I Found a Secret Haunted Cabin in the Smokey Mountains

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welcome everyone it is John I'm back with another adventure and today brings us to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park we're going on a bit of a hike in the mountains here is a place that's not very well known it's not on the park Maps per se and there's not really a trill that's mapped out to it but it is the cabin of Maina having now mana was a artist back in the early 1900s - who loved this place so much that she wanted to build a retreat slash studio here in the beautiful Smoky Mountains now this cabin is still here and it is very well preserved and a big shout-out to my friend Yankee in the South for recommending this to me he knew about it he knew where it was he gave me the directions to get to it and we're gonna go and you know he he does not do paranormal he does you know videos of the Smoky Mountains essentially and if you had to checks out you need to this links in the description but he says he's caught orbs and weird activity here and he felt it enough to actually reach out to me like hey you need to go here and check this out so guys that further ado we're gonna go and check this place out so follow me [Music] our adventure starts here by this babbling River if you lit there's some old remains of this is the old original parts of outlaws that still exists that mean the houses are gone but the foundations and fireplaces are still here and you take a look at this one still even have an old antenna up there cover still in the chimney pretty cool you can see the old force here as well so yeah we're going to continue on up we've got a pretty good ways to go so we're in get visible walking up the old road now this was a logging town and a lot of these cabins were still standing up until about a year ago but the Park Service's came and removed them for safety reasons so we're just going to continue on this way far off this old beaten path there's about the only remaining structure from the old out lot let's check this out I don't know how structurally sound it is well I had some upstairs and everything I'm afraid the monkey here on the floors but this might have to be a revisit do a paranormal video let me know down below what y'all think things we come to a fork in the road here but it looks like our destination is this way good night we can't go down hill we must go up oh I've walked about almost a mile then that trail Forks off down here I believe this is the correct trail I'm getting kind of close but just yesterday I got backed out of the place by a cougar so I'm a little apprehensive but we'll keep pressing on another section I'm on now is the old train bed this is where the train would run through holding all the logs out of out Mont and across the mountain we got to be getting close it's a little difficult to find but I've got a few clues as to where we're supposed to veer off this trail hopefully I find it soon oh here we go okay I'm starting to worry and maybe I've passed it I'm a long way from anything there's a river down there I know I gotta cross it at some point but there's supposed to be some signs here for me to veer off to the right and I'm hoping it soon just gonna keep walking this is a lengthy Hawk I'm not gonna lie it's not bad I mean it's not a hard Hawk it's just that feel so we'll carry on and see if we can find this place okay so I was standing literally like right there and I think I found the path that leads us where we need to be let's head down here and check it out you see that a few people know about this place they're not very many it is not visited that often so I'm excited about this guy okay I've made my way down this hill and I am greeted by this beautiful sight here and here's the thing about this trickle it is not marked on the Smoky Mountains trail mouth so this is one of the situations where if something bad were to happen no one really knows I'm here and what's starting to make me real nervous that my trail is starting to disappear supposed to be a wooden log right here somewhere I'm at a loss here I don't know guys I take the wrong path down I have no signal I can't see where I'm at I don't know man you know loner okay so I'm down here the trail just Didion's they supposed to be a little log bridge to cross the river here and I'm not finding it I guess I'm gonna head back up to the main trail and continue on maybe this is just the way somebody got down to the river I don't know I'm gonna continue on the main trail and see I'm really close I gotta be so let's move forward a little bit so excuse me for the heavy breathing but what I thought was a trail this drainage tile here bringing water it's just the water flow trail it goes down the hill I'm hoping that's it feel a little farther maybe we'll find what we need okay I have ventured even further up and we have now found yes this is a description here log steps this has got to be it it can't be anywhere else let's head down this guy's and we'll check out a cabin well this trail sure is over going full of briars until not many people come down here out getting pricked and prodded every time I take you stay up pretty much you know you can tell people come here but majority of people probably have never heard of this place unless they've done some research it's little slicker okay guys this is the path that I must take oh my god definitely got some bounce in it actually see the cabin up on the hill there this handle over here is loose which really freaks me out a spotter up there ain't got time for you spider my way god in other words yet no pun intended oh Jesus I didn't know expect that to be such a challenge for me you guys better freakin give me a thumbs up on this video Oh my heart's racing we've had a lot of rain so basically the trail here is just flooded with water so every turn is a challenge trying to make my way up it probably get my feet wet it's okay though we're almost there for that nurse River nice came up this way you look right up here mom there's one of the best hidden gems of the Smoky Mountains let's go check this thing out here it is that is the large window that made us son installed in the 20s order to have more lot so she could paint and she loved this place so much as a matter of fact they say she loved it so much that her spirit still watches over the place so we're gonna find out guys I know it's daylight but we have no outside noise pollutions here so we're gonna do some investigating here so let's do this alright there's the fireplace this was her cabin this is what she called home look over here here's that beautiful window and she would often paint right here in this middle room so if she'd said paint you got this ladder going up it's pretty flimsy I don't wanna risk breaking a leg up here this is where she probably slept see the railings there it's a cool little loft sure here on the front porch if you turn there's a door here that I open there's a built-in kitchen look at that old potbelly stove got the sink got a log book here that I actually put my stuff in someone has forgotten their glasses here and here's a book a little bit about National Register of Historic Places got some pretty cool laminated pages here tell a lot about this place so yeah it's pretty darn cool guys okay so one thing you got to keep in mind is this was her homeboy from home but she loved this place this is where she came to to do her art I mean she came to create her art and and she loved this place and you know my friend Yankee and his South I mentioned earlier he came here just as a fun daytime Explorer and that's what he does he explores cool places in the Smoky Mountains he said he called words and just had a creepy vibe to it I came out here this has been a long hike so I said yeah everyone sat on the front porch and have some lunch so I had a sandwich and it's tense it's like my walking in there honey I'm nine playing so I'm anxious to get this one I brought a couple tools with me in my backpack and we're going to investigate this guy's and see what we can come up with so let's get in here alright so we're gonna go on in mmm it's just a beautiful little cat I love this I would have loved to be able to have a cabin like this that's so remote it would be amazing so I'm gonna start off just because we have this huge picture window here that kind of bleaches out when I point it at someone kind of stand here in the corner and oh look at that there's a snakeskin let's check it out if that snakeskin there can't tell what kind of D isn't me these are some wheat floorboards over here let's lay this hearing a lot they might know what kind of snake this is look I've had Rattlers on it so don't think it's a rattlesnake Oh neat that's kind there's a snake living in here because he's malted in here it's okay Benny weighs well here's some old bed frames here it's a bed frame here I got a couple AM EMF detector and my new spirit box thanks to a really nuts fan oh you got some spider nests here in the window too I'm gonna start out with a simple EVP session ask a few questions if you guys hear any responses please let me know in the comments what you hear miss Advent I know you're here with us do you have anything you'd like to say for people to know I saw your artwork it's it's amazing you have work that is in the Smithsonian which is one of the greatest museums of our time does that make you proud does it bother you that people come to visit your cabin after you're gone do you know what year it is and you make a sound or anything let me know you're here sort of forget something about me well okay guys if there's a lotta animal or some up here you can't see anything and I fill my screen around here Steve no I just see I don't see any animals I sound just like footsteps really oh that was creepy miss Advent was that you can you make that sound for me again because if you heard that comment down below it was kind of fan but it sounds just like something walking above me please oh there's another Sykes get up here makes me a little nervous I figure out what that is it's a table against focus yes it's a little table okay miss Ivan I want to use a couple tools here for you to help communicate with me okay miss Ivan I've set a device here that will help you communicate with me a little better it has a green light on it and if you can touch the green light it will let me know that you are here so unless have this you can please touch the green light to let me know that you're here thank you very much okay so I'm gonna ask you some yes and no questions if your answer is yes please make it light up for me do you understand myself in it thank you you can stop now okay were you happy here in this cabin oh that's a definite yes thank you does it upset you that people come here and disturb your cabin all the time as I don't know why my camera won't focus are you happy that people come here and visit you are oh well that's good are you happy that they're maintaining your cabin so well yes okay thank you does it bother you that I am here now that's this is amazing intelligent responses did you know that your work is featured in the Smithsonian you do does that make you proud that your lost work is recognized yes it's world renowned you're a world-famous artist did you know that oh you did thank you so much for communicating with me does it bother you when people vandalize your your cabin I'd say it does would you harm someone if they was to damage your cabin you would are you able to harm someone in your state as I gotta say there's no there's never been electricity in this place whatsoever this is amazing did you paint a lot of paintings here yeah I say you did was you upset when the government took over your land I'd say you were they accept you was upset thank you so much would you really upset when they stopped the lease with your descendants oh yeah all right I am running out of things to ask Oh was that you that made the that was walking upstairs while ago oh yeah it was is it okay if I stick around here for a little while and hang out okay I was getting worried that you forget you had to think about that one okay I won't try using another device to communicate with you I'll be right back okay so I'm hoping you're able to use this to communicate with me is there anything you'd like to say yes okay I heard that what would you like to say [Applause] do you know what year it is now it's 2019 then over 100 years since you've painted paintings in here almost 100 years since the last time did you think people know who you are a hundred years later there any message you like to leave okay guys so there's that snakeskin check out that one that one's much bigger year's a big boy here somewhere he's probably out feeding right now but I definitely don't want to make them mad for sure all right daddy's gonna do it for today's adventure really I really feel like we caught some good paranormal evidence here the EMF detector is very encouraging because there's never been electricity there's not any electricity within a mile from here so for it to just go off like that there's no real rhyme or reason other than it's possibly paranormal got some responses on the sb7 spirit box and I would not say it's probably not any radio stations because you're not gonna pick up radio here we're way too far for that so very good evidence I'm very happy about it some welcome out of me anyways guys I'm gonna jump off here if y'all like this channel and we'll help support it I sell t-shirts on Spreadshirt and also have a patreon where upload bonus content as a matter of fact I'm gonna set this camera up in here let it roll for about 20 or 30 minutes and just see what happens I'm gonna leave and go to the river so guys if you wanna check it out make sure you go to my patreon and subscribe there gasp but for now y'all have a good day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Exploration Unknown
Views: 141,921
Rating: 4.8793206 out of 5
Keywords: exploration unknown, expedition unknown, jon turner, josh gates, ghost adventures, ghost hunters, travel channel, trvl channel, ghost caught on camera, full body apparition, taps, evp, real ghost, paranormal activity, haunted cabin, abandoned cabin, mayna avent, avent cabin, haunted places in the smokey mountains, abandoned places in the smokey mountains, most haunted place in the smokey mountains, haunted places in gatlinburg, abandoned places in gatlinburg
Id: IGVEaZJ4gp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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