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so here i am off to guess what cut down another treat the kids say what what are you doing dad i say i'm going to cut down a tree it's just odd to me sometimes to think we're all just like little ants we all have something to go do like that guy over there he's driving that car somewhere this guy coming up here he's got a nice old ford 0.79 whatever he's doing it's important to him but nobody else knows what what it's about everybody's doing their thing it's like well what do you do you know i just feel like an ant an ant in the ant race you guys are ants and we walk by each other and we go like this hey what's up then we move on i'm off to cut down a tree tree is right up here they said it's next to the deer so walk up in the back and if you see a deer then look up oh dang yeah a dead tree sure enough what do you do oh i i climb these big plants you know you say it like that you look at it like that and it's kind of like i mean i don't know i get caught up in it and i just think i have the dream life you know i love my job love everything that surrounds climbing and tree work and especially manipulating the hinge wood to get the desired effect with just the right amount of potential hazard you know a little bit of a risk reward type thing i love it but really that's what you do you you climb plants and you cut plants and you cut pieces off of plants it's just interesting when you like get out of yourself a little bit and you look around and you think all the things a person could do or be or it's just amazing i just drove by the courthouse and i looked over and there were all these trucks all kind of like my trucks are you know we're proud of our logo and we got them looking sharp you know and we drive along and we think you know we look pretty good or whatever just like everybody else who's who's got some pride in what they do i'm not saying it's wrong just a little funny but anyway drive by and i look over and i see some guys some climbers completely different avenue to be proud of though these guys were elevator maintenance guys and they had all their trucks parked out front they were all the the logos you know lined up every truck looked the same and it said straight up elevator and i was like wow somebody got really like you know into the elevator life it's kind of like going up you know that's similar they probably have really cool interesting stories oh it's always fun when there's something on the other side the wart being thwarted is like one of the worst worse than being outright stopped because when you're thwarted you have this illusion that you can continue please don't throw the chain ugh very nice oh marth working good old ivy good old ivy gift from the english the english revenge take that english i'm getting through it take that dan hargrave hmm take that daniel climbing arborist take that and both y'all dans can't stop the americans we're gonna be independent huh dan hargraves definitely in the my buddy category dang i better slow down get this done too fast embarrassingly fast oh it's tall super tall and dead yeah i guess first cut i don't follow a lot of safety redundancies but one of the safety redundancies that i do kind of like is the one where you tie in twice before cutting so i love that one because years ago i fell all i had was my climb rope and i cut it and down i went where safety redundancy nobody plans on falling but you got two harder to cut them both right i've been studying for the pilot's license boy that whole piloting gig it's loaded with safety redundancies so far i don't disagree with any of them probably because i don't know anything about flying like even the way the engines work they're like there's like no alternator or something like that forget how it works they have like two of something mechanical sounding on every there's two spark plugs is that it pilot guys is that it the two spark plugs per cylinder something like that safety redundancy kind of sucks when you're advancing your your kind of wet noodle climb line with your flip line the flip line advance is easy because it's a steel core get off me um but the climb line it's a noodle i don't want to disturb whatever you guys are so it's kind of hanging up on every little thing but still small price to pay right a little bit of inconvenience a little bit of floating for being double tied the whole time how you guys doing today youtube how am i oh get off me yeah nothing in it i wonder what that was i wonder if that was one of them hawks pretty nice little nest good spot by the river there's a river over there you guys just can't see it people always ask me how i get my rope up here but this is it on removals you just climb there usually okay watch out i'll give it a little twist to not hang up a little bit of home improvement for the birds that's not home improvement you cut my perch off this guy comes along wrecks the garage and calls it improvement silly humans going around climbing plants hey home improvement cuts we'll send you the bill bird billbird is that a duck headache perfect oh there's one there too what these dead ones you climb them and you kind of keep your actions small short and smooth so you're not like yanking it all around with dead stuff up above you boy i love this saw i just love this thing just just works man i mean come on i love a monster truck show and a lot of noise to psych show too but hey i'm working in the woods and nobody knows it years and years ago when i had no real you know skills means i had some skills but i cut firewood for a living my rent was only 250 a month no running water a little cabin type thing i still had trouble paying the rent because i was so irresponsible get out of here good boy right on my rope anyway i may or may not have back in those old days been a guy that got sold firewood and kind of got it off the blm out in the wilderness where nobody knew and uh there were dead trees you know i felt like i was doing the forest and the government favor cutting i was doing it i might have been doing it back then theoretically without a permit and uh i would have killed to have a battery saw hey they weren't even hopped up i had a o34 av but that thing would be screaming and i'd be like hello i'm in the woods i might be cutting wood just tell him to shut it off and stay back for a minute yeah just i was just gonna say just shut it off and wait a minute i don't have much to go and i don't i'm tired of wondering if there's somebody under me because it's hard to see i don't want them coming under me right now guys are making so much noise with that chipper and i'm trying to talk to some people up here boy oh boy get out of here oh like adam's heavy breathing come here ta-da so far i've got everything to make it to the ground which seems kind of super duper cool seems unlikely i might have to slice this top yes i might there was a guy on youtube he uh he doesn't have a battery saw one of these he's kind of a battery heckler for some reason and uh he's wanting do a slice uh been waiting for a all chance wow wow huh go up a little higher what you're going to go higher up that dead stick well think about it like this youtube when they fur tree not every kind of tree you gotta be careful on some all of them actually like alders especially but uh fur tree after it dies for like probably for two years after it dies it's just getting it's getting more and more sound what i mean what i mean is what i mean is when they first die they're lighter but yet the constitution of the wood hasn't failed and so you get this thing that has less weight up there less movement from the wind and so it's doing less work than it's ever done and it's kind of like seasoned lumber so there's a period of time when they first die for a couple of years on fur probably where dang it they're stronger but then again there's things that can happen in a tree's life midway and in the roots or any place on the tree that maybe could make one place weaker than the other so it's always just gonna have to be sound keep an eye on my camera there i'm gonna send it right where my camera is so i want you to inspect my camera right after it gets bombed i was gonna slice it but if i slice it these lens will crash through this ash tree where the nest is so if i tip it out that way then it'll put the limbs out past there a little bit and there's an opening i'm just saying that for the guy on youtube that wants me to slice with the saw because he he doesn't have one but he thinks that uh it can't slice but it can but this ain't the time yet sorry buddy oh yeah yeah okay i'm kind of heading straight for my camera so really kind of good luck little camera type of thing that camera's all beat up the mic is failing and stuff so i mean i hope i don't ruin it i'll just put you away there's my hinge uh i actually felt that clear over here down my stem everybody clear headache bam and the flatness gold medal in grants pass oregon hey flat some people don't think it's cool to just one pass these and then have to get your saw out from under it like that but i think it's cool less battery power to cut at once rather than make a face cut or a bypass guy black flat one two three gold medals to august hunnicutt in grants pass oregon i'd like to tie into this limb way out in the wangled angle but uh i don't know i think i'll do it but i'll keep my flip line on and i'll try not to put on it pressure on it too much flat my battery was on three bars before i started so we'll see if i can get through this what youtube check it out i don't know if you can see that thing that i tied into i know i kept my flip line on the stem i'm just using that for kind of positioning but i got to looking over and right there the whole limb is split it's had a snow load or something in the past and it's just split in half right there it's an ash tree they're never very strong anyway so yeah probably be staying gentle on that hey youtube when i was talking about how these are are even stronger for a short time after they die don't take that to mean all trees because there's some of them that'll kill you dead like an alder some of the pine trees the constitution goes bad quickly so this particular tree is sound more stable to climb right now than when it was green practically less weight less influenced by you know external force so strong i mean it's a battery saw come on and look what it's able to do ridiculous ridiculously cool what how do you get them flat like that all the time well i think you just gotta do like tree life what a thing to get like all in one point six excited about southwest new hope what a thing to elevate yourself with but yet if you go down that road it's just pretty dang fun if if i'm honest and then i had a comment on youtube yesterday a guy was watching the video and saying the videos make it look so calm and easy and relaxing and and it's like i forget his adjectives but they basically were that it was bone uh wearingly rough of a job and yeah it is it's dusty and dirty and dangerous and you know wound making it's a hard life which i think is what i've sort of tried to capture in my life is to make things to make hard things easier to not fight it so new climbers are always messaging me or writing or wanting to know how if i have any pointers new climbers are always messaging me and saying do you have any pointers for a new guy starting out and um i always i usually just say look up look up a lot and if you think you're looking up look up some more but just as i'm like driving along in philosophy mode here right now i'm thinking yeah i remember when i was first starting out um i was i had nervous tension a lot you know i was going and doing things that were new and and i would sort of like all my muscle be tense at the same time i would like fight all these relatively easy maneuvers that were made more interesting or more challenging or more scary by the fact that i was way up off the ground and you know if you were only a foot off the ground walking across the bench or something you wouldn't be that stressed out but somehow the simple limb walk or this simple cut that i needed to make had turned into this super tense cotton mouth just absolutely like exhausting experience because i would be fighting like i would be over tense like literally all my muscles tightened at the same time just kind of nervous tension they call it jerry baronic in the in the book the fundamentals of general tree work it was quite a few years after i started that i got that book that he wrote that book and his very first subject at the beginning of the book was fear and nervous tension which i think is very insightful of him to start there because yeah if you're new you're gonna you're gonna be tense stay in the middle lane and you somehow have to balance uh pushing your comfort zone with not pushing it too much like breathing relaxing working deliberately and maybe get really proficient on the ground with a chainsaw before you take it in a tree maybe climb for fun trees uh without the added element of a sharp or all of the physics that come with taking a great big thing and starting to move it you know by cutting face cuts and back cuts there's so many things turn right onto southwest that can get you all keyed up so since i'm in philosophical mode to the new guys ha ha groundbreaking new theory relax you'll be cured of all your fear and nervous tension if you just relax i know it sounds ridiculous it's not even good enough to be on a fortune cookie but dang it if it isn't true huh so it bounced over but what i was looking at up there was that little window between this little skinny maple and that one right through there it went down
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 43,786
Rating: 4.9625072 out of 5
Id: FiIbUG6qKic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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