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gun meme review what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers and welcome back to your bi-monthly helping sweet gun memes this episode yep we've got even more writtenhouse memes we're gonna make fun of Alec Baldwin and then whatever the hell else we feel like doing from there now remember if you're submitting memes if you're doing it on Instagram use hashtag gun meme review and if you're doing it over on Reddit there's either r slash gun memes or r slash Brandon Herrera yes it's spelled weird we lost the first one a little too spicy but speaking of spice crack right into the Kyle stuff so of course on the last episode of gun meme review as we've talked about Kyle is a free man and of course the left and anybody else who didn't really watch the trial had a complete meltdown and their tears tasted delicious Kyle's victim was denied Justice today which one the pedo the Kami fee for the wife beater cope and sieve intensifies how do you sleep at night supporting someone like Kyle Rittenhouse me like a fat drunk baby with a binky dipped in Nyquil or how anybody sleeps on a my pillow use promo code four doors more Horrors I'm kidding that probably won't work one of the new things that came out of this was an interview that he did with Tucker Carlson after the trial in which he recounted the events and included this little snippet I have my rifle point in his direction for about a second and then once I lower my rifle I noticed that my ejection Port is opened about an inch and Mr grosscrude said I pulled the charging handle which never happened I hit the forward assist to close the ejection Port that's right my boy Kyle's trying to settle the debate about slick side versus forward assist by proving that there's there's sometimes a good reason to use a forward assist or as we call it around here failure button Eugene Stoner no it will only add weight and price to the gun it'll serve no purpose at all in this rifle the boys with a time machine trust me someone will need it someday and I hit the forward assist too yeah I know we've cracked a lot of jokes about the forward assist as far as being a failure button and you know planning for the failure of the AR-15 also probably referring to it more than once as a jam enhancer which it definitely can be but rule of thumb if you're gonna delete a reciprocating charging handle probably good to have a feature on that gun to make sure you can force the bolt back in a battery because sometimes bolts do weird things you know like not going fully into battery uh when a guy named gross kroits is chasing down the street with a Glock the enemy cannot use the Glock if you disable the hand Starship Troopers if you haven't seen it massively underrated what's up guys Kyle for four doorsmore and today we're going to be looking at bullets and the deleterious Downstream effects they have on biceps if you get that reference we can be friends we can be friends and I'll spot you by the way we totally forgot it in the last gun meme review because we just [ __ ] ran out of time uh there was a zoom call during the trial I think it was during Discovery or something it was a while ago I don't know why I didn't see this until [ __ ] recently but uh grosskroit's chair falls apart on him and Kyle has to try not to lose his [ __ ] laughing it's [ __ ] great foreign yeah no meme on that just funny clever business owners ward off looters with Kyle Rittenhouse scarecrows interesting Kyle was back out on the streets and there were no massive riots coincidence I think look we're missing something oh yeah uh the guy who attacked Kyle the skateboard because skateboard uh beats gun right anyway wouldn't want to leave him out Skater Boy was so far this is just the right amount of [ __ ] up go ahead and subscribe I think you'll like it here now before we talk about the latest dumb thing that Alec Baldwin has said in regards to his fatal negligent discharge just want to give a quick shout out to Las concealment for not shying away from sponsoring a video like this they make awesome quality holsters this is of course my EDC and we just thank them for being a sponsor of the channel and planning those two videos like this I'll leave the links down there if you want to check them out onto Alec Baldwin now in a move that we all joked about but absolutely shocked me that it really happened Alec Baldwin has now moved to blaming the gun well the trigger wasn't put I didn't pull the trigger so you never pulled the trigger no no no no no I would never point a gun anyone to pull a trigger at them never how did a real bullet get on it I have no idea if someone put a live bullet in a gun Alec Baldwin says he didn't pull the trigger in Rush shooting uh press X to doubt now of course this was a western movies they were using I believe it was a 45 long Colts single action revolver something not identical but very similar to this in order to make this gun go off it's Single Action it's unloaded for the record like actually unloaded not like Alec Baldwin unloaded in order to make this go off you can't just pull the trigger because it doesn't do anything in order for this gun to be ready to fire you have to pull the hammer back which rotates the cylinder locks this into place to where if you pull the trigger it releases the hammer and fires around really hard to both [ __ ] and pull the trigger on a revolver like this completely by accident I didn't squeeze the trigger or pull the hammer back the revolver went off by itself let's all watch Alec Baldwin blame the gun I'm not sure if this is just something his attorney is telling him to say or what but this is by far the most ridiculous element of the story his story about what happened yeah if you could go ahead and take responsibility for your actions that'd be great I could totally get tragic accident you know caused by negligence absolutely but still an accident but then you turn back around and start claiming some like borderline impossible [ __ ] like this and now I'm like really sketched out by your story of course this was a failure of a ton of people that should have never been live ammunition on Set uh there should have been a good chain of custody as to where this firearm went who checked it who approved it before it even got into the hands of the actor in the first place but it just goes to show very last line of defense that's why you should always check Capital One what's in your cylinder but for somebody who's relying on not knowing anything about Firearms he sure is an expert on on firearm safety uh according to Twitter every film TV set that uses guns fake or otherwise should have a police officer on set hired by the production to specifically monitor weapon safety yeah that's a pretty garbage tank I don't know if you know this or not but most cops don't know [ __ ] about guns and if there are cops listening to this most of you probably agree that a lot of your co-workers don't know [ __ ] about guns seriously police like firearm qualification is a [ __ ] trained expert by the time you leave the academy I'll put it that way you know who would be an expert though an onset armorer that every movie like this has that was supposed to do this one job you don't arbitrarily need someone on set with a badge you need somebody with expertise which is what we should have had here I understand there's a ton of cops out there that could outshoot me one it's not that hard two there's a lot of cops that genuinely know their [ __ ] but by and large I think you guys can agree the average cop is not a trained armorer I also take issue with this part uh it should have a police officer on set hired by the production Alec Baldwin was the producer on the movie rust you are the production why the [ __ ] didn't you have one if you wanted one that's just blame shifting it was the imaginary cop that I didn't hire or it was the gun that went off even though I didn't [ __ ] the hammer or pull the trigger I'm gonna owe Alec Baldwin a giant [ __ ] apology if this was like a one in a million actual freak accident and he really didn't pull the trigger or the hammer on it but I feel pretty pretty comfortable right now saying that that that's probably not the case but I'm tired of talking about Alec Baldwin so let's talk about just literally anything else more gun memes me watching the victory gun meme review where Marty Robbins I'll make it up to you this time I promise gunfighter ballads and Trail songs Marty dawggins Big Iron tasty burger Billy the cubed pissed on my [ __ ] wife Karen give me back my kids I assure you darling the Master's feet I'm gonna come El Paso bonking me tonight ligma based in Valley pill they live in the walls Tonda Deluxe El Paso full-length version oh my God this job has given me drain damage Dane brammage not getting off that easy got a Bonus one for you I thought it was funny barge is in the town of Agua Fria shoots tax evader in the chest refuses to elaborate further leaves Arizona ranger on that Sigma male grind set just buy a semi-auto cowboy gun go check dude I have been binging the show Yellowstone I know I'm finally getting around to watching it and I'm so sold on [ __ ] lever guns somehow I didn't own a lever gun so I fixed that right away probably gonna pick up a couple more do you guys want to see like a red dead I guess inspired like lever action just cowboy video I think it'd be kind of fun been a while since we did a LARP video I think that'd be neat just because cowboy guns are [ __ ] cool AK nerds explaining why they spent 600 on a magazine that's made of more collectible plastic all right look pal you don't understand the rules okay if you can Flex you must respect the drip it's just like the [ __ ] Jim Bros honestly like chicks want a guy in shape you know pretty you know pretty lean got a decent amount of muscle to you but at a certain point of like bodybuilding you're just doing it for the other gym Bros just impressing the homies same with AK stuff cool looking magazines okay awesome looks awesome if you're buying like a 500 prototype Izzy bag it's just for the other autistic AK nerds nobody else cares I'm in this photo and I don't like it people who use red dots on handguns can't shoot that's just something poor people say I'm of the belief that everyone should know how to use iron sights and then you actually use a red dot Brandon I just really want to build a looty ATF infringement noises all right look I pay them their [ __ ] off money and do all the paperwork for my FFL every year in sot and all that so they can [ __ ] right off with that just a reminder that in this country pretty much everything's legal if you fill out the right forms and give the government enough money but yes that is an opportunity to tell you guys that on the last curse guide images the curse guns of Call of Duty Vanguard we did reach our 150 000 like dull so we're building a [ __ ] looty yeah we're also still building the St Petersburg typewriter but I'm going to finish this one first because like it that and it's a improvised little homemade build or whatever at least it's supposed to be so how hard could it be but yeah just bringing a looty into the world in its original full auto configuration the way it was meant to be built that just seems like a fun video be sure to turn those notifications on if you haven't already so you don't miss it come on the bell's right there it's like ring the bell for sex like those little things you know you've seen those at like the gift shops because when you ring the notification Bell on my channel after you subscribe you will have more sex consensually you'll you'll become a sigma chat who has a lot more sex unless you're in prison in which case you're gonna [ __ ] hate it San Francisco police are looking for any information about this man caught not wearing a mask in the supermarket you know what knowing San Francisco uh this this seems fairly plausible yes ignore the the robber with the with the gun it's the guy not wearing a mask that's that's the problem also yeah this dude's holding this place up in style it's a German P-38 it looks like puts the papers in the bag POV you got your hands on the last box of Tula 7.62 by 39 in America yeah I'll be taking that off your hands oh Panzer of the lake what is your wisdom don't take criticism from people you wouldn't take advice from no meme there just Dad advice good advice anyhow guys before I accidentally become a good influence on too many of you I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this episode of gun meme review join us next week for either a range video or your father finally coming home and saying that he's proud of you it's a range video and yeah guys I appreciate you watching to the end and as always I will see you sexy YouTube mother lovers in the next video yes [Music] thank you [Music] what's up guys Carol from four doorsmore today and we're going to be looking at oh .com and today trying to like flow into with the Cadence that he's got and me watching the victory gun meme review Robin why am I leaving the r out Marty Marty yes that is another opportunity to say [ __ ]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,530,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, Memes, Meme review, Alec Baldwin, Rust, Marty Robbins
Id: bbTJtme0p8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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