The STRONGEST Character in Bleach EXPLAINED!

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who is the strongest person in a respective anime Universe if I asked you who the strongest person in Naruto was a lot of you would probably say Naruto I mean the show is named after him right if I asked you who the strongest person was in Dragon Ball you'd probably say Goku because he's the main character right if I asked you who the strongest person in one punch man was you would probably say saitama because he is the main character right but in all three of those circumstances unfortunately as it currently stands you would be incorrect because if there's one thing that's shown an anime and especially long-running Shonen anime are really good at doing it's making sure that the MC is never truly the strongest person in the universe in Naruto Naruto is not the strongest person definitely not now in fact he's never been the strongest person in the universe as there's always been the impending looming threat of higher and higher level otsutsuki out there in the universe looking for Earth and while Naruto is able to rise to the occasion to battle a couple of these otsutsuki we still haven't even scratched the surface of Shiba yet well even though Goku was able to battle against the likes of beerus and golden Frieza and hit Zeno still exists and in one punch man even though we've seen saitama go Toe to Toe with fully monster ice Cosmic fear mode Garo was able to emulate his own power and use it against saitama Garo was only using a limited amount of power given to him by God see the line that runs through all three of these examples is that God in this universe is always the most powerful and this Trope exists in way more anime than just the three I've listed with shows like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood also existing in this Trope well a lot of Shonen anime will create this figurehead and then make them an impossible goal to reach always existing as the Zenith of power in the universe some anime will decide to make this God the final boss which is probably the direction that boruto and one punch man are heading but what if the strongest person in the universe wasn't an enemy what if the strongest person in the universe was just kind of there a corpse with no arms legs or heart cast into a stone but still omnipotent a God that allowed itself to be maimed and did fight back a god which the death of which is the sole motivation of two of the most important bad guys in anime history well that would be the case in Bleach also falls into the Trope of creating an entity that Ichigo the main character could truly never be more powerful than in that entity in the bleach universe is known as the soul kid and now with bleach thousand your blood work part 2 kicking off the soul King is gonna become something you hear a lot of people talking about see previously in the Bleach anime that ended in 2013 we had heard the soul king's name a couple of times most specifically when Eisen was saying he needed to create an Oaken to go to the soul King Palace in order to cut down what he deemed a corpse and well obviously Eisen never gets to build his Oaken and therefore it never gets to the soul King Palace getting to the soul King Palace is based what part was in your blood work is gonna be about and thus the soul King is about to become a very large Mainstay in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc lore However unfortunately for all the bleach fans who are only going to be watching thousand year blood work you won't know that Tite Kubo was unfortunately rushed into his ending of bleach his producers and editors saw a winning number and the amount of people reading bleach and therefore forced him to finish the story therefore a lot of the information that we understand about the soul King has actually been given to us from outside of the manga which could lead some viewers of Thousand-Year blood work a little bit confused on what the soul King is and how it plays into the history of bleach and since clearing up confusion is my job today we're going to be talking about the soul King the god of the bleach Universe the strongest entity by far in a way what it is what its powers are and why yahaba wants to kill it and hopefully by the end of today's video you'll understand the Thousand-Year blood War Arc lore as well as you possibly can in order to make yourself as suited and as ready for part two of thousand year blood work as possible so without further Ado let's get into the soul King explained but before we get to explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page hit that naughty Bell and if you like the idea of me explaining things in anime then you're gonna love my anime podcasts who talk who's Anonymous where me and Danny ma to break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts we just interviewed tops voice actress from Avatar The Last Airbender in a two-hour incredible interview if you guys want to see that I'd recommend going to watch it soon God what does he look like is he a man with a flowing beard is he a faceless entity is he everything everywhere all at once different anime have different approach on how they want to approach the concept of God with my personal favorite being truth from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood however the soul King is definitely a close second so the soul King is one of the most enigmatic representations of God in anime so the soul King is the creator of everything the creator of the sole Society the human world and hueco Mundo he also serves as the scale that balances these three worlds simultaneously which allows for the soul Cycle System that keeps balance in the bleach Universe which is Hollows are purified so they can go to the soul Society so Souls can go back to the human world as opposed to destroying Hollows and therefore killing their souls and not allowing them to go back to the society causing the scales to tip it is the soul King's very presence that allows for this cycle to continue the soul King is also though ironically the source of the power used by the Quincy as all reishi and any reishi absorption comes from his power but even one step further than this it is also fragments of his body that allow humans to turn into fullbringers now unfortunately none of the information I just told you was available in bleach's monk both the information that the soul King's body is how humans become fullbringers and that the soul King is responsible for all of the Power generated by the Quincy come from a bleached novel known as can't fear your own world or essentially Tite Kubo gave us the lore rundown on everything so was trying to kill him in the first place and while technically all four of these novels happen after the conclusion of the Thousand-Year blood War Arc they're supposed to essentially act as a cleanup for everything that Tite Kubo had to skip they also focus on chuhei hisagi the guy was 69 on his face so if you like him I'd recommend reading them and pretty much everything I'm going to be telling you today about the history of the Soul King comes from these books which are Canon mind you and in these books ichibe the leader of squad zero the high priest of the true name pretty much the strongest Soul Reaper in existence tells us the story of how the soul King came to be see one million years prior to the events of the Thousand-Year blood War Arc the entirety of existence was just one world not the three that we currently know and this one world was not great see this one world was overrun by Hollows that attacked and killed all of the citizens of this one world it's essentially what ihwaba is trying to accomplish now bringing all three of the worlds back into one however these Hollows that terrified the citizens of this planet were only just that Hollows the standard Hollows that ichiko and rookia deal with in the beginning of bleach not Gillian's or at hookas or vasto lores just Hollows however as time progressed that change and what happens when hundreds of Hollows become one hollow they become a menos class Hollow what happens with a hole left in a hollow's heart is so big that The Souls of humans can't fill it and thus this hollow begins to consume other Hollows and as this hollow begins to consume more and more Hollows it's slowly but surely becomes a menos level Hollow and ironically these Hollows that need to consume other Hollows to fill the hole in their heart are attracted to each other which leads to massive inter devouring of high-level Hollows eating other high-level Hollows until eventually amenos Grande is created now momentous Grande is the weakest form of a menos level Hollow what's a hollow was achieved Menace level they can go on to become a Gillian or an at hookus or a vestolorde and this is what was starting to happen in the single primordial World however when this happened the soul King was born see it appeared as though the soul King was born because this singular world was rejecting the idea of Menos level Hollow and upon being born the soul King in order to protect the inhabitants of this one planet destroyed all the hollows that were terrorizing these citizens which put a temporary stop gap on this world's decline as all the predatory Hollows were dead however there was five powerful beings from this era that thought this level of status quo wasn't right to this level of status quo was only achieved because Hollows were destroyed which they believed was an incredibly unbalanced way to find a status quo these five powerful beings believe that Hollows had as much reason to live as anybody else and therefore these five powerful beings decided to work together in order to build a world that they believed was fair to everybody and therefore these five beings teamed up with each other and sealed away the soul King in a crystal and after they sealed the soul King in a crystal they used his omnipotent powers to split the world into three sections the soul Society the human world and hueco Mundo where human Soul Reapers and Hollows would now all have a world they could live thus creating the cycle of life and death that johaba is trying to destroy see that's the thing jojoba is just trying to technically achieve what the soul King had achieved a million years ago Jehovah just wants to turn the world back to that single primordial world where he using the power of the Soul King can destroy all Hollows to achieve status quo and by breaking down the barriers between all three worlds all three of those worlds would come back into one though this does technically sound fine if you consider the hollows monsters who eat humans the resulting turmoil of these three worlds smashing into each other would kill millions of people but these five entities that decided to split the world into three weren't satisfied with just pushing the soul King into a crystal even though the soul King did not resist being placed in this Crystal which by the way he absolutely had the power to he is omnipotent anything he wants to happen will happen five beings decided to essentially mutilate the soul tearing off his arms his legs his heart and his organs leaving the soul King in a suspended state of Agony and death for a million plus years and what's more every piece of Flesh Cut From the Soul King is later used to create some of the most powerful weapons the entirety of the bleach universe but why would the soul King whose omnipotent allow himself to be placed in a crystal why would he allow himself to be mutilated well the soul King can see every possible future for Infinity the soul King knows everything that will ever happen and thus the soul King from the second he was born knew what would happen with his life knew that he would be betrayed by the five ancestors knew that yahwah would come looking for him in the soul King Palace he knows how the story will end millions of years in the future and thus since the story ends with a happy ending shocker surprise the soul King decided he didn't need to resist he knew how it all would go though me personally when faced with a million years of offering I probably would have resisted see the soul King is stated to be neither alive nor dead he stated to exist between stagnation and progress this is why even though the soul King had his heart and his organs ripped out he he can't die and further than that anybody who ever assimilates the power of the Soul King cannot die is it because a soul king or anybody who assimilates the soul King's power has an ability known as The Almighty and this is the soul King's true power which makes the soul King omnipotent and omniscient meaning he can do everything and he knows everything which is how he's able to see all possible Futures and why he knew he would be sealed away and mutilated and the subnipotence is how he was able to be the creator of the fullbringers the Quincy's and the Shinigami but truly his power is beyond even just that scope so you know how he talks about multiple parts of him were separated from his body by the five ancestors the most important three things that were separated from him were his arms and his heart see the soul King's right arm is called the arm of Stillness this arm is also known as Mimi Hagi this arm well being the right hand of the Soul King is also the right hand of the Soul King in that it is both his actual right hand and also his right hand man now Mimi hockey just like the soul King is immune to precognitive abilities that is to say if there's people with the ability to understand all of the Futures like the soul King Mimi Hagi cannot be seen in those Futures that is to say that nobody can predict what Mimi hockey will do in the future the soul King has the same ability but that's also his precognitive ability and only him or people who steal his powers have those Powers mimihagi also has precognition just like the soul King knowing all possible Futures on top of this Mimi Huggy has Umbra Kinesis the ability to control Shadows Shadows so powerful that mihagi is able to create a wall that can stop your Haba on top of this Mimi hug he has the ability to absorb people since maybe hockey's body is a shadow if it envelops somebody in the entirety of its shadow it can absorb them and take their powers and since when mihaki is the arm of Stillness it controls stagnation that is to say that mimihagi is able to stop growth development progress or change it can in essence stop anything that is trying to change from changing and as an entity of Stillness Mimi hockey is able to stop any illness in somebody's body so long as you offer Mimi Huggy something so let's say you had a degenerative neuro disease if you offered Remy hockey your degenerating brain you would actually continue to live and well obviously that sounds counter-intuitive those who give up infected or diseased body parts Tomb and me hockey get a life extension as well as ridding themselves of those infected body parts but you can take it one step further than this you can actually give your entire body to Mimi hawk in a ritual known as kamikake this ritual allows somebody who's had a part of their body taken by Mimi Hagi to offer up the rest of their body to become a vessel for mimihagi in the right-hand man of the Soul King now the reason that Mimi hockey needs a vessel is because technically when mihagi is just reishi and therefore this reishi takes over somebody's body and gives a mihagi actual tangible fool now the soul King's other arm his left arm is the opposite of stagnation it's progress specifically its name is parnira paranka but for our sake we're going to be calling it pernita now pernita is in a bit of a different circumstance than the right arm of stagnation see prenata is actually a member of the vandreich a Stern Ritter with the letter c for the compulsory and this Stern Ritter is one of yahaba's Imperial guards or Royal Guards a member of his shootstaffle boy do I love oscillating between Japanese French and German yahaba is Yiddish see Brenda actually never had any abilities bestowed onto them by that was until they were Quincy's for a long amount of time and joined the royal guard it was after that point that yahaba gave them a letter or a shift in recognition of their power and their willingness to fight for his cause now as the left hand of the Soul King pranita is one of the strongest enemies in Bleach see pernita is able to control Evolution aka the enhancement of it or others this manifests in a couple of different ways the first of which being organic evolution the way this works is pretty absorbs organic biomass and by absorbing that biomass gains new abilities as well as traits and attributes from the biomass that it absorbs so if it were to absorb Ichigo it would get ichigo's traits abilities everything it also has adaptive replication which allows it to absorb information by simply touching the nerves of something else which allow it to touch an opponent and understand their power level and evolve itself to it as well sometimes copy the ability of something it touches it also has Anatomy manipulation that allow a complete and total control over its Anatomy it can split up into multiple Parts it can grow new appendages wherever it wants pretty much anything it wants to do with this body it can and it will and this is it limited to self-replication on top of this Purina has complete and total regeneration and reconstitution so if you cut it open it can heal that or if you cut it into a thousand little bits it can recreate its own body but maybe its most impressive ability is a thing known as the compulsor which is where it gets the C from see pernita has the ability to fire its nerves from its body and into the body of an opponent and upon latching onto the nerves of an opponent it can control that opponent like a puppet but this goes far beyond puppetry Bernina can rip the person's body apart from the inside out once this happens essentially by controlling the nerves at such a level pretty it can just wrap a body up like a wet towel and wring it out well you'll have to remember this massive hand is also a Quincy and therefore this massive hand that is the left hand of the entity that created the universe has a spirit weapon heligbogan which is the giant Quincy bow that allows them to fire reishi arrows however Pineda also has an upgrade to this helic feel which is an upgraded version of the arrow that allows pernita to add their nerves to the arrow and therefore should that Arrow make contact the compulsory can begin it also allows prinita to move the arrow should it Miss the last important item that was removed from the soul King was his heart just like with prinita the soul king's heart is now a Stern Ritter specifically Gerard Valkyrie known as M the miracle which is most definitely his most impressive ability the miracle that is seeing Gerard's case the M for the miracle was simply a title bestowed upon Him by yaraba sidrad has the ability to make miracles of reality since Gerard has the ability to give form to the thoughts hopes and dreams of himself and those around him with a built-in caveat that the less likely people believe that Miracle is the more likely his power will make it happen so if I thought there's no way Nico Robin will teleport to this world and fall in love with me there's a good chance it would happen therefore the more impossible the odds seem the higher the chance the miracle occurs therefore whenever Gerard looks like he's down and out the miracle will probably save him so if Gerard feels as though he's in a battle that he has no chance of winning the miracle will make him powerful enough to win on top of this Gerard is able to convert the fear of those he's fighting into strength let's say hypothetically I cut off Gerard's leg but I see the miracle has brought back his leg and I'm like oh my God how do you kill this dude the fear and the Damage that I imposed onto Gerard would actually make him stronger and bigger and faster and he will continue to grow in size in might until eventually he is flicking away Bankai like they are bugs until simply his breath is enough to blow got a 13 captains away on on top of this hope also makes him stronger as Gerard can Infuse the hopes of his allies into his Spirit weapon the hoofnun which is an eye unbreakable weapon that reflects any damage onto the Caster not only can you not penetrate through the spirit weapon if you try to attack him and he reflects it with his Spirit weapon the damage coming back to you and that's not mentioning the fact that he is also a Quincy and therefore also has access to the Quincy bow and as the stern Ritter he also has a Quincy volstandic which allows him to super boost his size speed stamina defenses pretty much everything until he is thousands of feet tall and pretty much unkillable now outside of the two arms of the Soul King in the heart there are other important things that got separated from the soul King like the sakeetsu which for those of you who have been paying attention you'll know is the chain of Fate the chain that keeps a human bound to their spirit and should that chain be severed the chain that slowly gets eaten away until that human becomes a hollow with a hole where that chain was once connected the soul King saketsu was bound to a full Break by the name of Aura mishibane but Aura is actually not all that unique in this because as we learned from the bleach novels can't fear your own world any human who's ever become a fullbringer has actually got a part of the Soul King attached to their body and these parts of the Soul King are actually referred to as the nails and these nails were bonded to various humans making them into fullbringers and while the majority of these nails were originally collected by Eisen so he could use their power to feed his incomplete hogyoku some were also collected by Toki NADA it was a character from The can't fear your own world novel now tokiwano wanted the nails of the Soul King in order to create a hybrid soul and that hybrid Soul name was hikone who was created to one day usurp the soul King and for those who remember rangiko was actually bound to one of these nails of the Soul King and it wasn't until Eisen forcefully ripped one of these nails out of her that Dean decided to betray him so yeah basically everything in the bleach Universe revolves around this Soul cake most specifically however the Thousand-Year blood War Ark now you know pretty much everything that you need to know about the soul King heading into the meat of this art and now that you're all caught up in the or you don't have to worry about asking those silly questions like oh why is any of this happening while you're watching the anime just sit back relax enjoy the incredible fights and watch this video again if you ever get confused and if there's anything else you guys want me to cover from Bleach tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page hit that naughty bell every bleach video is just me tiptoeing around people being like it's actually
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 259,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, bleach, bleach thousand year blood war, tybw, bleach explained, soul king, soul king explained, thousand year blood war explained, tybw explained, ichigo, ywach
Id: mRvswL9plyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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