Cooking Thanksgiving Food

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all right so here's the truth the fatigue of like just being alive is really starting to set in every Wednesday before Thanksgiving I post a video I have four years and then I stress wake up on Thursday and cook all day for Thanksgiving which is like honestly stupid like what am i doing you know we have dietary restrictions we're both vegan Julianne celiac can't eat gluten so like it's a lot to expect anyone to ever cook anything for us you know so usually we're the ones bringing our own food to wherever we're going or eating it here whatever we basically stress cook every Thanksgiving on the day and I'm like you know what not this year I'm not I'm not because I'm fatigued from being alive from a 32nd year it's a lot ladies being alive am i right so I know that Julian has posted many vlogs of us cooking for Thanksgiving on his channel in the past but like I I'm I literally just want to cook today and I want to feel like a normal person and like relax and have a good time and just sort of show you guys what we're making for Thanksgiving because ah I genuinely appreciate that you guys treat me like a person and then I'm just like want to make Thanksgiving dinner and if you're not American and you don't care let just watch us cook something yeah I think it'd be really nice to not wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow and stress cook just because cuz then don't even enjoy Thanksgiving you're just exhausted he was just like sweating in the kitchen sweating all day I will warn you ahead of time we're not making like any vegetable warning we're not making any vegetables because I'm pretty sure any vegan can throw down some dank green beans but I did not save all my calories so I could eat some green beans on Thanksgiving forget about it we healthy all the time it's about carbs okay we're cooking only the necessary stuff which is carbs and carbs and carbs of carbs and more carbs carbs giving so you just made the food pyramid I did I'm hopeful so I think we're gonna start with dessert we're making a beautiful apple crisp because we have made vegan gluten-free pies in the past and honestly it's so much work for such a mediocre product it's not even worth it so just skip to the apple crisp and give me something good that's way easier stell million right why are you taking the sick result we're not gonna eat the state's good I like you that's so miss you don't have to log your food if you make the barcode prove it spit it out I see them a new tongue alright so we're gonna be cooking two pounds of great smith apples it's like peeling right you have to peel all of them and cut all of them I'm getting the other stickers I love you so much but it's not about you to save you all the boredom of watching us cutting and peeling apples which is riveting I'm just gonna go ahead and do that right now be right back trying to make an assembly line I'd say the only thing worse than healing apples is peeling all those potatoes I remember last year it was like I've never given another day don't look good we need a [ __ ] ton of potatoes last time well because we made them for like ten people we cut our apples we're just gonna make the topping really quick so or my celiac friends we got some gluten-free flour how much is that it's 1.5 cups times 1.5 okay where you can do the math go ahead and put that in here cuz we're making extra topping right cuz I think we use some extra apples since we're like 1.5 in the recipe which I'll link in the description one cup of rolled oats and then three quarters of a cup of each sugar and light brown sugar Earth Balance started making like nice little things like this Rihanna v jammer spoon into that container over and over again which is what I usually do all my other grown ladies out there when you tire then you just want to enjoy your food but like you've got so much cooking and working to doing you tie it listen I'm not complaining okay I know you guys all have jobs and lives and it's hard sometimes to just cook things because you just want it to be cooked to you Nina it says mash so let's try it their way and if I hate it I'll do it my way oh no it's going everywhere I mean Thanksgiving this in a situation like this I think bigger hands are better but careful hands are also really good oh we can do it we can make it if you let me do everything beautiful we gotta bring this sugar up from the bottom yeah I love spending time with family oh let me just get flow control first this is a good stuff I don't have a lot of experience making pies I literally make up high once a year for the big skinny and to make a gluten free and vegan pie crust let's make it like a cheesecake where it's like nuts and you know dates or whatever that's super easy but like you know Abdo e pastry pie crust it's like hard it takes a little practice and I usually end up burning it a little bit where it just crumbles everywhere it's just like sort of on the apples anyways I feel like apple crisp is just like the best of both worlds and is so much easier and it's like messy already so you can reheat it and just like a gloopy pile instead of trying to worry about getting perfect little pie slices which is a pipe dream all right so our topping is done we're going to cover the apples and I think this recipe calls for our orange juice which is why I picked this one you wanna get the apples ready yeah get ready get ready so we need 1/2 a cup of orange juice I already put everything in the mixture so a tablespoon and a half of cinnamon this is a trick that I learned from food wishes forever ago he says if you can you should always greet your own fresh nutmeg so it actually makes a big difference that's all good love me some fresh nutmeg a teaspoon and a half we didn't slice them like SuperDuper thin but I feel like that's thin enough right like what am I gonna do spend seven hours slicing apples super thin like who cares it's gonna go on your mouth that's a bite size for me that's like one bite do you want to taste one and see if you like the seasoning on it that's good need more cinnamon nutmeg Thank You Bert so do me oh that is a lot of nutmeg I put in there told you to stop I have a too much Jean easy peasy so much easier than a pie am i right ladies can bring some of this to your mom or not cuz maybe it has too much nutmeg and I ruined it and now something I just panic about everything for no reason I'm gonna put the topping on this recipe by itself was a double crisp apple crisp so I'm pretty excited cuz this is the best part it's so nice like to know that tomorrow on Thanksgiving you don't have to wake up and make a dessert this is so much toffee wait I think this is okay I'll be like a giant ass crust on top of it okay [Laughter] like it's supposed to be like crumbly upside down pie I mean our pies upside down question mark um okay so you want to know a secret that I learned years know for making really good apple crisp take some butter and just like put slices out okay that's I mean that's probably pretty good so we're done with Thanksgiving right so how long does it bake for 30 to 40 minutes so 20 minutes you leave it in the oven my butter and sugar cakes good did you just like lick the counter no way to eat that tonight before I eat any food most much we need to clean up everything from dessert okay I'll put all the sugar I wanted to wait the counter and I was like let me wipe it down he goes wide picks it up just put it all over this mess for the most of the newcomers all right so I'm Keeling potatoes Wow Julianne starts prepping the stuff thing why don't you show them what you're making so that's pretty unique I don't know anybody that makes stuffing that way you while I'm making really special stuff in well I just kind of like do a little bit traditional but then I kind of have whatever I want so we're doing onions celery and like bread that I'm chopping up into cubes l'Opera though they're big oh yeah so they're little bagel thins these are what I like to use for stuffing cuz because it has like be everything bagel seasoning and it just easy to cut and prepare and then I'm adding some beyond sausage cuz this is just the best thing in the entire world so we've never done it with that though I'm excited well and also we have bacon bits which are vegan because they're made out of soy it doesn't make them good for you but it does make them tasty I'll just be over here peeling potatoes until I just want to cry beginning to look a lot like a lot of work I'm sure when you were a kid and you just like showed up and all the food is just like made for you yeah bunch of like get out of the kitchen there's too many people in here and you're like rice so sorry well to be fair that was your childhood not mine I was in the kitchen so I have started the stuffing officially he's not gonna use a recipe he's just gonna make one up I thought that you had to toast these but I forgot that we're not making croutons ring stuffing so fasting you you're gonna have the best stuffing you've ever had I'm telling you so right now I have the sausage on the pan after that I added some onion and celery that I chopped so once that's done I'm gonna put that in a bowl with all of this pretty not a bit of that big pan with all of his bread and then add some butter and stock and season it and then that's that's how you make something well that's how I'm gonna make it so so the link will not be in the description of this the link will be in my mind there's no link so this is the pan for making stuffing in so I'm going to get this butter ready so you want to do is you want your all wanna do is you take a pint glass I have this much butter that's good enough right I keep wiping my hands on my apron I [ __ ] love to so this is the sausage onion and celery mixture I'm adding it to all the bread I'm gonna add some rosemary thyme and salt okay I'm gonna mix it around so we're just gonna do like about a cup I think sometimes I put stock in my Hydra class when I go work out so that I'm getting salt and flavor and also hydrogen it's a savory gatoring savory then I'm gonna put the butter orange juice so you're gonna make this how many minutes you wanted however many degrees you want whatever oven you want or you don't debate love and last but not least this is our protein of choice for Thanksgiving I'd say the julienne is pretty much perfected this over the years oh you might be like oh it's sort of like it's vegan chicken but if you add like enough like rosemary and sage and thyme and stuff in there it really starts to taste like turkey seasoning so we're gonna do a bunch of the flour tonight and then just make a little bit of chicken tonight so we can show you and eat some yeah but tomorrow morning that'll probably be the only thing we make us like another little bachelor camera yeah Julian really wants it to be like fresh tomorrow for Thanksgiving so alright so it calls for two cups of flour but I'm gonna triple that sweep like an assembly line going where jenna gets the spice ready and I just toss it in here but it's about half a teaspoon per spice roughly oh you're making a lot of regular lot so we're like tripling slash quadruped angel but I'll read it to what it is that's flour nutritionally black pepper salt sugar paprika rosemary ginger savory thyme sage dill majorem onion powder coriander cayenne pepper red pepper flakes Oh a pinch of cayenne pepper but we like to make that [ __ ] hot if you want some spicy fried chicken go little ham on the Cayenne it's like a flower because you dredge them and then flour them so it always ends up tasting like way less and you want it yeah Plus who's ever mad at spicy like fried chicken mommy all right so our mixture looks like a whole mix of stuff which it is yeah so now I didn't put salt in so now we're gonna start mixing it around to make like the full-on seasoned flour mixture to get the chicken ready to be breaded you put it in a buttermilk mixture butterman and that's gonna come with some egg replacer some almond milk some apple cider vinegar you just gonna let the chicken sit and so right now I'm gonna make that yeah somewhere the only thing that I really care about it Thanksgiving is something I don't even have to make it comes in a can and it's called cranberry sauce my favorite part it's in the fridge right now and I can't wait to eat her the most delicious part of Thanksgiving - the apple cider vinegar so no one ever actually give me a shot of that I won't drink it disgusting okay so my potatoes are finished I'm gonna have to do start them on to make vegan masters hands it's a crazy almond milk and being better so I'm just gonna do that and mash them potatoes something came out pretty good it looks like stuffing at least so then all we have to do left is fry the chicken I'm gonna use the wet hand dry hand method so I can fry properly but that's it and then we're gonna have like a little mini face okay well for those of you also wondering why we don't make any gravy I have in years past made like a nice mushroom gravy but like I literally like forgot about it on the counter Pappy thanks here have a Thanksgiving on but many things here right now yeah many things to me now and real one tomorrow I think I think the nice part about this is that we tasted the flour dredge and it could totally like use more seasoning so tomorrow we can just add more spices go crazy on that fried chicken seasoning it is way way way less than you think of it we just finished everything apple crisp potatoes stuffing and fried chicken no [ __ ] all just things that you want to eat and this is you want to eat everything that I care about I don't get that whole cranberries dog honestly hope foods conclave me because this is like not really whole berry they started just like the jelly time but they're so good what are you have our salt yeah what do you make in dogs some sriracha mm-hmm up in there yeah oh no no no that's like what you put on chicken and waffles I'm hungry me and there you have it a nice vegan gluten free Thanksgiving meal with absolutely no vegetables because today is not the day every other day is the day for that but today mm-hmm I like the pepper on my mashed potatoes the sausage and the stuffing is insane that's good that shouldn't be allowed I'm gonna be allowed oh my god it's not rude to you with your hands if you made it and it's in your house that's a fact no so one who's really good and we don't have to cook tomorrow we used to roll out of bed in our pajamas do whatever we want and you know food for the first time ever I was saying I've literally never cooked on a Wednesday to wear Thursday was just like you don't have to do it have a good time well it's always like wake up and cook we're gonna cook a little bit we don't have to like wake up super early and get everything done by 12:00 so we can go somewhere you know and honestly a cool part is that we got to share like what we actually did for Thanksgiving with you guys in time for Thanksgiving not like after the fact yeah yeah I know you guys are like curious while we eat same thing as you do just a version that I like looks like this is a lot of work and effort and like years of trial and error I would never expect someone to like cook this for us so that's why we always cook and bring it wherever we like don't worry about us we'll be yof along have some coconut coconut MELAS that's what the Chris is looking like apple crisp me mummy how is it oh it's hot be careful Merman stinking it's so good yeah all the best parts of a pie without without any of the stress in the crust yeah but it's like crunchy and tasty and like all the stuff that you like about an apple pie will have um nothing I love how that recipe seems so ridiculous with the crisp but like every time I've ever made Apple crisps I'm like I wish I had doubled this crispy stuff on top that's what makes it so naughty not good for you mm-hmm give it home move Wow you always preach to me not not to me before it's cool I have a sensitive mouth well there you go that's like what we make for Thanksgiving my mouth is burned well now we can sleep in tomorrow which I'm so excited about and I hope that you guys have a really lovely Thanksgiving hope you could just spend time with your family and your friends but yeah I hope you liked watching what we make with Thanksgivings is really nice I know we can actually have a nice little day off tomorrow and enjoy yourselves medea mmm make sure you subscribe to my channel I put out new videos every Wednesday slash lers is so uncalled for and thank you for letting me make a video of just like real life because it's really nice just a 32 year old a good me [Laughter] you can be a 32 year old lady calm down calm down yeah I'll see you guys next time I'm gonna pants hurt apron well yeah pants neat I'll see you guys next week have a lovely Thanksgiving and if you're not American happy dinner subscribe bye
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 8,554,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, kermit, mr marbles, thanksgiving, j&js kitchen, vegan thanksgiving, vegan recipe, boyfriend, julien, solomita, vlog, kitchen, prep, meal, vegan, gluten free, stuffing, dressing, bagel, fried, chicken, meatless, dairy free, apple, crisp, baking, ice cream, dessert, vegan sausage, beyond meat, cooking, cook, mash potatoes, mashed potatoes, easy, simple, at home, diy, cranberry, delicious, yummy, funny, aries, virgo
Id: c30s6OnCApw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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