julien spends 3 hours unpacking

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give the bras a home okay this is a one sitting game say less dude I got joy-con drift though okay what the hell what [Music] this book belongs to [Music] all right 1997. what am I supposed to do you just remove things and put them where you want can you rotate there's so many things in this box oh wait can I put it under the pillow okay all right so we're just unpacking then whoa the box is gone oh I can just put things on the floor I mean I want to put things on the floor because then I'll be able to see everything at once [Music] [Music] let's go it was a good stretch I promise hello Julian I'm a completely human viewer watching your content I am not a bot or a troll just a fellow human being enjoying this live broadcast I particularly enjoy the way you interact with us fellow humans in chat keep up the good work fellow human definitely definitely a human who said that reset thank you to my human viewer also what the hell you said troll right as I picked up the troll what in the world was that foreign I'm speed running I'm done wait I can't keep any of those things that are red oh my God I gotta move everything now okay let's figure out where things go soccer ball goes here this little idiot goes on the bed backpack backpack goes on the floor let's put all the idiots on the bed Checkers on the Shelf let's put all the tiny guys up here My Little Pony do they get the rights to this turn around we'll organize the books there is this a diary oh Game Boy this troll goes here idiot up here crayons crayons go on the floor jump rope oh we have space in here we have space in here okay Boombox can go in here no it can't what's wrong with how I said it crayons oh I'm so sorry actually I always got to keep that thing on me that stays in the drawer poster who's this it's too crowded up here it's hella crowded up there battle bus all the idiots going to bed scissors and whatever this is inhaler eraser am I just gonna be doing this the whole time like I'm not complaining I'm just asking I'm not I'm not complaining or we have more room over here yes okay good good I'm just I just wanted to know yes but there's a story let's put the bus away all the freaking piggy bank that goes there let's put the diary on the desk where does this go dreidel diary goes in there yes under the pillow in a way oh we'd be hella [ __ ] talking in that diary ain't nobody gonna read that finally my own room left click to turn items I'm on this oh my God okay Okay computer goes here oh press B I see oh cool little poster little books go up here crayons or wait no those are colored pencils those can go in here PC tucked onto the desk beautiful is that a picture of our wife are these cigarettes oh these are markers toothbrush why why would I need a toothbrush I'm not even where does it go I appear toothpaste I'm assuming press R to the Next Room oh my God kitchen room okay so I can hold this and press R oh huge oh my God this is fun this is fun now I am kind of wishing I played it on PC though that's why for photo foreign books go on the bookshelf that's easy and self-explanatory okay this is my model he helps me fuzzy let me go today cook and catch your stream love you you're less than three oh cups let's put one on the burner just because we're warming it in an espresso let's say suss cookie jar cookie dragos up here we all know that plate dirty play it goes in the sink bull also dirty stack that plate can go up here [Music] let's go to the bathroom real quick towel soap on the back of the toilet coffee deodorant whoop whoop only 39 more months till the big one brush water bottle oh it's shampoo shampoo first aid kit keep that thing ready hang the towel up I like to hang the towel over the top of the shower side joy-con drift foreign solid so please pray for my back it's about to be a rough one just wanted to say thank you for being a source of comforting lovey times have been so incredibly stressful and it's hard to keep a positive outlook very happy I can come here and just relax and enjoy you Aries around that's that's what we do around here just Aries around a little bit all right we gotta figure out [Music] keep the first aid kick back there put a spare roll right here the other roll we can hang up can we open the toilet that gets tucked back there the drain wait can I hang this up hold on the bra is crazy what is it doing all right let's go back to the bedroom a little radio jeans shoes go up top eat why would I pack one shoe in that box the bra's back oh the bra should come out of the bathroom can you put the bra on the pig what's this guy doing more books eraser filing cabinet we'll get to that later the hell even is this is a towel is for your head oh oh it's undies it looked like a towel toaster got a reward for that what did I do you do the same thing it's kind of asking for it to be honest where are the sporks at seven up goes underneath the sink rat rat spray is this a George Foreman cutting board High football Shader here 27 months is pretty cool also looking pretty rad today all right the biggest part the heaviest part goes the highest lemon juice trash bags sponges spatula bathroom's looking nice trim that all right we're gonna stack the plates stack of bowls cups can go on the Shelf foreign knife on the floor is a strong choice I kind of like it this is a fridge it is okay I don't know what that is more cups more cups plates little plate little guy just a little guy finally playing looks like salt wow I haven't been here in a while quicker picker upper more spoons huh [Music] organizer I hardly know her and so true let's make our desk like really cluttered dance foreign literally just manifested these up here let's put the Game Boy back there Rubik's Cube can go on the Shelf bro needs a bigger mouse pad oh is this a mouse pad keeps like predicting what I'm gonna pick up okay mouse pad foreign the bag on the floor what is this oh there's a nightstand shirt more shirts planner dink dink stack the jeans alarm clock battle bus why are you stressed out why are you unsubbing we're getting we're getting organized what can I do that would make this better shot put that away oh Eiffel Tower shirt why are there so many shirts and I have like three hangers give the bras a home thank you we're letting you cook and you're burning the house what I can't have God where's this go oh tucked away bras aren't allowed on the bed I guess what I can't put these things here I guess we'll put bras in the drawer okay this room's looking good now let's fix this the towels up by the sugar I think knife we'll move it why can't I put it there okay I guess we'll hang up the towels I guess we'll move the toaster poster can go in the kitchen put the Foreman Grill we know where that goes oh the soap doesn't go on the toilet well 30 months Wild easy I have to cook for myself uh oh classic Wilma [Music] in 2007 oh it's a mess in here oh it's so messy can I wash I've got to get to work oh two toothbrushes we have a roommate finally use TTS now no foreign Clipper in here the brush toothpaste a little makeup bag skincare bag whatever it is Rachel um welcome back thank you for the 23. Fitzy with the 57 welcome back Fitzy a gerv thank you for the resub all right this is like perfume or something we don't need to keep this on top body scrubber Head and Shoulders wait this deodorant who said this is floss that's huge floss oh baby we can open the mirror pills Febreze 30 months she is can I put this on the ground there we go okay we're dialed in right now I feel good about this let's open some boxes in the old heel bedroom oh my God so much stuff to put away is this thing on no what is this is that a front butt oh dark mode so these colored pencils they're markers oh markers laughs business cards foreign oh these are postcards these can go on the bulletin board via welcome I'm at the Starbucks drive-through y'all want anything yes I'll take a coffee iced coffee hold the uh hold the cop hold the coffee please oh hangar who's this the D20 yes 73 cake pops that's too many cake pops yeah for real this is 2007 they got a tablet they're farming let's put the iPod in here Mouse on the mouse pad keyboard let's replay valorant we'll put all the spiral bound books together and then the composition slash textbooks go together was this is that a game boy or a sidekick oh these are games favorite house plant currently my my favorite house plants are my monsters and I'm definitely favoring them but I have a lot of favorite house plants it's hard to pick one foreign frisbee that can go up top right no shoes oh the shelves in here what is this what's on this bra oh that's lace nope nope nope chat don't even don't even dink lovey dink lovey dink lovey open foreign can I put my diploma on my ceiling so when I fall asleep I look at it oh Chef's apron or work apron Maybe yoga mat that goes under the bed it's X oh is that the whole layout all right this is such a tiny trash can oh it probably doesn't go here oh my God oh my God there's so many rooms this is the tiniest little trash can of all time putting the rest of the underwear away only one pound weights we're going for a definition not bulk thank you more shirts stacked oh my God what is with these filing boxes portfolio [Music] do people have portfolios like today you guys carry those around or like maybe have them in your house or room of your head shots like you carry you have physical art portfolio Okay so it's for your art for all my achievements I have achieved that sounds like an a I wrote that I have three sketches the only time I've ever had a portfolio like that is when I submitted my application to APR and got rejected oh PC o'clock let's go yeah no I took a big L they they definitely definitely made the right call APR advanced placement yeah right what was I even I was dreaming oh that's our work outfit that's our work outfit and yeah I got rejected from APR and my mom kept my failing portfolio so that all these years later I could look back on my failure foreign portfolio tour you want to see my art that that got me into into nowhere no way ain't no way maybe I'll ask my mom maybe she'll give them to me [Music] happy birthday Nyx by the way it's nyx's birthday loafer there why are all these shoes in like oh there's so many single shoes in in our area so we don't need to match them up we'll just grab you know I hate the side of the closet with no Shelf can you throw the frisbee I got too many clothes just put the okay trap chat chat in my closet I have all of my shirts that I care about hung up and then I have shirts that like I don't care about folded slash smushed onto a shelf is that valid of me because like the smushed clothing I'll like wear for workouts I'll wear on the house I'll wear when I'm like literally not even a human or to sleep or something and then like the the hung up shirts I like what I wear when I go out I wear on stream work okay so um yeah and then I have merch here but no I okay that's valid okay I feel better now because I thought that was I just feel better thank you for making me feel better about that before I do with the Frisbee man I think the PC goes in there yeah it does things getting no ventilation you have my merch hung up if my merch made it to your hung up uh section of clothes and not your smush section of clothes damn respect 07 to you and if my merch is in your smushed section of clothes valid as well wherever it needs to go it'll go all right we'll put our secret top secret documents in the closet thank you [Music] merch has currently crumpled in a laundry basket it's having a day you know it's just having a day merch stays on my back never take it off shower with it valid redone in here I think we finished it I like okay here's what I like about this room I like how many cabinets are open I don't want to leave it that way I leave clothes in the laundry basket for way too long I hate putting them away you know what I hate I hate I just hate laundry I hate it I hate it I always tell myself when I do laundry I'm like I do the laundry put it away I fold it hang it up and I'm like oh man doesn't that feel good my closet's clean I can like exist in here without being just like so stressed out I can pick from all the clothes that I actually want to wear it smells good yada I'm gonna do this like before it piles up and then I always let it pile up and then it's like it's like two baskets worth at least minimum and then it's such a pain it's so much easier when it's one basket's worth but I never I never I never do it in time I always tell myself I will and then I don't sometimes I'll even bring it into the laundry room and I'm like all right time to do it and then I just it just stays there it just Vibes in the laundry room for so long the only thing okay the the only laundry I do on a regular basis is washing my ghee I watched that thing as soon as I get home and I dry it right after and it goes right back in my bag and that's that 30 glhf today everything else take gets back of the line is that a rubber ducky what the [ __ ] is this I think it's a rubber ducky koala is it what's the what what to call a magnet oh it looks like a koala it's a koala chat elbow did I say wrong that's not how you say it that was really loud for what is a Sodastream why'd you set it down so forcefully I'm literally just pressing one button oh when I put pans on the stove with the handle facing out like this Jenna hates it that's something I didn't even realize I was doing until I met until I met her oh towels it's dangerous it's not it's okay you've seen that in the Vlog okay Flex first aid kit baby spatula okay kitchen's done I think first aid kit should probably I feel like it should be in the kitchen that's where most of the injuries happen oh my God this room is a mess calendar on the wall can we put on the wall [Music] is this a calendar or a coloring book all right we'll put it there that's where it looks like it goes t-shirt oh back there nice yeah this living room is a mess game controller that goes down there GameCube oh nice what is this what is this are these GameCube games those are games I think if you consider yourself a good roommate like now or when I had like roommates oh it's a blanket I thought it was a towel both I do have a roommate technically yeah Kermit um I think I'm a good roommate I think um I think it's taken some time for me to to get there but I'm there like there was a time where like like I would leave like I would leave things out laughs and then I learned that it like wasn't how I should be doing things [Music] what's your favorite GameCube game probably Super Monkey Ball and I can remember [Music] we're matching up the specific types of books oh these guys those statues go together they're themed [Music] thank you is that a chicken what what there's a baby foreign this is the dining room or what dining room battle bus probably goes in here Leaning Tower of Pizza oh Pizza [Music] huts [Music] what's up DC thank you okay this little guy can't go here all right underwear drawer is full oh maybe in here nope foreign okay clock goes up here tablet back here oh this is crowded as well this doesn't go here either what do you mean oh my God none of this stuff works [Music] damn it let's put all these whatever game or dvd boxes DVD oh what is this perfect cherries game Happy 39 months stink lovey dink dance why is it supposed to go up there Febreze what is this there's nothing even here oh it's this go okay on the toilet [Music] figured it out chat okay oh my God first aid kit goes in here whatever this is this little toy cups and like where do the cops go here oh it does okay nice [Music] and organized beautiful I love living here [Music] 2010 let's go oh these Xbox controllers we got a little City View got a guitar D20 whole cocktail set okay oh fancy everything oh we're a businessman we have ties this is a hot guy's apartment foreign TS though do I have to organize those okay this goes in the bathroom probably for vibes [Music] [Music] damn you got all of his appliances and everything wait so is this oh [ __ ] look at this he's got that the minimalistic shelves oh I can move other things now oh what when was he gonna tell me that that's so cool oh I want to get lost in this now I want to just redecorate everything all right so here here all right here we go let's move oh we can't take these things down damn zen garden okay this dude 100 invites you over to watch a movie and then starts picking up dumbbells they're literally right next to the screen happy late birthday yulin it's not my birthday it's not even what late birthday move them to the bedroom I have to move all of his weights ah TV stand the coasters are nice I will say the coasters are nice I don't like that he leaves the remote on the couch like that it's gonna get lost oh there's a shelf down here I didn't even see it hello boxes on this level okay this is okay that fits that book fits this book does not fit anywhere currently that book fits there let's start a little stack lfg lfg these are textbooks hello Studios chicken I'm gonna hang up the Uke thank you for the Post gym stream I hope your workout went well doc thanks for being here I had a good day at the gym today I did deadlifts made me happy maybe next to this little reptile look at stuck ass God this is why so many books oh my God why does everyone have a statue of Leaning Tower of Pisa a nice little book stack in here foreign bus please tell me you realize it's been the same person this whole time like progressing through their life right just keep stacking oh my God this this game's hella cute I'll say that foreign [Music] [Music] Shelf oh PJs that looks like some sort of iPod Maybe books on the shelf or undies or dumbbell never know might just need it a little workout his name's Jacob the guy who lives here foreign feels like it could be a Kyle all right Luigi come here oh my gosh you pharaoh see ya she's going to find food I like how you don't have to put anything anywhere you can just do exactly what you want with everything foreign hang up a cool shirt oh hat hatch what's in here oh God what's with all these diplomas nice we can put the bras in this drawer Maybe foreign under the bed always hmm where could this go we're just gonna put we're just gonna shove the shoes into the closet oh this can be hung up nope put this on top of the work outfit nope can't thank you let's put some pants in this drawer and shirts just so we have room for our work outfit right here and solid yeah you can move his stuff just is that is that the move right there oh wow please put the bras in a drawer I did we're in here oh there's one more we gotta put his ties away I believe this game is on Steam although I am playing it on switch right now put the dumbbells over here nice Mikey thank you this room is a total mess these are the Gamecube or Xbox games I can't tell foreign wait can I trash things no right foreign chat quick little BRB all right be back in a sec you can just stare at this little guy while I'm gone I found an egg it was free range and now it's about to be caged maybe a caged egg is it just me or do I sit and question the human existence like is any of this real is Golden Corral real who really knows I think about it all the time also I'm pretty sure Golden Corral is not real I think the evidence that Golden Corral is not real is is too much to ignore the ts8 that delivery [ __ ] yeah that was pretty dramatic you think Kyle has anything under his pillows oh like what like drugs I can't pick him up look at your thoughts on this game it's cute it's fun I have eaten that Golden Corral see the way you the way you just capitalize G for Golden and C for Chorale in that sentence makes me feel like you're lying ain't no way that's a real sentence Pips I don't think Vapes existed yet what is this 2010 2010 um they were like just starting to maybe I put this garbage box I ate at a Golden Corral yeah dude come on 2010 was taken I was taken over by minions do you want to talk about it top left Chicken on shelf is backwards yeah duck ass oh um oh you like the keyboard sound thank you Rosalie I was pulling into my uh my driveway the other day and I heard a I heard a little bump I was like when I was pulling in I was like that was weird what did I just drive over I get my medication delivered and the [ __ ] guy threw it over in the middle of my driveway and I just I just drove over my medication and I opened up the bag it was just destroyed that I like salvaged like a few of them but the whole thing was just crushed hit them no no no how do you call the pharmacy and tell them I actually need another I drove over my meds dude dink dink dink lovey too much too much put these games on the floor see if this junk box fits oh it does GameCube controllers wait let's just put them all right here games can fit here can the Xbox go on top of the DVD that's a DVD player bro this looks like a sound system that's looks it's probably connected to the speakers this thing controllers all together like that what would go here then [Music] [Music] cookie jar long way Magic Bullet oh my God the Chokehold that these things had on us foreign it's a litter box meds can you still use one this bathroom sucks for storage it's so bad just wait until you get into the kitchen it's a hellscape yes sir I can't I literally can't wait tampons need to be by the toilet so you don't have to waddle form and Grill baby magic potion airbrush this probably goes up here oh my God all right nail clipper drops down one and then the bamboo will go up top yes okay bro what builds are we gonna run tonight maybe some head-on God food scale coffee grinder bullet cookie jar measuring spoons more measuring spoons can opener whatever that is spice sugar oh yeah Foreman definitely goes under the bed you're right about that oh I saw that um I saw it takes like a while ago of a oil bottle that has like a self-measuring top you like press down and it fills up like exactly a teaspoon or a tablespoon or whatever and I remember thinking I was like damn that thing is cool I should get that and I was like nah whatever and then like a month later I saw another Tick Tock about it and I I was like fine I'll click on your Amazon list or whatever and find it sold out for months should have bought it but it's fine everything's fine I think life before having the self-measuring oil bottle will be comparable to life after having the self-measuring oil bottle have you heard of a game called a little to the left uh no hang up oh is it because it's multiple oh that's why who's this it's a laptop oh laptop hi bun I Cry Girl what are you doing she's crying just having a cheeky cry this kitchen is endless man hey bun come here come here [Music] foreign the counter is a mess oh what he we put stuff here yes okay appliances strainer literally just met her I like your dress thank you SodaStream foreign Garden doesn't go on the bathroom floor you're wrong are these postcards like what am I looking at here freaking postcards man come on body scrub ER koala heart toaster koala likes toasters all right kitchen's looking good damn it best 26 seconds of my life 26 seconds is that how long your resub has been 26 seconds piff can you put the large pot in the oven Maybe I can't open the oven don't let me open zoom in and see the pictures in the fridge for real oops oh wow yeah I see him I see him much clearer now glad I zoomed in oh this drawer is for the nail clippers okay medication in the drawer probably these guys probably up here what I can't have my diploma hanging in my bathroom diploma goes under the bed foreign under the bed hurts every time why nightstand is crowded nightstand is crowded right now damn where do I put the oil oh I bet I can put him up here I know I'm super late to the party but I was waiting for my recap in Juliet it sounds like Julia not Julian you're great though third come on I need this how would you take that from me I need this foreign oh baby form and grow oh baby does the food scale stay up here maybe nope nice foreign [Music] easiest organization of my life 2012 are are we on the ground now oh it's a little house martial arts oh my god let's go D20 remains wait does this go in the bowl oh is this a kid's room This Is Where The Offspring lives they have the same stuff though we just giving our kids stuff books this can go up here [Music] oh we oh oh we moved back into our through our childhood home Millennial simulator sorry that was really toxic I'm sorry it was a joke sorry all right um weights there's [Music] to put the weights up high book so what yeah we were in a relationship we were living in the high-rise and then we broke up and now we're back at home I like that that's cute the way there damn we still got this [ __ ] guy huh he's still out here crawling oh wait a minute this is our bedroom it was different When We Were Young there was a bed here there was the bunk bed with the desk underneath right the same room [Music] that beetle is immortal yeah he's not going nowhere [Music] foreign [Music] Don't Mess the belt ranks [Music] [Music] thank you not the not the filing thing again uke under the bed random photo can this go [Music] I'm so relaxed right now [Music] self-obsessed we're hanging up our own diploma again [Music] foreign [Music] there's no toilet wait huh what henlo dinky's henlo yulin just want to say you're looking extra about that this fine Aries she shall love you Leanna and three lessons appreciate you Chad don't be foul Hannah thank you for the 30. shran thank you for the 34. I don't know what's going on but like my eye has been bothered like both of my eyes but one of my eyes has been really bought if I if I'm like squinting a lot it's like last couple days like my eyes just been really like strained or sensitive or something I don't know what it is meds go in the drawer it's Focus less I know foreign try having better eyes yeah yeah thank you I will [Music] no straightener always goes on the counter there's no place where that goes other than the counter no it doesn't feel like allergies my eye feels really strained I don't know what that's about though the hell damn is the toilet why is there a bowl of fruit in the bathroom pain box foreign [Music] book s oh that's oh this photo of our ex is that what this is is it going the trash foreign no way it goes under our pillow okay hmm there's a pin in Kyle's face oh it ended bad it ended bad oh my God [Music] all right huh [Music] I don't think there's a drawer in here am I am I missing something or the damn hell's the drawer [Music] try cabinet okay cabinet all right let's see what happens next I'm invested 2013 it's only one year later oh new spot why they made that one room look so rough well I got a weather all right we're out of our parents house though that's true it is ours okay rice cooker slash Hot Pot pressure cooker whatever okay we're doing this speed run spoon knives Fork measuring cups glass bowl coffee grounds Maybe French press French slam coffee grinder more spoons this looks like a it's for bodies or dishes thank you three years tank USM Julian and Dink fam for this amazing community that you are I love each and every one of you honey measuring cups measuring spoons soy sauce parchment paper bunny come here are you sad bungee's having a tough day it's trash day so she hears the garbage you touching butts you can't see her face but she's she's making real baby face right now okay baby okay 30 months What A vibe dink lovey well cookie cutters foreign maybe vinegar I don't know what that is or grape juice cup plants look beautiful thank you thank you thank you okay I think this is where the pots go bowls on top shelf Maybe cookie jar top shelf a little towel other towel cutting board oh the koala magnet stays with us it's so cute that you're keeping a lot of your belongings whiteboard menu cute drew a little guitar toaster on the Shelf let's go Menorah baby this one stays out Hanukkah candles plates up top baking pan salt goes up here our bowls yeah I think we're Jewish I'm gonna put a whole ass microwave somewhere secret potion toothbrush toothpaste cup for our hasten brush soap TP razor goes in the shower okay let's try that I think this is for dishes not bodies and so dish soap sponge extra sponges dispatch oh we're flying now sugar or spices where's the knife at knife bout to be here soon stupid small plates we can stack no separate stacks are you still here and then clear with the 86 months still here thank you mm clear I hope you're doing well appreciate that so so much still here they were stacked with spices we got hella spices oh paper towels maybe on top of the fridge okay got the pizza Tower little books battle bus windmill guy put all the toys up top and keep the books down below Game Boy is that a Wii oh my God it's a Wii we got Wii games the 20 things chilling I like how the the look of the different books match up it's satisfying when like similar books get placed next to each other it's in here something big oh more books trash oh no that's a it's an umbrella Kane [ __ ] diploma Tyler Thomas they give you the 11 months Conway titty thank you for the 12. schmatey thank you for the 15 welcome back oh little uh succulent I just met you lent spiral books go up top please don't boomi easel is that what this is yeah easel oh I love these things all the CEOs have these CEOs um it's kind of cute let's put this over here towards now microwave Chillin microwave chilling let's get rid of that thing Listerine an item that a hundred percent would kill a Victorian child on site this looks like soap oh is the mirror open oh baby yes it does okay so let's put the Listerine up top let me get more okay deodorant back pain patches foreign d old make everyone you're low on health does this hang up anywhere no I asked that every time and it never does but what can we hang on that more books on the Shelf more books on the Shelf is there like a small picture maybe that we can hang on that little easel yeah idiots go on the bed underwear in here oh many hangers nope no hangers do you like that the pants are folded and then placed on top of the shirt do you want the shirt on top of the pants where's this hot water bottle will keep you warm got it light a candle right above our bed can we put on the bed post now for cramps that makes sense more hangers always good shoes who's this wait do we have a lava lamp what is that oh candle warmer wax melter yes also one of the candles probably goes in here oh cool I have one of those in my office wax melt this Mandy snail thank you for the 23. Maya with the 33. Ashley clemmer thank you for the 39. foreign items up hi all happy Friday Junior Friday Junior I like that happy Friday Junior Emma thank you for the 30 months pick what up how are you we're hangers I love the amount of hangers we can keep hanging up close so cool green shirt another hanger w a little handbag you could fold this shirt underwear drawer more underwear so we can put some jeans in here more clothes in there actually nice put the pants over there undies thank you foreign books away it's kind of a tedious part of this but I kind of like it too how are you I'm okay I'm doing good um having a little trouble staring at a screen right now with my eye but everything's fine spiral books on top whale foreign lamp here we go this definitely goes up here scanner printer nice little organization enter paper router clock for the wall I hope everyone is having a good day sending all the Good Vibes out to everyone hey thank you so much Alana pens eraser yeah the the audio the sound design in this game is really nice okay we can put this on the bulletin board with this [Music] we think the whales are bookends [Music] would be for a different room foreign wall okay happy 26 months less than three happy 26. thank you Casper foreign Ty Dumpty now this goes on the little side table right here remote on the side table always okay we have this whole area for Stuff maybe books maybe games not sure what it is maybe movies looks to be about the same size yeah I am excited for DVD very much what is this little yarn ball this is a loofah in a way yeah no it's it's a crochet project oh my God it is a loofah wrong as hell wrong as hell where does this go let's go in the middle Maybe like that oh it does easy when you store knives always always Point them facing towards you foreign this is uh this level's tough oh wait we can put a a towel on this little towel rack it's too big a towel small one oh oh I didn't even I forgot about that now this one doesn't go here oh and these two don't belong either I think they're maybe a shower except for the shower oh my God you're right the trash can was in the way oh my God we're cruising foreign [Music] [Music] looks like we got some upgrades here and there we've got two placemats oh new types of boxes oh office is hella decorated someone's moving in it's raining this is so cozy foreign heart happy Airy season thanks for being here modestly appreciate you oh award season oops got a little award there laughs oh is this a laptop yeah it looks like a laptop cute little pillow foreign top yes sir Julian I'm trying to get in shape for my wedding and every time I need to motivate myself to work out I watch a clip of you running around the stream room to the midnight and next thing I know I've done a 30 minute spin workout so thanks flexed bicep I'm happy I can help 100 success rate with that workout program congrats on the wedding Nippers excited to hear that yes putting all of our plant stuff up here the mister the watering can is this a poster yes these coasters yes really cute coasters oh yeah look we're a Swifty how'd they get the rights season two it's a TV show now what is this happy Aries season fellow fire sign fire fire fire uh Ariana think of the 67 happy Aries season happy happy Airy season foreign I love the way this room came together this was easy oh I love that oh cool little new lamp pants boot hanger dress shorts new boo goofing yeah the new boxes indicate someone else's stuff I'm pretty sure oh we can put the succulents up here on the windowsill if they'll stay yes love that snake plants snake plant we know can go anywhere can literally go in the bathroom although I don't think it'll let us the hell [ __ ] is that okay boots go up here anti-hero hat s go in the drawer and hang this up what's his address yes underwear bra put the dresses slash nightgowns on the bed until we have hangers [Music] oh wait no this is on their side [Music] [Music] their little notebook and pen hanger let's hang up t-shirt definitely don't put the ukulele on the ukulele stand say less [Music] oh those pants are sick George all right their stuff is not organized and I don't care put away as long as it's not in boxes we're chilling short pile this is cute we'll hang this up actually we can't we'll hang this up actually we can't oh it's because the boots [Music] now we try to hang out there we go beautiful another hanger [Music] walkie-talkie for emergencies laughs foreign [Music] these pants are so cool what I wouldn't give for an exposed brick wall in my bedroom it would be pretty sick it's kind of clean looking oh tree box thing okay this is all there uh shoes and accessories looks like let me fit this I really want to actually hang this up because it looks sick it's a coat I think yeah that's dope here we got the Uggs shoot you have a hanger behind the blue oh foreign for these shoes that's not gonna work in there incense [Music] foreign there we go fit all the shirts in there headphones can go in the closet we're in 2013 or 14 or 15. I think [Music] all right we're in 15. we got a little uh spice rack that's clean lemon juice Citrus Juicer all right joycon drift scrub here kitchen is a little cramped for sure these coasters they always have the cutest freaking coasters or are they the magnets oh they're magnets poop emoji magnet band was this for rice huge [Music] yes they they know what's up are they for the dumplings is it rice or it's just like a steamer right can the trays go in the oven I don't think you can open the oven foreign scooper I learned that science to that ice cream scooper of being all metal it's like the heat of your hand actually transfers to the ice cream and helps melt it so it Scoops easier did you know that I did I did extensive research I.E I watched one tick tock on it so I'm an expert now Nicole I think it I mean it makes sense it checks out pan on the stove okay I don't know what that is little fish thing oh is that a bread maker does look like a bread maker oh mortar [Music] little makeup spot Listerine can go down on the lower shelf we'll put the makeup foundation blush deodorant where do we put this we'll just crowd the countertop Maybe brush in the cup lash curler where does this go let's crowd the top Vegemite blue Vegemite green veg a nice palette what is this okay don't the don't the legs to the to the tub kind of kind of look like dogs oh [Music] my God foreign [Music] [Music] everything in the bathroom works let's go the bath dogs what are these doing man are they napkins are these napkins nope thank you snake plant does not go in the office copy put these little guys succulents on the windowsill so we have more room here snake plant does not need as much light but go off did we just win something um plant daddy award I don't think we finished the level we just got a little achievement Maybe where'd these go [Music] into the sink thank you [Music] oh my God it does go into the sink oh my God we're doing it oh cute double headphones okay laptop goes on the backpack goes in the closet no oh we did it all right gotta leave the place just like we found it nice the other bathroom counter is nice and tidy a lot of space to work with oh my God I feel pretty good about this the stuffed animals are having a meeting [Laughter] hell yeah beautiful we did it Council will decide your fate all right so we are now in 2016 Maybe 2018. oh three year jump oh new house damn we got a new house oh updated appliances refinished countertops two stories wait I have these shelves crib new baby just dropped dude I have those shelves I have those shelves foreign Trap please is that a changing table or why is it curved like that it is is it so the baby doesn't roll off the curved edges we go [Music] chat you're so helpful thank you the hell dude there's no way these babies can read hurry the baby's in the Box Katie God oh this is clapasaurus's room why are you yelling at me game [Music] God [Music] times 93 Beach laughs 93 months Joe [Music] thank you Jill appreciate you so much [Music] y'all quick eye break [Music] foreign I want to run a quick ad break in BRB I'm for real I'm for real if you're a sub you won't see him also if you're a baby you probably won't see him you don't even know what an ad is I can't believe Julian's given us a tour of his bedroom what the hell sure she's back y'all want some pesto pasta mm-hmm sheesh love you yulin and Dink fam dink love he wouldn't want to spend 26 consecutive months anywhere else but here dink hips Becca nuts thank you for being here pacifier let's just pop this right should I play this on PC man you didn't start [ __ ] I don't believe you Astro what's up Astro how are you when does a regular joke become a dad joke when it becomes apparent I'm sorry this is my rating on that joke crying over valent their usual nice love that for you I've been doing most of my crying over Valor and off stream my monitor's just flipped so let me fix that real quick what happened to my [Music] I did not smell dab beanie looks just your size what Beanie that beanie is not my size this is for a baby [Music] can you pick a color for my nails can you give me some options Travi I don't know what I don't know what you have made hold on I want to spell some stuff dropping my new song Monday if this get 100 000 retweets by the way my Twitter got hacked somebody is threatening to release new music I've worked really hard on nothing comes out until I'm ready ELO what I just saw a TV ad for Golden Corral you capitalize Golden Corral again I don't believe you [Music] is that Rita Ora copy pasta okay that's fine copy pasta pesto pasta Chum Bucket I believe that the Chum Bucket exists more than I believe Golden Corral exists baited I why did that get me what is this [Music] [Music] yeah there's good sound design in this game all right Travi what are we working with what are the options pink white or nude oh can you like mix a pink with a nude that would be good or do you only like rock in one color are you excited for the Barbie movie yeah should I watch the trailer I haven't seen it [Music] aren't you in it no you allow talking about babies and M3 today so happy birth I guess damn happy third birthday the escaper John walk laughs John walk John no run no I haven't seen that one yet ask her how am I doing with um decorating a nursery is this am I doing it right is this a real rabbit we'll make a little scavenger hunt on the ground for them keep them busy definitely put things that go in the baby's mouth on the on the floor no no listen okay we're laying everything out on the floor so we see what we got and then we put it away where's the knife oh [ __ ] you're right you're just such a dramatic noise why is it so dramatic everything's boxed oh my God everything's boxed we don't even have this is a brand new home all right we should definitely bring oh some of these appliances into the the baby spot oh yeah fish soap do babies like grapefruits sesame oil they can teed on them okay I got it sauce okay mortar and pestle great baby toy this time we have till DVD 15 minutes I literally could have looked at like my other monitor just looked at the clock oh that's cute that's us enough time to watch Barbie trailer oh should we do that should we should we pause and pick this up next time where we're at I think it's a good spot [Music]
Channel: julien 2
Views: 379,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, julien, julien solomita, jennajulien, julien games, twitch, jenna julien games, lets play, gaming, unpacking, unpacking game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 41sec (11141 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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