I Bought $1000 Lost Luggage at an Auction and Found This… (Buying Lost Luggage Mystery Auction)

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[Music] everybody teaches nothing I'm back with another video back to show you guys what was on that USB stick and the camera that I found inside my safe video if you guys didn't see that same video let me catch you up and give you a little bit of a flashback your see stick oh yes d card so at the end of the video I asked you guys if it was okay to open up open up what was in the yeah see what was inside the USB stick and the SD card you know what but looks of that like button you guys said it was okay so I went ahead and put all that stuff on the laptop right here and I told you guys I'd be doing in my next video but you know I wanted to make sure so I'm doing it now Travis what's up you ready to see what's on here yeah let's go see what's on here that turns out the USB stick that we found in the safe actually had a password on it I didn't know that password but I know a guy that's really good at finding out passwords to people's devices and well he who Not Be Named hooked me up a little bit and just sent me an email with this stuff so let me just download it oh it's a hundred and eighty Meg's that means it's that's pretty good hopefully there's a lot of stuff on there I gave him both the USB and SD and I told him just send me anything that would should be in a video if there's anything that shouldn't don't send it to me so let's see what we got alright let's open the zip so we got a bunch of photos here I think we got one document and then we got I think it's a video yeah we got a video alright let's look at the pictures all right so we got some good stuff all right what do we got here okay it's a truck that's for sale there's a fire truck maybe it's for sale alright okay maybe my maybe my man owns a junkyard oh what's this for lunch move bonjour vous it a song play see giddy up you don't oh who ate two bones okay I only speak a little bit of French I know this is French I know this is French Oh hold on hold on is this a meme looks like okay all I'm saying hello my friend are you gonna be here in an hour you're late oh my god Matt Matt fam set my fence I'll be a while and they saw el the two puta my girlfriend or my wife isn't home she's at work something come here something I don't know guys I don't speak French but this is lady my man doing someone's wife is at home I and any of you guys speak French or if any of you guys know someone that speaks French translate this conversation down below I want to know what this says maybe I'm gonna find out okay this this goofy something-something kind of shady all right yeah guys translate this conversation for me I'll give you a heart I really want to know what this says let's go to the next thing walk in I can't show this to you guys I'll blur it and pop it up right here but there's a check to someone it's for 3,000 something dollars okay well I mean I can't I just want you guys to have the account numbers and stuff and there's a passport passport was a passport for someone who's this guy all right construction equipment this guy must be a construction worker or like like a sales guy for for something he likes his cars yeah I could show the other stuff to you guys yes I think I think he's like he sells stuff or by he's looking to buy equipment or build houses or something yeah for sure for sure is that him oh this is the stuff we saw in the beginning yes you live in that van creepy van alert what is inside there hmm okay all right here's the banger though we got a video 46 seconds long Oh 46 seconds long okay yes if it's a it was the person was gonna be french girl or guy I think it's a girl I'm sure do miss a girl I'm safe the guy well what's that squeaking sound maybe watching [Music] it's like dragging something what did it I think so yeah that's a little creepy it doesn't show anyone's face though so okay whatever alright that's what was on the USB it's exciting kind of not that exciting the video is pretty cool you know we should do let's go find out a little bit more about this guy let's go upstairs and check the rest of the luggage I'm happy about it I didn't show too much okay the privacy was still intact and plus that person knew they were giving up their storage unit so it's a little different aside from that though you guys see this right here we got a whole lot of airport luggage for you guys like a whole lot I don't even know if I'm gonna get through this all in this video but I'm gonna try now for those of you guys that watch the same video and saw that little clip where I went to Toronto and picked up the whole storage unit you would have seen that there were some other things inside that unit other than the safe hey ka that and we're gonna find out what's in those and then we're gonna find out what's in these hepatitis or something else in these bags gotta make sure I wear some gloves you know plus I just don't really like getting my hands dirty first box we got the EXO Puma which makes me believe that there's probably EXO the weekends the weekends merch that's probably in here find out well first thing we got a passport Johansen a moccasin last name but it's Johansen oh my man flies business class okay alright so the winds got some money I mean yeah safe that didn't have some money but yeah and he's going to Vancouver where you rich city in Canada alright let's see what else there is can it could be a camera so are these the weekend shoes doesn't look like it we got some Nike Nike Shox you know when I was a kid I always thought these would make me jump higher didn't know who will hold on what is that this is a card to a very exclusive club the first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about my club okay we got a box Melanie Lin who's that I think it's a designer okay looks like we got some bits of this new stuff 250 Canadian dollars that's like 200 US dollars for his dress I assume it's a dress nothing in that alright little black dress but it's not so little whoa okay hey you feel the difference Travis yeah do I look like the girl from what's that movie I killed someone she laughs about it read Harry Potter Oh what's her name evil lady from Harry Potter you helped me out so you don't know they didn't lose a lot of them Harry Potter the girl wears the black dress she's a witch she's super evil she's part of Baltimore's crew she killed Sirius Black somebody comment down below who I'm talking about please or at least the movie let Travis know you killed me do you ever watch anything sometimes okay yes you got to do a twirl now I get a toilet [Music] this is a good dress I might give this away in my giveaway how many girls will have to watch me you think I have a lot maybe not that much if you're a girl and you'd like me to send you this dress or if you're a boy you like me to send you this dress comment it down below I may actually send you the dress I can't use that box that broken next bag alright so this is also pretty storage unit let's go see what's in here oh my man have priority baggage why is this a priority to the garbage bag you Jim include yeah well these are nice got some Under Armour jogging pants Nike dri-fit it's gonna fall in he's ballin white t-shirt oh this is I this is how you know this storage locker came from Toronto where you got the six guys and I lost my head Drake okay memento me oh look say I might've found might have found embargo storage locker you know I think this bags full of underwear because it says Calvin Klein so I'm just not gonna open it do you want open that back I'm gonna pass you sure I'm sure that you're really sure appreciate the thumping okay Guns N Roses Oh Cap'n nobody here knows what kinds of events and roses are I think so ah maybe not you think yeah you guys know who Guns & Roses is found out one of those songs down below and I'll give you a heart that can't be welcome to the jungle maybe I'll still give you one anyway no brand new floor brand new yeah probably just wait till the end to clean up all right let's move on pick a bag any bag pick a bag red and there's two red bags your left this one yeah let's do it all right okay now these bags actually came from the last airport luggage and here we go okay this one this one's been through a lot you know what this is the dream catcher the dream catcher okay okay this is actually cool I like this I may keep this guys if you don't know what these are are they're Indian dream catchers and make the catch dreams they stop you from having bad dreams I think so that's how that works pretty sure okay we got some Indian dream catchers not bad happy it's not just clothes you know what I'm gonna put these back nicely where I found them no baby oh we got some goodies where's this no they say yeah but this is a I think this is like the starter kit for a ps4 like the headphones that comes with the talk we got a pill APO and each pill that's concerning close close close back-to-school supplies hey yeah come on it's a guy you all start in each section and then you jump each other and you try to you know what this game is called well I don't need it you know you know see what's inside three two one Oh chess pieces that makes sense we got a dead chess board we got chess pieces you wanna play chess I don't wanna play chess oh my god you know for all you that thinks Travis is an alien that confirms it there's a pretty good back the dreamcatcher dreamcatcher this cool kind of banger all right next bag this is this would be a carry-on right yep how do you lose a carry-on front pocket usually some goodies no goodies okay we got some shoes little dude you put those back in the DC you got a razor you know personally I don't keep what my razors with my shoes but that's up to this guy big pocket here we go oh alright there's definitely some stuff in here but to start off we got a book called inheritance I mean my man had an inheritance huh okay what is this we're moving on to good things what is this what is this Travis come on you're the tech guy Sony yeah this at this play the disc player external disk yeah what do you do with this buggy computer everything yeah yeah wonder if there's a CD inside oh there is a disc seems to alright you know I may use this because my computer doesn't have a CD spot I also never use CDs I'll keep it around now I know what this is does I use that I think in woodshop class when I was in that grade eight you plug this in this gets really really hot and then you like carve your name in wood and stuff why would they have let me give you oh these are all like the tips and stuff for the wood burning you screw it on the end so it's a wood burning kit okay yeah it's pretty cool interesting at least you can always use another iPhone cord it's a two meter and can opener who doesn't want that who travels with the can opener just travel the camper I don't okay nobody travels with the can opener there's always that okay oh man safe yes a harmonica [Music] that was heavy man it works yeah I wouldn't do on to the next bag [Music] Buchman looks good there's also two black one plum floor but they're not do black bag on the floor this is not not too heavy but I hear some stuff rattling all right so the halfway open Bob get nothing this pocket nothing tries to pick the worst bag there's nothing in here so far mm good about this I think I just saw something crazy in here you know this is a good thing Oh do you want to show you guys how much good stuff there is here believe it or not I think I may have cracked a rib during my wall video I'm actually trying to open it but the zipper stuck okay I'm just gonna have to show you guys all right water bottle laptop charger we met found a laptop oh my good what is it baby inside the baby inside everyone calm down piece by dre headphones we got a makeup kit Victoria's Secret that's definitely empty this one definitely just padding as well okay guys I'm telling you this bags banger there's a lot of headphones in here first pair of headphones dirt turbine [Music] these are good headphones these are really good headphones Marshall Oh see that no way yeah look at the gold tip oh my god these are legit Marshall headphones oh my god those are probe these are I like these yeah these might be staying with me oh I don't want to put them on I'll probably clean them first but like these are legit nice Marshall headphones these are probably like 200 bucks please yeah okay at least yeah yeah that's it put those to the side what is this another charger I don't know what that's - okay let's get all the water bottles out of here apparently this is thirstiest person on the planet because like how many new water bottles do you need man maybe they're going hiking maybe they were going hiking but you know this is okay now we're getting a little yeah a little you look crazy comment how many water bottles you think her inside here we're at six already well if you get six you're wrong cuz there's seven eight nine boxes good water you know last feed you if you don't have last ten eleven twelve all right you guys twelve you win there were twelve water bottles inside here this other stuff as well but who does this the best thing is I love when people in the comments create like a story for the bags they're like oh you know the person with eleven water bottles must have been running a kid's camp and that makes sense so let me know what you think this person that only this bag was doing more headphones sign Sony headphones are pretty good pretty good pretty good adidas flip-flops just seal those bad boys up there on the way Victoria's Secret passport holder with no passport probably a good thing pretty nice though we're brand-new the price takes don't sign no whole bunch of cords why is there so many headphones headphones headphones charger another charger another laptop charger no another charger what is this oh we got a Nintendo Nintendo DS and look at all the games look at how many games we got look at all this no yeah a tray way okay alright so we go ahead Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Metro it's a lot of Pokemon a lot of other games more Pokemon Dragon Quest I'm okay with that I could use a DS you don't think yes oh I did you do good so now I can play all right Nintendo DS yes this has been a really good bag I knew this value of this bag already between the Marshalls headphones the Nintendo DS all the games that's like 500 bucks probably right there easy and there's one more thing it's a it's a wireless speaker oh is it is it monster who looks like you can you do wireless speaker that was a good bag all right see worried probably we almost got our money back not quite we spent $1,000 on this bag there's a whole lot of bags behind us let's keep going and they're Canadian but let's move on to the next bag straps what's a which bag you like here your honor roll mmm we've been some big ones I think that little blonde woman okay you're up all right let's do this traffic ticket traffic here we go that's a bougie bag you out there my friend it is nice you know clean up the see what's inside one look okay waterfowl the world learn about birds did you guys know that the Australian guinea fowl and actually has teeth and sometimes it takes down dingos and other large predators I did not know that you didn't know that because I made that up Oh paper cut paper craft paper crap okay it's almost at least the bag is nice you know what Travis we'll go have these on a bag let's open up the blue one wait what that's it man that's all there is that I'm quite upset about this Oh a lot of clothes when I pick the bag it's terrible when you pick the bag it's great true so which one of those two bags I think the red one rebel it's cool okay and this one is hella sealed up that's unseal it oh my god I just stopped through this entire bag oh no I mean is there it may as well leave it there you know I really want to find some other thing clothes toilet paper Jesus Christ this is like a true camper and come on please let there be something underneath all these clothes it was all just clothes the last and final bag let's get this is just clothes I'm gonna be it's not just clothes no we got a dress for you blows hey this is fun like this oh yeah I'm worried this to Jamaica you like your traveling I do it's all yours oh you guys like maroon 5 we got a movie jacket it literally set out of a beam right on it Adam Levine brand new jacket that's a pretty nice you like brand new jacket but let's go to the homeless shelter at least I am a good person oh we got a banger we got a camera lens did you see the just us in video quality stepped up because of this right here outside pockets oh no more pills let's hope there's more of them it's like a lot of let's put those back then we never found that all right last little section oh this is good what is to watch we got a watch this is an expensive watch you do courts we're gonna watch okay so now that this bag we're getting some bangers what is this we got a charger so many chargers what is this was in the hard drive maybe please in the wallets well we got this whatever this is here's all the good stuff because we got camera lenses we got beats we got Marshalls we got a Nintendo DS this is worth the value and it's worth the fun if you guys want to see more of these boom there's a playlist right there I found some crazy good thing in the other bags trust me boom the links right there subscribe to my man Travis and you guys know you know I know they know whether I'm pretty thousand dollars an auction through mystery baggage or not I always like to leave on a high note who's gonna clean this car can you clean this that's a no
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 1,292,503
Rating: 4.8556299 out of 5
Keywords: i bought, buying, bought, spent, $1000, 1000, found, luggage, suitcase, suitcases, baggage, mystery, wish, wish.com, mystery box, lost luggage, lost suitcase, lost suitcases, auction, auctions, luggage auction, challenge, storage auction, lost, ebay, auction hunters, storage wars, travel, travel luggage, airport, bag, bags, storage unit, abandoned storage unit, found this, you wont believe, storage, box, storage unit finds, treasure, friendly, family, unclaimed baggage, unclaimed baggage auction
Id: LQUrT8w0A64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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