Octopus Tree pt. 2 Tree Fights Back

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can you take this off [Music] [Applause] crank crank crank go back out watch out don't get hurt okay [Music] very nice [Applause] [Music] [Music] so people are always wondering how we hook stuff up so I guess I'll take a minute out of work and show you how this one hooked up half hitch since we're gonna be pulling on it pretty hard I don't want it to be weak here so it also is hooked up out there half hitch then a termination out there going up to the block way over there so we're going to be cranking quite a bit so that when it comes free it clears everything and I'll cut it right down there the word the drop down was probably in our yeah it was like we had this - whoa yeah so another little thought I had for the viewers it's kind of hard to rush a tree like this when you're doing you know when you're right over everything and you want to like go go go but like I can't swing this one yet because I have this stupid little thing in the way but I can't really manhandle that very easily so don't want a rig it but it's just a little easier or safer to rig it so I've got a rig that before I can do something substantial but then even then it'll be tangled there so I'll have to deal with that probably sling that and just leave it attached out out there and then this here is over the top of that so maybe we'll like hook this up high and then like crank it all the way back up to the spar or something even though you want to even though you're behind schedule there's no way around it you have to go okay go ahead and take it up see cut this off and that'll just hang speaking of just hanging not cutting yet I'm just freeing this [Applause] oh we do another trick like that here okay put some cranking on it it's probably good for now I'm gonna try I'm gonna try to get it to peel right right around there it's not a guarantee but but I'm in a pretty good place so some more okay hold on I'm gonna cut it off nice and controlled this making sense YouTube it'll go is it making sense or does it just look like a mess okay YouTube so now that whoa put there come on dog are you serious the one that I won that I there's the one with the hitchhikers it's going out with this okay okay here it comes locked butter perfect Oh lovely yes yes aging [Music] yeah other than a nice big piece of tree nobody cut that [Applause] [Music] okay let it down some it'll come out from under that you let it down okay I'm gonna have to go some more Oh this tree is like a knot a tingly not that like a bird's nest it takes a while to untangle like like a throw line that left the cube and went into the tree yeah I'm gonna need a big saw for the next cut [Music] that's good that's good for now [Music] okay crank it some more keep going that's that's good I'll cut it off it's all you now it always was all you I might make decisions faster but they're not the right ones yeah yeah it's going it needs no Hunicke help Hunicke already helped it and when he talks about himself in the third person you know it's getting real yeah telling you the safety is all about that crazy look at that look at that would you look at it no but I heard Damien do that see YouTube I got the hitchhiker to hooked up yeah take it crank stir okay okay starting to break [Music] [Music] that's how we like it hitchhikers and all all this stay right here so you can flip me the rope over here for the next one Samurai Joe so YouTube one of the reasons I always love this job when I very first saw a guy climbing is when I knew I was gonna be a climber because he was doing this kind of stuff and then he he needed to be over here and so he just uh he just went over there all right let's cut it over there checking in with you YouTube finally we got that stuff out of the way so we'll be but tying probably the rest of them will be able to but tie and get a little bit more typical and a little bit less of a pain [Applause] probably spoke too soon still a pain get out of here there you go go ahead take that camera out by the Vermeer and use it out there on this one what's that yeah right just don't hit Jeff but yeah go ahead oh so the fence is right there you missed it by an inch you'd be better off like aim for that the other side of the tree not my side of the tree you ready yep okay don't run this because yeah it's pretty tall [Music] watch out yeah watch out [Applause] [Applause] careful and grant stands at wrong into the battering ram when he's Adams pulling just a twig and grants not used to these heavier limbs on this tree okay you ready this is this is a hooter [Music] kind of an awkward cut question about this one is will it will it untangle I mean I might end up climbing up there and shoving on it here we go I'm gonna go ahead and tip tie and then go down below and cut it its way tangled up it'll come out this way okay crank it up a bit not much yeah that's it that's actually enough this one will be a little bit violent [Music] [Music] [Music] I smell it it's burning off you're you're getting a little more friction because it's yeah but you're doing great nothing you can do about it worthy of rot yeah run it a little and he'll tone down my ride right here [Applause] just like that what's that oh that was beautiful anytime oh I barely felt a thing your reputation is intact I'll take it right back it's next one small just do this by hand okay yeah [Music] got a cut and then move your foot that's how I do it yeah I'll do it [Music] beautiful really good really good it'll be good if you run it a little so case it bangs around at my feet [Applause] hey you're so good he's so good Jeff I mean that was supposed to be wobbly and I didn't feel anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one two three four bytes [Music] 12 13 14 15 seconds [Music] nine-thirty one two three four five 10 11 12 growing like a cottonwood I smell it it's burning off
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 158,308
Rating: 4.898262 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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