AH-1Z VIPER CLOSE AIR SUPPORT - ArmA 3 Milsim Operation

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yeah they're in those buildings I see them yeah Sam oh vehicle moving up on the road upright upright you advise zero coming in your location taking shots danger close good effect thank you 10 seconds 10 seconds five seconds of a ride thank you 10 seconds up in 10 seconds who's this in the support team by Viper and Viper Jammy and Chicken all right video all right Drew let's get to the fun part yeah freaking wind howling yeah I hear that this sounds are crazy yeah the SRS is nice yeah the heli definitely sounds a lot better it sounds a lot less monogamous and just really annoying radio check 35. good check uh we'll have to turn on the long range in the new hilly I already have it okay okay Neato oh one sec I have to set mine make sure okay Channel 69 we're good oh this hot yeah this side's pretty cool turn your Bloom up it looks really nice oh no my Bloom's at 200 percent it makes the game so much more colorful I love it yeah it does especially at night with tracers and stuff Bloom like people are like what settings is your arm and I literally just have Bloom up Bloom like people give crap to bloom but Bloom makes things look so nice I wish I could turn like my top left ammo and should HUD off yeah me too we have eyes on a couple uh rocket trucks I'm gonna call in that we're in the air okay air support now let's stand by Roger air support thank you move your camera around I want to see if I'm tracked to you oh yeah yeah I'm tracked you sweet yeah I got your if I go on uh rocket mode I can see your track as well huh that's cool so I don't really know what to do exactly because I know there's cords in the area and stuff like that so we're gonna have to kind of play it safe um yeah mostly it's just gonna be up to what demon wants us to do I would have circled the area I do big circles yeah um if you want I can go really high up and we can just scan with thermals let me just gain altitude and then we can probably stealthily watch it from really high up stay on a road at the moment because I see three no they're not on the road they are uh they're in the in the desert or the right side of that Forest you've got a fire team in the middle of that Forest just ahead of you 10 000 meters that should be good what did demon just say I don't know um repeat your last over Alpha is going to start moving in onto objective We Have Eyes on objective Roger I see a vehicle front low uh 191. check with night vision that's it Roger I guess we don't have nods in the Target um what is that that's a tracked vehicle KTR looks like should we take it uh ask demon be advised we have eyes on a track VTR so they're West about 500 meters oh you guys are West 500 meters above they're calling it on long range that they see visual of attract VTR West west of them uh no that's air support an alarm that we're here for some reason B is that a BTR that's a BTR you said did you say tracked yeah it's definitely tracked track to BTR uh yeah that's not a thing no there's bmps is it a BMP or BTR but it's 100 of BMP yeah okay uh Viper did you confirm a BTR or a BMP tracker Wheels Wheels okay he's saying Wheels I see track from up here that's weird okay uh we're seeing two different vehicles uh I'll mark the BNP location BMP marked on map it should uh if you turn on your laser Market should just be wherever you aim your Crosshair at like wherever you're oh yeah yeah right there so you should be able to hit it if you'd like let me take a shot yeah sure all right I'm gonna take uh all right um Fox one out yep all right this way you first stop moving yep go ahead let me shoot yep nice good hit uh they're disembarking from the vehicle copy B5 BMP down uh in the transplant if you want we can hit him with guns uh yeah sure go ahead foreign you're hitting really high for some reason are you ranged correct no I'm not uh click your Rangefinder button it'll automatically range I'm gonna pull us around one moment I was automatically arranged for 4 000 meters I'm like I'm aiming perfectly fine yeah I was like those guys aren't being killed yeah one moment turn this around uh so you should be able to have eyes on now yep still high make sure you I have it auto ranged I think still here now now we're heading right on okay oh [ __ ] whoa did I just skew you oh I skewed you off one sec sorry you're good you're good okay good to go how much Emmy you got total on that all right Alpha I had 750 to start yeah Roger that Village to the west of the forest we have contacts in that Village be careful remember in that uh radar area as well as there's supposed to be Intel somewhere within that area most likely inside the houses on top of objects foreign we're gonna start moving down we're gonna come to your last pause all right let's uh pack up let's follow Providence [Music] that's all right is that our alley [ __ ] hope so Abram great Gabby it's kind of are like eight o'clock what direction are they coming at us from uh can you tilt the chopper left turn it yeah um it showed you guys at the rec South oh yeah I do see that Squad you want to hit him uh ask demon if he wants us to fire you guys want some air support foreign it will be danger close Roger danger close they're they're gonna call in and they're calling we've got Fire coming from the village pulling off squat down we're taking shots pull it off thanks for the help [ __ ] I don't know what we're taking fire from I saw it on The Thermals it looked like it came from straight down I think it's small arms fire one sec let me check let's see the lasers bravo team is moving east to west to the middle of the forest 300 meters out it was small arms for sure okay maybe a PKM I know they got a lot of pkms in the Russian military games will [ __ ] us up um if you want keep your laser on I can Hydra that BMP Squad a little bit more all right lays on okay one moment turning do you want the People by the VMP or the squad advancing up the hill uh whatever's gonna get the most kills yeah uh right there okay uh firing good hit some shots oh that's right boys yeah red whoa top of the hill close as well yikes yikes yikes enemy Squad Get Low yep we don't want to turn this into a rescue the pilot mission yeah I wonder how close they are I think they're entering that Village to their West now that's where the animal crash is rumored to be yeah on your paws right now yeah eyes on a serious Squad they're in the Forest Hill okay at HMG HMG teams looking to ride at him probably should hit it with a rocket if anything soon yeah sure do you want to Hell Fire it from here um yeah okay one moment I'll stabilize do you advise uh enemy HMG Nest we're gonna Hell Fire it stand by okay you ready to go yep out well that's so cool looks like a toe nice good hit nice Direction that's destroyed over dude they're still alive really wow they are what the heck that's a direct hit is when I got him yeah got him this is Alpha we had a hold on yep BTR to our Northwest you guys see that anywhere and if you can can you take it out to their North West uh I see a tactical I see a bunch of um hold up so you are saying I'm flying backwards oh tracers tracers yep I don't see the BTR I see a bunch of Euros I see the rocket truck uh we did not see the BTR we see technicals and Rocket trucks you want me to provide some gunfire to that uh yeah sure oh taking shots low low front low front all right we're taking heavy shots falling out yeah it's something in the Valley close I've got eyes on it one moment yeah I saw two I saw two okay so that's just before the ridge I can mark it on map one moment yeah it's right over this Ridge yeah it's something is should be good we gotta find this DPR because it's shooting at our heavy uh if we find it I've got uh rocket anti-tank rockets on standby okay I'm just gonna slowly edge up this hill yep somewhere I thought low yeah I saw two it was right around there check the top of the hill right check up there no nothing weird okay is there something on the road up the road a little bit um keep going keep going no those are dead bodies aren't they dead body there's a technical which looks to have a rocket on it yeah oh sorry am I skewing wrong yep you're good you're good you're good this thing doesn't have the same parameters the same uh gauges that the A10 has so I don't know when I'm skewing off it's hard I don't see [ __ ] down there yeah this is weird it's a PNP still The Shred oh [ __ ] visual visual got it oh yep yep you're bless uh stabilizing one moment should be stable yep those might not track moving oh no it does okay good hit that's that's got to be what it was all right I'm gonna hit it with ricocheting off I'm hit it with another rocket okay good hit you got it you got it nice you guys BCR destroyed uh they've got a hostile moving up um all right so you're a squad our Squad is laced right now they're in the town yep got it um some reinforcements up on the hill we can take out immediate immediate across the road from them uh low left low left low left keep going right there firing yep gotta see him moving uh moving right to left there's one up top contact good hit we've got more to the left of that behind The Rock at least three more left of that last contact to the top of the hill uh there's another rocket truck coming in you're from 20. uh top of the hill moving down the road you've got another rocket truck coming in at you what the heck is the heli flight model right now okay firing that's gonna be a hard hit I left actually no distract hit guys trying to run I'll hit him [Music] oh it's kind of day we don't need our night vision anymore yeah I took it off you still had it on Alpha two ones in that town yeah yeah they're in those buildings I see them yeah I see them people moving up on the road upright upright you advise zero coming in your location taking shots the danger close [Music] guys we got a problem to the Southwest good call out what is a problem uh about bad guys rewards our current position three squads that's why they were slow okay uh Demon's unconscious they got three squads of entry from their West who's this talking assault or support to their West West is across the road Southwest they said oh okay send that again it's like confused can you give us a grid marker on those uh moving Infantry another vehicle coming down the road oh I see the Infantry they're all on that side of the Hill yeah you want to hit them yeah [Applause] yep that is good heads [Music] where's your guys's North yep do you guys have a medic okay 21 hydras es so yeah I've got heavy but I can't stick him with it oh do you have hydras or health I have hellfires are those HMG wait one sec uh took a green Tracer from the uh there's one illuminated Village to engage uh checkpoint Market in red smoke what direction uh one sec they're calling us to engage red smoke copy engaging uh 15. it's uh Direct on the six yeah got it turn around on your go all right yep racers thank you Sean you're okay red smoke engaged I'm diving Papa to you [Music] one down by Ellie all right so let's move in then Roger taking shots taking shots yep yep I'll fly low over this hill that was left far far buildings uh yeah I see him I saw oh man my bearing doesn't go with my head it just goes yeah one sec I saw my son yeah it was uh those far houses I haven't lost you took them out is he that far out yeah got it fine no that's uh that's something else yep lower low lower 300 rounds four Rockets okay uh turn us around go towards the mountain a little bit one moment I'll just swing us well you can look it that way oh I think air vehicle front yeah uh Sidewinder Sports air switching air support be advised they're doing a heli drop right now I'm not locking for some reason one sec Southwestern compound from your position about a squad's worth I can't walk uh fire it I don't know fire it just do it oh I'm locking now copy what what how am I only locking that close I was like three hits I was like really that was like 200 meters rhs what all right let's see this next rocket all you yeah let me see I'm gonna go really slow all right I can't even lock him right now I can't lock him I cannot lock on this guy what is he doing too okay just shoot him just shoot him shoot him yeah questing air support on the laser hit him how much one moment taking out hilly you try now yeah Roger Just Gonna Keep blazing it here you know nice that was weird okay he's blazing he's lazing a target for us to take out now I think there's an mg Nest or something correct it nice I think it's still oh it's still shooting they are lighting up yeah somebody's shooting oh [ __ ] yeah we're getting hit by HMG vehicles Hell Fire turning on high explosive mode turning turning turning parking blazing firing whoa that went straight up in the sky I am uh making my way back to you [ __ ] yeah yeah your Hellfire just went boing and went to God disabled not destroyed it was actually a javelin that's what it looked like it literally like 10 feet out in front of the aircraft it just went once the ignition started on it I just saw it fly straight up I think it's destroyed it looks very destroyed to me yeah I mean keep hitting it oh that's not a truck that's a BTR silly goose oh did you just shoot it until like is that one shot it's death I I stuck it through the air ducts on the back you know is that our guys laying down really close to it low left uh yes yes that is well well that's that's chicken right there yeah all right there I said this is Alpha we have destroyed three caches and have control of an enemy helicopter uh what's next uh either explode enemy helicopter or rtb with enemy helicopter also you have a great idea Squad approaching from Southwest over Hill a fairly large 20 uh units advice we got an enemy helicoptered off engaging [ __ ] me that's a Freddy helicopter well they have a lot more Rockets than we do yeah they would destroy us oh this guy's limping I'm gonna go not only Nolan who is this you got one guy limping towards your heli below us uh we should try to check on that Squad that's fine they got armored Helly they're good I was Jamie not talking like you have a radio come on he's literally limping to the heli what a cinematic finish to the up we'll just RTV with them I was gonna draw a m21s to fire missiles but we were too late that'd be cool if we go get out of here captain shot really yeah yeah it's gone oh thank you dude I think someone actually tried to repel from it wow so whoever jumped out you never do that when you're Landing why is there this glowing red flare what is this is this dangerous what is this are you hot yeah whoever whoever repelled whoever repelled who's the [ __ ] that started whoever repels this body's stupid yeah well wait it's got to be whoever it's chicken [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,304,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arma 3, arma 3 milsim, arma 3 helicopter, arma 3 cobra helicopter, arma 3 ah1z, close air support, drewski, operatordrewski
Id: 5-n6Q2XX4Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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