Overcoming Rejection - "I'm Glad I Didn't Kill You"

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i rejected one of my daughters so bad amen i had two children had moved to the city of chicago and wanted to get on with a career and did not want a baby and i had no knowledge of no demon spirits i just thought you know that when we make a decision we just make our own decision and when you don't live by the word of god when you don't live by it daily see the lord said uh to acknowledge him in all of our ways and he would direct our path but if we don't know the word we don't seek the lord then we are not going to even have this word healing in our heart so that when various things come up we revert back to the word of god and say i'm not going to reject what god has given i'm not going to reject what god is making but i did not want to be pregnant with kimberly wray but i didn't know it was going i didn't know it was going to be killed i had no idea that it was going to be a girl or whatever it was going to be amen but i didn't want to be pregnant and so all through that pregnancy i dreaded the fact i hated the fact that i was pregnant and so when kimberly was born she was born full of rejection i want you to know that thoughts of things and things are spirits and then when you you when you speak a word you're either speaking life or you're speaking death so i'm constantly speaking death to what's on the inside of me i don't want this there were days that i hoped that i would abort it i might have jumped off the steps a couple of times come on somebody oh i'm ringing somebody else's belt today oh yes and i'm telling you no matter what i did for kim it seemed as if i could not show her enough love after she was born and she stayed right up under me all of the time holding on to my gown in the kitchen holding on to me just you know just constantly and when i came into deliverance and and i'm telling you this was not during the time that i was receiving my first deliverance but during the time that i began ministering deliverance in my own house i had a group of people around i was the evangelist of the hour full of pride come on because i was casting out devil but the bible said praise the lord don't be lifted up and proud because you casted our devils but rather that your name has been written in the land's book of life but on this particular day i was in prayer and just instructing the people and preparing to go into deliverance and and i was speaking of rejection and unforgiveness as i have today and as i began to go in deliverance i began to bind the strong man and curse the stronghold bind the strong man over the people that were present and applying the blood of jesus upon them from the crown of their heads to the souls of their feet acknowledging the angels of the lord they were all around me saying god send more angels with buckets of blood amen with walls of fire and assisting this deliverance and we began praying deliverance prayers and as i began to pray i heard somebody behind me say but mama you did not want me but mama you didn't want me and screaming on a loud voice and i looked around and it was kimberly ray my daughter this was my secret i had never discussed it with but one person that told me how to try and find some some super late something to abort her or to abort the baby and i didn't want to go that route and i didn't she was the only one that knew and i knew that she definitely hadn't talked to kim and so when that voice came out of her it didn't even sound like her i had to stop the service the area of the service that i was working in and turn around to her and to explain and tell her but mama did not know you were going to be kim see you you're stripping the ground in you're taking away the devil's accusation you're taking away that tormenting spirit from that individual that you are working with and i began to amen speak words of love to her love is stronger than death love is stronger than any demonic bondage glory to god i began to just apply the blood to her and tell her how much i loved her and then i i told her to forgive me and what have you and then we myself and another prayer partner began to cast out the spirit of rejection out of him and those spirits came out with loud voices amen those spirits uh erupted from her praise god and i can't describe how kimberly must have felt amen but i think that she can if she will amen i want to ask her to come kimberly is now an evangelist traveling throughout the nation amen one that loves god praise god amen and i want her with her own words to tell you about her deliverance praise god i love you kevin i love you mom bless you [Applause] praise god i just want to thank god for my pastor and my mother and the testimony that she has shared and i remember the day that my deliverance came and she has already forestated that we were fasting and praying and in preparation for deliverance and when those spirits began to cry out of me i remember feeling just just by myself you know i just felt alone and i remember those spirits of rejection and self-rejection and fear of rejection which are the connected and related spirits to that stronghold they began to break and come out and i remember my mother the anointing was so on her when she stopped to minister to me she explained what happened and i could feel even while she was talking the anointing was so upon her that the yolks began to break and the chain began to be destroyed and i remember her saying that because of the anointing that every yoke shall be destroyed and the burden shall be taken off thy shoulder and i remember receiving deliverance from the strong man of rejection and the fear of rejection and so many times even as i was growing up i would always just reach out to people i always wanted to have friends and it seemed like i would try to hold on so tight but every time i would say i finally have a friend something would happen it seemed like i would experience a wounded spirit but god began to deliver me from rejection and then he delivered me from a wounded spirit and a broken heart and he gave me the freedom in my soul and the freedom and my spirit because he knew that the word of god was in my mouth and i could not be affected by the spirit of rejection anymore because everybody's not going to want to hear the word of god but i thank god today that i can proclaim that i'm free that i have been delivered from the strongman of rejection and i thank god for the deliberate power of god it is god's power that brings about a change and i thank him today for the prayers of the righteous that availeth much and how pastor ray took her time she didn't pray for five minutes she didn't pray for three minutes but she laid but as she labored with me until i received my freedom and i want to say to those of you that have been bound in the area of a wounded spirit and a broken heart and rejection that there is a bomb in gilead god is able to deliver your soul he's able to cast the devil out of your mind god is a strong deliverer he is a shield and he is a buckler oh he's a very present help in the time of trouble the bible said with the righteous cry that god heareth them and delivereth them out of all of their troubles oh he is a strong deliverer won't you give him praise today hallelujah he come on down on both sides i thank god for deliverance today in jesus mighty name bless the name of the lord praise god hallelujah do you see what i would have done amen what the devil would have done if i had gone along with him there are those of you today amen and you have experienced a similar thing in your life with your children and many of them hate you without really understanding why it could be the spirit of rejection and i want you to call i want you to call right now and there are trained prayer warriors and counselors that are standing by to agree with you in prayer to bind those spirits and to cast them out we want to put them on the prayer list you can call today you can call we are so excited to be able to come in your home with these kind of testimonies praise god [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] that's why i'm safe [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] midnight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're racing [Applause] he's not gonna leave you alone he'll take me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you safe today goodness and mercy upon [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 65,197
Rating: 4.9342465 out of 5
Keywords: Angie, Ray, Ministries, Church, On The Rock, Matteson, Illinois, Kimberly, Gavin, Overcoming, rejection, Spiritual, Deliverance, God, Jesus, Christ, Testimony, Safe, In, His, Arms, SAFE IN HIS ARMS, Kimberly Ray Gavin, I'm Glad, I Didn't Kill You, Ray Sisters, Angie Ray, Intercession
Id: ufocuYb9lWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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