A Time Of Refreshing - March3, 2022

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i can't take a heart that's broken making [Music] well praise the lord what a wonderful wonderful thing we say in church to be free from sin and of christ within to be made a joint here with jesus my lord what a wonderful wonderful thing well last have you heard that course these days we're seeing some new style choruses we need to go back to those old fashioned courses they brought revival to the early church but thank god for where we are bishop davis here with you giving god thanks that has allowed us to see today thursday is it a ben johnson day where you are i hope not what is ben johnson's day by the way when the funds are a little low in the pocket i trust that your needs have been supplied he has promised to do so out of his riches in glory and he's a faithful god so i welcome you everybody home and abroad near and far please invite your friends and neighbors and let them know as at other times time of refreshing is on and we come to you mondays tues well all weekdays mondays through fridays it's only that we come to you from the church on a wednesday so we're delighted to have you facebook youtube instagram pfm family television channels flow 602 and the 672 dg self play channel 20. welcome everybody we are happy to have you and of course blessings are in store as at other times just to remind you that we meet on this friday for prayer meeting yes in church prayer meetings 7 30 they're about 7 7 30. come on in on your way from work you can stop by get a bottle of your home come to prayer meeting tonight with friday night let's have a wonderful time together as we restart the weekly activities sunday mornings we meet at seven o'clock and ten o'clock seven o'clock a.m 10 o'clock am two services only okay we have removed from three to two based on the numbers that we are able to accommodate at this time so we look forward to seeing you wonderful brethren in church on a sunday seven o'clock or ten o'clock a.m and on first sunday night we'll have no service but all the other sunday nights men will be in action youth will be in action women will be in action marriage enrichment ministry will be an action so the candles are burning please come and join in lord bless you much we're happy to be with you and we have a wonderful man of god in today to share the word of god with you and to tell you what god is doing in his neck of the woods saint mary guys ill disciples covenant ministries and i tell you this is an outstanding servant of the lord he serves not only the christian fraternity and he does so widely he also serves in different areas and he's at liberty to tell you all of that he's preparing for kenya would you want to assist him to go to kenya africa motherland yes you could do so you heard it from me as he takes his ministry to that country into the continent delighted to have the man of god we hear this he lives in port portmore and he works in saint mary and for the last six years he travels every day all of the services all of the community involvement as it relates to ministers fraternal pulling the communities together serving as a justice of the peace marriage officer and i tell you tremendous lives in portmore and travels to saint mary on a daily basis reverend fitzroy a williams good to have you sir it's a pleasure being here and what a delight it is and i want to thank you for the invitation to be here well certainly we're delighted to have you you're a fascinating gentleman i give god thanks disciples covenant ministries with radio television and all the things that you're doing there in rural world said mayor in jamaica oh i can't take the credit he's the lord's doing oh my goodness and you have been reaching many people across the nation yes we give god thanks for you amen we pray your continued strength and the grace of almighty god that has been sustaining you over all of this period will continue to do so thank you sir so i welcome you heartily sir i thank you and i'm asking our viewers to contribute to your trip to africa yeah they heard me they'll do so yes i believe they will they will contribute to his trip to africa all right he'll tell you how to make those contributions so it is from me to you sir thank you to all the viewers on the various platforms take it from me it is an honor bless you let me just thank you all for being here today what a delight it is for me to be joining you on this platform certainly i admire the work and i want to say that um dr davis is one of my mentor he has always been with me from the first time i announced that i was going to be in geizel he was so supportive there were many who thought that i would be forgotten as a dead man but he's not one of those he he rather thinks that look you are going to make it i'm going to be there and he has never left me and today it is also a remarkable uh indication of the continued support that dr davis and the poor minister continue to give to me as i go there and to minister indeed rural geyser and i am very honored sir and i want to say that you put in on your channel every now and then of course i tune in i know you do disciples covenant ministries god bless you sir thank you well viewers today i'm going to be sharing a word with you and i want you to just relax i know that already some of you are concerned about what is happening in the world especially with what is happening down there in the east with russia and also um with um what's this a country called russia and uh ukraine ukraine thank you yes but you know i want you to know that god has made us conquer us and that speak widely to who we are as believers in christ jesus i want to share a word with you today that comes from romans chapter 8 and i want to start that verse 28 because i need to remind us how important it is for us not to forget who we are and whose we are that speak profoundly of how we will think and feel about ourselves and most importantly how we will conduct ourselves romans chapter 8 28 and i'm reading from the niv version of the bible it says and we know that in all things god works for our good let me read over that please for we know that in all things god works for our good for those who have loved him and for those who are called according to his purpose verse 29 says for those god for knew he also predis predestined to be confirmed to the likeness of this his son that he might be the firstborn among many believers and those who he predestined he also called those he called he also justified those he justified he also glorified that's talking about you you know that's talking about you let me continue i don't want to end this thing so fastly all right what then paul says shall we say in response to this and this is something that i want all of us to be embodied we need to be asking ourselves how is it that you are going to respond to what god is about to say about you right now paul asks the question and i would like to reiterate it what then shall we say in response to these things if god is for us the apostle paul asks another question who can be against us one of the things that you will note in this particular text is that there are number of questions that the apostle paul continued to ask and i think these are very pivotal to us understanding who we are whose we are and how we should conduct ourselves in verse 32 he continues and he says he who did not spare his own son but gave him for us all who will he not also along with him gloriously give us all things who will bring any charge against those whom god has chosen a number of questions i cannot really identify six questions that the apostle paul has already asked in these three verses and he continues with the question paul says it is god who justifies verse 34 says who is he that condemns still acts in question and he continues he says that christ jesus who died more than that who was raised to life he is all the right is at the right hand of god and is also interceding for us who shall separate us off ask continue asking questions the king james version asks what shall separate us the niv is acting personalize it bring it down to an individual who shall separate us from the love of christ shall trouble shall hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness our danger our sword it is written for your sake we face death all day long we are are considered as sheep to be slaughtered but i like how paul is warming up here as we get to the end of the text and i'm going to be coming back and doing an exposition on that because listen i need you to understand who you are right now verse 37 says no paul says no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who love us for i am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demon neither things present nor future nor powers nor height nor death nor anything else paul says in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus brothers and sisters i'm just getting warming up here but you know we need the power of the presence of god to guide us through today's discussion so i'm gonna be praying that god will just lead us as i share with you what he has laid on my heart father we thank you for your word that is about to be broken to your people as they have come lord god from the east from the west from the north and the south they have come to receive a word from you there are much uncertainty of god in the world today and people are trying to find answers for many questions that not even the government can provide father we thank you and we ask that as we get into your word it will be made clear to us what you have communicated through the apostle paul we pray god that there will be no ambiguity but there will be clarity so that everyone can receive your word in the name of jesus christ we pray amen and amen i want to start out by saying that according to what verse 28 says for we know that all things work together for good to them that love god and are called according to his purpose my friend it is amazing to imagine all the patriots of the bible all the apostles and all those who have served and have lived and have been exemplary in the way that they lived that they have gone through hardship in life the apostle paul talks about how he has been shipwrecked he has been beaten he has been accused he has been put in prison and all these things that he has endured guess what my friend he continued to be faithful and today we have this remarkable story of the apostle paul of his ministry of his life and all he has engaged the hardship of life but still he had what we consider to be stick-to-itiveness he endured to the end and that is a reason why today you and i we can share we can talk about or how we can go yes because we have an example can i say to us that god works in all things he does and not just isolated incident that we think that god works in no he works in all situations he works for the good in the good situation this does not mean by the way that all that happens to us god um desire to happen for us because he just an evil god i've heard person talk all the time that why would god allow this why would god allow that and there are many who says well where was god when i was going through my hardship he's right there my friend if you and i could check in our lives we'll see that many times when we're accusing god of not being there we are the one who have actually walked away from him and he remained there just calling us today i want to remind you that you are more than conqueror for all of you who have given your life to the lord jesus christ who have dedicated yourself to the service of god you are more than conqueror there's a point that i want to make today and i believe that you have all come today to be blessed and i've asked the lord to use me in a mighty way to bless you can you imagine the amount of believers that have been constantly visiting bible study have constantly been in church some of you you have uh you have accolades of hairs i know you never heard of that one before you have accolades of hairs so you have uh five years accolades you have 20 years accolades you have 30 hairs accolades but yet how many of those years all the scripture that you have read that you know that you can quote how much of them have you actually put into practice you see that's it we need to understand that with all the promises that is in the scripture and with what god said about us that we are more than conqueror you and i need to understand that god can do so much and everything for us but he demands of us to do something jesus when he was here he says i'm gonna give leave your gift and the gift of salvation is the holy spirit now in john 14 he says that when the holy spirit comes that the holy spirit will be bringing back things to our remembrance whatever he jesus has taught us that is the word my friend that is the word how much of the word are we allowing to work for us you know it's so easy sometimes as believers and you know we're all guilty when you're going through a difficult moment you says well god i just need you to help me and so we decided we're going to go into some bargaining with god are you bargaining with him right now have you fulfilled the last bargain that you make with god we say god if you get me through this situation i will be better i'm going to serve you more i'm going to be at church i'm going to do this i'm going to do that but guess what he would have allowed you to go through all of that and still you have forgotten your part of what you have said because we in our humanness in our sinful nature we cannot be faithful to our words and that is the reason why we need to rely on his word my friend so the work on the purpose of the holy spirit in us is to bring the things that god has spoken jesus christ has spoken through his word alive in our life but you and i have to subscribe to the word the holy spirit is not going to speak no new word when you're going through your crisis the holy spirit wants you to anchor to the word when god says that you are more than conqueror do you really believe that when the word says you can do all things do you really believe that when the word says i will be with you matthew 28 even until the end of the age do you really believe that we know we we like to philosophize the text sometime we like to uh speak nicely speak in tongues and move around and do all kind of things but when it comes down to the real focus the real emphasis or the real practicality of the text we fail miserably and i'm sure that you can say oh yes rev i have i have not been anchored into the text like i should because there are many times when i have not we are loaded the enemy to corner us and put us into a freaking little corner and we are worrying oh lord when am i going to get out of this situation we see we become broken we say oh god i'm broke lord jesus it's like they're coming to the end of the world your light get turned off and now you forget about god some of you even vexed with god you don't even go to church anymore what is wrong with you because you're saying well you know i don't know what's happening but god seems not to be here he has always been there he's going to be there in his word he's going to be there in the in the spirit he's going to be there and he wants you to rely on his word so when the apostle paul says and we know that all things work together for good brothers and sisters across the world do you really embrace the idea that all things are working for your good or we just quote that in church and says well you know the bible says in romans chapter 8 28 that all things work together for good to them that love god and for those who are called according to his purpose so you know it's just what the bible says how can you embrace the text how can you allow that takes to become a practical part of who you are my friend sometimes we we call scriptures and sometimes we philosophize it sometimes we become certimonious and and and in in one in one word uh there was who says let me see if i can quote him he says he looked in the church and he see the world he says he looked in the world and he sees the church what would cause gandhi to be saying something like that is because there's confusion among the people of god because they are not standing on the word brothers and sisters you and i we are more than conqueror in christ jesus and we need to stand on the word of god and all firm to it now i know you're going to say to me well rev you know there are a lot of evil in the world yes the apostle paul spoke about it in galatians chapter 6 and verse 12 ephesians 6 rather than verse 12 when he says for we wrestle against flesh and blood against principalities or power but against rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in our places evil is prevalent and in our fallen world what can i be quick to warn you and to encourage you that god is able to turn every circumstances around for your good and make it better i don't care how bad it is or rev i've lost my mother my marriage is broken rev you don't understand i've lost my job rev i got the letter right here my house is up for foreclosure i'm telling you right now god can turn that into a beautiful situation he says bring me the impossible things and you know church ah i'm enjoying the power of god right now you and i need to understand that the impossible things are when you get to those point in your life and you really don't know what to do you really don't know where to go who to turn to i would want to suggest to you brothers and sisters that is an impossible thing bring that impossible things to god and watch him work it when last have you sat down and watched god work on your favor when last have you ever experienced um seeing a particular text been manifested in your life because you were willing to see it through to the end have you ever done that come on man we need to put the text to work this this is here to work for you and i you know and we have to put it to work but it can't be we can't get to work if it's just sitting there gathering dust each day you know we're leaving all our you know on our bed bedside table or we shelf it in the memory of our brain and just leave them there together memory dust hallelujah we need to ensure that we are put in this text to work yes you and i will need to put the text to work so that the text can work for you because it is there for you note brothers and sisters note that god is not working to make us happy that's not what it takes us and many times we we run away with the idea that once you're in christ you should be happy all the time and there should be no no problems no no no that was not the promise but to fulfill his promise not also that this promise is not for everybody now i i would like to pause there for a moment because sometimes we get the thing twisted and yeah we talk a lot of things in church and we just don't get it right all the time it's not for everybody for those who he says for we know that that that all things work together for good to those that are in christ jesus it's not for everybody and so uh we don't want people to get the idea that once you come to church and you say hope also pray for me and i pray for you or once you're saying god yeah my man got a friend man in jamaican dialect we like to say man god closed really how close are you with him does he know you does he the seal of god is on you which is the blood of jesus and the holy spirit is that in your life are you walking in obedience to his word because if you're not sealed by his blood if you don't have the person and presence of the holy spirit in your life i question your your claim that god knows you oh jesus i'm loving this i'm getting excited here oh jesus i'm getting excited but i want you to know it's not for everybody so it can be claimed only by those who love god and those who are called according to his purpose i want to say something here to your world if you are a believer in christ jesus i want you to know that you are being called for a purpose don't become no benchwoman in church no no no born again believer should be a bench warmer no no no no you must be actively engaged doing something for god why because of that purpose that god says that he is working out for your good come on now you will have some bad times yes but guess what it is working out for my good i will have some hop times yes but it is working out for my good why because i am in christ jesus and because i'm in christ jesus you know what title i have i have a tithe that says i am more than a conqueror oh i wish you could put some put some put some put some thumbs up and more than a conqueror raise your hand in the in the chat and praise god more than a conqueror that is who we are and because we are more than i can't cover brothers and sisters we will not be shaken by these things that are happening in this world we know that even if our pockets go low even if food go low even if my health go low even if my friend's gone even if my family gone even if my brothers and sisters in christ or those of my biological uh uh connection even if they turn against me i will not turn against god why because i know who i am whose i am and who christ is to me once you know that you can say yes i am more than a conqueror you are kept you are you are clear for that category my friend more than a conqueror in christ jesus so then i says it's for those who are called according to his purpose those who are called are those the holy spirit convince and enable us to to to live a life that is worthy of god praises i'm going to raise up i'm going to raise a point right here now let me let me tell you something i sometimes marvel to see the behavior of some persons who consider themselves christian why because i'm taking into consideration first corinthians chapter 6 and verse 19 where paul says hey don't you not know that the spirit of god lives inside of you and that your body is the temple of the lord i'm concerned about that the way they live i wonder do they really know that the holy spirit is living inside of them two i'm also concerned because i am i know that they should know that god is watching them my friend there is an unseen eye that is constantly on us seeing what we do hearing what we say and unlike man man will just be able to look on the surface of our lives and they can make their comments but god looks at the heart something that you and i should be concerned about and i am not talking about the bone the the blood pumping heart right now i'm talking about the heart that david spoke of in psalms 51 where he asked god that god should do in a surgery on him the heart is a conscious mind brothers and sisters the part of you that make decision for right and wrong that concept that part of you that has the capability of detecting between moral and immoral yes that is the part that i'm talking about i am concerned that we are not making enough effort to live this life because we live this life as though we do not have the holy spirit in us one that the blood of jesus christ has not been shed for us to or that we are under the bandage of sin still no my friend we who are bought by the blood of jesus christ paul says we are free from sin why because jesus died for us and because he died for us one writer says we now have life and we have life in abundance when you look in john 3 um john chapter 3 verse 17 the word of god the writer says for god had not sent his son into the world to condemn the world no none of you were are being condemned but that the world through him might be saved that's you that's me and for all who will accept what jesus christ has done on calvary my friend you and i we are at a privileged point in this life now the world is confused we have had a period of two years where the world what has happened in the world in 2020 has never happened no one thought that times square could have been emptied no one thought that all ship could have been grounded all plain grounded all are trained grounded no business no school no church nobody could be on the street except those who are in the central services and the security forces my friend god wants us to understand that we are but just clay as one writer says you know what job 14 1 says job 14 1 says that man that is born of a woman is but of a few days and he concur that those few days they are full of trouble but for us as believers we don't worry about those things i like the experience and the the testimonial of brother david david says in in psalms 37 i believe verse 4 5 david says delight yourself in the lord come on now delight yourself in the lord and he will delight in you and i love what he says after he says and he will give you the desire of your hearts what desire do you have my friend you should first consider this not just that you want this and you want that but you should first consider that my life god delights in me and that god watches over me and that god is concerned about me but more importantly that i am mindful to do the will that god has called me to do whoa i love the wise man back it up in a proverbs chapter three i think verse five and six um the wise man says well you should know better those of you are in the body of christ you should know that you should really not go on trying to do things on your own how many of us today brothers and sisters are trying to do things are no horn oh we are working some job that god is trying to get away from us for a long time oh you you you know yeah i'm talking to you right now you know i'm talking to you because god has been trying to get you away from that job but you're not letting go because you say well god you know this is my pension god he said what are you talking about pension do you know what i have in store for you and you're talking about some pension you are more than conqueror my friend in christ jesus the wise man says uh uh trust in the lord verse verse five that's proverbs chapter three verse five trust in the lord with all your heart now come on now be honest with me you're you're looking at me now and you're wondering rev uh you know you kind of like it on my toe yeah i want to step on it right now are you really trusting god with all your heart are you are you just saying well lord you know uh uh i'm trusting you you know some of us seem to forget that god he searches our hearts god is the only one that can go into the intricate places of our heart with his microscope and he looks on the things that we're hiding oh yes we hide from bishop davis don't we oh yes because he can't see that heart and we hide from from minister patrona don't it yes she can't see we hide from the elders and we hide from everybody but i tell you brothers and sisters you cannot hide from god he sees your heart he searches your heart he knows the deep secret and he's asking he says the wise man says who have experienced that i would imagine that solomon may have tried to hide a few things here and there in this time and found out that you know make no sense can't hide from this god this god is a he is he is a total god he is all-knowing he's all-powerful he's everywhere i'm the present omniscient he is a mighty god and so he would have passed on that information to us in proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 and that's how it appears if we want god to drag us why because we're singing lies we're saying lead me lord i'll follow but you're not following he says well what about you obey my word why don't you seek me every day what about us how often do we read the word or often do we pray oh often do we help our brothers and sisters god even make it make the opportunity for us to have a business oh what rev is talking about here i'm gonna tell you what business i'm talking about uh there's a business for you and that in this in the text everything is in the text the bible says that those that give it to the poor lend it to god oh jesus oh jesus no no you all want to open a business there is one opportunity give to the poor give to the poor give to the needy because every time you do that you are lending to god we are more than conqueror there are so many places that i could take in scripture but time will not permit me but i'll be back i'll be back so let me see if i can conclude here um on today's passage so the apostle paul have been making the declaration and he talks about how god has predestinated us and whom he has predestinated he called and he justified and whom he has justified he has given a purpose he continues to talk about how god will glorify us in himself yes and then he gets down to verse 36 and he asks the question he says it is written he make a reference he says it is written what is paul talking about he says for your sake we face death all day all of us and and you can agree with me that that is one sure appointment the most sure thing in life is death you might want to make that a bumper sticker the most sure thing in life is death there's absolutely nothing else in life my friend that is guaranteed as death is but with that paul goes on to verse 37 and he says in all these things we are more than conqueror can we just name some things and if you're if you're typing and you're and you're on your path here just go and type it in i'm broke yes uh paying rent can't even afford to pay this range the light is coming over over the top man i can't afford this thing the phone it is giving me a hard time the internet i can't afford it but i need it and you have to be doing some things oh let's talk about the job it's a problem with lord god i gotta keep it because he pays the bills when you talk about clothes some of us do you know what it is to have one pair of shoes one suit do you know what it is to have just one shirt i've been there before brother i've been there i've been with one brown pants for a few months well i got a lot of tops and i will never miss charge you can ask my pastor i was there every sunday i was at the keyboard playing i was teaching i was doing leading the deacons i was i was leading the choir i was there one punch and guess what ain't nobody knew because i got a lot of tops i only got one pants but i got a lot of caps oh jesus you know what you can look like in in one pants and a lot of tops you change brown today blue the next day green the next day yellow the next day but you're shining why because you understand that you are more than conqueror and you are living for jesus christ so i want to say to you brothers and sisters as we continue the apostles paul says none of these things we are more than conquerors through him who love us for paul says i am convinced that neither death nor life yes my friend if you're a believer in christ and you're afraid to die then you i question your position in christ because paul was not afraid to die jesus was not afraid to die stephen the martyr deacon he was not afraid to die a matter of fact he preached the greatest sermon ever preached in acts chapter 7 and at the end of that sermon they decided that they were going to stone him to death he was not saying oh god or could you help me preach as a sermon and then having these people kill me no he took death he took death with joy whoa how many of us are willing to take death with joy stephen he fell and and even the last word that he has i wonder what some of you would say to some of those people accusing you persecuting you lying against you caused you to lose your job they are depriving you of promotion what would you say about them with your last word i'll tell you what brother stephen did brother stephen says well look father forgive them for they don't know what they did they just give me a ticket to heaven they have no idea what they just did they just gave me a ticket to heaven brothers and sisters not death nor life nor future not powers neither height nothing paul says in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god i wish today that you and i we will embody that we will embody that and live with that knowledge that god is for us brothers and sisters and because god is for us nothing can be against us as we see in 38 powers are unseen force of evil my friend in the universe forces of satan and fallen angel they are all over paul um says in ephesians 6 and verse 12 as a reference point it is everywhere in christ we are super conquerors i'm kind of like kind of like up in the same all right not just a conqueror all right but a super conqueror in christ we are a super conqueror and his love will protect us from any such forces that will come against us as i close i know the hardship is on many of you are already struggling but remember you are more than conqueror remember my friend do not succumb do not compromise your christian standard do not do not sign any back door deal do not do not settle yourself belittle yourself for little things you are bigger than those things trust god all the patriots of the bible had to trust god and you and i were no exception we must trust god so as we as we go today i'm going to invite you if you have a call you will be calling me yes you can call in and i i'll be able to just text you if you have questions if you have a special prayer i want you to send that in too if you have all the testimony that you want to share about you trusting god we don't have a lot of time but i certainly will take that trust god the food crisis are going to be intensified the escalation of high increase in utility bills will be intensified yes many of you are pursuing study right now might have a little glitch here and there but i dare to say and i tell you i stunned by that word rather than sisters it matters not what faces this world god will always back you oh i wish somebody understand what i'm saying god will always back you yes the stock market my dip let it dip i'm not going down with the stock market you know why because like jesus said in matthew 6 and i hope that many of you are not piling up your monies in banks help me jesus i gotta close i don't want to go to something else because those of you are piling up your money in banks you are you are not following what the scripture says you know don't lay your treasure where rust and mouth and wear thieves breaking and steal it already we see the banks are taking billions and billions of dollars from us and they call it service charge you put five thousand dollars in the bank and you keep that for three months you go back there's nothing in it now you tell me if that is not thieves and rust i don't know what it is what about we invest in the kingdom jesus says lay up your treasure where in heaven my friend where ross can't get it where must can't get it where thieves can't break in and take it and i'll tell you the reward or the benefits whoa god interest rate is not set according to the global economical rate it doesn't matter what the eye pro the oil prices is doing up or down it does not say god interest rate jesus i wish you understand what i'm saying my friend those of us who trust in god and know that we are conquerors we know that he will always be there with us so what are you doing today are you going to put your trust in him well i need you to trust him in entirety do not let go my friend trust him when the hard time comes it is coming no doubt about that the hard times are here the the war that is taking place over in the in the east with with russia and ukraine it is going to have a domino effect globally but we don't need to worry about that because we know who have our backs oh yes we are not relying on the the resources of the kingdom but on god all right we're gonna go to the phone line we're gonna be taking some call so let me hear so we have a call online and is viola calling from spanish stone viola good afternoon go right ahead good afternoon good afternoon viola how are you message pastor powerful message thank you i am i am calling from prayer for my grandsons okay pray for your grandson what is the name of your grandson you don't mind and nathan all right let me ask you before you go viola are you a believer yes pastor because you know we're going to pray for you now you need to have some faith because it's not my prayer my power do it it's the power of god in your faith i know that pastor and amen all right so we'll be praying for viola's grandson thank you thank you all right keep the calls coming in the call the numbers are there online you can go right ahead and call and speak with me right now if you have a prayer request please go ahead in the meantime i want to say a big shout out to all the persons who are online um verna johnson and elizabeth green and also um general turner and peggy a um a lot of persons are online i want to thank you all sandra moulton yes and also pearl brown oh my lord there's a lot of comments going on here i thank you guys for the support lord jesus look at them rose france rose francis all those comments you see there are so much my lord i i don't even know you see i don't want to get myself in trouble start reading some people's um comments and leaving some people's all so i just want to pick up all of those persons uh let me see let me see what's going on uh rose francis good afternoon uh bishop davis well bishop davis here yes good afternoon he's easier in you and reverend williams please pray for my daughter paige to pass her exam she has exam tomorrow friday march 4th all right we'll be praying for paige we have another caller coming online so we're going to take that call and i'll go back to those online we have um shamur shamar please go right ahead from port more yeah i'm calling for prayer i've got some difficulty i'm a christian but sometimes getting under me all right and you said that you're a believer yeah i'm a christian all right let well before you before you get off the line i want to just remind you that not because you're that doesn't mean that you're not going to have difficulties okay shaman yeah yeah in this life we will have trouble but we need to know that when those troubles come that we can trust god a matter of fact shamar as i release you those struggles are part of the development and part of your your maturity so enjoy the problem and we pray for you god is going to see you through all right thank you for calling yeah we have another caller marcia calling from manchester marcia good afternoon and thank you for calling how are you yes pastor i am fine thanks for those words i tell you they are very encouraging words thank you special everyone do you just repeat to the the call a while ago because i am a believer but i'm going to a rough time okay are you a christian yes i am wonderful the enemy uses like my daughter and my husband to get at me so you know but i have to stay strong and with delphi davis he keeps me going thank god for him amen i just want to say to you the same thing i said to shamar that look remember not because we're believers doesn't mean that we're not going to have trials and trouble we will have them have you noticed um that the mercier that the fruit of the spirit have one of them that is called long suffering yes pastor yes and that means that we will suffer in this life like christ suffered but one of the things that we need to do is to begin to embrace and enjoy this suffering listen if you talk to all believers as we have seen in the scripture all those who have gone on before us they had their fair share of suffering look at job greatest example of suffering in the text but he endured right and he would not not for one moment not trust god even though his wife suggests that he should do it because that might be a way to end his suffering joy would not want to see his suffering come to an end by by turning his back on god yes so you continue to trust in god mercier i know that god is processing you if i had time i would tell you about the process of gold it's a tedious process but when when it is going through its precious mercier guess what gold goes through a lot but at the end of it it is a beautiful finished product that it gets on the market and it takes the ice price thank you thank you for calling we'll be praying for you yes all right we'll go back to the online and we say marjorie louis and she says powerful word i'm strengthened thank you we have another call i'm gonna be taking the calls because i know some people are calling on their credit and we don't want to keep them all in so we have sister palmer sister palmer calling from baltimore not doing good at all okay greetings fast i'm not doing too good fluid in my lungs okay and uh i trust god that he will take care of it but i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and i know i have to go yes to see what they can do but i know it's all in god's hands said i was asking you to pray for me thank you so much but before you go i want to ask you is there um are you a christian did you do this yes wonderful hallelujah yes i am and i'm holding on till that's my process wonderful let me ask you have you ever experienced god miraculous power working in your life before now yes i do well i want you to hold on to that because like david david would have always make reference to what god has done and he used that experience to to strengthen himself to know that god will do it again because he has done it in the past yes sir thank you my sister will be praying for you god bless you thanks for calling thanks we have another caller online we have lewis calling from greater portmore louis good afternoon and thank you for calling me [Music] healing is gradual okay what's miracle is instantaneous healing is gradual so you have to trust the lord each and every day keep your faith uncut in him and he'll see you through okay but we've been in touch with you we'll be praying for you all right take good care god bless you okay goodbye great thank you amen and we are noting all the other prayer requests that are coming online though we may not have stated what those are specifically we are noting them and we will be praying yes we see all those that are coming in we will be praying for you hallelujah yes we'll be praying for you can take a few more calls rev the numbers are there appearing please make a call i'm sure you have been blessed by this powerful word more than conqueror so please call and we'll be praying for you and do remember did you tell the people how they can contribute to your african troops sir well i have not yet sir well you need to do so time is running away well you'll be going to kenya okay so i'm asking persons to assist if you can uh assist in sponsoring that trip and i mean that we'll be doing something towards it also because it's a mission and you give to mission god will bless you yes sir i wonder if we have a platform that we have a five i'm trying to find it so i can send it to the engineer um so they could put it on the screen for us but in the interim sir there are five ways that you can give we have uh paypal we have ncb direct um uh direct transfer and the direct transfer can be done throughout the zoom there's a new one that is called xom uh we i'm coming back to that but i want to take the call because the calls are important and we know that person might be using their phone we have teslin teslin go right ahead call in um call in from uh new eden are you there tesla go right ahead all right seem to have a little challenge with that call oh you can try again please numbers are appearing on the screen eight seven six nine eight eight six two six two eight seven six nine three nine one five zero zero yes sir all right so bishop you know one the things that we really want to encourage persons we have realized that today most of the persons who are calling and they are talking about sickness and difficulties that they're going through uh it's not abnormal for believers to go through challenges and i know that the tendency is even fiery trials even fairy trials yes it's it's not do we have someone online caller are you still there hello good afternoon thank you for calling how are you today [Music] i know what you mean i know what you're talking about you're talking about i have been there [Music] god has carried me through fast i tell you yes yes but oh my gosh faster he he doesn't been drinking himself away and he sent me work he's just drinking himself away now let's talk to him but i know god is working i thought it is all right thank you so much okay thank you very much unless you have a great afternoon all right um uh bishop i don't know we have not discussed this before so what we are saying here we just we have no period yes yes so it's a live show so what you're hearing um for the first time we're also here for the first time is that i don't know if those persons who would like to make a contribution to my trip you know if um it might be uh for them to send it and note it to you that if if there is anyone who want to give oh yeah they could do so please allow them to do that all right there you go you know the office number you know the ways in which you contribute to power faith just make a note towards kenya just say towards kenya yes and we'll certainly get you to reverend williams in due time uh if you send it to paypal our sub splash bishop michael hutchinson he will dispatch it to us in short order he manages that in florida and we'll get it to you okay please do so and remember also that this is the month of march and we will be showing our love to our av department team members i want to thank those who have already made contributions through our church yes our church is doing that also so you out there are friends who have been blessed by the production live and delayed it's good to show appreciation so please do so sister marjorie rowe i saw your note that you'll talk with me before the week is ended i look forward to that okay and i know you're going to talk about giving to the avd all right or whatever it is i look forward to talking with you another caller we have another caller from kingston ethelene good afternoon thanks for calling in how are you good evening i just like someone to talk to when i mix up can i speak to bishop oh yeah but you see we only have limited time give your number to the studio for me i'll call you please take her no no please take her number for me i'm not hearing well i'm sorry i'm telling the student to take your number and i will call you because we do not have the time on air to speak with you for extended periods [Music] okay are you hearing my voice are you hearing me all right we're gonna ask the engineer we'll be so kind to speak with this um speak with this caller and take the number she is she's requesting special prior please engineer the the call and speak with the caller in the interim we are we're wrapping up the show all right engineer you can you can take her off the live feed and speak with her she's not hearing us take her off the live feed and speak with her um bishop it has been a pleasure being here and i tell you i'm happy that you're able to make it yes yes can't believe it's your first time here it is yeah but you have bought your way a many first class return ticket [Laughter] i know you're all the way set there and it is challenging but you know we can't talk it through certainly yeah we can talk it through and uh viewers all please remember you can tune into disciples covenant ministry give the location sir the site number the church is located in muse district geyser and um we are also online um disciples covenant ministries youtube page or our facebook page we have a website dcmja.org that you can visit us as well yeah please marge you know you're laughing okay yeah please do so visit visit dcm and be blessed uh the reverend williams is doing a fantastic job you know carrying the gospel and serving the communities of saint mary and traveling from saint catherine to saint mary on a daily basis that's the heart of commitment and i tell you sir with with such sacrifice god is well pleased will bless you and your wife and family yes involved with you in ministry they are they're absolutely wonderful yes they are that's wonderful tremendously involving in ministry my youngest daughter she's one of the engineers that works behind the scene with computers on the camera my son-in-law is also one of the engineers and my other daughter plays the drum wonderful team ministry and of course you also serve the jamaica constable of course i do you were one of the counselors as volunteer chaplains volunteer chaplain era five yeah i serve as a justice of the peace i've served numerous boards in the community cdc school boards um a number of other years wonderful wonderful give it all to jesus amen you know work while it is what day yes for the night cometh when i want to be able to work well and the thing about it rev we do not know when that night that's really cool that's right it comes in so many different ways in so many ways yes you know it's not necessarily no schedule time no schedule time no notice no notice that night could just show players like that that's it my goodness so friends out there you are believable do what you can to advance the kingdom okay amen you have gifts you have talents abilities your finances whatever it is invest in the kingdom yes because in the end that's what matters and don't forget ray bishop that no thief no no thieves were able to break in and get that there no no no no russ will catch it there no moss will catch it there oh baby no devaluation no sir do you invest in the kingdom you are making solid investment amen so we want to thank you all for sharing today and i remind you that we are back in church on friday seven o'clock for prayer meeting yes prime meeting from the church and i'll talk with my studio manager concerning us bringing it to you because once that happens then i will not be carrying on worldwide per meeting from my space okay so once we can come to you from the sanctuary we'll talk about that and let you know then we will bless you live and direct from the sanctuary so friday nights wednesdays seven of uh wednesdays eight a.m and eleven a.m and of course sunday 7 a.m and 10 a.m we got more things to tell you as time goes by so i want to thank you any final word from you reverend yes certainly i want to thank you for inviting me and to thank the members of disciples calling ministers for their support and to your viewers you have made today a tremendous um great day and i want to thank your engineer for working behind the scene to ensure that this broadcast goes out um successfully i want to thank you all may god continue to bless you continue to trust them and continue to support the poor faith ministry now i want to tell you something maybe if you have heard it from them you would not have believed but so let me tell you that it is a tremendous work that you're doing here for me to be coming to your life today it's not an easy task and as bishop spoke about the need for us to support those who are working behind the scene it is absolutely important they are working before we started and they will after we are gone so their work their work are very extensive and they need to be supported continue to support this great ministry i want to also say quickly that this ministry is one of those ministries who have all who has the stipulativeness on the consistency of coming every single day to bring the gospel to you you cannot take that lightly and it must be appreciated do your best to ensure it stays online thank you for wonderful thank you rev you are going to say the prayer for all those persons who are yes yes requests for prayer in terms of their needs out there so there you are facebook youtube instagram pfm family channels flow did you sell oman abroad it's prayer time let's look to god reverend amen father we thank you for today thank you we thank you for your word that came reminding us oh god that we are more than conqueror lord so many times we feel discouraged sometimes we become frustrated all because we are not anchoring ourselves deeply enough in your word you have listened to those who have uh their sickness their confusion their frustration and god they have been struggling with it for a long time remember our sister who got the stroke father you said that we should bring the impossible things to you to them lord these seeing these things seem impossible healing seem that far off reached but father we know that you can do all things in short time according to your purpose so i pray in the name of jesus for those who are healing now that your healing virtue will flow in their bodies let them understand and recognize god that the power of god flows through the word of god and so lord as they continue to rest in their homes as they continue to struggle through their difficulties i pray in the mighty name of jesus that they will anchor their faith on jesus for lord god you have never failed if we should check the record of history there will not be one account of any man who can place a claim that god has failed him and so because of that history because of that shark record of being faithful to us lord we subscribe to you in this 21st century and we ask god that you will help us that we will apply the word to our lives that we will be patient in our situation that we will trust you through all of them the word of god reminded us lord that if we trust you with all our heart and lean it unto our own understanding father we sometimes subscribe to the societal influences we sometimes subscribe to the philosophies of this world and the ideologies of this world but you have callers of god to be separated from among that yes and to stand for you in faith knowing lord that you are able to do exceedingly above all that we are able to think or ask so in this moment everyone who have recalled their prior requests online everyone who have called in and those who have not been able to call architects i pray god that your hand that has no limit will reach to them and that god will cause healing to come to them that they will remember that today will go down in history for them it will be recorded in their personal memorabilia that you came through for them on this day and so father we thank you we pray for the continuation of this ministry we pray for dr davis and his wife and the team here at power faith that god they will continue to do this great work i know the enemy is mad at what they're doing i know god that they're constantly meeting in hell to strategize ways and means of stopping this ministry but father like apostles paul says what shall separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus he reminded us god that this work were predestinated and this they were called for this world it is the purpose that they are serving and we ask in the name of jesus that your mighty hand will continue to work if there is anything that i have not prayed concerning those who have made requests concerning this ministry here lord according to your knowledge for the need that exists i pray in the name of jesus that you will bring it to pass in jesus name we pray amen amen and amen praise the lord thank you so much everybody for sharing and want to thank reverend williams once again for having taken time out of his packed crammed busy schedule to be with us here on a time of refreshing do remember you can uh contribute towards this trip to kenya we told you how we can do so sub splash paypal pfm go to the website and make make sure you identify it jose kenya kenya kenya uh bishop hutchinson will get it to us and we will certainly get it to him thank you everybody see you tomorrow i'll be sitting in this seat god willing to share with you on the weekend edition until then the peace of god be [Music] a heart that's yours making over again [Music] i can't take [Music] you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 2,383
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Id: 7S5psrXfLLg
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Length: 66min 38sec (3998 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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