I Inherited a Hoarders House!

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what's going on guys today i am going into one of my inherited houses so uh this house was given to me by my same friend that gave me the bus gave me the suburban gave me the swamp houses you know just more stuff now this one's going to be a little bit different this house used to be owned or the person that lived here was a hoarder so let's go in and see what kind of goodies we can find all right but first i'm going to have to uh back my trailer up to the front door of the house because i'm gonna do some cleaning while i'm here because well there's not a whole lot good here i'll be honest it looks like mostly garbage [Music] all right let's get inside and get clean it still got my cough because this place is nasty all right it's pretty good this is my front porch getting in a worse and worse shape every day [Music] oh check out the cobwebs [Music] oh my goodness oh it's bad it's a good thing i brought some extra lights so i'm gonna get some uh some lights set up and uh i'm gonna just try to figure out which room i'm gonna start with first all right guys i got a little bit of light on the situation this is the first room this is the very first room that i'm gonna work on and there ain't no telling what is in this room so for your uh enjoyment i'm gonna put this on a time lapse and i'll just put all the cool stuff to the side because who knows what i'm going to find in here here we go [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] right [Music] so this is my second load out of that room like man it's probably like 1500 or more pounds of junk that's in that trailer so i'm fixing to go to the dump but i figured i'd showed y'all where we're at on the room so let's turn on the light and let me show you what kind of goodies we got all right so i hadn't gotten to this part of the room yet over here but i've cleaned out all of this and what do we have here we have a qc some sort of tv mod some sort of monitor thing i don't know what this is it's kind of looks like uh oh goodness kind of looks like a uh like a projector a micro fish it looks kind of like a micro fish but there's there's a i guess there's a tape player of some sort yeah right there yeah yeah so cassette tape player audio level all that it it looks like it's in pretty good shape uh we've got ourselves another camera we got a kodak brownie fiesta camera looks pretty cool i hadn't even checked out this yet it's a some sort of a purse that was just sitting here um i've got a tv there i don't know much about it and then i got a big one right there this is a big boy what is it i don't know i'll get to that later and of course i'm going to try to uh to operate the tvs just for hahas we have a push mower [Music] see what else we got i see a bird cage over here a little bird that can't be worth much i still got lots to do over here it's crazy um oh let me grab this light and come over here and see what we got okay so i found a kids trike it's a head head strom made in usa i found a craftsman sander right there i found a water pump i found a old style iron and a purse some glasses some jewelry some jewelry with a watch oh yeah and found a really cool i gotta try to keep this light from falling i found a really cool robertson's beverage bottle it looks like an eight ounce bottle let's see i guess they don't date the bottoms not unless it's i see 17 0 or d07 cobwebs get off me [Music] all right i found an interesting purse some bottles a nancy drew book and a wig which is under there and i got to tell you the wig scared the bejesus out of me because it just like fell out of nowhere right beside me and i'm just like i like froze and stuff um you know what let me give you a tour of the house so this is a room i gotta get to it's not as bad as the first room that i've been dealing with but it's still bad somehow i'm thinking that this uh organ is not gonna work well i'm glad this uh this room isn't as bad as the other one but damn it's cold in here all right here's another room oh this one's bad but i i don't think it's as bad as as a the other one oh cool the same junk everywhere got a clock here i wonder if it works okay well uh the the key to wind it up is missing it appears to be working that's losing the swing i wish i knew where the key was why would you save nails a whole jar of buttons [Music] just crumbled something that's pretty cool old bed and the bed even has like a lamp attached to it oh food interesting all right this room will be uh pretty interesting to go into what is this a heater that thing looks real safe this living room slash dining room a hall it's not even a closet but it's where you put your clothes in okay hallway some sort of covered thing oh food spoiled food cans that are decaying that is pretty gross this is the kitchen there was a refrigerator right here but the oh another cool clock but the uh other the relatives of the deceased came in here and they took everything they wanted and then they left everything else so this is a another room not as not as bad as the first room we've been messing with and a baby bed with a a creepy creepy baby in it and a kitty i'd like to know the story on this had a fire on in here probably a curling iron or something and a weird thing is i've got coca-cola bottles two-liter bottles of water everywhere hmm all right here's the kitchen got a sink over there table with gross food cans on it and everywhere in here you can barely step i can't even walk into the kitchen with all this stuff in front of the doorway got an interesting chimney over here like back porches that way here is another bedroom closet over there oh hello a scrapbook some gross stuff in here okay there is an upstairs with cobwebs [Music] ugh i can barely make it through but i'm on the stairs now yeah that wiring looks safe oh this is bad it is bad up here some serious cobwebs um bedroom [Music] we got some 45s golden road gospel i've got a turntable over there [Music] got a lunch box here don't have the thermos with it i got a check here that was a last an 03 this feels heavy this is a typewriter it's a typewriter interesting some cool stuff that is an old heater [Music] another baby crib over here is that a fur no interesting old cabinet dresser it's a dresser check out that old bottle right there look another coke but that's a 16 12 ounce whatever of water this whole place it's like probably at least 20 30 000 pounds of junk in here is this another bedroom there's a bed in here so i'm gonna have to come back with a tape measure and some plywood and measure out that window and cover it up [Music] so i'll do that so someone might want to own this house i don't all right so all these clothes cool stuff cool stuff a lot of crap a lot of crap oh [Music] no it's weird uh i have the staircase right here and there's no door going to it usually there's a a place under the stairs let's go back into this room and see if we uh missed something no i don't see any uh don't see any access for under the stairs well i found a light bulb on the floor all right okey-dokey [Music] all right guys so uh y'all have taken the tour of my house y'all have seen me unload two trailer loads of stuff out of one bedroom so uh if you want to see more on cleaning out this house uh let me know in the comments if you want to see more on this house my plan is to clean it out try to find as many cool things as i can and get rid of the house because i don't need it so thanks for watching guys i'll catch y'all later
Channel: Isaac it'll be fine
Views: 488,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hoarder, house, land, problems, isaac, itll be fine, carsandcameras, cleaning, crap
Id: duNIzDdz3Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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