Abandoned : House full of stuff. She just disappeared

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[Music] and this whole place no far from home it's falling down Thanks looks like it's collapsed on it stops and whatever's got it whether it's termites whatever it's made this collapse as well so you can see the stairs being pushed out this way where it's fallen off it stumps yeah you know - so everything's collapsing I don't know if the camera picks it up they're all these this platform you can see the brick piers as well you know what's happened pizza oven yeah you can see yeah if it's not too blurry everything's collapsed down and you can see how close the bottom is it's collapsed on its foundations this these stairs of kft knows where they just stick a horizontal this whole side of the house actually just collapsed okay there's bits in this bit oh this ain't cute and they're cute I think there was two of them what are they it cups probably I should not take that I just hope the whole house doesn't come down because every thing feels very wobbly in here it's scaring me a little doors opened whoa this is very wobbly so anyway that a really neck oh is that dog China that's that buddy hey B is that's nicer yeah this feels really weird right I sure did collapse on me calm music oh there's a skull ring cool let's go are we doing fine Samsung what's this huh Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam I can't say it Samsung Samsung Samsung stop it Michael oh sorry if I'm moving too fast what the Cellini so a lot of female bit that's why I build its nest up there it's all you say there it's okay caving in I'm caving out popping it see what we can find oh it's Tinker hot so excuse me sounding a bit puffy and just because it's stinking hot its Walton that 36 or something he finishes almost finished answer somebody like them weird stuff after the bottles war this which is no stinks that's they lived in here oh my she had a fella that lived here that light brown lady shoes and looking at the malformed mmm lovely whatever happened to these people happened in a hurry that is really cute you're so cute it looks on its come out of some sort of some sort of short it's very berry berry no I said I like it I still have to keep putting stuff on my glasses alternate Marvel well I made something to some money it was good on Harry Potter it is stinking hot in here all closed up like I said it's about 36 today and no idea what that is you know stuff Fahrenheit and whatever I don't know Razia this hasn't been abandoned very long balls I've only been out a couple of months or something that I've been Eddie and I knew somebody was living here then because the bins were out it's just really old what's happened thank you very much very female orientated sorry just there's a fan looks like it's been abandoned for years but like I said it's only been banned and abandoned for a very short time everybody should have it Joe it's someone's luggage off no you small steam that's nice dude this old chest so you see the chest I think that call anything is huge you can put two dead bodies in that and still have room for a couple of other smaller ones or chopper mountain or feeling I shouldn't say anything more female clothing she was only short hence the drag chute she liked to draw being human with Russell to to Vito be juvie this fellow maybe just in case you risked a bit on the glass one finishing here is so much okay I like this old dresser to show him the the knees coming off it that's a bit of a shame and brand oh my goodness neck when Willie's head paper bags let's see today well okay so he goes here with me you can look at that gorgeous mirror just while I try and see twenty seventh of the second 2017 there's been somebody in here before I'm a since name there I'm sure I am fitting like no one's business like a madman holy Dooley I didn't even teen and that was pointless you've had foolish children in here as you can see breaking things and if it was an adult then they're extremely childish any man outside of Dooley underneath a I'm not gonna move that to see if there's anything in there not wardrobes are very solid they're actually built in so this was the master you actually see where it's being built into the wall very nice very nice timber very sod okay there's telly sound stand got one of these it's more of a Peck stuff that's coat hangers no boots this is a conditioner she was into cowboy boots this person I can't wait about two ladies since I've done this I walk out here very carefully interesting they see our no cd/dvd John Tyler black beauty who else is here Hotel California is that Chicago is that she can here's a new kidding I don't know who that I should know should know Chicago lead vocal Glenn Frey crowded house Jimmy vans noise ocean or white wine old swag I think plants bits and pieces you can see how everything's starting to cave in and crumble with the door they're definitely definitely can't go down this rated oh look good all right show you some of the architecture is he looking at everything I didn't realize that there's so much crap mister left in here so now this was front of the house this was closed in veranda or is closed in veranda that's the front door I'll close that seal it up again when I go through any of this so cute just bear with me check out that there you go so we're in the hallway very stock standard very basic inside lot of fibro looks like libraries gone over the top of the old shiplap one-bedroom in the master bedroom yeah just so much stuff left behind it's just crazy with home stand so we're coming out here into the living space is there that's the door came through me and this was the first bedroom first three bedrooms this is four out of Blake Brooke which is the suburbs across the wall got that um like I said it's been lived in not too long ago I found something from 17 2017 little T didn't we there is so much to see pleather by chemo bike email shorts and the kitchen we already looked in picture get a picture it'll last longer [Music] sabia getting a picture of this for a guy so is it coming with me right here bible abc's mob raises over the shoulder Harry Potter probably more Harry Potter yes not the Harry Potter bag that she's never used because it's still got the tag on there got all this fake money that's very pretty brother fry no this is some oblast chase I need to get out and get some me first Fitz to death to the shame that yet silly kids coming in and trashing everything that's a bit of shine that dresser is very awesome I wouldn't want that dresser drawing stuff more alcohol Oh little baby puppies no Shirdi alright 16 2016 sorry it's just crazy maybe I'll check that to the dome take it to the dog stuff by okay sorry get out of here with him riffing milega I've been on some blasts again okay not too far from home this we're almost done somebody was exercising a lot at one point I suppose that seat may be enjoyed folks hope you like this one yeah Abbottabad people it's only seeing that a couple fallen when I was coming around the corner here came in to check it out and Here I am hope you enjoyed it give me a thumbs up if you did share me around the more likes the more views I get apparently and with YouTube wanting to deep monetize me a drop of the Hat that nearly every video that I upload yeah more is better for me share me around thank you very much to all my new subscribers it's been really great you've been subscribing I'm nearly at 15,000 and that's good don't forget to hit the notification bill because then you'll keep up to date with all my latest videos and follow me on Instagram there's a link down below in the description bar I'll try and find out a little history of this place and get back to you I guess what's this cute little thing what's this the dog happen [Music] [Music] we're out folks thank you very much and I'll see you guys the next one thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: mkuebler5
Views: 155,109
Rating: 4.7473235 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned australia, abandoned house australia, abandoned house, abandoned places australia, abandoned places, empty house australia, empty house, urbex, urbex australia, urbex exlplore, urban exploration australia, urban exploration, derilict house, adventures, adventure, exploring, gayguy, gayman, gaybear, explore, urbexer, urbex world
Id: MyhjfOAUii4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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