AK-50 Update - Firing Round #69

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I want Boris to make a video of him shooting his dragunov and Kalash. He can then once and for all dispel the myth of them being airsofts.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oy blin that would be crazy

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Real_Pea5365 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers that's right this isn't clickbait it's time to shoot the ak-50 again like i said in the previous video that we did where i kind of brought you guys up to speed what happened during our last test fire after we got it to cycle successfully just want to keep throwing that out there and in that video i also talked about some of the things that we're going to be doing to make sure that this prototype runs a little bit better and i showed you some of the new parts and this is one actually on the bolt uh this is the v2 ak50 bolt there we've added that new cam lug there that i was showing off in the last video but we haven't welded it on yet so that's the next step welding on the new cam lug welding on the new cam groove and hopefully this makes this gun run a little bit better and if we're lucky we can get a full 10 round magazine out of this [ __ ] this time fingers crossed but it's so shiny [Music] if it blows up you should stop talking yeah i'm like i'm trying to think of a way to hedge right now like whatever you know what i mean i have to put it out into the [ __ ] universe all right so now we have the gun set up again we've got our trusty little trip wire line here we're going to be remotely pulling the trigger i'm not really worried about it at this point uh because we've fired it so much before but it's always good to you know at least have the illusion of safety we're gonna be firing the first round without a magazine for now just to test with the new cam lug cam groove see if we are over gassed like we think we might be also it's another opportunity just to single out this is going to be round number 69. nice nice all right is everybody ready loading the gun [Laughter] loading the gun again all right gun is hot ak-50 test fire number 69 nice three two one that seemed to work well let's take a look at that cam groove contact isn't great oh yeah but it didn't crack so that's something yeah the welds are still fine it's a good start i wonder if we had the classic uh machine shop did things wrong as usual looks like it it's the helices are supposed to be perfect matches oh [ __ ] look at that yeah i think it it might have yanked the cam groove up yeah it cracked your lug or your wild world [ __ ] but real quick before we get into that a word from our sponsor global ordnance global ordinance as you might know is a huge importer that's actually hooking us up with new bellum 762 ammo yes global ordnance is officially helping the channel magdump into trash so if you want to go check out global ordinance be sure to show on some love and we appreciate them being a huge supporter of the channel well we're already ahead of where we'd usually be right now given that the first round actually cycled did realize there was a little bit more force this is an entirely different cam groove so the tolerances are way different uh it was enough to crack the little weld that we put on the bolt carrier attaching the cam groove in place crack the weld so right now zac is over there fixing that and we're going to put a new longer weld on it put a small weld at first because we weren't sure if we're going to have to take it out modify it or not but now that we know it at least works time to weld the [ __ ] out of it and try again alrighty so we skipped over a little bit of procedure but i fly home tomorrow so let's see if we can get this bastard to cycle without being too dramatic this one's for all the marbles round number 70 that's firing in three two one she's slowing down again son of a [ __ ] [Music] [Music] the welds look fine oh that was weird that was on a live round oh [ __ ] that's never happened before looks fine it's not cracked or anything cam groove loads look okay well's holding up though nice on all sides on the carrier yeah there's that one little area there i'm not really sure about but i think zack said that like that and that was already broken good good those are the only things i was really yeah concerned about the groove itself looks pretty okay but it doesn't exactly have a high round count we're on four on this one yeah so now we're running into the downside of having everything that we've done here be so modular we're kind of toying with the idea of welding things in place just well enough to hold them just in case we have to pull them out in the future and then it turns out that they're going to free themselves randomly during testing so we secured everything a little bit more with a little bit more welds checked out what was basically making it run like [ __ ] make sure everything's solid and now we're going to attempt to do a magazine once again fingers crossed there we go that could stand to be smoother but we'll work on that later ak-50 test fire number 73 let's give her a go three two one come on baby god damn it oh god damn it so the fire pin retainer came out yeah it might have been the impact you saw there on the left oh i felt like it was multiple impacts um i'm pretty sure it's probably just a break throwing stuff up given that this isn't exploded yeah that'd be nice oh wait that's your pin retainer right there i had chilling on the floor yeah you could stay right there for now you see it it peemed a little bit initially like there's a little lip there and i don't think it's gotten any worse so now it's actually wearing in oh yeah dude yeah son of a [ __ ] yeah it's that greater contact area i guess i love our machine shops man they're the best third parties dude pin looks straight and moves freely so not the worst casualty no that's an easy fix all right we're running out of [ __ ] daylight well i mean the the really important stuff is still working and uh we didn't break the blowtorch party extractor yeah that's always a plus that's uh you know hardened to uh give or take hard enough harder to uh hey the file barely bites it that'll be good eyeballing the [ __ ] out of this that's how we do alrighty so it's getting dark but we weren't really ready to give up on this yet so we fixed all the [ __ ] that [ __ ] up before and we're gonna give this another try again also worth noting first time firing the ak-50 at night sunglasses at night great idea gun is hot ak-50 test fire round number 78 in three two one that is an impressive muzzle flash firing thing is good no signs of broken weld that's a good sign the internal track looks fine it's not peeing or anything hey let's look at the cam log i didn't look at the top man what the [ __ ] i don't think it progressed at all let's check the video what the [ __ ] is this thing doing what definitely doing oh that'll oh do it yep okay okay weld time dude it's all the [ __ ] welds man that was solder that was a ton of solder what that is crazy 50 bmg is [ __ ] weird it's no joke that's for sure alrighty so it is well it's late and uh well our neighbors aren't going to be too happy but it's for the greater good i think last shot of the day hell or high water well we'll see what [ __ ] happens i guess you guys ready to load ak-50 test fire round 83 please baby work for me three two one got [ __ ] damn it trying that again 84. three two one she won the battery that time what the that's too tight too but the magazine i think is also tight because remember how hard it was fighting on that 10th round yeah i wish we had more time cam lug actually looks great that might be it what's up look at the carrier tail can you see that angle that was flat oh oh yeah for sure something is making it kick down like that because it was parallel oh was it yeah oh i think that's just enough to stop the hammer well it's not going into battery either yeah yeah it's a mixture of problems i'm thinking that might be the puzzle well yeah i don't know okay good talk yeah shit's [ __ ] yup oh hey this pin is coming out too what yep are you serious i freaking welded it that would do it you can see there's two impact marks on the uh the face of the chamber uh where the rounds are you know hitting and then going up into the chamber yeah yeah it's like very clearly defined like button but like please put a feed ramp here oh god yeah oh yeah look at those there's even a piece of uh there's a chunk of aluminum up there yeah scraping down you're not getting speed stop asking we have feed ramp at home you haven't earned the feed ramp what we were talking about earlier was putting the firing pin retaining pin like up here yeah so that it's just retained by the and that's when you go away from aka things go wrong you go back to aka things work better return to monkey kyle punishing us return to nikki but the core of it the cam groove with this new lug freaking tapped in and welded in there that's all working yep which is great as usual everything i thought was going to break didn't and everything else broke that was really what we were testing with all of this is the new cam gro cam groove and cam log yup so that's really it's really nice all right time for production no further well let's uh maybe simmer down for that one so there's two different ways that you could look at this the first and most obvious one is that a lot of random [ __ ] just started breaking or falling off on the gun you see this gun has fired 83 rounds now and this prototype was actually never supposed to go this long so a lot of the stuff that we attached in there the the magwell block and things were just silver soldered on it was just temporary bubble gum stuff to make this gun function and it did for you know a couple dozen rounds but our attempts to get a full 10 rounds out of this thing kept being thwarted by random parts that were like totally not important to actually like just the the core parts of the gun working together i just kept falling off or getting in the way or just little minor [ __ ] fuck-ups is really kind of aggravating but the second way you could look at this which is the way that i'm going to look at it is that the one piece or rather the two pieces that we were actually testing this time around the cam log and the cam groove worked fantastic that was one of the biggest hang-ups in our testing of the v2 was the cam log and the cam groove and yes our cam bump pin thing didn't quite work out the way we wanted but even as is just bare bones the lug and groove even though the machine shop even [ __ ] up the dimensions a little bit and it wasn't getting the contact that it needed the full surface contact it still ran exactly the way it was supposed to i consider that a win so now i'm at a little bit of an impasse on one hand it's clear that this prototype may have exceeded its usefulness at this point the whole point of this prototype was to be a cheap thing to just cobble together super quickly so we can learn important data and we did we learned so [ __ ] much this was absolutely worth it the other thing is i'm not sure if i'm finished with it yet because i think there's still more that we can try and more that we can learn using the v2 as a test bed which leads me to my next big point this is going to be the next thing i think we're going to try on the ak-50 project that's going to be a huge change something you'd never even notice on the outside but on the inside of the gun is absolutely critical we're going to attempt helical lugs the locking lugs you know again the just reiterating is the triangle part of the bolt face where uh it goes into the front trunnion or the barrel extension whatever gun you're talking about and rotates and locks into place it stops the gun from exploding very important we currently have them as flat lugs so when it goes in it just cams and it's completely flat surface all the way around contacting on flat surface obviously lapped in so that there's equal surface contact now helical lugs are interesting because they are a cut on the back of the locking lugs on both the bolt and the trunnion that the bolt kind of screws itself in like there's a taper to it it's angled hence helical it's it's a helix it's super minor and a lot of people don't even notice it in fact the akm bolt is helical like you look at the back of this locking lug on the akm and it looks straight it's not it's a slight angle because the way this has to work when the bolt is going into battery right it has to keep going straight until it hits that bump and it starts to rotate that's what we're going to try to emulate we want to return to akm in a certain sense and use that to start rotation that way we're not fighting premature bolt rotation through the entire receiver things just going to make the gun run a lot smoother in order to do that though in order to have that bump there that begins your camming you need helical lugs the bolt has to hit that and have the space available to screw itself in theoretically this should take a lot of stress off the gun it should take some stress off of the cam lug off of the cam groove there'll be less friction uh of the bolt trying to prematurely rotate especially when picking up a new round when going through the receiver it should help the life of the locking lugs this should be an all-around improvement to the design but it is a complicated one and one that i think we could easily [ __ ] up if we're not careful which is why i think we're gonna give the v2 another shot with a new front trunnion and a new bolt in an attempt to use what we've learned from everything so far and incorporate helical lugs to see see if we can figure out see if we can make it work i know i'm really excited to get to the new prototype the v3 that's gonna be just it's gonna be the pretty gun you know this gun was the gun you don't tell your friends about but you call on a thursday night if you're lonely we learned a lot from it but it is not a looker so don't base any opinions on what the ak-50 is going to look like off of that thing the v3 is going to be my attempt to kind of build a prettier gun and start focusing on things like you know aesthetics dust cover stock you know just different things that are kind of more finishing touches on the gun so that we can test it as a complete unit instead of just testing different parts at a time now that we've had it cycling that was the big one but now it's time to get down to the nitty gritty i don't feel comfortable committing the time and resources to doing that yet if i don't know we've got a lock no pun intended on the helical locking logs so we're finishing up the design on these parts right now as we speak getting them machined and then we're going to try to install them in the v2 again and give her one more shot correct a couple of things that we're falling off you know make certain solutions a little bit more permanent and uh really just give it another shot see if we can make this run but yeah i think that is about everything hopefully this was fun for you to watch i think it's really cool that we get to share the experience of basically building this gun together i always thought that was kind of neat and you know we stuck to it ever since if you wouldn't mind leaving a like and a comment down below helps us a lot in the algorithm and if you're not subscribed man what are you doing please hit that sub button and hit that notification icon so youtube will actually let you know when we upload i've got to get back to work but as always guys i appreciate it and i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] get that hair out of the trigger group cool it's a hair trigger but in that video i talked about what we're doing to make sure that the but in that video i talked about this is what we're just [ __ ] talking about maybe it is fatal it's draining my [ __ ] iq dude that bug spray works pretty good but one of them got me on the butt you guys ever been to disneyland in california and been on the pirates of the caribbean ride once they ever have one to the one in disney world okay because the the beginning part you're in like louisiana by you type thing yeah a bunch of old houses and stuff and that's what this reminds me of the fake audio animatronic [ __ ] the audio cues they have going on yeah but they have the they go crazy they have the smell and all that oh yeah disney goes they do they go all the way
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 963,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, ak50, ak-50, 50 cal, 50 bmg, meme review, gun meme review, ak, cursed gun images, test fire, update, barrett, serbu, kentucky ballistics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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