Abandoned House Everything Left Behind - Family Vanish Leaving It Frozen In Time | Scotland

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hmm [Music] [Music] somewhere up in the highlands of magnificent scotland miles away from any civilization that sits a lonely mansion beside the shoreline isolated and long forgotten built in the 1700s has been within the family for generations [Music] passed down through the years crowded by a wealth of possessions always lead to more always rooms are tucked behind rooms [Music] frozen since its last residents left parts of the house appear far older than the rest keeping us wondering what's around the next corner reaching up three stories it seems to have been a home to many family members at once beds can be found in almost every room this grand old house is like no other we have seen so far join us as we step inside this truly outstanding scottish time capsule oh we're heading to an abandoned house right now in the middle of nowhere and i'm here i'm hoping there's still snow there got 53 miles to go but i'm excited for this i'm happy to see some snow what's going on there's a truck behind as well mate i hope he's going to stop me i don't know i just basically said that oh my god telling us to stop yeah what's going on please go back to england me yeah he's telling you to come now sir yeah he's telling you come from yeah let's go man we're gonna let everyone's stuck [Music] is it too bad that way no i think i think this lord is just stuck in the hill oh is it hi yeah yeah yeah stop me let cars so he was stopping me to let cars go by oh i was gonna have you wander down and see if it because if i hit the brakes and i'll just keep going [Music] [Music] he's in a big lorry man he's saying stop stop stop [Music] yeah all right all right mate oh my god we ain't getting to this destination today man [Music] where's he flip now all right now it's just because the other guy he needs to [ __ ] pipe down 42 miles left look at that we're getting there me jacking yeah they'll just be dark but whoa whoa whoa oh nami it's [Music] we've made it after all that crazy snow getting stuck in the middle of nowhere in snowy rows lorries breaking down and all sorts of crazy stuff we finally made it [Music] that looks crazy it's like it's nice mossy roots it's massive i don't know what tree is even from [Music] so you've just arrived and this place it looks pretty damn creepy to be honest with you right next to the water wow [Music] do [Music] so we've made it inside we had a quick look around the bottom floor and oh my god this place is phenomenal it is the second mansion it's like a mansion it's like a manner house it looks small on the outside but you wait until you see how big this place really is so this is locked we can't get through but you can see there's like antlers on the walls and stuff it's pretty cool coming in the front door it's a gong you've probably traveled around there do it again [Music] like a oriental style painting nice furniture oh look here's the gong oh yeah yeah feng shui the architecture in here all the plaster work just in the main lobbies i'm excited to have a look upstairs and stuff but i love the colors that you use yes nice that's probably vibrant at one point oh my god yeah more a tools tool shed beautiful staircase in there a candle on the end that's nice i think it's time to head in to this main room wow look at that it's like a shoe cleaner is it i think so maybe yeah i don't know what else it would be cool crafting reform crafters a little vinegar thing old filing around here or something this is a family probably gonna have to blur all the names and stuff but this is all the family records this house must have been in the factory for a long time no no it's just in between i thought it's gonna be like a big family tree thing that's not for them to have all of this though yeah you know passed down generations state and farm correspondence rich family nice little bench wooden bench in the corner hmm this one is like beaded seats just needs a good polish binoculars oh that's nice yes i've got a flower map of sky oh look at this seat has fallen to bits so they had a lot of people around this is all silver as well parties and stuff yeah all that cutlery look at the glass nice collection oh yeah look at that top of the the wallpaper at the top it's different kings and yeah george prince charles fire place of fossils in it look there she does like probably one of the owners fireplace is full of sticks that's like a perfume bowl or something lots of old heaters it's probably super cold in it yeah more of that trim all the way around i like that there's a lot of chairs in this room yeah there isn't there a lot of chests yeah more beautiful silver cutlery car what waist oh my gosh here's that big cabinet i'm gonna film this part here because it's got addresses and details and stuff yeah look at this serve party guests booze yeah all the booze this is the boozing one these aren't marked goodness never to be drunk it's a shame in it never got to finish like this class winner obviously your competitions yeah probably horse riding there god there's so much cutlery weird in there never seen so much coloring on places even the little ones look insane absolutely nothing so this is a bit of like a study as well maybe yeah maybe probably started right in the weeds yeah this little box empty that box super little suitcase network yeah documents look at this this is old that's it fixed skin isn't it it is yeah it's a plastic yeah but i think let's treat it doesn't mean he's sewn at that movie it is skin it's like the legend of saint martin so i think it's time to head out of this room we're going to do the bottom foil first right to the far end and then head upstairs [Music] [Music] [Music] head down the corridor see what seems down there little shoe brushes oh wow this place is huge there's corridors both ways wow which way don't go first should we go down here and then follow to do the rest oh that's another this was another living room oh yeah how bizarre the floor is weird in there it's like it's like a barn floor be careful where you stand in it so they use this as storage yeah like a workshop sort of thing it's weird it has his own window into the hallway it's almost like it's like two houses like merged into one yeah that just scared the life out of all of us just randomly started blowing in the wind i guess the wind might have picked up it's not like old film or stuff does the weather don't know comfort it's a nice spot do you bought yeah if you're another door and then what the hell look at this this whole place changes yeah do you want to go so ahead going into a different house yes they're obviously with bird watchers yeah yeah so someone turned up outside so i think people are keeping watch on this house which is a good thing let's just suddenly put us on edge so we're gonna have to keep the noise down and be careful with the lights dead plants deadly dog do not enter wow collecting mugs a strange little ramen look at this floor it's funky how peculiar actually they actually kept a dog in here that's even gone i don't know it's a window i hate you when somebody turns i know it means the whole explore edgy it's like a whole wooden kitchen this is cool it's like a shanty shack it is and they were growing all sorts of plants that's really cool oh yeah what there's so much to see i can't even let's have a look at this map oh wow so look at some of these it's so much stuff this is another stairway yeah we'll go up there in a sec cause i think that might be separate from the rest of the upstairs you know yeah this is like a pantry when it stinks in it i think that's an old fridge really old fridge i didn't want to open it though i want to see inside so big but i'm not gonna it already smells in there i like this kitchen it's nice i love this kitchen it's like super old isn't it here it is it's not seized yeah that's a lovely auger slices everything's left in here absolutely everything is nothing touch marmite mustard cola i think they stocked up the last time and never used [Music] time to go up this stairs no it looks oh look at them oh no it's like a net they do not feel so sturdy there's something inside oh it's like oh it's weird up there oh there's a bed together this is just who would sleep in here i zombie spiders oh it's actually quite big it's bigger than i thought oh guys guys it goes through there's another room i'm going in i'm on my own actually i think this is gonna lead to the rest of the house so i'm gonna go around the other way oh my god it's so gross but like cool at the same time so we're getting really scared this one's gonna turn up so beautiful bedroom a little scotsman on the wall look at this bureau wow not finding out dresser coins 1945 thank you yeah dictionaries all sorts of stuff more nice photographs had its own little bathroom too so unsweet oh my god look how the key there is wait isn't it it's the side of the house it goes yeah it's not looking good black mold why she all right let's see what else it's got so just found this shotgun shell still live as well scary don't get caught there and this is funky down here yes 60s wallpaper from they're obviously disabled in their labor oh yeah yeah this is probably just a general room at one point yeah it's pretty it's been like a big old religious photograph on the wall they're like a court or something oh yeah look at that creepy like background oh my god look at that guy there another bureau called that stair left it's almost definitely not really been walking and stuff it's a skinny little stairwell it's creepy looking in there in a minute decaying hair as well and looks like two windmills and ships and stuff it's probably all over here isn't it it's another bedroom it's with the bedrooms downstairs wow nice and carved this is a really nice bedroom tiny little bed another little dresser yeah that's nicer just going to get all ocd in the band i do get that you know wow it's a weird one in there i thought it was gonna be oh my god shakes the whole house scary noise puzzles it's got an old-fashioned hooks inside as well strange men a lot of fun places the clothes have been taken [Music] so loud god trying to be stealth in here i'm just doing stuff like that this is horrible we just keep hearing noises outside look at that all the books left [Music] kids books must be kids living here as well some paintings in every corner of the house that's a pencil drawing oh yeah it's like a church all right good peep through the drink this is a beautiful living room the old school tv well how old it is guys if anyone knows how old that is rough estimate drop it down in the comments below this book covers something else look at this big ones cathedral abbey looks safer more books teapots it's like a lot of religious stuff in it yeah look at that fireplace this is gonna be that scotsman proper scotch people there they are again but it's a different house it's like a house in london how out that fireplace though the horseshoe on it artwork down the side tiles this place is crazy isn't there so much to look at binoculars that's a nice pairing there probably used to watch birds and stuff definitely it's like a monk no there's a monk in the corner it's him oh yeah there he is oh wow china lord of the rings play there's no one underneath this is the one from underneath yeah they're both rings oh yeah gandalf and the mundams i'd actually have these plates yeah me too open this and it's a record player like a really old one do you know how you get that in a briefcase how cool is i think that time to head upstairs but what do we do do we got the main staircase or this little one the little one intrigues me hey [Music] i think this probably still works i'd like to ride it oh my gosh oh look it's got three what it's got four floors free that's the lock oh my god this house is wow that's incredible in there beautiful it's locked i don't know it's got all this stuff still wow look at this place i love it where do we go first bedroom oh my god our baby's caught oh yeah strange yes look that's where i was going to go through so that's a storage room that leads to the kitchen what a cool layout two vanities yeah look at the cloves left in this one oh yeah suits i think they probably used to have the grandkids over in this because this is very modern yeah long wash suit jackets oh yeah all of his ties too oh yeah oh my god nice scottish bedding passport though oh yeah have to blur the names and stuff but it doesn't have a photo in there it's an old one it's miss audrey yeah wow another bedroom oh look how quaint that is it's like the kid's room oh yeah it's so sweet moved away from the wall yeah it's weird celtic writings well it's almost like that cabinet was there before the floor was late what the hell how weird is the stone is it step no actually it's like ply oh weird it's so strange all the jackets all the coats left so even like in on it yeah it's gonna fall down this way the edges have risen and then it's like a dip see the subsidence from the door i won't keep a door in this i think this is one of the most frozen end time houses we've been to yeah yeah it's cause it's so far out the way again it's huge oh look a little girls room they must have had so many family members there's so many bedrooms parrot everywhere every room has its own vanity in there look that's how subsiding it is everything's falling over on it that's crazy really isn't it yeah it is it's in the cabinet then nice huh yeah woman's running these are like really scottish clothes lovely look at the decay here though my god look at that upstairs bathroom another bathroom needs a lot of bathrooms for all those beds yeah all these people in there look that board is held in with screwdrivers oh yeah that's not fall no it's the new way yeah it's a new wave ceiling buildings with screwdrivers paintings another bedroom how many people after [Applause] oh yeah it's like the downstairs in there master room oh no oh look at it so just where the ceiling is coming down and it's just smashing everything up what a shame oh yeah the lord of the rings huh they must have loved lord of the rings oh look here again that might be here look you did get quite old then yeah lived a long life that's out the front and there the grass cutter cotton buds and supplies drugs and stuff that's lovely that one yeah it is oh grandma world's coolest grandma [Applause] phoebe wow where's that i don't know pitkin pictorial oh when's the cast is a castle no way wow that's fancy yeah we need to get windsor cars so i guess that's just a cupboard yeah done that room so i think it's time to head to the end of the corridor they are at the top of the main staircase now oh yeah oh my god oh wow yeah that is nice in there oh it's so tall there's a helicopter photo of the house oh yeah getting them drone shots yeah you can see how big it is can't you yeah and it is weird it's like two combined it's a classic scottish house oh look at the cars yeah shame they're not there that's beautiful look at this little chair though that's really sweet and voided it's lovely i wonder if they've read every book in this house yeah i wonder you know between between all of the family yeah i wonder that in a lot of the um abandoned houses we do that have all these books like did they actually read them second world war all sorts of stuff every man's own lawyer oh look old family photos 1952. this is probably like the old man when he was young younger yeah it says phoebe there phoebe is the lady of the house that's who that card is too that's actually like what you might keep a prayer book in i think but i think it isn't it there he is she was a lot younger than him yeah look he did get so old though it's nice is this on here yeah look him with shooting a tv show look oh yeah they are oh we'll have to try and find out about this yeah okay wow oh my god wait till you see this room what it's like a living room it's meant to be a crazy bedroom but crystal chandelier it's like a i don't know what you call it like a party room but look he could have like all of his friends over she's long yeah massive windows too more binoculars here's the case for him as well that was oh look yeah i've never used one empty well there's gonna be a camera in there there's a ton of lamps in here such a nice lamp look at this looks like you might have spent spent quite a lot of time in here actually just watching tv this could be the main living room you know yeah chair watching the tv right there yep ah it's like a it's like a buried person outside the front of the house it's like a grave or something zoom in on this of the camera or is it a statue weird picture though very strange look that's like the whole family or something oh yeah classic is that outside i don't think it is is it i don't remember seeing that turret yeah that's the main door right now indoor yeah wow collecting sticks for some reason firewood kindling this place is phenomenal man this room is like something out of a decayed national trust place yeah it is the ceilings that's chandelier oh yeah that's all different musical instruments piano violin oh man look at that what music player oh yeah that's awesome that is awesome more family photos modern ones photographer so that's crazy these guys are still out there somewhere yeah need to come and get their stuff before the whole building falls down grand piano i would love to have this yeah it's like a cool just just looks cool as well as being i think it's still another violin you know oh it's locked that's why it's still in there someone read about it so i think this is the my favorite room of the house yet the bedrooms are nice i love the bedrooms but this and the kitchen in fact it's all good you don't usually get a room like this enough you know upstairs is a bit strange isn't it yeah this is almost like the main living room downstairs yeah so cool [Music] [Music] [Music] out with that main room back down to this beautiful corridor check out the other side have you done the rooms at the back yeah yeah we are we need to go upstairs look at this rubble there's a grand painting no it would have been on the wall now it's huge yeah i know it is might be him when he's younger you know he does look a bit like him like a lord or something oh yes just storage here's all the paintings which are on the stairs me oh yeah yeah look sir john mclloyd sing the sewing machine wow nice it's so much stuff that you really haven't had to put it yeah that's just a room of stuff yeah on wheels as well no i don't think so i think it was just a big family home records oh that's a recording thing symphonies look at that one his master's voice symphony and gmail major i'd like to listen to these yeah me too on that old record player downstairs yeah imagine that playing while you're walking around this house be spooky they'll be like the doctor's house all over again empty oh look at that it's like a little little poof it's open no nice it's a whole room oh yeah that's how you found the house dress it's a nice house and a good house so guys that's the end of this video drop it down in the comments let us know your thoughts about this house i mean this is one of our favorite houses yeah definitely definitely the outside's nice the area is unbelievable and this is completely frozen in time you don't often get them you know you see them on the channel but there's not you get too many and most of them are trashed yeah very few that main room as well i don't even seen a room like that no i don't think so no it's amazing but thank you everyone for watching and we'll catch you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Samandjessexplore
Views: 258,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned house everything left behind, Abandoned mansion everything left behind, Abandoned places, Abandoned places scotland, Exploring abandoned Houses Uk, Victorian house, abandoned house asmr, abandoned places uk, family vanished, scottish highlands, urban exploration, urbex, urbex asmr
Id: F2BM9IC-Jz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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