Why Was Everything Left? ~ Abandoned French Agricultural Home

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i want to give a big thanks to squarespace for sponsoring this week's video more about them at the end of the video welcome back everybody to the bros of dk we are today in france and we are on our way to visit a traditional french farm with everything left behind jody's also with me today and we're going to explore this place together today the girls are also exploring with us probably going to see them in the video but this place is literally from the 1800s and it's all left behind i'm really excited to see it and let's go there right now here on the left the form that i was talking about is popping up oh i'm excited for this one let's have a look you can already see the french architecture style what an amazing place look at this and then we have this tiny little farmhouse that we are going to explore into detail this is a true time capsule you can immediately see from the spider webs over here on the windows that is neglected and left behind wow this is the entrance i think oh yes the window is open let's go in there today's exploration tells the story of the french family aldin a traditional vegi cultural family were lived loved and laughed on the grounds around the property which they built themselves around two centuries ago the last inhabitants of this property was the loving couple renee and yvette and unlike their forefathers who raised very big families they had only one child his name was sylvia and he meant the world to them after a long and happy life renee passed away in the year 2003 and he was unfortunately followed only a few years later by his son sylvia naturally yvette was devastated but after a period of grief she realized that life was short and spent the last years gathering experiences and traveling around the world [Music] after event left earth for good nobody was left to take over the farm and this once loved place got desolate and abandoned together we will relive their story and bring it to infinity [Music] so hello everybody i'm now sitting inside of the place of henry and yvette as you can see i'm sitting in this kitchen over here it is actually a very very tiny house that we are inside right now but don't worry it's going to be in a very interesting video with lots of history and story so let's take you throughout this place let's show you what's left behind in here because it's quite interesting to my opinion okay the kitchen the living room the dining room all together in this room this house consists of three rooms one over there one behind you jody and this main room here the kitchen room let's stand here let's give the people a little overview of the place and then let's go through it and show you what's left behind before we started talking about the room let's just have a look at this at the window over here with all the spider webs with this you can see that this place has been abandoned for around six years now it's a two-time capsule look over here all the spider webs covering the ceiling and the door as well that's just crazy wow i want to start off with this little cabinet over here let's see what's on here i think i think this might have been oh this might have yeah this was her purse excuse me her wallet on here she held a picture of her knee i know that renee died in 2003. and uh she probably missed him so much that she put a little picture of him in her wallet to be a reminder of him i think this is a little into death and the card excuse me that's a difficult word for me yeah yvette obin orbin is their surname wow a bottle of alcohol oh this is lovely to see this is her child they only had one child and this is probably when the child was pretty young or this might have been a grandchild i'm not 100 sure about that because when they had children they were probably really really young and this is a for a long time ago so pictures like that weren't made in that back in that day you can see a picture of yvette here in mallorca in 1992 coming from a plane that's lovely to see she traveled around our country and yeah she was probably into traveling later on in life when she went on the pension it's quite unusual for farmers to see them traveling they normally stick to their house mostly lovely french cups gold plating wow they are made in france i really love two spider webs here on the door that's truly urbex what does a cliff glee you call it me and jordy he knows he's learning french these are the keys from the house and the barns the bonds we're going to show you later on those were the keys from the house as well stereo over here i also got an old deer head probably a nice trophy from a hunting adventure or something here we can see her coming back again oh beloved yvette wow look at her happy face a little mod collection as well this dawn in france over here is just mesmerizing with the clock gate and everything going through there wow so lovely over here is their dinner table i would say it's so weird that everything is together in one room you never see it anymore we have a room for everything but these people left so small they did everything in one room and that's just crazy to me you can see coming again the building is abandoned in 2014 six years ago there is even a calendar from 2013. i don't know why that's here but uh yeah it's office lots of booklets you have a little letter over here directed to oh this is of a child bird in 1996. directed to yvette so she was invited to come to a party that's lovely to see then over here we have the kitchen area itself i think this is not a picture of yvette see still some oil left behind behind there some pudding or what is it ponder this our apple pie i think no not apple pie apple compote or how do you call that some tea as well and in this one we have all the cups and all the plates that i used over here we got the sink with the last dishes this is the last spoon that eve had probably used to eat some soup or something like that and then she left it here to never return again she probably passed away at that point look at all these utilities for the kitchen as well over here the hell there's salt and pepper and all the spices spider webs are covering it and they also had a nice fireplace over here to heat up the room but also the cookon as you can see this is a wood fireplace i think they would use it more in the earlier times then it was common for french people to cook on wood fireplaces but it got replaced with that oven behind you later on on live shoddy as you can see yeah over here you put like your meat in there slowly cook it like oven space i think this you can open up to my knowledge but it's quite rusted by now to put in wood in here i can't seem to open it anymore let me close this up and let's toast it a copper pan that they use to cook with they got another small one as well over here wow is this motion michelle as an island nation in france it's depicted on the back of this beautiful little pen i left this piece and also this pot over here as well oh excuse me teapot and there's some rotten food in here there as you can see behind there i also can see lots of trophies it seems like a price for farming or something like that yeah farming price from 1996 at that time renee was still alive maybe he or she competed in some yeah games or something like that this is for the same sport also a farming prize and i got another one over here wow it's crazy oh what's this oh this is our rankin pictures this one's from 1995. this is from mem or bin yvette oh this one's from 1992 and another one from 1981 obin yvette so it's all for the woman these walls are 1995. okay wow let's let's have a look quite interested in them let's go to the table let's start from the oldest one let's see maybe she was sick or something you need to direct the light through it i think johnny then we can see can i have it can you see this yeah okay this is a runtime scan of a lungs and here on the right side you can see the spot i think it might have been some cancer or something like that okay that's the one from 1981 it's very interesting let's look at this one first 1992 you can see the same spot coming back so i'm not a doctor i might not be 100 right about this but uh these look like a little bit more healthy lungs to me so maybe she got first cancer and then she got better from it cancer went away it's just a checkup of how she's doing i think now we got another one from 1995. okay that's also very interesting wow this is a full body a full lung scan layer by layer so they can directly see if there's any cancer left in the body and now it's time for the master bedroom where we've had a rene sleep together and this little tiny bed in the corner there still made after all those years but at this point the ivy is growing over the bed as you can see wow that's so lovely behind you jody we see another picture this looks like a little bit of an older picture of a child so this might have been their child i don't know if they had a boy or a girl so this might have been our child this is a black and white picture there's a mirror behind here that's a little bit covered with junk so we can't really see it a closet completely filled with bad linen all left behind wow i love going through these traditional french places so i can give you guys a sense of how these people used to live like and how they would spend their days in their life and even outside we're going to check it out in a minute we're going to see the farm how it looked like how people worked and how what they did in life that's so interesting to me beautiful singer sewing machine wow i also really like this dining table in here it seems like they had a dining table for special occasions in the bedroom because this is a little bit more fancier dining table and a closet full of fancy glasses that you would use when family came over as well again see when they got cups that are the same then it's for special occasions two little spoons cold spoons probably not cold probably called plated but you know what i mean foreign what's this all of this i think this is from their marriage or something like that wow it's also interesting all these old papers that they signed and set up back in the day that are all now left behind in this place okay there's one last room in the house itself and that's the child's bedroom let's go there yep okay we're entering again into another little small room in the house that has just a single bed in here also still made after all those years but in this room there's also ivy but the wallpaper is also peeling off as well and they have wallpaper on the ceiling that's strange to me why would you have wallpaper on the ceiling beautiful nightstand marble top little cross up there this was the suitcase that our beloved event used to travel with oh it doesn't open anymore a little agenda in here little notebook unfortunately there's nothing in here wow it's for washing some random papers in here i don't know let's put it back beautiful suitcase and then behind here you have another little closet beautiful mirror as well oh this seems to be stuck i'm not going to open that i'll probably bake it and some clothes of hers some unused juice she probably bought them to wear them to a special occasion and she never came to it she passed away before she could wear them that's so unfortunate let me open the window and let's take a peek at the farm itself the girls are chilling out here in the middle of the field just waiting for us to film finish the documentary about the place as you can see this is the little house that we just filmed look how cute it is and how traditionally french it is with the beam design they have like the concrete with the beams in between that's so traditionally french let's have a look about what this place has to offer because it was a farm of course and they also had barns look over the field this was their field they probably have some cows or something like that some animals from flesh that's crumbling away the iv is taking it over i hope there's still something in here oh we see a farming machine over here look at this place wow an old school farming machine very interesting spider webs are also taking over this one it still turns i think this is just potatoes you think yeah that might be true jordy i had no clue so thank you for that information look at this wall it's completely crumbling apart looks like it's made with straw and clay and i just put like beams in between it that's just crazy and give it a few more years and it's completely gonna fall apart i take you over here on this side i see you got a few barns the house some animals you can see behind there jody that seems to be like a feeding bench or something like that wow this is so rusted oh yes this is also for animals this down this one doesn't open anymore so we can't go in here but uh yeah also some animals would be it's the host in here stored in here but not that many actually because they just had a few amount of animals just to feed themselves and earn a little bit of money here the car will be in and did you see a toilet inside yeah because maybe they had an outside toilet as well this might have been the toilet i'm not sure about that it seems to be like the toilet like it used to be the toilet so when it was winter and this whole field was snowed over they had to go outside of the house and come to this room to go to the toilets wow then we got this one last little barn to this side i think this was more for storage for working on things it's just some general storage in here as you can see a wooden barrel there looks amazing oh got a little picture of two children maybe grandchildren over here look at them this picture is not at all come inside wow we just entered in another room this looks like a working room with renee where he fixed up things and yeah some of his tools are left behind a site over there to cut the grass he also got this fireplace here in the middle to warm inside himself when he was working on things an onion that's dried away over the years wow whoa hello and here's another room a little little storage area jacket of his so many things to see in farmers i just love to go through there but i think we have had everything before i end off this week's video i want to thank the sponsor squarespace squarespace is a powerful online platform on you on which you can build your own website but that's not the only thing that squarespace can do for you on your own website you can also create a community because people can reply like and share the posts that you make on there and those posts you can categorize schedule and even share to other social media platforms know that a lot of my viewers also have a lot of passions and some of them even might consider starting their own store but squarespace already has a great ecommerce capability and on top of that you can also put extensions on your squarespace website to help you manage 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please like the video subscribe down there write us a comment and if you feel like supporting the channel go down there there's a link to patreon that you can support us with a monthly payment and then you get some amazing benefits back like mouth masks the video earliers and stuff like that with that all being said i want to thank you very much for watching this week's video and i'll see you next week in another epic adventure bye bye love you [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 61,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Abandoned House, Abandoned Home, abandoned mansion, abandoned places, abandoned then and now, urbex france, urbex europe, urban exploration, abandoned house, urban exploring, Abandoned mansion, Steve Ronin, She was deserted, She was left, Abanadoned French Farm, Abandoned Farmhouse, Explomo, Exploring with Josh, Bigbankz, Abandoned and Deserted, Timecapsule, Everything left behind
Id: u5z8G43CvZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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