Do Ability Scores Matter? A Baldur's Gate 3 Beginner's Guide To Stats In Dungeons & Dragons

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so if you have never played Dungeons and Dragons before or you've never played a previous Baldur's Gate game this guide is specifically designed for you we're talking statistics scores today or ability scores the stats of your character like your strength Constitution dexterity intelligence wisdom Charisma they're called different things in different games do you need to worry about those what do they need to be at how do I determine what I need for my character there's a ton of information to know when you're looking at your stats and your attribute scores but at the same time they don't necessarily apply as much if you're playing on Explorer mode which is the easy mode for Baldur Skate 3 versus the tactician mode which is the Hardcore Mode so if you're someone who has never played Baldur's Gate never played any of the previous things never played any d d or any other tabletop this guide is for you if you already know fifth edition and you know tabletop and you've played Baldur's Gate 3 and you know what stats mean this guy probably isn't going to do you any good but if you want to be here all the same I welcome your views and your participation drop your comments down below and for those of you who are new don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update with daily streams happening at 11AM Central here on the channel play lots of other games Beyond just Baldur's Gate 3 so check out the playlists join the Discord all the links are down below in the meantime let's get in to talk about statistics in Baldur's Gate 3 which is a simple transition of going bloop and now we're into the game so right off the bat we've got um a character who's spun up here and on the right hand side we see the statistics for the character or the abilities as they are also known and here on the left we have our ability points screen where we can adjust these abilities now the way this works for those of you who have never played before if you take everything back to a simple tin this is where every normal person or normal character essentially starts off a 10 in each one of these means that you are neither exceptional nor crappy at that thing you are an average middle of the road person anything below 10 means that you are worse than the average person anything above 10 means that you are better than the average person and how far you go in either extreme will dictate whether or not you have additional bonuses to your character or additional penalties to your character anytime you have a dice roll in the game that is governed by one of these statistics generally speaking strength governs all of your melee attacks your ability to shove people off cliffs the ability to avoid being shoved how much you can carry at dexterity is how quickly you can move around the battlefield how many movement points you have as well as some bonuses related to finesse weapons and range Constitution is your hit points and how healthy and and and beefy your character is in terms of your ability to withstand poisons and diseases and things of that nature intelligence how smart your character is wisdom is how wise your character is and Charisma is how pretty are you are you a good leader um and these impact different things in different ways and you can go down through here and you can hover over each one of these to get more information I'm giving you the basic version for those of you who want to read through this at your leisure you can come into the game hover over any given stat and it'll give you additional information as well as the current bonuses that you have which are nothing because we don't have any bonuses from here generally speaking every two points will move you in one direction or the other so right now we have no bonuses to strength but if we do 12 now we have a plus one to strength checks if we do a 14 we have a plus two to strength checks 16 is a plus three and so on and so forth and conversely if we go the opposite way as soon as we start dropping down I have to pick something that's not a primary stat boom you know now I'm negative in that stat as well now every class in the game is going to have a particular stat that is considered the most important stat for that character so if I were to go in here to the Barbarian as an example look on the right hand side over here you're going to notice that that star above the primary stat will change based upon what I choose so a barbarian is a strength based character a bar is a Charisma based character a cleric is a wisdom based character Druids are wisdom Fighters are strength monks are decks paladins are strength Rangers are decks Rogues are decks Sorcerers or Charisma warlocks are Charisma and wizards are intelligence these are all the different ways by the way I love that graphic these are all of the different primary attributes for the various classes so if you've never played DND before or you've never played any of the Baldur's Gate games this is the number one tip that anyone can ever give you which is pay attention to your primary stat that is the thing that governs everything important about the character you are going to be playing through the game so if you want the best version of your primary role in any group you're going to want that stat as high as possible now everything else beyond that point can be modified uh based on what you want your character to do now remember you cannot be good at everything that's why you have additional characters who join your party whether it's in a multiplayer session where you've got your friends joining the party or whether it's your single player playthrough where you have the main characters the origin characters like Gail and lizelle and will and karlak and so on and so forth and jihir Edmonds joining your party um they all have their own classes and their own primary stats and their own skills and makeups and everything else so don't stress too much about what you can do in terms of being the best at everything because you can't be best everything you can make a character that's very specialized in one area perhaps a couple of areas if you multi-class but when you're talking about the full game it's about the strengths and weaknesses of the entire group so bear that in mind when creating your character now some of this could be role play you might want to create a wizard who is super intelligent like 17 but maybe you are really weak so you have an eight in Constitution excuse me really unhealthy think Raceland from Dragon lands really unhealthy but you want to bump your decks up a little bit so go ahead and put some points into decks so maybe you're really quick and then whatever you've got left maybe you put into Charisma or something like this there's lots of different options to go from when you're playing uh dozens of dragons and any tabletop game as well as Baldur's Gate 3. so think about what it is your class wants to do if you're a melee based character you're going to want your strength as high as possible or possibly your hit points I traditionally will tell people if you're rolling in some sort of a fighter take your strength all the way at first and then everything else dump into hit points um because that's what that character is all about being in the front lines doing lots of damage with melee weapons and and absorbing lots of hits and they need lots of hit points for that a spellcaster on the other hand doesn't need hit points because you're never going to be on the front lines and concentration can help you with your concentration um if you hover over this you'll see some different things physical endurance Constitution checks so you know bear that in mind when you're going through here um that you can build your character however you want and here's here's the second most important tip that I can give you quick commercial break everyone to give a shout out to our first official Guild officer Babylonia as well as all of the guild Champions and of course all of the members who help keep me on the air full time to join as a member simply click that join button below and pick your tier but you can also support with super Chats on any live stream or Premiere or super thanks on any upload or YouTube short don't forget the Discord let's get back to the video give you stats do not really matter on the easy mode when you're playing Explorer mode they do impact your character with the bonuses and the the positives and the negative roles and they do affect your roles for skill checks however the easy mode of the game gives you a ton of extra hit points and it basically gives you some modifiers to make you better at everything to make the game more focused on the story of Baldur's Gate 3 as opposed to the rules of Dungeons and Dragons balance mode is for those players who want sort of a normal level of Challenge and tactician mode is really only recommended for those of you who understand 5th Edition rules and or are looking for some sort of a Dark Souls type challenge experience which is not the majority of players and anybody out there who tells you that tactician mode in this game is easy is not actually playing the game the way it's meant to be played they're using um what we call cheese tactics where they'll take like a bunch of barrels and circle an enemy and blow the enemy up with barrels you know that's not the way the encounters are supposed to work you're traditionally supposed to go into the encounter role initiative to see who gets to attack first and then you have a back and forth combat scenario using height to your advantage resistances spells melee abilities uh shoves and all these other things you know in the environment too but bear in mind that tactician mode is very challenging if you play it the way it's meant to be played whereas Explorer mode it's very easy and you don't really need to worry about anything other than the story so in that conversation stats don't mean that much if you just want to play this game for the story which is why I recommend every new player if this is your first time playing all you need to understand is that you have a primary stat put as many points in that as possible put the other points wherever you want it literally does not matter because your playthrough is based on what you want to experience out of the game and remember there are lots of other characters in the game who can join your party who will be able to have strengths that counter your weaknesses and vice versa so don't stress too much about the little things just make a character get in the game and go from there and of course like I said at the beginning don't forget that all of the classes as you go through here have a primary stat so make sure you pay attention to where that gold star is because everybody gets a gold star in this game and that was a horrible dad joke but uh I think we will leave you on that note uh with a horrible dad joke because it's the perfect Parting Shot for those of you who are new to the game and again if you're someone who has lots of experience with DND and fifth edition feel free to drop your tips down in the comments below always welcome to have other experts on Dungeons and Dragons here in the channel don't forget to check out all the other videos in the playlists we are streaming live every single day at 11AM Central with lots of different games happening on the channel hopefully we'll see you in Discord as well and don't forget the member videos for all of you who are new members to the channel in the meantime stay safe everybody and have fun in Forgotten Realms and Baldur's Gate 3. foreign
Channel: Renfail
Views: 268
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 controller, baldurs gate 3 controller, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 stats, baldurs gate 3 ability scores, D&D stats, D&D ability scores, ability scores in BG3, ability scores in Baldur's Gate 3
Id: dzA_BBXbtSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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