Greatest Abandoned Fairytale Castle In The World ~ Millions Left Behind!

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Chateau Milles Chambre, a captivating  masterpiece known as the castle with 1000 rooms. The castle is discreetly set, yet perfectly  positioned. Its design takes in magnificent,   far reaching views over the surrounding  landscape of rolling, wooded hills and   valleys. For over 900 years, the Fayolle family  has proudly protected this cherished land,   their connection to the castle's illustrious  history spanning through generations. Chateau Milles Chambre's history dates  back to 1143, when a medieval stronghold   was erected on the site. Throughout  the turbulent Hundred Years War,   it endured attacks and witnessed the struggle  between the French and English. Rebuilt in   the 15th century as a fortified castle, it  fell under English occupation until it was   looted and burned down in 1485. Reconstruction  efforts in the 18th and 19th centuries brought   forth the magnificent structure that stands  today, showcasing a blend of architectural   styles and rich historical significance. This  enduring castle, with its golden sandstone   and intricate woodwork, stands as a testament  to the centuries of grandeur and resilience. The castle boasts 25 exquisite  bedrooms, 6 enchanting bathrooms,   and a captivating entrance hall, all set amidst  over 500 hectares of perfectly positioned land.   Its thoughtfully designed architecture  allows for breathtaking views of the   rolling hills that surround it, creating  a truly magnificent and serene atmosphere. Join us on an enchanting journey as we explore  every corner of this architectural masterpiece,   which now stands as the largest  abandoned castle in the world. Welcome back everybody to the  Bros of Decay! I am Lesley and,   as usual, behind the camera we have Mr. Danny. "Hello everyone," Danny interjects, "Today we  are filming an incredible abandoned castle.   This one is just majestic, nestled in the  countryside of France with 900 years of   history. It's built on the foundations  of a 12th-century medieval fortress,   and the current building was  constructed in the 18th century."  In my opinion, this is one of the most  beautiful abandoned castles in France.   "Yes," Danny agrees, "this is breathtaking.  I've never seen a castle this huge with so   many pristine rooms. Your mind is going to be  blown. We're working hard to bring you all these   beautiful documentaries, so definitely subscribe  to the channel, because we're not done yet!" Just look at the hallway we're standing in right  now; it's absolutely breathtaking. High ceilings,   everything in here - if I'm not mistaken - is made  out of marble. "Right," Danny confirms, "Well, not   the walls. The walls are golden sandstone. But  the floors are wild marble, as are the stairs."  It's absolutely incredible; these stairs are  already 300 years old. "Yes," Danny adds,   "It's massive. Back in time, there used to be  a grand chandelier here in the middle of the   room. You know what this hallway reminds  me of? The Palace of Versailles. Only a   smaller version. But this place is also  way older, and with way more history." You can also see taxidermy animals on the wall.  This place is in a very well-renowned hunting area   in France, and a lot of hunting gatherings  were held here. "Yeah," Danny agrees, "The   family were hunters. You can see it everywhere." I love these crown molding pieces here in the   wall, above the door. They're not weapon crests;  they're just decoration pieces. This place used to   be owned by the Favoli family - a French family.  It's hard to pronounce. But 900 years of history,   these buildings belonged to the same  family. Never changed, which is crazy.  Let's go into this room. I want to showcase to you  the dining space of this place. A very important   room back in the day in the castle, and also  a very beautiful room, in my opinion. If it's   already beautiful now, imagine back in the day. We have to address that a lot of stuff that was   inside has already been taken out to be sold or  saved. This place is going to be sold very soon,   but it's on the market for 13.5 million euros.  I will leave a link in the description for   people who might be interested in such a  place because it needs saving, of course.  The first thing I want to point out in this room  is this beautiful oakwood table. This table has   been here since the castle was constructed in  1766. It's as old as this castle, and it's still   standing. An interesting fact about this table is  that it has instructions on the bottom - although   you cannot see them - on how to make it larger and  smaller, depending on the size of the gathering. Have you also seen these beautiful upholstered  chairs here? They are simple but beautiful.   Up there, I want to point out the  couple of brass - or perhaps iron,   as it's rusty - chandeliers. And also, the  crown molding at the top there is beautiful.  There's an elephant in the room: a beautiful  marble statue. Wait, it's porcelain,   surrounded by this marble sort of high fireplace.  The fireplace itself is incredible. I love how the   marble has these veins. Every single piece in this  house is of prominence, worth thousands of euros.  Finally, I want to showcase the curtains  over here. This beautiful red velvet is   typical of French castles but looks very beautiful  in this one as well. And you probably wanted to   point out the paintings above the doorways. In  every room, they tell a story. These are bespoke   paintings, custom-made for every single room. In this room, the dining room, they're about food.   You can see a butcher at work here, some meats  hanging on the wall, a dog with a bone - very   interesting. The plaster ceiling is incredible. Let's remember that places like these had a   whole team of people working here to serve  everybody, to maintain this chateau and the   priceless antiques that were inside. It would  take not hundreds but thousands of people. If you can make a cabinet with velvet, imagine  what you can do with a bedroom. I'm just teasing   people right now; the bedrooms are insane.  Let's see over here. I'm just going to walk   through it because I think these are the kitchen  areas. There's definitely a stairway over here   already that leads up, but we're going to go  up later. It's probably a servant's stairway.   Then here, we have a lot of fridge  space, kitchen space, and cabinet space. We're, of course, always very respectful of  these places and try to leave them exactly   how we found them. Yeah, there's a lot of echo in  here. This hallway is very echoing. But we also   have to say one thing: we're making this video  with total respect for the family. Absolutely.   Because they're trying to sell this place and  keep it as it is, but it's really hard because   it's huge. Imagine selling something in the  middle of nowhere that's worth 13.5 million   Euros. That's absolutely crazy. I love this  painting. I must say, it's a bit on a simple,   cartoonish side, but I really like it. Look at this built-in grandfather clock here;   it's literally worked into the wall. There's  no clock piece in there anymore, but it's   crazy. I think they must have stored all their  hunting guns in here for sure. It's the grandest   wall clock that I've ever seen. It's the most  beautiful, and yeah, it's different in the world.  Want to see this room? So, it's very prevalent  in French castles; you always see it. There's   one main room that leads to multiple rooms,  and they all connect to each other. Here,   we have the main hallway that connects  to every single dining room. This room,   I think, used to be the lounging room, if  I'm not mistaken. A salon, it's called. And from here, you can see those shutters in  the back. They would all open up, and they open   up to a balcony that's behind here. We'll show  you the outside of the castle at the end. When   I first saw this castle dome up in the distance,  it's so huge from the house. Leslie is proof that   when I saw it, I was like, 'What am I seeing?' It  looks like a monster on a hill. It is a monster. Look at the paintings here above the doors;  you can see angels in this painting sort of   lounging. They're lying down, so this also  tells a story that this is the salon room,   the place where you can relax. It's  the art room where you can listen to   music. It's the relaxing room where you can  just stay and relax. I think, in the time,   there must have been musical instruments in  here, or maybe a grand piano or something. Look how beautiful this room is. Isn't this  pink really pink? Show off the chairs as well.   Let's look at the paintings on the walls.  You can also showcase the crown molding.   Here, you see the angels on the wall  above the door. They're making music,   and like we told before, they're telling a  story. Also, on the walls here, we have this   sort of plaster 3D work, and they depict musical  instruments like flutes and other instruments. Look at these grand mirrors here, Danny.  Aren't they fascinating? Do you know why   there are so many mirrors inside  of a room, especially this one? Mirrors reflect, which makes the room  appear larger. So, if you're, for example,   just looking at the mirror, you see immediately  that it creates the illusion of a bigger space.   That's why there's a mirror on every wall of this  room. It's quite interesting. Right now, the room   is very empty; back in the day, it would have had  chairs, tables in the middle, and huge carpets on   this floor. Imagine just having the shutters open,  filling the room with light - it would have been   incredible. The chandelier that must have  hung in here would also have been impressive.  What a cool room! But the next one that  we're going to show you is even better.   I'm going to slowly close everything  as we move through the rooms.   The stairway is for later; we'll take it up then. I really love how this home looks. Did you  notice those windows up there? There's a   grand bench standing here on the floor.  Oh wow, I love this! There's a flower   here. It's beautiful. The upholstery... well,  it's kind of just a cushion on this big sofa.   As you can see, every single piece in  this place is an antique and intricately   designed. I love the carvings on this  one. It's beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Oh, yeah, this is what   I want to show. I was originally thinking about  showing another room first, but this one is even   more incredible. I feel like we have to show this  room right now. People are dying to see a bedroom.   I also love how the doorways are constructed, so  authentic. Have you noticed that from the hallway   to here, everything got smaller? Under the stairs,  we are under the stairs right now. I'm about 5   feet 11 inches, approximately 1.80 meters, and you  can see that everything got a little bit smaller. You won't believe this bedroom. It's absolutely  incredible. I, myself, have seen such a bed in   a museum somewhere in Europe, but never in an  abandoned place. I always call these 'heaven   beds,' but they are just magnificent bedrooms  that portray royalty. From the sheets on the bed,   they look handmade. If you look into it,  it looks like they're pieced together,   carefully stitched. Everything in here is made  so beautifully. It also looks like the people   who slept in this bed were really small. It's a  very small bed. I also think this was for a child,   most likely, but I'm not going to assume anything. Look at this backrest here; there's even a   crest up there. And, you know, because  this is on a wall, you can call this   a tapestry. If you look into it again, these  small details, you can see that it's made of very   different types of fabrics. It's so  crazy. I just love how the top piece   protrudes over the length of the bed. That  gives it a very fairy-tale-like experience. The back here on the wall seems very  plain. If you're focusing on it,   it looks like a wall. This is actually used to  be a complete bespoke tapestry. I'm not sure   from where the tapestry was, but it's a French  region that made tapestries back in the time.   We will put the name on the screen. They, of  course, have been taken out. They were super   valuable. I don't know if they sold it or saved  it, but they were taken out. That's for sure. Let's take a look at the artworks on the wall.   They don't depict what happens here  in the bedroom, though. They depict   more of a dinner party in this room.  Don't forget, this family was known for   joy, for parties, for gatherings. Weddings would  be held in this castle. Parties and balls would   be held here. It's absolutely incredible. So, all  the depictions and paintings are going to be of   parties, of gatherings. It's not going to be  just one person; it's going to be multiple. As you can see here, the angels are sitting,   looking at each other. I like this  one. This shows a hunting heritage.   Two angels shot a deer or a hound or something.  It looks like a dog, but I hope it's not.  Another thing to note, every single place in this  home, because it was built in the 1700s-1800s,   also has a fireplace. These places can get very  cold in the winter, so they needed a fireplace.   The castle is built of cold sandstone, which is  very cold. If you look from the outside, the stone   is big, massive, and not normally hot, but cold.  It's actually great because, in summer, it gets   very hot here, so it's nice to have a cool place.  But in the winter, it can also get very cold here. Might as well just say it, they normally  put tapestries on the wall to warm up the   rooms. That's why, exactly. We're going  to see a lot of rooms with tapestries.   Here's the bathroom connecting to it. This  place has 25 bedrooms and six bathrooms.   Most bathrooms are shared and big. Because  this place is well known in the urban scene,   we call it 'Mill Chamber,' which actually  means 'a thousand rooms.' This place has so   many rooms; you're not going to believe it. Okay, let's carry on to the next one then. Let's close this one again. There's another  section to this side, but I'm not going   to show everything inside of this place  because, like I told you just a moment ago,   it has a thousand rooms, and we're only going  to focus on the very interesting ones of this   place. Yeah, there are some rooms that  are empty, sometimes they are decayed,   and sometimes they are closed, so  we're just going to show you the best. Look at this, guys. Behind this  door is their private wine cellar,   which is still filled with hundreds of bottles of  vintage wine. Look at that. I want to take one of   those out. Let me just go inside. Watch out,  there are also bottles on the floor. It smells   like wine in here, really strong. Look at those  bottles. It's Blanc, so that's white, white wine.   Oh my god, they're all so dusty and  old and they have been in here forever.   Looking at the wealth of this family, there  must be some really good ones in here,   and also very expensive. We have to mention  that this is the wine cellar upstairs. There's   another wine cellar downstairs which is smaller  and doesn't have as many bottles, but still. I'm even welcoming you into a really beautiful  room of this place, and actually very unique for   France. This is one of the only castles in France  that has a theater inside of the castle. This was   a space for the family to be able to entertain  their guests because, like we told before,   these people were all about parties and all  about having an interesting, good time and   entertainment. They literally ordered to build  this wonderful theater to entertain their guests.   This theater is very special. Every single piece  of this theater has been hand-painted and crafted.   Just take it in. Take a quick look  at it. It's absolutely incredible.  It's so special, especially because the paintings  on the wall, you guys right now, cannot see it on   camera. Not even me, I cannot see it. But they  have a 3D effect. If I do this, you can see that   every painting is slightly tilted. Exactly, it's  just to make the 3D effect to make it bigger.   Yeah, it's not actually that big, this stage, but  it appears bigger due to this. There's also a sun   projected here in the top of the theater, which  is a very unique piece of this. And not only the   sun but also the crown molding around it. And  the paintings, if you go down, you have these   kind of fake curtains painted here to divide it. Like I told you before in the other room,   this was also the venue where multiple weddings  would be held, and I think even family members got   married in here. That's super interesting. We're  standing on 900 years of history of these people,   from their Medieval times all the way  to the modern ages. When we say 900,   it's because that's the age of the actual walls of  the castle. The castle burned down, but the actual   walls of the castle, the golden sandstone walls,  are still the same. The architect preserved them;   they weren't demolished, so it's literally here. A very interesting fact about this room is,   you can also see the empty spaces on the wall.  They all used to be bespoke tapestries, custom   made. Some were made in Brussels, some of them  were made here in France. They were all placed   here on the wall. If I can find a photo of this  room with the tapestries, I have to put it on,   because the room with the tapestries and the  chairs that were in here would come to life. Look at this wonderful bench also here in  the corner, a beautiful piece of antique.   And let's also... oh, you see the drawing,  something... Back in the day, this was very   usual. Architects and people that were building  this place would draw stuff on the walls just   for fun because they knew there was going to be  painted or covered. So they just drew something,   and there are calculations, a palm tree, these  drawings could be more than 250 years old. Most likely, because the walls were always  covered, imagine a worker of this place 250   years ago just having fun and drawing  on the wall here. That's such a crazy   thought actually. And we are sure there were  workers because there's no single graffiti or   vandalism in this place, absolutely zero. Let's look at the paintings as well above   the doorways. We have an angel with a bow  and arrow sitting here and, on this side,   we have another angel holding a statue, a  bust. Exactly, a bust and liquor cabinets. Inside there, of course, is wonderful. What  a beautiful room! I absolutely adore it.   This is so incredible. I forgot to point out  one thing, can I jump on stage? Absolutely,   I'm going to jump on stage. It's crazy back here  because they didn't want to make an empty wall.   Instead, they ordered to paint a complete wall.  It looks like a beautiful castle, and the castle   is crazy. I think this is a real castle, but  I cannot point out which one. I've never seen   it before. It could be a fairy tale, I don't know,  but it doesn't matter. It's wonderful, and just   for them to think of the details of painting  the backdrop wall, the background, it's crazy. Music instruments are carved into the wall here,   wonderful. And then, of course, you can walk  through. Here we get to see the backstage   of the theater, and you can also see that  they painted the backstage. It's so crazy,   I love it. We also have to say one thing. In  these French castles and French houses or manors,   all the rooms connect to each other. It's a French  thing, connecting everything, so privacy is zero   in these places. But it's not about privacy,  it's just easier to go around. This is a maze,   we can get lost. I already learned the layout  of the castle a little bit by going through it. Look at this room, this is one of the most  important rooms in the entire house. This   is the library, a very common room you would  see in abandoned castles all throughout France   and the world. But this one is unique in  and of itself because most books in here   are one of a kind. The books here have thousands  of years of family history, world history,   French history, everything. It's amazing. And,  as I said, they are one of a kind. There are no   copies, and they are just standing here. Some of  them are falling apart, some of them are good.   When I came into this room for the first time,  the smell, the atmosphere, everything inside   of this room just screams, 'This is a true  French library.' Let's have a look around. We can already see some of those family history  books. Here's a dictionary of two nations.   I'm going to carefully grab it out. I don't think  I should open it, it's very moldy. Oh my God,   one looks like a Bible. The letters are so small.  I'm going to carefully place it back. That's why   I'm wearing gloves. I don't want to contaminate  anything in these places. These books here, 'W.   Scott,' they are both about children, it  says over here. There are books from every   author. Even a French flag is lying here. Of  course, these people were proud French people.   You can see the desk of the former  owner, with still a piece lying here.   This book is 'The Roman  Art,' it says on the front.   I'll be very careful. You can see the big  letter L here, so it belongs to the first. Beautiful. Every single book... Also, there's a  railing here, and here, where you could   slide the cart over stairs like you see in  libraries. Yeah, it's true. It's a ladder.   One thing we also have to point out in  this library is the ceiling. It's a very   unique type of wood. Actually, the wood is from  all over. The wood is literally just a bunch   of wood that they had, but it's unique. And  this was not actually meant for this library. No, excuse me. I remember the history again.  So, this ceiling here came from one of the   family's other castles and was placed inside  of here. They made it fit this castle. So,   this family didn't just have one castle. They had  multiple properties and they were vastly wealthy,   powerful. And this ceiling is one of a  kind because back in the day they wouldn't   make a lot of these. And it's just beautiful,  everything with it. It's so crazy. From there,   you can maybe point out the chandelier  here in the middle. Also very different. Yeah, this looks like a newer piece to me.  Like, I see a cartwheel in here of some sort.   I'm not 100% sure. I'm not sure either.  This looks very... This one looks childish.   At first, I thought this was a billiards  table, but this is actually the place   where you place your books and do your work and  read everything. So it's a velvet-topped table. Yeah, and you know why it has this? To not damage  the books. No, for the books to not slide. Like if   you place a book, it will not slide even if I try  to push it. This was also used for tables to play   cards because they don't slide. Your card then  stays. Ah, the Colonial Atlas of France. Wow,   oh my god. Oh yeah, the colonies they had, Danny,   you don't even realize. This book still depicts  Africa divided up into just around 10 to 15 parts,   as you can see when it was still in colonial  times. France was way bigger. It's almost   double the size. No, it's a little bit bigger.  They also have the colony in South America.  Yeah, there's not as many countries now. There  are 192 countries, but it was way less back in   the time. Madagascar belonged to France. I  didn't know that. They speak French there.   There's actually a lot of places in the world  where people speak French. Yeah, that's true. Wow,   so crazy that it's still here. French history  is vast, and you can still see it to this day.   Wow, those books are like... Yeah, I'm just going to point out this  corner here that is full of spiders,   full of spider webs and falling apart. Imagine  getting a book from the top shelf there.   Must not be easy. No. Oh, I love these  ones. "New Illustrations" it says on there,   but they are so beautiful. Look at those  books. Oh my god. Oh, this one. This one   is "The World Illustrations 1864." 1860, wow. These books are...  It is a journal, even Danny.   Oh, it's somebody's journey. On this  accountancy journal of the castle,   at the letter... It's really  hard to see on camera, but... I cannot say it, but it's a top-to-bottom full  of books. Yeah, I've never seen a huge library   like this. You can see, the height is like triple  the usual height. Yes, there's one more room   over to this side. I think it was maybe just to  read a book over here in silence. Just a salon,   or sitting room. But back in the time, it had way  more paintings, and it was absolutely beautiful. Look at that, all those illustrations on the wall. Down here, we even have some personal memories  left behind. You can see two people sitting over   there. Don't know who they are. I'm not sure. Look  at how over there, you can see a colonel, I think,   and another woman. I love this one already. Look  at that, it's a typical French town. Very typical,   absolutely. And this looks like  pictures from the revolution,   or maybe from the second world war. I  think it's from the French Revolution. Yeah, so I think it's a general, I'm not quite  sure. Of course, all the cassettes are lying   here like we would expect. I love the labels  that they have on it. Can I show better? Yeah,   that's so beautiful, also how it's written.  It's just... Ah, yeah. So it's crazy. Yeah,   it's more over here, more  books stacked inside of here.   All the illustrations above  there, so royal, so beautiful. And I also want to point out that in this room,  it's not wallpaper. No, it's kind of a carpet,   but it's deteriorating. This material, it's not as  strong as velvet or wallpaper. It's deteriorating   really fast, and it's really sad to see. It's  actually again to make the room feel and actually   be less cold. Yeah, true. Wow, French drawings are   just left here under the spider webs. And I  love that they have one of those French dogs,   but in porcelain. It's a little bit broken.   And then over to this side, of course, the  fireplace in the corner. Imagine, Danny, sitting   here on a chair by the fireplace with a book that  you just took from the library. It's incredible. Bellow still lying on top of  it. The bellow has the same... Exactly, it matches! Oh, all those  vials up there look like inkwells. Yeah,   oh wow, look at this. That woodwork on the  fireplace is beautiful, it's incredible.   And the tile work, and then the date... We  even have a date, 1718, with a royal crest   in there. Maybe it came from their former  castle because this one was built in 1766.  Yeah, not finished in the '70s.  It started construction in 1725,   right? No, there's no date for starting the  construction, I think. Yeah, we're not sure   about that. But it's crazy. Whatever, there's  way more to show so let's waste no more time. I also want to showcase the basement in  this castle, which we're going to access   through the stairway here. Again, from the  hallway, showing you that everything connects.   Somebody was also interested in aerial  photography, as you can see. This is one of those   cases where people photographed with a helicopter,  or it looks like it because it's panoramic   in those times. And they photographed their  fields and put them here. This property has 550   acres of land, and probably this is part of the  land. Oh my god, the wall is falling off here.   Oh yeah, you can see the stone  we're constantly talking about.  Oh, we get into the servants' kitchen  here. Oh my god, look at how grand it   is! And it's right underneath the dining space.  I also love the curved ceilings in the areas   here. You can see this was most likely the dining  table, not the preparation table for the food   that was consumed upstairs. And this was where it  all was made. Oh, I love it, it's beautiful. Oh,   a bat just flew into the fireplace. By the  way, the chimneys of this castle are huge. Yeah, they are huge. All these bottles  of wine here, pots and pans, everything   left there. Okay, I want  to see what's behind here. Oh, here you go, underneath the castle.   These are those wine cellars that we were  talking about. This is under the castle.   This is actually the original foundation  of the castle. Yeah, exactly, this is the   1700 and that 1146 foundation from the Medieval  Times. I just want to see if we can go further.  Yeah, because all of this castle goes  further and further. All these castles   have these dungeons underneath.  Oh my god, oh wow, oh my god! Oh, this is a coal storage, Danny. Oh my god,  it's still full, tons and tons of coal left here.   My god, that's for the fireplaces back in  the time. You can even still see the coals   lying on the floor. Pathways leading everywhere. Oh, and yeah,  over here, we just entered into the wine cellar   where the barrels were stored. Actually,   there aren't many left of them, but they  definitely produced some wines in this place. Let's see what's behind here because it goes  even further. Are you okay? Yeah, I'm okay.   This is just an exercise going through this. God,  this place is so big, it didn't even look like   cells, you know. Yeah, they  look like prison cells.   In here is another wine storage with  still bottles left in there. Oh my gosh.  Yeah, and then at the end, we come to another wine  storage as you can see. Wow, that's beautiful.   It's time, Danny. Take everybody upstairs and show  the private part of the castle, the bedrooms. I'm   just in awe by this hallway and how it connects  to everything. Yeah, it's so incredible. It's   so grand. There are little corridors leading  everywhere with doorways around every corner. Beautiful! I also love all the railings  that we have over here.   It feels like a grand train station or something.  Yeah, it feels like it's grand. It's just grand. Okay. From up here, we can get an  overview of the hallway itself.   You can see all the doors  connecting to everything.   God, it's incredible. Okay, again,  we have to point out the antlers.   They shot so many animals over time. And  if you look at them, it looks like they   are looking at you, almost as if they are  judging you for some reason. As you can see,   there must have been way more back in time.  There are still so many hooks left behind. Wow, Danny, and everyone watching right now,  prepare yourself because you're going to see   one of the most beautiful bedrooms  ever seen in your life. Literally,   look at this room, isn't it absolutely  incredible? This is by far the most   beautiful bedroom that I've ever seen. When I  saw the picture of this one, I had to come to   this place. I did everything to see it. It's  breathtakingly beautiful, crazy, and royal. Imagine being a child living in this place  and being able to sleep in this bedroom.   Everything matches each other. Everything  has been thought about and carefully crafted   to create this bedroom. The walls match  the curtains, the curtains match the bed,   and they all match the furniture.  Even this praying chair matches.   I love the design that looks like a frame inside  of a wallpaper. However, it's not wallpaper,   it's fabric on the wall. Everything is like a  mirrored image of each other on either side.   We have this bed and then this curtain above,  which again gives that fairytale-like feeling.  Another thing that we have to point out is   the bed, it's half wood, half porcelain.  That's incredible. I literally have no words. Give an overview of these two beautiful beds,  Danny. We're never going to find a better bedroom   than this, I think. Also, the chandelier,  it's a bit simple but really beautiful. I   cannot get enough of those curtains. Imagine having to create such a bedroom, even the  vanity, the wonderful chair in front of it, and   the cushion. It's quite heavy,  really. Even the book here matches.   This is definitely a princess room. Every  room in this castle is a princess room. Have we pointed out the family emblem  on the fireplace screen? It has the   same pattern as the rest. What a beautiful  marble fireplace. Then the artwork above,   again of a lady swinging in the garden. Like  we said before, it's happy vibes coming all   throughout this place. Every painting in each room  has a different color scheme to match the room. Even the wardrobe here looks like a porcelain  wardrobe. It's so fragile-looking. It looks   very fragile on camera, like a little porcelain  piece. There are a few more things in this room,   like a little box that they could store stuff  inside, really cool, also made in the same style.   And then those chairs behind you,  Danny, they look so fragile, very thin. Definitely give an overview. I almost cry  when I see this room. I never want to leave.   It literally looks like we are walking  through a museum. It is a museum. I truly   wish that they transformed this into a museum  because it's worth it. Or a hotel. Watch out,   we're coming here into a dressing room  next to it. I think all the clothes   would have been in here, and maybe  they would dress up at some point. There are so many rooms connecting. It's like a  true labyrinth in this place. See this one? It   connects to another bedroom. As you can see,  this one has a lot of stuff removed, but   it's the same style as the one that we  saw downstairs. Really beautiful bed.  It resembles the same style. And I think the walls  are empty now because they took it out. As you   just saw, we came from that children's bedroom  right into here without any privacy. Amazing,   isn't it? I feel incredibly royal walking  through this place, so noble. No way,   I would love to purchase this, but  I don't have 13.5 million euros.   This is like a sort of lounging salon here  in the middle of the hallway upstairs,   really cool. The cabinets are filled with  porcelain over there, it's quite a showcase.  Also, there are very unique pieces.  Everything in this house is unique.   It used to be a very nice space in the castle.  Let's head over to this side now. Why not?   Because I have another wonderful room to show  you. This room, I think, is better than the   other one. In my opinion, it's not. For me, the  most beautiful room is the one we just saw, but   this is definitely Dennis's favorite  room. Wow, not only is it colorful,   but it's also a piece of art. I'm not even lying  when I say this, we are not joking, every single   wall in this place has been hand painted. No,  this is wallpaper, it's 'Chinoiserie' wallpaper. I'm not sure how to say it, but 'Chinoiserie'  is when European artists recreate Asian style   in their works. That's what you can see over  here, sort of an Asian style in the wallpaper.   It's peeling off a little bit here. It's peeling  off in a lot of places because this wallpaper,   and I think it's wallpaper, I'm not quite sure  what it is, was displayed in the Metropolitan   Museum in New York and then brought  back. That's why it's very damaged.   I mean, it's beautiful that they took it there,  but at the same time, they damaged it a lot. There are little hidden rooms in this place.  As you can see, there's a washstand hidden   behind here. I love how castles always have these  sorts of hidden rooms everywhere. If you didn't   open it, you wouldn't see it. Everything is so  perfectly woven into each other. If you look   in every corner, there are more rooms. There are  too many to point out all of them. You can see the   beds are also incredible. I love that they have  a small curtain up there, it looks like a web. Again, a very small bed, and this  is a slate bed. As you can see,   it even has a marking at the top. There's an  'F' and an 'L', I think. I'm not sure. The 'F'   is probably for the family name. I also  love the bed sheets, really beautiful.   And then, there's a nightstand in the middle. Again, we can have a look at that wallpaper.  It's a large sort of French landscape.   No, actually it depicts an Asian landscape.  I love how everything is so symmetrical in   this place. It's meticulously thought out. It's  bespoke, like we said before. It's custom made.   Even the curtains over there match  the room. They match the chairs,   they match the bed, everything. And they match  the fireplace, with the curtain around it.   Up here, we can see another painting  of a lady with a letter in her hand.   They don't have signatures on them, that's kind of  strange. But these were also made for the family.   They are house pieces, not for a gallery. But it's so extremely beautiful, and I have   to point out that the fireplace and the  chair upholstery match completely. It's   incredible. Let's have another look at this room. I'm just going to be so saddened in a moment  when I have to leave this castle behind.   But, I'm so excited to show you the outside! Here,  you can see a woman painting, or maybe carving a   tree. These paintings are so beautiful. Imagine  having an artist create a painting for your room,   right above your door. Just because. That's  something I can only dream of. I think, maybe   one day, we might want to live in a castle. That  would be such a cool dream if it ever comes true. There's another small room. I can  already see the dressing room. Have   you noticed that most bedrooms are direct  and this one has a dressing room before it?   So interesting. This is probably a children's  room. Oh, for sure, this is a children's bedroom.   It's a very small bedroom as well. Let me show  you the first bedroom. It's a bit different than   the other ones. As you can see, there used to be  a lot of illustrations and paintings on the wall,   probably even a tailor-made painting over  there. There's a very small bed here in the   corner. It's quite simple, as you can see. This  room hasn't been designed like the other ones,   I think it's because, if you look at it, the  bed sheets match the curtains. It just feels   more empty. Behind you, there's a very interesting  feature. This is a sort of sink area or bathroom   inside of a cabinet. You can see how traditional  it was, with just the bucket and everything. It's   very simple, very vintage. I love the wallpaper.  And then, there's that mirror. It's so unique.  It's a lovely little room. Here in the corner,  of course, it also has a fireplace. As you can   see, it's very simple, unlike the others,  with a log lying in the middle there.  Alright. The paint on the door is already chipping  off over here. There's even mold in the   corners. I wonder how many times these walls and  doors have been painted. Probably dozens of times.  I love the feeling of just walking through  a castle, wandering and exploring it.   You never know what you're going to encounter,  just like this one. We have not seen this type   of bedroom before where the bed is built into the  wall. That's also a very unique French feature.   You don't see it in many countries. Yes, you  see it in the closets, in the wall spaces. They   love to do everything built in. It's beautiful. I  think it's really beautiful. It's a super unique   French feature. And look at this bed. Isn't it  so wonderful? It's again, I think it's either   the same or very similar to the one downstairs.  Look at how good a condition this one still is.   It's so pristine. There are a couple of rips  and tears here and there, but in general,   the bedsheet is still how it used to be. This  looks almost the same as the one downstairs. The   wonderful velvet or fabric on the walls is perhaps  like an air cushion in between, so it traps the   heat inside. Then, there's this painting above  the door here of people working in the fields. Oh, wow. I love that painting. Just  look at it, it's truly magnificent. Yes, yes indeed. The beauty in this place keeps going.  Another depiction of old French times,   a house with a straw roof, a man on a horse. What  happened to this mirror, Danny? That's actually,   if I'm not mistaken, one of those metal  mirrors. Oh, they deteriorate over time. Yeah,   it's not actually a glass mirror, if I'm  not mistaken, I'm not sure. It is glass,   but with metal behind it. Yeah, can I just say it?  Yeah, it's the walls, it's the bellow, it's the   chairs, everything matches. Like literally, you  look at the bellow, then you look at the chair,   then you look at the fabric on the walls,   curtains, everything, everything matches. Wow!  It's so thought out that it's even genius. Okay,   this was... Did I already tell this part? There  was literally a staff to keep up all the artifacts   in this place. I think we told that in the dining  room. Then, I told it again, to keep the antique   pieces in immaculate shape. Imagine taking care  of this whole place. Yeah, let's go further. This is the washing room that we just came  inside of and then from here, we can go straight   into another bedroom and this  one is also quite special. This is a sideways built-in bed frame  into the wall. It's so beautiful.   Again, this looks a bit empty, but you would have  this plate of everything. I'm just going to go   close and show the hooks. Everything that it  would be, illustrations, some paintings just   like this one. Exactly. I'm going to pan over  to this, again, beautiful. They look similar,   but all have sort of different fabric on them.  It's to match the room. Have you seen that the   colors match? Everything matches except for the  red. That's like a contrast in the room. Yeah,   but have you seen that? It's in some parts,  not all of it. For example, the bed is red,   the chair's red, and the curtain is red. It's just  awesome. It's genius interior design. Yeah, and   you see there's also a hidden room behind the bed  over here that acted as a closet, as you can see.   Wow! Wow! Wow! I think you just got to take  a couple of steps back, Danny, to appreciate   this room and all its glory. Wonderful fireplace  again with a painting above it. You want to show   the painting? Yeah, I'll open it. I just want  to say about the painting, you can see over here   that it's made in red, again to match the room.  Yeah, it's again, it's genius. It's beautiful.   Wow! What's this? Oh yeah, even a stand  for... I don't know what this is for,   but it's like a little side table or something to  put some ornaments on or something. I don't know,   super interesting. Also, I  don't know what this is, a   flycatcher? I don't know. I'm interested  in this room, Denny. Which room? Oh, it's a stable behind here. I'm going  to have a quick look up there. Sure, yeah. I'm just curious why there was a stairway in here,  but it just leads to a sort of space up here,   maybe a playroom or something like that for the  children. I have no clue. Super interesting.   Okay, be careful. Yeah, I'm reversing  very carefully. It's really hard. Okay,   like I told before, hidden rooms and hidden  spaces everywhere in these French castles. Can I point out something on top of this wardrobe?  Or this cabinet, first of all, again, red.   This small frame with red paintings, amazing  miniature furniture. Exactly, the miniature   furniture. Look at this miniature stove with even  all the pots and pans. Wow, that's incredible.   And another painting of people  working with grapes over there.   This chateau is... I don't know if I can say this  is the best one, but it's different, yeah, yeah,   for sure. And back in the hallway, was there  another room here that we have to show? No, no,   no, that's closed. Oh, this is  closed, yeah, that's closed.  Oh, this one, yeah, no, we already been here.  Yeah, we've been into... Okay, let's head   over to that side then. See this side now. Oh,  there's a couple of illustrations here on a wall.   Seems to be locked, some doors are closed.  Yeah, but because this is a French chateau,   we can just go around through other rooms. Yeah,  all the rooms connect so you can lock them from   the inside for privacy. And oh, what? Show that.  I've bumped into this middle door here. We have a   glass door leading further with illustrations  again, anywhere, everywhere. Oh wow, that's a   beautiful one. I'm so sad that these illustrations  are just here. Oh, look at this. What did you see,   Beatrice? This is a queen or a princess of France,  and this is a French map. It looks handmade.   Oh, pieces of the window up here, it's falling  off as you can see. Yeah, the castle needs   restoration. I hope, I really hope someone buys  the castle and turns it into a hotel with a park.   This is huge, this would be such a beautiful  hotel. Definitely. I think this is the depiction   of the Grand Canyon, if I'm not mistaken. They  had money, so they probably traveled a lot. Oh,   in this frame here. Yeah, it's completely falling  apart, but it has a very beautiful depiction. Wow,   this is just falling all off. Denny, we need to be  a little bit careful in this part of the castle. With the sink over here and the stairs, I have  to point out, it has stairs for the bidet.   I mean, everything has been thought about. Oh,  look at this room! This is another wonderful   bedroom in this place, and it's definitely one of  the biggest bedrooms. As you can see, it's a very   long bedroom. Very beautiful. Wow, there are some  really unique pieces of furniture inside of here. Let's start with that chair over there.   Wonderful upholstery chair, matching, again, like  all of the things in this place. Although, this   actually doesn't match. If you look at it, it  has stripes, and this doesn't have stripes,   but it is the same color. However, this actually  matches if it was pushed against the wall   because the line literally continues. If  that was against the wall, you couldn't even   tell there's a chair there. It's like camouflage,  literally. Wonderful curtains here. The whole   room is covered in the same fabric, the entire  room. I could stand here all day looking at it. Have you seen this chaise longue over here?  I don't even know if it is a chaise longue   because normally a chaise longue doesn't  have this piece over here. I think it's   also considered a chaise longue, it just  has an end piece. Oh, it's so beautiful.   It's a very unique piece of furniture that you  don't come across very often now. And I've seen   it once again in another place. Again, it  matches the decor. But it's so beautiful,   and this is literally just a piece of  furniture designed to lay down and relax on. There are two very simple  beds in this room though.   Not much to tell about them. They look like  they have, I'm going to show real quickly,   they look like they had very beautiful... oh my,  that's what makes these beds special. They look   like they had very beautiful little sheets, but  they are just gone. They are literally completely   gone. Even the headrests have those illustrations  on them. As you can see, the woodwork is not very   complicated, but the bed itself, that's  what makes this bed special, incredible. And then also a sort of desk over here in the  corner, with a chair standing in front of it.   Still a couple of letters  left behind, as you can see. I love this desk, so beautiful. The curtains  hanging down, the bath, the bed, the table,   incredible. Glass dome, probably for sand  or something, or a statue that used to be   underneath it. Wow, even a hidden door over there  in the corner as you can see. Probably another   closet. It's so beautiful, this bedroom. Let's see what we have over here. Let's check another space, doors  and everything, everywhere. Another dresser. You're in the  closet, yeah, let's go out. There's also a twisting staircase here that  leads to the third level of this place,   or the second level in Europe. And this second  level is most likely the place where the servants   and workers of this castle used to reside. Look  at that little bridge up there, that's so cool.   The carpet's beginning to show wear, very  used. Thousands of people have walked up here   during its heyday. You can definitely see that  this is a whole different part of the castle,   one that is not uniquely designed  in any way, shape, or form. Very   big. The castle is definitely showing its  decay and age, and that it needs restoration.  What do we have up here? Oh, it's a place  where they hung clothes, a drying line. Just want to see, maybe a  bedroom of one of these servants?  Is this some sort of storage room up here? Oh, look at this room, Danny.  Oh, the floor, oh this...   There are vials of liquid and different substances  here. Very interesting. I love to see all those   vintage bottles. This is dangerous, right?  This one even says 'poison' on it. Oh my God.  It's so different to be up here in  comparison to the rest of the castle.   You want to close it? Yeah, I can  do it. I have two hands. Okay. Storage rooms. Oh wow, look at this. All  for the curtains. If something broke,   I think they could fix everything inside. Like  even the wallpapers here, every single wallpaper   probably had a spare up here. That's where it was  all stored. It's incredible. I love to see this.   I love all the curtain hangers and everything.  Oh my, the castle is falling.  Clearly in need of help. That's sad. We just went all the way through this  top floor. There's mostly nothing very   interesting here. Some rooms, a bit dangerous.  I just want to show a couple of paintings of   horse races and everything. Pictures  from 1906. Oh wait, wow, that's old. This one is also so beautiful, Danny.   Look at that. That is a wonderful chateau. That's  probably one of their properties or something.   They had multiple, so if they had this one, they  definitely had more. That's also very grand.   Look at this small opera, definitely  a kids' play. A great story. We just made it outside of the place and  the sun is already shining. We have been   in there for four hours and now we  are greeted by the beautiful facade   of this castle. Wow! This is the veranda that  we were talking about, Danny. It overlooks   their fields. They would say, back in the time,  that you could only see rolling landscapes from   the castle, and they're right. It's a bit  misty today, but it's also so beautiful.   Just look at this beauty. I just want  to go up there for a moment, Danny,   and showcase those crests that they have up here.  Those are most likely the family crests that have   been worked into it. You can see that they're  also combined crests from different families. It's wonderful. It's so grand, so big, so  important. I don't know what more to say.   And here we can see the side of the castle,  and you can really get a sense of how big this   structure actually is. I'm just fascinated  by how incredibly huge it is. What you see   underneath here are the original foundations of  the castle from 1146, and it's all been built   up from there, from the golden sandstone. If I'm  not mistaken, this part right here is the chapel,   but it's completely closed. We couldn't  gain access to it, which is really sad,   but we got to see this incredible place. We are  so lucky, Danny, that we got to document this. We are lucky, I tell you. Not a lot of people have  seen this in their lives, and you are fortunate   that you're watching this video. So definitely  subscribe to this channel because there's more   to come. There's so much more. I don't even have  words. This castle leaves me speechless. Back   in the time, there was also a plan to completely  convert their lands around the castle into parks,   but unfortunately, that plan never came to  fruition. As you can see, the castle grounds are a   bit bland, but still very nice. Here is the front  entrance of the place, very imposing, I would say. I'm so thrilled that we got to document this  incredible place, and it will have a spot on   our channel forever. What a dream come true!  It's truly a dream come true. I've tried this   four times, everyone, just so you know. Definitely  check out the man behind the camera, Mr. Danny.   His link is in the description. If you liked this  video, like it, subscribe to the channel, and   write a nice comment down there. Also, share this  video and spread the word. In the description,   there are also a couple of links to support this  channel and help us document these places. With   all that said, I love you all very much and see  you next week in our amazing episode. Thank you.
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 1,591,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban exploration, urbandecay, brosofdecay, abandoned places, abandoned houses, bros of decay, abandoned castle, abandoned fairytale castle, abandoned mystery, abanoned chateau, abandoned french castle, castle with 1000 rooms, exploring abandoned castle, abandoned castles around the world, abandoned castles in europe, abandoned castle in france, french chateau, chateau diaries, abandoned chateau in france, abandoned palace, abandoned places france, chateau mille chambres
Id: MKxcGVcQeSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 9sec (4749 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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