Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 - Getting Started Tips + Tricks! Let's Play BG3 on PS5 with combat advice & more

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[Music] Hello friends okay so something a little bit different today because as you probably noticed from the thumbnail of the video um tips and tricks for Baldur's Gate 3 which is launched right now on PS5 um basically didn't have enough time to do a very elaborate uh edited video for you for this embargo but I did want to go over some of the starting points some of the little things that you can do at the very start of the game so give yourself a fun time as someone who's put oh I don't know about a hundred dollars into the PC game and also um is a professional DM um uh so they keep telling me um I just thought you know like let's let's go through a few little bits and pieces I'll try to keep it as succinct as possible but let's roll a new character too and see what happens I've just I almost just went to just go to my keyboard and mice but no we're using a controller and bear with me because this is going to be very weird but new game first I tried to do um cross play on my on my uh two platforms um I've obviously already got all my saves on PC and I definitely have cross play ticked on PC options but whether the patch isn't out yet for PS5 um I couldn't find that option on there but that's fine because don't want to show you too many spoilers anyway all right so explore our balance tactician I have Heritage tactician uh it mixed actually I mean listen I'll be honest with you sometimes the combat in this game is quite um challenging um and I think that's a good thing because it's just quite different if you're not used to turn based combat um you know turn-based strategy uh it's gonna be an adventure but I say Embrace that um there is always a way around things it's very seldom that you would have to reload an earlier save but you know if you did want to do that that's totally fine and often you can avoid combat entirely um although it may enable a moral quandary or two we've skipped over the uh lovely the absolutely gorgeous cinematic just because I'm gonna assume a lot of y'all have seen it already or you know you don't need me to talk you through it at this point just enjoy it in your own game so we're through to character creation no is it going to be custom is it going to be origin I think for the purposes of this we'll go custom although I will say you know origin characters pretty great um but of course you know these most of these origin characters will be available as companions um in your playthrough anyway and on that note I will say um unless there's a class that you really really um kind of like that's my class I'm gonna play as it um if you're fairly open to just trying something out and bear in mind you can respect um when you get a little ways into the game you can race back and that's great um I would maybe take into consideration just like a real game of d d take into consideration the the classes that you will have by your site and maybe make your decision based on that whether that is origin characters so NPCs in the game or if you're deciding to play multiplayer maybe have a chat with your friends and sort of figure out a party that is a little bit more balanced you know I'm not saying you can't have a group of three four bards but you just might have a more difficult time um but in the case of playing it single player you know you have a rogue you have a star and you have I mean I'm assuming you'll pick these guys up you'll have carlak maybe who is a Barbarian so if you have all those classes at your disposal you maybe want to go with one that you don't have and in the case of this game oh there you go in the case of this game that might be for example in my first playthrough I went as a sorcerer um there's a little bit of an overlap obviously with wizard in that sense but I find it pretty well worked out pretty well Bard is maybe a good option because you know what let's get let's get into it probably I'm like I'm getting ahead of myself so in D you have six you can see them on the side there you have six major um stats that that all of your other abilities are are sort of like branched out from you have strength dexterity Constitution intelligence wisdom and charisma and so every class has their has like a sliding scale of which of those things is most important to them and which is least important and the game very helpfully tells you um with that little star there which is most important um to a particular class so warlock for example is a Charisma based class pretty self-explanatory a barbarian's main thing is strength um Rogue is dexterity and essentially I think you want to have a good balance because not just those six have different skills that Branch from them so for example from dexterity comes sleight of hand which means and stealth so that means that Rogues are naturally very good at stealth and sleight of hand things which means historian should be your go-to to doing anything sneaky so he will be better at lock picking than Lazelle than Carlock than anybody else in the party um so you should use that because as you can see every skill has a numerical value attached to it and um when it comes to making um skill checks which we'll get into later skill checks and saving throws it just means that they have a higher number that will be added to the dice roll which means that success is more likely in their case I'm getting ahead of myself let's go back and let's just do for the purposes of this let's go custom let's go body type one let's go female let's go race we've got elf we've got tiefling we've got dry we've got human um GIF Yankee dwarf half elf halfling gnome Dragonborn half work so quite a choice right and as you can see there are there are little little differences between um between each of the races you can you get certain things that make certain race slash class combinations better I'm like hesitant to say that because you can make anything work it's absolutely fine and that is the beauty of this game and of d d as a whole but if you are wanting to mid-max a little bit if you're wanting to create the most effect Ive character possible um then that's something to bear in mind you want to be looking through all these little things you know like um for example a lot of raise a lot of races have dark vision which means they can see in the dark better which might be good for Rogues um I don't know uh blah blah there is no race and class that I I would say is better for a beginner than any others I mean maybe if you don't want to bother getting too much and things get a little more complex when it comes to spell casting and so if you wanted to keep things as simple as possible human fighter you know that's absolutely fine if you want to just bunk things with a big sword wear nice armor and not worry about it too much and then you know get a little bit more spicy with your second playthrough that's that's fine too I mean I'm very fond of a tiefling dry pretty interesting get a little Dancing Lights can trip you get um Superior dark vision um but you know it's all just different flavors of of whatever you like um for this let's go so I'm doing like lawful good on my current playthrough I want to make it through so I'm thinking I might do something a bit spicy for that but let's see two appearance or sub race yes so it gets more complex there's races and then there's some races there's classes and then there's subclasses um and would you believe not all of them from DND are available here there's even more um let's see dry half elf try Alpha I might go that okay no Rogue sorcerer warlock wizard now you might be asking yourself the difference between Sorcerer And wizard aren't they the same thing no narratively speaking a wizard is someone who studies very hard and yes goes goes through schools of magic learns the ways of magic whereas for a sorcerer it is innate it is their Birthright um and for that reason they have slightly fewer Spells at their disposal they have some fun little subclasses there as well um and more locks warlocks are kind of again there's a bit of overlap but they get some unique spells um they all are also a little bit better with weapons and um and they have pretty much the the most powerful can trip in the game which is Eldritch blast what's a can trip I hear you ask a can trip is a spell that you can cast again and again and again and it doesn't draw on your resources it doesn't draw on your spouse slots don't worry we'll get to those and um yeah it just doesn't cost anything to do so can trips can be very important um choosing the right one and knowing when to have them um this is spell slots or what makes I think Baldur's Gate 3 quite interesting and maybe a little bit more difficult um to sort of figure out um than some other sort of RPGs for newcomers because you can't can't spells maybe as freely as you used to and in particular um let's choose Bart let's let's just go with Bart because I think that's a good support character for the party that we're making and you get some good spells as a part so bards are all about you know bolstering your party so Bardock inspiration is a very important thing um that you give uh you give boosts to your allies attack ability checks and saving through the rule um but you know okay let's see let's go let's let's this is all great this is good let's do that um we're going barred and then can trips what have we got we've got vicious mockery standard and blade War do you want blade Ward minor illusion I'm gonna no no no I'm gonna go magehand instead why not uh May Chan skin it can be quite useful um spells we've got so you've got to pick four selected out of all these available ones we've got what's this animal friendship I mean descendant Whispers I do quite like that uh and we've got hideous laughter and heroism so we've got healing as well a healing word healing word is great because that's a bonus action of an action which means you can do your Wii attack or another spell and then also cast healing Ward but again you need to be careful of your spell slots um so hard to it's so hard to explain everything in a nice elegant what eloquent eloquent way that you know is that makes sense speak of animals that's always good to have I think because there's a lot of animals in this game and it's so fun starting instrument do I want to drum a flute a loot a liar or a violin I'm gonna go with a liar why not background charlatan yes so your background is kind of important because you do get um proficiencies in other skills which is what I mentioned before which means you're the number that you had to dice rule for deception inside of hand for example is greater which means you're more likely to succeed in those skill checks um so just have a think about what you want your character to do you know what kind of things you want to be good at as you see Charisma is our most important um ability and we don't really need anything in wisdom we definitely don't need anything in strength unless you decide to multi multi-class later um that's fine skill proficiency ah so here we go this is what I was saying before with your skills so this is these would all be on your character sheet if you were playing d d IRL um so you know sleight of hand really good I should be should be chef's kiss with that Athletics not the most not the most I haven't been to the gym in a while um plus five dollar intimidation performance that's because of the old Charisma it's it's pretty good to be a face by which I mean you know you're the person in the party that does the talk and turn on the charm cooks and cajole there's a there are there are a lot of instances in this game where it all comes down to talking someone into or out of things um persuasion intimidation and Deception come up quite a lot and it's it's pretty good to be to be okay at those butts you don't have to talk you can just Bonk things on the head you know um look at how pretty all right and then you think you're done with a character creation and then you've gotta start all over again um let's not take too long you can you can get well into this if you want to I'm just gonna a huge difference between those two by the way but we're not going to get into an eye okay so we're gonna get started ah it's himself oh yeah looking well looking good here's all our different actions you can see this is uh you can perform we can speak with animals here's some of our spells here there's ranged attack on armed strike inspiration piercing shot some of our spells here and then you can see our spell slots there done at the bottom and our the number of bardic Inspirations we have so those are the number uh of both of those things that we have until a long rest um there are two types of rests in this game there are short rests and there are long rests short rests you can do anywhere um and they will just immediately replenish I think 50 of your hit points and if you're a warlock it will restore your spouse Lots but for anyone else that's all it will do it will just give you a little bit of Health a fair bit of Health back but you will not replenish your spouse thoughts you need to do a long rest in order to do that um which if you're a spell casting class it's kind of rough you know you need your spell slots to really be at your full potential um but uh there's no real except for a few circumstances throughout the game and you really need to choose Common Sense on it there's no real downsides taking a long rest it just means that you will get into your your relaxed clothes for the night you'll go to Camp um and actually it's good to do because it means that you check in with your um with your party you can advance your relationship with them in a lot of ways but yes long rest is good to do um and uh the other thing about long rest is that um when so there's an option here let's find out where it is here are here maybe it's not available yet but um when you when you choose to go to Camp um [Music] that and take a long rest wherever wherever you choose to do that that is where at the end of your long rest and you choose to leave Camp it is where you'll go back to so it's not a matter of you will immediately leave the dungeon that you're in or you'll lose progress in the area it'll send you back to where you are before so don't worry about that and you know sometimes you you kind of should take long rest because years of humor otherwise you're really gonna struggle with um all the combat that you come up against so um just turn it down the volume there so you yeah don't be afraid to take long rests uh is the moral of that story so what just happened there was a what's called a passive perception check and there's there's not a ton that you can do about that that is based on your stats and um so if you're naturally better your passive perception is different from your from your perception as a skill um and it's kind of like the game's equivalent of when a DM rolls behind the screen and doesn't tell you why they've just done it so you're kind of like well if you fail you're like well what was that about what what should I be aware of um but yeah it's just if you fail don't worry about it it's probably fine um but so you sound afraid who am I talking to a man or a brain I think we all know the answer to that husk you realize we're going to an intellect Devourer a minion of the Mind flares who abducted you so there we rolled in our counter check and we passed so we get a little bit of extra information there um and you know there will be moments in the game where you know obviously uh Magic users are going to be better at Arcana checks but they'll be they'll be strength checks and um you know Athletics checks um acrobatics checks in the game that natural melee classes will be more predisposed to succeeding as well so it's designed in a way that it's there's no no one has an advantage over anybody else really so it's all about the role play what makes sense so there's no right or wrong answer uh if you want to destroy the brain if you think that's a good thing to do you do it if you I I'm I'm leaning to more towards a a more evil character as I said so do I want to gently pry well you know if we're going by natural ability you know Dex is what I'm best at in all of these things so we're gonna do our first skill check uh of the game yeah so it needs to meet or exceed the target number and your character skills add a bonus to this role there we go nice and easy so we get a plus two to whatever we roll the difficulty class is 10 so that's fairly easy to beat um so we've got we've got a better than 50 chance of succeeding when you add in our modifier so ah we failed [Music] now later in the game we will be able to uh sort of stockpile what's known as inspiration which will allow you to re-roll checks that you really want to succeed um we don't have any right now so gotta destroy the brain I tried [Music] lovely there we go sorry little brain sorry little intellect the Myrna fell to a lethal blue sorry mernath um I'm sure that won't bite Us in the butt later that was our first skill check we failed miserably sign of things to come but hey that's just that's the beauty of d d and uh Baldur's Gate 3. it's and at some level everything more or less comes down to luck even you can have the best plan ever and it'll just happen oh so here we are we're on the North Lloyd now and oh dear there goes the kathyunki and they're Red Dragons if we look so silly in our little rough uh oh I love lizelle so much ah yeah so with blazelna in our party we have uh we have someone who's gonna bunk the enemies on the head do a nice little bit of damage while we go yay from the side we'll do a bit more than that but you know what I mean all right so combat happens and Ryan's each participant gets a turn to act um roughly and d d everyone takes about six seconds real time um but obviously this is turn-based you can take as long as you like um so we've got actions bonus actions you've also got reactions uh which we'll get to and you've got movement and generally speaking every sort of medium-sized character has about 30 feet of movement um so here we go so I am currently so I'm I'm The Bard so I don't need I don't need to be up close to enemies um because I am you know I'm a spellcaster that's my main thing so I will cast I don't want to cast descendant Whispers or vicious mockery so insult a creature it has disadvantage so ultimately my job is not really at this point is not really doing damage the best thing I can do is uh buff my uh party members and slow enemies down what you want to do is you want to be doing as much on your turns as possible while making sure the enemies do as little as possible so if I frighten a creature it'll be easier to hit and it cannot move so that would be useful for Lazelle so so it has a 60 chance of working I'll take that so let's I also did some damage so that's all right and I killed it all right um ending my turn well let's dismiss that can I do I have any bonus actions I can take I mean yes I can perform I can cast healing word as I said that is a bonus action but we have full health so that would be pointless um I could shove shove go on then seems like the best way yay and I managed to shove because that that did require a rule so now I can add my turn just a nice lays out who does not have enough movement however she does have ranged attacks so yeah you can see how far they can move there um so let's move over to here and then let's do a ranged attack on Thorn 85 chance it's pretty good is he dead yeah okay so and that is I believe the only yeah I've got second wind but again don't lacerate I don't think I have yeah no I don't have the movement for that so I will end my turn rude so it's my turn again so let's go actions let's go can I go and leave a creature prone with laughter so this requires concentration which means that there's only one enemy left so this is fine but if you are casting a spell that requires concentration you will need to maintain that concentration um so rather than ruling to attack that enemy for that um for heady's laughter the enemy needs to make a saving through against it um and uh it succeeded which means that it it didn't take any damage on that or it didn't it didn't work Grand we land our turn there I know lizelle is going to fit 95 the simp is done for there we go sweet let's talk okay fine fine oh yes maisel took a little bit of damage so why not I feel yeah so how do I bring up the map okay so that's where we're headed yes I'll definitely have that thank you two all right and we'll climb up here okay arterial mesh lovely I love that they actually called it a sphincter today call a sphincter sphincter you know who's this hello uh that could have been you let's do this the console appears we need new clothes I can't take it seriously in that outfit uh look for a switch dang it so we failed out our count of check so we can't nope no idea I want to get this person out so let's go through the sphincter oh hello all right mate she doesn't notice it's basically like I think for Ballers Gate 3 the best advice to give is just explore explore everything think a little bit outside the box even um remember that you don't have to fight you don't have to go like you you can use your spells very creatively in a lot of uh instances oh that's so nice thank you wow beautiful you're a brain on legs but that's still very sweet thank you okay use the console appears dormant sorry they're in let's do a little Arcana check why not so we have a plus one to intelligence which isn't much but when you're talking a difficulty class of 10 every little helps right so let's roll 16. see let me tell you later in the game like there are instances where because you can get items that will give you a boost to your um your roles you can get like um guidance is a very handycan trip that a lot of characters will have that will give you a plus well it'll give you a 1d4 roll add it to your number um it can be impossible to fail at some certain things that's probably because you succeeded that Arcana check you get a little bit more information than you would have otherwise um it's so funny do we want to weld the Pod to open up yes why not I actually avoided using any of the illifid stuff in my original playthrough because it's completely optional difficulty class too um but I'm being a little bit more evil on this one so it's the it's honestly as someone who's played this game for ours and R's and ours I still feel like I've barely like I know that I've barely scratched the surface in of certain storylines within the game and the things that you do really do make a difference across your mind it's always good to feel seated um yeah it's incredible like you can you can play like complete a completely different story dependent on whether you're good or evil or whatever oh yeah you're right thank you gratitude is mixed with weariness because you have a gift with you because I was like one dangerous company Let's Go Gang let's go besties um we're going this way it's actually wild about the different perspective like this looks completely different than my PC playthrough because we're we're on that sort of like almost third personal over the shoulder view rather than the kind of top darn right we're all full on health gals so let's I'm just trying to hit on you of course if you're new to the game I'm sure you know already but uh romances are a thing um and it's a lot of fun uh is all I'll say um oh here we go hello the problem with horns they make it make very good very easy for a mind flare to grab onto ya and have a little nibble the last nibble he ever had I'm no throw cake after his and we rolled initiative so and we do have a number of there's I mean it's very generous 15 we could we could finish this whole fight in 15 runs but um yeah so as you noticed uh combat um at the start of combat when it is initiated everyone rolls initiative and that determines the order in which everyone gets to move which you can see at the top there that is the order of initiative um more dexterous characters have more uh more of a chance of being higher on the initiative list than others um and as you level up you can also get the alert feet which means that you cannot be surprised and you generally are pretty high up on that as well which is very useful for characters that you generally want to move early on in combat anyway so it's because of combat it's like like I said before it's not just about doing damage it's about setting yourself up to win and in this game it can vary wildly whether you are whether you win or lose um based on how like how you set yourself up before the fight even starts let's try let's try and let's try and do this hey so we made it full prone um so yeah it can be like as you as you explore the world you'll notice that um there's different terrain for example um yeah sure why not oh not enough resource that I use my action and it tells you at the bottom you've already used your action but you do have a bonus action if you would like to use it we don't eat Carowinds don't I can give yeah let's give a little bit of Arctic inspiration too lizelle go on and then we'll end my turn and it's the Mind flares go uh so let's go and attack 95 chance of winning that that's good dead we'll end that turn and we will you also have other actions um let's Dash so dashing increases your movement speed but it does count as an action so it means that I can't also get an attack this round for shadow heart um Rogues as a class can use Dash as a bonus action um because they're naturally speedier um do we have any no we'll get back up um but yeah it's just it really pays to know the difference between um uh between actions and bonus actions and also um just the little little things that um mean that characters are more or less likely to succeed on their roles because even though you can't see it happening rolling is happening for each and every one of your attacks just like it would do in a d d game it's all based on the numbers on your character sheet basically um but for example uh if um if a Melee character is in range of is is in melee range of arranged character and that's a spellcaster or an Archer for example they will be in a threatened state which means they have disadvantage on their attack rules which means they are more likely to fail those attack rules um let's do range attack ah um but knowing those things mean that you know you're you'll be better placed to why aren't you moving okay so you can go to but here but let's keep this keep going busy and then let's keep moving as well Shadow heart is gonna keep going up this way but let's uh Dash again go on off you go please don't worry we've got like 14 more runs before that's gonna happen and it's handy because look the line is white up until the end of your movement and then it is red so it shows you how far you can go um which is definitely very useful to know we'll keep moving keep removing there and it also that little bar at the in the bottom in the middle over there just above your action bar that'll also show your movement too how much movement you have last oi rude let's make a ranged attack why not we don't have the movement to make a main hand attack so we will make arranged one instead okay oh God Shadow heart um let's make you dash again no we need to go around because do you see that red arrow that's coming off that bore there so if you go too close to an enemy character or if you're close to them and you try and move away from them you will provoke what is called an attack of opportunity um so that's about as far as I can go which is a reaction which means they can do it in addition to their turn um you can do it too if an enemy is um there we go perfect um if an enemy moves away from you um but yes generally if you see that red arrow that means you will provoke an act an attack of opportunity unless you disengage um which is a thing that you can do so yeah I do I genuinely think this game um if you're interested in DND I've said this before um apologies if you've heard me say this about 100 times on the channel but if you're interested in D D um if and you're like not sure the best way to learn the rules aside from reading the player's handbook cover to cover this is a really great way to do it this is a great way to literally build the class the subclass the race that you're interested in playing and learn what they can do um learn all the little bits of ends and outs I I think this is actually a fantastic way um to get into DND just to learn the little bits that you might be unsure of um before you get into campaign proper uh with with a group and with the DM um which is obviously the best ever we'll be seeing all these guys later as friends or foes who knows oh dear oh yeah but long tentacles you have boss [Music] foreign [Music] I love this game so much there's bits unique items oh cool um there's bits of things everywhere um so look our movement is slowed because we're in water um difficult terrain deep water that means if we were in combat it doesn't really matter because we're just exploring but if we were in combat difficult terrain means your movement speed 30 feet is halved which obviously is not what you want so you don't really want to be if you can avoid difficult terrain you want to avoid it um for sure so it really pays to pay attention to all those little tool tips the the tutorials are there to help you um I almost walked right over you no I because I'm playing a slightly more evil character I would reach the artifact but she is very attractive and I'm only human sorry I'm only half elf so playing the long game here I'm alive no what's at stake one it would have been all too lead the way thank you so as you've seen shadowheart approved of that that's nice the uh a lot of people assume the romance system in this game is based on approval I don't know whether that's true um I mean certainly based on something but uh so yeah look no we can control Shadow heart because she's in our party Shadow heart is a cleric which means you get access to lots of nice uh clericky spells including some healing spells she's got a lot of other moves in her repertoire as well um but yes I am really excited to play this game again I'm in act three in my other playthrough but I'm still excited to go right back to the start and try it out on PS5 as well oh yes do check your books everybody you can find some really interesting things in books um which I know will shock nobody who's played an RPG before but it is does uh bear repeating um tell you what let's let's get to can we get to take you I am taking the fish because I believe that is a camp supply and you need supplies in order to rest at camps there we go now we've got a lovely little um Waypoint you can use these to fast travel way to invest in getting rid of the fog of War of memories oh is it a battle I think it might be all right let's go listen to Whispers are you too far away 60 that's fine one come on guys come and get it nice shadow heart being a cleric uh is mostly um is it spellcaster uh as disguised so these these spells not that useful for battle but very useful for other for other social dilemmas and social problem solving which is just as an important a thing in this game as combat is um guiding Bolt in platoons Firebolts sacred flame now sacred flame and Firebolt are canned trips which if you recall you can cast as much as you like it doesn't cost anything the expels that cost a spell slot you can see they have one there because they will cost a spell slot you can see it also highlights spell slots down there in the corner when I'm highlighted when I'm hovering over them but sacred flame fireable do not so let's cast Firebolts 80 as well now can trips because you can cast them as much as you like it makes sense that they're not as powerful as a full fat spell but you can still get you can still get um a decent sort of go with uh with them that I cast uh my spell that I cast on that one means it's frightened so it can't do anything and that's why it's worth doing things even if they don't do that much damage because now that made this uh this round much easier for us we're at disadvantage because these are too close to us and remember as a spell casting class if we're in melee range we don't like it we are threatened um but that doesn't mean we can't do anything so let's cast sixty percent um however it's saved so it um yeah it sort of guarded against uh our attack there so that didn't do anything but Shadow heart's about to miss um oh still getting used to this system I press triangle when I didn't mean to um I think I will do a range attack there we go because it was pretty easy it was one hit pointers uh all right so now one let's go no sacred flame I don't rule to attack on that I rule they have to they have to roll a saving throw for that and because of that it's not always it's not always super effective in combat I I seem to have really bad luck with it um let's try it why not but the good thing about that is because as a as a spellcaster you're not obviously you know I'm threatened at the moment um well they're threatened but I'm also threatened and remember if you're threatened you're rolling a disadvantage however if it's an attack that requires a saving throw you're not a disadvantage these are things that it's worth knowing about haha let's take the brain all right intern and then uh come on saved dang it all right let's go inflict wins why not 95 let's go there we go oh hello here's a fan favorite character over here he's got the internet in a bit of a test certainly like Tick Tock for you Paige I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry am I uh Dex why not difficulty 10 we can do this yeah should we kiss about it first dressing about whilst I was trapped in that port and those tentacled freaks do to me what would you like me to do to you huh anyway with that lovely threat of death uh that is where we'll leave it um I am going to do probably more Baldur's Gate 3 tips in the not too distant future I've already done a guide for dummies it's PC specific but I think a lot of the tips still apply so if you're new if you're just getting started this weekend on PS5 congrats check it out why not um it should be helpful um oh you've got such a great journey ahead of you uh I hope you have a lot of fun let me know how you're getting on and if there's anything specific you want me to do a video on combat uh romance uh whatever let me know in the comments and I'll try and get around to it until then um good luck getting that tadpole removed and also Romancing all of your party whatever happens first you know bye
Channel: Eurogamer
Views: 157,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3, bg3 ps5, baldurs gate ps5, baldurs gate 3 ps5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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