House Abandoned for 80 Years with Everything Left Behind!

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just be lovely thorns okay there's this mysterious house Wow just got like a dugout cellar under there no they did build it from the creek rock around here though it's kind of scary how this is just hidden here don't you know it to you right up on it welcome everyone it is John them back with another adventure and I got Michael from a man's journey here guys and his brought us through the woods to this old abandoned house that's had been abandoned since the 1940s now people has tried to come in and work on it and move in but they just it's so haunted no one wants to live here for one and it's so far off in the middle of nowhere they just don't make any sense but they say you see a woman walking through and around the house and we're gonna check it out and do an investigation here and there's a lot of cool stuff in here guys so follow us [Music] okay I'm up in here Michael's tell my place is abandoned in the forties right it was abandoned in the 40s you can tell the old wrought iron bed is still here there is they had some problems a lot of families died in here as you can tell here is an old wheelchair well that wheelchair is real old yeah I mean it even had the adjustable back you can adjust it by this spot so looks like people just kind of stored a bunch of junk in here they did store a bunch of junk in here they did it's amazing I mean there's there's old bottles but there's no stuff too but mostly it's just old stuff fado glass ball they had plans on doing something with the property but they never did so now you just have to walk through the woods to get here that's the way we come in is the only way to get here yeah guys we had to make a little bit trip through the woods we don't bad this is another floor solid in here yeah so this is another over on our bed this stuff yeah some of these old bottles like a laxative cold wow that's amazing yeah all this stuff on here yeah yeah yeah it's nice looks like maybe in the 80s I kind of want to do some stuff here yeah and then I just they used to come here and camp and store stuff and they quit doing that even I got that old potty cheer oh wow that's it that's old school yeah it is do this a warming stove no cane and a floral crutch you know here's a whoa that's part of the house is going yes I walked here is an old chest there's no chest and this old chest was the top where you had the drawers go ahead this chest is the old type of chest that has the drawer some stuff in it oh wow you know we fold your clothes and put it in there yeah banging it now rats in this booth look in there I'll hold it up oh it's okay this is right next oh there's another one oh wow it'll be a treasure in there okay babe Wow look at that curtains guys oh wait lift here's a oh that's so neat and so you just tell me about the paranormal activity reason why no one wants to live here anymore they say there's a woman that walks around here I don't know I come during the day they can come at night so I'm not gonna go it will stick around till nightfall not without a good flashlight to back out yeah cuz you gotta do what just walk through the woods a little bit and all these old there's so much old stuff everywhere around here no walk through here and caffeine and put this down where the weak parts was before I've done it hurt my foot yeah he cut this end of his toe off goes cut the top of the toe off yeah it's told me when I was going yes it's pretty gross I didn't see it but I imagine it is yeah I don't think I'm walking through there I say that whole floor giving with you and I don't do that so here's an old refrigerator oh wow there's nothing in it this is a cold so than another and oh that wonder if there's a GM refrigerator General Motors that's if you want to see those go watch his video he's in there hope they don't fall through the floor that hurt to be careful man you're in a very bad spot there just be careful I wouldn't I don't know if it's worth it I don't have to carry you out of here this was an actually real good shape really yeah huh the course there's some old stuff in here around this pie cabinet you make me nervous hands look at this locale in here another wood stove look at those stereo cabinet this is awesome I'll bring this to you this is some notes thing was they was doing mm-hmm no dates or nothing like that in here okay so he brought me this old book you know you said there's not any dates in it no oh I understand it's something that stuff is looks like notes large equipment now at one point in time this was a strip mining Harriet so this is the FG oral L Scott son % president proceeded oh of San Francisco California that's weird it is okay guys we got the app out here we're gonna try this for a minute see if anything comes up there's anyone in here with us I just like this device here on the filing cabinet you can use it to communicate with us is there anyone in here Michael how steady is your hand it's if you held a pendulum could you hold it steady try we might have a hint a minute I'll leave that going I'm gonna grab some more paranormal tools here okay guys I don't know why it's doing this it's just gonna notice right here see if yours goes up no yours ain't even sparking just watch oh my God look what that says are you okay I'm gonna set that there I mean I set it there and it does nothing pick it up move it around oh yeah there's someone in here touching this now it quit doing it oh there goes again okay you can stop now I see you found my green light and you like to play with it okay he'll stop for a second it's not stopping enough to let me even communicate okay when I ask you it yes or no questions say just keep it's randomly doing it no matter where I move it it does it there's no there's definitely no power here no okay so if you understand me you can answer yes by touching the light and no by not oh there goes it's like right in here point chained who is chained is there anyone in here they'd like to communicate with us please make a sound this is from quiet now and what's weird guys when we walked in he has the audible one it went off just randomly as his walking in the room yes I walked right past the door right here walk back over see if it'll do it again nothing yeah cuz he woke in I heard he go off no no guys it's weird I'm gonna set it down here Oh fell through the floor no this still says chained pre verse let's preview we don't have cell phone service to really look at that no we don't I have the pendulum here do you want to you want to try the pendulum out I can hold your camera on you okay let's get all right guys so we got him with the pendulum here it's what you want to do is hold it real steady and why let's get questions okay my friend Mike here is holding this pendulum and if you can move it for me go ahead you're not moving I'm watching your hand thank you very much okay so I want to ask you yes and no questions if your answer is yes rocket side to side parents there is no spin it in a circle do you understand rock it side to side a few - oh it's rocking its rocking and I'm watching your hand bro your you'll be holding pretty steady okay okay are you male or female well that ain't a yes/no question is it are you the female that's being seen here is that side to side okay that's opposing side to side alright thank you very much you can stop now did you die here it's moving a little bit are we in any kind of danger being here is that a yes I guess it's over here's the sale okay you think any questions Mike to ask what's your family the ones that lived here I think we try the spirit box now and see if we catch or anything I'm in it that's it's moving a little bit but it's hard to tell it's moving a lot now I was trying to answer okay I've got the phone every started a spirit box is not working correctly Sally Sally Sally was is that your name are you the lady that's being seen here what the hell was that I have no idea there's something in there dude let's go look let's go look so I'm just moved back here hello is there anything in there no see the animals no dude that was freaking wild disturbed please tell me you just bump something good let's fix today that was a bad sound Sally was that you it made that sound that was you can you make another sound for me hello for skiers I'll say anything in here this floor is falling it in here that door what was that fiend I'll do somebody's outside the window did it yes did you catch on camera I don't know for real yeah dude we're in the middle of freakin woods well they say there's a line that walks around here not there just a fiend on the phone you get anyway here and you make another sound for us I doubt if a light turned on for real well that me says I want it changed change the point what we pointing that we're right here yeah no but a picture change oh dude that ooh wow that's amazing and it's hot like it's a hot day it is and you can feel it so you can feel it here then over here you don't it's like a breeze coming through but here's the one area that is insane did I keep hearing something in there hello is there anybody with us look in here [Applause] okay now what's making the needle jump in it is it's not making a sound keep hearing some in there man let's go check it out that was that something fail clear now there wasn't one whose name lived here her name was Claire are you kidding me so the woman that lived here was Claire yes I hear something back here I'm just hearing like small sounds all over the place what yeah crystal ball where did I come from yeah I thought it was setting up here he was sitting up here yeah I had it laying right here yes I don't know world did it get down here I have no idea that must be what we just heard hmm did you want to do this again Clara Fitz you know let me get hold this word steady Clara fit you you can move this fat decide for me it's moving but I can't get any direction on it it's kind of just all over the place did you throw this did you throw this on the ground from up here now this is anything going on it ain't even moving I thought maybe it is where it's closer to the phone but can you touch our meter again touch that green line make it jump like you did don't lay this back up here old yes this is an old house react it instantly changed as soon as you said old what are you reacting to are you upset that we're here would you like us to leave you alone is that you out here in the house this is not your glide okay react is still it's on here that's barking again oh and it's changed to method what kind of method that's still it's just like walking there's no law that says I somebody's walking in here no you make another sound for us you want us to leave you alone you'd like us to leave please make a sound well that was a sound okay then okay guys I think we're gonna call it a wrap nothing crazy oh we had some weird sounds some movement sound like footsteps and my spirit box is messed up it won't work right ever since that last one with Jennifer it's just not work correctly but guys I want to thank you for watching if you heard or seen anything in this video please comment down let me know go check out Michael's channel the one for him we wouldn't be here and a big shout out to him he filmed some stuff back here in the kitchen I was I was too uncomfortable walking to but guys if you'll help support this channel I do sell t-shirts and I have a patreon where I upload bonus content but for now guys you have a good day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Exploration Unknown
Views: 57,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exploration unknown, expedition unknown, jon turner, josh gates, ghost adventures, ghost hunters, travel channel, trvl channel, ghost caught on camera, full body apparition, taps, evp, real ghost, paranormal investigating, paranormal activity, abandoned house, everything left behind, abandoned since the 40s, haunted house, haunted places in tennessee, mystery house, abandoned places in tennessee, most haunted place in tennessee, urban exploring, urbex
Id: Gc_Z5-pLMPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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