Abandoned Keanu Reeves Glass Lake House Mansion

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so what's up guys so packing up for another trip yet again every single week there's just been something to do in film and this is usually what i do i pack the night before and i get everything ready and set to go for the morning i'm excited for this trip i really am we're going to be hitting a lot of cool places we're going to do a hospital a mansion and what else we might try to hit an abandoned house too we'll see how it goes but it's gonna be a long drive and we're gonna go through the blizzard in upstate new york so this is gonna be a wild one the first stop tomorrow morning though is gonna be this abandoned mansion so around the 1970s a family used to live here and they had two kids they actually never lived in this mansion they had another mansion and this was their home they lived here from the 1970s up until the early 2000s now when the kids grew up and they were ready for college the father ended up building this treehouse mansion in their backyard for them to live in they were a pretty rich family and the kids really didn't want to leave home or didn't want to leave their parents so this was a great way for them to stay together the father made sure to build this treehouse mansion really really nice and perfect for the typical college students the way it's all set up is like a huge big frat house and the reason why it's abandoned is because when the kids graduated from college they ended up living and moving to a different state and the parents never kept up with the treehouse mansion in their backyard a few years later the parents ended up moving to another state where their kids were living in because of their jobs and the new owners of the mansion hasn't really been taking care of the treehouse mansion at all and they don't have kids so it's just left like this forgotten and unused and most of the local kids in the area pretty much come here to explore so yeah it's a great location it's right next to a lake now what's really awesome for me is that this place reminds me a lot of that movie called the lake house featuring keanu reeves i mean they look so strikingly similar and they're both located next to a lake since no one has lived in this house for years [Music] let me know down in the comments if you've seen the movie and if you agree with me or not other than that though the architecture is just incredible and i cannot believe that you know a family built this on their backyard for their own kids to live in literally a treehouse mansion and that's something you don't see often now before the adventure begins don't forget to give a big thumbs up and i just want to say a big thank you to today's video sponsor keeps so keeps reached out to me and i thought this would be a great collab especially for the older people who watch my channel did you know two out of three guys will experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35 the best way to prevent hair loss is to do something about it while you still have hair left keeps offers scientifically proven treatments that can combat the symptom of hair loss they also make it easy and deliver your medication every three months so you can say goodbye to pharmacy checkout lines and awkward doctor visits keeps treatment can take up to four to six months or more to see results so it's important to act fast the sooner you start using keeps the more hair you'll save the best thing about keeps is this affordable price which means you don't have to go broke to avoid going balds if you are ready to take action to prevent hair loss go to keeps.com steve ronin link down in the description to learn more and get 50 off your first order for hair loss treatment really quick i just want to say a big thank you to our newest patreon supporters of the week shout out to lieutenant clan and christine h thank you so much for supporting the channel if you also wish to support the channel and her perks and a shout out in next week's video head over to the patreon link down in the description below [Music] i'm so excited because i know you guys love unique architecture and this is one of them we're somewhere between the border of canada like really high up where there's like a lot of ski resorts and a bunch of snow but i'm excited guys let's go inside i can't wait to show you how it looks but before we do make sure to smash that thumbs up button this is how we get in the door should be wide open but i'm gonna start all the way from the top and work myself to the bottom of the floors [Music] no i don't know the last part all right quite on set just kicked them out from the very top floor sorry boys and girls that's what i was just wondering girl who else is a girl the only talent i have is probably creating art i used to draw and sketch back in the day like if you dig through my instagram it's like all the way down i would post all my sketches nowadays it's just mostly photography and editing videos only thing i tried to learn was the guitar but i'm not so good with it i thought this was pretty cool right here in the corner there'd be all sorts of plants grown right here that were real even have like a little hose right there i was thinking too maybe there was water right up here but uh yeah that's like a that's a carpet right there so i don't i don't think it was it's pretty sturdy and this is pretty neat you can actually open this window right here i don't know why they would have this or what the reason was for it it's not like they can jump down at all it would be cool there's like a pool down here and you can just dive well check that out that's a river right in front of us amazing views just living in this vacation mansion and you can instantly see the floor below us what's that that's just the wind that little door right there i should probably close that now i'm just in love with mansions like this like the architecture is so dope this is why i really wanted to come here because i just love these giant glass walls definitely something i would have if i ever own a mansion found a dog bowl and here's the dog bed looks like they had a big dog take a look at this looks like this could have been a kitchen up here too at one point maybe like a little bar i mean there's no bedrooms up here so i feel like this is more for like an entertainment center now that i'm over here this kind of reminds me like a little stage so people would probably dance on this floor or just you know party it up there's probably like a counter top right here maybe a sink you just make your drinks right here be able to just give it to your friends really quick the oven is just right here it's like a portable one and we got the refrigerator see if anything's inside oh my gosh i'm gonna stand back dude so much is in here i don't want to breathe anything in but it's been a while since i encountered a fridge that had stuff inside definitely smells and everything is just old in there oh gross right in the corner we got a bathroom first bathroom with the mansion and a little deck that leads outside oh this is so nice that's crazy so this bridge actually leads to like the town which is something i've never seen before all the doors are just left open in the mansion like this so it's very easy to explore this place oh wow look at that i think this is like made of bronze that's dope it's just like all over this entrance right here a bunch of doors look like this they had like these mayan door handles made of wood it's pretty unique but yeah this is such a chill corner of the mansion it's nice and bright in here i got some mold growing up there this isn't so much in rough condition but eventually you know i think give it two years if no one's taking care of it it'll be falling apart really really bad because up here you know there's so much snow it rains a lot just the weather will just deteriorate this place even faster [Applause] [Music] some lens how's the lens adapter interesting probably from an urban explorer probably forgot about it okay we're heading downstairs i love how it's just a spiral stairway leading down to each floor [Music] and look it's so trashed looks like there's uh bathrooms over here there's a washer the bathroom is pretty nice we're gonna lie we've been nice back in the day [Music] big giant glass window of course gotta have that here don't really have that much of a good view especially while you're sitting down on the toilet [Music] coming over here it's like a hidden corner you got another bathroom same mayan door handles right there almost like a monkey or a lizard probably a monkey this room is pretty random i guess these are like mirror doors for some type of closet whoa just like there's like four of me right now one two three four by the way guys check out the new hoodies that i'm wearing this is the lavender freedom x wonder hoodie i love it i got one in black which you've probably seen in other videos it's my first time wearing it and showing you guys [Music] looks pretty nice not gonna lie this is a color that can be for male or female but i think a lot of you females will love this hoodie [Music] so go check it out shop freedomx1.com link in description [Music] more down i go the more party vibes i get there's definitely some like party chill vibes right here with the big couches you know if it was just for a family it'd be probably pretty small but it looks like you know this could hold up to like more than 10 plus people so many clothes down here that we're starting to see looks like this box this has like some school artwork nothing too crazy so far but man i do like downstairs a lot oh wow there's a deck that we can like walk on though so let's go check that out this thing is pretty neat i like this car when i said bang bang looks like a bunch of people walk through here i'm not sure if they were my friends i'm seeing dog footprints too it's like some dog-handed adventure exploring this place i'm kind of scared to walk across this but i'm just gonna follow the footsteps because that's probably safe check that out oh feels so cold i'm freezing guys whoa that is unbelievable this so reminds me of the glass mansion i did it with colin gran a few months ago i'm getting similar vibes you're gonna jump why is there a door up here to jump down here bro to jump in the snow i'm afraid i'd go right through that yeah this is sick man dude you can hang that what jump down from here from there yeah steve stand there and give it a good jump if steve doesn't go through first uh i gotta film this video [ __ ] yourself yeah i can't end this video right here i still got more to go will oh yeah he's making it i seen that whole thing sink probably wouldn't do it again no i got a splinter in my finger no gain yeah what's really cool about this mansion is like it's house features i mean this balcony goes all the way around the mansion you can either go upstairs or downstairs too i trust the wood i just heard the wood creek and it's kind of slanting right there i don't know if i can trust it to be honest i might skip on it all right we're now heading to the first floor this is my favorite floor because there's just so many things left in here it's the only floor with the most things so you can tell someone used to live here and they just left a few stuff we got some clothes look like it looks like all these boxes are like jewelry boxes guitar case is there anything inside this oh it's empty i bet someone took it well here's a sign of a photo looks like someone drinking alcohol now as i stood up i just found this pool table which is photos laying all around this is just photos from a big giant party that happened here they kind of look like they're in like maybe senior year of high school or maybe like freshman's in college oh here's a birthday card some sort of artwork it's pretty good but i can't really tell what it is and someone definitely graffitied the place up or maybe it was like this back then whoever stayed in this room there's black paint everywhere even on the floor on the carpet i mean it's a pretty nice room you got a gorgeous view of the river right next to [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go check out the other room [Music] yeah i like this one i bet people still come here like the local kids i explore they probably use this as like some base [Music] hey there's a trash can radic oh yeah it's a little functioning nice this is an ongoing joke right now but radical tick tock oh my god don't remind me sorry to remind you i'm gonna let my my fans know now i got totally destroyed on tick tock actually i shouldn't say it i should say i'll get more exposure all right well radic uh the last video we explored if you haven't checked it out go check it out but he made a little tick tock when we found the car there's an ashtray and right they called it a trash can i missed the gun rappers and as a kid so i didn't know what it was for it's okay the entire old tic-tock but your tick tock exploded it did because they're calling me young they call me a kid they're saying i'm 15. they're saying i know it's more sad the car or the kid narrating this you know people are harsher the internet but now you know how i feel erratic when i say i don't think that was really funny yeah it's pretty funny not only is there jewelry boxes but there's like a bunch of vape boxes here all over i don't know why they would just leave them [Music] no i'm bleeping that word where do you find this so there's like a little shed out there dude there's like a secret door yeah you can't even notice it the camouflage is pretty good now we're all fired i mean they have insecticides does it go down more here we got root stimulator oh okay yeah that's an ingredient for it for sure fertilizer organically so it's just right around the corner over here you fit like three or four plants in there yeah dormant oil what i think is like they kind of use this as a dark room for photos or they pretended to use it as a dark room having a grow room you wouldn't make it too obvious a bunch of like they don't really look like real life cool place no all right but it's time to go guys geez last moment we've just found this crazy grow room all right it's hidden in there they don't want anyone to check that out well guys i hope you enjoyed the video today thank you so much for watching and making it towards the end of the video if you did enjoy it don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification button bell let me know down in the comments what you enjoyed most in this video i know some people call it a mansion but it wasn't as big as one but the architecture was definitely unique and something really cool to see and the fact that it reminded me of the movie the lake house made it so much better before we end the video here i just want to say to go shop the new hoodies at freemxwonder.com guys they're on sale right now so go and cop them before the winter season ends but until next time guys don't forget to leave a like of freedom wonder and i'll see you all next adventure [Music] [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 173,744
Rating: 4.8486629 out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, abandoned, keanu, reeves, glass, lake, house, mansion, abandoned steve, abandoned mansion, abandoned lake house mansion
Id: phbBcu8gXKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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