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gone meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers and welcome back to well whatever the hell this show is if you've been paying any attention to the news or if you've even you know opened social media lately you'll know that the united states government more specifically the current administration has done a minor oopsie as it turns out the american pullout game is strong i think most would say probably a little bit too strong my pull-out game however usually well how do i put this whoever can pull me out will be deemed the next king of [ __ ] england i joke around of course but yes unfortunately the botched exit of american troops from afghanistan has led to almost an immediate takeover of the country of afghanistan by the taliban as soon as american troops left the afghani military that we've been training and funding and providing arms for for about 20 years rolled over like a neutered puppy as a result look at the kind of hardware that the taliban has been able to capture including cutting edge m4s with peck 14s and night vision and the gamut it's a really shitty situation and some of the videos coming out of it have been absolutely heartbreaking however the memes have been [ __ ] insane biden you'd need f-15s or nukes to take on the government the taliban yes in the fastest i have ever seen a narrative collapse politically uh the biden administration has gone from saying that uh you know you would need nukes and f-15s to take on the government we've got the strongest military in the world uh you can't do [ __ ] against us to completely capitulating and saying they can't even with the full force of the us military retake a [ __ ] airport from a bunch of dudes with burned out aks from the 70s taliban gets m raps drones blackhawks and thousands of m16s m4s m249s and a manner of crew served weapons left behind by the us government gun owners in america struggling to keep their rights to own pieces of plastic and rubber yes they will basically hand deliver thousands of full auto m4s to the [ __ ] taliban but will definitely arrest you and put you in prison if you put a vertical foregrip on your ar pistol instead of an angled one also i figured my shirt was kind of appropriate today vereness uh high five taliban leader samir al-hadiri seen here celebrating after declaration of the new islamic emirate of afghanistan i don't know who this man is but he can't keep getting away with this see everyone's been so concerned about the taliban takeover of afghanistan that they missed the real takeover that was happening amidst the chaos there was one victor jeb why did his brother invade in the first place huh this was the plan all along ah who am i kidding jeb bush couldn't win it solitaire so pretty much all of the memes are gonna be about this topic and some of them are pretty spicy they're pretty good but before we get to that we've got to thank our sponsor which this is a pretty pretty interesting episode to sponsor so we really got to give him some kudos for that this episode sponsor is acre gold ager gold is a gold subscription service that is great if you want to diversify away from things like paper and into something that actually is tangible and holds real value other than guns and ammo those are those are pretty good investments too i don't care what my accountant says great for a diversified portfolio and acre gold allows you to do it in small increments every month just like netflix or something like that when you hit the right threshold they send you your amount of gold and gold's actually sending me out a solid gold nine millimeter bullet uh which if you've checked ammo prices lately um may not be too far off from the actual street value of a regular nine millimeter at this point but anyways there are rad sponsor we love working with them uh if you wanna check them out the links are in the description and in the fan comment back to the memes me in afghanistan trying to get some free guns without getting caught team america world police reference very nice durka durka muhammad jihad and now this video is demonetized speaking of which some people have made some very bold claims on the internet uh some conspiracy theory type of stuff that i was actually involved in some of this and that there's even a photo of that i believe mr gunzenger's page we have tally brandon herrera this literally happens anytime anybody finds somebody who's like slightly tan and has a beard and long hair it's automatically me you do understand that you've just basically described ten percent of the middle east right although you know almost honored in this case uh dudes dude's got some drip putting aside the fact that this looks nothing like me and is actually more like jason mans took us his just radicalized brother but there was a ton of these so i figured i'd at least throw in one or two brandon herrera infiltrating the taliban trying to make his way to khyber pass to be schooled in the ways durkadurka so he can finish the ak-50 i just realized what this dude actually looks like if you zoom in on his face this is just bearded tan long-haired edward snowden hiding from the cia in plain sight anyway i think that's enough of that moving on how libertarian are you taliban puts ads on social media to sell america's abandoned armed vehicles apparently this is a real thing that's [ __ ] great too american truck registration afghanistan total genuine bumper-to-bumper like new condition totally used by army officers for more details contact squiggle squiggle squiggle so the taliban can run [ __ ] ads for selling tanks and i can't even run ads at all on social media for legal guns that are perfectly legal to make and sell in the us i want to get off of mr bone's wild ride quick interesting tidbit on the captured equipment part pictures like this have surfaced of a taliban taking over control of several hangars and things now having access to different military helicopters now of course the first thing they do is put flex picks on instagram and twitter a few hours after this photo was taken one of them had already crashed yeah as it turns out when abdul says yes i could fly a helicopter um you might want to look into his credentials a little bit as it turns out taliban flight school doesn't cover landing when me and the boys go to a new range but have to watch the safety video my friend's just waiting to pew pew gotta love that cia training paying off because this is the first picture i've ever seen people like this with all of their fingers off the trigger at least our tax dollars are going to paying for our insurgents that are fighting us to uh to learn trigger discipline that's that's awesome now i saw this one floating around i saw all you [ __ ] tagging me in it don't think i didn't so i've got to address this one you said the ak platform was superior but the taliban trading comb block trash for salty m16 rifles determined that was a lie this theme actually spread so far that phil the lead singer of the band all that remains actually tagged me in it on twitter the taliban have settled the age-old debate at the ak guy two points about this one one you're kind of making my point because the side that was outnumbered but had the aks won secondly i would trade him out too burned out aks vs brand new you know military-funded ar-15s with pecks on them with modern [ __ ] that is used with the new night vision that we also gave them it's a pretty tittied-out gun now if you gave me the choice between that and a burned-out ak from the 70s that's had 200 000 rounds through it yeah okay i'll take the brand new gun it's got all the cool [ __ ] on it you offered me that cool new gun against something like a really tittied out ak-105 with the same kind of kid on it [ __ ] yeah i'm taking that one instead hey you still want government gun control yes by the same government that just left billions in weapons to literal terrorists hmm reminds me of an old joke actually the same government that says that you cannot buy a gun here from a dealer in the u.s without a 4473 and a background check given their track record probably would not pass that background check ah look at this handsome fella about two years and 40 blood pressure points ago dear taliban i understand you have recently acquired a lot of new kit please let me know should you be looking to offload your old gear sincerely yours truly i was just about to say i would never never do business with people like this because i have a real issue putting money in the pockets of just awful awful humans like that then i realized the whole reason we're talking about it is that our government took our money to give better weapons to uh to people like that nightmare which leads me to this one 1975 communist takeover saigon 2021 afghanistan's second largest city falls to taliban yeah part of my feat has been taken up by uh just a lot of dudes who you know did a lot over there and thought that they were they were at least doing something and uh to see this has been genuinely upsetting now my personal politics which i usually don't delve into but i'm pretty non-interventionist but it is it is upsetting to see that some really really awful people are going to end up winning at the end of the day doing some really really awful [ __ ] in the days to come and if that wasn't bad enough we basically hand delivered them the means to do it and plenty of funding to do whatever the hell they want that's upsetting to me and if that's upsetting to me i can only imagine what a lot of afghan war vets are thinking right now especially those who lost friends who lost limbs maybe lost their lives it uh it can't be easy which brings me around to this call your friends man if you know somebody who spent a lot of time in afghanistan lost somebody in afghanistan call them go on a bro date go to topgolf it matters it really does but anyway that's all we've got for this topic on gun review in fact we had a bunch of stuff we were gonna do on gun meme review anyway and then this all came up and it seemed like this took total precedence over the rest of it so we've got all sorts of stuff about the rare breed triggers thing um of course we got all the memes that came out of the last gun meme review which of course guest starred none other than flannel daddy himself garanthum we may even have to do a special gun meme review an extra gun meme review to try to make up for it because there's there's a lot of memes that we still have we literally could do two so if that's something you guys want to see either next week or maybe we can try for a third upload i don't know up to you guys you let me know in the comments what you guys want to see we can go for that because ultimately i want you guys to be happy i really do that that is what i want anyway guys that's about all we've got for this episode of gunmen review i appreciate you guys watching to the end of the video and as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video [Music] yes when abdul says yes i can fly an airplane uh well no not an airplane [ __ ] wrong thing wrong thing wrong yeah as it turns out when abdul says yes i can fly helicopter what the [ __ ] was that accent i'm not gonna do an accident for that that's terrible where's my pullout game uh however how do i put this whoever can my parents watch this
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 886,021
Rating: 4.9491396 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Gun meme review, emergency, news, Meme review, cursed gun images, Biden, Afghanistan
Id: wXLNRYV0mzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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