My Boyfriend Makes Me Ice Cream For My Birthday

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what are you doing I'm doing I'm leisure in aren't you in there because my [ __ ] birthday preach happy calculator happy birthday yes come in and close the door I want the echo to the it's my birthday and if I want to dress like a drug dealer in a movie I can I invented the tradition for myself that on my birthday I wear a leisure suit drink some wine and Julian has to make me whatever I said she touching if you're wondering why I'm sitting in my wine closet at night it's because this year I chose ice cream and we had to freeze part of the ice cream maker for six and up which we did not what I really want for my birthday is something I hadn't had in years and I realized that it's probably kind of a little bit regional it's black raspberry ice cream I might have seen it clothing around in grocery stores that you can buy but I can't buy a version that I can eat that doesn't have dairy in it or the Jillian Kinney and I haven't had it since I was like I don't know 20 years old and I desperately wanted nowhere around here sells it it's disappointing and if you haven't had it you're missing out and I realized that growing up we had like bushes of them everywhere we called them thimble berries and they make an ice cream out of it called black raspberry ice cream it's a purple it's like just the perfect ice cream and I put chocolate sprinkles on top and it's all I really want so I begged Julianne I woke up today and I said [ __ ] if you love me you go make me some black raspberry ice cream or else start the day right guess how old I'm turning 33 i'm turning 33 the same age that jesus made may not have died at and/or I've been the age Jesus died at so cheers to that I don't know about you but for my birthday I don't want to work I want to move I don't want to do anything I literally only put makeup on today because I also don't want to hear about what an ugly looking person I am on my birthday so thank you for not writing those comments I appreciate it but you know what I don't want to do anything I want to watch Julianne make me my childhood ice-cream that I can't find anywhere will you please no problem babe will you also give me a thimble berry bush so I can pick them off there and move in the summertime me then blueberries like when I was a child very strict about what fruits and vegetables we can grow here probably for good reasons that I don't understand and don't need to so yeah let's go to the kitchen we please carry this chair out guess I'm under this robe guess another outfit you know this same material we're gonna pretend that we have black raspberries by putting raspberries with blackberries say that 10 times fast I mean I'm a little upset but you want to be when you grow up my wishes for nothing okay my passion in life is nothing you know what my passion is sit in on this but I've never made ice cream and you've never made ice cream right I made ice cream enough kid you did know your night remember yeah I was it's very underwhelming because pretty much just like put it in the ice cream maker and that's it great this better be good also be pissed BAM it's black shirts and then you're gonna take your raspberry see that's how special black raspberry ice cream is we can't even five okay you're gonna take the juice of a half a lemon I'm screaming enough for you because I'm a chef and I have my tools I'm here to take a course a cup of sugar for all that you still got a lemon no I did she just planted that in there to make me look bad so we're gonna let this cook down this is supposed to give us like a syrupy thing yeah I don't know this is the Pioneer Woman's recipe so shouts out to REE Drummond our girl I'm REE Drummond you know what you can get me for my birthday what aside from this ice cream closing that drawer and like a good night I love you so much but like some peace and quiet would be wonderful thank you I'm really proud a lot of it has to do with like just drinking water and like opening your eyes every day just doing the best you can and then going back to sleep and doing that over and over again for 33 years no because she put like five egg yolks in there no I didn't I don't have like ten kids named tad Todd tamed here whatever and I don't live on a ranch and I'm not cooking either really I boxed jumped onto the camera you serious are you serious on this counter wait Julian are you serious yeah thank you okay first of all you get box jump that high that's [ __ ] dope you guys second of all what you put your feet on this counter okay yes I want to know if you're lying or not do it again prove it no don't don't did you really did the dough minutes before I landed the whole entire counter in Crisco okay so you're lying no I'm feeling the exact truth a box jumped onto that counter and then I followed the box up by ladder in the counter and krystal krystal girl coachella I'm trying to figure out you're lying you're not oh [ __ ] I can't tell if you're being serious or not anymore you know what box doctor I feel like is I get older I get more and more straightforward but as you get older it's like you just unlocked a new level of trickery that I can't understand did you have shoes on yeah you ever do a barefoot yes take me to feet court I almost fell you feet big first of all it's been cooking like on high heat oh it has this is low if it was high heat it would be boiling and spattering everywhere which is how I like to cook all of our pants keep getting ruined because you keep treating everything like it's a walk no first of all everything is a walk later of all I don't see any ruined pants they're all working great because we have to buy new ones issues both in the old one it's so impressive to me how you can ruin pants I don't ruin pants I just make them really black on the bottom and on the top sometimes some of the pans and plates and stuff in this house I've had since I was in college that's too long that's too long it shouldn't not broke and I'm not getting rid of it that's it that's your character flaw - I go through things way too fast and you never vote in them sunday is my birthday I'm really excited I'm going to wake up whenever I want I'm gonna do whatever I want I feel like you're saw the age where for your birthday you like to like do stuff maybe and for my birthday I like to just not have the obligation to speak to another human being you say some stuff in Spanish vamonos salah connoisseur estaba que yo hebrew salvador domingo s me Papa Rito Martin Saturdays Sundays PG do you want to come up there be careful Thank You kids I usually only get peachy kisses in the mornings I'm so honored peachy be like can I hate it in the morning the pantry is open there's free chips in there for her every time you walk somewhere they they both look I'm not food for you guys with the head whoa syrup okay it's definitely redder than the black raspberry ice cream but I'll take it Joey now add some like no black food coloring tonight the seats yeah you know for my birthday I really like watching you sleep or something while I sit on this but oh so sweep in so we have our raspberry syrup compote whatever the [ __ ] I'm gonna put it in the freezer for like five minutes maybe last year's cooler you know what setting me used just this all off then why is there a dial okay I mean it definitely tastes like raspberry [Music] can't be right yeah I think that is 35 minutes of that noise he's right [Music] see you guys in 35 really loud minutes oh my god that was the loudest half-hour of my life so I guess if we wanted it to really be ice cream we'd have to put it in the freezer for another like two or three hours but I don't care do you have time for that No here it is this is our homemade fake black raspberry ice cream even though it's not like that purple I'm down with it I'm really excited I know that there were big chunks of coke ass okay yeah oh I just put chocolate sprinkles on it [Music] is it good cut right that's really good I gotta eat it fast it's gonna melt it's really good yeah black raspberry it's definitely more like that's a dark purple color and it's very sweet I mean but this is so really good do you feel like your leaves are adequately no yeah I never made ice cream before it's kind of not worth it it like comes out not nearly as good as a store-bought ice cream like what an exhausting half hour of that noise yeah and also like what an exhausting eight total hours at work oh you hate it up no I'm good we can't be friends happy birthday you black raspberry Beast Thank You Beach let's go one to ten it's like a four I mean I'm definitely eating it too soon well you're supposed to freeze it might be ice cream but even then like it needs to be sweeter it's a four [ __ ] I don't even tell it's not black raspberry it's like too tart damn it what's going on here Oh God it's just a coconut so he gets of course that's pretty good though it wasn't worth it Wow no all right well more of it I just ate the whole bowl of it it's pretty good watch everyone's gonna tweet at me now after this there's some ice cream that exists that I didn't know existed I just wanted to watch you slave away why don't sue min to my feet it's patriot on the exclusive content we hit there I'm really excited for my birthday because I like to do absolutely nothing thank you for letting me do as little as possible today because that's what I wanted even though most of the day today you spent trying to figure out how to use the ice cream maker I'll make you a garbage pail on Sunday to make up for this abomination will you wear this outfit yeah I need answered content so whatever works oh my god if I ever knew someone that says something like that to me for real I swear to God is the selfish video it's a selfish day and I don't care oh thanks you're sweet if you're looking for me this weekend don't talk to me don't bother me don't call me don't text me I'm under [ __ ] available Beach so I will see you guys next week yeah I'm gonna go turn 33 overnight like that damn was quick it's amazing isn't it happy birthday doing Julie are you kidding me I'm like genuinely amazed that you did not vise me wishing you a happy birthday
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 6,714,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, tutorial, girlfriend, boyfriend, kermit, mr marbles, boyfriend cooks me ice cream, leisure, suit, jenna marbles, vegan ice cream, jenna ice cream, cooks, me, boyfriend cooks favorite meal, julien, aries, virgo, black rasberry, vegan recipe, jenna cooking, jenna marbles cooking, jenna boyfriend cooking, virgo cooking, birthday video
Id: d1vXEDJ3PK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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