A Time of Refreshing REBROADCAST - September 13, 2021

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a heart that's broken make it over again but i know [Music] well praise the lord what a wonderful day it is today we want to take you to god's word as we do when we meet here and we meet here on mondays tuesdays thursdays and fridays 1pm wednesdays 11 00 well 9 o'clock really in the sanctuary commencing broadcast at 11 thank you everybody today we want to be challenging you from the book of judges judges chapter 6 the first 16 verses we will read maybe not immediately but as we go along and i want to encourage you to stay in the positive stay in the positive yeah you can either choose to be positive or negative you can either choose to be optimistic or pessimistic yeah you can make a choice but i want god wants us to stay in the positive and it is there that we are going to receive what god has promised us through his word so let us pray father bless us as we enter upon your word today time of refreshing let the holy spirit minister to us and through this vessel and lord also to this vessel that sit here grant oh lord that the holy spirit will minister to me in a very special way that as i share your word your people's hearts will be blessed and challenged and encouraged and lifted up in jesus name we pray amen stay in the positive there you got it i've seen it on youtube from stern at d brooks i want you to put it all over facebook and wherever you can put it yep rose maria roden stay in the positive it's a fresh word you call it a rhema word because the lord just gave it to me this morning earlier was of the morning i know how he deals with me oh yeah i never i never worry about getting a message to preach believe me as i sit here never worried never have to run up my head and no no i just waited in the lord and he speaks to my heart and sometimes he just he leads me to a particular portion and whilst you're reading he said boom the light just shine so this morning early morning yeah he gave me this word telling us to stay in the in the positive joshua chapter 6. did i say joshua let's make it judges that's where we are judges and the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord and the lord delivered them into the end of media and seven years and the end of midian prevailed against israel and because of the midianites the children of israel made them dens which are on the mountains and caves and strongholds in other words they they run and they id they dog themselves into tunnels children of israel hiding from the midianites why the text says because they did even the sight of the lord and the lord delivered them to medians i'm going to let them afflict you afflict you if you'll be willing and obedient says isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 you shall eat the good of the land if you refuse and rebel you will be devoured with the sword for the mouth of yahweh has spoken it well let's read a little more yeah and it was so when israel had sown that the midianites came up and the amalekites and the children of the east even they came up against them my goodness three against one and they encountered against them and destroyed the increase of the earth plundered their crops oh lord till thou come on to gaza and left no subs no sustenance for israel neither sheep nor oxnar us can you imagine that it took away everything that was really bad and israel's part for they came up with their cattle and their tents and they came as grass uppers for multitude for both they and their camels were without number and they entered into the land to destroy it boy when the enemy stands up he really stands tall but god always stands taller than the enemy so stay right there all of this sounds negative and sounds negative and i'm telling you to stay in the positive well in the midst of situations that are working against you negatively you can't afford to fall in that negative trap you have to lift yourself up and i'm going to show you how god lifted them out of all of this by using you yeah he wants to use you let's read on and israel was greatly impoverished and improvised because of the midianites and the children of israel cried unto the lord now we're getting somewhere you can't be in your affliction the enemy whipping you left right and center and you do not lift your eyes onto the hills come on friend you can't be going through all of those distresses that you you are going through and do not realize that there's a god who cares look at the text carefully the midianites and the amalekites plundered israel israel had to run and hid themselves in dens and in caves and in stronghold hiding out israel planted and the midianites and the amalekites reaped the crops they plundered everything and then it reaches a point where they say no we cannot continue like this and it came to pass the children of israel cried unto the lord because of the midianites you know oh no we we have been going through terrible times in this country and around the world and in my prayer last night yeah the deep prior before you go to bed i said to the lord lord it would appear as though we are more concerned about the physical aspects of our well-being than the spiritual aspect in other words everybody wants to live healthy live strong live wealthy and ain't nothing wrong with that but look at this in the midst of a pandemic that has taken over three million lives huh devastating people all over the world in the midst of it you would have thought the nations of the world leaders governments church and everybody you would have thought that we would go down more sincerely before the lord and cry unto him to help us out of this situation no what is happening the revelers are making fuss because they can't go how to revel and they're hiding and doing all of these parties and shows and all kinds of session free us up so we can go kill ourselves and not even concerned about the spiritual aspect ether said saith lord bishop you know i don't know how lord i can say it either you would have thought that families homes and families would build themselves an altar and from every home every household every family there would be sweet fragrance going up to almighty god saying lord help us lord save us lord deliver us what they're trusting vaccine everybody running after vaccine we'll go take your vaccine if you need to take it of course take your vaccine the government as governments of the world have you know asked the citizens to vaccine against and nothing wrong don't say you want to do so it's not monetary but do so choose but don't trust the chariots and the horses of this world entirely no do not trust the chariots and the horses of this world entirely the horse is flesh and the chariot will crumble trust the living god oh glory i should have told you that this is going to be a three part series three part there's a whole lot to this message here where have i reached in my reading verse 8 and the lord sent a prophet unto the children of israel which said unto them i'm reading from judges chapter 6 my god thus said the lord god of israel i brought you up from egypt and brought you forth out of the house of bondage and i delivered you out of the end of the egyptian and out of the end of all that oppressed you and drave them out from before you and gave you their land and i said unto you i am the lord your god fear not the gods of the amorites in whose land he dwell but he have not obeyed my voice that's a problem that's a problem god says look at all that i have done for you israel i brought you out of egypt with a mighty hand and a stretched out arm look at the many miracles i wrought through moses and aaron before your very eyes look at how i kept you safe going through the waist oiling desert and wilderness your shoes on your feet stayed well your clothes on your back i gave you food miraculously water from the rock and it says i ask you to fear me but you have not obeyed my voice let's read a little more and there came an angel of the lord and sat under an oak which was an offer that pertaineth or pertained unto josh the arborites and the sun gideon trashed wheat by the wine press to hide it from the midianites you see it was a rough time they were having a rough time hide it from the midianites and the angel of the lord appeared unto him and said unto him the lord is with thee thou mighty man of valor now we are going to get into this thing the lord is with thee the mighty man of valor oh no and gideon said unto him o my lord if the lord be with us why then is all this befall in us and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us off saying did not the lord bring us up out of egypt but now the lord has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the midianites no god has not forsaken you he said i will never leave you nor forsake you but some forsaken has taken place people forsook the lord that's what happened they did not obey obey's voice all right they did not obey his voice they did not order their steps in his word they did not keep his command the statues his ordinances no so here gideon is saying you have forsaken us and deliver us in the hands of the midnight no the lord doesn't forsake his people and that's the reason why the producers of violence are still able to remain alive the day god forsaken individual you breath will stop yeah and you fall down and die it is a breath of god that keeps us alive oh yeah breathe on me breath of god so he has not forsaken them and the lord looked upon him and said go in this thy might and thou shalt save israel from the end of the midianites of not i sent thee now you will begin to understand my theme stay in the positive and he said unto him oh my lord where which shall i save israel behold my family is poor in manasseh and i am the least in my father's house and the lord said unto him surely i will be with thee and thou shalt smite midianites as one man that's what god says so here we have a story that is very powerful and before i get into it i want also to maybe refer to romans chapter 14 and 17 b romans 14 17 b what it says or did i say romans 14 romans 4 not 14 i'm sorry romans 4 it says as it is written i have made thee a father of many nations before him whom he believed even god who quickeneth the dead and call it those things which be not as though they were get it my brothers and sisters stay in the positive look at gideon's response to the angel no i can't deliver israel i am the least in my father's house my family is the poorest in this part of the town where it shall i save israel be all my family is poor in manasseh and i am the least in my father's house i'm the black sheep in the house they don't do check for me i have not gone to high school college or university i don't have first second our ph.d i have not gone to the seminary and seminars seminaries no i have no credential or certificate on the wall you can't send me i can't do it i'm telling you stay in the positive god who quickeneth the dead made promise to abraham and god called those things which be not as though they were because if they are in the mind of god it as though they are practical yeah so what i want us to do in support of this theme stay in the positive i want also to add to this if god said it you can say it somebody put that all over the screen for me if you can my my scribes were out there if god said it you can say it yeah and that's why i want the lord wants us to stay in the positive zina al-faranga bless you if god said it brothers and sisters you can say it without any fear without any reservation without any be fearful of anyone being able to oppose you and succeed if god said it if god said it you can say it genesis 1 revelation 22 21 are from genesis chapter 1 through to revelation 22 21 if god said it you can say it it's for you to know what god has said my goodness god almighty the anointing is so strong on me here god said that you can say it so god speak those things which were not yet manifest indivisible in the tangible they were still invisible they were still intangible you can't see them you can't touch them you can't feel them but god says abraham i have made you a father of many nations i've made you oh my goodness i've made you and in that same romance chapter 4 that we have just read from the bible says abraham's target not at the promise of god through unbelief he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief but he was strong in faith giving god the glory knowing that what things he hath promised he was able to profound if god said it you can say it somebody feel like praising god out there because this is a powerful word this is indeed a powerful word and i know you have been blessed already but let me read it for you from romans chapter 4 and verse 20. well from verse 19 from verse 18 we're taking our time with this because there's a three part i'm developing on this romans 4 18 ooh against hope believed in hope my goodness that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be that which was spoken so shall i see and being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb is target not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith glory to god giving glory to god and being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was also able to perform and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness now it was written not for his sake alone not for his sake alone oh no but it was imputed to him brothers and sisters i want you to recognize that if you are going to make your way prosperous according to joshua chapter one if you're going to make your way prosperous if you're going to have good success you have to believe what god says and you have to say what he has already said that's what he said to joshua this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth stay in the book thou shalt meditate there in day and night you shall observe to do according to all that is written therein for in doing so you shall make your way prosperous and you shall have good success so somebody need to if you're not prospering and prospered it doesn't come down to money and bigots and bicar alone no that's not prosperity all by itself the first prosperity is the prosperity of the soul beloved i wish above all things that you prosper and be in health just as all in the very same way your soul prospers matthew 6 33 seek ye first the kingdom of god is righteousness on all things shall be added unto you all right so god wants us to stay in the positive if god said it you can say it if god said it i can't say it if he said it i can say it because his words are true all right so if we have any weak person in the audience today weak god says let the weak say i am strong so are you weak in faith are you weak and low in the spirit are you weak financially are you weak emotionally if there is any area of weakness in you today that you know you are not benefiting from because i don't know how much we benefit from weaknesses really we can learn lessons from them to an extent but if you are in any kind of weakness that you do not want to be part of your life anymore god said to tell you say i am strong let the weak say i am strong stay in the positive and see what will happen because the words of your mouth are seeds being sown and seeds that are sown in fertile soil given the right climatic conditions we know what is going to happen no rocket scientists need to tell us that know what's going to happen after a while they're going to bear that's why the word of god says in proverbs proverbs where somebody find the scripture and put it on youtube for me where proverbs says by your word you are justified and by your word you are condemned yeah there's a scripture it will soon appear they're working with me by your words you're justified by your words you're condemned another one you should find also is death and life are in the power of the tongue that's even a more powerful one death and life are in the power of the tongue so stay in the positive stay in the positive let the weak say i am strong do we have anybody poor what kind of poverty and distress you are in let the poor declare i am rich romans 4 17 be do like what god did speak those things which be not as though they were and after a while they manifest before people's eyes and they eat the fruits thereof matthew 12 37 that one says by your words you are justified by your words you are condemned thank you sister mili berry now give me death and life or in the power of the tongue it is proverbs somewhere i don't remember clearly and if i give myself little moral the holy spirit will give it to me but you do some work also okay so let the poor weak say i'm strong let the poor say i am rich proverbs 18 21 thank you michaeli i over pronounce that properly long thank you proverbs 18 21 wonderful so look at those scriptures and read them see what they say if you stay in the negative you will receive the negative results if you stay in the positive you'll receive positive results i don't know how much we're going to get to this gideon thing today you know because i'm just laying a solid foundation on this three-story building that we hope to erect from georges chapter six let the weak say i'm strong let the poor sam rich let the sick say i am healed you're not telling lies he's not a lie you're telling you're confessing god's word oh glory to god yeah my body is hicking i'm feeling the pain but by his tribes i am healed oh yeah by stripes i am ill all is well the prophet asked the woman whose son had died the woman said all is well all is well with you yet as well all is well with your husband yeah it is well all is well with your son yes man of god it is well the boy laid dead but you know what happened after a while boy i feel the holy ghost on me here glory to god stay in the positive so weak people declare i am strong poor people declare i am rich sick people declare i am healed by the power of god i am well i am whole yeah speak god's word and if we have anyone out there you are sad come on begin to declare that i am glad i am happy i am joyful because the joy of the lord is my strength stay in the positive and you'll eat the fruits thereof anybody jobless unemployed declare i have a job declare i am employed oh yeah speak it and some folks will ask you whether or not yeah you're more than conqueror to yeah declare it by the grace of god he will bring it to pass do you have anybody out there discouraged this is a time of deep discouragement in the name of jesus tell yourself i am encouraged i'm encouraged to continue serving god i'm encouraged to read my bible i'm encouraged to fast i'm encouraged to pray i can't go to church no as i really want to but i'm encouraged to tune into facebook youtube pfm family television instagram and receive the word of god from god servants who are sending the word yeah encourage yourself all right so that's the foundation for the three-story building that we are going to erect from this george's chapter 6 and supported by other scriptures over time to god be the glory but two verses stand out as very central in this teaching verse 11 and 12 11 and 12. in the midst of all the things that were happening in the preceding verses you see them yeah it's right there midianite were giving israel a hard time they had to run and hide and dig themselves in caves and dens and israel plant they plundered israel so they reaped and all kinds of stuff and then in the midst of it there came an angel of the lord and and there came an angel of the lord and sat under an oak tree which was an offer that pertained it unto josh the abisorites and his son gideon trace wheat by the winepress who hide it from the midianites now listen what the angel said to him and the lord and the angel of the lord appeared unto him and said unto him the lord is with thee the mighty man of valor oh my goodness mighty man of valor me hiding from the midians living in fear josh my father is in trouble i'm in trouble we all are in trouble but to make matters worse gideon said oh my lord if the lord be with us why then is all this befall in us and where be all his miracles which your fathers told us of saying did not the lord bring us up out of egypt but now the lord has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the midianites continued and the lord looked upon him and said you go in this thy might and thou shalt save israel from the end of the midianites have not i sent thee no brothers and sisters you would have seen that prior to all of this gideon was in the negative and even after this was said to him by an angel angel of the lord an angel that sat in the presence of god hallelujah do you remember the story about zacharias in luke chapter 1 luke 1 and 2 the angel came and told zacharias your wife elizabeth is going to conceivably son you should call his name john john john zachary i said no i don't believe it the angel said hold on hi i'm gabriel that sit in the presence of god i'll come to tell you this and you don't believe it all right you you don't believe it so what's going to happen we'll take away your speech and you will not be able to see another word until all of this is fulfilled you know i asked myself god why did you dom zacharias and the revelation is because he did not believe the messenger of god he would go around and talk all kind of negative things all kinds of doubt he would have shared that vision with other people and he would say to them you know i don't know what is going to happen this can't happen so before you got a chance to go around and spread negative words and stand in it if god said i want to shut your mouth and you will not speak or utter another word until john is born and as the lord said it so it was when the child was born and they wanted to give him a name some say name him after this this generation they said no nobody in the generation name so and immediately god just lose his father's tongue and he said his name shall be called john confirming what god has said so you see when you stay in the positive you'll get positive results and response when you stay in the negative you will get the very same whatsoever man soweth that surely reap okay so the first thing we would do is to look at the big picture in the story what's the big picture god wanted to secure an unprecedented victory over the midianites and he needed someone to go for it and command that battle that's the big picture what's the big picture god wanted to secure an unprecedented victory over the midianites and hear me brothers and sisters glory to god there are many so-called midianites today around us that are plundering that are distressing and disturbing and organizing god's people and they're riding their eye horse and they're sailing in their chariots and the actors know they have it made but they do not know that god is watching them and it's only a matter of time god is going to raise up somebody god is going to anoint a vessel glory to god and the midianites of your life they are going to realize that god has not forsaken you don't listen to what discouraged fearful gideon jeruba bella said the lord has forsaken us and has turned us over into the hands of the midianites no i am not forsaken we are not forsaken we'll never be forsaken psalm 37 28 somebody tell me what that says i know what it says the lord loveth judgment he forsaketh not the saints they are preserved forever but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off so don't tell a child of god that god has forsaken them no if there is any departure in the love relationship is we would have departed from him glory to god oh yeah any departure we would be the ones to depart he said i'll never leave you and if god said it you can say it god said it you can say it and bet your life on it so that was a big picture that was a big picture god wants to secure a victory and i call it an unprecedented victory because god's strategy god's battle strategy is always different from ours yeah we look for the strong and the powerful and the mighty and the great army and that's what we look for but god says no i don't look for those people i don't look for those who are already approved and who are already capable and able no when they go out there and do the job they're going to take the glory and the praise and the honor i'm looking for the weak vessels that will yield themselves to me themselves to me i'm looking for the despised vessels glory to god i'm looking for the nobodies glory i'm looking for those who have no names so to speak i'm looking for those who have no status or high ranking in society that's what i'm looking for god says so when i get them and use them first corinthians chapter one you read that text then you see what i'm talking about i'm talking bible that's what god says i use the weak things the foolish things and non-existent in the despised things of the world to confound the strong and the mighty and the powerful and the well established that's what god says i'll use a sling and a sloan to a sling and a stone to bring down a giant while others would go with all kinds of military artillery god said i i use a shepherd boy no skill no training in military prowess give me a david who stay at my feet in broken contraction give me a david who weeps before me night and day give me a david whose heart is after me that's what god says oh glory somebody help me praise him here today somebody help me praise him jesus god wants to secure a victory over the adversaries of our lives my goodness my time is gone he wants to secure a victory over the adversaries of our lives be the midianites or philistines or egyptians pharisees and sadducees whoever they are wherever they are goliath yeah hey up on jezebel god wants to give it a victory san balat and tobiah do you know the repetition and characters those those names i'm calling bible people i hope you do know them they were no friend of god's people they were no friend of the things of god amon they were no friend of god but every single one of them in the fullness of time god used a small axe to bring down many huge trees did they sing that song some years ago was it bob marley maybe if you're a big tree we got a small ox ready to cut you down i'm sorry but that's what god does and i want you to know that god wants you to stay in the positive stay in the positive so what's the second thing maybe i could touch this and we move on the first thing is a big picture in the story god wanted wanted to secure an unprecedented victory over the midnight the second thing is that god called someone who never thought he would be called whoa my goodness god sent an angel to a gideon sitting there trashing weeds getting ready to hide a little food from the midianites and god said get up you might a man of valor you're going in your strength to deliver israel from the midianites god called someone who never thought he would be called i could spend all night day and night on this there are so many others that he might have chosen to follow him says the word of a song men of great learning and greater distinction to follow him men of authority with force and ability men who know how to speak and when they speak they are being heard i don't know exactly why i am here at all but today i follow the lord there are thousands and millions around the world today would personalize the words of that song he chose me he chose me so my goodness the unusual choice a shaking gideon a trembling gideon a fearful gideon god sent an angel to talk with him and said you're a mighty man of valor get up and you're going to go and defeat the midianites and you're going to set israel free i won't get to my third main point in this first presentation today because i want you to know that god wants you to stay in the positive yes i could see it all over the screen stay in the positive stay in the positive never let doubt get the better of you never let it let fear destroy you he hath not given us a spirit of fear but a power love and sound mind the big picture mary bailey god called someone who never thought he would be called is there any any such person in my audience today when you look back at the history of your life your genealogy your family background how could you call me oh no well and abraham would tell you i never thought he would call me either because i grew up in a house of idolatry my father tyra and company worship the other gods strange gods but he came right there in the midst of the idolatrous situation and he saw me abraham would say to us today and abraham would say if he has done it for me he can do it for you stay in the positive and you live in the will of god stay in the positive glory to god so we have we have a battle to fight we have a victory that we must win even if it is unprecedented for you never before has anyone won a victory over stage four cancer even if you are there unprecedented we've had those testimonies you know i got a testimony to share uh someone sent it to me on a voice note but it's a bit low so i could not play it on the air person wanted a house to purchase i think i'm going to close up with this i wanted a house to purchase in the united states of america and heard me talked about sowing off the special seed for needy 100 000 jamaican dollars and the person said that she purposed in her heart her husband and herself unison they were in agreement and they say lord we are going to give a certain percentage of the cost of the oaths to this project i think she said one percent or whatever percent at that point she did not know or they did not know where the money would be coming from don't have it went and looked at the house the house cost how much hundred thousand u.s whatever that is quite a few hundred thousand she needed fifty thousand dollars she may be viewing me right now she needed fifty thousand dollars to tie the deal tie the deal don't have it but in the positive she said god you're gonna give this to me and she left thought it was over the landlord called and said come and make the deposit down or tie the deal because the house is hot on the circuit you know what to say and the person said to her you can even use one hundred dollars to tie the deal i'll do that for you i want you to get this house from fifty thousand dollars to be paid down god would have it that she tied that deal with one hundred dollars the miracle continues one hundred dollars fifty thousand dollars so things are now being approved on all of that the enemy's fighting person said bishop i needed a job because i needed a better job now we are going to have a mortgage of whatever i need a better job call someone someone i know also person told them about a job went and got the job paying twice the amount of what she was employed for twice the enemy fought and could i tell you herself and her husband ensured that that commitment that they made they honored it they honored it they stayed in the positive they believed god and they should have paid down 50 000 us dollars when they did not have it because they didn't and walked away they land person hosts owner call and say you can pay a hundred dollars on tight i won't you get this house 100 based on a commitment in the positive and they honored the commitment they have made to the lord isn't that wonderful god has a victory for you to win you're going to fight the battle and win the victory god has chosen you for that task as he chose a gideon oh my goodness camille said my god this is awesome you know some people share some testimonies you know you wonder if they are really true if they are credible if they are you wonder but when you really know and know the power of god you don't doubt it this is real friend we got much more to say well my time is gone thank you for sharing with me today thank you i'm building a tree story house on this stay in the positive from georges chapter six supported by romans 4 17 be saying to you if god said it you can say it god said it you can say it and see what happened father we thank you today for your word we thank you for your people we thank you for the revelation we thank you lord god that even now faith is alive in the hearts of your people and god whatever battle they have to win in the might and in the power of the holy spirit oh i commissioned them to go forward as you commissioned gideon go forth in the might and the power of the holy spirit and win your unprecedented victory over everything that's standing against you now in the name of jesus christ we pray amen and amen god bless you everybody thank you for sharing when the third psalm takes us out of here but remember stay in the positive if god said it you can say it lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me besides still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and yay though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i'll fear no evil for thou what with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou prepares the table before me in the presence of mine enemies the anointest my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever amen thank you family god bless every one of you christian people from all denominations from all over the world we thank the lord for you i hope you'll join us tonight on facebook youtube instagram local to us in jamaica pfm family television flow 602 672 digicel play channel 20. god bless you until we meet again remember stay in the positive because if god said it you can say it and receive the fullness of his blessing have a good afternoon i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i [Music] okay [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 4,168
Rating: 4.9235668 out of 5
Id: R7TfXq8ZxV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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