A LOST ART TREASURE | Abandoned noble Venetian family's millionaire mega mansion

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There I walk. On my way to a place, I will never forget in my life. Let me take you into an antiquated piece of Venetian history, that's now consigned to oblivion. Built in the early 1800s, this palace stands in a central position with respect to the upper part of this Italian town. An aristocratic building that is slowly but surely perishing as prey to the extraterritorial forces of mother nature. Once the residence of the elite of this municipality, time seems to be an allusive concept, and as this factor has progressed, the property now stands sole and solitary. Today we take a look behind her closed doors. This palace may be abandoned, but it is still abundant in art and glory. It was once occupied by this man, Marco Antonio, in the early 18th century. A musician since childhood who graduated in law in 1810, married countess Laura with whom he had a son, Pietro. An owl once nestled its way in, but never found a way out again. And as the snakes start to sing in the woods around the palace, the echoes of a bygone noble life sometimes still hiss along. Marco already died at the age of 29 due to "nervous consumption", leaving behind a child of a few months, who eventually followed his dad's footsteps and became a musician too, and lived in the palace for many years. But pursuant to more recent photos, the palace turns out to have been inhabited by a woman in her very last days. Today is the time: let's relive the history that once took place here together. ♫ Heroic epic music (♫ Italy Series 3.0 Official Intro Title) ♫ Dreamy ambient music Welcome back everyone to a brand new video of the Italy series. It's the third time now filming a series in Italy but this place is phenomenal. It's probably one of my favorite mansions I've ever seen in Italy. What a grand place - it is massive in size! I don't know yet which family lived there but two things that I know for sure: it was a big family, and it was a wealthy family. Mamma mia! What a place... and you've only seen the exterior now, but the interior will probably even blow your mind on a higher level than the exterior! Well, what else should I say...? I think we should just start this exploration together. I am so excited. And yeah, you're gonna love it! Follow me inside... Alright, so, let's start another exploration for the books! And I start right at the main entrance. One day, this was the main hallway where the people would walk inside. There are plenty of documents that I'm not gonna point out but what I can tell you is that the name of the family was "Ponti" and this was once the home of the "Ponti" family. As you can see, they definitely had a dog. Maybe even more. We can still see some of the remains of the old paintwork on the walls there, and maybe that's even a family coat of arms. Everywhere on the walls are frames but also everywhere inside we are going to find precious paintwork. I think there are even around 50 rooms inside this place. I'm not even over exaggerating. Over here we have all the stairs going up but that's something for later. What I haven't shown you yet, is the beautiful paintwork over here on the ceiling. Wow! It's so well-detailed. Imagine how they were made one day. They definitely needed a ladder or something to get up there - such master-crafted work. And then, we come inside the next room, right next to the hallway. This was their dining area. Still, with the grand dining table in the middle. And on top of it, is a blood pressure manometer with the manchette, the meter... I think it was just for self-use. I'm just slowly gonna build up the tension because this building is so big, as I mentioned. And there are so many beautiful rooms. This is just one of them, and this is not even the most majestic one out of all, of course. You know me - I always try to find the most fascinating abandoned places out there. Look over here: that was once the main door or the back door. One of both. An old photo. A statue over here. It looks like "the thinker". That's what we call it in the Netherlands. This is mostly emptied out, I guess. Yep. And they had a fireplace over here. We can see some other remains of some paintwork. But we're gonna find areas in this building where the paintwork is still pristine, and not even that badly damaged. Wow! Look over here - it's full of their glasses. Some crystal. Still, some tablecloths to make up the table. Then, let's continue throughout this huge property. And then, right over here, we have another precious room. I think one of the main living rooms on this floor - wow! There's a beautiful marble table over here - very very heavy. That's a real marble plate. Oh, look over here on the sofa! It looks like that's still the drawing of a child. One thing for sure - they definitely had children and I think very many children. Over here we can see some pictures. Look at how they are dressed. This was once the noble class of its time. They were living inside of this place. This picture was taken inside of this place. I recognize the structure. And look over here. Another beautiful hand-drawn picture of one of the former family members that resided here. And another one - beautiful! Still, some liquor over here. I think there's even more liquor inside. Oh, no, there are the glasses for the liquor, of course. A beautiful corner cabinet. Haha, some fake plans over here - a fake bouquet. These people were definitely very religious and I think, like most Italian people and population, roman catholic. And look over here in the corner. We still have some sheet music. We're gonna find musical instruments as well. That's what I will tell you but I'm not gonna tell you which musical instrument. But if you're not new around here and have watched more videos of us, you can probably already guess what we are gonna find. Now, this woman over here was one of the last residents of this property. This was a dignified building that was passed on from generation to generation. And that passage of time is beautifully reflected in this photo album. Wow...! We can see a man, a woman, and the same child that is growing up. Over here, the child was just born. They were very happy. Look at the smile of the woman. Eventually, the child grew older and probably went to primary school for the first time and everything. Then right over here, on this side, we have a part of their former office. I think they did all their business from this room. But we're gonna find more business rooms with computers. It's crazy to see one of the first models of the iMac, haha. I'm totally not used to this model anymore. It's maybe even dating from the early 2000s. Plenty more photos over here. We'll see this man coming back in plenty of photos. And this picture was taken inside the mansion as well. Where did all these people go? Are some of these people still alive? And if the answer to that question is "yes", then, why are they not reclaiming their materials? Why is this building just wide open, and why is everything just decaying inside? I've got plentiful questions that rise to my head with this place, and honestly, it's a shame to see it just withering away. And how everything is just turning to dust now. I really hope this place will be emptied out in time and it will not become looters' paradise. It will break my heart. Especially, because the history of the family is so rich. Wow, look over here! Talking about the rich family history... those were all family ancestors of the military nobility of that time. It's absolutely impressive. Some old magazines over here from 1957 and 1958 - incredible! This building is at least a few centuries old. And then, look over here: we can go down, but also with the doorknob. It's like some sort of diamond or something - in a sapphire blue color. This looks like it's going to some sort of a shed part Let's quickly check out the water but... no way! Oh my gosh! That is still connected, or maybe those are the last drops of water coming outside. Oh my gosh! Okay... no freaking way! This is in front of the mansion where I started this video. We can see the noble class family sitting there. Look at how they are dressed! These people were so generous at that time. This is in front of the shed with the horse and the carriages. Wow! Okay, this blew me away people. Now, I really have a strong imagination about the rich history of this place. A handwritten letter from 1998 - my year of birth. "Elizabello". Alright, I think that was the name of the friend who wrote to the family. Dang, and look over here! They're sitting in the back courtyard. Oh my... now you really get aware that time is such an allusive value. Once one of the most important buildings of this town, of this entire region maybe and one of the most important families that lived here... And right now, it's literally, just a decaying building. Can I open this? Yeah, I can open this. A decaying building that everybody seems to have forgotten about. And nobody's even caring anymore about this noble family that lived here - what a shame. Maybe this was for that dog when they went to the veterinarian or for a cat. Yeah, well... this was just a shed. We have a quite modern Singer sewing machine over there. As you can see, they also had a lot of kitchen stuff in their own kitchen here. Now, this was definitely once the servant's kitchen. I can barely not imagine that these people did not have any servants working for them. At least, the noble class family. Maybe the more modern family that lived here in the last days before abandonment did not have any servants. But yeah... I don't know. Another door is leading to the outside. And look at how incredibly traditional this is. Over here, we have an old table where they would wash their clothes, and squeeze them over here, and this little bucket over here would have been filled with water. And what's this...? Oh! It's very heavy. I think this was their dryer for the clothes. They would put coals inside of there. It would, eventually, heat up and it would dry the clothes - wow! That is again incredibly old-fashioned and traditional. I think, by now, you're getting a strong awareness of the fact that this property is very ancient and dates back a long time ago. Dang... look at the storage over here. It's incredible how much stuff they actually possessed. We have some bottles of wine... ...and many glasses, plenty of plates... It keeps on going. And it's definitely not finished yet! Oh, over here, we have some doors. As you can see, they, actually, place sort of a net right in front of it. This is no glass, but it's really like a net, and they used this net for food one day. Food was placed inside and the rats and mouses could not, actually, go inside and eat from their stock of food. And then, this is the last room. A more modern one. You can tell that this was the room that was used in the last days to do their laundry. We have a quiet new-looking washer. And yeah, let's see if the water over here is also working. My gosh! Unbelievable, absolutely. Now, there is one other room over here. And as you can see, we can go upstairs over here but I'm going upstairs in the main hallway. So, you have a better idea of the route I take, and, eventually, I will promise you I will end my video going down over here. Some more documents which I'm not going to point out in detail again. But over here, we have a fur coat hanging on this coat rack and some other jackets. So, I'm back in the main hallway. I just showed you the right side of the building. Before going upstairs, there is also a left side of this building. Let's see... Whoa... my gosh! Look at the ceiling! Wow... incredible. We have some huge mirrors over there. A cupboard over here. And even some more old photos on top of there. Look: we have another photo of the family again, sitting in front of the mansion with the children. Wow! I think that was one of their sons and that was taken on his wedding day maybe. Another photo of the family. Oh, look at that! An aquarium. So, they also kept fishes over here, to accompany them. And then, look around this mirror: all these painted ornate details have been carved out. It's unbelievable. Also, the draperies are right above the windows. And then, the carvings and the paintwork... it's unreal. What a shame that this is abandoned. I mean, I'm happy to show you such a rich piece of history but it also really hurts me. There is nobody looking after this place anymore. Whoa...! Look at that. As I told you, we have some more iMac computers and monitors. Oh, look over here - we have an electric organ. "Farfisa" is the brand's name. That was a printer. So, yeah, definitely all their business was done from here. Another printer. It's crazy to see the modern stuff in comparison with the very historical atmosphere inside this place. That was one of the last residents - this woman. And over here, are those two tiny cups. And written on them is the name "Sienna". So, maybe that was one of the daughters. Look at all these little knickknacks standing on top of here. Another photo of the woman who lived here in the last days. And then, look over here at these iMacs. Haha, I think I've never found so many computers inside of a place. Even the WiFi router's still over here. I'm wondering for how long this place has been abandoned for. But I think not more than 10 years, and the degradation is already severe. Here's another tiny kitchen part. I think they had around four or five kitchens inside this place. Now, there are some tins of vegetables. Let's check the dates. No...! No freaking way! I don't know about the expiration date of these tins of vegetables, and how long they are normally good for, but this is from 2017, and this over here is even dating from 2019! No freaking way... and you can see all the rat and mice droppings around it. So, then you understand why they made these cabinets with these nets that I've shown you previously. Some cute tiny pieces of chinaware are also still standing here. Now, finding such recent expiration dates absolutely, yeah, surprised me! I was totally not expecting it but I think this place is definitely abandoned for around 10 years, maybe 8. I'm going upstairs right now. Over there, right under the staircase, they had a little secret door that was painted in the same pattern where they would store some additional stuff under the staircase. And look at this... wow! Also, all the beautiful frames over here are on the wall. We have another door. Oh... this was a bathroom. It's quite dirty inside the bathtub but the towels that are hanging up still look relatively fresh. Oh, and there's a morning coat over here as well. Even the toilet paper is still hanging up - this place is legit untouched. Okay, let's close this door again. It's very squeaky, but I always like to leave everything behind in the way I found it. As they say it in the slogan while doing our hobby: take nothing but pictures or video, and leave nothing but footprints. Have respect for the places you visit and never share them publicly. But yeah, have a look - isn't this wow? It's absolutely incredible! The main corridor on this first floor. The tiles on the ground everywhere are so intricate. My gosh...! And from this point, we will have many different ways to go. Oh my...! The Renaissance paintings over here. Right now, we can definitely see Italian history displayed on the wall. The time of the Romans - the Roman era. Wow! The paintings are incredible here. Absolutely gorgeous. Also, something's written there in Italian. All these painted baby angels. Wow! This even looks like a god, like Zeus or something. And look at the pattern on the ceilings too - with these sort of pentagons and all the other precious details. And right over here, they had their balcony. And have look at the majestic view from here: we can see the mountains in the back! Wow... I tell you, this is only the little start - every individual room had a balcony. So, yeah, let's just go inside this room first. Are you ready to see what's behind those doors?! Three, two, one... showtime! Wow. What a beautiful bedroom with so much charm! I just love antiques - antique furniture, antique styles... it will never get boring to me. And then, over there, on all the sides, they had paintings of a forestal theme with trees. And the countryside. Still, some two Eurocent coins are laying here. And the bed is even still made up - it's incredible. Most individual rooms had their own heater, as those are quite large and spacious rooms, and it would have been quite difficult to keep them nice and warm in the winter times. Because it can also get quite cold in Italy. And look at this lovely photo of a woman. I think she's with her granddaughter in the frame here. At this point, the roots are even starting to grow inside. What's behind this door?! Oh, it's just continuing to the other side. And this was a little private bathroom for this particular room that we often see in such dignified places. Oh! I also like this, how their shoes are still standing here, and look at those boot heels! Very fashionable, also nowadays. And remember for that time, they were already rocking them! Another room with beautiful paintwork. And look over there - wow...! Incredible. The wicker bench over here, and look at this. This absolutely sparks my mind. Wow. Still, some pillows inside of here, and a denim jacket that is pretty small. It was definitely from a child. And also, this room has a heater. And then, I'll show you the paintwork from up close. But you can also clearly see the humidity and the harm to this building already. Now, behind these curtains, we have another balcony. Look at this - wow! Oh...! Wow. This was definitely a children's room with this little bed over here, and still some dolls over there. And look at the ceiling - it's absolutely mind-blowing. It's so colorful and so dreamy, and magical. I guess the child who slept here lived a happy life. And also slept well at night. Such ambiance in this room. Even still, a piece of clothes over there. And in contrast with the beautiful magical ambiance, we have this quite eerie-looking painting over here. It's very abstract. I really cannot imagine that it used to be in this room, but you can tell by the size of this chair, that this was definitely a child's room. And these children were all raised up with religion. So, she was maybe just praying here or something. Wow oh wow. And then, as I mentioned, there's not only this beautiful bed but also these cute dolls. And then, we continue through another corridor. Over here's the bathroom connected with that bedroom. And this was also once a passage to go to the next area. We have a door over here, leading to another bathroom. And this bathroom actually belonged to this bedroom, I believe. Wow. Just take a look at the carvings of this bed frame already. You can clearly see the decaying state and the wallpaper that's starting to peel. I think that over there was, actually, a bedpan, where they could leave their droppings inside. Okay, this is a beautiful sofa, actually. Oh... and talking about beautiful, look at the stove - that's a very old one! There's no brand name written on it. I think this room belonged to a girl, and she would apply her makeup right on this table over here. Now, let's quickly check out the wardrobes, but they're not that stuffed anymore. At least, in this room. And then, we explored one part of this upstairs level together. It's time for the next part! Be surprised with the next part that's about to follow, as it's also a beautiful part with many beautiful rooms, and it's oh so big. Isn't it incredible that this is just still hanging up here on the coat rack?! Like they were still planning to return, and they just vanished into the blue, and never came back. We have another bathroom over here, which I assume belonged to two children. Maybe two daughters, maybe two sons. They had their own sink over here for in the mornings. And also, these weals are painted. It's quite faded but you can still see some remains of the pink color. So, I think those were the rooms of two of their daughters. Still, all the sheets and everything are left behind over here on the shelves. Some blankets for when it was cold during times of winter. Just looking at all the historical artifacts and frames inside here, imagining that this once took place when the first generations lived inside this place - it's mindblowing. Absolutely mind-blowing. We have another part of the corridor over here. I especially love the mirror, with these columns on the sides. Actually, carved wooden structures. We have some speakers over here. Plenty of paperwork as well. Some written notes, a telephone, and another WiFi router! This is crazy, people. The last residents definitely did not leave this place an incredibly long time ago. Dang, this is a huge room again - wow! A very old book over here, mostly about religion. This photo is adorable: we can see a woman together with her daughter staring outside the window somewhere inside this place. It seemed they really cared about the rich history of their family and I think, eventually, there was just nobody anymore to follow up on the family tree, or maybe the new generations did not have sufficient funds to maintain this property. As I can imagine cause it's quite costly also for the electricity costs, the gas cost, and everything. I think that's what happened. At least, that's what I assume. But of course, this is just based on interpretation and experience and I can also be wrong. Wow - look at this woman! Dang, those photos are in a very bad state, cover in mold. Those ones too. What a shame. It's so sad. It's just the lost glory of their family inside of this place. And this is crazy: there is another iMac. I think... I'm not sure, but was this really a monitor for a computer, or was it more of a television? Because you could also put your headphones inside of here, place a DVD or CD inside there. I think Apple also made monitors for televisions one day. And then, look at this piece of furniture. Wow! That is an incredible piece of furniture. I love this bank with the sides. A little bit wavy like that. And look at the humidity everywhere on the walls too. A huge mirror. Over there's one of the last residents - this woman. I'm 100% sure, this maybe was a granddaughter of hers. On top of the bed's also one of those very old-fashioned grooming kits with all these different compartments. I just love it. You could all bend it in like this, and then, you could, actually, take it with you. It was like a portable case. Oh... how neat! Still, pumps and shoes are standing inside here. Some medicines over here as well. And then, lastly, inside this room, we have a very ancient frame over here with a lot of written text about "Benedictus". I think it has to do something with religion, dating from centuries ago. A complete quote. And then, be surprised by the next room. I told you in the start of this video about a musical instrument. Right now, you're going to see it. Ta-da! Oh, oh... wow oh wow! A beautiful "Pleyel" grand piano from Paris. Still, with the last sheet of music laying on top of it. (playing some chords) It's definitely not working anymore as a whole, but by looking at the bottom side, we can tell that this was a "Pleyel" piano. I've seen quite a few ones in an abandoned state before. And yeah, of course, it's very sad that some keys are broken and it's just left in this neglecting state. We have a huge map over here on the wall as well. And look over here: there's a very old painting, probably also a family ancestor. What's behind these curtains? Oh, it's like a walking closet or something with still plenty of clothes over there. And just some other storage. And this magazine is dating from 2009. Apart from the expiration dates on the vegetable tins, that's the most recent date I've found so far. The wooden furniture and everything are just incredible inside here. Over there, we can see another photo of what the place once used to look like. It even has a tower. A beautiful stove over here in the corner. Look over here. There's the woman who lived here in the last few days. Such an incredibly majestic room. I've only seen lamps like this just a few times before. And never in Italy, but it was actually in Portugal. They also made like little crucifixes and crosses inside of their design, dedicated to religion. There's a television over there as well. Some other old photos. And this man was obviously very important within the family tree. He's reflected everywhere in this building. Now, lastly, there is one other bathroom on this floor you've not seen yet, and that one's right over here. Have a look, this bed with the two seats right in front of it. What is all of this? Oh, medicines! All of them. Well, you can clearly tell that people of older age were also living here one day, and probably because these last generations of the family passed away, it's now just abandoned. Because the younger, newer generations cannot afford it. Wow, these people were living their life. God bless them, absolutely. There is just another iMac over here! It's not stopping with all those iMacs... I also really like the curtains. This was definitely a girl's room. Look at the amount of makeup that's still present. Absolutely insane - lipsticks, foundation, all these cremes. Shoes... everything is still there. What's down beneath this? Oh, even more shoes. Definitely from a woman. And then, of course, also this particular bedroom had an own private bathroom. Oh, la, la! This place is still overstuffed with all the possessions and legit so untouched - it's unreal! I really like the tiles inside this bathroom. As you can tell, it's getting quite dark. And the ambiance is also really changing in this place. But I'm not scared that quickly. I'm definitely still seeing the beauty of this place. Dang! Look at these doors with the yellow stained glass. And behind it, is another bathroom. So, there's the toilet over there. Finally, we're going to the attic. And after that, there's one other room and a little area. And then, we explored this entire place as a whole. I don't know why the bicycle is just standing right next to the banister over here on the attic stairs. Now, over here, we have even more bedrooms. So, you can tell the size of the family but I also think plenty of those rooms in this attic were for servants. Quite a unique lamp with a star frame around it. Look at the photo of the man reading a newspaper in a local park. Let's firstly go to the left side of the building. Oh, look at these big chests over here. Oh, they're heavy, and also falling apart! I don't want to break anything. Well, those rooms are just empty over here. Maybe there's still something left behind over here. Well, a beautiful vanity. And over here, are the remains of a bed frame. Well, there are some clothes inside= here. Look at this - wow! That's a beautiful gentle hat that was once worn by a woman I think. Maybe for funeral occasions or something - very unique! I'm gonna put it right inside the wardrobe because that should not be left behind on the ground. Well, I can already see that the attic is gonna be plenty of storage. There's a part of a bed frame here. Plenty of sheets and blankets. Another bedroom. Wow, look at these papers! I think there are documents inside from the years 1912 up to when and including 1916. Oh, yeah! This definitely was paperwork from their business - a lot of numbers. Yep, those were like... this was just the old administration for their business. I think this was a family ancestor once. Another old photo. Wow... a man. I think it's taken. somewhere in a restaurant, and he's thinking about something staring outside the window. This is a beautiful photo - very photogenic. Well, just some storage over there. Mostly just old artifacts from the family and always some storage in these attics. But maybe we can still find something beautiful. Oh, there is a bat! Of course, always these freaking bats in those places. I'm not there to harm you, buddy Keep chill, and please don't fly in my hair. Well, luckily, I'm wearing a hat though but still, I've heard you have to be careful because those animals can easily get in your hair. Oh, those look like parts of an old game, but a really old game. All over here. Some old drums. I even see some Christmas decorations down there. The bat is still flying around. Probably I woke it up with my light. And plenty of other parts of furniture are still standing here. Well, buddy, I'm gonna leave you alone. I'm sorry to have disturbed you. These bats really do not like the light of cameras. They always wake up. Now, let's go back, and then, I will show you the very very last part inside of this place. And after that, we explored it as a whole! So, yeah, let's go! Okay, so, there we're going to the very last part. And what a mind-blowing and terrifically beautiful place this was! An exploration in Italy that is very high on my list and I will never forget. There are so many bathrooms. Over here, you can see some stairs already going down. What I want to show you from this side, is this: look at the spiral little wooden stairs going through here. And we have another precious room! And this room has strangely enough the most family history of all because everywhere on the walls, we can find frames and photos of the family. So, let's immerse ourselves... ...in this passage of time of the family. Again, the latest resident's over there. I'm just slowly gonna go through these photos - they're beautiful to stare at. And I'm sure you would love to see them too. Over here, we can see a woman that was clearly a nun. I think also a part of the family as they were very religious. That was once in the front gate - the portal of this mansion. The man in the middle was definitely the big patron - the most important and oldest person at that time. Look over here: the front garden, courtyard. The children are just playing on the pavement. Wow... so many important moments and occasions that were all captured in a photo. This was in 1910. We've seen this photo before - the man reading a newspaper in the park. Why is all this precious family history just left unloved? Why oh why?! The Sony television. The last photo of their son. He was quite a handsome guy. Actually, from their son...?! No, from the sons! Those are four different people, I think. Insane. And those boys are probably still alive. I'm really wondering what they think about this property at the moment. To me, it would hurt if I would not have been able to fix up this place and it's not just neglecting over here. Maybe they moved abroad, and they cannot even look after it anymore. There can be plenty of reasons. And I definitely do not want to be too judgmental about why this place is left behind like this because it can also be a family dispute going on. And as you can see, I just made my way inside of a kitchen - a very cozy one where also still everything is left. All the pots and pans. Spices, glasses... yeah, it's just pristine entirely untouched. It's unbelievable. Over here, we can see a religious priest, "P. Leopoldo". And finally, there are still some written things right over here. Insane. And then, we're slowly gonna make our way back to that point where I told you: I promise you that I will be back here later, and end the video there. We only have such a few rooms now to show you. As I told you, this room is massive This is empty. But, yeah, as I told you, this place is massive. Another kitchen part. This is a very old traditional stone sink. A very old fireplace. Wow...! Oh, and look at the wooden director's chair over here. And lastly, over here, we also have a bedroom. Oh my... poor owl! The poor animal made its way inside but eventually, never outside It's laying on top of the bed. And it looks like it's been lying here for a long time like that already. Rest in peace, my dearest friend. Such beautiful animals - those owls. Well, this is going nowhere. Just a door to the outside And then, lastly, you can probably already see it. We're going to the point where I told you I will be back here. Yes, there we are. Oh my gosh, people1 What a huge place, what a huge place. And what an incredibly well-preserved and beautiful place! And then, lastly, I want to show you the outside of this place - their huge garden but also more details of the exterior of that majestic place we've just seen. I don't know about you but I am, literally, lost for words. What a property, and what a size! And talking about the size there was also a huge garden surrounding this property. These people were very generous for sure. Now, look over here at this adorable outbuilding. And it was, actually, a shed. Let's walk there! Alright, so, there we are. I've not seen this area yet, so, I'm also curious about what's inside! But I think, as far as I can see now, just some general storage. There's still a box of one of their iMacs that we found inside. I don't think I can open that one anymore. Let's just walk around. I don't know if I can open it. Okay, there we go! Well, I was just talking about their garden, and over here it's just full of items and machines that were used for gardening. Also, some tools and appliances there. Haha, they definitely needed that lawnmower. They even had a second one. Now, over here, was once their entire driveway where they would drive up with their car one day. And then, look at the building style! I really can't place it but... It also has a bit of architectural taste to buildings that you often see in the mountains. Also, houses that I've seen in Switzerland with the woodwork on top. And then, of course, the exterior and the walls themselves have been beautifully painted by the Italians. Haha, there's even a palm tree over there. Dang, the sun is bright! And slowly going down at the end of this exploration. Over here's even still a sign you have to watch out for the dog. Well... as the owners have passed away, I think the dog also doesn't exist anymore. And as you can see, over here it's saying "26". Now, I do think there were maybe two families living and this was a building, and this was the grand building of the generous family. Wow...! What a monumental building! There's even a tower on top of there with still tv antennas. It is absolutely unbelievable... unreal. We gotta love Italy for its well-preserved history. Look at the front over here! These arcs and the massive columns. This must have been a fabulous place to live - absolutely spectacular! Over there, on the side where you see the ivy growing, they also had the balcony that I showed from that one room. And then, this is absolutely magical. Imagine just having lunch here and everything one day. Over here on these dark green wooden benches with all the beautiful paintwork again. Dang...! Eagles and everything. I also really love the lamps. This was the main door one day - where I started this video. Absolutely marvelous! I absolutely loved my time inside here and I hope that you did the same. I'm gonna close this unforgettable documentary right over here and I really want to thank you for sticking around with me till the very end. This place was just "fantastico", as they would say in Italian. I'm speechless... I really want to thank the "Ponti" family for exploring their rich piece of history today. Much respect to them and much dignity to them for what they have once accomplished. Uhm... yeah, what else did I say?! If you enjoyed this place and it sparked your mind as much as it did to me, then I just want to ask you for the favor of leaving a thumbs up because it greatly helps me to make more content. And also, feel free to just subscribe to our channel if you like our content and want to have it in your feed every week, twice a week - Wednesday and Saturday, as always. And also, do not forget to write a nice comment about your opinion and thoughts and any feedback is welcome on the perspective in which I show these places! And yeah, that was it! I will see you on the next adventure. I'm getting tired so closing this video right now. Peace out and time to have some food and go to the hotel! Bye-bye! (♫ Outro title - special thanks to all our Patreon supporters)
Channel: Explomo
Views: 269,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned mansion, urbex, urban exploration, mansion, mega mansion, mega, abandoned mega mansion, millionaires mansion, abandoned millionaires mansion, millionaire, millionaire mansion, lost, abandoned italy, italy, venetian, venetian family, noble, noble mansion, noble venetian family, lost places, lost art treasure, art, abandoned house, abandoned castle, castle, explomo, exploring with josh, the proper people, treasure, a lost art treasure, family, exploration, exploring, explore
Id: vuL3UNKmX94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 41sec (4241 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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