Special guest Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin on The Awakening Prayer Call with Latrice Ryan Ministries.

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father god in the name of jesus i thank you lord that you god are the pillars of the universe god that you are sovereign that you are the ancient of days god there is nothing too difficult for you nothing too hard for you i praise you because hollywood be thy name and thy kingdom come we come together today and we stand in agreement on behalf of every individual that is on this call today lord i thank you that your power and your word is true that whatsoever we ask you in the name of jesus that you will hear us you said that your ears are not too heavy that you can hear the cries of your people you said that when the righteous cry that the lord hears them and delivers them out of all of their distress my father i thank you that you are the ancient of days god that there is nothing that you can't handle so lord i lift every woman of god every man of god every young person that is watching this prayer call i lift them up before you for god you know their name by name one by one you know each of them father in the name of jesus god you know their down sittings and you know their uprisings you know their thoughts are far off god you see the plot the plan the schemes of the wicked one to bring in discouragement in the lives of your children but today we take dominion and authority over every spirit that is bogging down the people of god every assignment every stronghold father you said that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down of imaginations and every hot thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god so therefore we use the word of god in the blood of jesus and we apply the blood to every woman to every man to every family every couple every young person that is on this call father god i ask that you will wrap your loving arms around them and let them know father that you care that you are surrounding them with your power god i thank you that you are all knowing all seeing that you're august and mighty god i thank you that you can do anything but fail so father we reach out to you today and we call on you our god the god that stands in the solitude of himself lord we reach out to you because you have all power you're omnipotent omniscient god you're great and you're greatly to be praised and so god even before we begin to pray before we ask for anything we want to just take a minute and say thank you thank you lord for being faithful and just thank you for being merciful and kind thank you that every day we've been experiencing brand new mercies we thank you for new mercies that we see this morning and great is thy faithfulness father god in the name of jesus we honor you today because god your god of all flesh and there's nothing that you can't do of lord i thank you that you are god that is high and lifted up and we praise you because your train is filling the temple and so god today i pray like isaiah i ask god that you will let a hot coal from the altar begin to purge your people lord i ask in the name of jesus that you will purge us with hyssop god i ask that you will let the angels of the lord purge out everything not like you every wrong thought every wrong deed every wrong spirit father in the name of jesus we repent before you and we ask that you will cover us in your precious blood we ask god that you will let the blood of jesus let it wash our hearts lord we know that our hearts are the seat of our soul our hearts are the place where thought and speech and conduct emanate from so father i ask that you will wash our hearts that you will purify our hearts give us a clean heart and create in us a clean heart and renew within us a right spirit o god or father in the name of jesus we call unto you father god in jesus name let your power begin to go forth through this call father in the name of jesus lord i pray right now that you will breathe and that you will move by your power let your anointing break every shackle you said that because of the anointing every yoke shall be destroyed god destroyed the yokes of bondage destroyed the yolks of fear destroyed the yolks of rejection destroy the yoke of god that have affected the people of god we bind every stronghold every thought that continues to lord play over in the minds of your people that keep them in a place of bondage we find it right now in the name of jesus for god you're wise and you're just lord we know that you can deliver you're the god of all flesh and there's nothing too hard for you i release right now the spirit of peace i lose the peace of god that passes all understanding let it keep their heart and their mind through christ jesus lord we thank you for peace i place the blood of jesus and i apply the word of god and i say lord loose your peace upon your people lord peace in the midst of covet 19 peace in the midst of the coronavirus peace in the midst of the state of emergency peace in the midst of remote learning at home peace in the midst of families that are running out of food father i thank you that you're opening avenues that you're opening streams i break the assignment of poverty i find it in the name of jesus i curse it at the root father god we drive out poverty we drive out every assignment that is affecting the hearts the minds and the finances of your people i apply the blood of jesus over every fiscal condition i say to the people of god today lord that you're going to bless them exceeding and abundantly for your word declares that i have not seen nor ear heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man lord what you have in store but them that love you so because we love you we declare and we decree that the blessings of the lord that make rich and add no sorrow shall overtake your people today father i pray for the bank account i pray for the checkings account i pray for the savings account and i thank you lord for allowing your power to break forth in their finances in the name of jesus lord i thank you that we honor you with our time and we honor you with our offering and we thank you lord that you are our source it is not our jobs it is not the corporations it is not the buildings that have housed all of the businesses but god you are our source you are the source and the finisher of our faith so we walk by faith and not by sight father god in the name of jesus i pray for that woman that is trying to figure out what's going to happen with her children not sure of what to do father give her wisdom give her knowledge and give our understanding that man of god that is trying to provide for his family in a state of discouragement i pray right now that you would touch him from the crown of his head to the souls of his feet release the spirit of wisdom knowledge and might in the name of jesus god we thank you that you're a rock in a weary land that you're a shelter in the time of storm we thank you that in the time of trouble we can call on your name and you will deliver we thank you to dave that there's nothing too hard for you we thank you today that you're guiding our footsteps and your word declares them that the steps of a good man homoshonda they are ordered by the lord god order the steps of your people uh let the fire of the holy ghost break forth on this call i bind the spirit of deep hurt i find the broken heart the wounded spirit a bind that spirit of that is trying to devastate the people of god find the strong man of backsliding of giving up of turning around but god in the name of jesus we set ourselves in agreement together but one shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousand to flight and we curse the assignment of the enemy we drive it out right now in the name of jesus our god is strong and mighty he's a strong deliverer and we thank you today lord for every mountain you brought us over for every valley you brought us through every time we struggled god you delivered every time our heads were bow down god you made a way you're a waymaker you're a heart fixer you're a mind regulator so we call on you jesus jesus thou son of david of the seed of abraham we call you this morning jesus our savior and our lord jesus our advocate and our strength of jesus the stone that the builders rejected jesus the root out of dry ground jesus we call you now we call you with power we call you with intensity god you're our strength your merciful god lord in the name of jesus we praise you today for being the offspring of jesse we praise you lord that down through the years you've been faithful and merciful we call on your name lord we call you we call you lord you're the hot priest and we know that you can hear our cry we thank you lord we take a minute and say thank you that you hear us today we thank you that you are a master you are a redeemer you are our savior and we are more than conquerors and through jesus christ and have your way this morning now lord i call you again i call you jesus i call your name now lord have your way this morning uh quicken your people by your power strengthen every woman of god i pray right now for the daughters of zion that's watching this call i asked father in the name of jesus that you will break forth that you have put a weep and put a whale down in their bellies god put a travail and a cry in your people let us cry between the porch and the altar let us cry cry for our nation uh cry for our government to cry for our cities lord stern the women of god stir up the women let up travail this morning in the name of jesus put a well in their belly you said out of our bellies rivers of living water shall flow flow now lord flow in us now in the name of jesus jesus you are our strength you're the source of our strength we cry today him we cry like jeremiah oh god oh that my head were watered up and my eyes a fountain of tears that i might weep and cry for the slain of the daughter of my people we cry lord we cry like jeremiah we cry today we cry like esther oh god have mercy on our people they're being slaughtered in the street they're being murdered oh god but father we bind the strong man of violence we bind the assignment of racial injustice we break the barriers of every strong man in the laws we break the barriers every strong man we curse it at the root in the name of jesus jesus we bind a strong man over the cities now of every city of being represented on this call begin to type your city in i set myself in agreement that god will work a miracle a miracle of peace let's pray together let's call on them together in the name of jesus glory to god oh hallelujah and right now lord i felt a shift in my spirit he come up above sunday oh no not sunday i'm praying now for the healing of god's people i thank you lord for touching that woman that's battling in a body buying the assignment i'm buying the strong man over your respiratory system i command you to breathe i command you to breathe in the name of jesus about the assignment trying to stifle your breath of trying to take your breath away i lose the breath of god in the name of jesus the blood in your spleen the blood in your immune system the blood the blood the blood i thank you lord for touching that woman that feels like she's gotta go now to the hospital give us strength lord give us strength lord in the name of jesus touch the circulatory system oh god touch the skeletal system by oh god touch the cardiovascular system oh god in the name of jesus and have your way in their body touch right now from the crown of their head up to the soles of their feet in the name of jesus and god will praise you god will magnify you god will give you all of the glory lord your worthy you're worthy lord so we just take a minute and say thank you thank you jesus for every rough hill and mountain thank you jesus for every storm we've ever been through because if we never went through a storm we would know that you're able to deliver so oh jesus i cry out to you i cried like peter when he was walking on the water he said lord save me lord somebody's crying save me lord there's a backslider on the call save god in the name of jesus touch right now i bind a strong man every ungodly soul tie i find a strong man a fornication the strong man of adultery i break the power off of your soul in the name of jesus a woman i call your soul out of that man man i call your soul out of that woman every strong man that was formed illegally we break break break your shoulder we break break break every spirit that is affecting your soul now in the name of jesus oh bless his name glory to god hallelujah hallelujah i thank you lord for the power of deliverance for the power of breakthrough for the power of joy you gave us in your word you said the joy of the lord is our strength i loose joy i lose fire i lose purpose i lose victory but we are more than conquerors through jesus christ we thank you lord thank you for every young person thank you for every millennial that's on this call today of giving patience and helping to wait on you give up patience now in jesus name oh god help him to understand them that the race is not given to the swift or to the stronger but to the one that endures to the end of the same shall be saved jesus i place the blood over the millennials of that young man that needs a financial breakthrough that young woman that needs a financial breakthrough in order to go to school in order to be successful father in jesus name let your anointing begin to loose favor of the lord bless blender by seeing bless them like you did jabez oh god bless them indeed enlarge their coasts enlarge their territory bless them lord bless their schwab account bless their ameritrade accountant bless allah bless the robin hood encounter bless the cash app account of everything they set their hands to uh if they're living holy bless them today lord in the name of jesus jesus our deliverer jesus i love to call you when i call you i just feel better jesus we need you today take us higher take us higher lord take us higher stir your people everywhere stir up the fire stir up the anointing god stir up the power in the name of jesus as we give you glory right now somebody begin them but just clap your hands right there begin to give them praise begin to give him honor begin forgive him glory bless the lord bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless this holy name come on help me praise him hallelujah glory to god father we thank you that your name is holy we thank you that your name is sovereign we thank you that you are god you're the creator of the ends of the earth we thank you today lord you're the god of abraham of isaac and jacob god you're the god of melchizedek we need you today oh god you're the god of isaiah and the god of jeremiah we call you today we need the god you god our god of ezekiel we need you today we need the god the god of daniel oh god oh god in jesus name we pray for that woman we pray for that man that's been like daniel been praying three times a day but being hindered by the prince of persia so right now god in the powerful name of jesus we find the assignment we bind the principality we bind a strong man we curse it at the root we bind every hindering spirit of every delayed tactic every stronghold for the weapons of our warfare are not turned over and we don't wrestle against flesh and blood so right now lord we thank you that this battle belongs to you we thank you god we praise you for the angels of the lord that you're dispatching on behalf of your people i thank you lord thank you for the messenger angel gabriel thank you for the warfare angel michael release the angels of the lord to do battle on behalf of your servants of your people of your elders of the pastors of the leaders of the teachers of the evangelist god in jesus name storm for your glory let spiritual joy begin to overtake them now in jesus name in the name of jesus great is your lame lord great and mighty are you god you're the god of all flesh we praise you today we glorify you hallelujah hallelujah if you're on the caller i want you to just give god one minute of praise tell them thank you jesus tell them bless your name tell a wonderful savior wonderful counselor mighty god of everlasting father prince of peace rosa sharon lily of the valley we praise you this morning your name your name is to be praised your name brings about peace your name calms the storm your name brings victory your name causes us to stand on the rock the rock christ jesus you said upon this rock i'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it we were in the spirit you know loose the minds of god's people lose them now in jesus name jesus i place the blood of the blood of jesus a place of blood in the hearts of your people let him feel the anointing let him feel your joy let it feel the victory in jesus name somebody give him glory somebody give a praise somebody magnify him oh rock of ages our restorer we need you today come on jesus take us higher take us deeper we want to break you in the spirit let this prayer start the man and the woman of god let him feel your anointing let him feel your power in the name of jesus oh god you are a hiding place you're a shelter in the time of storm we thank you today we're resting in you we're leaning on you we're calling on you you're our deliverer bless your name jesus bless your name lord bless your name bless your name move by your spirit thank you for the joy of the lord thank you for the peace of god thank you oh god i thank you right now have your willingness and have your way through us in the mighty name of jesus i don't know who it is that's on this call today but i believe if you would just begin to say oh god that god will refill you with the power of the holy ghost right in your room right in your kitchen right in the house where you are begin to cry out to him in the name of jesus oh bless the name of the lord glory to god oh y'all forgive me this morning but i feel the power of the holy ghost i feel god moving some of you are in a car and you're trying to drive keep your hand on the steering wheel and tell them thank you hey glory that's your name god wonderful jesus oh i feel the praises of god i feel the praises of the lord in the place today in jesus mighty name god i thank you today lord even as we continue to pray we praise you for being omnipotent we praise you for being i'm not present we praise you lord that you're in every place at the same time lord we thank you that we don't have to send you because you're already there i thank you i don't have to send you to memphis because you're already there lord move in memphis lord touch in california lord strengthen in kentucky every state lord every city lord let your people and hear the sound of a war let them hear clarion sound help them to get up and help them to stand up and help them to stand strong arm to arm shoulder to shoulder thank you that we're on the same team and we thank you that this battle is yours lord and we give you glory and we give you praise and we bless your name wonderful jesus wonderful jesus glory be to god hallelujah bless your name lord i praise him now i say to you to them that are watching right now to lift your hands lift your hands right now glory to god bless his name lift your hand lord stretch out your hand excuse me your hand of mercy your hand of salvation your hand of love surround your people with the love of god now in jesus mighty name bless your name bless your name bless your name somebody clap your hands and give him the glory excuse me hallelujah praise the name of the lord god is great and he's greatly to be praised hallelujah bless him glory to god bless his holy name hallelujah i want to pray right now i want to pray for people that have been struggling that have been going through abuse i find the enemy i place the blood in the minds of people that have been going through mental cruelty are buying the assignment over every woman that has been victimized that is feeling delegitimatized those that feel like they're victims the mental cruelty the anxiety the chronic depression we come against it now in the name of jesus we bind that spirit that is destroying your low your esteem level we lose the power of god i bind our psychological abuse i find all emotional abuse i find that strong man that is associated with trauma those of you that have been through bullying that have been through gaslighting that have been through manipulation that feel imbalance those of you that are struggling today i lose power in your emotions i lose power in your feelings i loose the spirit of stabilization you are stable you are stronger you are powerful stand on the word of god in the name of jesus glory be to god hallelujah hallelujah saints i feel them today i feel the lord i feel god's power in the name of jesus god we don't deserve all of your grace and we don't deserve all of your mercy but god we thank you thank you for showing us the hope of your calling thank you for renewing our faith lord you said that we would have to fade them as the size of a grain of a mustard seed that we can speak to the mountain and be telling to be thou removed and cast into the sea and don't doubt it in our heart that we shall have what we say so we speak to every mountain we speak to every valley we speak to every stroke holder by faith today in jesus name the lord your word declares that it is written in the name of jesus it is written uh oh bless the name of the lord that we can tell the devil to get the hint it is written that he shall serve god in the name of jesus we buy the assignment of the enemy we buy the assignment of fear we bind the assignment that is trying to permeate your thoughts we pull it down now in the name of jesus we pull it down now we place the blood of jesus that's going forth in your life today in the name of jesus i thank you lord that you are choosing your people that they are the chosen ones that they belong to you that they're your children of bless them today in jesus name and god we thank you for your word we thank you that your word declares blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but your word declares that his delight is in the law of the lord and in this law does he meditate day and night and your word declares that ye shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring forth fruit in a season and whatsoever you do it shall prosper i lose prosperity i lose growth i lose growth i lose increase i lose abundance in the name of jesus i bind the assignment that has you like the willow tree been over and said but let it bounce back i lose the spirit of resilience i lose the spirit of strength i lose the spirit of courage i lose the spirit of power in the name of jesus oh god we praise you now i thank you lord for putting clapping in the saints hands and putting dancing in their feet to put joy in their soul god give them their shout back give them their victory back give them their praise back let them praise you from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same your name lord is worthy to be praised we praise you we praise you jesus we give your name the glory and we give you all of the honor every person on this call touch him now lord of every man every woman every young person lord wrap your arms around them and let them know that you love them oh god pull your people back you said draw nigh unto me and i'll draw an eye unto you god give your people a fasting and a praying spirit give your people a spirit of repentance give your people a spirit of breakthrough oh god as we cry and move in our lives as we pray hear our cry oh god and attend unto our prayers from the end of the earth will i cry unto thee when my heart is overwhelmed lead us to the rock that is higher than we are but thou has been a shelter for me and a strong tower from the enemy thank you lord we praise you now we praise you lord we praise you jesus we praise you that the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof the world that they that dwell therein lord you're found in all the seas and you establish it on the flood who shall ascend unto the heel of the lord he that have clean hands and a pure heart who have not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully god this is the generation this is the generation of them that seek you that seek your face you said seek me early you said they that seek me early they shall find me put a seek in your people put a cry as a deer pant after the water brooks so that my soul my soul pants have to be oh god we're in a dryer we're in a thirsty land bread of heaven bread of heaven feed us until we won't know more bread of heaven feed us feed us lord oh yeah lead us down feed us until we want no more if you're still on this call i pray right now that you will lift your heart that you will lift your spirit and ask the lord to touch you ask him personally lord breathe on me he let the heavens breathe on me let the light from heaven let it breathe on me here in the name of jesus and god we just will give you all of the praise and we will give you all of the glory lord i thank you for this ministry i thank you for evangelist ryan lord give us strength today lord touch him now for your glory lord we all stand in agreement and we pray that you will lift her up that you will encourage your soul that you will touch her now in the name of jesus oh god excuse me breathe on her now give her everything that she needs in jesus mighty name and lord we will forever give you the glory and we will forever give you all of the praise we thank you lord we're thankful unto you and we bless your name lord there is strength in your name in the name of the lord and there is power in your name in the name of the lord blessed is he that comes in the name of the lord lord i lift up every couple i lift up every marriage in the name of jesus lord breathe upon them now bring them closer together lord let them forgive one another of castle fences lord let them stand strong together in the name of jesus lord i thank you for that new home i thank you for that new vehicle i thank you lord for you're about to bless your people in a supernatural way in the name of jesus lord as we pray this morning we thank you for miracles we thank you that something great is about to happen that something extraordinary is about to happen and we thank you lord for the body of christ lord i thank you for every christian that is watching this prayer i ask you right now lord that you will surround them now let them feel your power take them higher lord lord i thank you that you're releasing the spirit of prayer you're releasing the spirit of the midwife oh god i thank you right now for every young man lord i find the enemy that wants to snuff out the young men before they can reach their ages of fulfillment in life we buy the assignment over every adolescent son we pray now that you will cover them in the blood cover them on their way to school cover them on their way home as they go to the store oh father look on every young child now in jesus mighty name and god will give you the glory saints of god i want to tell you that while we're praying them i can see names just i just see one name after the other young men and young women the lord loves you and he's going to cover your children in the blood he's going to move in their lives and he's going to breathe upon them in a supernatural way bless the name of the lord glory to god i want you to know that the spirit of the lord is upon us for he has anointed us to preach the gospel hallelujah to the poor and good tidings and lord to set at liberty those that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the lord we praise you today we thank you lord as i say this prayer i say the prayer of jonah lord we ask that you will bring every person that is in prison that is in the belly of the whale bring them out today in the name of jesus every person that needs deliverance deliver and set them free for your glory in jesus mighty name and we will give you the praise excuse me we will give you all of the honor and all of the glory it shall be thine forever in jesus name and lord as i prepare to conclude this prayer today i just want to tell you one more time thank you lord and i want to thank you today that you come that we might have life and that we will have it more abundantly lord release life upon your people lord put a smile on their faces put joy in their hearts lord i ask that you will restore laughter let the people of god laugh again let them experience joy again in the name of jesus and father we will give your name the glory and all of the praise that we will bless your name because you are good and your mercy endures forever you're everlasting to everlasting and i give you all of the praise somebody help me praise him right there would you help me praise him would you help me give him the glory hallelujah would you help me give him praise today in jesus name i want to just take a moment and share with those of you that are watching today amen first of all i want to say thank you to evangelist ryan and to her husband to her companion uh for allowing me this opportunity to pray with the saints on today and i just want to tell you all it is such an honor and it is such a joy just to call on the name of jesus christ and i also want to tell you all that we have a wonderful prayer coming up it's a virtual prayer fellowship and i just want to share a little bit uh with you on september the 3rd at 7 00 p.m uh we're we'll be live having our virtual time also through september the 4th and the 5th pardon me you all i'm still kind of caught up hallelujah glory to god and i want to tell you that in our intercessory virtual fellowship that our guest speakers are of course bishop john francis from london england and we also have from uh from zimbabwe africa uh bishop tudor bismarck will be ministering during our conference and it's not really a conference it's just a virtual event a virtual fellowship also from south carolina uh bishop michael blue powerful man of god and amen we will be praying and ministering the word of the lord along with my sister my sister sister cheryl ray and also my sister evangelist my assistant pastor jay denise ray she will be praying but we have a guest intercessor another international intercessor his name is apostle leon wallace and he comes to us from the bahamas and saints of god all i can tell you is that it's international power that you're going to experience during this virtual event and also my baby sister sister tanya ray she's a psalmist she's a gift from god with an electrifying voice she will be singing and giving god the praise with us during our international intercessory virtual fellowship so i just want to share that with you and also i want to share with you that every wednesday night we have bible study here live on facebook at 7 30 p.m on kimberly ray gavin and i just want to share this with you that god has been speaking to us that it is written and listen i tell you the scripture says that i have not seen an ear has not heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man what god has in store for those of you that trust him i got a word for you today and the word of the lord for the people of god is to trust the lord trust the lord with all thine heart and don't lean to your own understanding but listen put all of your hope and your trust and your faith in jesus christ he is the author and the finisher of our faith praise the lord we're going to leave this time giving god the glory i just want to ask you a question what is your favorite praise i want to ask you and i want you to put it on the timeline whatever your favorite praise is would you just type it in is it hallelujah is it bless your name is it wonderful jesus is it glory to god is it hallelujah oh glory to god my mother used to say hallelujah from her belly listen when you say it you got to say it with strength glory to god i want you to type in your favorite praise and listen you praise that praise all day long and you give god all of the glory that is due his name thanks be unto god who gives us the victory and causes us to try up through christ jesus greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world you are more than a conqueror you are an overcomer you are a winner you are a champion all of these things you are through our lord and our savior jesus christ again thank you so much for this opportunity amen we love you all with the love of jesus and before i go i just want to say one more time that i thank god for my sister evangelist latrice ryan the precious woman of god who i met some time ago and she's just become more than just a sister but she's also a friend and the bible says in the book of proverbs that a friend loveth at all times saying to god always thank god for people that are kind to you people don't have to be kind so when they are kind you should really stop and give god the glory for them and appreciate what they do again this has been pastor kimberly ray gavin i appreciate each and every one of you thank you so much for spending this time if you'd like to send an email you can email us at k-ray angierministries.com and if you'd like to write and you don't have to write right now praise the lord but just remember that we are in matson illinois and we appreciate all that god has done i want to thank god so much for everything that he has done for us on today and remember those of you that have investments i just sense in my spirit today for some of you if you're living right if you're walking up right before god the bible says no good thing will i withhold from them that walk uprightly i feel the windows of heaven i feel the windows of heaven opening up for the saints of god i'm telling you what do you need the lord to do whatever you need just tell them just say it out loud say it on purpose and begin to speak it in the atmosphere the bible says that the power of death and life is in the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof so you gotta speak it out loud i am blessed and i'm getting ready to receive supernatural increase in my life in jesus mighty name all right that's my time hallelujah i thank god for all of you i want you to have the most beautiful and wonderful day the lord bless and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you the lord be gracious unto you and the lord give you peace thank you again god bless
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 23,829
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Id: cGeDNDDytqo
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Length: 42min 13sec (2533 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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