Abandoned Drug Dealer Mansion (Power Still On)

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welcome everyone it is Jana back with another adventure and yes I'm standing in front of this mansion and I've got Wesley here with me guys let's go everyone guys huge shout out the urbex carlo for giving me the lowdown and spice no this is a huge mansion that was owned by a Canadian drug lord now everything was hunky-dory until one day a deal went wrong and a guy got shot and a guy got shot I got shot so some people bails and people left town and now it's it's empty and abandoned and we're gonna explore it guys so follow us [Music] so my upstairs holy this pond I don't think so I know there's a downstairs Wow to check his room out the wallpaper and the matching self is you must be this is crazy he's really tall ceilings the fireplace in the sky but we believe the power still want it's just building noises man that we're hearing sounds like people walking around in here what a kitchen it's definitely outdated a little yeah yeah I mean this is moving ready yeah I feel a little touch-ups here and there but nothing crazy I don't know his place keeps going yeah this must be done well this has got me the master suite built-in cabinets it's a pretty modest bathroom for all the showers pretty freakin sweet this is huge bill disappears he fits everyone let's explore the rest this place intercom system supposed to be the laundry room lady I said or that was just standing open when we got here [Music] check placement house early finish up here first there's stuff brand-new washer and dryer i half-expected car to be in here yeah still just so fascinated with this little do these move now that's weird be careful I got all this skylight up here I saw your reflection and I'm here I thought it's another person what's in here there's a whole nother section right here I didn't know well this place just keeps oh I saw her before like since it yeah it is man look at that or if the water's on no they get the water turned it off this is so cool at the wild favorite this is the closet that's part of it this is just the closet okay well I know this room here just it's mind-blowing yeah I just I love it these these doors that lead into here it's got like a what what is it what's it do it oh wow that's up the bar the fridge is still running or if there's anything in it now we need that lucky check it it's another bathroom people's used a turlet and you should have used John's turn let's pray guys they're in the shower check it out that's crazy this is good quality when this happens and you can look at the doors like you can tell somebody spent a lot of money building this place like this here's one of the bedrooms I guess seemed like every room had its own bathroom too I'm telling you if you want to find a place of squat on this is one to do that for sure what's this weird thing here in the middle it looks like it's got doors it's a storage space there's a spiral staircase right here thought I heard something hello you lay in here hey waves has told me there's an amazing Wow this little office this is so freakin cool dude oh my god my wife would die Heather this is your bathroom honey oh the closet to you guys yeah yeah Heather we're moving to Canada there's a sauna Wow let's check his house guys freakin sauna believe that that's amazing you can just shower it off right here then you got a big shower here this is definitely the ladies bathroom see I'll fall over on the other side was the master suite look there's there's two toilets and each has their own stall this leads outside this is crazy man absolutely crazy okay here is the master closet holy crap I hope that doors up above I is that the storage or is that for freaking storage you gotta have a ladder to access your top storage oh there's something in here this is it a wedding dress no it's curtains it kind of did look like a wedding dress have like $20,000 in it I'll be cutting this for our video oh man it meets a really yeah you can see here a little old damage sound like we heard something so this is the master suite see a would it come from probably just the windows heating up alright guys we're here just kind of poking around look what we found found the safe there's nothing in it but a rubber band there's just so many oh wow this is amazing it really is I mean I even have a blow-dryer for when you get have the pad this is this is incredible okay guys it closed for inspection there's a toilet and you're done come over here and get a spray water up here but with a bidet oh wow and there's nothing in it but something laying there this what piece of plastic okay guys we got the spiral staircase here we're going to go down do what we can find downstairs here we go I see a bar or something down here hello [Music] oh wow he had his there is there [Music] maybe some other explorers before us because she got this bar [Music] maybe there's more building sounds changing rims for the pool as it pulls outside [Music] there [Music] nope it's another freaking saw this one's bigger Wow these people were so rich yeah this is amazing oh this one even has the little ladle you dump water on the hot rocks incredible check it out not quiet as hot as it's been before just using some so fair he was shot this hasn't been abandoned very long found the other way in here they dig this is here it's running furnace is running hey this is incredible [Music] that's all the downstairs the blueprints of the house here you know how to believe free plants it's pretty amazing there's like I've always done with a basement there's like a ton of rooms over here yeah there's an anniversary card for March 2nd with 2000 that's a neat little trick oh well happy Father's Day say hey make card I got a Rolex hey that's a rich family yeah it does it looks like it's been painted they don't know that na song yeah do dis just keeps a bunch of stuff stored over here [Music] gosh there's so much hidden places in here yeah that's what the maintenance person would like this oh man cedar you smell that maybe this was intended to be a son and he's turned into a closet that's why they put cedar walls in it just a closet I hate closed doors just to close it [Music] it's over here I see like oh let's get me was there a chair setting here that's yeah this is kind of weird oh my gets remainer yeah saying let's get out of it I don't know it's freaking odd turlet this is a odd name [Music] a little recreation room it's got a little a little apartment kinda like a little studio apartment I bet they did go back up and that's what we entered I guess we're outside this is a really unique house it's a cool house above the snow Bob this I don't know what this is like something a cool house I sort of pull still covered yeah there's a freaking tennis court down there Warner this is open [Music] this is where the fresh prints would have hung out it's just the poolhouse stuff pops and stuff we got Leslie welcome by the pool here I bet you I guarantee it's got like really cool like mosaic tile stuff in the pool it's probably all nasty now but there's the back end in the house let's go check this tennis court out yeah just tennis court oh this was very reminiscent a whirlwind mansion the way this is set up and as we turn in look at this magnificent mansion stands behind us here and it's way bigger than even it looks outside front of the house you see the center maybe was a found at one point it's just overgrown yes there you have it guys man our criminals mansion you shout to Wesley for coming here with me I was little sketched out coming here he said hey man I'll go with you a little walk around it yeah go check his head scram out I'll put down the link down below he's got some cool stuff there and eaglestar my youtube channel soon guys so so go to his Instagram follow it when he puts that channel up he'll link it there for you guys it's gonna be some pretty cool stuff he's done telling me about it but guys thank you for watching I really appreciate it if you want to help support this channel I saw awesome t-shirts like this on my Spreadshirt links in description i also have patreon where I blow bonus content but for now guys yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Exploration Unknown
Views: 77,206
Rating: 4.9048004 out of 5
Keywords: exploration unknown, expedition unknown, jon turner, josh gates, ghost adventures, ghost hunters, travel channel, trvl channel, ghost caught on camera, full body apparition, taps, evp, real ghost, paranormal investigating, paranormal activity, abandoned mansion, haunted mansion, abandoned house, abandoned drug dealer mansion, haunted places in toronto, abandoned places in toronto, most haunted place in canada, haunted place in toronto, abandoned places in canada
Id: my7i6fpcNl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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