A Time Of Refreshing ( Wednesday's Edition) - January 19, 2022

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i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again [Music] but i [Music] i can't take [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh glory be to god thank you jesus thank you lord glory to god i invite you all to stand with me please oh glory to god hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah somebody shout the name of jesus um somebody shout to jesus hallelujah hey glory to god hallelujah come holy spirit i need you [Music] come up here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i need you glory come holy spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] let us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] it's part time in the house glory to god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus thank you lord oh glory to god the father we thank you father we lift you up we are doing your father god that we worship your god who one more time a god we come in your presence we are in the house of god to lift up your name to praise your name god to give you honor and glory and to worship oh glory to god it is a good thing to give the answer unto the lord for all he has given unto us for all he has turned unto us so god we come to thank you we come to praise your god we come to lift you up we come to our tour we come to worship your god oh glory to god father worship the king cleanse us god from all unrighteousness gods we compete we come broken [Music] [Music] cleanse our minds cleanse our eyes our hearts and our hands clean us of god as we come before your god oh glory to god nothing could in our hands we bring but we come to hold on to cling on to the old rocket crush lord jesus oh glory to god oh glory to god father we come we come again [Music] [Music] [Music] as we come to bow as we come to pray as we come to worship god be pleased be pleased with our worship be pleased with our prayers be pleased with us god be pleased oh glory to god father we plead the lord we plead the blood of jesus christ of nazareth we bleed and reach efficacious blood we bleed the blood of jesus the holy ghost of god we plead the blood up in the four corners of this sanctuary carter we serve the devil notice that every trespasser that will be prosecuted lord of mercy i said we come with vengeance we come with vengeance this morning holy course of god parents please walk up until god move from the rustom to the pews cover this here cradle together whatever you want to kind of not stream your fire card nothing strange upon your altar cover your alternate watch over the altar lord oh god take over the service god the service is in your hearts the mother realities in your hands god no cell phone or flesh guard is a pentecostal power lord of mercy god anoint anoint our musicians consecrate every piece of instrument in the name of jesus christ of nazareth ocean war up we come the prayer god we come to war in the name of jesus christ of nazareth anoint the warriors and knowing the warriors cut jerry my assistant forever sent let the spirit of intercession let it rest upon them glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] we need your voice to turn the carter we need your voice to share this please we need your voice to move like lightning we need to hear your voice we need to hear from your cat in the name of jesus christ of nazareth holy ghost of god anoint to worship us anoint your people who are here to worship anoint your people god touch our minds the god let our minds be stayed upon your god let us before cause jesus no retreat no surrender we now we have no white flag i said we come to war with the worshiper we come to war against the enemy with our worship this morning oh god oh god oh god lord jesus remember the camera crew god remember the technicians which they cover them under your blood as they televise the service of all of what you're making the world lord jesus touch our bishop touch him god cover him under your blood minister to him speak to him god anoint him again fresh anointing god a double portion of your anointing touch his wife dr petruva davis cover your woman servant akane wrap them up with fire cutter wrap them up with fire cutter when the enemy come back and bulk up in the fire lord in the name of jesus christ of nazareth holy cows of god take over god take over jesus we are taking limits off your garden do as you please move as you're pleased this is your sanctuary garden this is holy grounds it belongs to you god move as your pleaser the service is in your hands god the service is in your hands god cover us under your blood and we'll be careful to give you the glory we'll be careful to give you the younger god i say leave us to another turn we come to worship god we come to praise you lord we come to magnify your name we come to bless your holy name god bless us together god help us to say it was good for us to be here let none come and leave we are there come lord believe healed live with a blessing save the unsee ever reclaim the backsliders and strengthen zion god take over god you are in control we are in your hands of god our times are in your hands do as it pleases you god hallelujah hallelujah just lift your hands and just praise him just give him thanks to what he's about to do give him thanks to what he's about to do oh glory of god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh god we thank you we thank you from a grateful order we thank you jesus we thank you lord we praise you jesus we worship your god we magnify your name we give your praise and glory we give him honor we magnify the king of kings and the lords of lords he's the sweet rose of sharana he's the leader of the valley he's a bright and boring star he's affair with a hundred thousand to our souls oh what a mighty god we serve angels the power before him heaven and earth what a mighty god we serve hallelujah hallelujah glory glory to god glory to god in the highest glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory he deserves the worshiper he deserves the praise he deserves the glory and the honor he deserves the worshiper lord of mercy worship god worship him i said he deserved the worshiper hallelujah hallelujah hey glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god bless the name of jesus he's worthy to be praised it's an honor and a privilege to stand here again just to lift up the name of jesus because he's worthy to be praised he is worthy hallelujah i said he is worthy to be praised the glory of god hallelujah glory glory to god bless the name of jesus glory to god hallelujah praise god put your hands together and make the holy spirit welcome hallelujah welcome holy spirit of god who welcome holy ghost of god hallelujah he's in our midst to dwell in to bless her and to do us good hallelujah glory to god i feel good in god's i said i feel of god hallelujah glory because i'm in the house of god and we are in his presence glory to god and he is present there is a fullness of joy and that is right-handed they are pleasures forever more glory in his presence where we belong in his presence is where we are strong glory to god let me greet our bishop our pastor bishop dr delfo davis and his wife our first lady dr petrova davis or senior assistant pastor minister tilda nortman minister scott elder lev minister campbell minister peter agreed the ministers in the matchless name of jesus agreed upon leaders evangelists raw missionary parish all poor workers all officers members visitors unsaved loved ones a creature in the matchless name of jesus let me greet our viewers glory to god on facebook instagram youtuber oh glory to god flow channel did you play the pfm channel i want to greet you in the name of jesus don't change the dialogue you are in for a good time a blessed timer in the presence of god or gloria goddard and where the presence of god is there is a liberty some are viewers and my browsers are welcome congregation put your hands together and make them welcome oh glory to god committed viewers and browsers we welcome you in the name of jesus glory to god i invite you all to stand with me please glory to god and take your redemption from books hallelujah hallelujah glory to god take your redemption song but with me 7 97 hallelujah glory to god we're going in the garden today a spiritual guard entity sometimes in the garden it's lonely oh god sometimes honesty not sometimes at all times the honesty is required in the garden submission is required strength is received after the battles do not murmur believe us do not complain hallelujah this garden is a place where serious decisions glory to god are made hallelujah my singers are ready glory to [Music] [Applause] god hallelujah [Applause] [Music] lordly fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] my lord leave me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am my feet [Music] [Music] [Music] on higher ground [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let us say [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to scale [Applause] of glory brothers [Applause] lord leaves me [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] my shall we praise the lord shall we bless the lord [Music] thank you jesus please to reach for your bibles hallelujah and turn to second chronicles 20 from verse 1 to 20. ii chronicles from verse 1 to 20. i invite you all to stand in the presence of god as long as you're able to stand a pleaser stand it came to pass after this also that the children of moab and the children of ammon and with them other besides the ammonites came against jehoshaphates to battle then there came some that told jehoshaphat saying there committed a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side syria and the whole they being as azantamar which is engetta and jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the lord and proclaim the fast throat all of judah and judah gathered themselves together to ask the help of the lord even out of all the cities of judah they came to seek the lord and jehoshaphat stood in the congregation of judah and jerusalem in the house of the lord before the new court and said o lord god forefathers are to not though god in heaven and rulers not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen and in thine hand is there not power and might so that none is able to withstand thee and not though our god who did to drive up the inhabitants of this land before thy people israel and gave us it to the seed of abraham thy friend forever and they dwelt therein and have built their sanctuary therein for thy name saying if when evil cometh upon us as the sword judgment or pestilence or feminine we stand before this house and in thy presence for thy name is in this awesome and cry unto thee in our affliction then thou wilt hear and help and now behold the children of ammon and the moab and monsieur whom the wood has not let israel invade when they came out of the land of egypt but they turned from them and destroyed them not behold i see how they reward us to come to cast us out of thy possession which thou has given us to inherit all our god we though not judge them for we have no might against this great company that comment against us neither know we what to do but our eyes are upon thee and all judah stood before the lord with their little ones their wives and their children then upon jehazel the son of zechariah the son of benaya the son of jahil the son of matana a levite of the sons of asaph came the spirit of the lord in the midst of the congregation and he said harqan he all of judah and inhabitants of jerusalem and thou are king of jehoshaphatem thus said the lord unto you be not afraid of nor dismayed by the reason of this great multitude of further the clip of zika and shall find them at the hands of the broker before the before the wilderness in jeruela you shall not need to fight in this battle set yourselves up stand these still up and see the salvation of the lord with you o judah and jerusalem fear not nor be dismayed tomorrow go out against them for the lord will be with you and jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground and all of judah and the inhabitants of jerusalem fell before the lord of worshipping the lord and the levites of the children of the quran and the children of the core heights stood up to praise the lord god of israel with a load of voice on high 20 and they rose early in the morning and went forth into the wilderness of tekoa as they went forth jehoshaphat stood and said hear me o judah and inhabitants of jerusalem believe in the lord your god so shall he be established believe his prophets so shall he prosper hear me o judah and inhabitants of jerusalem believe in the lord your god so shall he be established believe his prophets so shall he prosper the lord had spoken let the church say the lord had spoken up let the church say hallelujah put your bibles down with me for a minute oh glory to god hallelujah glory to god we see how jehoshaphat won this war it's not by stick and stones and quarreling i said it is my worshiper oh glory to god so lift your hands above your heads and open your mouth and now you have on the master and we're going to worship god it is a weapon against the enemy i said this is an aerial striker an aerial striker oh glory to god the devil is in the atmosphere go ahead and magnify go ahead you can walk up and down lift up your antenna lift your voice as a trumpeter and worship your corner no retreat no surrender we now we have no white flag we are not worshipped with god we are not preaching lord we praise you lord we worship your god we give you praise we give you glory and honor we magnify your name you are great and greatly to be praised oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hey god we worship your lord we worship over god we worship your jesus we worship your god we bless your name we magnify your name we give you praise we give him glory we worship your lord we give you praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship your jesus we magnify your name bless the lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name our god is great and quietly to be praised hey god we worship your god we worship over god we worship your jesus we worship you we praise your name we rip you off god we magnify you hey god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh god glory to god glory to the name of jesus hey god we worship we worship your god we worship your jesus we worship your god lord jesus worship my swallowership my spirit to worship your god i bless your name i bless your name bless your name lord we give your prayers we give him glory we give him honor we worship you we worship our god we worship your jesus we worship your god we bless your name hallelujah we worship you we worship your god we worship your god our eyes are upon your heart we have the might against the great army but our eyes are eyes our eyes our our eyes are upon you lord hey jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory glory to god glory hallelujah thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus lord have mercy holy [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hi jesus glory glory to god glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh jesus oh glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah bless your name jesus bless your name jesus we bless the name of jesus we give him the worship he deserves it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god you can be seated in the presence of god oh god hallelujah hallelujah god is the spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth hallelujah glory glory of god hallelujah blessed the name of jesus we worship your god we give you glory and honor we magnify your name jesus you are worthy to be praised oh god hallelujah hallelujah lord jesus glory hey god hallelujah thank you hi god glory glory to god glory to god glory to god glory hallelujah hallelujah oh god oh jesus lord have mercy god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory hallelujah bless the name of jesus bless the name of jesus hey jesus glory hallelujah hallelujah praise god hey glory glory we'll be calling our first intercessor sister donna marie stevenson hallelujah praise god believe us pray with her don't just sit pray with her pray her through hallelujah she's coming to pray for the troubled communities we see and we know what's happening in jamaica she's coming to pray believers are praying with her glory to god catch a burden hi god come this hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey hey hey hallelujah oh [Music] hallelujah [Applause] mighty god mighty god mighty god hey hey hey master we worship you jesus christ mighty god you are good all by yourself you need no introduction mighty god so there is no coconut ship you mighty god we come to exalt you this moment mighty god we come to lift your name and our god we come to seek your fears mighty god it is no secret mighty god what you can do god you have journey before jesus so you will do it again god and so we come mighty god knowing that we're calling upon a mighty powerful savior precious redeemer friend holy ghost of god lord god almighty lord god i call upon you on behalf of our country on behalf of our people god so holy ghost of god we realize god almighty that we are in trouble holy ghost the spirit of murder of god is at least [Music] in our country god holy ghost of god zombie reach out your hands gods and touch a nice man this moment godzilla you know where such a one is god from our own point to negroen point mighty god touch a knife man mighty god stick up a knife man mighty gods turn them around mighty god this moment godzilla lord god it is no secret that you can't touch such a one god you touched saul god too and you turn him to paul godzilla you make a difference god so touch a knife man god holy ghost can't fix such a one convert such a one god so right now god almighty you know the plans of our life man right now to stop mighty god to murder god almighty but jesus christ show up on that scene right now oh god and convict such a one god almighty the holy ghost oh god almighty remember the god man then god holy ghost to command them godzilla in heaven no congratulations god almighty holy ghost you can't touch a gunman they weren't bothered on man gods a seed has been sown god in their lives god almighty and the lord god almighty this afternoon i asked a few gods hey to touch a gunman god so lord god fill it with him gods visit to jimmy's nuke and crony visit 20 minutes i did please god i got man that is sleeping at this time god almighty god i have a plan for yet of god lord god wake him up god minister to him god let him say things i used to do i do them no more gods let him turn in his gun gods bring fear and tremble upon him gods lord god almighty lord that you know where they are they are in cliques so they are in clowns god they are organized god almighty from negro point to marando lord god almighty this man could not young god right now holy ghost right now we are here in kingston 11 gods lord god almighty don't talk kingston non-evil god tel aviv then i'm down monty come here glaring down said tomorrow ass poor land god send me a regard set catching god kingston and sent unto god you know we already are gods you know our gods are not short gods are not shot reach down and plug them on god mighty god mighty god holy ghost you know the source of the guns lord god almighty you know the source of the bullets lord god you know the source of the money to my name god cut it out god cut it up cut it up what it was cut it up holy ghost of god hey god hey holy ghost who has cut it up this was mighty god let it run dry dry god dry up the source holy ghost mighty god yes mighty god turn them unto you jesus you can turn them good turn them unto you god change your hearts god lord god your hearts are desperately wicked lord god almighty but you made the difference god so walk into such a life god so lord god almighty dem and tone god demon regards god oh god almighty puppy god almighty tavern god jamaica is in trouble god god man god man god man the holy ghost is calling you god man god man shut up shut up lord god from 15 years old upwards mighty god swinging their guns lord god almighty we don't make us in jamaica god we are there coming from god visit our ports visit our porch godzilla visit our ports godzilla wally go away and put a curfew around our poorest gods love god almighty so many weeping mothers weeping aunties weeping uncles weeping neighbors gods we are taking them over godzilla [Music] is thank you jesus we give you glory lord god for hearing god and attended unto our cries lord god thank you god for convicting and converting a gun burner a knife man a saucer a goddess witchcraft work and defeat as god sargeant as gives us god astrologers god almighty touch them one god and touch them our god and give us a turnaround give us a breakthrough lord god almighty thank you lord god we thank you god we thank you lord we give you praise god because it's in your hands lord god we glorify you and we magnify you and we exalt you mighty god because you're here and you're here on your hands so and it's already in your hands and we tell you thanks holy ghost in jesus name hallelujah praise god hallelujah we pray and god delivers uh believers continue to prayer let me the devil weary you're done you know [Music] glory to god sometimes in our prayer and things get spread out of control but guess what believers continue to prayer continue to press up we're pressing on the upward wheel new heights we're gaining every day we're on what bone do not believe us we hear the word this morning that the devil is a liar if he missed the arena he might be walking up but guess what believe us we must do our work we must pray we are called to prayer and we are going to pray until we pray and believe us up until the store cleansing our face up no retreat no surrender it is death before listen up well now we have no white flag we're not waving any white flag we are serious we are serious believers now prayer will be enough it might be some unfair uppercut lord of mercy but mistake believers settle no phone for allah my certain always get up on prayer get up on prayer get up on prayer believers do not wait until the enemies don't want you to pray prayer prayer prayer believe us and we are in 21 days faster than prayer are every morning you can join us we need to pray we need to cover this altar hallelujah we're still praying we're still praying believers the next intercessor is coming and she'll be praying for our bishop lord jesus you know the word of god say if you're striking who finish you know what will happen all right prayerful shepherd believe us we're not worshiping our worship but we're giving god thanks for him he's a good man on a no i talk he's a good person a good man of god it's a commission every writer but when joe enhanced the lord with earth and we're going to pray for the man of god every era of life we will pray ephemera we will leave our palestinians ten minutes up we will pray for the man of god delivers the prayer for the man of god prior may invite you all to stand up has the missionary come to pray for our pastor glory of god hallelujah hallelujah glory he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will see if the lord is my refuge and my fortress my god in you will i trust surely you shall deliver me from the spear of this folder and from the nightsome pestilence you shall cover up with your fellows and under your wing we will trust your shoot will be your shield and butler will not be afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow that flight by day not for the pestilence that walk it in darkness not for the destruction that wasted at moonday fall as thy come in your holy present humble before your divine god lord i give you thanks i worship you i glorify your holy name i exalt your god you are the only wise god that god has plenty whose hands are not shot whose ears they are not heavy and you can be touched with the very feelings of our infirmities lord god you acquaint with all my ways you understand my thoughts afar off divine god my deeds and action are before you i am your hope servant oh one that fear your lord jesus christ one has proven you to be real and so i come believing whatever we ask almighty believing we shall receive because you are god and god alone you create an unit straw before the foundation of this earth your god there was none before not after you no foreign god can take a place you are god and god alone you speak of god almighty answer let you be in the world how great the word oh great the word oh god great is your faithfulness to us morning by mourning your mercies i see and all that i have needed of god your hands have provided you are a faithful god you are a covenant keeping god and so divine god i place your mind surf and before you bishop dr delphi davis your homeless servant oh god a jeremiah god of all time as you said to jeremiah before he was forming the belly unto him and before he comes from the womb you have obtaining and sanctify him a prophet to the nation lord god is your humble servant oh god almighty a man who fear you am i no obedient to your word almighty god lord jesus christ and jeremiah oh god the isaiah our mouth is to lead this great flock lord jesus christ leading in that easy you know the trouble of israel gave lord god almighty and mouthed let us repeat this petition your children on behalf of the children of israel lord god here is your humble man servant i pray you will man claim afraid i pray you will anoint him almighty from the crown of his head to the very souls of his feet water his soul with a fresh lord god unite him with fresh oil preserve him almighty god and to give the fresh fish into the south sea and that he will preserve him let no weapon form against him prosper oh god almighty has finally angeled him as you give my all the trivia represent fire by night and crawl by day to guide them to the wilderness lord god bless his food and his water all god bless his lie down and he's waking up almighty presenter table before him almighty god in the presence of his enemy united with fresh oil almighty god let him be like a watered garden almighty when the enemy coming back and float around and lift up and stand on almighty give your age a chance to keep him in all his ways oh god let him be our god of the world around jerusalem build a wall around him and edge around him as you put your edge around job almighty let him be working run and not be weary oh god i pray for a double potion a doubler 19 oh god let him have the experience of a doubler 19 as he grabbed the monkey of god as elijah grabbed them uncle lord god almighty oh god god give him another man claw jesus as he lead his great flock almighty many times he must be crying many sleepless night oh god but i pray they will give him double strength to give it to samson let him run toward the troop let him leap around the world of the enemy and let his belly continue to flow rivers of living water oh god almighty late night one sheep oh god almighty is a good shepherd who got the last mile to one sheep lord god let me shiver by his voice almighty you have to let him you have too many mother runs out of the burning holy ghost of god remember you woman servant to god who stand beside the mother aaron lord jesus christ when you are strength o god what our soul almighty god a night a refreshed oh god lord god almighty we knew our strength bless our lie down o god bless our growing house lord let your blessing follow his children children lord god from generation to generation i will bless jacob almighty give him a change of name almighty god holy ghost of god let not the enemy steal him like we eat lord god almighty is your homoserval why not fear you lord god why not god the last mind of god for a soul is that your winner jesus christ many lives have been of god almighty i am a living testimony of god almighty oh god let the world be in his mouth like fire let it feel like the fire shut up in his bone again holy ghost of god the flock that he lead lord god almighty strengthen him let that father is leading of god and not to say oh god close to him lord jesus swim his enemies lord god so i am his enemies knowledge but they are not good love lord jesus christ oh god let them be real let us follow his example lord god oh god almighty have your way senior assistant pastor lord god remember minister finance peter oh god almighty oh god minister gloria campbell lordly ministers of this headquarters lord god the name lord god annoy them almighty the thought is great to god and delivers of you lord god almighty they are willing to work for you they are willing to work almighty god renew their strength to god bless this ministry lord jesus christ bless our god almighty overseas ministry lord god almighty oh god you're from the tribe of abraham oh god almighty as bishop davis the leader for this great organization lord jesus christ let each other one of them let us take you for direction give them wisdom like solomon oh god do not pass me by i'm hungry before you i give you praise i give your honor and i glorify your holy name i humble tell your songs in jesus name hallelujah glory to god put your hands together for the lord we pray and god delivers hallelujah glory to god praise god i have two five minutes pearl coming up i know they can pray in five minutes hallelujah i'll be calling evangelist hall she'll be praying for the poor workers lord god god will heal them god will raise up the warriors we need strength to believe us you know how hard it is to pray let the prayer workers tell your heart it is supreme glory that god shall be coming to pray for the prayer warriors that god will strengthen the imam god will heal those who are under the weather and god will give us renewed strength up and renew our minds up five minutes hallelujah glory to god hallelujah glory lord we worship you father we have stole marco secours he's a great god he's a mighty god he is a king of kings and the lord of lords he's a conqueror security of the tribe of judah and lord we give you praise today father we give your honor my god i have glorify you god lord god here we are before your mother secretary [Music] my god as a living sacrifice my god holy and acceptable to thee my god for reason to serve his father let us not be conformed to this world but transform us mighty god of dani allah oh god we present the workers in your hand oh god the prayer department my god we lift up everyone before you father oh god you know that my name my number you know what they are going through even now oh god somebody seek my god some are afflicted hey my god he ended me my god i don't flick them holy ghost but we come in the name of jesus christ our prayer destroyed by god how we say no we're partners here nowhere [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus our god of the light god god and the father we are praying this stranger we are praying for them that you may anoint them again holy ghost out of a portion of your 19 knowing them again father knowing them again pouring them of god why the demons the name of jesus christ oh lord you know them right now lord god some are broken oh somebody disappointed so my depression somebody praised my but because of the circumstances but we are praying father that there shall be no contraction no one shall die father oh my god no shall because sacrament bring them out god bring the water bring all the warriors father don't weep again don't pray again don't move again don't cry again father in the name of jesus christ almighty god of daniela we are praying my god in the name of jesus christ that now will get weary in well doing by god in the name of jesus christ strengthen them father strengthen the mighty god of taliana strengthen them by god if they lift up their heads again prophet come and get him holy ghost the hell coming from the lord which made the heaven and the heart almighty god of daniella the prayer warriors are in your hands oh god your people pray are you in your hands if my people are called by my name if you are known for themselves and prayer seek my flesh my god turn from the wicked ways that you will hear from heaven you will forgive our sins and our land shall be healed so touch the warrior god let them pray let their prayer let them pray my god for the effects of prayer and pray of the righteous man i pray that martyr have your sweet revival in jesus name praise the lord shall we bless the lord shall we bless the lord god is a good god hallelujah we serve a great big wonderful god we serve a great big wonderful god always victorious always watching over us with great big wonderful god we [Music] [Music] victoria always [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonderful thank you jesus sister williams is coming with her five minutes she'll be praying for our children believe us pray for our children pray for them they are being abused they are being murdered oh glory to god i pray for them believers so join or i should come up to pray with our chief of our children oh glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god bless the name of jesus hallelujah thank you lord glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to your name jesus father we salute you we exalt you almighty god father we give you the glory we give you the honor we adore and magnify your name mighty god there is none like you there is none compared to you you are god alone father we thank you we thank you lord jesus for who you are mighty god we take your authority and we buying the strong man in the name of jesus we destroy the strongman host with the blood of jesus we spoil the strongman goats with the blood of jesus satan you are defeated see at times your powers are broken in jesus name mighty god will lift up the children before you right now mighty god will place the children into your hands father we pray that you cover them under your blood cover the children under your blood lord from the crown of their head to the soul of their feet in the name of jesus mighty god we place them in the palm of your hands oh bless the name of jesus father we come against every evil conspiracy that is coming upon the children today mighty god all kind of situations so many evil influences manipulating the children's mind but we come against it in the name of jesus we plead the blood of jesus over them all bless the name of jesus father we pray that you undergird the children almighty god oh jesus undergird them with your strength father we pray that your words will be a lump unto the children's feet and the light unto their path in the name of jesus mighty god wrap them up in your blood god blank them in your presence god in the name of jesus father we pray that you lead and direct them oh god we come against every spirit that is unleashed towards them mighty god so many spirits unleash in the world today and trouble in the children's mind for our prayer that they touch their mental faculty touch their mental faculty god saturate their mental faculty with their blood oh jesus intervening the children's life right now god in the name of jesus father we tear down every strand all over the children's life right now in the name of jesus we come against every stronghold all over the children right now god in the name of jesus father we decree and declare that the expectation of the wicked whoever the children shall not be met in the name of jesus father we pray that they put an edge of fire around the children oh god put an edge of fire around the children so that the hand of the wicked that was stretched by them whoever by dear by night will be consumed by your fire in the name of jesus mighty god we come against every jesuit spirit right now attacking the children lord jesus we turn the sword we pull the sword of almighty god right now and we chop off every jesus and right now in the name of jesus we come against every philistine spirit attacking the children almighty god we pull this who are god and we drop off the men in the name of jesus we chop off every philistine head with the sword of almighty god in the name of jesus father we come against every fear of spirit that is attacking the children mighty god will slew them with the blood of jesus christ of nazareth oh bless the name of jesus the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood of jesus the blood the blood the blood the blood of jesus the blood of jesus prevail for although we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling donor strongholds oh bless the name of jesus father we pray that your daily for children right now deliver them jesus deliver children right now rescue of the children almighty god set them free god in the name of jesus from negro point to moran point in the name of jesus visit every children right now god in the different houses in the different districts in the different parishes all blessed of jesus oh lamb almighty god blank in the lord jesus keep them sear from arm kingdoms here from every attack of the enemy almighty god oh bless the name of jesus praise almighty god we place them into your hands we'll leave it into your hands almighty god father your word said no devil no man cannot plot them out of my hand or bless the name of jesus father we give you thanks we give you honor in jesus name amen praise god thank you jesus glory be to god maybe to stand with me please we pray and god deliver us hallelujah believe us just keep praying doesn't matter what is happening just keep pressing i gotta ask god for the anointing we need the anointing not believers we need it we know things happening you know but we need your anointing it's in the anointing it destroys every euro cup hallelujah so we need the anointing we are the singers oh glory of god hallelujah bless the name of jesus i need your anointing hey i need it waiting in my soul i need your anointing glory to cleanse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah we're willing to work but we need the anointing hallelujah just stand with me please and lend me your ears for two minutes just stand your soldiers god give his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers and you are one of them god gives the hardest battle to his strongest soldiers so put on the old armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil do not be afraid be confident be bold we are crossing over tell yourself for psalm 27 the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear of the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid tell yourself for job 13 15 though he slay me yet will i trust him tell yourself psalm 25 2 oh my god i trust in thee let me not be ashamed let not the enemy triumph over me tell yourself psalm 30 verse 5 weeping may endure for an item but draw your comment in the morning tell yourself psalm 23 4 yes thou i walk up through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rotten thy stuff they comfort me tell yourself psalm 46 verse 1 god is my refuge and strengthener are very present to help in trouble therefore will not be fair though the earth be removed tell yourself psalm 118 verse 7 i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord the glory of god lift your right hands lift your hand in solidarity and tell yourself i shall not die but liver and declare the works of almighty god hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus glory to god it was my pleasure serving you this afternoon now put your hands together for one of god's woman servant minister i still the make her welcome glory to god hallelujah bless the name of jesus [Music] shall we bless shall we praise him again come on do better than that man let me hear you praise the lord let me hear you worship the king close your eyes just for a moment and it's just him alone on you close your eyes lift up your hands begin to tell him something i don't know what you need to tell him you know hallelujah and if you don't know the holy ghost no hallelujah because the word of god said when we don't know the holy ghost make intercession so praise him and give him the glory hallelujah praise him and give him the honor hallelujah worthy to be praised he's worthy to be praised we worship your jesus we bless your name we honor you almighty god alleluia to you be the glory unto you be the praise oh god you are worthy of our praises so we praise you from inside god we don't want to praise you from outside we want to praise you from the heart we want to lift up the name of jesus the name of jesus lifted me wherever i go i'll praise him wherever i am i'll praise him hallelujah glory hallelujah thank you jesus do you have anything to thank god for today you you really really really have something to thank god for god has crossed us over from 2021 into 2022 look how many persons have gone ahead of us so we have all right it is even that just close your eyes lift up your hands without life you can't do anything lift up your hands close your eyes tell him thanks tell him thanks come on tell him thanks because of him we can face tomorrow because he leaves all our fears are gone hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah thank you holy ghost no yeah hallelujah to your name jesus we praise you god i thank you for life i thank you for blessing i thank you for providing a thank you for opening the doors i thank you almighty god for being who you are thank you that you are god and god alone nobody is like you are known to be compared and we give our praises to no harder we give our praises to you and you alone hallelujah yay glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus glory hallelujah oh god thank you hallelujah let me encourage somebody don't know who you are hallelujah but i just want to say to you hold on my child joy comes in the morning the darkest part of night [Music] is just before dawn so you might be having some dark experience but remember the darkest part of your experience is when deer is about to light you're going through it and it looked dark and dismal but the sunlight blood god of heaven hallelujah glory to god the darkest part of night is just before dawn weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning so it doesn't matter what you're going through whoever you are your god is bigger than your problem hallelujah your god is bigger than your problem and he's not going to put more on you than you can bear you will never do that so your joy is coming your mourning is coming your night is over your joy hallelujah wow your joy is coming look for it wait for it it's coming and we don't like it have to bite it whoever don't like when you pray true hey hallelujah when god gets ready of the moves hallelujah thank you jesus god bless you richly god keep you [Music] hallelujah thank the prime mothers for the intercessory prayers that have been prayed and as evangelists said it's not easy to pray it's hard did they fight against your prayer because the devil is a weapon against him so fight against it but good god almighty joy come in oh glory hallelujah hey hallelujah hallelujah jesus god bless you i want to extend greetings to my bishop bishop dr delphi davis a servant of god that i respect to the max he and his wife minister dr petrova davis i appreciate them i love them let us continue to pray for them they are real hallelujah they are real we're not getting any counterfeit we are getting what is real praise god and all the ministers in the house i greet you in the name of jesus brethren i greet you i bless you i thank god for you tell your neighbor your tongue god for them come on say it again i thank god for you hallelujah without you we wouldn't have a service going on here today so i thank god for you and those of you that are on facebook you're on instagram you are on youtube you are on power fiat channel you are on dj play you are on floor wherever we find you we want to let you know we appreciate you and we thank you for being there hallelujah and i know that god almighty has a package in store for you i don't know what and what is in the package but god have a package sit tight and let the lord feed you with manna from above virgin we're in the last days you know i don't know your seat but we are in the last days we must be ready we must be ready time is winding up tighten up what you need to tighten up the word of god said is have not heard and hides i'm not seen neither of it entered in the art of men it thinks that god of in store for all of us so don't let the devil steal it because he's a thief he's a murderer he's a killer but look here our god is bigger than the devil so we look to him he is the only one stand with me please hallelujah learning [Music] to lean i am learning to leave i am learning is [Music] [Applause] learning [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am learning [Music] [Music] glory [Applause] [Music] i am learning to leave [Applause] [Music] [Applause] surely i am learning to leave [Music] [Applause] i am learning [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah shelter hallelujah it is the highest praise shout a hallelujah hallelujah glory to god don't let the devil stop your praise god thank you god bless you richly and it is my joy it is my privilege it is my pleasure praise god this afternoon [Music] to turn over the remaining portion of the service into god's manservant hand on the holy ghost he has been a blessing any time he take this stand and i know without a doubt lord god almighty that god is going to use him to be a blessing to us and know you are waiting on our work please those of you that are seated please stand i know you are waiting for word god knows your heart god knows where you are and the right word is going to come at the right time from no other person than past german lane put your hands together and make pasteling welcome to the glory the honor the praise of god and the holy ghost god bless you sir [Music] come on somebody give jesus a shout of praise in the house this afternoon hallelujah come on open up your mouth [Music] god is good somebody said god is good soul man turn it up come on look at somebody and tell them god is good uh come on look at the person on the other side today but i don't know about you but i've got so much to be thankful for uh yeah i know i look good smell good praise god and if you look on my countenance and my appearance my physical appearance praise god you would see that god has been faithful to me god has been good to me praise god whatever he has promised he has delivered he has come through every time i call upon him he may not come the way i want him to praise god but one thing is for certain whatever he says he cannot go back on it and he said if you call unto me not i might or may answer he says i will look at somebody tell them learn to call on your god oh y'all ain't preaching with me today come on look at somebody tell him learn to call on your god yes if there's ever a time we need ah to get that one-on-one connection with heaven nobody ain't saying nothing it's now hallelujah hallelujah praise god and i want to i want to encourage somebody even before i go any further before you take your seats i want to encourage every one of you but before i go any further just lift your hands today if you are one of those who have been going through like see not you up to the church of god if you are one of those who came today not just to see who the preacher would be if you are one of those who came today not just because you have something to wear or somebody invited you but if you're one of those who came today because you believe in the power of the almighty god to turn your situation around to turn your circumstance around i want you right now in this moment to open up your mouth hallelujah right where you are and just begin to shut back him nobody can praise him for you yes they can pray for you but they can't praise for you the bible says that praise is commonly for the upright if you're upright come on let it come let it come out of you today somebody ought to open up your mouth hallelujah and give jesus the biggest the best the most eloquent and grand eloquent praise you have brought here today open up your mouth polar theater and let the devil know you pick me up you let me go that box right back what a hide [Music] without the fight i need more volume on the mic soul might help me help me praise god help me oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i am excited to be in the house today i am excited i'm going to say it again to be in the house today hallelujah from the front to the back i am excited to be in the house today i mean that with every fiber of my being because if it was up to the enemy if it was up to the devil it was up if it was up to the serpent come on none of us would be here today and so from the front to the back i greet you well praise god in the matchless all-powerful all-encompassing name of jesus christ yeshua hamashiach the god who was is and is to come anybody excited about 2022 come on ah come on powerful anybody excited about this here anybody know that if god's gonna get some glory he's gonna get some glory out of my life this year if god's gonna move in anybody's life this year i am gonna be a part of it ah he's gonna work through me lift your hand above your head right now and say lord whatever you're doing in this season come on somebody say don't do it don't do it put your hands on your chest beat your chest say don't do it without your medium leg [Music] left me out god minority no i reach yet i'm not there yet but come on now we have got to left me on please don't let my flaws my inadequacies and my insufficiencies block me lord you see my heart oh somebody who loved jesus but every now and again you get it wrong open your mouth say lord you see my heart you'll see my heart don't leave me out [Music] some of you are waiting for me to start preaching i start preaching already don't leave me out because see today let me just say this before i go any further cut the music let me just say this before i go any further i always like to say i don't come to preach to everybody because i know how preaching is and so when i say this today i mean it with every fiber of my being every facet of my being church of the living god i did not come to preach to everybody today i came to preach to a selected few praise god and by the time i introduce where i want to go today you will understand why only a few will understand and grab ahold of this message today but i assure you when the word of god comes if you can hold on to it praise god no matter how you feel about it if it's the word of god hallelujah that means it's gonna work in your life hallelujah praise god but if you doubt it and you're cynical and skeptical it can work come on somebody you've got to grab a hold of this word by feet no matter what praise the name of the lord acts chapters number five acts chapter number five today we honor the lord for our bishop praise god bishop dr delphi davis amen and his darling wife minister dr patrol for davis amen i salute them today praise god i honor the lord for them we hug the lord for all god's ministers amen we honor god for minister i seal the note man amen put the hedge together for this wonderful woman of god church of god amen god bless you minister norman and all the other ministers at the level it's good to see you sir i've been asking everybody for you praise god just yesterday call your name in the studio praise god everybody in the studio with our weaknesses they'll tell you that i said boy you know from the year started don't see elder level i think i may have even said it to minister scott praise god i said you don't have no number for elder level i said from the year started don't see the man of god i'm gonna have to check upon one another church you think it's a joke when i saw how or dearly beloved sister just day i went with no church of god on the next team here become you never know and one thing menu of your every single person you're sitting at this church building right now including altador i'm pandering they might go through 2022 not going through anything god bless you hallelujah god bless you if your life smooth and everything all right church oh god somehow we have a choice never say something you know he says acts chapters number five and i'm going to start at verse number 38. i greet the man and woman in the studio well today praise god all the prior mothers and every single worker in this church i honor the lord for you today acts chapters 5 and 38 and now i say unto you refrain from these men and let them alone for if this council or this work be of men it will come to not but if it be of god you cannot overthrow it in other words if it be of god you cannot stop it lest happily ye be found even to fight against god and to him they agreed and when they had called the apostles and beaten them they commanded that they should not speak in the name of jesus and let them go and watch this they departed from the presence of the council crying weeping grumbling and murmuring after being scolded flogged beaten praised god and left for shame church of god the bible says they departed from the presence of the council rejoicing why jesus help me jesus help me anybody following in your bible they left the counts rejoicing after being beaten why that they were found worthy in other words if i even forget some leak for this i am ready i am ready to suffer whatever it is including humiliation if i have to for this and daily in the temple and in every house they seized not to teach and preach jesus christ let us pray father we thank you that undoubtedly it is the entrance of your word that brings light and life so we ask today in the matched name we the all-encompassing name the name that is absolutely unequivocally above every other name and that the sound of which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord you have been you are and you will continue to be who you say you are and in that fact we relish this opportunity to stand in your presence as mere fallible mortal men we are not deserving of being in your company but you have accepted us into your beloved and today we are eternally grateful bless us today speak to us cover us teach us edify us let illumination oh god and revelation come let this atmosphere feel the presence of daddy let this atmosphere be charged with the electric fire of the awesome god i pray we'll have a among carmel experience today the kind of experience that shifts our focus and our attention and places it on the awesomeness of the god we serve i pray we will not leave this place the same way we came let your awesomeness your glory and your splendor be manifested in this place locked on every other voice that is not of you every other voice that seeks to speak today lock them down in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i pray that you will get all the glory all the honor and all the praise in this house and somebody will love him like i do open up your mouth and shout amen you may have your seeds today church of god i want to begin today by announcing to this august body of believers seated before me and including my brothers and sisters or viewers on facebook and on youtube praise god the inclusive of those as well that's viewing us on uh our floor channel praise god 672 and praise god 602 and did you play channels number 20 i bless god for you and i want to announce to you today praise god that i i am not here as a mere visitor praise god let me announce to those of us because i i say this because just just yesterday and i have two testimonies real quick before i get into extrapolating the word of god just yesterday somebody saw me and this man of god says faster i'm glad that you're visiting our church praise god and we are happy to have you because you have been such a great visitor you have been such a great blessing to us and at some point the enemy the enemy somebody said the enemy you have a careful church of god what you allow the enemy to speak into your ear church immediately the enemy wanted me to rebuke this man praise god but i understand that not everybody is going to understand your assignment and you've got to be comfortable with the fact that you are going to come along some folk who see you but don't understand you praise god they talk to you but they can't comprehend you you've got to be comfortable with that especially as a spiritual human being and i said to this person humbly i said sir with all due respect i am not a power faith as a mere visitor i said i'm not here waiting for god to open a door somewhere for me praise god i'm not here hoping praise god that bishop will make a wheel for me and boss me praise god come on somebody look at your name all the blessing pastoring want him getting ready all the bossing pastoring need he has already gotten in the fact that i'm standing in power field platform praise almighty on this day of january 2022 it means that god has already feared for this boy praise god so i want to announce to those who are still skeptical praise god and still wandering church i mean this so let me just use this as a public announcement i am not here hoping and praying and waiting for god to do some stuff in my life whatever god has going to do he has already done it and now what he has done is he has established my feet in a place by which through faith i can access that which he has already prepared in the realm of the spirit how many of us know church that god ain't about to do nothing whatever god is about to do it is already done before your mother met your father every single thing you will need is already prepared in the realm of the spirit hallelujah and now it's through fear that we access that with god as pre-ordained and pre-purposed for us and so church of god i just want to say to my fellow brothers and she says i am here praise god and i'm here for one reason and one reason only which is to do the will of him that send me while it is there why for the night is coming to which i am fully aware when no man can work so look at your neighbor send me but just pray for the young man come on tell him pray for the young man praise god hallelujah this morning church of god i told you i have two testimonies this morning amen i went to a supermarket to purchase a buckle of lucasy and praise god a bottle of lucazi when i went into the supermarket church of god and i'm gonna preach in a minute i promise i will not fail you church god when i went in the supermarket i i was short on twenty dollars because amen the lucas it was 270 let me carry 250. so i told the proprietor said i will return to my car for the twenty dollars but god knew church of god why never carried a full amount because standing in that very same supermarket was a woman and this woman did not see me the first time i went she saw me when i came back with the twenty dollars to finish the payment and she looked at the pastel and i say hi how are you doing because it's the first i'm meeting this person and she said let me tell you something man i should carry she went on and she went on and church of god just like that this woman said come me africa you're gonna meet me husband and they'll be take me han i'll lead me up a flight upstairs i know she's watching she had her husband right now she took me up a flight at steerspondercum supermarket church i never even knew sisters and hosts upstairs and all these things they didn't care me go upstairs and brought me in a room where her husband did not even know i was coming cash come down to come by something for your husband come back me up and hear me go up on her husband in a bed the man in her in bed church god and she knocked on the door she said come in past the lane when i went said to us you know who this is church and i'm not saying this you'll get the message shortly yeah she said you know this is the one same look like somebody familiar the man said what's weird no barcelona and church they went on but this is the point i want to make when i went in that room they began to tell me that not even two weeks ago the man did a heart surgery i don't know if it was a bypass i don't remember what procedure they said it was but they had to take some vienna to some part-time food to put back into some part of the arch because no blood was flowing or pumping to his heart and these people church of god said that through power of fear tv you better hear me every single day they would sit down and they would watch this station religiously they would tune in to this station and this station has been the lady said to mr pastor she said i know it's one thing to be in church but she said that's just a physical building she said every single day we are so fed we are so taken care of by the church the woman said it's a pleasure to meet anybody from the ministry church of god i'm sick i've said all of that to say you don't know the effect that this ministry that you and you and you all the way in the back is causing to propel forward enough people on our health owner don't even know power fear and so that's why today i have come to encourage uno me computato the people sit down in front of us every day the people who makes this church over the years what it is some of you don't get no write up some of you don't don't call me somebody don't get no mic praise god but trust me your contribution to this ministry is significant and it would be remiss of me as a pastor to not mention that some of you have been faithful since i've been here miss yoona and i want you to know if miss you know god has seen you and your reward is sure somebody said amen somebody say amen that was my introduction now it's time to preach acts 5 i've just read my topic today church of god to every one of us is simply this no pain no gain no pain no gain hallelujah no pain no again praise god for oppositions i must say it again praise god for opposition these are not pleasant words to hear and even more difficult to say you know in christian circles we often talk in terms of open and closed doors it's as though we can determine god's will for all life by these perceived opening and closing of doors praise the name of the lord now church i want to be clear that i am not saying hear me that god does not often go before us and pave the path for his people praise god and for his work in our lives but you got to hear me but we often get to quickly conclude follow this church of god that a difficult situation must be a closed door church of god we have gotten to the place where we have concluded that if the situation is difficult there is no way this can be gone because if this was god come on minister nope man everything should fall seamlessly and effortlessly in place if this was god hallelujah ah that thing should work out after all i have prayed come on i have fasted i have sown my seed and returned my tide if this was god it should have worked and the converse of that is there's no way this could be god and it is coming against me like this there's no way god could be involved in this woman's life but yet still she's sick and die something is wrong somewhere i don't understand how as a child of god love god serving god faithful to god situations like this circumstances like this could come upon me come on y'all know what i'm talking about because some of you have gone through it before where you go through some stuff and you couldn't tell nobody why not all the see them but because church the first thing they would say they would criticize the god you serve oh she says you're christian but yet still she's sick she can't pray for me if she's sick that hoes have a prayer for god heal me come on come on you can't broken me i pray that god is gonna bless me this could never be god well i'm here to announce to somebody you have to find god to understand god and when you find god and begin to understand god the only thing about god you're gonna understand is that he's too big to be understood can i say it one more time in your deepest quest come on church of god to unravel the mystery of what makes god god is the more you might find out i don't know this man can i bring it to what the bible says the bible declares that god's wills are past finding out in other words you can't fathom him you can't really understand him ah the bible declares that as the heavens are above the earth so are his wears above us and his thoughts above ourselves in other words church of god and we put it in layman's term we all that serve god we go through seasons in our lives we're gonna go through movements in our lives we are going to endure time in our lives where if you never really knew god before you would not think this had to be the enemy but you're going to understand there is no way god's gonna give the devil so much authority so much power and actions in my life the devil is a liar this had to be god this must be god teaching me some stuff this must be god bringing me through some stuff and bringing some stuff out of me this cannot be the devil [Applause] the problem with some of us we think we know god too much if you think you know god too much you will never get to know him a broken spark a broken spirit and the contrite heart the more you know and the more you're supposed to say to god i want to know the higher you take me at the higher me one call the deeper you take me because you are inexhaustible you are limitless you are boundless and the more we care it opens me up for more the hunger getting i don't want this hunger to cease i want this desire to steal why because it's only those who hunger and fears after righteousness not those who pray the most not those who pass the most not those who can't speak in tongues but they that hunger hallelujah so god brought me in this journey and he says let the people know you're not in it alone you're not going through it by yourself because church of god for the past few weeks i i said this from my heart my spirit has been so troubled and so perplexed because every christian you meet today they might go through some some church of god i i kill you not brothers and sisters if i meet five people for the dear church the five of them have some bad report and i'm saying to god god may not understand this oh you could have loved with so much oh you couldn't be so tender and so caring to watch us but yet still the people i go through so much and the lord dropped this word in my spirit church no pain no kid in other words you have to go through some stuff you have to endure some stuff you want to really make it in 2022 it's not for whim peace people it's not for jelly black people it's not for people who give up easy it won't be for those who every close door your farm yourself and your staff and turn but no it's going to be for those who say god if you don't open a door i am going to make one myself who am i preaching to in here i came to preach to some with what i call indomitable spirit people send me now give up no matter what we have to go through come high water even in my deadpan i'm gonna still leave my hands and open my mouth and declare god is good god is good god is good too [Applause] if you're not going through anything you have my permission to stay silent but i want to talk to some real people today who are going through some real stuff church sit down please let me talk to you god does not often reveal everything to his children because what god expects of us i want somebody in the back to hear me it's every single waking moment of the day god expects his people to trust him i know that sounds as cliched as they come but the reality is the bible lets us know that without fear it's the only way that god can be accessed there is no other way that we can access god but through faith somebody say fear for the bible declares that he that comes to god must first believe that's the fear part you believe you don't see come on church of god but you know there is something deep down on the inside that makes me know that the only way for me to access this man is to fear somebody say fear so now god says you're praying for everything to be all right you're praying for everything to work out and turn not the right way but god said we can't do that i've got to leave you in a place where you must trust me i've got to leave you in a place because if i don't do that you're going to think you're all right and your prayer life forever doing that you're fasting life is going to be dinner so god said guess what i'm going to do i'm going to allow some stuff i am going to alone and cause may i go hello some stuff because the faith is the only way by which you can access me me can't ever leave you in a position where you have no fear and we don't have to use fear so every single day you get up it's a fiat work let me say every single day you get up it's a fiat work all if you think you have everything sucked out come on how many of us ever get up one day yet and every single thing praise god that you need to do in today is already planned and you strategize and you're already settled but boop somewhere along the deer something just happened i threw everything out of work but even when that happened church you can't get distracted you can't get disappointed you have to see that as god saying hey i need some attention now you've been too busy with this i know your son giving you hair but i need some time with you because i may ever deliver your sword so if i don't hear from you if i can't find your adam your soul is going to be left and lord see everywhere no matter what cry you cry no matter what your power you need to open yourself up that i can communicate through you can i talk to somebody today can i talk to somebody today somebody leave your hand above your head and say no pain no gain come on tell your neighbor neighbor come on tell that number it's a neighbor you have to go through it but tell them thank god god did not leave you by yourself look at somebody say he's taking me through it's not easy am i preaching to anybody in prophet muhammad not easy let me know imagine take me through this it's rough but if he induced it he's gonna deliver me see him god good morning cm god that evening master god a god if he has ever delivered you before jump up on your feet open up your mouth and give him a shout if god has ever done anything in your life you have proven him to be a deliverer you are proving him to be aware shout it here let the world hear that you're here who are grateful they are not completed by their being they are now worried about what they have to endure because they understand if i am gonna receive the prize it's gonna be too much tribulation somebody praise god in here who open your mouth and praise god i'm trying to bring some perspective to some of your opinion because somebody i do everything right but things still fall apart i've always said i'm a preach from my heart i can only preach from where i sit brothers and sisters if it were paul would we conclude at every beating every imprisonment every shipwreck every verbal attack must have been a closed door from god church of god what if you were in brother paul's situation shipwreck you wouldn't say god has forsaken me beaten god has deserted me because the children of god must live the best we are the best eat the best try the best and enjoy the best so whenever we find yourself i go through some stuff church of god we cannot give god the kind of glory that is due to his name why because we have been to focus on false doctrines and false teaching i don't care what the preacher tell you until they start to tell you that just to name the name of christ alone means it opens you up to all kinds of problems all kinds of persecution all kinds of tribulation just to say you love jesus but church of god what the preachers also need to tell you is that yes even when the problems come if you've got a mere mind if you've got a mind that says god no matter what it's harder it's rough it's tough let me not give up i assure you i assure you right now if i be a man of god he's gonna show up and he's gonna see about you he's gonna bring you out of that situation and not only bring you out but bring you out with a shelter when you walk with a priest is there anybody here today who believe that when god gets ready no demon in hell no devil in here can hinder you can't stop you from coming out when god says it's your time somebody says my time i don't care how we look i don't care how it's done i've come by today because i believe that the god i serve is able to turn my situation around is there anybody power fear today who believe that your situation yesterday can turn at the movement's notice who open your mouth and [Applause] say lord turn it [Applause] yeah turn it turn it i think united clear to every person here today i prophesy to every person watching on social media and anywhere else that condition that situation that circumstance that sickness is not unto death but for the son of man this is the conundrum that we have in church we cannot understand how a loving god a caring god who died to save humanity can allow all kinds of disease come on church of god all kinds of plagues all kinds of infirmities to come upon this people church of the living god this is the conundrum that we have this is the same conundrum they had praise god in the gospel when they came to jesus and they asked him a question they said lord who did sin that this man was born blind why because back then to be born blind was a curse and the bible says the lord looked at them and he said nobody sinned this man never seen either his parents sin this man was born with this condition this man is suffering this affliction this man is enduring this situation for me to get some glory you might go through this because after i come out of it everybody i got no this man could come out by himself this had to be caught with a boy in front of new york wow all in a son this boy can see no where can i tell you him tell me to tell you he was given this situation because god knew i can trust you god knows saying could i trust sister arnela forgot you what she had got through and never come here one day a minor like some sobayo but i have never heard her complain never heard her crumble never heard her murmur like i said before many of you know her better than i do i have never heard her complain what am i trying to say there comes a point in your life and in a christianity where you have to mellow to the point where you understand that your life was not given to you for yourself church of god i think this is the problem that we have in church today we have forgotten why we get saved we have forgotten why we come to church you know come at church because you want to join the choir you know come at church praise god because your wand upon the ocean board upon the deacon's committee you come at church because you were wounded you were dead in sin i'm sorry praise god almighty your christmas is unseen you were so filthy and so dirty you could not help yourself but god sent his only begotten son to die a horrible cruelty that you and i could live and have a right to life and eternity that's why we praise god because we were sinking deep in sin fire from the peaceful shore very deeply stand within sinking to rise somebody said no more say no more but on the part of me like but the master i said the master of the sea what did he do what did he do he heard he [Music] [Music] of the sea he heard he heard leave your hand over your head say lord hear me say lord incline your ears [Music] incline give attention to my words and my supplication church god i got to give you this because my time is almost done watch acts chapter 5 and 38 says and now i say unto you refrain from these men don't trouble them look at anybody but don't trouble me jesus have mercy don't you trouble zion don't you trouble zion come on church say zaya navaki [Music] yo you listen church of god [Music] he said don't trouble these men leave them alone why for if god i'm sorry if this culture or this world be of men it will come to not but if it be of god or a can with nothing church i said this and as i was reading this passage just came to my spirit some of you haven't even inconvenienced yourself trying to make others convenient you're in confi some of you put your christianity on hold pause put your prisoners in perils trying to make other people around you feel comfortable those days are over i said those days are over if people cannot appreciate the god in you if people can listen church let me let me say this everybody look this way one thing manure don't looking down here sir nobody down here sir mother parish can't shoot me one thing is for certain everybody donaires including opus a flood the whole we have problems the whole now we have issues the whole of our situation will be our work through hallelujah which means at the end of the day make women patient with one another come on church make women percent with one another make we help one another come on make we encourage one another make will lift up you know why for if god has called you to this is what gamil because i have to give you some backstory now to close church of god camellia is the man that trained the apostle paul when you understand paul's intellect and depth of the jewish law praise god paul attributed amen all his knowledge to camellia praise god what we find in the book of acts chapter 5 is that the apostles were being persecuted come on church of god for their faith the enemy wanted to kill these men because they believed in the god of their salvation you got to hear me now church it reaches to a point now where they got to make some distinction because they want the devil to know if god has called us no matter what you do you care stop it if god has anointed me if god has blessed me if god has opened this door you can't stop it and so many need to rest assured and stop nick wicked evil people call you along christian since a god men and women of god at times we would turn up you know with god-given authority and that evil men and evil women know make [Music] no hide [Music] these men [Music] said listen we sit down please let me talk to your church listen if we try to stop this thing hear me and it is of god i know she as she are she your fight against when the prayer mothers come your feet do it god call them fido when the workers comfy clean sister jolly praise god when she comfy clean and the other persons who make this house so beautiful week after week praise god you're coming with your attitude and you're coming with yourself come on a church a god you think i see your fight you're not talking to me list what camellia tell them prayers got the culture im saying if the money comes from god if these men are from god when you fight fame you're not fighting them you're fighting god look at you never be careful all your [Music] prayer mother and i do not say this in any condescending or demeaning way this is not to true not blue are no jobs that nobody can don't know you like that i am saying whenever we don't understand spiritual authority then even the words that come out of our mouth can come back again just as a curse [Music] i wonder if somebody in the back understand what i just said when you speak against the house of god the people of god who stands in the position to make god's house what god wants it to be and you start speaking stem and i may write the book church of god i'm only be giving you the message listen when it says church i'm sorry free and from these men leave them alone for if the council of this world be of men it will come tonight in other words if a flesh you never fight it you don't need to fight flesh flesh is going to mash up itself come on no church of god listen if a flesh is like a crush and burn one beer you don't need to worry about people some are we in our church but we are discerned people [Music] see we are i'll be there and mention somebody so we're at church listen you don't need to waste time from people in a church if their work is of god it's a glass if a man and flesh take it from and length one day somebody said one day somebody said one day mr one day their works are gonna come tonight somebody lift two and over your head who open your mouth say lord may everything that i do be divinely inspired somebody to open your mouth that company's pocket may come from [Music] what i got to go watch what so they said to these men because at this time follow me here and don't miss me here by this time minister brown uh the christian message was now being being spread everywhere and so the judaizers and those of jewish background praise god church of god they were no frantic they were no praise god uncomfortable because they called christianity back then a false religion they said this false religion is speaking of grounds this false religion praise god almighty is now overtaking us and we must do something about it so what they say they say come these men cannot preach anymore in the name of jesus church of god this is something i want to announce to everyone in this house today the devil i have no problem with you saying god as a matter of fact i have no problem with you calling god by his corrupt names come on i don't know if i have no problem when you're addressing god like that you know what i never have a problem with jesus the moment come on woman are called [Music] breaking you okay i know you don't experience it because you know it but you're not calling it there is still a name giving a moment we are my dad must be saved [Music] so listen let me close let me close listen they say don't preach no more in the name of jesus and this is where some of you gonna lose me now come and don't preach what the bible says evangelists they brought these men and then lock them up no pain no pain come on no pain tell your neighbor go through it come on man tell somebody go through it go through it go through it sister no matter what it got to it girl no matter how tough it is cut you it no pain no key in church my pen has taught me how to surrender i don't have time mr mcphee teach me ho lego i lied to him i said god mckeon do it techy my pain has caused me whole to trust god church oh god it was a boy listen to me boosie me now we are closed over church you know i know nobody will have more clothes than me i mean they used to weave our clothes shoes music with these as much as we get them color you name it somebody said kakati but watch this church of god when me come telling you and i experienced my doctrine i have learned the heart of getting god's heart church that is learning to humble yourself and no matter where i got you you could have had more money than nova scotia you'll learn from home be yourself and say god me now get up till you lift me up go move if you don't move me may not be a forget me we alter this bride no nobody i'm waiting down here by the river will you come lord jesus see a pandora to cross what a weird thing don't hear by the river if you don't come [Music] the place attending this message wasn't for everybody please these men in prison situation but watch this i've said to you before i'm gonna sit again as i put on the mic if god you know anything you initiate it must work unless you back out the only way no work unless you give up on god they place these men in prison in a bid to stop them or church of god look at somebody's queer in enemy eyes so i'm telling you can't stop it tell him if god is in it if god in other marriages no matter what jesus debate [Music] go down there listen if god is not a business here no matter what pound of them sprinkle every morning with water and our kind of softball yeah you don't need to wash with nothing because my bible tells me that the english of the lord and clumping above him that fear him and no weapon that is fought against you your business and your family who open your mouth secure plasma and everything [Music] i'll leave you with this if god be for you my brother who who who which of the man which sir sarsara with simon i don't care where they go i don't care what they rub up with i don't care where they plant your kid if god before me put your hands by your chest say no one no one nothing no time can be against me for he that dwell [Music] in the secret place of the most high shall shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord not my mother not my wife not my children i will say of the lord yes [Music] i got to close i got to close somebody lift your hands and give him a praise i gotta close live there and then give him a praise but time is really really done i've over expended my time lift your hands and give him my prayers everybody from the front to the back those who are not your standing stunt your feet stand your feet stand your feet no pain no gain it wasn't until these men submitted themselves god caused angels to visit them bring them out blindfold everybody else they'll never see them until it was time for them to come back to prison you missed that these men were only missing when somebody come back come tell the coaster we don't see them lock up they're not in there the guards and everybody were still in position but these men were missing god blindfold everybody and bring them up lift up your number yeah blindfold every enemy every enemy where once you made the mice that wants what's in my destruction come on powerful they could blast hell for five minutes every enemy every attack that wants to see my demise commands and backfire who open your mouth power field in jesus name every prison sail every door [Music] hey hey hey hey somebody around your prison [Music] god calls god cause mother god the lord caused ian jails to open the prison church me say when i hear a time in no matter where you're there you no matter what the enemy do do not matter where your lac opener when are your time every door of your woman y'all don't believe me step down for your curse and your family this and your family that this morning i was reading about peter and peter himself told jesus i am a sinner i am wretched praise god and jesus was still able to make this man catch extra fish a sinner a man that had no intention to turn god still showed him fear about grace church of god the bible says after they brought these men back to the lock up you better hear this preacher because i'm really done here church the bible it clears the bible says watch this this time front looking at them head my friend lift the hands lift the pants lift up your hands hallelujah put your mask over your nose holy lift up your hands anything at all that the enemy has sent against you i reverse it by fire right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] i send back to cinder every attack from the crown of her head to the very soul of her feet i pray for blood coverage i pray that you hide her shield her from the sloth of the enemy every ailment and every sickness in her body i curse him now [Music] in the name of jesus somebody say in the name of jesus somebody's in the name of jesus father we thank you [Music] [Music] i speak blood coverage over you now blood coverage in the name of jesus i never do a relax i pray them oh no access granted said god i want your use the authority god gain of the spirit every fear in your life may speak to it right now god has called you for a reason you're there on purpose and if you think nobody they are not see you make a sad mistake people have seen your fearfulness god has recorded your faithfulness and i want to encourage your door move don't make nothing shift you normally not move your spear in a god for as god leave it your days before you are brighter than the ones behind you in jesus name somebody clap your hands and give jesus praise my time is up my time is up church again i can't finish but i'm gonna done here i bless you i bless you lift up your hands everybody in the house my god give me the strings minister give me the strength minister not man with your permission can i have one minute just to pray for them amen praise god everybody lift your hands lift the bands father in the name of jesus we thank you that the apostles were willing to suffer for you the apostles were willing to endure whatever affliction you placed upon them because of your name and its glory i pray today for every broke every person who has traveled from far and near to be under the sound of my voice every person i've tuned in today i pray divine god that some that seek today will understand that their testimony will mean something at the end they don't understand why they had to do that hard charge that hard surgery they don't understand why they needed a kidney replacement they don't understand why that situation came upon them but i pray as you strengthen their faith and their bodies like the apostles it will help them to understand god that not because you love them and they love you they will not endure some stuff but help us to endure this hardship as good soldiers may we never quit may we never give up god give us the strength and the mental fortitude we need oh god to acclimate ourselves the way we need to in your presence in the kingdom of god may you lift us up from one plethora of thinking to the next lift us almighty god from one idiom of thought to the next lift us almighty god and may we see you as the all-encompassing the all-powerful god that you are bless us today touch every sickness every sick body god whatever that ailment whatever that period whatever that disease let people know today that you are still the bomb in killian you are still a great physician here is somebody watching on youtube now here's somebody watching on facebook now touch those watching on uh on instagram god those watching on floor and those watching on did you play touch them touch those in our immediate audience father bless them breathe upon them and cause your glory to shine upon them and give them your peace bring perspective to their opinion and hear them to understand after they have gone through much pain you will establish them and give them the desired result and reward that they so desire we thank you that our pain is teaching us more about you our being is causing us to get into a deeper level of connection with you bless us now touch our minds every time we get weary every time we get we god touch us again in jesus name we pray somebody clap your hands look at your neighbor's name but no pain no gain tell him go chew it tell him go through it gotta build your spiritual muscle you're gonna build your muscle praise god it's giving time in the house it's giving time in the house skipping time in the house hallelujah hallelujah everybody get your best gift get your best gift everybody praise god get your best gift everybody pain comes to a purpose i never had time to tell you how women go through a church of god in order to give birth part of the laboring process is what they call peeing labor means when a lady is supposed to have baby if she's not feeling natural being do what they call induce labor to induce liver means to make pain come they they make the pain come if the pain is not coming naturally everybody come at this time church of god i'm going to ask that we marched on at this time and give praise god everybody amen amen [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't take a heart that's broken making over again but i [Music] i can't take [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 6,976
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Id: UwTrx1uui0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 16sec (10156 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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