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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] what's up guys welcome back to the channel today lisa and i have come to this abandoned tudor mansion in england this place is absolutely beautiful look at that fast roof and everything can't wait to get inside um i believe it was built in the 15th century i'm not really sure of any history on it as yet but we'll get inside and we'll have a look around so remember to like comment subscribe hit notification for future explores we'll get straight into this one guys this place looks absolutely beautiful [Music] [Music] all right guys so we are inside the tudor mansion and you want to see this place look at this architecture absolutely unreal all the stone i know it's beautiful isn't it look at this it does look like it's been cleared out a bit yeah but there's still so much left inside here unreal place little wine bottles there yeah all empty are they yeah not surprised look at all this original flooring these amazing seats look at the detail in these wow these look like they could be original as well don't they yeah that is unreal different different let me just um i just wanna have a look around wow look at this we've got the ravens in the window there look at this cloak room oh wow it's all got oak and everything even in the toilets the old mirror there all the details and everything original doors this is stunning isn't it absolutely stunning i will now two seconds just looking at this everything's carved amazing if it's hand carved yeah look at this every window sill is hand carved all the beams stained glass over there i can't believe this what the stairs oh just wow everything about it has cost an absolute fortune look at the stained glass windows just the brick walls it's just mad isn't it yeah oh wow oh that's a big one it's alive of course it's alive why would it be dead i don't know you just think everything stares on you don't you because it's abandoned look wow what's that saying it the list of halifax look at that that would obviously change night and day there's a moon now that's unreal isn't it yeah look at the furniture babe the lions heads in this the detail in that this is all original isn't it you can tell yeah this is a few hundred years old at least there's a lot of these big spiders don't worry about do you mean all the artwork and curtains up windows everything about this is amazing they're blocks on the covers yeah that's amazing oh it's all cleared out isn't it this is beautiful this is one of the most stunning houses i've been in why don't you clear everything but the table all the outsides all overgrown looks like i'd say about 10 20 years worth of growth outside isn't it amazing wow names in the look at this that windowsill obviously sitting in the window there i think that's is that a bear wow this fireplace is something else it's got the seats either side big beams across it look at this that is absolutely beautiful imagine this fire going this is unreal guys absolutely unreal let's get a pan of this room let's watch any addresses or anything look at this date go on 30th of july 92 92 29 years ago wow 30 years of growth outside then look at this these are wooden stairs wow we'll have a look out there in a minute if we can oh my days look at this oh another one of these fireplaces this is absolutely stunning the drinks still on the dresser there oh my god i love all these people what's all these in here fossils it looks like shells oh my god oh human bear i well i nearly fell over then that excites us no no yeah it's a jawbone off a human what little keys do you know what hey do you know what this is this will be stuff that's been found on the grounds hundred percent guys look how old thank yous i remember when we went to that um museum yeah and they had all the stuff that they found out the water yeah it looks like all that doesn't it the same stuff queen's hooks yeah that's what it's all fossilized so that'll all be stuff that's been found on the grounds here wow so some of that will be six five six hundred years old that's amazing that is something else look that'll originally been on the house as well proper architects artifacts artifacts so this will all be original yeah look at this absolutely beautiful yeah it a ivory as well that's not the key that is yeah that's what i'm saying that's it that's the key that's the handle yeah ivory that oh it opens empty wow what a place this is i love finding bits of history in places that is absolutely amazing what's in that cabinet newspapers what's the date um 6th of june 85. 85. wow this place is absolutely beautiful guys isn't it gorgeous this could be one of the best we've explored so far so far what was the latest 92 92 what did you ever play in your christmas play hmm what what were you in your christmas plays in school i wasn't we weren't allowed to do one because we were naughty i played the rat in mr fox though dear parents in our christmas production your child duncan is taking the part of the child going to bed nice please provide a dressing god i was always the angel yeah but you were absolute all right let's uh let's keep looking [Music] [Music] guys have you ever seen a place like this just abandoned oh wow wow unreal guys look at this fireplace that is stunning speak to us oh look at the little leather kid's chair there look at that i've never seen one of those before all the lavish sofas big chairs you're right so big monster wow i'm loving these beans looks like a king there looks like it could be a king kitchen down there we'll have a look in a sack stunning isn't it gorgeous broken window though it's a bit random oh yeah strange isn't it absolutely no damage in this house whatsoever the crystal glasses i wonder how much that would cost the size of a lot that's about seven foot tall that is unreal absolutely stunning i don't know if that no one's been in and ruined it yeah just kept it the way it is yeah look at the flooring and everything i think this is my favorite one i've ever been to is it i love it yeah it's getting so excited kitchen quite a modern kitchen hey it's thing this isn't surprisingly oh there's still food in here is that wow look at the little doors that's that's strange isn't it because of how big everything is and then you've just got this little this will be for servants and that's what i'm trying to get through that all could be a servant's hatch servant's door won't it yeah the wow and they were the old mcdonald's coca-cola glasses that you got with your meals yeah and if you've got anything from any of these food sweet corn relish you haven't heard so we've got the child's name duncan yeah and we've got 1992 of the uh most recent date look at this conservatory guys imagine just kicking back and chilling in here still on the table and everything [Music] like privacy screen kind of things oh yeah never seen glass ones bit we've only seen one that we take the beach a windbreaker little furniture here again oh spiders okay what are you thinking then loving it love it i actually love this it's beautiful it's one of the nicest houses we've ever seen to be fair yeah let me know down below what you're thinking guys would you live here how much would you pay for this place how much would you pay for this furniture absolutely unreal 1992 so 29 years like we were saying are you found now yeah joyrides travel surface tablets how is it expiry 2001. yeah makes sense just left them in the drawer haven't they this is yeah your awful craft drawer that's the uh that's the other side of the stained glass window in the hall oh yeah let's see what else we can find there is two upstairs areas so we'll have a look at them wow there's two sets of stairs all you can smell is like varnish and wood it smells nice doesn't it yeah it's nice i wonder how many bedrooms it is oh my god oh that's a low door wow look at this room guys hey look old hot water bottle again you seen one of them on your last video didn't you yeah that's weird some of the knowledge i actually thought there was someone in there let me step back that is unreal sink yeah you do find that in these whole old houses like these would have been old light yeah put your candles in there wouldn't they wow the stained glass swan above the door there yeah wow proper tudor house isn't it it's got a knocker on the door wow cobwebs there too that's a strange area isn't it do you know what that reminds me of do you know back in the day where they'd have a big bath yeah so the bath would be there and it's like a wet area kind of thing so that would have been tiled the bath would have been there do you know what i mean that makes sense makes sense to me wow two radiuses in one room big rooms aren't they yeah look at the wooden floors up here these are small doors there's a bathroom the tiles and everything wow this is stunning all taps are the old shower that goes on the taps brass they're like the holes oh the shower little window open look how low this is though i wonder if this would have been like the servant's bit because i have to duck down to get through oh there's a ladder there as well look at that the ladder but they've obviously boarded that bit off so might have been like an extra room here wow the little uh winnie the pooh room here beds are still made strange how most of it's cleared out i wonder if the people that buy this obviously they'll have to keep the furniture won't they look at the white mold coming on that now though look at all the air winnie the pooh tigger stunning you like it yeah like a nursery in it uh like a baby's room matching curtains uh and look they've got the old wooden slats on the window outside the stickers i love winnie the pooh unreal isn't it yeah the wardrobe there just saying about the white mold on it coming through what shame that is hopefully they'll be able to uh clean it up it's tiny that doesn't it's really hard as well it's not the comfiest let's stop the lights coming through eleanor little kids called eleanor look how low that is oh look at this little rocking horse in here [Music] this second kid's room it looks like doesn't it yeah it's like joffrey's little kid's room you don't watch game of thrones boo another old wardrobe oh there's some clothes in this one girl's clothes so i don't think it's jeffrey's room joffrey's room what name did you say duncan i'm thinking of game of thrones was thinking of joffrey wonna how good condition is that it's beautiful i love these uh beans lovely gorgeous aren't they yeah obviously it would have been a little light but you candles there i can't believe how low these ceilings are it's a scandal probably hasn't sold you're missing rooms huh i don't know where i'm going i'm lost it's like a maze isn't it it's just like a uh what this thing storage i suppose yeah a little bit from the house in the windows again iron bars on this one isn't that strange wow another stunning wardrobe here that one's locked with the lion's head in the top look at this it's proper random little bit sticking out and everything in there i love this floor i'm obsessed with this floor you know oh look at this guy might have been the uh owner or the the guy that lived here when it was built it's what they usually do isn't it yeah just amazed look at this this one's got a knocker as well so [Music] oh hello look at this bed jesus oh look at this medicine cabinet yeah nothing in it how excited you got that get all crooked made that bed is amazing isn't it yeah look at that one yeah wardrobes again everything is small except for the actual house the fireplace in here obviously it's uh redundant is it yeah it's been filled in like you're saying about the rug will you be lying down aren't you yeah i'm pretty sure the world was run by midgets back then because look at this door [Applause] oh this is the type of room that you see on films that are haunted so we'll shut that just in case but look at these old uh lamps they've obviously been replaced by plastic candles what you found anything um is there a date on it 2002 and a cold sore cream expiry 2002. oh there you go that's strange isn't it but look at this is this a balcony no look at that thatched roof though isn't that crazy look at that it's like a balcony the old thatched roof there that takes some looking after that doesn't it wow this is the double chinle here you know where it was either side that's the one chimney for both sides look at the size of it some more rooms here wow artwork there what do we have here another bedroom how many is that one two three i think this is number five yeah five wow come on is that iron it's heavy little stage for the bed yeah that's crazy isn't it another huge wardrobe there this room's a lot bigger than the others isn't it higher yeah you know is it mind your headaches i see a lot a little giraffe that's for you though wow the floor's creaky though just looking at this brass one plate thing yeah the window at the top it's crazy why would you even put one there you can't do anything with it ah just a bathing you know sunken sunken bath a good day yeah what a place this is oh what let's see our slight switch that's cool isn't it i'd be lethal in here because i whacked my head all the time yeah red would be bouncing off everything there's the toilet hidden behind the door i was wondering where it was wow stunning you're loving it yeah this is my favorite should we go and have a look outside i think that's all the rooms all right guys let's head outside oh that floor's creaky house let's head outside check out the gardens absolutely stunning and then wow wow so guys that's the inside of the house we're now going to give you a little walk around just to see how different this house is on the outside and it's got lots of crazy little features which are absolutely amazing it's somewhat off harry potter look at this absolutely no straight lines got the old lantern hanging there it's absolutely amazing isn't it it's stunning got a lot of land with this place as well but a couple of other bits i know you get your own wishing well wow and there's a duck in there too but he's seen better days look at that with his own thatched roof as well oh my god i didn't even see this look what else you get absolutely ginormous pond and a real dog with a real duck in it this is amazing isn't it look at this place man it's like something off a fairy tale isn't it yeah it actually is we'll head round the back see what we can see around here oh you're right i need help well yeah the thorns get them out jesus christ there you go there you go oh wow look at this place got the old stairs yeah yeah they are aren't they absolutely stunning building get all this land as well got a garden there's a second well over there which has been made into a walking line another pond here it's got its own little bridge if you can make that out it's very sunny look at that yeah absolute fairy tale how's this it's just so uh deteriorated deteriorated on the outside isn't it yeah proper coming down around the windows fast we've seen better days what a building though so they are guys the tudor fairy tale house fairy tale house that's a nice name all right so i hope you've enjoyed that like i said leave any comments down below remember to like comment subscribe hit notification for future explores we are currently on our road trip this is only stop number one so make sure you stick around see what else we get up to on this trip stunning ready yes let's go [Music] you
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 62,193
Rating: 4.9266505 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses 2020, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk
Id: LI15xQ9oeS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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