ABANDONED Southern Mansion with Toyota, Designer watches, and EVERYTHING Else Left Behind.

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in today's expiration I'm taking you to an abandoned mansion in a small town in Alabama this home was built in 1910 and has only had one family own it since the time it was built a family of six inhabited the Mansion for years as the three boys and one girl grew up and moved away to have children of their own the husband and wife continued to live here sadly the husband grew very old and was battling illness and unfortunately he passed away leaving the wife alone in the mansion and just a few years later our time on Earth would come to an end at the age of 93. ever since her passing the home has set abandoned with power and all of her and her husband's belongings left inside [Music] stay tuned and let's take a look inside what is up guys it is Big Banks and we are back again for another video and today we are exploring an abandoned mansion and this one is full of everything everything is left in here is the Time Capsule and not only that this place has power so we're going to kind of leave that off for now and we'll kind of go through the house see what else see what all is left here I'm just in the dining room right now and this is one of those Southern Mansions like the ceilings are high it's got the pocket doors it's got you know all this beautiful architecture and we're gonna go through this place and uh show you what's left behind but this place is a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be and uh shout out to my buddy Hammer worldwide for this spot let's get right on this video hope you guys enjoy hit that subscribe button and with my friend abandoned Dallas he's in there let's uh let's see what's left behind in this place but it is already quite amazing so let's get right into it all right guys so like I said we're in the dining room and the table and the chairs are still here it's got very high ceilings probably like 12 foot ceilings it seems like we have the china cabinet everything's still left inside and this is like beautiful stuff definitely not cheap but I mean man look at this wow a little chandelier hang in there quite a large table and then not only that we have a organ sitting here it's called Phantom fingers wow by real rhythm this is pretty cool but not only that this is an abandoned mansion but there's like a mansion right next to us that's abandoned on both sides of us there's probably like four or five on the street honestly but yeah let's just keep going through this I just want to mention that to you guys this is one bolt it's uh crazy cool and uh crazy cool and crazy yeah we just wanted to show you guys that this place does have some sort of power the refrigerator is running you can hear it in there and look at this though oh maybe this is family members actually this looks like it's inside the house Maybe it's possibility some of this furniture is or some of this like some of these decorations are crazy I mean look at this lamp right here how can this stuff be left behind it's pretty insane even have an Easter egg that looks like it hasn't been opened yet oh it's Spider-Man maybe like Little temporary tattoos or stickers or something that's pretty cool man this place is just loaded with stuff we don't find a lot of time capsules like these these are really special to us for sure even the blue curtains and it leads to a bathroom right there also we have a fireplace this is a southern home so it's probably gonna have fireplace in almost every room to heat this place because this place is massive but we're still in the dining room and we have a nice little painting of what looks like almost like Amsterdam on here so this is nice nice wooden door yeah this bathroom the ceiling is caved in over here a little worried but you know you know I always got to check out the bathrooms yeah it looks like it has a green tent uh it looks like yeah the paint is uh mint like a mint green yeah oh yeah it's rough in there oh it's pretty bad they do have a razor slot right here before we go into the kitchen we have a door little closet let's see what's inside oh my Lord paint brushes dolls suit some stuff in here I mean this is this is Wild let's go take a look at the kitchen now when we walk to the kitchen look at the flooring it's like this like rock type flooring oh my Lord the kitchen's actually quite large [Applause] the bay kitchen and the fridge is still running I don't know if you can hear that humming but it's still on kind of scared to open it oh God what oh my Lord Pepsi Pizza peanut butter Lays chips in your fridge it doesn't smell it's like Caesars I can't smell it look at that cheese sauce it looks nasty yeah let's close that up yeah uh not even gonna look in there yeah I already know the deal we got the microwave not even a bad looking microwave like semi-new I want to say like 2000s sometime but then look at the cabinets we got a stained glass in the middle right here and the stuff is still all in it let's see let's open it up heck yeah look at that all still in there we got the blender we got the coffee maker I got more stuff in here we got this stove and this kitchen is large little mini oven right here by tip on I bet it still works and everything that's really surprised this place starts power that could be why I don't really have smell like a moldy smell because like the power's on and everything yeah just like it doesn't smell terrible in here you know it smells like dust that's it there's very little bad smells in here was afraid of opening these because I don't know what's in them there's a lot of spiders out right now too this whole trip we've just been running into spiders everywhere then we got a fireplace here in the kitchen it's pretty neat but look how large this is this is quite the kitchen I would say High ceilings everything I mean beautiful foreign man Dr Pepper I mean this can't be part of that one though guys fake fruits fake fruits these are fake look I'll even show you plastic look sometimes I just get comments that are just strange that blow my mind like people really think that if they see something like this they'll think it's real this is a glass corn on the cob it's not real I know I'm just rambling on a little bit but some people will say they'll see all this Decay and everything and say well why is the fruit fresh oh what a little bit crazy to me but anyways let's continue on with this Explorer we're going to leave the kitchen we're going to see what else is here um there's like a sun room back here that I'm going to show you and then we're going to go through the rest and head upstairs and see what's up there but yeah we're in the kitchen and it's quite large so this is a very very good house and I am really excited to film this one so all right so leaving the kitchen coming out here is like a a little storage room or something like that I'm not really sure what this room's purpose is for and then right through there is a sun room and then right through here looks like maybe a laundry type room or something like that utility room maybe there's some stuff left in here this big Spiderman thing I mean all the cleaning supplies and even a ton of keys here like this is a skeleton key maybe that's to the front door who knows it's pretty wild then it goes down to the basement we'll check out the basement here in a little bit but yeah look at this room is like a little closet some stuff I'm still gonna take a peek down the Basin real quick yeah there's stuff down there we're gonna take that at the end though but yeah let's go check the sun room real quick and this is a very nice sunroom as you can see it just lets all this beautiful natural light up you got a chair swing right here wow it's very nice but you can also tell this was like a later edition of the home it definitely was I mean look that's like uh I want to say that's like a 70s or 80s type thing yeah 70s for sure yeah and then uh I mean the ceiling's falling in in here let me this would have been a great hangout room right here looks like they're into tropical birds because you see they're everywhere yeah we've got owls right here we got a fake parrot right there all these like little chiming things yeah it's nice very nice I'm liking the furniture I don't this carpet's not very flattering but this could be for like a grass type effect being a sunroom my theory is maybe they got so old or weight into their old age that this was the only way they had to relax after a while maybe because maybe they weren't able to travel anymore because of their old age possibly and this was their little piece of paradise right here possibly but dude how is this place have power that's shocking I don't know maybe the family still pays a bill maybe they plan on doing something with it in the future maybe you know a lot of variables who knows this place is large though it's very very large this is honestly one of the biggest Southern Homes I've done I'll do a snake huh a snake a snake a snake damn dude I haven't seen one of these in Forever it's like rattles like a rattlesnake I love this swinging chair foreign we're entering this room right here which is full of stuff we've got magazines let's see what year maybe these are from this is like a coupon three meat large three meat treat large pizza does it say a date foreign back here 2012. well I know what this is this is a dancing so this if I'm not wrong because the dancing Elvis uh phone oh dude that's sick that doesn't work but you know I moved around and stuff whenever you post up my ACS and whatnot That's So Dope that's pretty cool I remember those I think earlier in the early 2000s or 90s really yeah and sitting on top of a record flag too it must have been I hope this is a whole record play I like the whole thing yeah that's pretty cool speaker and all nice that's really cool so intact everything is you know so I'm gonna say like 2012 2013. what's this place because that coupons from 2012. at least so far that's what I'm gathering uh oh look at this this is a table what the heck that's a nice table like an elephant that's so cool I think these are worth a lot of money I think they really liked some like uh Asian theme yeah yeah right there is Asian that has some Asian stuff on it so yeah I really think they were into Asian stuff look at this weight room right here what the heck I mean amazing Furniture you know these fur coats in here other stuff it's sad that how would they leave all this behind a fireplace look at this ashtray Movie Maker what is this wow it's insane it's like a carriage I just wonder where the owners went so this is the bathroom oh yeah wow dude everything's here look at the stained glass oh wow I didn't even notice that what the heck that's crazy that is awesome oh wow dude that's awesome it's just right above the bathtub that's cool it looks like uh it looks like it was hand sewed it does oh wow beautiful nice uh this is yeah claw foot tub I'm gonna put all this stuff up there KFC Coca-Cola medicines no like I mean this is insane [Music] this has to be like 2012 maybe 15 at the the latest I wonder what this does of light nothing oh there's the power wow so some of it works in some rooms yeah it does Let's uh let's continue off this tour right to so much stuff in here your Razor's still here we got it this is I'm assuming the master bedroom as well this is the master yes it is the energy feels strange in here that's what I'm saying dude I was like I'm feeling weird like I'm not a believer in ghost but like I feel like I feel happy very heavy like I don't know if something bad happened or what but look at that all her jewelry left behind can't tell what kind of watch that is that's a this is a tag wire these are expensive watches it's a tech yeah wow dude are you serious his attack that's probably what you're holding dude that's amazing dude that's insane what you know is this a wallet it is a wallet is there money no no no money okay that's crazy that's a fine dude this jewelry how can they leave this they have the Volvo boxes Bulova has a lower end but it's super expensive this is this is just from Walmart yeah actually that doesn't happen so there's just some areas just chilling in here some dangle earrings what'd you find over here there's another watch another keeper Timex Timex watch uh bullets everywhere it's nice it's nice to find I don't want why am I even touching this is black cell oh this lock cylinder for an over vehicle there's a car outside too is it yeah I've seen that yeah yeah just no miscellaneous that's kind of rippled with stuff yeah this isn't all this clothes are here has shotgun shells right here I mean there could be a gun in here oh it's more jewelry yeah a lot more this could be real diamonds too because the way that they're sitting in there you know old fancy hats wow some boots wow those are actually Two Boots someone's whole life you know my whole life lifted here the family they seem happy but why isn't it that's why I'm wondering [Music] yeah nice boots in here we've got chicks we've got everything they probably took their guns with them his clothes don't look like 2000's clothes though they look like 80s I want to get another look at this bathroom real quick I mean the floor is amazing you know it's got this blue type tiles in here I mean it's quite large pink walls I've been really seeing this a lot lately you know pink and blue color combination and a lot of bathrooms and it's got It's kind of cool it's like almost like a bubble gum type thing to me it's really nice I like to see that but uh yeah the sink and quite large porcelain sink you know foreign looking here this is going to be inside of the wall which I can't really open that yeah all this stuff is still in there it makes you really wonder where the heck do they go to leave everything like this so we're actually at the front though I don't want to shine my light at the door so I'll turn it off real quick and show you guys it's quite large quite a large front door with two windows on the sides I mean this is a grand house a lot of pillars outside everything like that but this is what you see when you first walk in the home is this right here oh man the light turns on too wow it's just one light though you got this beautiful chair cabinet full of bugs this is a beautiful cabinet too look at this mirror though man that is ornate is it supposed to be curved like that I think so I was thinking about that I think it's supposed to be curved like that I think you got these marble like labels right here with more statues beautiful Furniture like foreign look at this it's like a bonsai tree almost back there yeah but yeah nonetheless grateful fire what is this thing is this a ship it's a ship model look at that it's insane it's made out of just like a bunch of string and then we got a beautiful green staircase but I don't know if you guys can see this it's like lopsided it's curving all right it's not curving that's kind of just leaning that way but this is the main living room and we got you know a couch covered in books and things like that some uh some reclining chairs two matching lamps is a lamp right there and lamp right there and they both match again the high ceilings the uh paintings on the walls what is this that's actually kind of looks like the family yeah it's like a little caricature of all of them I think yeah maybe that's the family there's uh because that one looks that one on the bottom looks like the girl in the pictures yeah it does I think that's the family all drawn out that's pretty cool that's cool isn't this amazing looking tiger and that's this that's Stitch too that's uh yeah looks like it huh [Music] and then you got the pocket doors right here but let's go upstairs let's see what's up there gotta be really careful walking on this oh yeah that's beautiful but what's weird is that's not outside light so maybe they had lights in the back of it maybe maybe so immediately I'm seeing there's a pool table here yeah yeah what the heck everything's green up here though even the rooms are green carpets green and we got this like mural on the wall here like the forest and back through here we have another bedroom this floor is a little uh old dodgy gotta be careful got a lot of chairs things in here mattress is just chilling in the closet space which is a little strange I got some action figures so I think this is I don't know who that is actually beautiful door handles look at that this place is just so Grand coming here this room is like yellow oh what the heck I'll try my light for this a little bit what the heck just a bunch of women in bikinis or no that's actually just lingerie I think okay so that's like ads for for like women's uh clothing it looks like a boys room though this baseball here is more women stuff up there actually this is Jordan Sparks Miley Cyrus teenager's room definitely foreign I didn't touch anything at all I didn't touch anything some just fell back there I don't know this is a full-on apartment really yeah I don't know my bathroom oh there's a kitchen up here I'm trust in the floor but there's a whole kitchen up here dang that tells you if a kid had this room that they were uh they were lucky I could have their own kitchen what the heck on fridge I don't really trust this floor in here too much it's really slanted in here too it wouldn't be really comfortable or anything then we're gonna walk back through here and you see again it's just all green carpet going up the staircase up here then come over here and we have a bedroom right here that has a bed left behind the floors feels like it feels like it hasn't been walked on in so long I'm not sure if anybody's really coming to check on this place the floor up here it doesn't feel like it's been walked on in quite a while no it's like settling as we move yeah I thought that's artificial light or natural light that's artificial huh artificial night let's see but this room guys kind of empty but I mean it's Green carpet which is a little bit strange must have really like green maybe they had a disability actually did this make sense somebody had a disability in the family because downstairs there was a social security thing for disability so maybe I had problems walking oh shoot it's back there it's just uh bathroom it seems better days really it's a great great beat up in there oh there's a bad minute bracket this is a closet empty closet though oh wow so this probably would have been the Nate's quarters back here oh geez wow this bathroom got beat up man we got a TV even set up here this floor looks almost swept I mean it has like a little thin layer of dust on it but you know there's another apartment situation another apartment situation oh wow another freaking kitchen and this staircase goes down to the sun room right here over to this bathroom dude this is where the stained glass goes so the stained glass actually goes to the bathroom here this is a beautiful little bathroom nice green tub green coffee tubs pretty sick little floors yeah octagon tiles wow this is a beautiful house I really hope someone says it's honestly worth saving so then this is the staircase that goes down to the sun room guys so that's where you know that staircase comes up here that's pretty much the house well we gotta go to the basement all right guys like I promised we're gonna head down to the basement now we're gonna see what is left down there we're gonna be as careful as possible a bit scary oh dude this floor okay yeah I'm gonna get shocked in that crap oh man there's a lot down here oh dude watch your foot in my boy that's fine to move actually that's collapsed down there yeah the last two steps are collapsed I don't think it's there's a lot down there but I don't know if it's worth that it's kind of just junked is it fine no take back your statement uh what I see is oh what the heck spiders when I see my phone ah it looks like Preston decorations um Christmas stuff storage a bunch of Christmas stuff storage yeah really wasn't worth my life yeah that's just if you asked me yeah we're coming back up hopefully if I die and we kind of wanted to get out of there pretty quick it was getting a little weird feeling but this is the back of it it's a very large house wait till you see the front guys but this is a car left back here an old Toyota oh dude this is all just abandoned yeah this is crazy man look at all that I think that's paint oh yeah yeah that's paint so these people were artists too yeah probably because you saw the paint brushes and stuff inside and this garage is full of junk yeah car's really nice though you used to have a basketball goal too because it's laying over there yeah this place is nice as you can see this place is so Grand it's got the pillars but you can kind of see it's kind of leaning on that side but it's got the full wraparound porch it's got beautiful pillars it's got the red um I'm not sure what you call those but it's almost like how they do on Spanish style houses with the with the ceilings and the roof and stuff but it's got two pillars right by the door I'm assuming it's probably painted blue up here foreign looks pretty bad up here honestly my even the windows that's a door right there the window right there and they have locks on them kind of weird but look at the door like the door is just beautiful super nice entrance and the ceiling was painted sort of a blue color like a blue you know to hoard off the bad spirits that's what they do down here in the South guys another spectacular home spectacular mansion that we just explored and I am so happy to see this one it is absolutely beautiful and then not only that we have one right there and then one right there too I mean this is this is crazy sun is shining as you can see it's really bright look at that porch goes all the way around like that that's so awesome one day one day I might have a home like this one day so glad that we could take you on this adventure and maybe we'll go into these other ones now and see how they are all right guys so we're gonna get out of here we're gonna explore some more of these and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video with this amazing beautiful mansion behind me right here yeah what a what a what an explore so much stuff in it everything went fine I mean and we're thinking 2015 but you guys know all the histories in the beginning so if you want to hear that go back to the beginning of the video and you'll be able to learn everything about the home but yeah we're gonna check out some more we're actually right in front of our next one right here so hope you guys enjoy if you did hit that subscribe button check out event of Dallas here and we're gonna get out of here until next time big mix out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 207,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: xL7Hi96ndlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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