I BROKE MY Petzl Zig-Zag (but I'm OKAY)

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youtube we're gonna break something with the brake test machine and it's something you've seen if you watch my channel and you've seen my videos it's something you've seen a lot of for hundreds of videos for a long time it represents the thing that persuaded me away from the blake hitch a lot of people have said it's unsafe or something for years ever since i got it actually um but zigzags i'll show you something real quick the way zigzags have always been weak is to to be bent this way so like if you're got your zigzag around a tree like that and you're pulling these links to the side so this is like series two i think um and it's quite dainty in appearance and then overall size and everything but now that they've made them uh specifically for srt work they're a lot bigger and more bulky and more tougher looking but i've used this for us srt for a long time i still trust it but um i think it's been long enough we'll go ahead and break it today and see what kind of forces it takes cause it's gonna be impressive i bet i bet it's gonna it's gonna hold up a lot more than my 160 pounds there's the difference eh look at that it's a massive difference yeah it makes me not want to break it it's such a more compact and desirable thing right i mean hang off your harness yeah look at the back here too look at the size difference yeah that thing shadows it yeah even this here look look at this is i wouldn't say twice as big the gauge of the of the chaff there this is this is the part that i always looked at when i first bought this because i was never afraid of my blake hitch right i would look at that tiny little shaft there where it hooks to the eye and i'd be like really that's it it's like the size of a pencil and then you mash it between these two pieces of metal and call it good and then i was like yeah i trust some but egg had figured that out so i've never worried about it but i've also never cranked it to the side i've never bent it in weird ways that were intuitively wrong you know yeah that's just that's probably almost double the size i'd say the whole thing yeah and i'm not doing this because i'm switching to the bigger zigzag i'm just doing this for fun and the truth is i've switched to the unisender because that is a tight package the unit center it took me a long time to convert but i'm i'm getting there you're breaking a pencil you're breaking a petzl zigzag and switching to zigzag yeah they're switching to unisender uh i am i'm not doing this in a prejudicial way we're just doing this for it's been a long time it'd be fun to find out what would break it right and also i will still if i want a smooth rappel i'll use a zigzag ain't nothing smoother and it holds up well on the pitchy trees i know i know petzl zigzag hater well you had it for how long i've had it i don't know joe knows a long time probably that's gotta be five or six years on that one something like that and that's that's five or six years of people heckling me for using it too yeah saying it was too small yeah and i'm like i like it well where should i put the camera then you put it inside right good luck gopro i lose all my footage if it gets slammed i don't think it will i could put it behind it yeah let's do that okay youtube you want to go inside the break test machine youtube gets all the fun the ride tops down clamp it right on oh here there's a thousand pounds yep yeah that's pretty faith inspiring [Music] so we should inspect it 25 like 2500 i think it's just damaging the real foreign yeah it was starting to pull higher one up to 25 yeah so it was starting because the rope starts to bunch up look how it um see how it doesn't take much of a bend here and then it gets further and further more and more of an aspect yeah yeah the rope is straight right here straight and then down here the links are straight let's try it single rope yeah okay okay all right let's put this lid down okay now srt so what we're finding out is it's hard to break the zigzag it slips with this rope at over a thousand pounds it starts to slip so what will happen with a knot here yeah we put the knot here because we want to test the links will the links fail or will this little guy pop out of there and we're taking it down here it'll be putting all the load on this and that part's probably not going to fail and to be fair to it it's been running for five years and all sorts of tree works yeah and it's been tested extreme the rope was like in the last few minutes 10 years old too yeah the ropes are a good quality test going on yeah well when we're pulling an srt it binds this this rod right here against here and when when you're pulling at drt it's more what it's meant to do yeah so who's to say we didn't already tweak on this when we pulled it srt to 20 or 1200 or 11 10. yeah anyway see what happens all right okay here we go at 500 pounds okay here it goes gonna pop this thing off the lid swivel uh i'm gonna go slowly i'm gonna i'm gonna swivel okay but bob we need you to say leeks legs okay oh [Music] it pulled it out 44.48 look it broke that wow blew a chunk out of it look at that part let me see ah very interesting so that bulb put enough pressure on them so that bob you were wrong i'm surprised i figured it would just deform this and pull out but it actually actually busted it yeah so are the links perfect i wouldn't be perfect everybody warned me about those links for years they look fine it's still uh it'd be cool to see the footage with the with the gopro they're still functional they don't appear to be bent or broken yeah cool now i think the new zigzag plus is double the size should we break the zigzag plus youtube somebody buy this from me and let me break it for you that's like this could be i thought it was gonna snap here yeah i did too look it's actually tapered smaller right there yeah i thought that that would fracture right there and just mm-hmm apart but it actually blew the zigzag dude this is like a perfect chess piece we need to break a bunch of these we need 32. see if we can break these links yeah sure all right right like that was that was the main complaint was the was the links so how much tension can you put on the links people found cracked links on these oh really but they would find them after tweaking them to the side right in a way that they weren't meant to be same like your motorcycle chain if you bend it to the side it doesn't bend like that if you pull on it straight i'll say joe broke my zigzag and i'll put one of those old pictures of him all beat up and bloody but don't worry he's okay oh and joe almost went through the tripper leaving oh remember yeah he probably would have been way trashed before he got there but okay it's not being real fair because it's got that at a hard angle yeah it's already bottomed out here yeah yeah is this still going yeah well let's see what it does anyways [Music] so yeah you're good to go ready all right all right sounds like something came up and hit the shield the rope broke the rope broke it had a spot that was looking suspect it's warm but it didn't break at that spot that's the spot where it was like we broke the rope this is warm yes and oh look dude look it pulled into it so it pulled past its its end point and folds straight oh yeah it's spread out now yeah it's so like it pulled straight on so so the zigzag cut the rope yeah yeah that's not really a super fair test well i think it just broke it then no it didn't break it yeah i did break it the knot that's where the knots that's where ropes break is right at the knot so that's so it wasn't the zigzag it was actually the rope well there would have been a sharp metal edge near that too not really that was going in right here it's pretty smooth we'll try pulling you through that hole and see yeah well if you get a new this rope is old maybe we'll put your rope in it okay pmi one okay you wanna do that today or tomorrow yeah let's do it okay so uh go cut like uh so far zigzag is three or four feet off that field pretty dang durable i mean this little dainty one is that durable you can rest assured you're safe with the new one 722 pounds was where that rope broke at the knot which is about right because i'm not reducing the strength by 50 and that's 2700 pounds that rope is 5 000 pound plus so that's good for the rope it's good good credibility on the rope too yeah probably don't want to mess up too much i got to use that tomorrow yeah luckily you can still hook onto it right here it's single line only now though yeah and also it's got this custom helper function see that just stays yeah you got two stick links okay now we're gonna try this uh pmi static line it's a brand new piece of yeah it's brand new it's never been used same situation we're just kind of testing the links singing around with the stop or not testing these supposedly weak links which turned out to be super tough yeah the links are gone links are gone three oh it busted it tore it in half pulled the pulley with it oh wait a minute did the links actually break no links you have to get a chisel i don't know we tried to break a zigzag good job all the warnings i had about those links why do i feel justified for 3450 so that's that's almost 7 000 pounds if you were double rope yeah wow okay that's enough for today i guess
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 39,922
Rating: 4.9056315 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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