F/A-18 & F-15C WINGMAN DOGFIGHT! - DCS World feat. Ralfidude

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hey guys jerski here and today we're flying the fa-18 in dcs world we're joined today by my mentor and bud Ralphy dude who was teaching me this episode how to fly the a-10 but after some training sessions I was just like you know what let's just have some fun let's go kill some bandits so Ralphy hopped into his f-15c I think and I hopped into my fa-18 and today our mission is to hop into the sky and clear out those dirty dirty bandits enjoy [Music] if I'm gonna cut them off right you you would be mad [Music] the frames as he goes by Oh his wing is starting to oh no am I looking at his flaps I think I'm looking at his flaps looked like part of his wing was coming off the top parts yeah yeah the top parts called spoilers hmm it's supposed to help you separate the flow of air over the top of your wing from the bottom which basically destroys your lift no lifting up no floating over god you're acting like that it just sets you down huh actually if the SI page is correct which I don't think I can trust any works that a wax is gone but it says no bandits within 80 all right well we got that radar warning receiver going up yeah gears up claps up oh you're fast at 15 baby jeez and there we go I'm gonna go what was that for so uh just let me know when you catch up to me okay I'm with you oh that's a setup Ralphie and I'm also stalling all right we definitely have target as was a single target that I see within 40 miles just to our left with sick we have some friendlies looking at him and there was a to ship just behind that around 5055 miles turn left towards that okay and they'll slow down as well cuz this thing can definitely keep going if I wanted to caution Sam trespass lemon o'clock si6 Gabi tally 1 bandit 30 miles hot all right cut that tally that let's continue to climb up here happy get the best range we can get for I'll let you take the shot on this guy look uh neo they're two guys behind him I think he might have just gone down friendly was right over him nope he's still up he's going very slowly point to Mach it's an MI 26 got it do not sure yep okay let's look at the other targets got one something like 40 miles away on the nose 14,000 yep I see that tally 33 boss friendlies between us and him copy two times friendlies went past the friendlies were clear between us and him infirm he's the one still going off to the right correct yep flanking right at 5,000 descending I just lost them in the notch 3000 flanking right yep lost knotch come again going cold flanking right going cold at 2,000 second contact to the left of him 7,000 hot thirty miles tally 25 I got him tagged for the time being okay two friendlies between us and him that left one copy there was a to ship entering 50 miles now oh he's he's engaging her friendly right now yep the bandits who are left got it it's a su-25 I'm gonna target him okay I'll try to get this lower one that's going cold those thirty ones are gonna be a problem here in a second is there a high altitude they they should pretty pretty far copy the cold ones now at 15 he's ascending still going cold sixteen miles I'll shoot it 12 copy I'll probably Fox three on the same guy as well I would hold off it's just a frog foot okay okay got it and entering ten miles now five-three this to ship is that in the weeds there at 1,000 cover that what's the Ranger in them 30 miles copy keep track of that a firm I see them there okay let's say that missile missed I'm going in Fox 3 on the cold bandit okay splash guns kill se 25 [Music] Fox 3 on the to ship I think the two ships split one went right towards water towards South copy did you just turn left yes turning left in okay I'm keeping track of the target that was off to you right okay definitely make 31 he's turning back in a hot on you got it I'm going to ash flash on that make 31 he's dead copy [Music] you 6,000 yes seven okay caution I say three trash pass got it do you thinking left release any quest no missile on me it's sa 300 Sam copy just died of low SATs aren't too dangerous like Ricky Lee I'm tracking I'm tracking dump Jeff it's nice to me and over hard one now it's still tracking you're clearing Gabi okay I'm doing a hard turn around here to help you out check fuel dumping bags I didn't dump my middle one forgot about it get when I warm up on you okay heading south turning back east one one zero that guy's not dead dead he is smoking I think our blue guy doesn't know he's going way past you want to steal the kill do it now yep passing underneath a now I got contacts within 40 miles now missile on me Wow it's as same site again I say three [Music] I should be good at this distance from that I say three right let's might still need to you're going dodging I mean I got that missile trail right now I'm just going this well I'm going cold right now no I do not okay to is one to zero target is 24 miles 28,000 copy sorry did you call beaming I'm beaming what does that call I'm putting them while cranking actually I've got you through the radar extremes off my right and left copy okay I evaded that as a 3x3 again yeah cranking is really the way to put it missiles active right a buddy spike buddy spike yep I'm tallying that target he splashed he's down good kale okay I got a target off to the left turning left I'll give you a bearing here in a second there's my HUD it just decided to show up it's a two shipment copy brah zero seven zero 44 miles at 27,000 I got the left guy if you want to get the right guy happy no tell ya only got Taleo on one at 24,000 keep getting closer and you'll see once once you get close enough got chill problems too lost him yep to ship okay I'm on left negative I got left get right over go right and one right just know I'm behind you ever that help you first shoot her in range now I'm not getting any nails indication on that railroading receiver so they're not looking at us okay other frog puts their got it so getting close before you shoot [Music] splasher toppy - Fox 3 / as kill splash I'm still up though I'm gonna he is diving straight down give him a second okay it's just gonna rehydrate her in mountain got it all right heads up we got to ship stem by four brah okay brought one-30 40 miles 34,000 copy - I got the lead talion rear alright so when you crank what you want to do is you want to shoot at him and then crank it so he's all the way at the edge of your radar screen got it cuz there's no need for you to keep closing on him and letting him shoot at you and as soon as you crank away his maximum range drops off you might actually deny him the shot but you got to keep him within that rate of limit and help your missile out as much as possible I think he just turned his jammer on yeah I just lost contact on both of them missile on me I got burned through twenty miles yes I think he's fired yep missile on me okay I'm firing on him butts I cranked right copy that I keep the track of your target is 14 miles still tracking right no eyes on the trailer yeah the trailer descended down to 2000 then disappeared attempt it I'm turning back hot [Music] I'm down to a single stick left he's down okay good kill keep our eyes peeled for that secondary yep that flanker is definitely dead okay I seem to my 1 0-0 think low so you know about 14,000 unless I'm looking at you it could be me I'm uh I'm 18 5 right now buddy spike yep okay that's you I was seeing a friendly but I guess that makes sense I was seeing the friendly f-18 and thought that that was you on my sa good I do have those 31 nails twelve O'Clock zero eight zero they're coming in within 80 miles now yep 20 days on I have no idea which one I just got locked up but we'll figure that out once we get close how many sticks you got left believe I have seven what is that right yeah I guess so bring like a double stack in every pebble on I brought two double stacks oh yeah I've got seven I had to go to f2 to just double-check them like wait do I actually still have seven I think I'm only Fox three twice I'm confused how many aim-120 s can you hold total 10 and okay that's why sighs that foxy a little bit more than a to ship one second okay well tell you what since you got all those sticks if you focus the guys on the right it's a two mother right left and right I can't see what this closer one is DC the closer one I see the two on the left I'm gonna focus it two on the Left if you focus too and right guys how I'm gonna do this finally one stick left there's also one just in the middle oh he's at 13,000 oh there's another okay Ralphy we got two two ships unless we have two singles behind them yeah so if you don't want to engage these guys and then just turn around get more yeah we should probably I'm gonna go ahead and climb and try it just a whop this yeah I'm gonna do the same I'm burning I got the fuel I'm saving the single aim-9 for any sort of situation that I'm gonna find myself in here on my way back to the airport did you already use a single or an ATM nine yeah they're the su-25 T gotcha then I have a go guns on them got it I guess whatever we've got six bandits to our front right now I mean good times thirty-two miles almost range I'm just gonna spam at everything spam at everything and run so I'll do it within 20 miles 21 got it damnit this to lead ones or Freud puts what out of angels I'm gonna help you out with the guys on the right guys on the right are 22 and another at 30 there's two to ships so there's a group of 22s and then there's a group at 30 22 is the more inner group 30 is a more outer group to my god this is crazy 27 miles are turning right to those targets on the right happy twenty-four miles make thirty once I got the trailer and that initial 31 got it enter 820 miles now I'm at 28 are you shooting at the Frog slits at all I will I'm going to turn it on Keter okay offensive Oh No [Music] three holy crap Fox 3 can't see these others where they go a lot of these are going dumb ok some of them are tracking this one right here box three oh I got some fries yeah everybody behind him is at 36 35 there's a to ship both a 35 and then there's a to ship at 34 this is confirmed at 29 I made of linking raised our eox defending okay three just to get him off yep our guy to ship is still coming hot at 32,000 copy you focused at yep box three ox-3 missile on me twenty-nine [Music] okay last Fox three on that guy turning back and help you what are the Angels in these guys 33 last I saw I'm turning back I'm turning cold [Music] I had a missile on me okay Fox on one [Music] and on the other guy turning back in hot I've shadowed the Connor so let's see if they go down still to coming hot 31000 have you shot the 31 I mean there's tape m1 splashed copy getting locked front 29 to my front that's him we also have some targets 70 miles away you're gonna need to fire because this guy's gonna have a shot on here so yeah Fox 3 right and right [Music] [Music] tuck tail here because there was an SAT three underneath me as well a kick watch for any Fox threes from him watching no I'm gonna you crap Talley him no okay I got tally on him now he's definitely pressing me okay so yep on not meeting on me me me me copy turning in know what's going low are you like 10,000 be okay there's another blue here that's getting shot at by him cranking left one stick left then I'm definitely the turnaround missile missile not on us flanking right and three that's my last name 120 and I got incoming splash that first bandit it's flash okay turning away it's a go yep Fox 3 [Music] banking was also trespass si6 I got it splash that guy - whoa I got ten aircraft you have six aircraft nice oh god I hope that's here on my left yes they're all behind us trailing on that twelfth oh there's a bet that just turn left em9 let's go let's get enough raw Sisk okay basically yeah I kind of got the rough idea you need two seven one for you okay I'm gonna try land a right side left side okay okay okay okay dad look to your right well I you know I'm looking at the runway cuz I'm landing a plane yeah here with your left side you know you got like 4,000 hours I'll just take the right side you can deal with it all right oh okay don't mean to alarm you but you see that marking target to your front right that's uh it's a hostile going for our AWACS again oh the Irgun he's coming in for a gun run on us on us yep yep there's just certain lots around the runway this is server kick for taxiing fast let's find out I don't think so so I guess take off make us much speed as you can before just pulling up and bobbing these yep basically with individual Ranger mm-hmm I don't need fuel tanks I know he's new oh god he's just did it gonna run down yeah he missed Oh grab a name one twenty out of the stockpile and just throw it at him yes we are complete okay oh no no no now okay he went vertical no no he's pointing straight at me but it's so good I'm gonna try to take off taxi oh shoot the f16 please should you have 16 min instead please don't get kicked please don't pick you please don't get kicked come on take off take off take off sixteen Oh shove the fuel tanks on me [Music] where is this [Music] och too is a terrible angle he's down low over the lake yes I got eyes on him I see him but poor of sixteen bucks three take enough time splash good prep [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 399,574
Rating: 4.9629102 out of 5
Keywords: f/a-18, f18, dcs f18, dcs f15, dcs f15c, f18 and f15, dcs ralfi drewski, dcs drewski, dcs f18 drewski
Id: z2_0iUqYiTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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