Family Home To Abandoned House: He Mysteriously Disappeared Leaving Everything Behind

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what is up explorers we are back on another abandoned Adventure we're here in Wales in this beautiful little abandoned Time capsure Cottage we're here to check it out see who possibly lived here why it's abandoned and how long it's been abandoned for so join us guys as we explore this amazing little Frozen in Time home let's do it today we head to Wales to explore this abandoned home left deserted in the countryside the home was lived in by a couple called Fred and Elanor they lived here for many years raising their family making memories and growing old together once the children eventually grew up and moved away to start their own families Elanor in 2013 sadly passed away leaving Fred here in his home alone we're not entirely sure what happened to Fred in the following years but his home now sits abandoned with all his family possessions remaining inside join us as we explore Fred's abandoned home and try to solve the mystery of why it's left completely abandoned [Music] [Music] [Music] okay Explorer so we are back and we're just going to head into this little Time Capture Bungalow but first we're just going to check out these out buildings and this Caravan so here's the house looking all grimy look at that window I do believe this door's just open [Music] there you go so we're just going to take a quick look outside first you can see that the security lights have been cut which is strange and so of these flashlights old car here covered in Grime looks like bloody algae doesn't it on the front there but I can't see the tax disc is it even open let's have a look the CBB BL the mirror no it's not open but it does look like a proper old granny car look at that it's cool you can see how overgrown the garden is the old water tank there just completely engulfed in FS Nettles and all that stuff all that lovely stuff and the garden just completely overgrown you can see the Caravan over there we're going to take a look in there before we go into the house garage here hidden away check this out all your garely things little tables looks like somebody's been in trash the place old printers there and garden stuff ladders and you can see that the Decay The Roof is actually collapsed over there you can see the uh nature coming down through the through the hole there static caravan oh that's cool look so the The Ivy has grown up through the tire and come out through the back door wow pretty cool look at this Caravan here you can see it's all grimy and dirty see the old gas bottles still here and it's open people have been here oh my God can we even get in yeah we can get in all my days it's a hot day and it smells of death oh my God it's disgusting it absolutely stinks but check this the sofas clothes in here a table covered in a duv for some strange reason lamp shades gas fir in we do have some family pictures young man there cassetts cobwebs covering the the um shelf I suppose a grandmother's love is more precious grows more precious with the years so maybe an old person lived here older person I will say but the crystal glasses in the top there some glasses and trinkets hidden away here look beer is deer it says on there but oh my God it smells like hot hot poo in here the cobweb coming from this deck chair into this box and then onto the dining room chair strangely all the China and toaster is all here perfectly set up artwork on the top there oh I'm sweating already the sink here we go bit of food here beans with sausages but look at the rust on there check that out oo been there a while I suppose let's just get this light on so we can have a proper look microwave I don't know what's in there but it's bloody crystallized and the floor is literally so bouncy I feel like I might go through it so probably best not do what I just did that ooh ooh it is dodgy we are going to get to the end of this before heading into the house bathroom check that out look at the cobwebs going from that window over the toilet system someone's been launching toilet roll around like there's no tomorrow this is like a spider's wet dream isn't it cobwebs absolutely everywhere I suppose not many people oh God oh God that scared the life out of me Happ me on the bloody shoulder big double bed in this one you see the doors fell off the the um sliding door but there is a few bits still in this Caravan as well there is a few bits the floor is kned bunk beds here animal cages so it's pretty cool it's pretty stacked there is a lot of stuff left in here and then you can get a full pan of the old canavan oh what's in there by the way I can't open it now H air purifiers and heaters but yeah just wanted to have a quick look in here before we actually headed into the house and to give us an idea of how much would be left and because they're pretty cool to see these old Caravans really but we are going to head into the house now and see what remains in there it's looking promising though okay explorers let's check out this house you can see straight away the door's pretty decayed look at that the paint all chipped away wow see the cobwebs all around look at this wow the curtain still hanging there electric box only £67 in the emergency so not too bad is the electric on no first thing you see though is these Welsh stickers on the walls look at this not sure if kids have maybe stuck them on there but strange M's just through in through there so we'll head this way first into the bedroom third bedroom wow and it looks like I don't like to say it but a hoarder's house there is a lot of stuff in here and the thir thing is this little horn the thing's snapped off so we can't even give it a little blow oh hello is that for that what the hell hard to do with one hand does that go on there ah I think it's does but not able to do it but look at this everything's pure '90s it looks like it does have that feel look at that shopping bags just completely filled with washing I mean man there is a lot of stuff in this house and I'm just noticing stuff as I'm walking all cassette tape but which just trying to get a bit of a clear in here and see what we can see so a lot of trinkets ornaments dotted about I mean this is pretty cool and the porcelain horse there check these all photographs black and white no dates on the back but it looks like it's from an old ship and then more of these black and white like a work photo I suppose from back in the day okay we do have the docks not far from here so maybe the old Dockers look at this though so cool and a crane that's tipped over but yeah look at this a lot of ornaments in here what is that I thought it was like some sort of vase jewelry box just been thrown on the floor there looks like it's been stud on as well that's a shame the bed's just completely covered in possessions we still have clothes jackets hung up there gloves there's a bank book but we're not going to look in there because we don't want to give away details old newspapers vhs's hunt the Bismark sink the Bismark okay don't know what that means and this this the owners of the house here on this old photograph hidden way in there Scouts training scouters met training the Scout Association my head's just nearly gone straight into this massive cobweb does look like somebody's passed away here and they've beg clearing it out and just just stopped but look at this old cassette player as well there I mean this stuff everywhere clothes women's clothes hung up there wallpaper still on the top Vivitar camera digital camera alarm clocks several alarm clocks all just tucked away here what hell is this some sort of manual but we do have a year old map of whales there as well that's cool shoes started about it's crazy and we've even got Christmas cards stuck to the wall you can see black mold coming in in the corners there showing it has been abandoned possibly for a few years now but crazy to see into the next bed or maybe we just look at this bathroom first Jesus Christ see the cobwebs I left the duck but we're going in wow look at the ivy completely covering this window I am ducking down because of the cobwebs everywhere look at the state of this bath though looks like it's not off life of grime the old tacks in there lovely to see toilet does have an old person's Aid on there sink's been cleared out and there is a few bits in there I can't even pull that oh that's a big covered old Polaroid camera there look at that wow Super Color 635 C no idea what that means cap but that's cool proper old Polaroid camera and we got some books up here I'm guessing a Bible maybe there's always a Bible here no don't know what that is can I'm run something to do dogs grind me all the rat on the floor there disgusting got some pictures right Next Room big double bed again the AIDS again so definitely an older person maybe retired the built-in cupboards along the top there we'll check that out actually see if there's anything in there no no there's tea bags in here so you can tell we're in Britain you just find random tea bags everywhere I feel like there's some pictures over there but we will have head over and another a look in a minute we'll start over here though and the cushions on the floor there there we go always a Bible I can't read that name presented to Fred though so Fred lived here and look at this a dice with uh different prayers on it that's cool so I suppose you roll that and pick a different prayer every day I've never seen that before that's cool how to stop worrying and start living I'll put that in my bag right ornaments lamps there is so much here all medicines and stuff like that there but like I said I don't like to use the term too much but definitely a hoarders house we have some more books here vases family photographs Maybe the grandkids there and some old sunglasses that's cool once again the cobwebs they always seem to be on the wall with the window for some reason maybe a bit warmer vases little clocks ornaments Ladi things more ladies things but you can see just everything's been pulled out people looting the place having a look Cocker Shell Heroes there's a lot of War films so definitely something they were into medicines and check these ornaments got brass there castels the old dog there that's cool wow looks like they're a big fan of the royal family the queen there with a fella and again there you can see that gold broch there with gems in it still still been left oh days look at that old noia still has battery probably wow you can just see that stuff all my days a m a mummified rat looks like it's been TR on as well oh that's gry other the hell how long's that been here that shows how long the house is actually been and then oh my days wallpaper I'm not a big fan of it but it's not my house and then cobwebs just all along the top so seeing that it does give like this house must have been abandoned for quite some time for a ratp to be mummified in here but there's just so much we're going to head into the kitchen living room check them out this place is absolutely rammed full okay heading into the kitchen once again full absolutely everything's left in its place we're going to start here with this simmer frame again showing that there was older people that lived here we've got a dog bowl there obviously had pets and what the hell is this o what is that that's cool I've never seen that before utensils just sat on top of this cooker an old stick for them a crutch not even sure what that is some sort of feed we've got a stove here camping stove maybe they used that in the cupboards here tensils Electrics and then more oh coffee pot there that's cool and then pet food so they definitely had pets I'm just getting caught up in all these cobwebs absolutely vile stuff but more cleaning products on the side the sink just left all grimy there's bugs in there all night days is so WRA everywhere more the artwork the pictures of the birds there cups just absolutely covered in cobwebs more utensils but it is proper give in just Nana and granddad's house the Ducks along the top here it's cool my house is small no Mansion for a millionaire but there is room for love and there is room for friends that's all I care there you go little insight there the China cups the song birds and over something Canada oh look at this the lamb and the dog that's a cool picture oh my cordial still on the side medicines some old ketchup we'll look in the fridge in a sec see if there's any dates on anything you can see things have been pulled out for people looking oh that's strange China hidden in the old biscuit tin oh my God completely full that unsweetened roasted delicious is that orange juice o I'm not sure but it's grimy jams God knows what was in that tin but look at this completely full looks like the rats have actually been pulling all this food out everywhere there's chicken in there oh disgusting Mr klin's everything's eny in here which is strange just looking for a date on this packet there is it one cereal in the fridge it's always strange to see March 2023 so just over a year no way this is a year seems well older check that out the old duck phone that's cool that is cool more ornaments fa flowers fake flowers up there and there's jams and tins hidden in this ornament cupboard we've got books cookbooks I don't think many birds are going to be eating from there inside the house a key fob for the most forgetful person in the world that's cool just little insights into the people's lives personalities see this is what I don't understand December 2016 but then there's food from 2023 strange and then inspirational quotes and your boy Jesus little magnifying glasses on the floor you can see family pictures newspapers house 2021 there's dates all over the place man so confusing i h my grandmother family family pictures delightful so it's quite grimy it's dirty for only being abandoned a year if it is a year that could be squatters to be fair no idea but everything does seem a lot older than a year and a hell of a lot dirtier like the cobwebs are absolutely everywhere there's all cracks in the walls and somebody's definitely been here 100% but we will head into the living room now see what's there right guys living room quite dark in here I have turned my light off for some reason but once again just completely filled we'll just do it in sections we'll start on this corner and we'll take a look at this big old cabinet ornaments on top baby pictures Man City kit and that's again more pictures you can you can see the dust and there is bits of debris as well knocking about there's no way this is only a year I can't picture that I have just noticed something that we're going to take a look at more of these dog animal ornaments amazing king fisher by Valentino bull Finch by Valentino is this a well-known fella but they're incredible more books along the top there baby pictures and your glass ornaments stuff has been stolen you can see the dust marks where people have taken stuff absolute bastards candlesticks is amazing family photos just littered all over the house and this amazing little coffee table look at the details in there that is nice the old wash bowl look with the uh jar jug with it and you can see where they just been desperate for space and bought these cheap plastic um storage shelves there is just stuff absolutely everywhere you can see the old trinket coverbed here just completely full and it's open big fan of birds though Birds everywhere ornaments on the glasses on the artwork what does that say rombs rombs don't know what that means and there's your fancy China at the bottom close that up little tea Dolly there and this artwork the spiders just ran from behind there look look at and go some more electricals over here more of an office space Maybe the old telephones house phones there's the uh box for the mobile that we seen earlier in the bedroom and you can see where they've just thrown everything in there the extension is absolutely filled with electricals that is not safe and what you said Wi-Fi box showing that it's not too old PC office area they've even got the chair set up here still it looks like they completely run out of space and we're just buying these cheap shelves just to find any sort of room to put plate things but it's a beautiful room you can see the wooden beams proper old farmhouse Vibes which we love another Zimmer frame the armchairs and what do we have here phot grass is the garden oh look maybe this is the woman that lived here cuz this looks like the same sofa it's now got a red throw over it but it does look like the same sofa there's the Caravan outside maybe they Liv there for a bit yeah look oh look how nice the house was outside back in the day when it's all freshly painted no were tis in the woodwor in the paint work wow but look how neat the house was back then so somebody's definitely been in and had a good old Route looking for valuables maybe definitely looking for something wow you can see the post just completely piled up there the ivy coming through this window look at this check the old oil lamps and the dead plants this really gives off that it's been abandoned a while we're not going to look down at the post there but it looks like it has 100% been abandoned a while I can't believe it's given a year so I am going to maybe put that down to squatters because there's not a chance you can see the old electric organ maybe they had something to do with the church which you do find that um a lot of older people worked at the churches my granddad did oh here we go there's a tax disc from the car that's missing 2003 Australia well traveled this big beautiful fireplace big stone fireplace it's got these uh little ornaments that on top look at that the fisherman seagull the captain and the two young boys that big gas fire though brass at the back it's even got tiles around the outside so that's a bit different isn't it I've never seen a brass back on a on a fire like that before but you can see like I said everything's being packed away it's got such a mad Twist of like modern and old at the same time little teddies I'm not going to go through there cuz it looks like bills and LS huge speaker up here absolutely massive and the deer little tiny deer thing see well that's been bricked up so is that an extension and this is the original house cuz that looks like an old back window to me that could possibly be an old back door strange so maybe this house was originally just these two rooms and then they would have had an ouse for a toilet or TV tube back TV but look at the rust and dust on here that has got to be older than a year I mean I've seen houses that have been abandoned a year and they're not in this condition big old stereo [Music] and then the coal box huge clock on the wall with um initials on the Tik Tock thing head into this last room now spiders everywhere look at this guy yeah this is a tiny little door here going to head in duck under these cobwebs the bloody vial and it looks like a St storage room it's quite dark in this room we still have paintings in here this looks hand painted maybe by the owners or a family member what else can we see besides bloody cobwebs everywhere the old Ford Badge of an old car and that's from the camera we' seen there is so much left here Range Rover keys there there's no Ranger over here though so that's a shame the dresser with the mirror on the back and what's this empty photo frames tiles they're the ones off the fireplace some artwork but it is damag oh God I'm chucking stuff around like I bloody on the place apologies put that down what's in this box just electricals I feel like somebody has begun packing this place up and for one reason or another never finished it oh God I just put an a dress there old vinyl records they've got a lot of newspaper clippings that are just so Random as well but this is 100% an old bedroom that they turned into a storage room are we going to be able to get in this rusty old suitcase I don't think so no we're not we are not but how cool is this house there's even an old portable TV just hidden in the corner there and then the ivy growing over the window little football trophy there that's pretty cool but once I said you can see the cracks in the walls a lot of structural damage it is a proper shame guys to see the house in this state but it's cool to see that that this was originally such a small house and they've obviously built the extension on the back to make it bigger so the bedrooms the corridor and the bathroom were originally weren't here and it was just these two rooms so God knows when this was originally built have a look outside see if there's a date on it but they did used to do that but there's the house guys I have actually just remembered we need to check something out I found a secret room right so we've knocked all the cobwebs out the way oh why is that not opening oh my God this cops everywhere how you supposed to get up there I don't know how you're supposed to right so there's a secret room here and I don't know how you're supposed to get up here maybe there was steps at one point but I'm just going to have to show you and wing it if I open that up I can see around what the Earth is that there's boxes up here it's very bright up here but I don't think there's actually anything to see is there it's all carpeted I'm winging it I can't actually get up there but I think it's just a few boxes but it's a big room and the ceiling is all tiled which is strange but yeah okay secret room so there you have it explorers this amazing little Time captur Cottage hidden in the Welsh Countryside cobwebs everywhere a little bit ransacked but still all the personal possessions left behind this has been absolutely amazing I hope you've enjoyed it guys and we'll see you on the next one let's do it peace [Music]
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 64,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses uk, abandoned mansions in america, abandoned mansion in uk, abandoned mansion in france, abandoned mansion in italy, Abandoned mansions, ABANDONED MANSION, ABANDONED PLACES UK, ABANDONED, abandoned places
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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