New Tree, New Recipe

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what's up youtube i thought i'd take you guys on a job today i've been sick uh for a while now and uh the guys have been carrying the whole operation damien uh jeff and adam and corey doing the running the tree service and uh evan has been running the monkey beaver store for me i've been wiped out but i'm better uh that was quite a vision quest it was that one real popular one that people get where they lose their taste and smell and stuff so a little bit of a little bit of changes since then but hey in good shape now and today's my first day back to work so i'm going to just climb a fir tree the bucket truck's busy jeff's using the bucket truck so me and damian will uh climb a couple yeah we could just wait for the bucket truck to do everything but we could also be done with these and get a lot better production by doing some climbing simultaneous with the bucket [Music] okay let me re-add my do you have anything to say to youtube will while you're here it's gonna be a really good day youtube i got a fur tree with my name on it and i want to cut something so we got august so that's fun i'm using the little echo today because i've lost a lot of muscle tone by being sick and uh i don't want to carry the battery saw i don't want to carry it's not fire season anymore either so it's not like ah [Applause] there's a wire fence right there and uh i don't want to squish it some of these limbs they're really popping like this one i don't know if i can cut into the trunk enough to get it to hinge i think i'll go up to the top i have some long limbs that are gonna pop and hit the fence down there and it's so tempting to just try to somehow make it work but i know that i'm gonna sweep the fence and so i'm gonna go up to the top and set a rigging line and then i'll be nice and tight in for myself up there the whole time plus uh i'll have a rigging line and i'll be able to run the rope with my left hand and the saw with my right and take these these long limbs and just sweep them out to the left so that's the update that's all all we're doing which is same old thing find a way to do it semi quickly without hurting the neighbor i mean without hurting the clients property i mean after all why'd they call you call you to break stuff right uh so youtube this is my rigging line here and i'm going over two limbs here and this will go down to the rigged pieces and i'll run the the other end in my left hand so that adam has his hands free down nice nothing like a knot in the middle of your 200-foot rope to make you look uncool gotta do your curls every day do your curls wow [Applause] oh [Music] wow [Applause] hmm [Applause] um oh [Music] so check it out you guys i'm over here trying to be as good of a groundsman as adam is and uh i stumble across this little branch and what you can tell here is that he was trying to get it to not peel so he cut it on the bottom he cut it on the left side they cut on the right side so they can't strip down the sides and peel you just want it to fall flat and then he really he finished it off on the top so you've got this little bit of a post in the middle of holding just enough to where everything severed off 360 degrees around the branch and all it can really do is pop and fall flat [Applause] [Music] hopefully i explained that as good as august would have maybe he'll re-explain right [Music] [Applause] so yeah the fence is right here like this but if i do the rigging i can swing him around like this that misses the fence and it leaves adam hands free the whole time um [Applause] [Music] uh it it'll hit oh i need to hinge it down [Music] see how the tip hit out there if i had let that hit from you know from from where it stuck out farther and landed flat it would have jarred it [Applause] it ain't the same recipe for every limb oh [Applause] all right youtube we're down to our top here a tiny bit of back weight with this one limb but i don't think it's going to be an issue i'm going to push it out this way we're going to rig it off of august spa and august is hiding not because he's shy but because we wanna uh what's up um if you got slings we'll we'll clear the fence and speed line them out faster oh [Applause] [Music] so youtube check it out both of these i can manhandle but it's so much easier and less stress to put the sling on it and it's probably faster even like watch i'll do i'll man handle one of them and then i'll speed line the other now you compare those compare that last one to this one all right so i never had to drop the saw i don't know it's just nice speed lighting is nice [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh that'll do all right youtube are you guys still in one piece jeez i didn't know august was going to send you off the top like that i probably would have rigged you guys down just to make it a little more gentle for you but august tends to think that you guys like the wild ride there he is moving on to the next part he's about to start chunking [Applause] see you guys i mean i just picked you up and he's already got the next piece coming up [Applause] [Applause] look at this clearance thought goes into that dum youtube [Music]
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 29,368
Rating: 4.948164 out of 5
Id: x1VsM8OX4eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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