We bought a Pallet of Police Evidence at Auction

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[Applause] [Music] what have we done I'm not sure yet it's like mostly garbage garbage so the two auctions that we just won one was labeled a box of police evidence and the other was labeled palette of police evidence and we won them we probably paid more than we should but there were some other people the auction that paid way more than they should've to we did this for you we bought these for you as our Christmas gift some police evidence but there was this one it was a 15 or 17 inch computer monitor with Beats Audio speakers that went for three hundred and seventy-five dollars sounding and they didn't even know if it worked even if it did work even if it was brand-new still sealed on the box that's more than double what they should have paid the power of the auction yeah that lady knew what she was doing she got the height you could barely understand what's going on I'm not sure if people knew what they were paying from what I can gather I think majority of this is stolen and probably recovered by police and they could never find the owner and so now we paid to be the owner so yet keep in mind that all of this was police evidence so when you see things like catalytic converter or a pair of bolt cutters got the officer's name on it then it makes it kind of fun here when you you see that it's all evidence we're gonna need your guys's help in the comments figuring out what some of this stuff is because we don't know so we're gonna pack everything and kind of sort it in groups and then go through and see what we found that sound good then yeah be right back [Music] that's what a majority of everything was was just tools yeah there's a few cool finds but yeah mostly it was tools misfit sockets and some wrenches then we've also got a cordless Makita impact driver knockoff dremel plug-in drill we've got a million wire cutters and dikes Neil nose pliers some random things those are all screwdrivers utility knife adjustable wrenches and other inches because I don't want to separate them Alan's bolt cutters files ratchets open end wrenches bits a lot I was there so much electrical tape Dan oh yeah and there was this stack of electrical tape and we also have this drill but that is the old style of drill that is pretty obsolete now what is that battery so that's before lithium-ion so it's nickel cat this table had a little bit more of an interesting spread we've got a we without any cables no memory card we've got a battery charger car battery charger 12 volt air compressor a mini jump pack that claims that can jump-start a car but I don't believe it got a test light and then we've got a an old canon g9 a sony ones which is a a knee mount all sizes of this lens a bunch of batteries and charges including this portable light that works it works but we do not have a battery charger to charge it another battery pack that also has lights on it lens polarizer there's much alone scamp's another symphony this was almost the most exciting part these are wireless Sennheiser mic kits but there are two different models and they're both the receivers we don't have a train that matter these are the transmitter so not the receivers no other way around yeah no because these ones you don't plug a mic into yeah so these ones are the receivers not the transmitters bag of purple tools themed this is the table as it's probably like the most expensive stuff but you could probably get the least amount of money for it just because it is so specialized like I don't know if this connector is I'm sure it's expensive and I have no idea how you'd find out who would want to buy this from me anybody want to buy this from me making a bid make a good deal 300 bucks and then just a bunch of Chicago couplers not attached to anything this box is just full of couplers and then this thing which looks like it's a valve of some sort but not like a ball valve it's I don't know the fact that there's like two handles on it makes me feel like it's some sort of crazy fire hose thing but and then we've also got this thing which is big heavy it was brand new in a bag don't know what it is bunch more couplers a sub woofer that probably doesn't work and this thing big loopy wiry thing which these connectors my guess is that this is an umbilical that goes from a semi from the cab to the trailer so much don't have a booklet or whatever there and then this jump pack was also in there but when we plugged it in it's given us FL which which maybe means full but when we double it up plugged in it doesn't work you don't plug it in then it it's kind of on the light doesn't work yeah I don't know if this works and this is the last one there's no charger to this I have no idea if it works but I ordered a charge around Amazon for twelve bucks should be here tomorrow one day shipping hey we'll see looking at everything we've got here do you think it was worth what we paid I mean we looked some of these couplers up on eBay and they're worth like 150 apiece these are likely these are really nice couplers to the person who needs them between all these stuff it's like easily $1,500 worth of couplers and we paid 350 total so yes easily worth what we paid but to the right person so the last thing to do we're gonna cut this open because it's not really worth anything [Music] big reveal oh we have cut many lithium-ion batteries in half on this channel but never think you barely got the battery even oh yeah I just grazed the battery cells it doesn't have the lithium-ion smell that we're used to that's for sure yeah this is like all metal gears I don't think drills these days are that much metal probably not so this was made back in the days when I had to go through there and I had to go back through it a second time because it would kind of spread back in a few spaces I think we completely missed the motor I think it's just on the other side of here yeah so these are just all the drive gears and all the gearing to get it all the torque that it needs tensional ii cut it off-center to see if maybe we could spin it but there's so many small pieces in there I think we just lose them that's just what like the few electronics and there did that seems like a cheese hopper though what is that needed for resistance heatsink like why is there that much copper there copper was cheaper when this was made 94 let's get a close-up of those inner workings somebody post this on reddit cut things in half point drill cut in half porn I don't like how they call everything point makes me feel uncomfortable just what are they doing with this picture it just seems oh and that's a drill and that's what happens when you buy police evidence sight unseen at an auction so hope you learned something I learned to not do that again [Laughter] hey guys stepdad barns here with the new car channel that we started called west shop it's based here and seven six and we're gonna be doing a lot of cool stuff like LS swapping snow cats and you know hoonigan ism and debauchery and all sorts of fun stuff man might even learn a thing or two from old stepdad so click here to check out our first video in our series of LS swap stop click my beard to subscribe to the wonderful channel of West's shop and if you want to watch water dressed up you can like right here do that click here you know you want to Creek here there's so much power wisdom in this beard
Channel: undefined
Views: 991,646
Rating: 4.813715 out of 5
Keywords: waterjet channel, water jet, water jet cutting, waterjet, water cutting, water cutter, cutting with water, cutting, cut, cross section, cross-section, cut in half, inside, interesting, science, fascinating, satisfying videos, amazing inventions, police evidence auction, public auction, dewalt drill cut in half, auction hunters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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