A Scary FNAF VR Holiday Update! | FNAF VR Help Wanted Flat Mode

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] dad that's the only line I know healy that gingerbread feet leg are you singing a home alone yes oh my gosh it's my favorite song from home alone sorry yeah oh wow that's a lot sorry ladies and gentlemen it says everybody has picked out her favorite song from home alone the venerable John Williams and he wrote this wonderful song bro yet brings back college memories and Christmas oh yes home alone does have more than one song does cuz it has the pum pum pum pum what about like when they're rushing here is that a fun is that officially a home alone so it's just I was gonna say that's just the Nutcracker yeah that's still got falls under Hank Nutcracker Suite so are you saying that you like the opening theme song of home alone better than The Nutcracker Suite - Stephanie that's not the theme wow it's such a sweet song few verses are there - the words in that song it's no I don't listen to lyrics of any song precious special people did you just say something about gingerbread yes feeling that gingerbread fee yeah that gingerbread great lyrics it's so nice you know that's a sarcastic clavinet feel you know that gingerbread feeling you guys I'll tell you what that gingerbread feeling is it's the feeling of gritty dough in my hands I ate too much it's the feeling of this gingerbread is too crit gingerbread is such a hard cookie to find the right texture for you guys are such grand cheese not being a grudge grand cheese not being a good I know I like that one song you're a mean one mr. Grinch that's a grift my favorite song from Agha the Grinch Stole Christmas mr. Grinch don't do it you're gonna get in copyright claim by dr. Seuss himself dr. Seuss and The Cat in the Hat are gonna come in and smack it out in case you can't tell I'm in full Christmas Carol mode finally at this point finally days to go to more sleeps til Christmas you guys she says finally we've been listening to Christmas carols for now you know I'm not a lot of time Stephanie quite some time I got I was hanging out in some mall traffic earlier today and I got to listen to some of my favorite Christmas carols uninterrupted by a one-year-old asking for us to recite one fish two fish red fish blue fish for the 50th time today Oh 50 is like a lowball estimate of how many times we go through one fish two fish red fish blue fish hi I like your hair Thanks do you want to shore it off it's I'm glad that you were able to execute on getting that hair did I no I finally got the hair did it is candy-cane inspired i think i think i actually achieved candy-cane cuz when i was in the salon a lot of people who were like oh my gosh it looks so festive they couldn't like quite put their finger on it but then when I was like yeah it's supposed to be reminiscent of a candy cane they were like oh my gosh I totally see it and it actually it looks redder in person so you get the like red and the pink all swirled together and I'm really happy with it I'm like so excited actually about your hair in other news I'm less happy about my hair Matthew's not having a good time I I'm what seven eight nine nine days into having a beard not happy about it it is no one is happy about it Oliver keeps getting rug burn on Matthews face drew Oliver wants to give any smooches and when he gives me smooches it just gives him rug burn which I feel bad about but I can't deny my child smooches yeah I know Stephanie won't get anywhere close to my face and it's just my elbow yeah I'm literally like the cat scratcher right now and personally it's just itchy all the time I don't know how I don't know how people do it I don't know how people with stubble do it it's blowing my mind this is the first time in EE - it hasn't gone soft in my in my 30-plus years of experience that I've let my hair grow for more than two three days at a time it's the worst Chris how do you do it just laziness really that's how lazy I am lazy okay fair enough Kamille cute words in the chat says in all caps Matt it doesn't look that bad I you know it doesn't hey here's the thing it doesn't look and honestly I've been surprised that I don't hate the look so much the look is fine it's the just I want to itch it so bad all the time because it's like every other it's like every other I'm waiting for his face to combust it's gonna spark flavor it's like every other day I get this like itchy fit where I'm like oh my gosh and then I'll you know and then I'll like I don't know try various beard treatments and it doesn't do anything you can't you can't soften the hair on your face and I don't get it it's crazy I've also learned where my beard does and doesn't grow like there are babies you got a little patch here on my cheeks I got a little pattern is actually pretty nice though honestly you cuz you've got it where it counts which is the jawline and around the chin area you don't have any weird gaps on your chin you don't have a break in the jawline and honestly those are the big places where people start to look real weird and they have like a natural gap so your beard pattern like your head shape is remarkably like lucky thank you thanks appreciate it I think you're doing great I feel so gruff and edgy I feel aggressive all the time because I have a beard you do look edgier I feel like if we if we like dressed you up in a big coat and we walk down a dark alley we would be slightly less likely to be mugged because yeah that's right slight slightly less likely to be mugged so anyway hey guys we are here and we are ready to livestream this is our last livestream prior to Christmas actually our last livestream prior to the end of the year oh my gosh last last livestream that too and we dedicated it to none other shocks let's play um yeah so we leave town on Christmas Day so we're flying to North Carolina so that Ollie can see his grandparents down to North Carolina Steph's folks yeah and do some things in and around the raleigh-durham area the greater Raleigh metro system so we're gone for the next week yeah that is correct so out City what self-respecting city doesn't have a block so anyway everyone has a boss so we're headed addicts Medina Ohio it has a boss we're heading out of town after Christmas and we'll be back on the 31st but in the meantime this will be our last livestream of of the year you guys and we're so happy to be spending it with you and then we're back on hopefully around like January 2nd yeah like right after New Year's yeah pretty pretty shortly thereafter we'll be back but I'm gonna take a break because sometimes you need a break take a break that's cute we're gonna be writing scripts in the background take a break bye if I take a break it Stephanie means go visit family in a different state in a place where I'll be busy yes gonna say to keep Olli on a nap schedule with a three-hour time difference yeah that's right I was gonna say there's that's a break right Steph maybe that's a problem with us maybe that's the problem stuff maybe that's what our issue is here we don't know the definition of break the break is like go home watch TV until you feel gross about it and then and then once you feel gross about it you're like man I should really do something so you play a video game they play that video game until you feel gross about the amount of time that's just like fizzled away by then weeks have gone by and then you eat and and then you eat until you feel guilty about how much you've eaten without actually exercising that's like okay maybe I should go back to work okay oh I like this I like this plant so you try that is that is break tell us what you like to do on break I don't know I think that was a pretty perfect summary of what you like to do I'd like to pressure test it you can hit us up using hashtag GG live on Twitter Oh God we're that's that's your last drawing of the decade this is correct this is you going out with a bang man it's pretty good I think it sums up the past years of drawing pretty well which is it's like I'm in what way Chris it's uh it's somehow both cheery and frightening yeah and it's somewhat fits the game replace hash tag hash tags is live app it's sort of reminiscent of the game were playing indeed hash tag gives you live over there or in the chat where Stephanie can read things such as the following hazel says hashtag egg Pat gray I'm glad the eggs are still going I'm a fuzzy a girl so many eggs still in the chat thank you ah let's see emerald man 45 on Matt's face and hair don't match his voice yeah what does my voice say that my face and hair don't curious and a lot of people are hopping on board with hash tag keep the beard also including lemon bread studios and a few others that I've seen are all about keeping the beard oh man uh hustin yah no Hostin yeah no yeah says hashtag let's def play maybe well let stuff play today maybe if we're feeling masochistic do you want to play some okay good so Chris I I'm seeing a familiar looking interface what's going on fill me in Mende from this interface this Missy update toofan bonad but there's also the flat mode which we haven't shown off yet on the live stream so we're banging them both out in the same stream look at this it's been a VR but not VR so it's snap non VR in flat mode which I knew that they were coming out with right so five nights at Freddy's is like hey or in the steel wool team who are in this game they're like hey not everyone has a VR head so you can keep it on you don't need to flash up us they're like hey we uh we recognize that everyone has a VR headset which you know is very accurate and so let's make a flat version of five nights at Freddy's help on it so ever complate which i think is really smart actually I will say when a VR is still one of my top VR games that I've yet to play it's I think it's a really good showcase of what VR has to offer but I'm curious about this so it's a holiday festive this is cute this is really cute actually yes there is there a holiday show time that I can click on is this so cute ah pushing the button nothing happening nothing true too true to form hug still not still no show time okay great fantastic glad we've updated the game with like three solid DLC patches and Showtime still not in there maybe it's a clue as to the greater lore of the franchise we all we got some presents I've got a little chica a little chicken popular foxy around the tree oh this is adorable little Santa hat everywhere nice tree flocking that's the thing that people offer here in California a lot which I didn't really realize was the thing before living here you buy a Christmas tree on a Christmas tree lot and they flock it for you which means they spray sticky white stuff like on the tree so that it looks like snow attached to the leaves like plasticy and it just like clings did you ever get that as a kid my familiar thing my tree that I grew up with and it's the only tree that we ever had ever to this day yeah oh yours has it has it has full it is permanently flocked it is fun it is locked flaky yeah totally flocked so okay so in dark mode the Christmas spirit got a little bit more sinister so kind of same though balloons a little bit a little bit altered color scheme but although all to get all in all pretty much the same there's a good set of YouTube videos I forget who they're done by but it's Christmas carols sung in a minor key ha they said that's funny so creepy oh it's really cool if you have a chance to like like and you're tired of listening to Christmas carols at this point look it up yeah listen to him in a minor key it's a completely different experience oh this is interesting ok so now in the so since you're not dealing with hand controls it's actually giving you the button controls of what you can do that's interesting nice that is kind of nice so anything else different here let's see the other question of the day which I feel like we discuss every year but I feel like bringing it up again so I'm just going to selfish team Realtree versus team fake tree if you are a tree holiday celebrator if not Happy Hanukkah it's day two of Hanukkah today to night night two of Hanukkah right that's true or whatever you celebrate maybe there's a tree involved maybe there isn't you can still weigh in on whether you like fake trees or real trees more here's here's a question and this is something I I just wonder as someone who has played the vr version and apparently your save file carries over since we have everything unlocked that we would normally have had which I was concerned about how do you find some of the glitch tapes because the thing is like some if you think back I believe wasn't one of the glitch tapes like either hidden over here or hidden in the trash can if you're if you're if suddenly your ability to look around the world is locked in place that becomes actually really it changes the game a lot because now of a sudden all the tapes have to be or all the coins and stuff have to be like within proximity of what you can see which actually makes me wonder so if you think back way to our finale our live students were here trying to unlock everything there was one coin that we couldn't get because it was technically out of bounds and no amount of me trying to like glitch through everything would allow me to be able to get it so I'm curious let me hop into circus maybe here oh look there's a little help II install that's cute by the way I think it's door I think it's at Jacob Tidwell 14 on Twitter I'm not sure if you came up with this or not but hashtag stemmermann is my favorite hashtag oh my gosh I love it I think it's so good does he like you like there were a lot of coins hidden in here before someone oh my god I totally shut that door in time Matthew you lost I totally shut the door inside oh this is adorable oh this is so cute little snow a little frosty can I poop his nose can't poop his nose maybe it's cold has some Elwha Rihanna and Twitter says overlap mode now I can play this and encourage my friends to do the same awesome I do appreciate that the missus Martin out with flat mode I think that that's really good I think of yes maybe not make it so exclusive that only people with VR equipment can do it so here's a coin so there's one like very obviously next to me yes I didn't okay now I apparently the bidding her chill I have a bit slower on flat mode haha that is interesting I have a feeling actually that flat mode makes the game certain elements of the game harder and certain elements easier wait semi Queen yes it's my coin yes I was my missing coin whoo the bat that's really cool I mean that's cool I'm so excited I got my coin that's our final coin boom thank you flat low read it and we're done oh hello doors clearly show your face so that it is interesting right cuz one of the things that I said well no I don't have to beat the mini-game so there ha ha ha ha ha suck on that baby uh uh like I'll be making the pizzas but um one of the things that I said when we were playing this game the first time is that the first three the first four kind of like especially these first three snap modes where you recreate the original games five nights at Freddy's we're actually easier because you had two hands at your disposal and so you could like click buttons and you had your head and so you weren't dependent on one hand all the time and camera controls and this and that like your head and hands could activate independently so it's actually hard III would say flat mode probably ends up being harder than regular mode actually I could see it so anyway now that I've got my 30 coins I've never I never got to do this because ah there that yes I heard that when you do this you get a basket example of exotic butters and yeah and you can throw each individual stick or you can eat individual Oh give me those calories oh so good this is worse than Chris's like punishment cookies ah okay so now I'm interested in this because basket oh no basket shoot well cuz geez well cuz I know I had seen this and we never got to experience it in the livestream because we weren't able to get that last that last thing where is it tonight summon a new one you have to go play a level do I and then I'll come back to me yeah oh man you're so smart Chris you're still somewhere here let me try let me try like a 5-2 okay you happen I'm gonna read a few things in the chat like shaggy Rose who says I like real trees my wife likes fake trees so we got a fake tree that is so true I appreciate that spaces bubbles a theorist says team fake trees I live in Australia we don't really have Christmas trees anyway and we have enough freaking bugs around right now and we're kind of low on nature in general fair enough I'm a fake I'm a fake tree kind of gal see like this is this is alright like it is substantially harder actually you're moving you have to move a lot and it's precision yeah it's it's actually a lot yeah it's a lot more precise rather than just like hovering your hands over stuff yeah it is significantly harder because even because even in the regular stuff stuff even in the regular staff game like that's not gonna let you off you be what got me bitten Scott stop let me bury Scott oh my god oh my god Scott right all right already I miss being able to tap you off buddy I mean I loved love you I love you to death you're a great guy did great work this year really sad games doing some really solid effort with st. Jude appreciate that delightful but uh holy geez please stop I heard this boy so many times please stop please please just say no please just but but really the precision of it is really hard okay you're gonna do things in because in the original game that's it's it's just worth calling out the fact that you literally all you had to do is like put your mouse over certain parts of the screw like up down left right whatever yeah but here it's like okay at Carolyn and a bunch of numbers says real tree in my country you can choose a tree on your own in certain areas and when you pay and the smell if the needles fall you can make art with it you sound much more resourceful than we are over here but that sounds lovely at call me Claudia likes the idea of a real tree but doesn't want to throw at throw it out yeah no sure I like this theory at sorry at Sargassum said she moved so if the timing is slightly off because before it was like I would see him and I would put it on but that time it's time it's it's definitely a lot tougher actually like if you're playing this in flat mode it's a lot harder than it was in VR at sarcasms on twitter says Matt Pat is only slower because he lost all his hair all his powers were contained there it's true I think that's act I'm like Sampson okay so let me try this let me try the butters again no vgw no that's good no this is this is my new oh this is my this is it this is this is a new impossible challenge in this game the impossible challenge of what where's the basket no no I said no no I I'm just saying this this is the impossible this is it this is that me me getting to press the button in the basket of exotic butters this is this is my this is my final test Vic games went on Twitter says Matt should've worn an ugly sweater and said of looking like blue Steve from Blue's Clues Wow a little bit of Blue's Clues Blue's Clues you know did they change the holiday update I'm Twitter says team fake trees because as a lazy person is it it's an interested decoration I can leave up all your more than them oh it just becomes a tree in your house oh absolutely no hidden intent or purpose so have fun is there anything new with any of these this all looks about the same all the nights are the same I'm a pirate ride Blue's Blue's Blue's Clues this this one I feel like might be a little easier cuz your and they have a little bit more precision aiming at least very aggressive right now I don't know for the precision actually is a lot harder know is last Monday of all shoot combination oh this is so this is hard here we go so Chris outside of the aesthetic stuff what what should I be checking is there more to it there is a a little teaser hidden in the game but besides the teaser it's just the aesthetic stuff okay yellow the hopefully guys this is everything's harder everything is so much harder because again you don't have your hands to you right it's so much easier when you have hands and you can like point like it just feels like seconds are useful give you bonus round yeah Leela sheepses look healthy at the beginning a new healthy very healthy well there's the healthy on the who's loading yeah he's loading all the different themes which it's cool I like that as a little animatic people everyone is very concerned that you missed the healthy entity their own oi to get it there you wait there's a healthier than what happening I think the one you just said at the loading no hit him yet I'm going the right way down that goes a good secret right Jenko secret yeah unlock secret lake looking secret okay will be secret and I get Spooky's yeah Spooky's right you got it also I think our bow sensitivity is pretty durable of like swing swings do you feel like I'm having to swing it for going oh shoot Oh OOP I missed the buttons yeah I miss the little pinks cuz I'm like oh no there's someone attacking me cuz again you're not good at vgw official says pirate right has two new help ease which leads you to new areas wait there's new help is what and why not give pizza party a visit okay feel like there's I feel like there are some hint ease being dropped here okay pizza party a visit and I'll give Vikki rixton says there's a new location on the foxy pirate ship hit help II hit help me yeah in different locations than he normally does cuz I cuz he's in the to hit it there we go like I hit them all there at unstable mine 5 says I live in Arizona where you can fry eggs on the street hashtag team of fake trees I've been to Flagstaff it's chilly oh wait there's no there's help me is that the one that must have been him right that's a new that's a new healthy I saw that as a new healthy definitely saw that new healthy and also we're looking for the healthy potentially that's right before the ride starts Oh before the roads yeah the beginning healthy on the first help me of Christmas at Jordan windmill one there's a secret elevator in the pirate ride oh and I chose team fake tree TV right seems to be winning somebody owes by default because of geography I'm seeing a lot of people who are like I live in a place where real trees don't grow yo yeah why I was gonna okay well we'll do this one again so we can do the other healthy umm no guys you can't donate twenty million dollars plant twenty million trees and then proceeded to be TTL stream real trees because then you're chopping down the trees they just plant those are tree farm tree farmers plant a ton of tree billions of trees those trees were only there to be chopped down and then replanted it easier to throw the darts but I actually have like I'm so sad to throw out trees at the end of the lake I'm like oh that tree could have gone on and lived a happy life in my backyard or something so I feel really sad about throwing out trees in January which is why I'm team fake trees so you do get a little bit more precision with some things but man I will say across the board if you are able to beat this game you're able to be Oh crud let yeah I got a crud let's eat that crud let let's eat that crud let let's take a little bite out of that crud ilat so wait what what's the thing so I need to open this up and then there's a healthy vampire bride there's a secret ending right before chica wait this you're supposed to be a help you like right at the beginning right at the oldest guy yes that one really there we go really so like you can point my left I wonder if it's different for a patient change is doing the or whoa oh wow okay oh whoa it's different right off the bat oh geez okay okay yeah right oh no oh no oh what is what is this oh whoa hey hey I suppose what's going on oh hey hi hey look what should I be hitting which I'd be hitting wish I'd be hitting what should be hitting oh wait there's red think analyzing tell you to read the card think you know everything hey hey red think you know red think interesting what am i hitting why don't you leave me alone we're playing red light green light well I'm not I don't wanna be giving her any green lights hey I ain't givin any green lights get out of here go weird weird what is that so can't tell what happened but okay cool I survived that's what that one Hey okay so now we're here oh now we're back into what wait now we're under the sea this is the second half of the ride we're already back to the second half of the ride weird okay so there's also supposed to be something right around well this well there's gonna be there's always this okay there's yeah okay so try that one too I guess she don't even left her right black always lefty right well now what happened so just at what the heck hold up this is really this is really strange it's an easter egg hold up also it's really dark in here hold up back light contrast you know crank up brightness because because this is much darker and then the original mix - this is so interesting right I didn't expect there to be well actually I didn't watch it actually I didn't I didn't know what to expect guys that's good about like never quite losing anything twice hm we've got a nice new mask that's very exciting is it nice it's yeah it's you it's very passing OOP where's my boom where's my boom give me a boom I got your booth I come on we're that oh I want your boob I want no kiss your boob no get out of here all right it's your insulted my boob I wanna leave a clown boom I take back of my blood there's a boo got a boo got that boom all about that clown boob so there's two new second so weird that first second was so odd so it was like a like you said it felt kind of like red light green light at Gap born e24 on Twitter says matpat you're doing an excellent job thank you oh that's so sweet thank you that's a nice positive feedback it's nice to get every once in a while okay so this is the healthy so I need him pointing left okay are you talking more things yeah you get me treasure so now we're going into the dark area I listen to my says does hashtag team no trees count for anything having forecast prevents either I could see that I don't think I would risk a tree for cats no oh oh oh what a hot mess Oh what mistakes were made mistakes were made regrets were had oh yeah well I mean this section seems to be just hit all the red buttons really do you poop oh never mind I'm not getting any more freebies rice dream oh geez oh geez move like so is that Bonnie on fire Oh Jack Oh Bonnie stuff oh wait wait oh wait oh so that wait that's the back entrance to the like pizza party storage room weird this is so weird this is so weird is the boiler room I don't know - keep giving you free booze yeah it's fine stuff I accept you I accept your boobs if I wonder what happens if you get a perfect score in this game at scarlet trash 16 says it's the 24th today and I'm not feeling happy and no Christmas spirit maybe a bit of GT Live will help oh well first good news it's not the 24th it's the 23 maybe you have a whole new setting you might be in Australia that's true there there that if you're in the continental US or in the northern hemisphere no you read the Western Hemisphere it's still the 23rd mostly so you actually have a whole extra day oh why wait so low shorty I know right I feel your pain now that feel oh that oh is that a rump is that a Jacko chica it's a Jedi rub rub Jacko bum Jacko tush Jacko Ballmer's there we go this is all the secret rooms obviously look at whoa okay okay well my balls go we're my balls at give him my balls need access to my balls there we go okay I was about to I was about to get sentimental and say I know that actually a lot of times for people the holidays are not all that fun oh okay I ran out of all gonna get through this my boy we talked about like my balls I was the ref two balls you you missed I did I'd miss the ball I missed all the ball yes this is so weird this is so interesting that they added like more sections I feel I have a feeling this we're like here and Scott just wasn't using them before or something and then we're going back around again so they're so this is like the others huh how fascinating I wonder why and wonder what this adds or was this just like hey more content okay I like that you're more shocked I like could not be our first or might not be our person watching I wasn't even here for the VR first sure you were here for a lot of artists I did I missed you yeah our theme of 2019 as we look back since this is our final livestream of the year end of the decade as we look back yeah this year was a lot of divided comes in between Stephanie yeah kind of what you have to do with your kid at least for this year we're hoping next year I'll have left commissions but the same amount of conquering yeah let's let's continue concrete way go bonus bonus round Oh what I was using before is a lot of time there are a lot of people who actually don't enjoy the holidays because they are sad or anxious and you know I think that's an also worth your pain I think that some people just don't have like a fun time at the holidays and I think tends to be like a bit of lonely times sometimes but it's also important to know that a lot of people feel that way bro the first thing is it kind of nice at least to feel like hey I'm not not the only one feeling this even though it seems like there's a lot of Christmas cheer everywhere so I write a lot of anthem holidays a lot of Christmas cheer is manufactured it is a lot of it's just like tinsel and marketing to full it's the holiday yeah that'll be really meaningful at the holidays is just tends to be like hey if you can snag some time even a little bit of time with someone who means something to you that's that's kind of the best thing about the holidays Wow heyyo heyyo button great clever at such a good angle sir oh come on game here we go left get them get them all that was new record that was a good one yeah do they always throw more this is good for me to know this is important information Oh for crying out loud of course not boom close whoo nope come on yeah get the gone feeling there we go oh it's weird that those clown posters just kind of come and go to like there's sometimes the clown poster there and sometimes not I feel like there's more secrets hidden in this game left yep so this will take us down great whoa wait whoa what is this how many different paths are there in here like what is this game oh oh you got it you got it weird so this is definitely the boiler room I mean yeah very clearly I'm getting I'm getting good boiler vibe I get you good boiler vibes are you feeling the boiler where we going now what are we doing I don't eat this Oh red buttons where they keep going on play hello why don't you come out Oh not gonna be there Oh cuz I wish he come back it pushes up and pushing back the animatronics that's what's going on here well I get a chance to escape I guess [Music] I'd love to love to have be in an angle where you could actually hit these no come on come on does it shut out is it shutting out on what's going on here guys oh it's good oh my gosh yeah I was like what the heck what what weird is what I don't get any point okay this is crazy wow this is like really complicated and then we just oh I'm into the end of the game what I'm just a captain man who that boo weird that was so weird there's so many different pathways and it felt like the boiler room should have done something right we kept him back I wonder if you're supposed to get jumpscared by him weird I wonder cuz it was almost too neat like you just saying like oh I was just so good the game that we didn't get the intended ending I mean I'm saying I played the game the way I thought the game was supposed to be played but maybe you know come on that's a few things in the chat Ashley Anderson says this is my first Christmas without my grandmother raised me it doesn't really feel like Christmas to me this year without her and I think that I think a lot of people have that for us definitely think about our grandparents every anymore I think that's really common well drawing wonders when I once it's holidays used to be really stressful over my family used to be in a really bad financial situation so Christmas stress my parents out which in turn stressed me in my siblings out I think that's something that we see a lot that's as well and that's that's so real yeah very real huh so so they said check out Pirates Cove so we saw a bunch of stuff in Pirates - wanna go to the birthday party birthday party okay show time show times sometimes time totally good works Benny Morris says one of the first time seeing you guys live always love your commentary and jokes merry Christmas from New Zealand PS love your hair no thank you stop taking basket tisket a tasket let me keep my butter basket I'm never gonna be able to press the button all I want to do is press the button in the basket I just want the basket button because that's the thing here wait if I thank you did that count is gonna get the basket in VR no no I was hoping that just switching the thing would do it here so we're in here so this is all the same it seems like huh fascinating this is a really interesting game good good for them to like make the game really update and keep it fresh it's really exciting there's always new stuff here before we get in show time I really really want to make this basket thing happen okay here we go we got the basket okay I'm gonna put it on the ground at ninja puppy 125 says try picking up the basket not the butter well I did do that thank you but it's not my fault okay here it is here we go oh can I press the button I did it yes happen wait this and white so in the early days so I know in the early days when you press the button in the basket it showed like stuff that people thought was from the movie but this is not that this is this is a this is a hint about where to go in the game oh oh it's oh so that's from Showtime because that's the cake that's the cake at the end the Showtime okay or not showed I keep calling at Showtime pizza party yeah easy to confuse the two very similar names there it's a party that is at the end of the nightmare mode pizza party pizza pizza okay okay so flashlight teleport don't be late great so good pizza party everyone's everyone's telling you to go to pizza party okay so so has the button been a part of it is that only new for this update or what I believe that's like new with this update huh shoot I missed the boat the basket had for all those other times or maybe it was new with the flat flat load this way he's pretty so good I forget the pathway through this I will get so confused by this thing laughs way apparently your record your breaking records for the number of times you've said interesting on the street really yeah oh that's up what a way to take out I'm sorry guys okay it's not my fault that I just have a lot of intellectual curiosity at Steph you edit says the basket is the final boss yes that it was impossible hey plushtrap you're the best at Trek Lincoln says was it all he asked for for Christmas he asked to listen to green eggs and ham yeah what if his two fish red fish blue 15 over again by the way those are the dr. Seuss audiobooks if you have small children or just really like dr. Seuss for some reason they're $2.00 each on Google Play this is a hashtag not spawn we just have a lot of them now and we listen to the hem all the time do listen to them all them they're voiced by cool people like John Lithgow voices oh the places you'll go very exciting I just think about we're very excited about audiobooks from dr. C Shannen know that is a legitimate thing Ali's getting a dump truck for Christmas Bob hopefully he's not watching today's I know oh my gosh he's watching today's live stream you just spoiled in soon oh yeah all he's getting a dump truck he's also he's also getting a crash pad that we got from Ikea yeah he is Chris pass know that now when he tries to do somersaults which he does try to do now he will not want to worry about him breaking his face I didn't know he was trying to do somersault well yeah kind of weird cuz it looks like he's just walking around in a downward dog position yeah he's doing a downward dog on the floor and then he walks with his back feet so it just looks like he's sliding across the floor in a downward dog yeah I can't flip over his head he hasn't gotten the idea that yes to tuck its head yet but he's gonna figure it out and then he's gonna be upset if he crashes oh yeah we got him on that I got I got spooped which was what like ten dollars right yeah it was so we went to Ikea yesterday you got a lot of Christmas present where's my cupcake go oh there's my cupcake Stephanie what do you mind brushing your hair would I mind brushing my hair never right geez you think that you got this nice haircut night house you do here anyway you'll take care of it does this still jump-scare don't scare me ins as dark a shadow Freddy cuz I don't go through the door at smoke c16 tha's not feeling very jolly this holiday at least I have GT live to put a smile on my face I actually always have you always got us you always have us to smile and or laugh laugh at definitely laughing you could always wish a Happy Holidays to someone else in the GT Live community right that's very sweet I like that there are online communities now so you don't have to rely on like people you necessarily have in person you can always find someone to connect with online which is really nice right I first pizza party always I was always really confused by pizza party at GT theorists at GE theorist says beach party minigame is my absolute favorite I don't know why glad math playing it again it's I mean it's it's great it's it's nails the atmosphere that makes this game so then this serie is so good and so popular it's just the spookiest the spookiest thing come on come on get out of here you're like you're like the size of baby Yoda I could SWAT you aside if I wanted to Oh aggressive Chihuahua yeah you're you're like a moderately irritable Chihuahua get off my lawn a tree smack you to the side at Renton oh my gosh no no it's in the canopies also if anyone hurts baby Yoda yeah welcome to you you will you will have hasta content a trip to attend says Matt actually getting to press the button in the basket is the true Christmas miracle this year the miracle that none of us expected but all of us wanted this is it okay there he is up what what style do you want your cake your favorite flavor let's go this way Go Go at gam born e24 says matpat there is a computer mouse to the right of the prize box after winning the game of try to play sorry I'm very confused about pizza party just just horrendously confused at this one this one's the right one shoot its the is it right at pxn Krong this I'm not really sure how to pronounce your Twitter handle that was my best guess uh it's neat how he theorizes as he plays and still does kind of good wow that is happy thank you I'm glad that someone finally appreciates all the effort that goes into it a lot a lot of effort goes into it okay at love our Theory says I love baby Yoda right baby Oda oh there it is every time he's on screen I'm like baggie price baby out every time Stephanie is also not the type of person to like I feel that way about characters like ever so it's been really surprised to see her enthusiasm for baby Yoda but man every time okay here we go it's so cute so the angle of it that was this way there Oh bootstrap is still hell out [Music] that's new that's new this is the new thing right this is new not the pizza the the door maybe all this is cool okay you can but I could visit glitch trap all right here let's go let's check out the employees employees only you can go to the snow oh I thought those are sparks flying and I was like what the heck man oh it's definitely snow oh this is cool okay well fazbear entertainment coming soon now hiring that's what they're building building oh well one first off it looks like a pirate ship but secondly I don't think it's a pirate ship I my prediction oh that's got to be the the mall so the at the beginning of like early like midway through this year it's got released the t's it's it's where all the eighties characters are like all the like Rockstar Freddie and stuff all of them are depicted inside like a mall that looks straight ripped out of stranger things yeah and so I'm wonder if they're constructing the mall fazbear entertainment is literally just building a mall a mall of murder oh that's cool that's really cool I like that so okay so we're outside of them so that's where we came from right that's the pizzeria for pizza party what's this by to get half off she what's that say Chris can you read it right get half off hold up hold up I got it I'm just gonna shove my face into the screen oh great that's healthy here's me Lord Kalu's coming through hold oh oh that's my butt sorry but really it really is your butt hold up what's this I can't even wow I really can't make it out yeah it's a tree any of the words something of tree of a tree the chats gotta have it something of a tree it's about the trees there's no lore about trees bye-bye to get half off of a tree you can get a tree whoa what about these actually I'm curious footprints are the footprints mean anything because remember in Freddy six the final the final one the footprints of the animatronic the big like rabbit footprint that was outside of the house of nafs in the mini the orange guy minigame that was important and it was like a footprint in like a muddy backyard or just the backyard in general so I wonder if there's any interest in footprints around here they're seeing the barn a lot of boots it's just a lot of boots and they'll all be going toward I'm just trying to see if there's any semblance of a pattern in any of this hey I'm some I'm actually surprised that I'm not seeing anything like I would expect somewhere in this texture to be able to like see like Oh someone's shoes are telling me something but I guess not oh it's funny that chat doesn't seem to know what it says wait I have noticed some people say it says no cupcakes at the beginning or something nope it's unclear I'm not I'm not sold on that one it's also interesting too because notice that the hills in the background right so so one of the questions always has been in the games at least is where is five nights of rain it's like what geographic location doesn't take place in yeah and the movie no it's not Florida what the Mount yeah and the mountains actually tell you a lot because this actually is very reminiscent of like what the Sundance Film Festival very yeah it's it's it's Utah it's this looks a lot like you taught which I believe coincides with no cupcakes at the start no cupcakes at the start the button this reminds me of Utah which is funny because I believe if I'm not mistaken I have to always double-check this when I do theories but in the box the first freddy fazbears location is in Utah and so the fact that you this is kind of a mountainous snowy kind of winter wonderland makes me think of this taking place in Utah it's interesting that none of these trees are planted they're already cut this tree farm yes it's just a Christmas tree farm that's interesting ninja Togepi and the chat says are you able to go into the barn I don't know I think I think I I don't think I can click on anything ninja togepi togepi oh yeah huh hey right god Chad right I think that's pretty literally in the gym that's interim that's interesting so nothing nothing I can really glean from like I was expecting to see an animatronic footprint or like a glitch trap footprint or something out here but nothing and it's weird that it's weird that they would have missing people you're also guessing Colorado oh I can see color right sorry is there a tree you can click is there anything are people saying that there's a trick in here there's one that's down you might be able to click that Wow it's weird that they would include this bar in here I know right like the barn feels like I get why this is the building that you came from and I get oh this is the teaser of the mall I got very I'm pretty confident that that this is teasing the 2020 game it's coming now firing yet but I'm really curious why they would include just unless it's just for more set decoration I'm sure there's a question mark to the right of the table right I feel like I'm missing so I feel like there's got to be like another thing here it feels like there might be it could be the barn from Halloween I don't know it could be like that's where my mind goes to I guess but people are also saying it could be Oregon that's true I haven't been to Oregon so I don't know it's got a lot of evergreens right it's Oregon miss mountain snow I was gonna say it's Oregon mountainous uh only in like the very eastern part it doesn't seem like I can click anything guys I like I'm really clicking on everything huh this is really not interesting yes you know that's a weird word that I shouldn't use I find this fascinating fascinating to find it until the shrieking stimulating I mentioned I am stimulated people say there's a question mark on the table there a question mark on the table dad what your time I mean looks like a seven I feel like this is one of those games like yeah looking for stuff and you like see things where there might not be some there's a seven and an H I know what code it's code if we type it into the the cinder blocks check the source code check the source what's the hex code of purple use it but then put it backwards I think this is it guys huh Wyoming Alaska Chicago Oh Wyoming Alaska Montana fine fine Canada it could be any state where there is moderate amounts of snow this does actually remind me a bit of each other it does hello and you're still here huh I put you at the end what if I put you with all the other anything get out of here join your friends and my friends that mean children that you murdered right and stuff I get it get up here with your murder victims go I guess not Trey put you on top of the tree boom tree topper no guess not no no such luck all right it is Russia okay whoa everything it's dead Russian had immediately come to our mind okay here we go Kendra Werner has assured us that it is definitely not a Nebraska okay excellent thank you for that confirmation lemon bread studio says it's the Soviet the backup wargs is La Michigan I really I like I like all the places where it might be right I appreciate this that'll be a great future video title five nights at Freddy's in Soviet Russia exclamation point question mark exclamation point Freddy is a communist no all right good Mario who's gonna say we already did that one in there Mario I I should clarify it's a ripoff of our marketing [Music] another thing I'm looking to do because happen because I think it's funny that now that they offer you the options of what you can do with each object okay I know we ate all of them before I think it's just funny that eating them is just a viable thing like Phoenix I don't think that it's 100% Africa there we go you died you died from choking on here I'm here a little action figure Oh ruff and this is the jump scare okay I'm glad I'm glad that they didn't take him away all the fan alright what would I restart - there's nothing to restart let's find it this is cool I like this I like the Christmas setting I think that Easter eggs are fun right I think it's a lot harder I stand by the fact that I think this version of the game is actually gonna be significantly harder for people who play it this way is itself full price like is it the same cost or is it is it the same cost as if you had bought it in VR I'm curious do you know looking it up now I think you I think because I mean it is a fully fleshed-out game the fact that it's not in VR like I don't think it changes to too much about it event repair that was fun night terrors those are the worst just just the worst those are gonna be so much harder now adding volcano on Twitter says in Soviet Russia na theorizes you oh thank goodness please Soviet Russia please theorize yourself at this point actually at this point I feel like I have a better understanding of the franchise now that they've kind of trimmed away a lot of the stuff from the past I still want to know a lot of that stuff from the past oh man at awesome DC 91 says it's the North Pole Afton with Santa all purple guy Bonnie's guitar is out of tune and must be recalibrated first we must access his harmonization module located inside his secondary throat pipe okay access to through pipe both eyes must first be removed you must be as precise as possible when removing the eyes from their wrists a well thing you do miss out eyes first firmly grip Bonnie's left eye and great job deposit the left eye in the cleaning receptacle on your left so it is it looks like it's 30 bucks on these branded you buy it so you have SBR socket oh right eye by cleaning receptacle they're not selling it as to APR please carefully press the two buttons located on either side of Bonnie's jaw when done correctly you should hear two loud now have access to bond organization module press the blinking button inside Bonnie's secondary throat pipe something is not right one of those notes is out of tune you may push the button again to replay the audio check press the colored button that corresponds to the incorrect note press the blinking button again to verify your work [Music] great job in tune and ready for his solo yeah let's close him up simply replace both eyes in the same order that you removed them then close up the faceplate and we'll call in the same order that you removed the left first and then right right bonnie's left the same order that you remove them there you go knave right well that was always the fun of these rich there y'all that's not disturbing at all close the faceplate close yeah derpy i body derp i'd body oh that's really funny oh hey well christmas ornament [Music] yeah-ha interesting I know I said interesting wait we're up to like 12 you know what you're all pups okay maybe my Christmas present is to be able to say interesting unabashedly without feeling the pressure from all of you oh that's nice I will say you so it's harder in non VR it's also you do lose a little bit like the those minigames aren't particularly difficult at all it's just like fun and Simon Says stuff except for Fox and Fox is hard but you do miss out on that whole like size difference because one of the things I was struck by in this game was how big the animatronics were relative to you in the game and I can kind of Miss that ability to just like sit in awe of seeing them just towering in front of you because that's really the impact it's not the same impact in this you're surrounded by it but from a gameplay perspective like this is yeah and especially if you haven't played like the original nifty Kris have we found everything that that's new in this one all the big things yeah yeah no you know good funny thing you want to play one more time before we old time say before we close up 2019 I'd love to check out the chief this was the scariest thing this was so awful this was the worst I remember when we played this the first in this is I I was so terrified to parts and service no ah sounds like chica has been rummaging around the kitchen again remove all food particles from chicas exterior Oh in the refuse been on your right right look it's just like hockey it's the worst you know it's the worst this is also so dark yeah right this can't see any way this is super dark is that just our timer in nightmare mode no it's really dark I feel like it would be easier to see in the VR version there we go right it's super dark hey thanks right guys just you're just like panning around to see if there's a pizza slice anyway right it's actually really difficult hi cupcake Jake oh there's your here we go so gross so gross I was so grossed out by this movie first played it well you've got to the cockroach sounds like right in your ear to open her beak carefully press the two buttons located on the sides of chicas head that's like she got has picked up some unwanted friends oh applied the fazbear entertainment avoid inhaling the chemists read exposure to cleaning disinfecting and maintenance chemicals why are you breathing extra hard or irritation good job cuz I'm a rebel who doesn't want to listen to instructions and for my own personal health and safety don't inhale and you're like wait I'm supposed to am I supposed to give it to him yeah there you go I see you don't supposed to look away at this point but you should stay there stay there Oh Oh nope oh wait they went supposed to tell you about that see what happened I wasn't paying attention see this is what happened Stephanie I was joking around with you and now I don't know what I'm supposed to do I forget I thought that cupcake oh so anyway that's fun that was delightful I enjoyed that this is follow instructions things all over the place everyone just loves me right now huh okay so and you guys we have tried Showtime it does not work Showtime still here I'll prove it to you one more time there we go yeah it just doesn't it's not a thing I never it will never work it's a funny way it's weird Matt it's awesome stuff in the chat I want to make sure we didn't leave for the year for the decade without making sure that everybody knew Showtime filled in that way it's a it was fun that's great this was a good one this is I I will say and again this is probably the game that we played some of the most and this year so it's a good way to kind of close things out but um it was a good one like they did a good job of updating at the Halloween update with so much bigger and more robust than I expected it's fun to kind of get it give it a fresh coat of paint I like that they've made it accessible to people who don't have VR headsets I think that was one of the trickiest things about like if you can experience it in VR it's absolutely worth it but if you can't this is the next best thing but yeah this was awesome it was a good year for five nights at Freddy's in general right like it was a good year it started tough yeah this year yeah this year started really tough for us but it to end it on a good note yeah yeah towards like the the back two-thirds of this year like it was it was kind of like mmm it's just been kind of like surging back up it's so thank you guys 2019 highlights Gigi live we're GT related I mean I mean the st. Jude livestream is a recent favorite that was huge winning a Streamy that was huge yeah that was big stuff yeah right like I said the year has has been ending well meeting meeting theorists in the UAE that was awesome awesome that was really cool there was I mean we had we were still like everything we did at VidCon industry creator track and the show floor where we did our GT live live everything with standing room only like people were packed in it was awesome yeah you guys it was so awesome this year you guys are so awesome every year it's all it's it's crazy it's crazy that we're still doing a lot of Holly stuff that was cool yeah I mean that was awesome that was like that's a little you know maybe right that's yeah that's separate I'm thinking about like some really things know across the board like it was just a really like it was it was a hard year it was busy there was a lot of stuff to do yeah like we mentioned we Matthew and I spent a lot of time dividing our like responsibilities this year so that either somebody could be with ollie or somebody could travel or and somebody could man the livestream then somebody could man the channels and so we did a lot of like split up working so it'll be nice to have some time with you over the holidays buddy right still got so got a couple episodes that need to pump out before I could it's okay we can we can we can team work yeah team working like no Devine conquer no we can tag team tag team thank you yeah but it's but it's been good and so thank you guys thanks for being with us the see this year was a bit like all over the place too as we can figure out how to balance live streams with the little guy who just arrived to the Tartar I mean honestly it's just a lot harder from a schedule perspective and things like that but it's a lot of work thank you for being with us for another year of GT life I can't believe it we started this in 2015 four years screaming for four years a lot of time even when you look at twitch streamers and stuff they do a lot like a lot more hours a day a lot more hours yeah but it's a long time and you guys some of you guys have been with us like your oh geez have been with us since the beginning but even if you're not if today was your very first time stream thank you so much for joining us some people remember sprinkler time some people remember sprinkler time some people remember many iterations of our couch and our background and we've moved a lot we will continue to probably never never a dull never a dull moment um we can't wait for 2020 with you guys we have a lot of exciting stuff and even a lot of exciting stuff potentially on this channel in 2020 hopefully there's a lot to stay tuned for and have a wonderful holiday season a safe yeah some of the secret projects that we've been working on in the background that we can't talk about just legally are things that would have would be exciting things to happen here for you guys so we'll see fingers crossed we'll find out more about that make sure there's a lot of fun stuff what you know GT Universe coming up in 2020 yeah and we'll let you know as we kind of are able to talk about that stuff and as we learn more about it but anyway thank you guys so much it's been an awesome year we hope it's been an awesome year for you to whatever you are doing for the rest of 2019 for the rest of this decade make it fun hopefully it's safe spend time with people you like maybe even people you love whoa whoa have a good one like like do you like like you like like well you like people you like people you love Wow all of those are I don't know I think you love like might be stronger than so anyway guys thank you so much for an incredible 2019 thank you so much for an incredible four years and we'll see you on the flip side probably around January 2nd or 3rd yeah right so in the meantime remember that was just a year and a decade and a live stream and alive say goodbye in the chat all right uh Kathleen went right here just okay take your places by back Tom Luke says it's the silver eyes model that make sense that we see Neil says Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and buying turkey kings
Channel: GTLive
Views: 971,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christmas, fnaf, fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf vr, fnaf vr christmas update, fnaf vr christmas, fnaf vr flat mode, five nights at freddy's, fnaf vr 2d, fnaf vr new mode, five nights at freddy's vr, fnaf vr dlc gameplay, christmas fnaf, fnaf vr gameplay, help wanted, fnaf vr walkthrough, fnaf vr help wanted gameplay, help wanted fnaf, fnaf ucn, fnaf ultimate custom night, new fnaf, game theory, game theory fnaf, matpat, matpat fnaf, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, gtlive fnaf vr
Id: b5Y-CbYalEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 30sec (4470 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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