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[Music] unto thee [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the love of god shine through is the lord [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] all right [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] when i reached [Music] [Music] lord [Music] problems [Music] [Music] [Music] what your problem is [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] grateful myself [Applause] [Music] with me i'm [Music] me [Music] [Music] so so [Music] uh [Music] me one of these things my god [Applause] [Music] that's the best [Music] i'll be back excuse me [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] um [Music] yes [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Music] something that gives you a second chance you take the things that people turn your backs on and you love father if it wasn't for your love tonight we wouldn't have been here we want to thank you jesus for your love because you look beyond our fault and you saw our needs and you came down because of love tonight you say thank you jesus we say thank you jesus thank you for your love thank you jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] tell me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] in his blessing present to him [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] away [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fingers [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] could he's hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] it's not what i'm talking about [Music] me [Music] [Music] is is hey is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] oh my god [Applause] [Music] me is bless you everybody [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is any things are happening [Music] me [Music] well i just want to share with you a little tonight i'm gonna have some prayers i've been not with you for a little while my internet connection was down down down down for one solid week can you imagine that all saying you we felt like fish is out of water and able to do the things that would normally do because these days internet connection means everything really telephone television communication [Music] but thank god it is back uh up and running we hope it is quite stable you would not have expected me tonight but these things do happen we thank the lord that things are changing in the right direction in terms of the covet protocol disaster risk management act and of course churches who choose to can go back to full operation yeah week night services so starting in the month of march for faith ministries will be [Applause] [Music] engaging or re-engaging our services sunday mornings continue [Music] but having said that let me remind my brethren reports more and ask those of you who are tuned in to pass the word on to them that come this sunday morning we will be having two services only the seven o'clock and the 9 30 a.m services and the reason for that is because at four o'clock p.m will be the graduation exercise for by the world institute so we just could not have a third service that goes up until two o'clock to get back there for four o'clock that's not practical so i'm going to ask him i'll be asking all those who have been attendees to the 12 noon service make the adjustment for this week sunday you know technicalities next week sunderland because sunday starts a new week so any sunday from today okay any sunday from today will be one will be two morning services 7 a.m and 9 30 a.m by the world institute graduation will be at 4 00 p.m any sunday from today so definitely not practical to do that so please make the adjustments and worship your god in spirit and in truth and we look forward to your full support we look forward to you in one or the other sunday morning service seven o'clock or 9 30 a.m like i said come month of march we'll be re-engaging youth meeting men's meeting women's meeting margin richmond ministry and also let the oil flow on the last friday of each month so come the last friday of march we will after two years of no show because of the wrong ravages of covet we will be re-engaging the believers feasts let the oil flow i know god has many blessings bless you pastor antonio the lord be with you and your mother and your congregation or prayers continue to be offered for you all right so we look forward to those services and we ask you to pray for our convention april 24 through 29 sunday morning through friday nights with three days sessions tuesday wednesday and thursday with anointed speakers lined up yeah tremendous men and woman of god will be ministering throughout convention powerful theme it's restoration time yeah god says he wants to restore some things back to his church and we will be guided by some powerful sub theme for each night each night a powerful sub theme yeah it's restoration time i can't give you the sub themes now no i can't give away everything oh no but we look forward to a great time in the lord nikki nikki is in baltimore lord bless you and of course we invite our overseas you as thank you deaconess jl lord bless you bless you bless you yes to tune in also to our radio broadcasts you can tune in because internet gives connectivity everywhere friday evenings 5 30 p.m gospel j a f m yeah just type it in google it and you're right there sunday morning 7 8 30 a.m nationwide radio [Music] thursday mornings 9 30 a.m love 101. nerve ella robinson and many times for the week [Music] kingdom sound radio internet based rate radio out of montego bay we're on there several times for the week so you can connect and of course continue to pray for our ministry support our ministry with your prayers your fasting your love gift yeah your love gift and of course you know that come next month the month of march we'll be showing our love to the av department workers and i ask each person to make a contribution they are responsible to ensure that you get the gospel in such a timely manner live and delayed even going way back to archives from the archives and bring you some old fashion [Music] will it be on youtube also i'm not sure what you're asking if it will be on youtube you did not specify and i've said so many things well getting ready to enter up on some prayers not long from now but i ministered in saint thomas today the night's been assembling what a wonderful time we had i tell you people came from different places to receive the word of god to receive the prayer of faith yeah god really blessed and we saw a miracle there today sunday morning i synth is nationwide radio so you google nationwide radio you will find us there at 8 30 and sunday mornings yes so we had a great time in in knightsville saint thomas and we saw god perform the miracle yeah he did many miracles were performed we were talking about the one that was visible before our eyes a lady who was who came in with a walker had to walk with the walker and hear this she sat down there and in the church and just at the end of the service the lord just brought her to my spirit as i pray for her she was sitting i prayed for her and i challenged her in the name of the lord to get up out of the chair without the walker but before i challenged her to do that i asked her can you could you get up without the walker she said no for me to get up i have to hold on to something hold on to something she sat right at the window so she could hold on to the window to get up believe me brothers and sisters after prayers and i spoke the word upon our turtle to get up in the name of jesus she just got up without the hate of anything and walked around in the church buyers convention will be on youtube yes all the services will be on and then i sent her back to her seat and gave her the big test the lord said to me name and dipped seven times and was completely warm i told her to sit down and get up three times so believe me four times the lady sat down and got up without the hate of anything but the bigger news is this when the church dismissed she picked up her walker and held it in her hand like this and walked out of the church her walker was no longer down to support her she held it in her hand like this held it up and walked giving god thanks and praise so god still perform miracles sometimes we don't you know give the kind of glory my god i feel the anointing upon me that we need to give but that lady said this is the greatest day of my life god healed her and she walked out with her walker carrying her her head like jesus said to the man pick up your bed and walk yeah that's what she did she picked it up when she walked out to god be the glory well get ready for some prayers tonight when numbers are rising thank the lord for that we thank you for all of you all of you all of you [Music] so let's just complete this song and [Music] i just felt like coming to you tonight to bring you some prayers and also to refresh the information concerning sunday two services only seven o'clock and 9 30 by the word institute graduation will be at four o'clock and we invite as many of our jamaicans as possible [Music] to come by and be a part of bible world institute it is a training arm of the power of faith ministries [Music] people will be graduating with their associate degree in theological studies others will be graduating with their diploma in theological studies others will be graduating with certificates at all levels and of course you can pursue the masters yeah we can pursue the bachelors of the masters too persons are studying for those degrees we are uh affiliated with a powerful bible institute there in florida highly recommended powerful and the courses are all credited all accredited so think of studying the word of god do so at bible world institute you do online also yeah online program yeah you can get online hi sister cerrone how are you [Music] you wonder what am i i'm doing in here tonight after such a powerful ministry in saint thomas today but i just felt like being a blessing to some people tonight and i know they i've already been blessed and the prayers are coming up so call up your friends and loved ones i know you did not expect me [Applause] yeah you're a muslim yeah we are christians yeah you choose to be a muslim we choose to be christians we accept jesus christ as our personal savior he's the one who died on caliber to say set us free from our sins yeah nobody else neither is there salvation in any other thank you man of god from the cool cool yeah there's neither is there salvation in any other for there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved it is the name of jesus all right so you choose to be a muslim i hope you will invite jesus christ into your heart because religion doesn't save you it is a relationship with jesus christ i'm glad you enjoyed fasting services today yeah the word of god would have come to you from evangelists liam edwards and the faithful minister what neil scott god bless him but that's evangelist leonardo's leading the song there and he's gonna be the first person to offer prayers tonight god is listening god is using it [Music] oh praise the lord thank you everybody for your prayers and for your support thank you for your birthday wishes and blessings and cards and [Music] lots of messages and text messages and emails and voice notes and those who gave me a gift the lord bless you thank you so much you didn't have to do all that you did under no obligation to do it because of the love of god in your heart and because you think those who are worthy of honor should be honored yeah am i worthy of honor well the bible says the elder that ruins well labor in the word of god and doctrine they are worthy of double honor they should be esteemed highly in love for their work's sake worksage the many men and women of god who are doing tremendous work in the kingdom pray for us support us in all the ways you can and god will bless you [Music] all right let's get ready to get some prayers at the close of this song and prepare your heart to be blessed [Music] this recording we got evangelistically at edwards we gotta exhaust exotic sherman freak we got evangelist marcia foster we got minister what he's got oh somebody said yes i'm worthy thank you deaconess i know you would say so if no one does i know you would thank you [Music] and remember everybody in jamaica spanish town kingston saint andrew [Music] angel books and stationery yeah right there in angels plaza in this spanish stone here a little out of spanish stone you get everything you need there from a pink to an anchor angels books and stationery say you heard it from me that's the place to shop all of you need some variety store everything is there very warm kind friendly courteous stuff not to talk about the md [Music] the managing director the ceo go by angels books and stationery you would have seen the advertisement on pfm family television welcome stephanie from montego bay good to have you welcome missionary beatrice bowen your daughter pastor and the dean in england [Music] and pastor otis god bless everyone all right you for listening to my little rumblings there wow thank you thank you thank you everybody thank you let's go to some prayers now and ask god to bless you bless your own bless your family bless your business bless your finances uh let's ask god to bless everybody through these recorded prayers these were never played before okay these are can i call them brand new prayers yeah brand new prayers be blessed in the name of jesus christ [Music] and i have your way jesus i'm just a vessel and nothing more and when you're done please take your glory i'll be satisfied just to see you glorified thank you lord and so father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth son of the living god the creator of heaven and earth lord i come to you i praise you because you are god there is none like you jesus nothing no one to compare the world from everlasting to everlasting the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace the king of kings and the lord of lords the right as a great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see all i have needed and earth provided great is thy faithfulness lord unto me father i come in the name of your son jesus christ lord god our moment of prayer day lord jesus we recognize jesus christ that the psalmist says this is the day that the lord have made i will rejoice and be glad in it and so father and behalf of your sons and your daughters your man and woman servants o god lord god here in jamaica and across the world lord jesus christ of nazareth those whom you're called to lead the church of god to lead your people lord god almighty lord many lord jesus christ today lord jesus are buckling under the pressure lord god that every one of us face god almighty many are struggling lord how to cope with the situation lord the mother of fact lord many are bowed out lord have given up their faith and given up lord god almighty that which you have all anoint and appoint them to do oh god so i pray even now lord for all the bishops lord the apostles the prophets the priests oh god almighty lord the evangelists the teachers the lord god the deacon deaconesses exhort us even the oh god and my evangelists and missionaries oh god almighty i pray jesus christ this day this hour lord god that you will visit lord god with your servant in a magnificent way lord in an extraordinary way and remind them lord lord to the purpose that they have been called to the mission that they have been called to lord to serve lord jesus christ of nazareth lord god to stand up in this time and in the season oh god almighty the pressure is on the heat has been turned up but lord jesus christ your servants lord god whom you have anointed and appointed oh god we can't afford lord god to bow out we can't afford to quit we can't afford to give in lord as much as many did lord god the word lord tell us in revelation there's still few that are in saudis that will not defile and have not defiled a garment and so even today lord god this day this our lord jesus christ i lived of leaders lord jesus christ to you lord god that lord jesus christ one more time our holy ghost visitation lord jesus to the church of god the people of god oh god you said oh god those according to the scripture that are called by your name which whole would humble ourselves and pray and seek your face and turn for more wicked ways is in dead lord god it is then lord know and then when you will hear from heaven you will forgive our sins and you will heal our land our land need healing the world need healing which man cannot give and remember the psalmist remind us lord that some trust in their horses some trust in their chariot but the psalmist says but we will remember the name of the lord our god for the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous will run it dear hidden anointed and appointed leaders oh god those whom you who called lord those whom you call jesus those whom you call lord help us to stand because they haven't done all to stand stand therefore with your lines girl with truth the word the word the word jesus christ lord and so today lord i pray lord god for christian people everywhere oh god the believers that are struggling with some stuff and lord the thought this is it there is no way out of god remember we will remember that lord god jesus christ you said i am the word the truth and the life lord god and soul jesus you are the way out of all trouble that confront enhanced on the world lord panic and chaos is everywhere and world leaders oh god almighty the lord know that what to do they confused and for many lord jesus they are doing their own things and they are trying to fix the lord jesus like they know how but lord i remember the psalmist remind us lord that except you build the house they labored in vain that built it and accept you keep the city then the watchmen the security forces they're welcome they're looking lord but they are doing it in vain and so god almighty i pray that lord not just church leaders but leaders prime ministers and presidents and whatever name they they give lord in their particular country father lord god whatever title they wear lord will recognize lord god that you are the supreme one the one who still sits upon the circle of the earth you still control and rules the universe lord god you said the earth is yours heaven is your throne the earth is your footstool lord jesus christ and the psalmist remind us lord in chapter he found it upon the seas and established it upon the flood and lord we are a generation that seek your face oh god jesus we cry to you because pain is the help of man we cry to you god because god we cannot do it by ourselves a lord you create good and you create evil for your glory so lord whatever cause us to remember you said study to show ourselves approve unto you because a world man needed not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth jesus christ and so lord cause us to stand in this time and in these days lord as elijah stood up and moaned carmel lord god almighty stood up against the 450 bill prophet post bless those lord who heats up jezebel's table lord and demand them to prove their god the god who hunts by fire jehovah god the three hebrew boy stand before the king the god who is the consuming fire is able to deliver us out of your hands and your fiery furnace so lord those who are bowing out those who are giving in those who are quoting lord remind them jesus what you did for elijah against the prophet the dale prophets oh god to stand like daniel stood lord jesus christ in the means of adversity daniel and the three hebrew boys they stood stood for what they believed they stand for righteousness this time for holiness and they were not willing to quit they were not willing to bow they were not willing to give in lord the church of god cannot give up cannot give in because the world know not what to do lord jesus to us about lord god and jordan judy said lord we don't know what to do oh god almighty we have no might we have no power and i don't know we want to do but our eyes are upon you jesus christ sort of god the church of god we stand believing in the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of shaykh of the covenant keeper lord you said hacks of me of things to come concerning my sons and the works of my hand commanding me o god according to the prophet isaiah 49 16 father so we cry oh god this very day and we are your sons and your daughters everywhere lord god we realize and we know we recognize and you told us according to john 10 10 lord the thief cometh not but for to steal to kill and to destroy but it did not stop there jesus he said but i am calm that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly so lord we cry up to the god who is above all gods oh god almighty the one o god almighty let dear be and there was oh jesus christ before the world oh god almighty the writer john says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word his god and so we stand upon your word and we declare and decree today tonight wherever wherever people are lord jesus christ that you will visit them knowing that hope is not lost lord jesus hope is not lost because god the psalmist says is all refuge and strength a very present helping sober he said the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is our refuge so we stand on your word lord god which will not return to your void but it shall accomplish what you please and prosper in the things where it is sent you said you send your word and you heal them of all your diseases we send your word across jamaica across england across canada across america across the europe across the caribbean we send you word to heal them of all manner of diseases of the plague that is upon the land of the lord called orbit 19 father we send your word the rich efficacious blood sharing my hearts the question is dear no bomb in gilead is there no great position there yes lord you was wounded you was bruised lord god and the justice meant upon peace was upon you and with your stripes eyes i declare that we are healed and so lord your word tell us again that healing is the children's bread the land need healing to make need healing the world need healing lord ministers prime ministers lord god a president need healing lord god nations need healing and healing oh god is your children's bread lord healing lord god comes from you miracles work only by you jesus christ so we hearts even now lord god that you will visit world leaders everywhere lord who state themselves see themselves to be lord gods in their own right and in their own eyes but in the name of jesus we come against lord those unclean spirits of witches and wizards and warlocks lord god sorcerers hope your workers voodoo lord jesus palm readers lord illuminati a lodge lord god will come against those unclean spirit lord and release the blood of jesus across the globe lord god across the universe will release the blood the rich and because of blood lord over two thousand years ago when they pierce your side with a sword oh scripture tell us that the blood and the water crossed out of your side and form blood is still the remedy lord god to all man's o god almighty failures the whole man's remedy lord life's remedies and so lord today i pray father that deliverance will visit lord god nations will visit nations leaders will visit church leaders for those who have already borrowed for those who have already settled for those who already quit and give up lord we pray god that your spirit will visit them as you visit them before god and lord ask for the world leaders lord as you visit with nebuchadnezzar lord jesus when he thought he was the big king in town and you visit him and send him to go and he grabs lord as you visit with bill shattar lord on your right on the wall your dears are numbered lord jesus visit them visit them holy father in the name of jesus we pray for god our children lord god has been consumed lord jesus christ was all sought a crop lord jesus christ they have been abducted they have been raped they have been murdered they have been evil enslaved lord jesus abuse physically emotionally mentally and otherwise lord even by the very parent but lord with curse that earth will bind up demons in the name of jesus and we pray god that you will release your people save lord god knows to be saved lord deliver those who are bound because it was for this cause you came into the world lord to set captivity captive to lose those that are bound and to set those that liberty oh god almighty set them free to release your word in the atmosphere we release your word across the globe lord across jamaica across the caribbean across the entire universe lord god almighty we release your words to heal your people and set your people free complete deliverance restoration healing salvation god we pray and declare and declare it to be so in the name of jesus christ god lose somebody save somebody god somebody who's willing to quit somebody who's ready to give up and giving lord somebody who live who is ready to commit the heart lord we put the blood of jesus christ upon them we put the blood of jesus against such diabolical plots that diabolical heart we put the blood of jesus against it it will not materialize it will not it will not in the name of jesus god will release your presence and your power over the hearts and lives of your people lord jesus christ that you will pay them a visit lord your words in the heart lord jesus is deceiving above all and is desperately wicked lord god and we are wicked men and wicked women seduce us walks in worse and worse man fear not god nor regard man but today this very horror this moment lord this night this afternoon this day wherever whenever lord god jesus christ you will visit your people and show yourself mighty and show yourself strong that you are the god of dead you are the god of now and you will be god forever because no one can withstand you oh god almighty word says it is better to fall in the hands of man than in the end of god because it will fall in a man handle you god will take off man hand but when we fall in your hand no man can take it also do those woodland of their creating meal in society murder rip and give and give him and all this they are doing and the evil man lord jesus christ that is plotting to destroy your people who you create and made god you will visit them like i said your friends nebuchadnezzar and belshazzar lord you will visit them and show them evil lord god almighty lord god almighty the man that you visit lord lord and cause worm to eat him alive so jesus christ visit man that man will know themselves to be but man who rules and reigns in the appeals of men you set up leaders and you take them down god almighty who need to be removed from the opposition father because of their desire and their evil practices lord expose them bring them down raise up godly men and women with godly corrupt and godly heart and desire to do your will and to serve your people righteously god almighty oh god and so today lord god i pray for people everywhere i pray for the sick you will heal them i pray for those who are boned you will lose them lord those who are not saved you will save them lord jesus christ those who lord need to be restored you will restore them lord emotionally mentally socially economically financially lord god spiritually lord you will restore health and to your people in the name of jesus father thank you jesus for healing my prayer thank you for responding god because god your word tells us lord according to john 14 14 if i ask anything in your name you will do it acts and it shall be given seek and will find knock and it shall be open he who hacks it receive it who seek it find it or knock it it's open unto them and so i thank you lord of the victory lord for your people lord god almighty he's assured it is guaranteed because god isaiah told us lord that before we call before we call your answer while we're yet speaking you're here and for this lord god i am grateful and thankful and i bless your holy name for deliverance for breakthroughs for miracles for healing salvation oh god i think in advance for not yet sin blessing take your glory take your hannah lord i'll be satisfied we will be satisfied lord just to see you glorify in all things it is working together for good to devil love god and to those who are called according to your purpose lord cause us to stand in the midst of adversity as daniel stood lord in babylon as daniel stood lord jesus christ in a strange land knowing that his life was under threat but he stood still in praying and continually three times a day oh god has the three hebrew voices cause the believers to stand oh god stand for righteousness stand for holiness paul says having done all to stand brethren stand in the name of the lord jesus your god and watch god even indicate on behalf of his people the church of the living god the call lord the ecclesia because your word tell us lord according to the psalmist god that the rod of the wicked will not rest upon the love of the righteous except the righteous put forth their hands to iniquity psalm 125 3 god and we believe it and as the mountains around jerusalem so you surround your people and sport and forever according to verse 2 and i believe it today for all your people as you bless one and you bless all we give you glory we give you the honor we give you praise because we'll ask it all believing in the name of the one who was is and it is become jesus christ of nazareth the author and finisher for faith we thank you amen and our name hallelujah jesus blessed be your name what intercession my brother my sister my goodness yes appropriate the blessings of god upon your life oh what a privilege it is to bring everything oh jesus we pray oh god almighty for men and always to pray and to not faint and pray hallelujah and so we glorify the king of kings and the lord of lords and so we magnify the conquering line of the church and so we bless the great god of heaven this night and so we worship and adore your father and so we lift up the king of kings and the lords of lord we glorify the conquering life of the church we have blessed the name of jesus oh god you are worthy to receive praise and honor and glory to be magnified in your word to the exalted your word to be lifted on high oh god yes lord you are worthy of praise and honor in the name of jesus be the magnified oh god and be thou insulted for you our lord and your god in the name of jesus christ we thank you for this day oh god we thank you for this hour and this season we thank you mighty god that we can call upon the living god we thank that we can enter into the holy of holies we thank you mighty god we have been redeemed by the blood of jesus not by silver and gold but by the precious blood of jesus christ we thank you mighty god we were not a people we are now a people mighty god of daniel yes mighty god we have been repeating mighty god we have been called out of darkness into your marvelous light what a privileged mighty god what an awesome privilege that has been granted unto us mighty god oh god we do not take it lightly oh god we do not take it for granted mighty god but we know mighty god of daniel that it cost you much father god you sent your holy begotten son into this world that we almighty god can be redeemed that we can be saved in the name of jesus christ and so we honor this night god and so we thank you father and so we glorify all god in the name of jesus christ oh great god what a mighty god you are what a loving god you are a mighty god so when you are o god in our sins mighty god in the name of jesus christ oh god we were your trespasses mighty god you commanded your love towards us oh god that while we were yet sinners mighty god of daniel christ jesus died for us oh god you celebrate mighty god and we give thanks mighty god and we rejoice mighty god of daniel but we have a hope that make it not ashamed in the mighty name of jesus christ oh god almighty and so we come before the throne of grace tonight knowing mighty god of death is not because of anything good that we have done oh god almighty but because of the love of god because of the mercies of god while we are here tonight and so god enlist your mighty god in the name of jesus christ o god if there is a man to pray almighty god of daniel there is a god to answer and so we come before your father god knowing full well oh god that there is nothing impossible with our god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh god almighty jesus as you look across the world today mighty god trouble is on heavy hand in the name of jesus christ as you look in your church mighty god we need help oh god almighty as we look upon the nations of the word almighty god we need help in the name of jesus christ come by here mighty god of daniel jesus there is a mother crying oh god almighty there is a father who is crying oh god almighty there are sons and daughters who need help mighty god for the heaven is loose upon our land in the name of jesus christ oh god almighty but there is a mighty god who we can petition oh god the one who sits higher and the one who looks low in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and so we come to you father yes lord you said come o god almighty three and here we almighty god so we are coming to you jesus you tell us in your word that we like to arise and shine mighty god for your life our light has come oh god almighty and we say yes lord we are here oh god we are ready to arise and we are ready to shine in the mighty name of jesus christ oh god almighty jesus jesus jesus oh god almighty yes lord we are here to rise and shine for as much darkness upon our land oh god almighty jesus oh god the enemy is doing his thing oh god almighty we can see the manifestations of evil upon our land oh god almighty but we know from your word mighty god but all god for this reason was the son of god manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil mighty god of daniel for your looking mighty god of vessels your looking mighty god of daniel oh god almighty for vessels that you can express yourself oh god almighty yes lord for in your time when you open the heart mighty god yes you went about doing good healing all those who are oppressed of the devil mighty god curing sicknesses and diseases oh god almighty you want to continue the mission almighty god oh but you need vessels mighty god as the enemy has as best as mighty god of daniel yes vessels that are destroying vessels that are corrupting mighty god vessels that are causing mayhem and destruction upon the hurt almighty god if someone will avail themselves unto you oh god almighty you will show yourself mighty and strong in the name of jesus christ of nazareth come by here god here we are oh god yes lord god almighty we humble ourselves under your mighty hand oh god we know we have fallen short and i miss the mark oh god our fathers have sinned against you mighty god yes lord god forgive us our trespasses in the name of jesus christ oh god almighty forgive our sins oh god and he lowered the land oh god almighty for return to you o god almighty no one else will be called unto the living god in the name of jesus christ oh god remember jamaica oh god almighty crisis if we are your turn oh god almighty remember the nations of this world mighty god we need help father god yes lord but you are our present help in the time of trouble o god almighty and so we look to you this night o god and shall we call upon you this day o god almighty oh god almighty for we know that the first highly almighty god was made a little soul but mighty god of daniel jesus was made a good spirit of god almighty giving our hearts to you jesus may return fully to the living god oh jesus christ we are mindful of the things of this world oh god but we want to be used of you mighty god in the name of jesus christ your souls are dying oh god almighty sickness and disease are fitting your people oh god help mighty god step down from heaven mighty god oh jesus come down and see about our situation in the name of jesus christ oh god almighty oh god many are despondent god almighty many are confused oh god almighty many are wondering where will the solution come from but god you are the answer oh god in this time you have always been mighty god the one who can do all things oh god almighty yes lord you are the great god and nothing is impossible with you and so of god almighty your hearts cry out to you today do a new thing in our land in the name of jesus christ of nazareth shed the foundations of hell and loose oh god almighty those that were bound mighty god those that are afflicted mighty god those who are imprisoned mighty god almighty locked up by the enemy of our souls oh god you want to do a new thing yes lord god you want to change your god the paradigm mighty god of daniel in the name of jesus christ yes lord god almighty glorify yourself in his own in this season in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh god oh god oh god help us jesus almighty god of daniel have mighty god we call upon you with the state of god for there is no shot coming in you oh god you can do it again oh god almighty yes lord destroy the works of darkness mighty god and show yourself mighty and strong in the name of jesus christ of glory and so we look to you god i belong to you lord we know almighty god and you want to do us holy oh god seek you o god in the name of jesus christ jesus oh god remember those mighty girls on the battlefield disciples of the living god some are we almighty god oh god almighty still become weary oh god almighty assignment mighty god but oh god i pray that this night your word it goes forth with power in the name of jesus christ strengthened by almighty god with the hands of the conceivable oh god almighty strengthened our mighty god who are thinking of giving up oh god almighty send the laws mighty god we are the first of trying to tell almighty god hold on my sister brother oh no my child in the name of jesus christ help is on the way oh god almighty be blessed to this night by the god jesus yes lord mighty god we listed the servants of god across the world oh god who can take the preacher gospel jesus who continued the mighty god of god to seek your face oh god come through for that mighty god yes lord let not the enemy jesus have the victory over them ha ha let us laugh at them and say where is your god oh god yes love what you can do exceedingly oh god abundantly above all that we may ask i think according to the power jesus had worked in our smite jesus in the name of jesus yes lord yes lord god and jesus lord god almighty jesus jesus jesus oh god we are here for you mighty god come and do what only you can do destroy almighty god and daniel jesus even foundations in our lives destroy almighty god almighty oh god delay and set back in our lives oh god almighty and so called almighty we look to you jesus oh god sinners all over the world oh god almighty oh god many persons who do not know you as lord and savior jesus spoke almighty oh god almighty but we know your mission almighty god that you came to seek and to save that which is lost oh god almighty your mission continues mighty god oh god almighty and so we avail ourselves to you oh god we will arise and we will shine almighty god for you have come mighty god to shine jerusalem oh god we want our lights to shine in this hour oh god why did that has to be the spell oh god almighty in the name of jesus christ oh god we will not look to the left now to the right we will let go of that mighty god but we might all triumphantly we march up almighty god expectedly with my child with hope in our hearts oh god almighty that you are with us mighty god as a mighty one oh god almighty in the name of jesus christ oh god you are servants almighty god said behold the lamb of god are taken away the sins of the world oh god you know you're sailor but today doesn't want to know yours behind the concurrent land of the tribe of judah oh god the one who's mighty as strong no one on the scene that you're full of god almighty in the name of jesus christ let the darkness be almighty god and demons and devils trembled almighty god as your people are empowered she goes for almighty god in the name of jesus christ let the light of god shine across the nation of jamaica that is shining across north america good god almighty shine across asia and africa mighty god yes lord god under the continent of this world yes in the name of jesus christ we look to your god yes lord we have no hope without you jesus christ you are the hope of this world oh god almighty yes lord for your kingdom come mighty god of god in the name of jesus christ oh god almighty and so we set our face so god has flipped all god almighty yes lord we will not be returned oh god for the greater one is with us oh god we will almighty god be silent oh god almighty follow relax see almighty god in the name of jesus christ oh god hear the christ from the bathroom hear the prayer of your people mighty god militaries have been shaped over time oh god almighty many sacrifices have been made oh god almighty in the name of jesus christ oh god and give us my truth arise almighty god and change the circumstances oh god of the people of this world jesus you're looking for submission oh god we know that you are okay the solution for mankind in the name of jesus christ oh god break oppression mighty god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and set the law for the captives oh god almighty we look to your father god as you have done it for one mighty god you can do it forever in the name of jesus be us almighty god yes lord cause us to know your salvation in the mighty name of jesus christ we can praise and other mighty god we give the glory and power mighty god making the riches and thanksgiving oh god for you are worthy oh god almighty in the name of jesus christ of last year oh god for our power is given unto you yes lord in the name of jesus christ so he cast almighty god the works of the devil this night we cast almighty god wickedness oh god in evil land in the name of jesus christ let this world touch hearts of god wherever it is heard in the name of jesus christ and cause men mighty god to turn as the holy spirit the name of jesus christ and so you bless your holy father we thank you for this day we thank you for goodness and mercy we thank you lord we thank you that your god tears us thank you your god was come to set your people free in the name of jesus christ have your way god almighty in the name of jesus christ glorify yourself father god yes in the name of jesus christ may the nation stand and look and say and know that god has done it for them in the name of jesus christ be no praise forever oh god and be thou magnified in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the son of the living god for only your god alone mighty god you will bow to only you alone mighty god will praise only you alone god will get all glory and honor in the name of jesus christ oh god almighty and so we ask you almighty god to bring them almighty god by your power bring them almighty god by your might in the name of jesus christ holy spirit of god move across this nation and do a new thing mighty god this is your season and in your hour mighty god where there is darkness mighty god light is available almighty god where there is darkness almighty god yes lord god now is the time for the light of god to shine and the people of this world will stand and see that the lord is god in the name of jesus christ we bless you god and we thank you for this season this time we thank you for this opportunity that we can come boldly to the throne of grace and so we exhaust your god and so we praise you in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth the son of the living god have your way mighty god in homes have your way of mighty god institutions and your way in the nations of this world be thou glorified mighty god and so we lift you up this night and we exhaust your god and we say the nations belong to jesus christ the nations belong to our king in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah be praised forevermore oh god we worship and insult you calling me bless you for this hour and this season for we know almighty god and with our hearts we have expectancy and something good is going to happen in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah yes lord chains and fetters must be broken in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth yes lord arise and shine mighty god and show yourself mighty and strong in the name of jesus we thank you father god be glorified forevermore in jesus christ's name we pray amen and amen hallelujah well these are powerful anointed holy ghost prayer god father we thank you be loved and we adore your god you are worthy of the praise you are worthy of the glory you are worthy of all the other gods we lift up our god tonight he is worthy of god we thank you we will worship and adore you god there is none like unto thee known to be compared not in the heavens and none on the earth oh what a mighty god we serve angels we give you crazy father we give you a worship and adoration there isn't none like unto thee none to be compared god so we come tonight to prayer in the pool why do prayer meet meeting jesus you are the money she's so starting to do all this prayer i'm not feared so we come god bring one for another cut up into your lord [Music] [Music] [Music] have mercy upon them forgive them of their sins and their trespasses forgive them god lord god the sea the name of jesus christ i'm macerator and come true for this nation god you say the glanza disoriented lord jesus all frustrated of god when they take out the father brother lord jesus and kill them oh god the god are wrong now we need too much blood too much blood letting too much wickedness too much blood sacrifice god become a cancer we plead the blood of jesus christ of nazareth too much wicked altars he wrecking this nation too much [Applause] we will not be perturbed we create god we prayed across the world we pray tonight jesus we come against them drop a fireball god brings to another fire god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth god enough is enough enough is enough god in the name of jesus christ of maserata we command it to be mashup holy course god caribbean visiting the ashani continents of the world visit gallery prime minister every premiere every president every king every queen lord god every chief you know holy spirit of god do it for us do it for us god will not stop prayer god no retreat no surrender god we're not giving up we're not letting up god oh god sure start talking for good never continue if you pray and seek your fierceness here to ministries and worldwide they praying god is seeking your fears then we know we need supernatural divine intervention and it comes from you god great god intervene intervenor we shall not be afraid because the lord is our light and we are look to you god we have no other source no other godly men and women we ask them of god who will burn the midnight oil we will pray and not feared almighty god of our lord of our lord teach our fingers to fight and our hands toward god it's our time there is a spirit of release the woman of god tell us the year of release lord jesus so we now come you giving the possession god and when you're blessed with god no matter your curse with jesus holy spirit of god you are the way make a burden be a problem solver definitely not work in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we know we have enemies of the calling you're called we cut and the enemy they are weird sacrifice make me come and pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth father caught with them by your man cervantes we should back a deal for division wrap him up with fire the christian community lord we pray you will touch them you will anoint them you will preserve them you will strengthen them you will encourage them jesus no retreat no surrender let them know its death before the son of god jesus teach them jesus teach them as you've never ministered before cover them cover their families cover their homes cover the schools they were clear cover them jesus and minister today but as you never minister before holy spirit of god lord jesus remember those who are sick from the quran heal jesus respiratory system cannot touch them track your their lungs lord jesus breathe the breath of god heal and reassemble god raise them up give them wisdom and knowledge and understanding the hopes of the land is here for healing giving wisdom and knowledge and understanding create god heal your people can't heal us physically spiritual and mentally cut he'll financially can't heal can a mother cry a father cry but heal come true jesus provide provide jobs provide oh it can't provide for your people live there be no luck and you want oh kind of replace your people in your hands carter cover your children minister to them ministers you never minister before in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh glory to god cover lord take full control god take full control lord jesus prayers i've never prayed before make with prayer god that will burn your midnight oil lord jesus will wake up at midnight and when the enemy coming back up now we are going to alter prayer god and i plead the blood of jesus christ and i worship because the weapons are follow our fear they are not carnal they are mighty through god to the pulling don't have struggles bring down some strong words in our homes bring them some strongholds in our communities bring down the strongholds across this nation bring them the holy ghost of god mash up the plans of the enemy god mush it to jesus any evil altar within their prayer for the believers of god we still overturn them we say mush them on god mush upon burn up jesus lord have mercy god keep zion travailing keep saying on your knees keep zion praying keep zion travailing and supplicating like we pray a god as you add manchester in the world that men should always pray and not fear them strengthen sigh and god strengthen the body of christ strengthen the believers to continue to pray god and to pray one for one one for another in the name of jesus christ of macerata father take full control take whoever god and ministers only you one cannot touch your people haven't watched the service and i listen to service we say torture god make them hear loud and clearer make them seek harder make them prayer i just never prayed before annoying sayon counter anointing to priya and point your people to prayer help us not to have a form of godliness and to deny the promise there are strengthen the body of christ strengthen us to go on strengthen us to go on god lord have mercy god give us truth to god strength god strength give us physical strength spiritual strength give us stamina and our soul god oh god to go on to go on to run this race with patience that it sets before us cover us under your blood take full control god and we give a thumbs up tonight and we bless your name and we worship your god we tell a thanks to what you're about to do in jesus name we pray amen and amen glory to god well thank you so much evangelist leon edwards the sherman fritz evangelist marcia foster it was a powerful intercession yeah we're going to be coming down in a few just reminding you that we meet sunday morning for seven o'clock and 9 30 only by the graduate graduation 4 pm many have reached as it were the proverbial end of their rope they know not what to do now where to turn and all the helpers who are here to help lord they have fled because they have reached their extremity as human beings we find it in all of the professions of life today we go so far and no further but god you can reach every human being right at the point of their need this moment so i ask in the name of jesus christ especially for those for whom things look hopeless many are lying in the hospitals across this land hooked up on ventilators hooked up on all kinds of medical devices and apparatus hoping lord god almighty that you come through for them although they're there some are not trusting the chariots and the horses oh god they are trusting you the true and living god lord you did it before you can do it again your hands are not short can be touched with the feeling of your people's infirmities so i pray for those right now lord at the end of the rule jesus jesus who not what to do now where to turn but oh god help them to observe the spurs of psalm 121 i will lift mine eyes unto the hills from winds come with my health my help comes from god show yourself for somebody today oh god david is waiting and you're in the backside of yes lord god joseph what's eyes are turned to you today shadrach is waiting on you so is me shocking a bit nicole daniel is an alliance then oh god the king is passing the floor at night oh wondering what has become of daniel let the morning light for somebody with a testimony of victory let the morning break for somebody as a morning of joy glory to god they have been through many weeping nights oh god oh they have wet many nights through please lord let somebody roshando mahurasata let somebody rise to a morning of joy let somebody rise under the star of david shining bright for them glory to the name of jesus let somebody hear the words that you gave to hezekiah i've seen your tears i've heard your prayers and i've extended your days oh god almighty extend healing to somebody extend deliverance to somebody extend a miracle for somebody in the name of jesus you lying devil we trump your lies in the name of jesus you deceiving devil we mash up your deception in the in the name of jesus you stealing devil we fought your plan in the name of jesus christ and we speak victory oh yes picture for christian peoples from all denominations picture for people all over the world in the name of jesus christ's victory for them even in totalitarian rule in certain countries feature for them where they are severely persecuted some are being imprisoned some are being tortured in the name of jesus we speak victory for them snatch them from the jaws of defeat and bring them into victory in the name of jesus christ oh god almighty victory for their husbands victory for their wives feature for their children victory for their grandchildren feature for their siblings their brothers and sisters feature for their neighbors feature for the community victory for the country in the name of jesus thank you lord let light shine lord there are so many dark places around us let light shine yes lord god they are so in the dark places around us let light shine in the word of god says the light shine it's in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not oh god let rainfall there are so many dry places around us jesus let rainfall oh god you give us so god almighty the rain in your season the former rain and the latter rain saturate oh god almighty the soil amen of people's heart today literally oh god in the name of jesus oh there's so much deadness around the place that this deadness people alive but they are dead alive but walking dead talking but walking dead living but walking there heating but walking dead going to work but working dead in the name of jesus said a mighty revival my god god in the valley jesus the bones are near but they are dry very dry god almighty they are tried oh they are not only trying but they are disconnected will you bring the bones together today in the name of jesus we pray bring the bones together let knee bones and ankle bones connect in the name of jesus yes connect let nick balls connect let everybody connect let there be a revival among the body of christ we pray thee in the valley of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh god almighty and we call for the wind of god yes lord we call for the four winds yeah [Music] in the name of jesus disturb the valley bring about life in the valley in the name of jesus we pray do it for your people do it for your people diabolical spirit we bind you in the name of jesus christ sauce a sorcery spirit we bind you yes speak in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we bring down your health alternative we demolish your throne here the blood of jesus is against you we bring down your altar we demolish your throne in the name of jesus we bring down your gods we bring down your hideouts we've bringed on bill we bring him down in the name of jesus we bring down dear god we bring them down we bring down hospitals in the name of jesus we bring them down market yes lord check another we bring them down in the name of jesus christ shaco every secret heart every secret society in the name of jesus christ every pretender ever pretends in the name of christ we bind them right now father yes lord jesus name of god everything that is working against your people in this nation and everyone that is working against your people in this nation in the name of jesus christ silence them we pray thee silence them we pray thee yes lord let god arise echo let god arise on the enemies of god we scatter [Music] we shut down simon and his business we shut down the saucer in his business you simon the sorcerer bewitching the people purporting to be anointed by god but the sword of god is against you the sword of gideon is against you the sword of the lord is against you the sword of the blood washed churches against you the sword of the born again believers against you the sword of zion is jesus jesus david used a sling and a stone to bring down goliath but there came a time when david received goliath sword and use it against him in the name of jesus we use goliath sword against him today every goliath we use your sword against you silence every enemy your old sword jacking in fall in the ditch that you have talked in the name of jesus behind on the gallows that you have built to sing in the name of jesus be destroyed by the poison you have set to sin in the name of jesus be taken by the trump and the sneers in trouble that you have said for zion is against you in the name of jesus zion is against you in the name of jesus the blood of jesus is against you the sword of the lord is against yes and father father father father thank you jesus i pray very special now for every person in my audience this immediate audience with these few brethren amen virtual ordinances wherever they are across the nations of the world we release your breaking anointing right now we release life transforming anointing right now yes lord we wherever they need favors give favors that oh god of heaven glory to god wherever they need a light to shine let it shine right now whoa jesus jesus wherever they need an enemy to be shot down shut them down long shut them down lord shut them down lord jesus shut them down shut them down shut them down jesus jesus jesus well my god we give you glory we give you praise facebook is down we give your heart with me hallelujah everybody begin to clap your hands and shout behind praise until you feel something in your belly clap your hands and shout behind praise until you feel something in your stomach clap your hands and shout the high praise until you feel something moving in your feet clap your hands and show me i praise until you feel your sickness disappear clap your hands and show me high praise until you know that you know that you know that he has touched you oh glory to god yeah glory glory bringing it down tonight [Music] every sickness must die every disease must die die by the root in the name of jesus every unprofitable fig tree must dry up and die [Music] yes [Music] lord we praise it we praise you all right thank you friend we're going to bring it down right there tonight thank the lord for ministering to us i know you have been ministered to well certainly you did not expect me on untonight but here we are for the last two hours giving god thanks and giving him praise so prepare for your night's and the task of another day the lord darius trust him thank you for sharing everybody my facebook went down on me tonight sorry for that [Music] remember sunday morning seven o'clock and 9 30 services only no third service [Music] by the word institute graduation and 4 o'clock pray for us send us a love gifts [Music] we are making that special making that special collection mark your calendar convention april 24-29 spread the word sunday to friday it's restoration time [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thomas [Music] taking it down for another worldwide for a meeting heading to my bed yeah i feel a bit tired here now long day today oh and god is good the soul is watered yes the prayer is water your soul thank you thank god for that that's the whole intent while the intercessors in the sea the travails travail the warriors war you soak it in god saturate your spirits bless you stay safe [Music] bless you bless you bless you bless you [Music] officer yeah we are going to take it out in the close of this song or just some more at any time [Music] he's gonna take care of me i'm sorry you came in late melissa sorry closing it out now thank you deaconess charm [Music] well i'm gonna sleep tonight when i lay my head down you better believe it i'm a good sleeper once i go to bed to sleep god has blessed me i sleep yeah thank you jasmine god bless you bless you paula bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] bless you on [Music] hey my pennsylvania mr natalie bless you all right [Applause] [Music] is [Music] church he has come through so many times that puts [Music] and i stayed up very lightly gonna take care of me and you and you and all of you yeah [Music] in a form [Music] i know you wasn't expecting me tonight when you think and not here he comes [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] question my god's ability [Music] [Music] and we're right [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] well the lord is the strength of my life [Music] hi evangelist whom shall i be afraid [Music] that god's gonna take me and you and all of us [Music] [Music] please like and subscribe share the link everybody [Music] see you again soon by the grace of god like and subscribe share the link there spread the word [Music] click that thumbs up [Music] thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up [Music] god bless you thumbs up everybody like and subscribe [Music] thank you everybody god bless you see you again by the grace of god the lord be with you have a good rest of the night sleep well dreams and visions and revelation like and subscribe share the link pray for us as we pray for you god will take care of all of us so until we meet again the peace of god which passes all understanding may he keep your heart and mind through christ jesus and let us be ready for his second coming by his grace because it could be tonight the lord bless you thank you for sharing once again and by the grace of god we hope to see you when we return whenever paulette almost sleep like a five-year-old tonight god bless you gotta go gotta go got to go bless you yeah we're going to stop right now
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 4,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y8g5ivQBNgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 48sec (7848 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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