Stunning Grand Forgotten 235 year old Mansion Down South * Incredible Staircase & Woodwork

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all right here we are today at this beautiful historic old house built in the late 1700s originally it's just a simple little four bedroom brick house then it had a massive update in the late 1800s where it kind of got the victorian italianate style really incredible place let's check it out before it's torn down so let's check out inside what a huge giant porch what's it say 1890 i mean the house is much older than 1897 but i did read online that's when the last like major update of this house was wow let me get across this porch all right walking into the front door oh wow look at this wow wow let me turn on my flashlight wow look at this brick design wow and the wayne's coding on this place holy cow transom over the doors these beautiful hardwood ceilings with dental molding on each of the beams wow oh i love this look the staircase even has a bench built in that's so cool this is too cool you can sit there and take your shoes off look at the design on the wood it's beautiful it's so unique man wow look at these pocket doors holy cow yeah that whole room's collapsed isn't it what do you mean look at this view you have out there i do have my girlfriend here with me today my little chica ruby my little chica with me again the hardware for the door knobs been taken off oh here's a fireplace you were just showing me a picture of let me show close up look how giant these doorways are these doors we've got to be 13 14 foot tall incredible wow your design wow look at the cool tiles they used so pretty and here is the little uh turret this is that little uh yeah this would right i would assume this is the room just a nice little i wonder if you get all the way to the top floor of the turret though okay i'm gonna go over to this room to the right keep going down these giant pocket doors i'm about six foot tall so that's easily 10 foot wow oh that leads out to the little uh atrium that's cool wow wow is that marble do wow not going over there you already going upstairs hmm all right back to the main hallway wow look at the beautiful staircase oh this floor is carpet i see what you mean yeah yuck wow hmm well that's cool nice big wrap around back porch it's really cool huh the old cupboards and stuff that's cool oh there is a basement [Applause] i'm gonna save that for the very end these cabinets are really cool the old hardware uh the servant staircase in the back of the house as grandiose as the main staircase jeez wow this floor is kind of sketchy let me walk real carefully over here okay wow hmm oh this is the kitchen of the house wow man talk about a huge house man huh okay what's this room yeah some cabinet space basically huh okay let's get back to the main portion of the house i still have like another room or two to show you on this floor okay it's here oh downstairs bathroom i think all the ceilings in this house are probably 12-13 feet tall okay be careful no i'm still down here i got two more rooms to show on this floor and i'll be upstairs oh wow that whole room is collapsed okay this is the room the staircase was in right there now i'm going look at these cool floor-to-ceiling windows that's probably the newest looking fireplace in here i've seen but it's still cool oh look there's an older fireplace under it and they put this uh like fake brick over top that's interesting that's pretty interesting look at the wayne's coating in here i forget what the name for that is but man that's pretty this giant pocket oh and a whole collapsed room wow okay so the front door is there to the left but i'm not going into this room no way that's about as close as i'm going to show you the fireplace too sadly that's a little bit too dangerous for me i love all these built-ins though the shelves though all right let's take a look at upstairs i'm taking the main staircase all right let's go upstairs put carpet in here yuck wow all right walking upstairs now wow look at that it's pretty did you uh find a way to the turret that top oh there is oh yeah it's another staircase holy cow yeah the second floor is in yeah it's a little sketchy yuck it smells awful smells it's got the mildew smell wow that one yeah no oh to the right two upstairs bathrooms why would you need two bathrooms side by side that's weird yeah okay before i show you those back rooms let me just finish up with these there's another floor above this do you already go up there ruby good thank you now just be careful yeah i'd rather beautiful beautiful wow okay man what a cool house my voice kind of echoes when i just talking right in here yeah we'll save the final floor for the very end wow even for the third floor stairs they did this cool design it's like a treble clef kind of it's pretty it's neat let me show you this room to the left i already gave you a peek from the other room this is the upstairs room of that turret big closet these are just the upstairs bedrooms what'd you say it had 14 bedrooms online 14 rooms 14 rooms okay yeah there's that cool turret room let's see if we can get to that very top level turret wow that's a cool little balcony to add on the front hey look how though green all right now i'm gonna go to this room across the hall and see okay coming over here now see this is weird because the whole floor below this one is collapsed all right yeah that's the room remember the whole yeah it's weird that the upstairs is fine but that levels this is pretty though yeah they even have custom i think every fireplace in this house has been unique and different these 12-foot ceilings easily it would take a lot of money nowadays to fix this house though yeah look at this room over here this i can see a hole in the roof back there upstairs fireplace all right let me show you these i might not be able to get back here actually that's those are the bathrooms i was showing you guys what is the second path oh really so you can go through nice all right i'll try that then instead of walking through this room this room i mean oh yeah you could just go around yeah i'll try that all right i just got to be real careful over there but it doesn't feel too bad in this room oh this is the end wow beautiful marble fireplace wow i'm surprised no one's stolen that yet holy cow yeah look i bet that's heavy it's all good out too that's a solid piece of rock it's pretty though it's really cool looking well that's the second floor there's a third floor still i suppose i'll show you that now huh from this angle real quick okay let me uh check out this final floor see if i can even open this door [Music] oh i see vultures feathers let's see let's see how many vultures are up in here oh look at all that this is the attic he's the giant chimney wow there's giant boards they're not even all the same size either it's kind of cool oh it stinks up in here so bad what is that the turret over there sec let me just show this stuff over here i can't believe it how like wide open it is up here this is so bizarre i've never seen an attic like this it's cool looks like there should be some like machinery or something up in here ugh you know vultures be hanging out in here all the time whoa look at this wow wow look at that out of this here's that uh upstairs of the turret with the little round windows pretty cool look at this they stack holy cow look at this beam they used oh my gosh it's so big they were able to stack bricks on top of the wooden beam wow what an interesting man this house is not got long but i'm really glad i got to film this house man that's incredible oh an old uh enamel doorknob that's cool they even have a fireplace in the basement it's cool what's this wow oh that's a room it's got a hole all the way up to the roof all right let me show you this last basement room that i'm out of you ew is that what i'm standing on packing what a cool house this is this is probably one of my favorite places i've ever done definitely my top 20 or 30. too cool let me show you inside this atrium real quick it's pretty empty but oh look at the stone floor that's cool that's cool i don't think i've ever been in a house that had one of these you walk up there to your little wraparound porch on the back beautiful looks i wonder if these would uh you could turn that knob and it would probably i'm not sure let more light in or something huh i don't really know what those are for yeah man it's cool too cool i really love this house really neat place so cool that one [Music] you
Channel: Urban Exploring With Kappy
Views: 1,717,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cw73PDIiFIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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