AIR CANNON to put rope in tree.

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a lot of people ask how we get our ropes in the trees so i thought i'd show you one way we have this fur tree here that's got a couple dead limbs way up in it that we need to get and we don't want to spur the tree because we're not cutting it down so we'll go up the rope and the way we do it is with this this is an air cannon you could buy one of these at tree stuff or i suppose you could assemble it by buying parts from the hardware store and putting it together it's got a stem here for like pumping up a tire and you get yourself a pump that'll go up to 180 or 160 or 200 pounds or something like that and you fill up this chamber with air then you put the throw ball in this side and then you point it and you swing that valve it's kind of a rough trigger pull if you're a marksman but it's doable with practice all right okay cool i saw it i know it's for me but well i told him you didn't deserve one but so damien's climbing it so so he'll he'll get the first miss what happens with the air cannon often is you're firing up in there and you hit a limb and yeah and then the bean the bean bag bounces out oh look at this hero moment for finns sure ironically though if you had one of these spider lifts you wouldn't need that air cannon yeah what's wrong with this picture it makes us look a lot cooler sun is like perfectly in my eyes bird's nest round two far that's pretty far out the limb pounds of air pressure looking good oh perfect perfect exactly where i was going to dial i'm like take my time with the shot but try not to yarn on it when i yeah it's hard to have a smooth trigger pull on a giant trigger it has to move four inches other side is it all the way over there it's good just get it to come down you'll be happy so we're using the little throw line to pull the climb line in this is the climb line youtube probably can't see but there's the throw ball on its way back down now pulling the throw line still up and over those limbs this might be enough mm-hmm so this is a knee ascender so he has an ascender for capturing progress on the rope as he moves his knee up so i can uh i can get set and then better show it too in slow motion we'll show it i just gotta get my uh i gotta get off the ground watch out just in case you're sliding and then he has a foot and he has a foot ascender here ghetto one don't mind the ghettoness if you hook the put us in there low now he's gonna now um so when i left my right leg it brings this one up and then that's my left leg so got enough rope weight yet so that's called rope walking youtube that only took less than a minute so it's pretty handy dandy and we're not poking holes in the tree with our spurs or anything because that's frowned upon by some i personally don't think it would hurt the tree but we do industry standard work we we kind of follow the collective uh standards of the entities that make decisions about those types of things i'm not a dogmatic activist of any kind i wouldn't criticize a guy for spurring that tree to cut those dead limbs off but we won't do it just because somebody won't like it and heck it's pretty easy to go up the rope too so you know morning youtube so me august and jeff we're gonna go ahead and get started on this fun little uh uprooted madrone slash falling puzzle uh meanwhile adam and wyatt got sent to go prune this very small dogwood tree where there shouldn't really be any issues and uh they just called saying the lady needs to talk to somebody that um i don't know maybe she thinks is more official or something i'm not really sure because it's something that they can go do and they are every bit of capable of doing so we're gonna go take a look at this tree and try and figure out how it ended up becoming the the real puzzle of the day yeah sometimes people sometimes people need they need a confident person doing that you know her tree she like probably loves the thing and and they sometimes people have mixed like they don't have knowledge of what needs to be done but they have an idea that they think and then if they don't see it happening that way and they start questioning you and then if the guy that's doing it isn't 100 sure of his prowess then that like leaks out anyway i don't know what's going on but i guarantee i i got the recipe for every tree huh probably every tree i'd say every dog would i'd say so you could come up with something real quick i'm sure yeah well let's see what happens we might not be able to film it we might just have to talk to you about it later because you know we don't want to like like go uh go creeper cam on a little lady that just really wants a nice haircut um on the plus side though we are like four let's call it six blocks from the other job so going over there really isn't too much of a hassle so a little dogwood a brand new f550 a brand new vermeer chipper and five guys that should do it steven stark maybe we all show up and act pretty um unconfident of what we should do with the tree no that's a crepe myrtle [Music] yeah nah we're gonna we're gonna get to the root of it the problem and make this lady all cuddly and warm somehow she's gonna be happy and she can uh start marinating the thanksgiving turkey yeah a couple weeks ahead of time am i there yet uh yeah i took this left okay so we started the video at the beginning of leaving the other job and we are just showing up to the other job i wonder if i'll recognize this place so it's that little dogwood right there that this one says that's funny because right when we started pulling up i kind of started thinking that i was like wait no we're good we're good all right youtube checking back in driving through the school zone um so we went to the job wyatt and adam were standing around looking at us like please help the lady came out and you could tell she was a little disgruntled but there was a bit of maybe not the usual case where there was some root girdling in the bottom section the trunk so it was causing some other bigger dead limbs to start dying off but that's kind of something that not just everybody would know so i think maybe the guys were a little op to tell her um that they kind of didn't know the routine yeah they didn't know what had to be done for that particular tree which made them not be confident which made her detect it and she was right she her sensors were on she's on who are these scrubs i just think that they're like yeah not an experience or something and you know these guys they're awesome guys and they you know i'm sure granted you gave them enough time and nobody was you know pressuring them they were there for the whole thing with the whole the whole intervention they they definitely learned something today yeah you know i'm i'm sure with enough time and not a lot of pressure on that job they would have went through they would have gone through and cut the deadwood out you know they would have recognized that one side needed to match the other and um you know i think they probably would end up making it happen but maybe the whole reason behind why there was so much dead they weren't able to explain to the homeowner which made her a little i think it might have ended up like a super botchy lion tail hack job that's what i think what do you think what do you think adam ah i was over it after the first two cuts i was like dude i'm not gonna say hi your cuts were good well the thing was is so when we first showed up she was like how long have you worked have you ever pruned a dogwood before you know like totally like doubting us when we first first and i i verbalized that to her you know i was like you were you know you doubted because she was like she said something and i was like you doubted us when we first walked up to the door i was like you asked me if i've ever pruned a dogwood or you know if i've ever pruned a tree before so i was like it has nothing to do with my cuts i was like you were judging us when we first got here and so i was like that's why i only made two cuts and put this pool saw down and let wyatt deal with it and then why you know he was cutting the suckers off which is like the same ones that you were cutting off and she was like don't cut that one off it's going straight up and then you know he was like well what ones do you want us to cut then you know what what what do you want us to do here and she kind of was like uh you know and i was like well we'll get damien august here then so you know what you know what healed it what's that this pizza uh explaining to her what was wrong with that particular tree okay put the rat put her totally at ease yeah because she had with the work was girdled one side was going to keep dying back it was going to be a bad scene so we so it would have looked bad if you didn't tell her because if you cut back the side that's that's dying and you can't help that it's going to die the rest of the way later well then later they look at your cut on the limb that died and they think that because you cut it wrong it died when really it's a problem from the root zone on the get-go right yeah anyway telling them being able to articulate exactly what's wrong with it and what it needs then they're just comforts them or gives them confidence well her some people are nuts yeah but she was she wasn't yeah but she was definitely i i felt like from when we got outside of the truck and walked towards the i mean it was like the being judged you know yeah i mean maybe it was in my head i don't know but you know when they ask you questions have you ever pruned a dogwood before and like that's like the first things that come out of their mouth i mean it it's kind of like okay you have no faith in me yeah but did she have any credit credence for that i don't think so i mean yeah i mean it was literally um i mean yeah we were walked up to the door with with pretty much the gear ready to go i mean we're gonna knock on the door and she came out [Music] so the truth is you would not harm the tree you would have done what we usually do i feel sorry but you probably wouldn't have done it as very to the to the detail that we ended up with or she wouldn't have gotten the tree science part of it in her head so yeah i think that's definitely what used her mind it was just the knowing why and where we were doing the pruning and understanding why there is so much of that live kind of somewhat gangly stuff left behind is because we're trying to leave too bad we can't show the tree what a great lesson it would be to be able to show how so basically roots girdled on one side made one side of the tree be starting to die out and and so it was like half alive and so you got to take this big shark bite out of that side in order to get down into some good stuff which makes the other side look wack but if you can't explain why what when who then they're just going to be like they're going to be right now a mean yelp yeah but right now she's pretty stoked i'm going to go buy a red bull august is going from the store with his hard hat all right i'd say today was a pretty good learning lesson have any of you other tree guys ever had a situation where you send two guys to the job they call you and need a little backup anyways comment below [Laughter] hey bogate zoo that's for my little guy joey he's learning to read he'll like that sign monkey field [Music]
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 16,887
Rating: 4.94555 out of 5
Id: DZrRyff_-p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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