A Virgo And An Aries Make Cannolis

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okay join for those of you that aren't familiar with virgos and Aries we typically aren't supposed to really like get along in a dating environment our signs really don't like mesh super well but just like everybody says astrology [ __ ] and you should date and we wanna say thank you because you're sweet like sugar Julian is a typical Aries he is a tornado he likes to cook with vigor and fury I get things done really fast and efficient I don't waste time please I like to follow all the directions and make sure that nothing is a mess and that everything is neat and no one gets hurt we don't it'll it always amazes me that you guys like to watch these because we're both vegan Julian is celiac disease so everything that we eat needs to also not have gluten in it of disease he's disease when he said he wanted cannolis I was a little blown away because I don't think I've had a cannoli since I lived in Boston and I was like there's no way there's a vegan gluten-free cannoli but leave it's a Pinterest beach I found this recipe on gluten-free palate someone has done it someone who's made a recipe and we are following that we're gonna use it as a rough guideline for what we're doing today no we're using a reference it from time to time but we're gonna take the lead this requires a deep fryer or like to fry things in oil so I don't want to mess around doing because someone's gonna get hurt trying things in oil is literally the best time to mess around 350 degrees no no not 355 okay fine 360 360 you're ready to make some good like I know parts of it like it tests me every day because half the time you do that and you catch it and the other half we go to the ER bless all you out there that have Ares loved one you are a lot love you you're a lot to look I'm a lot as a formality I have all the measuring cups even though we're generally gonna be just you're gonna find a way to get every single one of them dirty to eyeball on it which one of us is the Susan chef cut we're gonna cut this recipe in half but it gives you this little yeast that we have to wonder the third cups of water with these in this little Bowl you're gonna be used everywhere I'll take these to the trash okay you don't have to stir things with your finger you can use like a utensil or spoon people are gonna eat things did you wash your hands yeah a couple hours ago see how I did that without getting flour everywhere like it's possible took you like 20 minutes not leave see what I'm gonna do right now instead of taking this and throwing it across the kitchen I'm gonna go put it in the car riveting see this you just ripped it off and threw it I'm not sure them three cups wait wait wait that's powdered sugar because I thought it only went in the filling that's the filling oh oh three tablespoons of granulated sugar this is like if I don't catch a little stuff like that we end up with a nightmare all the time two tables that's very different than three cups of powdered sugar we're like baking so it needs to be like relatively exact I'll go put this back mmm egg we're not ready for that yet I'm just getting it ready we're just shortening it looks like butter you know no tell that out okay normally they have these things called cannoli molds where they're like a metal tube similar to this where you like wrap the cannoli around and you fry it like that so it keeps it shape we couldn't find any so I bought like a baster that can withstand 500 degree heat and we're just gonna use that this better work I want cannolis here we're adding 2 tablespoons of oil any kind of oil works no I think this is good and careful I can't believe how slow your veins don't put your face and I was giving it love was giving a nod back in love ok ok give it first of all give it some eye contact okay don't overwork it or else they're gonna come out really tough like just enough to form a dough ball no pansy little can only I want to top weathered strong that's all baby work something I want to can only bet is an independent can only bet don't need no man come on as with gluten-free things it'll get kind of crumbly you have to do this a lot with stuff we get like a Griffin glass bowl on top of a dish towel so that it's like ready to fall at any second are you done with this no I'm still using it if I wasn't so disease you could just make normal flour things all right so we're gonna cover it and hold it in the fridge for 10 minutes and then we're or 10 whatever you like we getting ready to make the cream filling yeah boy dear God but if me your boy Julian thanks for giving me all this energy cause some more we're adding 1/2 a cup of Earth Balance balance because we're balanced we're not in balance half a cup of palm shortening you gotta do it like that and then immediately after this step you have to send five emails off of your phone screen all right I got a quarter cup of vegan ricotta right here I'm gonna make a tower over here of all the ingredients that we've used and the last one I'm gonna dump from up here all right no you start it in the bowl so it doesn't [Music] [Music] it's really nutritious to put that in the fridge I'm gonna just take these out for science I'm glad I got on my hand and on my shirt why'd you to do that right into that bowl we just need that roll that out second free throw throw that out which one you only thought well I guess I'll see that happen we could you go girl Oh Oh like it's still a little crumbly and cracked yep it could be worse like at least it's sticking together well I think we're gonna make them like a little bit small small cannolis kindly cannoli knees it's too thick let's just see what it looks like wrapped around here hold on should we like flour this there's someone I'm gonna get you dry I'm so many concerns I'm really impressed with that thing it just did now you broke it apart why don't we try frying this one all right how'd you find one at a time so dumb and I'm bored here you go I didn't you did it so well Jenna oh my hand was numb like all this stuff in a deep fryer is dangerous Oh that came out really good you were right oh oh yeah take it out it's already so dark this is three four minutes ah my team is on there why would you do that just grab the pipe of your hand this one came out so bad it's like brined up [Music] stuck to it work I mean aside from breaking it it looks pretty nice it's a little more like fried dough texture good but they're like stopped not really brave you almost knock that glass off the counter with a deep fryer mm-hmm look at them right now also like I don't want to hear all the slander about you grandma they're making cannolis and this being an abomination look okay we know I just like food they're kind of like puffy and fat though Kermit what are you eating I feel like the picture on this Pinterest is not the cannoli Association that's very possible yeah this is hard this is the best we've done so far like a view but powdered sugar on that that's Franco is that a dish mm-hmm that's so good oh this one's looking really good we should never be like they're looking better and better yeah one of the times a way to go like I suggested or is it and you said find them one at a time that's stupid that one is beautiful the mouth that are just like failing shows how [ __ ] hard this is like piping hot oil coming out sleeping nightmare every time like a I'm just gonna try and like squeeze it in there I guess look at you you Italian pastry chef you that's maybe to look at that yeah it actually like looks kind of nice like does it look like a cannolis right here this one's gonna win us contests can't you give me the other side yeah you gotta like give it some pressure sticks in there oh you can have that one you can have the gun looks nice I mean I'm too lazy to put powdered sugar on it but like that's what he would do right Cheers oh you're sounds crunchy mmm this is good it tastes like a cannoli definitely like not as Crunchy's of cannoli and the filling there's like sort of like a cannoli but not exactly wow it is the closest thing I've ever had it's beautiful I mean regardless it's still really nice marking there honestly all that I care about is that it's like a nice doughy outside that tastes good with a really sweet inside you can make an open and open no way like a no and only taco you can Ollie taco sauce on top Oh mm-hmm no only tacos dude is that nother thing okay that is the perfect texture we should fire them like that how'd you get it like that cannolis [ __ ] Ariane you spit I'm not super pleased with the amount of mess that's going on no matter what mess we're gonna make some cannoli tacos tacos when you just let them do what they want well I know that we've sold everyone super hard on the idea of being good free cannolis cuz ours came out so well but what I do hope you take away from this is whatever your dietary restrictions are your everything have any just make whatever you want take your [ __ ] oh I want to make your [ __ ] are cooled off yeah that's gross that ratio is all off clean it up give me a little no no no no not make it like a nice and even oh wow you don't listen to my vision and then you just put your vision onto it this is really good this looks like a dick or poop no pulling things out of the deep fryer until everyone in the room is ready that's [ __ ] good right like not what did I say stop you're gonna burn me maybe it's not the shape you familiar with but it's the taste and the texture thank you for letting me be in your kitchen you're not always allowed in here but when you are it's under supervision the dogs are gonna eat that peach just ate it Julie subscribe peach it is possible for a Virgo in an areas to function in the kitchen you can make some magic together shouts all my fur goes out there with infinite patience and organization and wisdom and a louder more boisterous shouts out to all my Aries out there for what keep going you're like does that move faster at least I didn't think acrylic nails into a banana today we did make cannolis but we also invented something tacos tacos coming soon to downtown LA J & JS tacos come on in for a 5-4 Taco Tuesday no you're not gonna drink this I hope this inspires all my other Virgo Aries couples out there you can make it work as long as you control your Aries thank you and you're welcome all right that's it make sure you subscribe to my channel I put innovation Wednesday / Thursday Julian why why like what did anyone ever duties Oh hands okay our hands are done keep them to yourself [Music] that's funny I love you and you take something I'll see you guys next
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 8,456,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, how to, virgo, season, aries, make, cook, cannoli, cannolis, kitchen, j&j's, cooking, tutorial, vegan, gluten, free, celiac, funny, best, dessert, girlfriend, vlog, deep, fry, baked, filling, cream, shortening, powdered, sugar, astrology, awesome, relationship, sign, signs, dough, fried, recipe, at home, pipe, piping, sweet, sweets
Id: R9qjYySeWfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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