I Have Permission! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] but the lord has given me a word for the people of god and i'm anxious to get into the word that i can do my best to cover as much territory as i can i'm going to be in first samuel chapter 30 verse 3 through 15. that means i'm going to read 12 verses of scriptures some of y'all ain't read 12 verses of scriptures in 12 months so this would be the most bible reading you got in for a long time but it's going to be good for you get it online first samuel chapter 30 verse 3 through 15 and then i'm gonna share what the lord told me to tell you i'm so excited about it i'm so excited i almost jumped out the car and started running run the church to tell you what they saying the lord because this is a a message of release this is a message of release this is a message of restoration it is a message of renewal and i'm excited to share it with you now we we we pick it up in midstream but i'll talk about that more later so david and his men came to the city and behold it was burned with fire and their wives and their sons and their daughters were taken captives then david and the people that were with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more power to weep have you ever cried out until you ran out of tears and david's two wives lord have mercy i can just handle one barely i can't do that he got two anyway and david's two wives were taking captives ahem the jezreelite and abigail the wife of nabal the carmelite and david was greatly distressed for the people spake of stoning him now he lost as much as they did but they they spoke of stoning him it's funny when you're in leadership people don't think you're a person and even though he had nothing to do with it the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved they wouldn't have done it if they weren't stricken but but but when people are hurting they lash out at other people every man for his sons and for his daughters but david but david but david david david david you got to be tough to me david encouraged himself in the lord his god could god have you ever had to encourage yourself glory to god if you don't know how to encourage yourself maybe you're gonna learn today just in case of people you thought that we're gonna encourage you let you down sometimes you got to encourage yourself young people hear me you got to encourage yourself if you don't get it from mommy if you don't get it from daddy if you don't get it from cousin willie if uncle allen is a drunk if you can't get it out of your neighborhood if you can't get it from your teacher if you can't get it at your school you got to go and look in the mirror and say you know what i'm still going to make it somehow other i'm going to get through this god it's going to bring me through and david said to abby after the priest a himalayan son i pray thee bring me hither the ephod and every arthur brought dither the ephod to david and david inquired at the lord saying shall i pursue after this troop shall i overtake them check this out this is this is very important and god answered him pursue [Applause] god oh i got chilled pursue somebody shall pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them and without fail recover all so david went he and the 600 men that were with him and came to the brook bessor where those that were left behind stayed but david pursued he and 400 men for 200 above behind which were so faint that they could not go over the brook bessor and they found an egyptian in the field and brought him to david and gave him bread and he didn't eat it they made him drink water and they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins and when he had eaten his spirit came again to him he was almost dead for he had eaten no bread nor drunk any water three days and three nights and david said unto him to whom belongs thou and whence art thou and he said i am a young man of egypt servant to an amalekite and my master left me because three days ago i fell sick and they're funny people love you too till something wrong with you who has so many messages in here i can preach a month off of it if you've ever stayed sick over a week you know what i'm talking about that first week you got chicken noodle soup and cards and flowers and everything you get about on that third week all of that dries up and people start working around you talk to me somebody we made an invasion this is what the egyptian slaves said we made an invasion upon the south of sherathites and of the shirethites and upon the coast which belongeth to judah and upon the south of caleb and we burn ziglag with fire ziggler was where david was staying that's where his wife was and the kids were and all of his men were at zinc lag and the the egyptian slave is telling him that he was with the amalekites as a slave and he's telling them about them burning up their property and david said to him can't thou bring me down to this company and he said swear unto me but by by god that thou will neither kill me nor deliver me into the hands of my master and i will bring thee down to this company can you say amen go back to that verse that that verse where god spoke yeah yeah yeah yeah verse 8 and david inquired that the lord saying shall i pursue after this this is so profound because sometimes we go after stuff and then ask god for help but before david went after anything he asked god shall i pursue after this truth shall i overtake them and he answered pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them and without fail recover all so god said pursue and thou shall surely prevail and without any doubt you will recover it all now that alone if i sat down is enough word from god for somebody in here who is on the precipice of a breakthrough for somebody in here who has gone through setbacks and turmoil and the enemies tried to make you think that where you are is all there's going to be that ought to be enough but then the lord gave me this subject and i'm going to pass it on to you the subject is i have permission [Applause] type it on the line write it in your notes put it everywhere say it out loud put it on your lips tell your neighbor to the right or the less i have permission i have permission i i have permission i just want you to know i have permission i have permission for what's about to break loose in my life i have divine supernatural holy ghost permission i'm not doing this on my own my i'm not ego driven i'm not ambitious i have permission let's pray together the spirit of the living god falls fresh on us today i'm hungry to hear from you oh god allow me to deliver to them as you delivered to me your word and such a profound and didactic way that we are changed and altered forever by the power and the intensity of the relevance of your word and i pray that somebody's online who needs this word somebody on this line lord somebody that's streaming in somebody that came physically needs his word in such a way that it releases them to go after their destiny and i thank you for it in jesus name amen you may be seated get comfortable take your girl off [Applause] people ain't worn girls for 25 years have it lower them spanx so you can breathe [Applause] yeah yeah glory to god i think god made spanx spanx are of god can you say amen the frivolity of life is common to us all life is strange one writer said life is a tale told by fool it seems like it has no rhyme or reason we cannot depend on life to stay in either a good place or or a bad one the moment you settle into bed good comes the moment you settle in the good bad comes you don't know from one day to the next what is going to happen it shifts it changes it turns it twists always teaching always teaching not just the good but even in the bad life is always teaching i always look for a lesson in everything you go through that's how it becomes profitable what you went through it's always teaching you something with few breaks few intermissions few quiet places and sell them a time of recess life is amazing now it reminds me of going like the six flags or something like that many people enjoy the entertainment of the rides in the carnival i'm not speaking against six flags don't sue me they love the thrill of being turned upside down and flipped over backwards they love it they scream their head up they love being scared out of their wits and their jaws being pulled back to their ears and their eyes being bucked uh and at ten thousand feet in the air they absolutely love it the more volatile the ride the longer the waiting line they just line up for miles they travel for a mile just to be shook up but the moat between nauseating and exhilarating is as short as the plank of a pirate ship because what is exhilarating can also be nauseating i lean i lean to the nauseating side you your life is like that it's crazy it's tempestuous i got on one of them rides and we were going up it was pretty cool click click click click click click click and i thought this is cool we got our way to the top we got on top i was looking around and how far i could see all over the place look at the sights and about the time i was looking at the site something slapped and it started going down i said wait a minute wait wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute give a brother a warning or something like that it went absolutely crazy that's the way life is you're only one phone call one email one text from either feeling exhilaration or nauseation can be changed by text you can be laughing and dancing and then everything change on you in one text that makes you get up and run out of here and have to go and your life is changed forever by one text or one phone call you don't know from moment to moment that's why y'all not ever look down your nose at anybody because until you've been through what they've been through you don't understand and it can leave you feeling some kind of way and you have all kind of feelings i have all kind of feelings but feelings aren't facts feelings aren't facts feelings are in fact right there that feelings aren't facts and one of the great problems we have today is we have a world full of leaders who are leading my feeling and you it doesn't i don't wake up in the morning asking myself how do i feel because my feelings will fluctuate sometimes i feel the way i feel because i have no coffee yet you understand and i might i might snap your head off over a cup of coffee feelings are not facts we have them they're a wonderful thing to have but but facts tend to be stable while feelings fluctuate i love facts give me the facts give me the facts give me the carfax even if you don't believe me the fox bring me the facts i want to know what's going on because the facts are gonna stand two plus two is four don't matter whether you're white black green blue yellow educated intellectual illiterate two plus two is still four in africa and australia and japan it doesn't matter whether you're on the mountaintop or in the valley facts are stable it is what it is i absolutely have feelings but i try not to allow feelings to have me i am i am honored that i am a raid with a wonderful consortium of emotions it makes me me it gives me personality it makes me human it's a wonderful thing that i can laugh and cry and have an array of emotions that god decorated my soul with feelings and there are wonderful things to have until the feelings have you there is nothing worse than being led by somebody who is being controlled by moods i have to get a grip on my feelings as a leader i can manage the facts but i cannot allow my feelings to abort my mission or alter my plan or change the way i conduct myself let's i be i become practically schizo to deal with and you see when you're in a position of power if your schedule everybody who gets in your atmosphere has to suffer the consequences of your indecisiveness your aggravations your mood swing your attitudes and eventually people just wear you out because they're wearing themselves out and you get caught in their orbit note to self watch out for marian people who are dramatic because when you marry somebody who has a lot of drama going on you get caught up in the orbit of their drama and whether you want to or not you become a victim a captive chained to their drama you're scared to go in your own house i know y'all can't lie because you sitting beside somebody just keep looking right ahead and wiggle your toes who lead from their emotions are volatile and hard to follow they're hard to follow because you don't know from day to day how they gonna feel today i really try not to make emotional decisions i have emotions but i avoid emotional decisions i've learned the way and beverly knows to wait sometimes i get mad and i'll fire off a letter and she'll type it up and then i'll call her like five hours later and say have you said that yet she said no i thought i'd give you a day because right off the cuff you know you can flip out so we got a 24-hour moratorium this is true on my letters cause if i'm hot i will let you have it [Music] and so beverly just holds it 24 hours till i come to myself because in the heat of my emotions i can't as my mother would say cut off my nose to spite my face did y'all's mama say that too everybody's mama who said wave your hand i thought my mama created that you mean my mama didn't create that my mama act like she altered that statement don't cut off your nose to smite your face have you ever cut off your nose to smite your face emotions pass but decisions linger and a lot of times in emotions you do things that you have to live with later if i allow my ever fluctuating feelings to lead my decisions they will drive me over a cliff i would have made it 25 years at this church i wouldn't have made it 45 years in ministry i would have made it almost 40 years in marriage if i allowed my feelings to control my decisions i would have wrecked everything lost everything because in the heat of a feeling and the feeling can be brought about by something that don't even have nothing to do with you it ain't your fault that the toast burned in the toaster but if you happen to call while it's burning i might not be ready for you that cliff i'm talking about going over the edge isn't literally driving your car for cliff it's that self-sabotaging behavior it's it's the kind of thing that that that that that that that that that uh uh hagar did when she got mad and ran out of sarah's house and she ran out of sarai's house and got out in the wilderness and almost died and god said i provided for you in that house go back to sarai's house that's right hang on didn't have any reason to be mad she was the one who picked the fight read the story she picked the fight and then got mad and left but it's hard to see ourselves am i right about it right now we're shooting a film in canada uh seven deadly sins we're doing the last five anthology uh the last five deposits on the anthology of seven deadly sins in canada shameless plug but but it's easy to make the kinds of decisions and the kinds of moves uh that that debilitate people the reason i love to do films is because when you see it on tv it's easy to see what's wrong with other people because you can't see yourself if i don't feel worthy neither moral support nor mighty sermons will enable me to get up until i permit myself to go forward wait a minute if i don't feel worthy if i don't feel worthy for whatever reason it doesn't matter what somebody preaches it doesn't matter who supports you have you ever tried to support somebody who had made up their mind not to get up it's frustrating in it it drives you crazy because you say all the right things i know you can do this you have the power to do this you created to do this you're so gifted you're so smart you're so bright and all the while you're trying to fill them up it's leaking out the bottom of them and it's impossible to support somebody who's made up their mind i'm not worthy i'm not worthy and and there's no sign on her head that says i'm not worthy it's no warning it's just there it's they may not even know that they are self-sabotaging themselves they'll shout over things that they'll never possess because they're they have never given themselves permission to feel worthy to be where they are [Music] i know i am i know i am i know i because so many people have lost love and lovers and people who really cared about them only because they didn't agree with being loved [Applause] and when you don't agree with being loved you won't rest until you find somebody who's hitting you upside the head with a skillet because oh i'm gonna mess with you now i might make you mad a little bit but your feelings gonna be okay but because they reflect how you feel about you you are only comfortable with negativity because you have not felt worthy of somebody being enamored with you and you say he's all right [Applause] she kind of nice but she kind of like a sister anytime they relegate you over to the sister brotherhood lane you are disqualified from anything else come on that's the kind of language y'all give when y'all don't want to be bothered with that oh he's a good man but he kind of like a brother translation he loves me in a way that feels strange and i don't know how to receive that kind of love and rather than wrestle with my insecurity i relegate him to a column that requires nothing of me i'm going to talk to you about five things today i want you to drop these down these are very important i'm gonna go through these five things and i'm gonna paint them on the canvas of the story i want to talk to you about the ability to pivot that's good right there because if life is going to keep changing you got to be able to pivot you got to be able to pivot without warning you got to be able to pivot on a dime we were planning a couple of years ago to have a leadership conference everything was a goal we had 12 000 people registered for the leadership conference everything was set up the place was allocated we paid the deposits we had the hotels everything was in place and then all of a sudden kovit came along you got to pivot it doesn't matter how much you invested in it you got to pivot you can't just get mad and blow up and explode and set the building on fire you got to pivot when life changes you gotta pivot so i'm gonna talk to you about the ability to pivot number two i'm gonna talk to you about the paralysis of pain the paralysis of pain how hard it is to function when you hurt how it will shut you down how it's hard to think when you're in pain how it's hard to move forward when you're in pain how it's hard to accept opportunities when you're in pain the paralysis of the pain number three the permission to prevail the permission to prevail the permission to prevail if you don't have permission to prevail you can do nothing without permission you could even jesus before he started his ministry got permission john identified him behold the lamb of god who taketh away the sins of the world the heavens opened up and the father spoke this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased that kind of permission enables you to be able to go do what you've got to do jesus went to the garden of gethsemane and prayed father if it be thou will pass this bitter cup from me then he comes back and tells the disciple sleep on i'm okay now i'm not worried about anything why i got permission i'm not scared of the cross because i got permission i'm not scared of the nails because i got permission i'm not scared of being laid in the tomb because i got permission i got permission that says if i pursue i will prevail so nails i don't believe you and cross i don't believe you and pain i don't believe you because god has given me permission that even if i have to hurt to get there when all of this is over i will rise again and still i ride be careful of people who keep getting up again be careful of people who arise every time you put your foot on be careful of people that you try to destroy and they bounce back up again those people are anointed by the power of the holy spirit god dwells with those people some of them are in this room right now there are some people in this room that have been through hell and back and every time the devil counted them out they jumped back up like jason they came through fire they came through flood they came through burning buildings [Music] they have the permission to prevail the fourth thing i'm going to talk to you about is the danger of pettiness [Applause] oh i'm loaded this morning i'm loaded this one the danger of pettiness it's all in this text and number five is trashing the party yeah man yeah man i got something for you this morning let's get down when you start the story at the chapter that i started in you don't really get the power and the context of where david is in his life david is in this strange midlife crisis i call it midlife crisis because he's in the middle of his life he has been a part he is an israelite he is a hebrew he is a child of god he is a part of of of saul's uh leadership and his army but him and saul have fallen out because him and saul have fallen out he has had to feign himself to be mad and start hanging out with the philistines and now david who is a philistine killer incidentally is now living with the philistines because sometimes your enemies become safer than your friends [Applause] y'all don't hear what i'm saying to you sometimes your enemies become safer than your friends because you don't defend yourself against your friends and you look around and you never would have thought that somebody who had adopted you as a son would be throwing a javelin at you i know to be careful when i'm with the with the enemy when i'm with the philistine but i thought i could relax around you so david is now hiding amongst the philistines he has 600 men that he has gotten out of nowhere raggedy ruffian wild distorted disoriented man no longer having access to saul's army he's had to make an army out of misfit men these are his soldiers these are his warriors and they dwell in zig lag which is a camp in the philistinian area of control hiding from saul and the philistines have come against saul and they're going down the killing and as they make their way down to kill him david wants to go with them and he speaks to a klish who is the head of the sons of gab and says to him he's been living amongst him for years and he says to him i will go down and fight with you and we don't know for sure whether david was going with them to fight with them or whether he was going to turn and kill them because there's such a thin line between the friends and the enemies that we don't really know what he had in mind we don't know whether he's being shrewd and he's going to come in from the rear and attack them or whether he's going to go through with killing them if he went through with attacking saw then david would have lost the chance to be king of israel [Music] so god allowed him to be rejected because even though aclish wanted him to go with him and english was the the king in charge his princess said are you crazy you don't know him like that they sound like my wife ain't nothing like a woman to tell you you don't know them like that you're so naive you just take people in so easily you need to watch it but why you must be crazy you must be out of your mind i love you honey but the princess says you don't know him like that and they were right you don't know him like that to let him come in from the rear suppose he attacks us and kills us and all of a sudden david's plans are aborted he doesn't get to fight with the philistines against israel no matter what his intention was he has to pivot he had to pivot to go be with him and then he had to pivot again to be rejected by the people that he had to pivot to go into life is great look at your life look at how many times you've had to pivot look at how many times you've had to turn look at how many times you unpacked your bags and had to pack them back up again look at how many times you call somebody a friend and they slit your throat look at how many times you thought somebody was the enemy and they came to see about you when your friends didn't come to see about you look at how many times you had to turn around and change the game you cannot survive in this world if you don't develop the ability to pivot i don't want to be married to anybody who can't pivot i don't want to hire anybody who can't pivot i don't want to work with anybody who can't pivot people who are rigid or dangerous because the world keeps changing it's up today it's down tomorrow it's eastern end as well and you got to be able to pivot on a dime you got to be able to lead and follow you got to be able to be keen and served you got to be able to be a base and about you got to be able to pivot and if you don't learn how to pivot you're going to miss what god has for you because you lack the flexibility [Applause] to pivot so he goes back to his 600 soldiers who are all dressed up to fight they're ready they got the swords they got their shields they're trained they've been exercising they've been stretching they've been doing pilates they've been doing everything they're ready to go fighting he says we got to pivot we got a pivot we gotta we got to go back home and so they head back to zig leg and when they head back to zig leg it's always a good feeling to go home when you're a soldier to go have you watch those little commercials and stuff on tv where the dads show up at school and the sun starts crying and they set them up and there i am sitting up here with my old self trying to cry take that off the tape because i don't want people to say that the older i get the mushier i get i'm a person influent like i'm the little boy or something i don't know who i am i don't know whether i'm the father or the son but it's so touching to see little daddy and he runs out and he hugs him and he cries and the reception is amazing and i feel like you know yes [Applause] and i think you ain't the soldier of the kid but perception is important reception is important perception determines everything footnote if you give men great reaction they will give you anything if a man stops giving you it is because you stop giving him reaction we are suckers for reaction we are suckers for reaction if i got two bags of groceries and my wife started bragging me you so strong i said oh give me that other bag about to break my back carrying the bag and give me the bad girl that ain't nothing that ain't nothing i bring in all the groceries at one hand i'll shovel a bang on my foot [Applause] come on fellas don't leave me hanging out there and i don't think it's just about men i think it's about women too if she cooks a good dinner or she goes to work and she comes home and she's available to you or whatever she does that's amazing to you and you sit there and grunt you got to learn how to be grateful you got to learn how to be appreciative you got to learn how to give great reaction great reaction is great encouragement the greater your ability to respond the more you're going to get of what you respond whatever you respond to i'm gonna do it again i'm gonna do it again if i buy you a coat and you make a big fuss about it because you see what i'm talking about you you see what you you see i got something for you too i got something for you too i got something for you see that's what i'm talking about right there that's what that's what that that that that right there that right what you see right there that right there that right there i bought that coat that's what she's spinning around and then coat it i got something else too cause anything make you spin around i'ma buy another yeah baby do the spin do the spin rock and reel show it off because reaction take notes ladies take notes take notes take notes take notes reaction creates response so the men are coming home from battle unexpectedly and they're expecting the little boy to run out to meet them and maybe the women will dance and sing and maybe they'll smell the smell of fresh bread or venison being cooked in the backyard in a pot but the closer they got to zigla they heard no sounds of music they saw no children running in the past the women had sung david has saul has killed his thousands but david has killed his tens of thousands where's the music strike up the band we're back but there was no sound of music when they came to ziggler and they smelled smoke they smelt smoke in the air but it was it was not the smoke that smells like food it was a smoke of devastation it didn't even look like home [Music] what happened to the village what i think sometimes about america [Applause] what happened [Applause] to my country [Applause] so fire the smoke is burning the ashes are where the houses used to be and it is in this atmosphere that david returns now you have to feel this this is not just an ugly picture where is my wife where is hannah has anybody seen abigail abigail abigail abigail there was no sign of a hit or ham or abigail and all the men are running through the debris looking for their children lifting up burning embers trying to find their sons and daughters and they had stepped into pain the kind of pain that paralyzes you the kind of pain that shuts you down that the women and the children were taken captive their homes were destroyed now the man he trained the men that he had trained himself and invested in and poured into and brought from nothing to something we're so filled with pain and anger that they thought let's stone him now look at the setup david as a leader cannot go to saul because saul wants to kill him he can't go to the philistines because the philistines just rejected him he he he he can't turn to abigail because she's gone and i can't find a hit i am and he turns to the man that he has put so much into and they're looking at him and their eyes are red and tears are running down their face and he sees hatred in their face and there's nothing like seeing hatred in the face of the people you raise i know you can't act like you know what i'm talking about but somebody in here knows what i'm talking about to pour a lot into a person who goes into attack mode [Music] you're gonna stone me you're gonna stone me at my weakest most vulnerable moment this is the paralysis of pain i want to speak to somebody right now who has been through the kind of pain that has created paralysis it has shut down your senses it has limited your ability to respond or retaliate it has brought you down to your knees it has so upset you on the inside that you don't even have words to articulate the magnitude of the trauma you're experiencing and all you do is sigh or cry or groan within yourself because it looks like everywhere you turn there is pain and rejection and suffering and you might be a leader but you are alone i'm not talking about being lonely that's a feeling i'm talking about alone that's a fact lonely you can get over in the dead alone is alone and you can't turn in either direction and find nobody nothing no one not an encouraging word everybody in your life needs you but nobody in your life feeds you what do you do when people only want you when you have the answer they only want you when you fix stuff and then when you're backed up against a wall and you can't fix it they forsake you and you are there alone it was against the backdrop of this kind of atrocity that david has to grapple with maybe it's over i can't go to israel saul is shut the door his godless behavior and his loss of anointing has made him mad and i can't go to a collection because english has listened at his princess and rejected me from being amongst the philistines and the worst part about it is i can't go home what do you do when you can't go home you ought to always be able to go home david can't go home my god i need marcus david can't go home my mama told me you can go home when you can't go nowhere else [Applause] and he is paralyzed by pain and it was at this point that he made the most profound decision if if abigail doesn't encourage me if for him i am doesn't encourage me if the philistines don't encourage me it's the israelites don't encourage me and i don't have nobody to count on but me then before i lay down and die in the spot then i will encourage myself i will encourage myself i wonder if there's anybody on the line or in the room or in the church or in a family or in a marriage or in a business or in a situation where you couldn't get what you needed where you thought you'd be able to find it and you had to encourage yourself because if you didn't encourage yourself you were going to die if you didn't encourage yourself you were going to backslide if you didn't encourage yourself you were going to quit if you didn't encourage yourself you were going to faint i'm wondering am i talking to anybody that's had to go look yourself in the mirror with tears in your eyes and say you're still gonna make it you're still gonna make it i don't know when i don't know where i don't know how i know you're gonna make it i know you're gonna make it i know you're gonna make it i know you're gonna make it you're hurting but you're gonna make it you're lonely but you're gonna make it you're broke but you're gonna make it you're disturbed but you're gonna make it if you know what i'm talking about take 30 seconds and praise god like you lost your mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] yeah [Music] the courage you need to survive must come from within you when it doesn't come from around you it must come from within you out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water out of your soul out of your spirit there has to come something that says though he slay me yet shall i trust it there has to come a fight back that says it was good for me that i have been afflicted if i wanted afflicted i'd never see the glory of god there has to be something that rises up and say cancer you ain't gonna whip me call then you ain't gonna whip me there has to be something in you that makes you fight back and david encouraged himself [Applause] this is not something that god does for you this is something that you must do for yourself stop sitting back waiting on an angel to fly in the window and get you out of your paralysis the devil is alive you have to furnish the fight to say i will not die today [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna encourage myself i'm taking myself out to dinner i'm gonna be my valentine oh y'all don't go help me i'm gonna be my valentine i'm gonna get myself used to being treated good so when boaz comes i've already set the standard in my life i don't go below this baby i don't go below this it starts right here because i was doing this good when you met me cause i learned how to encourage myself i'm not gonna date you cause i need you i'ma date you cause i want you cause i learned how to encourage i learned you ain't a man till you learn how to encourage yourself you're not a grown woman until you learn how to encourage yourself i don't care how old you are but until you've gone through something that stripped you of all other resources and backed you in a corner where you had to come fighting out of there and say i will not die today tell hell you're a liar i'm getting back up if i gotta crawl on my knees if i gotta take one step at a time if i have to push myself if i have to roll in a wheelchair if i have to walk on a walker if i have to get on crutches and hop in i will not die right here i'm coming up [Applause] somebody anybody make some noise in this house [Music] yeah yeah yeah you might not even feel it yet it may not be in your feelings because we're not living by our feelings we're leading by the facts but i want you to say it by faith i'm encouraged this broke somebody tell him i'm encouraged the devil thought he was gonna kill me with all this smoke he thought he was gonna destroy me with all of this fire he thought he was gonna take me out i lost my job but i didn't lose my courage i lost my house but i didn't lose my courage i lost my friend but i didn't lose my courage [Applause] god i wish i had somebody who understood the words that are coming out of my mouth you see what you need what you need to stop the paralysis of pain is the tenacity to believe it will not stop right here you're watching online there's a reason god's got you online right now so that you can get this word you desperately need this word you've been in a state of disappointment some of you have been in a disappointment for years you have gone over and over how much right you have to get support from people that are no longer there no longer with you you cannot spend another day complaining about the past you have to come into the present if you're going to change the future for getting those things which are behind and reaching to those things which are before you have to make up in your mind if you don't encourage me i'll encourage myself i'll hug myself in the bed i'll lay in the bed and wrap my arms around myself and tell myself i love you i will encourage myself i'll take myself out to dinner i'll buy myself a valentine's gift i'll lift up my own head i'll put on songs that make me feel happy i will encourage myself and if anybody ever does come welcome to the party but the party's already started set it off in here set it off in here set it off in here set it off in here until demons turn you a loose until the hell breaks loose until trouble breaks a little set it off in here [Music] the lord said this is to be your turning point this is to be your resurrection moment this is to be the moment that you come to yourself listen to the moment that you say i'm better than this some of you heard me tell you about the time i walked in my house and my lights was off and my water was off and they repossessed my car and i walked in the house and nobody was in the house with me and i started talking to the house anita i told the house i told the house and now you want to treat me don't you but i told the house i talked to the house like it was a person and i said you're a liar [Applause] the paint was coming off the walls the gas didn't work the water was off the phone was off i said you're lying on me i do not accept this i'm better than this i told my sister i'm getting up when you make up your mind to get up no devil in hell can hold you down i don't care if it's racism sexism governmentism i don't care what's going on and when you make up in your mind i'm going to get up i don't know i feel like i'm talking to somebody in this room encourage yourself encourage yourself encourage yourself stop blaming everybody who didn't and encourage you you ain't got time to be bitter you got to make it to better you got to get to better if you got to crawl on your belly i got to encourage [Applause] myself notice that it was only when he encouraged himself that he got high enough to hear from god oh you can get so low that you cannot hear from god [Applause] he does not seek them and urim before he encourages himself because he has to encourage himself to get high enough to receive a good word and once he got through encouraging himself you got to do this i found out it's too much weight to put on your mate to expect the person you married to lift you you're too heavy you know the pictures where the husband bring in the bride and carry her over the threshold you can only do that if she's a size five when she a size 50 baby you got to walk across this door yourself i'll hold your hand or something like that but a brother can't be busting his back trying to be romantic you are 50. the girl on tv was like 5. come on in baby come on in here you got to encourage yourself you are too heavy for anybody else to carry you've been through too much drama you've been through too much hell to put the full weight of your recovery on another person i don't care whether it's a man or a woman or a dog or a cat you got to encourage yourself [Applause] [Music] god i feel like i'm talking to somebody god wouldn't have me preaching like this if something wasn't about to happen in your life something that you lost is about to come back something that got up from under your foot you're about to get it back again and this is your boot camp that's giving you step by step by step by step by step how to get back what the devil stole from you if i'm talking to you give god 30 seconds of crazy holy ghost praise [Applause] you got 10 seconds you got five seconds you got three seconds you got one second if the kids don't bring you no roses get yourself some roses if they don't send you no card get yourself a card encourage yourself you can't spend another year talking about what did i do wrong why don't they love me why don't they respect me you are losing life you can't spend another year trying to you can't make nobody love you you can't make nobody respect you you got to encourage yourself i release you [Applause] you can only apologize for law if i said anything if i did anything whatever i did i'm sorry i went back i want you to understand i was going through something you can only explain so long sooner or later you got to make up in your mind maybe that their no is no to them but it's still yes to me and if you don't want me i still want me said i still want me house on fire smoke everywhere everything's burning up but i still [Music] [Applause] make me want to do my happy dance don't you know demons tremble when you start talking like that hell gets nervous when you start talking like that the devil thought he had you in a full nelson thought he had you locked down and you weren't gonna get up and you just jumped up and hollered i still want me demons tremble hell gets frustrated witches lose their power somebody's shouting out i still want me [Applause] i'm still on my side if you ain't on my side i'm still on my side if you ain't got my back i got my own back if you don't stand up for me i'll stand up for myself [Applause] when he got through encouraging himself pastor michael then he asked god what say ye go get them in urine and let's see what the lord is saying shall i go out should i overtake them i'm not going up if i'm not going to win [Applause] hey oh i feel the holy ghost i didn't cut this far to lose i told old to lose i can't take another loss should i overtake them [Applause] [Music] and the lord said [Applause] [Music] the lord said pursue somebody shall pursue type it on the line pursue in the middle of it pursue in the middle of crisis pursue up under attack pursue going to a divorce pursue [Applause] for thou shalt surely overtake them [Applause] god said thou shalt surely not maybe surely overtake them and without fail recover all i don't know why you ain't dancing [Applause] i don't know why you ain't praising it i don't know why you're not rejoicing i don't know why your belly ain't leaping up and down because when god said it now i got permission [Applause] [Music] hey up until then all i had was encouragement [Applause] you can get encouragement from a motivational speaker but you can only get permission from god and the lord said oh god i feel like preaching the lord said i've given you permission who am i preaching to you that are healthy i got proficient [Music] i was in florida and the news reporter was interviewing me and he said you're a pastor he said what are you doing doing blockbuster films he said you got all these books 12 books on the new york times bestsellers list one of them has been on for 16 weeks but you're a pastor you're dabbling in real estate but you're a pastor he said why are you doing it i said because i can [Applause] if i couldn't do it i wouldn't do it but if god gives you the grace to pursue then you ought to go for it i release you to go after your dream god said you have permission [Applause] [Music] you don't have to fit in the box that anybody made for you and describe you and incarcerate you to their opinion of what you ought to do god has given you permission shout it i have permission i have permission i have permission given 30 seconds of praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the permission to prevail the permission to prevail the permission to pro the permission to prevail trauma can dismantle wants courage to fight it can make you give up it can make you angry and depression is nothing but anger turned inside it can strip you of your fight take away your fortitude and your resilience your creativity and your thinking and your innovation is disrupted by trauma you can't be innovative and traumatized help i've fallen and i can't get up many people who love the idea of victory cannot accept it because they get stuck in the pain all of those are the reasons that david had to encourage himself i want you to do something right now i want you to throw your arms around yourself and hug yourself and i want you to walk from side to side and say i got you i got you in this season you're in in your life hug yourself say i got you i got you you're gonna get through this i got you your heart is broken but i got you your feelings are crushed but i got you your home is in shambles but i got you your house is on fire but i got you squeeze yourself and say i got you and they say not only that god's got me too i got divine permission i got permission to pursue i got permission to get up i got permission to fight back why is permission important because without permission you won't accept help even when you get it because you don't feel you have not given yourself permission to be better and i don't care how much i preach you can call from them and you're them all you want but until you encourage yourself to get high enough to receive this word you cannot pursue what you do not believe [Music] can i go a little bit deeper let me go a little bit deeper the enemy is after your belief system he wants you to believe the smoke and the fire more than you believe the word of god he wants you to believe the word of men and the word of saul more than you believe the word of god he wants you to believe your situation more than you believe the word of god but the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar somebody is coming up i can feel you coming up in this room while i'm preaching to you look like to me you're getting taller i don't know what it is but something is leaving up inside of you reminding you that you have permission [Applause] if i give you the position and you don't have the permission you will lose the position because you'll never take ownership of what you don't believe you have a right to have i go a little bit deeper self-permission led to god's permission i don't care if you got to get counseling i don't care if you got to get therapy i don't care if you got to counsel yourself i don't care if you got to walk around the house and say something over and over again until you cancel out negative thinking i don't care you have to change the way you talk to yourself i don't care if you have to rehearse it and at first you start saying it and you don't even believe it but you keep saying it you keep saying i'm better than this i'm better than this i was in that raggedy house saying i'm better than this i was broke i said i'm better than this my gas was off i said i'm better than this my phone didn't work i said i'm better than this they repossessed my car i said i'm better than this i'm out i got ouch as a man thinketh it is hard so is [Music] [Applause] david doesn't lack the power or skill to turn around the situation he has the power he's a fighter david badge y'all david killed the philistines and cut off their foreskins and threw them in saul's feet they've been bad david's been killing giants since he was a boy david is bad it is not that he didn't have the skill he didn't have the permission today in jermaine i give you permission to pursue i give you permission to prevail i give you permission to be to be not just to do you're good at doing i give you permission to be today i give you permission to live and not die today i give you permission that your latter day shall be greater than your former day today i give you permission if you're watching online god had me preach this word so that you could get confirmation of his permission god has given you permission to go after that thing that looks impossible to you roll it i'm almost done here's the challenge here's the challenge don't miss this all he had to fight with was men who had hurt him this is the danger of pettiness the men he had to fight with were the same men who said they were gonna stone him and a lot of us cannot prevail because we are petty the most successful people i have ever met have always regarded purpose over pettiness watch this watch his watches y'all don't get this y'all don't give this in the same chapter in the same scene these men were getting ready to stone him but when he got permission he said come on let's fight do you have the capacity to let people in that you have locked out [Applause] if you don't develop the capacity to let people in that you have locked out your pettiness will destroy your purpose [Applause] how do you fight with folks who was getting ready to stone you you cannot do this if you are petty that's why petty people never make great kings because they are too vindictive and spiteful to be aligned with purpose [Applause] i want you to see this if you miss everything else david's army was made of his detractors and a lot of times god wants to use people that you are still mad at [Applause] and if you are still angry with him your pettiness your petty-ness is going to destroy your purpose the whole victory depended on david not to be petty y'all was shouting good i lost y'all the only reason hagar didn't die in the desert is because god healed her from pettiness said swallow your pride and go back to sarai pettiness would have caused the prodigal son to die in the hog pin anytime you can't make up you can't move on i'm talking about the danger of pettiness don't worry i'm almost through i'm down to almost my last point i hate to be the one to tell you this it's not the devil that's holding you back it's not demonic warfare that's holding you back it's not a satanic attack that's holding you back it's because you are petty [Music] [Applause] you are stuck in victim mode and you don't feel strong enough to rethink your position i'm a victim over here i'm a victim over there i'm a victim with saul he didn't treat me right i'm a victim with the philistines they didn't treat me right i'm a victim at home i got home and they weren't there for me i'm a victim i'm a victim i'm a victim and yet god calls me to pursue and then asks me to use the men who are going to stone me here is the test of your character [Applause] can you get over your pettiness to see the real battle is within yourself to see beyond the pain of betrayal that doesn't mean that that you can continue to walk with people you can't trust there are some people you have to dismiss but it does mean if you dismiss everybody who let you down you will have nobody nobody nobody that's why you got nobody now you got nobody cause you write people off and you have written off so many people you ain't got nobody because you write off everybody who ain't perfect and ain't nobody perfect so you got nobody and then you end up writing off yourself because you ain't perfect either [Applause] petty people demand more of other people than they can supply themselves you forgive yourself for stuff you hold me hostage for oh don't stop dancing now don't stop dancing now why did david take them in they were tried and true they were trained by him they knew how to fight he also is placed in a position there are two things he had to do i want you to get these these are important for every leader every influencer in the room two things he had to do he had to be over his pettiness to the point that he could let people back in that he had locked out and the second thing the text reveals is that he had to trust new people god sends into your life those are two different kinds of tests you remember the egyptian slave that they found that was about to die in the text they didn't know him they said who are you and to whom do you belong they had to trust somebody new and because you are so hands-on so skeptical or so cynical when new people come into your life you can't let them in because they're new and if david had not let the egyptian slave in he would have never gotten the victory because the slave didn't have a sword he didn't have a knife he hadn't eaten for days he was about to pass out he had been left for dead the slave had one thing going for him he knew where the treasure was hey god said i'm gonna bring somebody into your life who knows where the treasure is you won't have a background with them you won't have a comfort with them they won't be somebody that grew up with you they won't be somebody you're familiar with but god said i'm gonna bring a stranger into your life and look they had to trust each other the slave said i'll tell you but promise me you won't kill me [Applause] promise me you won't kill me and promise me you won't turn me over to my master and i will tell you so david had reason not to trust the slave but the slave also had reason not to trust him what helped them to come together is david fed him [Applause] do you feed new people or stare at them [Applause] lord i'm losing them jesus i had them good i'm losing them now i'm losing them that's all right i'm just teasing i don't need your response i brought mine with me i also know my church well enough to know that when you get quiet you are thinking [Applause] and i know you are cerebral enough to challenge your own behavior and to take this as the word of god and to ask yourself who am i holding at babe because they're new and who have i locked out because they hurt me [Applause] those two groups of people are going to carry you into your destiny watch this i'm almost finished give me five minutes i'll wrap it up he he he he fed the slave that the amalekites discarded the slave was there when they burned ziglag down and david is feeding somebody who was complicit in the problem look at david's capacity to be pivotal he's feeding a slave even though he's hungry and he's sick he was there when they was burning down the city and taking away the children but that doesn't mean he's not useful now because he has something i need to win [Music] he knew where they were so david says to him show me where they are and when they got down to where they were the slave let them down the bible said that the amalekites were throwing a party they were living it up they were laying around the women were dancing they were drinking they were having a good time my last point is david trashed the party god said your enemies are celebrating what they took from you but god said the devil is a liar you're getting ready to trash the party i don't know who i'm preaching to i don't know who i'm preaching to i don't know if you're healed enough to hear what i'm saying to you but god said he's given you permission to trash the party you're going to go in the party and number one you're gonna crash the party number two you're gonna defeat your enemies number three you're gonna recover everything that the enemy stole from you whoever i'm talking to hear me real good your stories look bad for a long time but everything is about to change this is not just a sunday morning message this is a prophetic utterance god said you have permission go in the party kick open the door and tell them i'm here to take back what the devil stole from me i'm here to take it back i'm here to grip my destiny i'm here to lay hold on my future give me my wife back give me my sons my god give me my daughter back give me my goal and give me my silver somebody turn around in a circle god said he's gonna turn the whole thing around what the devil meant for evil god is going to make it good i better quit because i feel like preaching now and when i feel like preaching the holy ghost stands up in me the lord said you're going to get it back the lord said you're going to get it back i don't know what your idiots but whatever the enemy stole from you god said you're going to get it back kick your foot kick the door open tell hell i'm coming i'm coming after my job i'm coming after my future i'm coming after my finances i'm coming after my destiny i'm coming after my ministry i'm coming after my purpose glory to god i won't stop till i recover everything that the devil stole from me whoever i'm preaching to i want you to praise god like you already got it back praise it like you got it back praise it wait a minute you don't hear what i'm saying this is an act of faith praise him like you already got it back [Applause] i got it back i got it back i got it back i got it back i got it back i have permission to get it back i'm gonna get my walk my talk my finances my power my anointing my consecration my ministry my gifting i'm gonna get it back you thought you had me but the party is over i declare war on hell's party somebody lift your voice and shout out to god i have permission shout it out again i have permission shout it out again i have permission shout it out again i have permission [Applause] [Music] lift your hands and open your mouth and begin to praise god in whatever way you're comfortable let the holy spirit speak to you right now that you have been given this morning you're watching online you picked the right week [Music] this morning you have permission you have permission you have permission you have permission if you sit there it's your fault if your stay there is your fault if you wallow in your pain it's your fault if you stay in the paralysis of your past it's your fault lift your hands and start talking to god tell him what you're going after tell him what you're going after say it out loud give it a name speak it declare it lift your hand and open your mouth and tell your god i'm going after it i'm going after it i'm going after it i'm going after it it might be a degree it might be a course it might be a masters it might be a doctor i'm going after it it might be a business it might be a church it might be a ministry i'm going after it lift your hands and name it i'm going after it i have permission i have permission i am enough i have enough i've got enough i have permission i'm not accepting any more excuses devil you might as well stop talking to me about what i can't do and what's too late and what's over because this sunday morning i receive permission now praise him like you got it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 1,059,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, allowing myself to feel, how to follow your dreams, discovering resilience through god
Id: BMxBkxWA_Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 39sec (5559 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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