Sunday Worship Service

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[Laughter] wow [Music] give us glory give our lord glory give it our glory thank you jesus [Music] all the way [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name is is [Music] i see you back there [Music] well i think [Music] is while you've got breath in your body why you got life in your lungs you want to give jesus to the lord [Music] let those heads all over this place you see the glory [Music] [Music] a miracle but for salvation for deliverance for healing your parents power please of god and give god to all the kingdom of the lord and give us glory give them glory give them to the older give them the love and give them the lord [Music] hallelujah now this next praise this next phrase i want you to give god is i'm believing god for this and you're going to clap your hands and lift your voice and give god a praise because god knowing you know and you can speak it out loud and on purpose if you want to but i'm praising god for this come on put those hands together come on hallelujah [Music] blind out to miracles praise him for new job come on praise and praise and praise him come on praise the lord new encounter in the spirit place of one new baptism in the holy ghost praise the return and get back refill me with the holy ghost that pause me again make me that holy i believe i believe i believe hallelujah [Music] that's the jewelry that's the lord but at this time want to welcome our pastor thanks to the lift house pastor kimberly i need another mic for the pastor [Music] praise the lord everybody let's give jesus another wonderful hand praise oh y'all we can do better than that come on let's bless him bless him with all that is within you come on let's thank him for everything that he has done for you thank god for the sunshine thank god for the breeze flowing through the trees thank the lord for nature thank the lord for waking you up this morning and starting you on your way in your right mind come on you got eyes to see ears to hear legs to walk let's give god a sacrificial praise on today amen we are happy in the lord jesus for god bracing us with the man of god of the light ministries the light church ministries of clayton north carolina pastor julie is the founder and pastor of the light church and we are so grateful to god for a man of god that is faithful dedicated to the work of the lord god has destined him for a time such as this and you all know that god sends us and that men of god women of god that have been preaching to us amen in recent months that have been just a blessing if you've been blessed in recent months clap your hands hallelujah but i tell you today god has sent to us a revivalist i love a pastor jewell lee's ministry because he preaches the ministry of holiness sanctification and deliverance and not only that i tell you he preaches so until you want to shout it make you want to leap for joy and clap your hands and give god the praise so i want to ask the church before i bring pastor lee i want to just find out what are you going to say while he's preaching i just need to hear a sample of what you're gonna say while the preacher because he's a preacher y'all i need to hear y'all that's gonna give him some feedback where did you go somebody say hey man somebody holler preach it preacher uh we get ready we gonna support everything you say amen somebody holler say it on the mic come on whatever the lord give you we're gonna push him today because he's preaching the gospel of jesus christ amen we know that the gospel is good news amen to everyone that believeth and again we are honored and delighted to have a man of god a man of vision a man of purpose he's a his message has uh included messages about empowering people to be the light according to matthew 5 and 14 that ye are the light of the world a city that is set upon a hill that cannot be heared and again we are honored blessed and delighted to have him in our midst so let us give him a hearty church on the rock welcome clap your hands blow your horn hunk your horn for the one and only our friend and brother pastor julie [Music] well come on continue to give god a great big hand clap come on church of the lord come on let's give him a praise for real come on i know we under the outside and we all know we got our mask on and we're in our cars but come on can we lift up jesus come on lift them up church of the lord praise god we honor god today who's the head of our life oh got a good breeze right there thank god for the precious gift that he's given unto us thank god for the gift of the holy ghost we thank god today amen for your wonderful beautiful pastor amen let's give pastor a great big wondrous handicap of praise amen and as you thank god amen for her let's thank god for her sisters and everyone that plays a part in ministry at the church we thank god for this opportunity praise god whereby god has given unto us to be able to come amen and speak a word unto you i come to let you know today that god is still real and that there is nothing that he cannot do god can do anything but fail and if the believers can grab hold and to truly trust in god how do you know he can do it for you right now amen we don't have to wait till tomorrow amen sometimes we're looking for miracles we're expecting god we're praying got prayers we don't ascend up amen but how many know god can move right now god can move right here while you clap your hands he'll be going on and amen done what it is you asked them to do amen and we thank god for him being that kind of god praise the lord as we prepare to go into the word of god we want to prepare ourselves for a word of prayer father in jesus name we thank you lord we do give you praise we give you glory and we give you honor we thank you oh god for your goodness your mercy we praise your god for your grace towards us and today as we prepare ourselves to go into thine holy word father it is our prayer right now god that you will speak clearly god you speak directly to the very heart of these thy people father we pray in the name of jesus lord let you be seen father crucify flesh let seth die now and we ask you that you would come alive today lord come alive in our preaching father come alive in our praise and our worship god we're believing you today lord to reign on us father send your spirit among us lord somebody that need to be delivered we're praying that you will deliver father somebody that need to be saved we pray that you're saved today lord somebody about it may be needing a healing today god we pray that you will heal for your glory and oh god we come against everything that's not like you god we bind up every spirit that will come to die to distract us father we come against every spirit that will come oh god to confuse our mind but today lord we thank you for the word of the lord father destroying every yoke setting every captive free and we give you glory for these things we magnify you for these things even now in jesus name we pray let everybody say amen amen we thank god and we're not gonna try to hold you all for a long time amen but we do amen want to spend a few moments with you in the word of the lord how many y'all love the bible i love this bible amen and i tell you something the older i get amen the long the more i get into this i'm falling in love with it more and more every day amen how many know it's a good thing to make sure that you can hide the word in your heart amen because when you get the word deep down inside of you a lot of the things that you struggle with let me know you won't have to struggle with them any longer amen a lot of stuff that you're going through you'll find out that when the word get really on the inside of you amen that god will change your whole life around how many y'all had to change your life since you come into contact with the word amen but we're going today amen let's go to the book of romans amen we're going to look at one specific scripture amen but then we're going to build from there but we're going to romans 6th chapter and the 23rd verse that's romans 6 and 23 amen it's a very familiar scripture amen and i i probably praise god most everybody hopefully if you have it many of us already know exactly what it says but the bible says in romans 6 23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord again it says for the wages of sin it's death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord y'all didn't respond to me i ain't nobody say amen or anything so i'm gonna read it again for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord i want to talk today about staying focused on eternal life i want us to look at being focused on eternal life we understand that tragically we live in a day where sin is no longer recognized as sin it's a penalty it's penalty in the minds of many have been excused and somehow even removed from our mind paul said in thessalonians that the second chapter and the seventh verse he talked about the mystery of iniquity which is already at work he said that for the mystery of iniquity death already worked and only he who now let it will let until he be taken out of the way paul was saying to this to us that the spirit of lawlessness the spirit of rebellion that is in opposition to divine authority is already at work and it is the that spirit that will literally usher in the antichrist now it's amazing to me that we're living in a time where we are so close amen to the coming of the lord and we don't hear a lot of people reminding us amen that he is soon to return we don't hear a lot of people reminding us that there is another spirit that is running rampant out here today amen the spirit of the antichrist that has risen up amen he is moving throughout amen the whole world and we are living in a day where it looks like that many of us have turned from the fact that he truly does exist amen we're living in a time where we're speaking and looking more amen for blessings from god we're looking amen for god to give us success and how many know as a believer these things are already promised unto you i preached the message years ago and it simply says that uh god's prosperity plan holiness is god's prosperity plan in other words when you live holy when you live right i mean no god will have you to prosper and to be in good health even as your soul shall prosper and we're living in a time praise god we're somehow or another amen with all of that being said if we focus on god we don't have to try to chase prosperity because it will literally chase us y'all are going to talk to me amen it is amazing amen as we look at these things that amen from our pulpits it's not herald today amen from those that we know we don't hear it amen as we should and it is not talked about among us hardly at all that there is an attack against the body of christ amen and it is it is not talked about it is not trying to take over because now it is literally trying to take over our churches it is trying to take over in our society so that the one true force of resistance is not any any longer a true effect in other words the church is the only thing that has the power to stand against the wiles of the devil the church my shout the church is the only thing that has the power to stand against the tricks of the enemy the church is the only thing that god has given that can stand against the spirit of antichrist we see this daily in our news we see it in our jobs we see it in the government we see it in the streets we see it in the marketplaces we see the spirit of the enemy rising up y'all is so quiet now people seem to have come to a place where they have made themselves believe that they can do whatever they feel and live however they choose they have concluded within themselves that they can do so much things in spite of what god has spoken and clearly laid out to us through scripture they have become lies in their own eyes they make unreasonable unacceptable judgments and decisions in spite of consequences because they have made themselves believe that they are no longer any true consequences but how many know the bible says in ezekiel 18 y'all bear with me i don't know write this down but god begin to speak to my heart but in ezekiel 18 and 4 he said behold all souls are mine and he said the soul that sent it it shall die in other words he telling you number one that you do not belong to yourself you belong to god he said all souls are mine you don't have the choice to make your own choices you you don't have the right to do whatever you want to do you have to live by the beat of the creator you have to walk by the way of the creator and we're seeing that now we have come to the place where people praise god are prudent in their own sight they so much or more concerned about how they view a thing than how god views a matter many now call evil good and they call good evil they put darkness for light and light for darkness they put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter the bible says in the book of isaiah the fifth chapter that we rise up early in the morning making an earnest effort to fill they date with pleasure and the idea of having a good time and they continue with the mindset all day long and do not regard the work of god neither consider the operation of his aim church can i tell y'all that we are living in a time where people have become at ease in zion we have living in a time where we that knew the truth we that understand the truth of god's word we have gotten to the place where now we have become ease about the life in which we live we are at ease because we have become comfortable because certain circumstances in our lives have placed us in a comfortable state we have become hypocritical they are only going to say that now because our confidence amen has now become more in our profession of our faith than in the reality of the life in which we live so because we profess that we're saved because we profess that we have the holy ghost because we profess that we sanctify we feel as though that's all that it is but how many know god didn't save you for just for you to stand around and look god didn't save you for you just to talk about and speak in tongues among yourselves y'all ain't gonna say god did not save you and fill you with the holy ghost that you would not have a true effect on others in which you meet god saved you with a purpose in mind we are being church members people are so caught up and being a part of a ministry people are caught up and been a part of a name people are caught up and been a part a man of a building but how many know we need to focus our minds on the fact that god has given us an opportunity to eternal life and whatever we do now it literally paves the way for what god would have for us later there are many antichrists in this day the bible teaches us that they have risen up the bible says that paul said in first john 2 and 18 little children it is the last time and as ye have heard that the antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists he says whereby we know that it is the last day and you got to realize to be antichrist number one is to be against christ but the other thing is that to be antichrist is to try to be like christ and not live who and how he is the bible says that when the devil came that he exalted himself and he said i will be like the most high god he wanted to literally be gone but he did not understand that he could never be like god to take the place or the position of god and what we're finding out praise god that's what's rising up because our focus is off that we are not looking at the fact that god still judges sin god requires us to walk like christ to live like christ but you and should be holy even as he is holy but you cannot be holy and sinful at the same time there has to be a change in your life there has to be amen a conversion from the things that you used to do to the thing that you are to do right now and somehow our minds praise god have come unfocused our hearts have become unfocused the bible says in first corinthians amen the sixth chapter and the ninth verse he said know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god he said be not deceived neither fornicator nor adulterer nor idolater nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind he said nor thieves no covenants nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortionists inherit the kingdom of god and i think about that because as i look at the times we end the reality is we have more sin going on amongst the body of christ we have sin literally going on in our churches not just all over the world and there is no body that seems to address the fact that there's sin in the camp and how do we expect for us to be effective in our society if we don't first remove the sin it's hindering the body of christ from being what god would call us to be we cannot look over things y'all ain't gonna talk to me we cannot look over things and think that god is gonna be pleased with our views we cannot try to make it seem like it does not exist when we know that it exists and not only in knowing that it exists the bible teaches us that what paul was teaching them is that once you know that sin has settled in he says they look to leaven leaven it the whole lung therefore purge out the old living that it might be room for a new love there are people that want to come into the body of christ but we have people that are holding the spot of those that need to come in and the bible said therefore we should purge them out that's why he said you shouldn't even set the table with a fornicator y'all ain't gonna talk to me he said you shouldn't even sit at the table with a fornicator an adulterer amen and we seem to find them as our best friends we seem to be cause listen until the church do it the way god said it i know and i'm trying to stick to something but i know amen that many times we mean well i know that many times amen we think that we got it and we understand what can happen but how many know god's way is the only way and if we do things according to the word of the lord how many know we shall be able to prosper in the things in which god has given unto us so we can't fix it all we can do is do what god says do if god say don't eat with them don't eat with them y'all lazy if they if you know they in sin how many know you are supposed to avoid that if they beat their wives you don't hang out with them if they lie us you don't talk to them y'all ain't talking to me because how many know the church of the lord today we got people amen and we know what they do we know how they live but we still try to feel as though we got a right to hang out god says separate yourself he said come out from among them and be separate why because god wants us to be an example to the word he said in galatians 6 and 7 be not seen god is not mark for whatsoever man soweth that shall he also reap for he that sought to the flesh shall of the fresh reap corruption and if we know that how many know we got to be careful how we feed ourselves we got to be careful amen of what we allow in our space because if you feed yourself if you feed your flesh i mean it's your flesh that's what's going to grow and then we're trying to wonder why we got dreams at night and feel like folks chasing you it's the devil [Music] because you didn't do what he said if you saw to your flesh he said make no provisions for the lust can i talk to y'all i tell people you have to make no provisions for the lust of the flesh and it's amazing because what i'm finding out is that we're living in an hour praise god where we know that we have a church of people that know these things but the truth is it's like we have to re-teach what we've been knowing all our lives because somehow people are starting to error into things as if they feel as though that they have a right to because of time but the bible says don't be weary amen don't you let the enemy sneak in now you've been living saved all these years don't let nobody come to you and change the direction [Music] you know what you've been told y'all ain't gonna talk you know what you've been told don't let anybody come to you in this hour and change the direction praise god or what you know is the firm foundation because jesus said i am the way jesus said i am the life so i'm the truth and you got to realize that you can't come to god unless you come through him and how do you come through him you come through the word of god jesus said i'm the door and you can't get to that door unless you go through him by him somebody shout glory to god but our focus is off and because our focus is off our eyes are on the wrong thing and when our eyes become on the wrong thing it seems as though we begin to belittle the most important thing how many know salvation eternal life what it takes to live holy what it takes to live right that's what the church has to now go after it's not enough for us to just assemble but how many we have to now exemplify after we come from assembling with one another what did we learn what were we taught what was placed within us it's time for us to act on the things that we know to be true of god and it doesn't matter who else doesn't do it it doesn't matter who is not amen going along with you how many know you got to make sure you go along with the word and until we do that how many are we going to be in a place where the enemy is going to try to literally destroy us he said hell have to enlarged itself he said hale have literally enlarged herself why because when you knew the truth he said you chose not to walk in the truth in which you knew and because of that he said hell was not meant for the believer hell wouldn't be as big as it is but because you didn't do what he said because we decided to do things our own way he'll have enlarged herself we're finding out today amen that what we've always known to be holy people don't call it holy no more what have set the church apart to make a difference and i know praise god we outside but what has set us apart to make a difference we have now stopped gravitating towards it the bible says in first thessalonians 5 and 22. he said for abstain from the very appearance of evil there are certain things praise god that when you want to have eternal life that you have to make sure that you avoid there are certain things when you want to please god you have to make sure that you do not involve yourself in it does not matter who else does it it does not matter who signs onto it you have to abstain to avoid the very appearance of evil and what we're finding out is that the reason why as we spoke the antichrist is going to rise up in the way it is it's because the body of christ is going to stop walking in true holiness see y'all because he said that the mystery of the iniquity thus already worked and then he said only he who now let it will let until he be taken out of the way when you read that he's saying who is he the holy spirit it's the holy spirit that restrains the power of the enemy and that spirit was deposited on the inside of the believer when we received the power of the holy ghost at the day of pentecost when the spirit came down before before pentecost the only thing the spirit did it would come upon them at times occasions seasons but after pentecost somebody shout after pentecost after pentecost they didn't just have to have the spirit to settle with them at times seasons or occasions the power of the holy ghost lived within them and because the power lived within them it lives in the church so the bible says now he that led it will let until he be taken out of the way in other words the spirit of god that is restraining the enemy in the earth the holy spirit when the church is raptured out of here there is no place any longer where the spirit will live within us because the church has been raptured out and that's why when you start reading in the book of revelations about how the stars start falling and how the moon is falling it how careful because it's the holy ghost it's the spirit of god that keeps the world from being in chaos it's the spirit of the lord if it weren't for holy folk if it weren't for holy people this world would be told upside down but because somebody stood up because somebody got filled with the power of god we are now seeing the effects of the spirit of god but guess what if you look at the time and be honest with ourselves we also see the decline because all of a sudden amen praise god it looked like everything that we fought for that our forefathers believed in all the things that they fought for all the things that they stood for quick by quick week by week we find it literally leaving and we are now doing things that they never would allowed us to do but because we want to be like everybody else because we want to fit in because we have lost our focus on eternal life we are messing around and losing our soul and we got to regain our focus look at somebody and say neighbor you got to regain your focus we got to regain our focus because praise god until we regrain our focus amen we will not be able to be truly effective in this world but look at somebody and tell them neighbor my focus is eternal life amen look at somebody and say my focus is eternal life i want us today praise god as we look at this thing it's time for the body of christ to rise up in such a way amen that we retain our focus again because it is our focus amen on eternal life that will cause us to pursue after god it's our focus on eternal life that will cause us to come out of our place of comfort and realize that god wants to use us praise the lord church of god it's time for the body of christ to experience the rebirthing of the gifts of god god never intended for the church only to operate amen or the gifts to operate only through believers amen through the pastor or through the elder but how you know he intended it for to be everybody he intended it amen for everyone to participate because when you go back to your neighborhood when you go back to your family amen your pastor might not be able to go with you there but if you got the holy ghost residing in you how many know god can use you to do what you would call on your pastor to normally do we got to regain our focus we have got to get our minds back to where amen we need to focus on the things of god and we got to realize that in doing so we're going to have to avoid the things that are unrighteous he said have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but he said rather reprove them you need to stand up now church of god and be proud to be holy you have to stand up now to understand praise god that when you stand that you are reproving those things amen when you stand for righteousness you are exposing the tricks of the enemy you are exposing the untruth of the devil you are letting the world know that there's a difference between holy and unholy we understand that he told us to do all things somebody say all things philippians 2 14 says do all things without murmuring and he said do all things without disputing when we get and realize what he's speaking up he's telling us as the people of god that we cannot fight the word any longer stop debating everything stop rising up what you know stop trying to find fault in the scripture stop thinking that we're better and smarter than those that have come before us but he said in all these things he said do what god has commanded us to do and to do it without murmuring and complaining to do it without disputing you got to realize that if we were grab hold to the scripture and stop disputing what is spoken stop murmuring amongst ourselves when things that are spoken from the word of god when they spoken out of the life of the mouth of the preacher the man or the woman of god we have got to make sure that we are not causing a division because the scripture teaches us that there are some that have been sent into us amen that will cause offenses and divisions among you there are people praise god amen that will come unto you to try to turn you from the things of the lord and scripture said they have crept in unwell but i want you to realize now that it's time for us to be blameless he went on to tell him if you do this that you may be blameless and be without harm praise god god want us to be blameless in this generation god want a people that he can count on he want a people that can stand god is looking for somebody that got their view on eternal life that we are the sons of god living without rebuke in this last and crooked generation in the midst of this crooked and perverse nation among whom ye shine as lights in this world when our focus is on eternal life when our minds are on eternal life everywhere you go every turn that you make you will begin to realize praise god that god is raising you up that you might be able to cause one to turn from the unrighteousness of their way how can somebody know whether or not what's righteous or unrighteous but unless the body of christ unless the people of god begin to rise up and show them that there's a way that seem right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of them we got to recognize that this time for the body of christ to come against everyone that speak deceitfully it's time for us to edify one another it's time for us to comfort one another it's time for the brethren praise the lord of god it's time for us to realize the time in which because he said it's now high time for us to awake out of sleep because we've been sleeping too long now that's why our focus is gone because we are asleep in zion now we have gotten to the place where we are so comfortable that we don't see the need to go out but i remember that the lord said and he spoke unto isaiah and when isaiah heard them speaking isaiah lifted up his hands and isaiah said lord send me he said send me i'll go how many recognize today that god is still looking for somebody that's saying lord send me send me i'll go somebody shout yes lord [Music] where are you gonna go because my focus is on eternal life i'm looking to go wherever you send me but they used to sing the song that if jesus goes with me i'll go he said i'll go anywhere i go to the clubhouse i go down the yard i go to the market house i go to my mama house i go to the sister house huh but lord as long as it's send me house he said i'll go because my focus is on eternal life my mind is in heaven now and i've learned how to put my views on those things with trump and not the things on the earth i'm not going to slip i'm not going to fall i'm not going to enter into a way of sin that i'm holding out to the lord i'm holding onto the promises i'm holding on to the fact that he's getting ready to come for me y'all ain't saying that that here huh the bible i said the bible teaches us that even in recognizing that when you realize that the suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed you can put your mind back on it turn around because you're not looking for this life to bring you satisfaction to bring you fulfillment but my fulfillment is in jesus christ my fulfillment house is in eternal life and because i see an eternal life i'm willing to suffer god got a plan for you tell them god got a plan god got a purpose god got a reason and he wants to use you come home and say yeah he said come on and say yeah cause when you recognize these things then you are aiming to live a clean life you are aiming to live a holy life even though around us people are interested i'm going to be an example that you don't have to live that kind of life but if you focus on jesus he's a keeper and he told us how never to him i don't have to worry about it i don't have to break her jesus look into that and say he's a tell a neighbor he's able he's able to keep you healthy he's able to sustain you he's able to walk with your house he's able to fill your house come on and say yes help us to look under jesus keep our minds in heaven and reach out for the blade of heart thank i you lord i need your help to feel me again because i know how that in order for me to have eternal life [Applause] again shall [Music] i don't know about you but i need jesus because i found out yeah that when we start looking up and start focusing on eternal life it changes everything up because when eternal life is interviewed hallelujah when you present jesus and jesus shows forth hope that's when you see the change come up when you present jesus and jesus gives us hope again but there's somebody that feel like that there's no more hope but then jesus comes and he reminds us how come unto me oh yeah and heaven laid out and i'll give you rest can i get somebody to recognize that what jesus want to do he want to pull you out he wants to use the house saudi but they got to be willing look at somebody and say i'm willing i got to go i'm willing to go all the way i know they're going to use your health but when you have your focus on the law how many know how that's when he uses your heart how many want to be you how many want to be used my focus is eternal life huh because when i look to jesus house that's why i find peace it's in jesus name that's why by my childhood it's in jesus huh that's why i found my hope it's in jesus huh how many realized it's time for you to look to him you've been looking to the wrong thing you've been looking out to the things that ain't satisfied but i come to tell you how she jesus satisfies her jesus will meet you need help he will deliver her he will have set you free he will have to give you power have shot yes and when your focus is on him you are reminded that jesus said how that my focus is on jesus huh i'm reminded that he has already laid a foundation out i gotta build it up not made with the hands of a man my focus is on jesus my focus is on the one that saved them [Music] to deliver raise your hands and say jesus i look to you [Music] come on i look to you i'm looking at you jesus i'm dependent on you jesus i'm focusing on you jesus i don't want to be halfway up i don't want to be played but i want you to get the glory out of my life come on and tell him yes i said tell me i gotta tell him he answered i gotta tell him yes when you realize that he want to use you he's able to do whatever but you got to keep your focus on eternal eternal life i'm not looking for the things of this life i'm not looking for the thieves praise the lord i'm going to say [Music] to pushing eternal life and teaching and reminding us that i don't care what you win it's not going to last always i don't care what you go through it's not going to last always but sooner or later god got a reward to the belief god got a reward to them that walk of life god got a reward to them that'll surrender over to his weak and i come to remind you don't give up now keep your eyes on jesus don't turn from your stance walk up right live holy hell y'all ain't standing here you got to keep on living when people read out your health when people talk about you when they talk about you for being different he's living it anyhow because you got to realize that when he comes he's coming for the believer he's coming for that individual that didn't give in to the tricks of the enemy because your focus was still on jesus [Music] how many know we got to put our focus on eternal life and the wages of sin it is still there the soul that's sin it shall die the soul in other words the soul that sin shall go to hell and we live in an hour where we don't preach that any longer we don't hear about hell any longer but the thing about hell is that hell is the end of the thing but eternal life with god how many know that's what you ought to be living for whoa if you can stick it out oh god if you could if you could just go through it a little longer come on i know there's stuff rising up because the antichrist is fighting now he's trying to tear down the real saints he's trying to get us to leave our foundations but how many no i don't care what they tried to do god still got somebody god's still going to raise up somebody that's not going to walk away from the foundation and which god has already laid this wasn't made by man but it was laid by christ himself because jesus said on this rock i'll fill my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it i don't care what they do [Music] watch a figure to that and mean it and say stay home [Music] i don't care what they say you stay holy get your eyes on eternal life now i'ma say this scripture i'ma say it now i want y'all to take hold of this thing because i've been reading this for years and i always felt this but the bible says that without holiness he said shall no man see the lord he said without holiness no man shall see the lord you got to be holy [Music] going to church ain't going to do it you got to be holy you got to have the holy ghost sticking around other people that have it is not going to get you there you got to have the holy ghost for yourself [Music] he said for without holiness no man shall see the lord and i don't think we really think about that in the context in which is spoken he said without it no man shall see the law if you not holy he said you're not going to see him your eyes even though you talk about eternal life without holiness you're not going to see him y'all ain't going to say that now and if you really think about it i mean that means we don't have time to play now if we know that the spirit of the antichrist is already at work and that he was at work when paul wrote it how many know he's still at work now and because we know he's at work how many know we don't have room to play don't have room to sin because the wages of sin is death it's the holy ghost that keeps you this stuff y'all ain't gonna say no it's the holy ghost that keeps you he warns you he teaches you he teaches you how to act he teaches you how to live teaches you how to treat your brother teaches you how to treat your sister how many the holy ghost teaches you about you before he start revealing all the folk that let god they talk and say god show me you how many know god will show you you before he show you god got to deal with you first but we're living in a time praise god where somehow we have neglected the things and which we know are foundational and true and our focus is not on eternal life because if our focus is on eternal life we'll be striving to live holy and you can't tell me that you got a place full of folk that got the holy ghost and there's no real power what kind of power and i ain't talking people like hannah back i don't know about him want to hear what you listen come on now if you got the power of god the bible says that when noah was living he preached that was only eight souls that got saved but noah preached without the holy ghost when peter preached three thousand came there's a difference and when you got the holy ghost the bible said after that as the church continued as they continue to preach the church continue to grow you me everybody are the offspring of what happened through a few people y'all ain't saying under here but somebody and i've been saying this everywhere i go y'all and i'm trying to get i didn't mean to go here but how many know the problem is is that somebody got to be honest somebody got to tell the truth now because if everybody really got the holy ghost because i hear you speaking but are you living i see you shouting [Music] but are you living because how many of the holy ghost will cause you not only to affect your life it affects those you come into contact with we're living in a time where we got churches and i thank god for them because my church gonna be one number one day but we got churches with thirty thousand forty thousand fifty thousand ten thousand people in them amen and their cities are worse but how can you have a church full of ten thousand fifteen thousand people and everybody got the holy ghost and it's not an effect of the power it was only 110 in upper room you got 40 thousand what's happening what has happened it's because we will not search our hearts it's because our focus is off hallelujah hallelujah we're not looking at eternal life we're not looking to please god we still have not realized that the wages of sin is death what is death death is separation from god it's not just the physical to be dead is to be separated and when you're separated from god he can't use you [Music] i don't care how good you make it sound he can't use you i don't care how good you can hey man you can stir people up but how many it's something to stare people up but it's another thing to bring people to repentance [Music] i don't look to stare people up any longer oh i love to preach i love to run but what i'm finding out is we have a world a church where people now has literally literally backslidden and nobody wants to tell the truth all of these secret sins all of these hidden sins all of these things that we keep covered and hidden under the rug and think that nobody knows and the things we look at when nobody's around the conversations we have but nobody's there because our focus is not eternal life because if our focus was eternal life we wouldn't do the things we do we would be holy without playing we would be pure we would be clean but because our focus is not eternal life he says set your affection upon those things which are above he said not upon the things that are on the earth we're so excited about making people be impressed with us how we look things we say i tell people i don't i don't got to i don't try to say everything right i just won't be used by god i want god to control me i want god to get the glory out of my life come on everybody on your feet i'm getting ready to close them our focus has to be eternal life our decision to do what we do has to be eternal life the bible says that he said in the book of revelations the third chapter he was speaking to the church there and he said unto the church of saudis all right he says you have a name that you live he said you've known all around and you have a name that you and when i read it i think about the times in which we are because he said you got a name that you live but you really are dead there are people that are in the church that look like they're so lively so saved sanctified filler they dress right they talk right but then they have secrets they have things that they have not really dealt with and because of that the bible said they're dead and he encouraged them and said repent go back to god get your focus back look to jesus i mean if you repent he'll restore you and folks praise god i found that out i find myself on my knees saying lord i'm sorry father have mercy on me but i if i did it i didn't mean to do that why because i want to please my focus is on eternal life and i recognize that if i don't have that he can't use me the only way he gonna use you is that you have to have a mind to please him and you cannot allow yourself to excuse sin we are making excuses for the stuff we do i know god never made an excuse he never gave us that opportunity he even said look the bible said if he didn't even spare the angels that sin angels that walked with him they were already in heaven he was already with god he said he didn't even spare an angel if he didn't spare them that was in heaven i mean no he ain't gonna spare you either he's not gonna give you a way out except through him he's the door and if you don't come through jesus not gonna make it it's time for the church to get the focus back and the only way we're gonna see it it's gonna have to be a i wrote it saying this week it's to have to be a true revival of holiness oh we got to start preaching what we used to preach and we got to have a revival of holiness and repentance because until we go back to really cause some of this stuff i mean i'm being listen there's some stuff in my heart now that god is really dealing with me about and i know when i start really it's gonna shake everything because we let too much stuff go and folks are not living better than living worse families are being destroyed our children are running crazy we trying to figure out why little johnny act the way he do it's because of what you're gonna let sit up around him what's you done allowed in your house because you turned from the foundation and lost your focus on eternal life because i tell them right my my mama got saved what my mama said when she changed her life everything changed i remember when my mama got saved and i'm closing i feel good right now but when my mother got saved and they used to play you know that's when they was playing on what they call trying to think of that the phone the mothership coming down at the sky and every saturday you can hear the phone they play it in the music playing it in the house every my brothers and my sisters that that that little high five be blasting boom boom boom watch that maybe playing it all or not and then all of a sudden when my mama got saved all of that changed i was telling the church when i would try to record little stuff because i wanted to you know we was recording that because you know we had cassettes and we record everything y'all they're gonna talk to me we wouldn't take them record because we would mama didn't we didn't let them know what we was recording but the little stuff we wanted to record we recorded and we come home and they don't found the consent pulled all the tape out of it and laid it on the thing now y'all let them walk around these kids walking around listening to whatever they want to and then we trying to figure out why they so hard-headed disobedient don't want to live right we got to go back saints don't listen to secular music saints don't listen to secular music amen i don't care we don't listen to jazz so y'all ain't gonna say no now he's smiling [Music] saints don't listen to that see some of y'all looking there oh it's just a little bit no how many know it's a difference between the world because if you start pulling some of that stuff in to your life and then you're trying to figure out why listen the truth is you need to be asking yourself who has gotten saved since i come to god who have i led to christ [Music] who have i led to crisis i said i would say and if you can't find nobody you need to start searching yourself and everything that looked like the world avoid the very appearance of evil and then he said the very god of peace will come and sanctify you holy how many know you got to sanctify yourself first after you sanctify yourself the very god of peace will come and sanctify you holy from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet your body soul spirit how many know he'll sanctify you holy lift up your hands it's time for the church to repent it's time for us to search ourselves this is not hey man if we're going to be effective in these streets if we gonna live i mean there's a cry that should come from this parking lot that should literally cover the whole city of chicago there should be a cry not because it's so loud but because it's so pure oh a pure cry out to god whereby it just causes a portal to open up and we can see angels and dispersing back and forth how many know that's real but we got to get pure we got to be holy we got to be clean i need i'm not the singer theo i need thee we're getting ready to pray hallelujah [Music] help me say whoa come on if you're in your cars come on can you say it me now my say say savior i'm going to say about today [Music] be come on lift up your hands and say it yeah come on i need to heal let me [Music] [Music] i say my savior hallelujah wow i come yes sir yes i'm doing this [Music] i come to be with your hands up lift your hands and say yes come on everybody tell them yes that's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] my soul says yes come on who can say it come on help me here my soul says [Music] [Music] [Music] listen right now wherever you are if you're in your car if you're standing right here if you know today that your focus needs to be redirected back to job back to god you lost focus you have allowed certain things to slip back in your life and it is pulling you from the foundation in which you know what you know [Music] it is causing you to lose true sight on god if you know that you i want you to lift your hands up high if you're in your car lift your hands i know it might not be everybody but if you know that's you this is for specifically if you know that shoe i want you to lift your hands up as high as you can because i'm getting ready to pray hallelujah come on i see all of your hands i see those hands i want you today when we pray i want you to do something i want you to do it in this order i want you to first i want you to see that thing in your mind everybody has something when you got saved there was a saying the bible says their side every weight and the sin that does so easily everybody has something that pulls at them and you have to first acknowledge that sin now we have to acknowledge sins but you have to also acknowledge what is it that the enemy keep using to destroy you with what is it that the enemy continues to twirl at you that you find yourself falling for and you have to be willing enough to admit this has been my health my hold up because as long as you continue to walk around and at this death there's nothing there nothing will ever change and we'll try to say lord sorry my sins no you know what you're doing you did that when you first got saved now you end god now there's some things that the devil is throwing at you and you have found yourself and see the problem is we only looking at fornication by having no bitterness in your heart how many no envy jealousy strife murder cause let me know you murder not just with a knife and a gun you murder with the words you say how many these are the things that cause god not to use us and cause us to continue to fall back from where god brought us from but today with your hands lifted i want you to see see that thing speak it ask god today to remove it out of your life and be honest about it and then open your spirit up because god get ready to deposit his glory his power his anointing in you upon you one more time i was here a couple weeks ago a couple months ago and i remember when i left i said this church is getting ready to experience a move of god that's going to affect nazi sometimes we look at it we get used to seeing things a certain way how many know you got to see the bigger picture god is getting ready to use you to touch not just through tv i'm talking about people coming in the area where you are but god wants to raise you up to do it but you got to open yourself up you got to believe god extend your spirit and tell god lord send me i'll go with your hands lifted of the god i want you to repeat this prayer after me and after we say this i want you to with all you have i want you to then begin to praise god well let me just do it the way i want to do it can i do it through i want if you know that was you if you can i want you to step out i know it's a lot but just i want to see you come on that's it they coming now come on clap your hands they're coming come on that's it bless them y'all come on clap your hands get ready for god to touch you if he's in your car come on you know you you could have came out of your car come on let god do what he want to do praise the lord don't let the devil trick you today if you're in your car step right outside of your car stand right there beside your car lift up your hands if it's you come on if you want something from god how many know you got to do what you have to do we're so lazy how many know you cannot be lazy i'm gonna be honest you can't be lazy when it comes to receiving the things of the lord if you really want god to do it and you know as you step right outside of your car and lift up your hands to god and get ready for god to feel you and to touch you one more time with them hands up to the lord i want you to repeat this after me and say it with fervency and power if it's you come on say lord i'm sorry for everything that i've done that wasn't right or pleasing in your sight right now i ask you to forgive me wash me cleanse me in your blood lord i surrender all tell it say it lord i surrender wrong i give up everything that has hindered me that have stopped my progress today i surrender my all to you i believe that you die i believe that you rose again and i thank you for delivering me setting me free right now in the name of jesus come on praise him like you believe it now come on praise him like you believe it now [Music] pray praise him come on praise him like you believe it i said praise him like you believe it praise him come on give him glory [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on tell him yet come on tell him yes hallelujah come on tell him yes [Music] come on chucks and praise him i said open up your mouth i said open up your mouth come on open up your mouth give god the glory [Laughter] let's go [Music] oh god father in the name of jesus everything lord that is how they hindered what you have and this young man life i found it now and i pray in the name of jesus don't have your way father have your way father have your way destroy them [Music] [Music] i said come on church and please i said come on and please [Music] god got a plan for your life but never trying to destroy you but the devil is a liar you belong to god you belong to god you are in his hands you are in his hands let him have his way come on let him do it the devil is alive i'm gonna let him do it come on then tell him yes come on and tell them yes come on in tell them yes come on then tell them yes out of your belly come on here and tell god he actually come on yes lord i said tell him yes lord tell me yes lord lord i need you touch me again renew me again fill me up again revive me again lord i'm willing to submit to your will not my way come on nacho you can't do it your way god said his way you got to submit to him totally come on it's not your way no more come on you can't keep resisting you can't keep you can't keep resisting come on you got to give it up come on touch and give them going i said come on y'all they give him glory can i get somebody to you can i get you to give him praise come on y'all i said come on and praise him come on and reach out reach out to jesus let his hand touch you let his power fall on you come on here to read the devil is alive i said the devil is a heart god want to use you god got plans for you not got a plan with your life come [Music] put your hand together and say yes lord peace come on jesus have your way lord forgive us father and give us back our focus give us back our focus lord on eternal life watch us jesus and every sin and the iniquity in the name of jesus we confess our thoughts right now whatever he's seen [Music] jesus come on that son come on tell him thank you y'all come on i wish somebody will praise god come on god come on in the name of jesus jesus [Music] do it for me jesus please watch us lord purify yourself come on thank you jesus come on thank you jesus come on thank you jesus come on you can't resist it you can't resist it you got to yield to them because until you yield nothing's going to work the way that you thought it would work nothing's going to happen the way you thought it was going to happen but you got to give it to god come on church of lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on and give him glory [Laughter] [Music] come on church and praise god come on touch and give me praise i'm on a magnify come on and live here i'm gonna let god have his way come on thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] father to be an example of what continuation [Laughter] [Laughter] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus come on church come on come on that's it come on praise him i'm gonna praise him come on praise it come on praise it come on praise hell yeah want you to bless the lord come on y'all and praise him [Music] come on praise the lord come on praise the lord come on when you're telling me yes he'll do it come on when you're told to submit to him he'll do it come on will you tell him yes he'll do it i'm gonna he'll do for you feel that kid come on yes lord come on do it from your come on ketchup go come on and tell them yes [Laughter] come on everybody lift up their hands to jesus and i want you to scream it out of your belly come on say lord kill me again heal me again fill me up again fill me with your power fill me with two anointing fill me again in jesus name come on and praise him if you believe [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] somebody clap your hands and give god the glory come on give god to pray we have set our affections on things that are above and not on things on the earth let's take a few minutes while we're still alive and let's give god the glory come on and bless his name oh i feel god i know that we have asked the lord to wash us and we have asked him to cleanse us and we have asked him to purify us right now i want you to just tell him thank you for washing you for purifying you and for setting your soul free if you know that he's done it glory to god hallelujah before we go any further i want you to just lift your hands and thank him for your gifts right now in the name of jesus come on let me hear your praises he's done something great [Music] [Music] follow me [Music] that god has done something for you listen we've got people all the way to the back of the parking lot and all the way in the back but you all please step out of your cards for a minute you'll still be socially distanced and keep your mask on if you need to but i sense that there is a need for the saints of god to offer unto the lord a praise of gratitude if you'll just be obedient and step out of that car for just a few minutes don't get close to anybody closer than six feet but you know what you can give god a praise we'll go to the grocery store we'll go to the mall come on we go downtown uptown south town north south east and west when we get ready but when it's time to praise god this devil want to shut everybody down tell your neighbor i owe god a praise because he kept me through the clothing so i'm gonna take a few minutes and i'm going to give him a sacrificial praise right now in jesus name now you get sick somebody get six feet away and then shout unto the lord hello church one two three praise him come on and give him a break that's what i want you to do [Music] praising the lord [Music] and i just want to thank him just clap your hands if you love god tap your hands if you love the lord i said if you love god clap your hands amen god bless you to all of our visitors all of you that have driven in god bless you for being a part of today's service amen and we want to tell you praise god that we have something incredible coming up next saturday somebody's screaming real loud say september the 5th the 4th excuse me september the 4th at 12 noon and we are coming together at the house of hope september the what at what time at 12 noon we are coming together to pray what is the address to the house of hope 752 east 114th street and we're encouraging you all to be a part of our just as i am prayer service at 12 noon i'm looking for every member of the church on the rock to be present on next saturday i'm looking for every member i need sister cheryl i'm looking for every member of the church on the rock to be with us on next week amen on saturday we are looking for you and we are believing god hallelujah we also want you all to know those of you that are watching live by way of facebook that we want you wherever you live wherever you gotta come from to join us in chicago the church seats thousands so you can be socially distant but we're coming together to cry out to a holy god amen we're crying out to ask him to wash us purge us cleanse us purify us and not only that we're praying for the nations of the world that are in trouble praying for afghanistan praying for haiti we're praying for louisiana amen a storm is raging come on somebody we're going to be praying for the needs of god's people so we want you all to join us next saturday 12 noon and we're looking forward to the saints of god being a part of our just as i am prayer service now i want you to get your cell phone out all of you get your cell phone get your cell phone right now amen sister shirl i'm waiting for you sister cheryl praise the lord we want to just take a minute and honor god for our guest speaker today pastor julie you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 3,091
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Id: zhz5nTPJ9No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 34sec (5854 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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