silent and honored their decision until he was finally cleared of any wrongdoing this for me is the sign of an honorable man and one of the many reasons why urahara is my favorite bleach character the only aspect of urahara's character i have yet to speak about is his involvement during the thousand-year blood war arc he helps the shinigami by developing a method to recover the bangkai that was stolen by the quincy he assists the soul society becoming an integral member during the fight against the quincy in chapter 598 urahara fires a cannon sending ichigo and his friends to the royal palace he is later approached by hiyori who arrives with the otherwise odds urahara tells hyori that he has already sent ichiko and the others to the royal palace which angus yuri she is upset as it appears that urahara does not care if ichigo and the others are killed as long as they slow down the enemy urahara says that it is for the sake of the serete once again proving that he will do anything to maintain the status quo affirming he is still the last man of the series he does eventually take part in one of his most significant encounters during the series when he fights against the stern ritter askin after urichi transforms and fails to defeat askin he activates his quincy technique gift ball deluxe urahara is then forced to battle against asukan in his holy form while surrounded by poison from the gift bowl while in this form askin is able to adapt to any changes he may experience while he is exposed to a poison with multiple versions he then activates an ability called poison area which has multiple interconnected spheres of light which surround the gift wall deluxe that he activated earlier the purpose of this ability is to enact a barrier that makes it impossible for the people trapped within to escape however it does not stop individuals from entering the area urohara is exposed to the poisonous effects of the gift ball deluxe this is his handicap during this battle as asking can alter the concentration of the poison while they fight urahara is sweating and has slower movements as he is clearly affected by asking's abilities it gets worse after he uses an ability called poison ring this blinds urahara asking determines that he is too strong to defeat without destroying each of his organs one by one this then eventually forces urohara to activate his bankai in chapter 664. we learned that his bankai's ability is to reconstruct whatever it touches which explains how urohara is able to see as his bankai reconstructed his eyes asking threatens to increase the poison concentration of his gift ball deluxe as urohara states that he is already struggling to crawl as it is however grimjar intervenes thanks to a path that urohara creates guiding him to his location he impales askin and squeezes his heart and explodes it in his hand urahara reveals more about his character during his final appearance within the bleach manga he states that he takes a thousand precautions even if it means that only one of them is successful his method during a war is to prepare for every single possibility because that is the way that urhara is unfortunately we learned that after askin dies the effects of his gift ball deluxe intensifies it seems that urohara and krimjao don't have the energy to escape nell on the outside appears to enter the sphere as she was told five possible outcomes of the battle by urohara one of them appears to have happened we have to assume that she saved urahara yurichi yushiro and grimjao this is all confirmed however during the can't figure onworld light novels the final appearance of urohara in the manga is him admitting he is pretty much done and is apologetic for leaving the rest to ichigo and rukia to handle i find this battle between askin and urohara really needs more expanding whenever i go back and re-read it however i do love the abilities that askin uses as well as urohara finally activating his bankai but it all feels so short-lived i do feel that when the anime returns this is one of the battles that will definitely be expanded upon the thousand-year blood war arc is highly entertaining and we see characters interact like urahara and grimjao we learn that he recruits grim jio at the start of the arc and then is assisted by him towards the end of the arc urahara's behind the scenes resourcefulness helps this all society especially with restoring the bankai's that were stolen time and time again he proves that he is the most innovative character in the series there are some unanswered mysteries however about his character like how he found out the truth about the soul king and how exactly did he acquire the materials required to create his own hokyoku there are many aspects of his character that are left unanswered especially his early years and his time prior to working under yuraichi in the unmesquito also how were tessai and urahara allowed to be raised with yurichi in a mansion what makes them worthy to be brought up in a noble home to wrap this video up urohara is the genius of the series without his reassuring presence so many of the problems we encounter would go unresolved he was the former third seed of the second division the commander of the detention unit within the onmitskido the founder of the soul society research and development institute and the former captain of the 12th division but if you were to list these achievements to him he would simply tell you that you are giving him too much credit as these days he is a plain old candy store owner what are your thoughts on kisuke urahara do you love his character as much as i do i can't wait to read your comments and to see your thoughts on his character lastly stick around by subscribing for more character analysis videos in the future if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it then please consider supporting my channel on patreon i have multiple tiers with the rewards including access to an exclusive discord server video scripts as well as being the first to know about unreleased upcoming videos thank you for your time and whatever you choose to contribute i will appreciate and it will mean a lot to me [Music] you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 599,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kisuke urahara, urahara, kisuke, urahara vs aizen, urahara vs yammy, urahara vs askin, urahara vs ichigo, urahara seals aizen, urahara character analysis, bleach, bleach 2020, bleach character analysis, kisuke urahara analysis, urahara explained, urahara past, history of urahara, urahara backstory, urahara bankai, urahara analysis, Urahara using benehime, urahara and yoruichi, urahara death, Urahara’s Tragic Past, Turn Back the Pendulum, turn back the pendulum bleach
Id: 4a3DjraAEtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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