FOUND an Abandoned Warehouse Hangar FULL OF Valuable Antique Carriages!

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In this week's adventure, we will sneak into an abandoned warehouse facility that is still entirely stocked and equipped with highly valuable antique carriages, military vehicles, and more. Just a little announcement before you're going to start this video: if you're not interested to see where we actually have to go through to come inside of this place, then just skip ahead 20 minutes or something. Because it's going to be a quite challenging mission to actually get inside of this hangar, so, yeah, I just wanted to say that before people are going to comment: "Oh, the half of this video is only how you only get inside of this hangar." Yeah, that's true, but it's just the style we like. A little bit raw, uncut footage, to really show you the exploring experience, and where we have to go through. So, yeah, let's start exploring now! (3 weeks earlier) (car horn sounding) Hey! Over there I can already see some carriages in the hangar. But apparently, we have to go another way. So apparently, it's going down here. Currently, we are trying to find a suitable pathway to actually descend this huge hill. But is not going to be easy because last night it was rainy. Very bad weather here in Europe, and everything is slippery right now. Well, so far, it seems easier than it is. Oh, a bullet! - Yeah. Well, hopefully, we'll not get chased by somebody with guns. - Watch it, there's barbed wire. Okay. So, they already placed some barbed wire here. Definitely, a clear sign that people are not welcome inside this place. At this point, we have to be really discrete. It's going down here, quite slippery too. It seems that they've found the actual entrance. It is so muddy on the ground here. You don't even wanna know. Well, if we follow the footsteps, I think we'll get there, eventually. I hope all these efforts will be worth it. I think this over here used to be an entrance one day. As you can see, it's sealed now, but if I see this tire, I think people in the past used to jump and climb right through this window. Really? This alley is leading to nowhere? Boys, was all of this for nothing? - Yes. Let's head back. I was already telling you: if we get all those muddy feet just for nothing, that would be a bummer. But I think that's actually the case right now. So, unfortunately, there's no access or entrance in this part. So, right now, we're trying to get to the other side of the hangar, and, yeah, we're just going to check if we can find another way in. But we have to be careful because there's still an active paintball shooting range, and the fence is open. So, I think there are people at the property. And of course, we have to prevent them from spotting us because otherwise, the mission is failed. And I really want to see this place! It's already known for 3 years, but not many people have made it because it has been closed all of the time. I think only a handful of explorers have actually managed to get inside of this place. It will be the biggest hangar facility, and the biggest carriage hangar I'll ever see, I think. We are, literally, surrounded by rivers. Or at least, small ditches, but... - Did you hear that? (whispering) It seems safe so far. Nobody can see us here. - That's true. Well, honestly, I do not think people have gone through here because it's still all overgrown. - I think they went up here, and down there. But we can actually cross it here. If we only make it through these spiky bushes, you can walk across it. - Let's see. Okay... Wait, if you can maybe detach my tripod, so, we have a weapon to conquer the thorn bushes. - Hahaha. Thanks! I mean, over here you're also inside of some parts, but... - Yeah.'s a little bit of a climb. - We can manage to pass it. I mean, it's a plan B. - It sounds more like a plan E, F, G... Z, haha. - Well, don't slip in, man. No, be careful. - I'll probably be the first to slip in, bro. Be careful because you see? This wood is just loosening. - It wasn't me. That was a very loud smash, somewhere very nearby. I don't know for sure but, do you see that there? It looks like a vehicle. I'm not sure. There's even a caravan or a camper. - It looks sick already. Yeah. Well, you know, it's possible to do this, but... - Yeah, it is. ...there's a freaking ditch because of all the groundwater and the soil just flowing down. Yeah. There's, literally, a ditch right over here! Be careful, man. Careful! - That's epic, bro. Look at it! Oh, yeah! By the way, can you help me with attaching my tripod again? - Sure. Yes, thanks! Okay. Let's be very discrete at this point. Very discrete. It's so small over here. Where the hell are we? Where the actual hell are we right now? You think it's safe enough to go through? - You want my honesty or you just want a politically correct answer? Let's just do it. - Yeah. We're trespassing anyway. Yep, we're trespassing. Alright. We can just encounter people right now. I don't know what to expect at all. (chuckling) This is not it! There are, literally, people working right over there. This is definitely not it! Let's get outta here! That's the thing about exploring, you never know. There must be another way, but where? That's the question. That's 100%, not the way to go. - No. There are, literally, people working. Let's get outta here! We should go back up and just meet them again. - It's quite steep, you know? I know. Try to stay as low as possible. - Yeah. The only bad thing is that the soil is slippery. But if you fall down right now, you, literally, slide right in my face. - Don't grab that tree! Hahaha. - Nooo! Catch it! Oh, f***. - She's gonna kill me, bro. I almost caught it with my feet but... you wanna go back for it? - Actually, yeah. If I were you, I would take the easier way. - Where? Just through there. Hahaha, you're crazy, man! He has to get the cranberry juice for his wife because otherwise, she will kill him, haha! Bro, one tip for the next time: never take the cranberry juice of your wife with you if you're gonna check for an entrance. And in that way, you learn new things every day, guys! (laughing) Look at him struggling! Well, it's starting to rain quite severely. It's raining cats and dogs! You make the same mistake as previously because right now, it can fall again. (laughing) I said: he's making the same mistake, and he almost let it fall again! Bro, she should propose to you now with the cranberry juice. - I did, I proposed to her. I know, I know, hahaha. Alright, let's quickly go back to the rest before they think we just got lost or kidnapped somewhere in the forest. - No, they've spotted us. They're right there anyway. Okay... Dang. I think you have to make her responsible for her own cranberry juice. - Hahaha, yeah. Well, I think you should give him a kiss. He let your cranberry juice fall and he went all the way back down the mountain to get it for you. - Awe, how sweet! - You're gonna be responsible for carrying your own cranberry juice. Yeah, right now you're carrying your own supply. - Yeah, get high on your own supply... Oh, no, that's something different! Haha, that's something else. Well, it's taking forever for us to find an actual entrance. And honestly I... I'm starting to get a quite hard head if we will actually find one. - You know what, bro? Some people just got caught the other day. They were inside. They got caught by this guard who comes here every now and then, to check it. And it was a girl, and this guy was actually pretty sweet because he just let her take her photos. Really?! - They talked a bit, and after she departed again. I have to admit, I'm not that afraid that we'll get caught here, but... - Nah, me neither. ...I'm just afraid that we won't even find a way in. And that would be a bummer because this is, literally, the only place we've planned for today! We especially drove all the way to here for this single place. So, then, I also really want to see it! - Trying to save you, nearly killed me. (laughing) Well, we've discussed a lot of options. The last option is plan Z. We're just going through the main gate. If somebody comes, we'll try to talk with this person. Maybe we can obtain permission to actually visit this place legally. And maybe they can just show us around. But, yeah, we're just trying the front entrance now. So, yeah, we're going to the front. Just to the gate. There's a chance of 50/50 that somebody will see us and come. Let's just do this! This is going nowhere. I think we'll have to give it up, boys. (laughing) Literally, people inside. So, I think we took a loss again. Bad luck today, but, yeah, we literally checked all the access points. We even went on active private property and terrain, but I think this is fully closed. Well, the last bits of faith. Desmond is going to check again, but I don't think this is going to be it for today. Too bad, but, yeah. That's urbex. (3 weeks later) So, while you're watching this it's actually 3 weeks later than the last time. As you can see, this time, I'm completely alone. I was actually on the way back from France from a huge trip I did. And suddenly, two contacts of me actually texted me that the hangar is open again. So, yeah, I definitely had to return, and it was actually on the way back home. The thing is, they are already inside, and yeah, currently, I'm just walking to the hangar again. And yeah, I'm so excited to finally show you this place. So, yeah, you've already seen the way we had to go through the last time. So, I'm not going to show you that again, obviously. But, yeah, I'll check you out when I'm at the hangar. So, let's go! So, guys, I'm very happy because we actually made our way inside of the hangar this time. And you're not going to believe what great fortune is actually left behind inside the four steel walls of this hangar. I mean, it's entirely full of antique carriages, but also antique sleighs, old cars, artillery vehicles. And, I think, plenty of these carriages actually used to drive around in France and many of them were owned by noble class families. Like they say in France: the "Bourgeoisie". And, yeah, it's unbelievable. I think some of the carriages we're going to find are even a one-of-a-kind: there's only one piece made of it. So, there's not even a price you can mention and give it. Yeah, we're just going to start off over here. As you can see, some transport vehicles. This is actually one that was from Germany. Some huge vehicles. And all of these vehicles and carriages are just covered within a thick layer of dust. They've been resting here for ages and ages. I'm also completely dusty. My jacket is dusty. I am dusty. Everything here is full of dust. This even looks like an army vehicle. And as I said, most of the vehicles are actually coming from France. So maybe, the person that once stored all these vehicles inside was French. But all of these cars are oldtimers. All of them. But just keep watching this video because the best is yet to come. And it's actually a huge warehouse. Wow! It was all just handpainted one day. Also, look at the wheels. Wow! On the backside of this carriage over here, there's even still, a suitcase. There's nothing inside. Those were carriages that were actually carried by people. You can see the two beams over here. And look where they actually stuffed this with. With straw or hay. That's just all velvet stuffed in the inside. It's so interesting to see it. There are genuinely some very antique carriages inside this place. This one's again very unique with the yellow colors. Wow! Such elegance. Unbelievable. There's so much to look at. You, literally, don't know where to look. The tires are skewed of this one, so it will not last long until it falls down, I believe. And look at the inside! Wow. Even over here: these details. It's incredible. It's absolutely incredible. I can just only imagine those noble and royal class families just being transported in this vehicle. And right now, centuries later, it is just rotting away in a random vehicle warehouse somewhere in Belgium. This is even a boat over here. Dang! Some huge cars. Maybe those were the cars where they actually carried all those carriages to transport them to this hangar. I really want to know the story behind this place. It must've been a lover and collector of all those antique cars and carriages, but... You can clearly tell for how long they've been abandoned as well. Let's see... Oh, this one only has 5593 km on the clock. Now, that's not much. Dang! The front window is open. Look at the inside. That over there's just wood. It's crazy. They could carry a lot with them. It's like a pick-up truck, but then a huge one. The engine over here. But this one... imagine that this one over here once actually drove on the streets of Versailles. That's nearby Paris, the capital of France. One day, centuries ago, this was just an everyday vehicle you would see when you walked on the street. It's unbelievable. It's even saying over there: "Hotel de Ville - Versailles". That was probably an advertisement. Wow! Oh my gosh! So, over here you could lounge. Wow! This was a huge one. You could even go up. No freaking way! Oh my... okay. I'm definitely going up. Wow! Look at this! Wow oh wow. Imagine the view up here when you actually drove through the streets. It's very squeaky. This one's better. And have a look at what we all still have to do. This is absolutely incredible. So, we covered that part for a bit there. This part. We still have all those carriages over there to go. Dang! This is a huge warehouse! Actually, right next to this one is also another carriage and that one is also beautiful. It's saying: "Bagnols a mende". Maybe that's a French city too. I don't know. Wow! Have a look at the inside. This was definitely for noble class families. Wow. Then imagine, that the driver, the conductor of this thing, would have been sitting right over there. That was his door. Un-be-lie-va-ble. And the best is yet to come, so keep watching this video, as you'll be absolutely surprised! Even look at this bus vehicle over here! This bus is entirely attached with all those ropes because otherwise, just all its parts would individually collapse. But instead, wouldn't it be way more efficient to just bring it to a scrapyard because this is really not worth anything anymore. I mean, this thing is really falling apart. It's not even worth a euro anymore. The roof is collapsed as well. It's literally as if it's only a metal thing, but I won't even call this a car anymore. This one's in better condition, but still, it's not very good. All the tires are also completely flat. These vehicles must've been standing here for such a long time. Decades and decades. They are all just neglecting here and rotting away. Entirely forgotten about as a whole. But why?! I keep on questioning this myself throughout this complete exploration people. And if you have any ideas on it, then leave it down in the comment section. Haha, what's even this? All those pillars. Maybe these pillars also used to stand on the streets somewhere a long time ago. There's something carved in them. They are really heavy. Dang, what's that vehicle there? Oh, this is a very old one! Oh! I've never seen a vehicle like this. This is a very old one. Maybe even from two centuries ago. Unbelievable. Even have a look at how the license plate looked back in the days. This was actually a "Ford", it's saying. And then, have a look at this one! This was just a weaponized vehicle! Dang! Damn, that's one of the craziest military vehicles I've seen. I think those were even rocket launchers on top. What the heck! Incredible. Yeah, this was definitely a rocket or grenade launcher. It's really incredible. I can hardly believe the vehicles that are left inside of this hangar. But anyway, let's continue, and right now we're going to walk through all the rows of abandoned carriages and sleighs. Look at this one! Isn't it charming? And again, it's so elegant. Haha, this must've been one that was carried by reindeer. Wow. This one's again stuffed with straw, so it must be a very old one. I think it was very comfortable back in its days. And this is one of those things you see on top of a pope wagon. Also very beautiful. And look at the inside, too. All is red velvet. Even finished on top with some tiny ornaments. Another sleigh. Wow! Oh, and what's that over there?! Those were even more sleighs, but look at them! It's like a toy horse. What the heck. And that one over there's like a toy dragon. Haha, it's crazy. Over here you could sit. Maybe this was for children, I really don't know. I've never seen a sleigh like this, in this shape and style. Haha. Now, I'm going to try to make my way through here. Over here there are literally rows and rows full of those carriages. Like everywhere. Another sleigh. Also beautiful, wow! No, and look at this one! With the paint on it. Trust me, people, in reality, it's even more beautiful than it might seem on video. Those are some very vintage pieces. Normally, I'm never fascinated by cars, but old carriages are one thing on their own. Un-be-lie-va-ble! This is mindboggling. Mind-boggling. They are still, in quite good shape. At least, I can still walk over them, without the wood just cracking. There are so many. Over here the conductor would sit who was actually sitting with ropes in his hand to control the horses in front. Incredible. And all are different. There's not a single one the same. That's also what I really love. It's really as if I'm currently walking in another time period. It seems as if I'm walking in the 18th and 19th centuries, and not in 2021. There are some other sleighs. This one with a dog, and this one too. Lovely! Look how dusty they are. Oh so classy again, on the inside. This one seems as if it was never finished. And I think that's actually the truth. Maybe this person who once placed them here was actually a maker of old carriages, or it was a family business that was passed on from generation to generation. Until there maybe was nobody interested anymore, or the family tree ended and there were no family relatives to follow up. I'm just trying to decipher the untold stories this place has to tell us. Oh. Wow. I said this word so many times now, but it really is wow. Maybe I can climb on this one to show you another overview. Oh! I have to be careful. That almost went wrong. But, yeah, have a look at this! Well, and right now, I'm going to show you, in my opinion, the two most beautiful carriages inside this complete warehouse. The first one is right over here. And look at its mesmerizing paintings. The paintwork is incredibly detailed. Still, the coat of arms of this noble class family that was once transported with this vehicle is visible. Wow! All these flowers in its design. Even the finishings on top. Even the doorknob was inspired by the family coat of arms, with a crown. Woah! You could bend this out, and then look at the inside! Oh my gosh! Wow! Oh! This one is absolutely incredible. So so beautiful! Prepare yourself for the other one because that one's equally beautiful and it has beautiful carvings. Well, firstly, there's a mannequin over here. I also don't know why that is. But have a look at this grand carriage. Completely different from that one. Even the top part was actually a little bigger. But the details and the carvings on this one are even more incredible. Wow! Such a huge one. Massive in size. Then, I don't know why but on the ground over here is one of those horses that you normally see on a carousel. Haha, and even a donkey over here. Dang! What a unique place, and I'm almost sure, hands down, that I'll never see anything just like this again. This amount of carriages, in this state, and this old. That's extremely rare! But anyway, we nearly made our way through all those carriages. I'm going to show you the very last ones, and then it's time to go. Look at this one. It's again very unique. It even has wonderful paintings. Wow! With birds and everything. This is really... those are not just vehicles, people. No, this is true art. Alright, well, I want to show you the most beautiful carriages from another perspective because this one's massive. Everything is painted in this blue and gold color. And this is it again. It's so incredible. I wanna have a look at the inside. Wow! Okay, I want to sit in it. I don't know if it's going to be safe, but for the first time ever I want to say I have sitten in such a carriage. Oh f***! That nearly went wrong. Alright, there we are. Haha. This is actually very comfortable, people. I can only imagine how the people would sit here one day. The noble class. It must've been great. Such a big privilege to actually be transported in such classy means of transport. Okay, let's leave again, and show you the very last things. I haven't shown you this carriage yet. It also has some very interesting tiny paintings on it. Inside it's quite simple. This one, likewise, is also beautiful. It's saying: "Clarensac Souvignargues". Haha. I think that carriage up front actually belonged to this one. They seem quite in the same style, also with the yellow wheels. What's this even? All those tiny figurines. What is it doing here? So many decorative things. Even cyclists over here. You, literally, find the most random stuff inside this place. There's even a giant model plane of Air France. What the heck. And there's a golf cart. Just the most random items, vehicles, and things. And then, last but not least, a tiny one but a beautiful one. Have a look at this sleigh over here. Wow! Some beautifully detailed paintwork again on all its sides. Everything in a forest and nature theme. Absolutely mesmerizing. Also the shape of it. And upfront was paintwork as well. Well, and by then, I toured you around all the incredible carriages, cars. Just all the masterpieces and antique gems inside this French warehouse. Well, French warehouse, but in Belgium, and yeah, I really hope you enjoyed it and I want to thank you for sticking around and making it to this point of the video. If you enjoyed it, you know the drill. Of course, hit that LIKE BUTTON, SUBSCRIBE to the channel down below if you want to see more epic places just like this all around the world, and also, do not forget to leave your OPINION on all those antique gems over here. And then, as always, I want to thank you for watching and we'll see you on our next adventure! Peace-out!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 909,731
Rating: 4.8739276 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, found, an, full of, antique carriages, carriages, abandoned hangar, hangar, abandoned warehouse, warehouse, warehouse hangar, facility, storage facility, cars, abandoned cars, car, oldtimers, abandoned oldtimers, classics, hundreds, of, valuable, antique, carriage, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, mansion, house, castle, abandoned castle, urbex, urban exploration, urban, exploration, explomo, exploring with josh, steve ronin, the proper people, explore, exploring, left, EX
Id: 9lhiU4ZjWrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 15sec (3135 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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