This Game Is HIDING Something! | Boneworks VR

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[Music] [Music] hey guys and welcome to this a Wednesday edition of GT lives indeed we had to miss yesterday because we were caught in meetings and then had to go see a new movie it's a new movie we saw just mercy yeah we're allowed we're allowed to say what we saw we saw it just American it's coming out this weekend it was not a sponsored thing they just invited us to go to a screening it was really awesome so it's a very important movie yeah it's one of those movies you like should watch that tells a story that you that needs to be told yeah it's really good yeah it's a story that like don't go in thinking it's gonna be a laugh riot cuz it's not about death row very serious no it's really won't like it is it's one of those movies that you're like yeah this I will you walk out of it being like I learned a lot my eyes are a bit more open about the world around me yeah and I'm kind of sad but also kind of happy that good people exist yeah so that's why we had to miss yesterday Austria but we are back today for Wednesday for Wednesday live what a wonderful lens teal eyes watch it what a great portmanteau not that's okay hey guys hey friends uh so today we have a very special thing in store and that is the VR day yeah it's always exciting I know I'm so excited we get to play do I get to play if you want do you want to play what is it oh you don't get to ask I don't get to ask funny I I ask what it is but I don't get a choice of whether or not I get to play fine but since when do you think you get to sit on on the couch and decide whether and I you get to play the game right all hail the high and mighty step I know you're not pressing us to decide this game meet my standards of blame Wow that play that's what you do the very best games Wow well I don't know Chris well this game meet her highs her Highnesses high standards it might it does have to do with Anatomy this game is called bone works by specialties like science related and Oh like molecules and bones are made of what do you should meant speaking of senses high standards this game is about Anatomy what good one Chris what's go press everyone is saying bra your beard bra I know he still has them do not even GT like though we were here on Monday I haven't hit the month mark when was that not yet it's not yet it's not yet okay but uh huh I don't know I feel like I almost should keep it because if I shave it then all I have is a bunch of short hair and then that's just really awkward if I'm just the short hair guy you can't be just the short hair guy you got to be the short like this shows a well-balanced this shows balanced hair because this is just short hair guy no one wants short hair guy but to answer your question mark is Monday are you do you want to play you can play I'm good it's like portals used up oh okay cool so both works what is it Chris it's a kind of experimental funky game that's it's hard to describe to be honest but Wow well with that resounding you put slap that on your review bone work slap that on your Steam review page it's kind of it's hard to describe Chris Wyden there it is ladies and gentlemen um before we get started today before I hop into the VR headset excuse me uh Chris reminded me to talk about this and I saw this popping up on Twitter as well as on Facebook of all places the the game theory giveaway scam so apparently false emails are being sent out with subject lines that are kind of like vaguely alluding to like GT giveaway charity livestream stuff yeah it's not real it's not real yeah so and a lot of them have to do with like specifically iPhones I've been paying attention to any of the game because we have been doing a lot of Giveaways lately we have a copy I believe we gave away a couple copies of Jedi fallen to order over on Instagram if you don't follow me on instagram at pet GT where I do giveaways actually the suprisingly yeah that we also gave away a bunch of stuff as a part of the charity livestream none of which was involving iPhones yeah if you know us well you know we use Google pixels probably we are hardcore hardcore Googlers and we do not use Apple devices so if you get notifications except for apples you're probably not us Apple TV yeah it's great actually but uh but anyway the long and short of it is if you're seeing any emails come through that are like you want to give away first off ask yourself did you went through the giveaway yeah secondly double-check the subject line make sure it's not sketchy if it's for iPhones or anything like that that's also weird it's not coming from us and the real test of what's going on is whether it's coming from a teen theorist email account yeah this Wow Chris our grabs right here that is very strangely placed and very poorly optimized for the space that's taken away but it's there because it's giving it you the important for me that is the official email address it's even better please yeah so if you see this one this is our official email address that you would get an email from if you had entered a giveaway of some kind so it's not coming from there yeah that said please don't hit up this email with just like random how are you Chris because he I don't think he checks this email anyone unless it's to send out giveaway information that this email is not in you it'll probably not be responding to you at that point so anyway just wanted to put that out there we got a couple people who are like hey is this real is it not it is not real yeah so please don't be careful caught up in phishing attempt yeah apparently it's been with other youtubers too so yeah just watch watch your data don't don't get fish heed you know what you can use though that good one viable the good identifiable bone I mean you know you're not breaking the creativity bank but that's a breaking any bones know yeah keep not ball team boneless our bones words I'm high-fiving through the help get over here and give me a high five oh yes would that be weird if you tripped and like broken that would that would have been called irony so anyway I'm gonna happen to be our head side check out this game that is supposedly like portal but not really it's weird and hard to describe according to Chris I'm very excited as reviewed on the Steam review page by Chris hard to explain fantastic hey it's Stephanie my hope over into Twitter so to everyone and to say hello in the chat in the chatter we blend in the chatter saying since 2015 I was watching was Eli the Jedi was a long time my life and I said I don't get fish heed hashtag beard Pat Looney lama a lot of people are saying that you look really nice in the beard over it which is true actually I really like the way Matt he looks through the beard I think it looks really it looks very distinguished on him but it is so prickly she likes the way it looks she doesn't like the way it gives our kid rugburn because he rubs his face all over Matthew and then he comes away with like a rash from Matthews face I know I have very weird I have had to kind of keep my face away from Holly lately yeah okay so attention bone works I am let me quickly say for someone who's never done anything different with his head or facial hair it's actually been really reassuring from all you guys the positive support the people right good actually beat a lot I was really nervous about yeah I think everyone likes it now that I'm not just attention bone work subroutine operates on highly experimental simulated physics system recommendations expert VR users over we are expert VR youth director Ford sweet what is my real world height oh oh nine yeah yeah head up just a smidge what perfect yeah sir is there any way that we can fix it because it's the note you always give me but it's always like it is a bit awkward because then I have to like look down with my eyes that's the problem with a 360 screen I guess fantastic strongly recommended seated we strongly recommend seated configuration really really high I've seen plenty of people play this standing up scene two let's go man are you sure try seated mode if you have a small track space or are concerned about your real-world surroundings you can always switch the city okay that's great is your floor okay what is my floor okay I would say my floor is okay my door is okay okay so this looks like my old hairstyle Wow with lack of beard you are standing this is high floor offset save settings great dad bought your avatar no your avatar they're very Feld of a dead pod oh my have a youtuber but if anything youtuber bod who you know doesn't have time to do anything but eat unhealthy and oh come on don't judge me bone works it's a thing that we're playing Jan Jade animates says I'm so freaking proud after four or five years of watching tonight I finally made it to my first live stream can I guess who the bone board so we got the bone board test manage bone work steam test by physics gate more time stability secure communication for tests August 96 primary repair an update Cork lodging shortcuts preparation for future perfect time bugs anomalous object audit tool assembly test will be update Bo's board okay okay I did not anticipate being able with this folks good oh hello hello why were your wheelchair to God Shrek Oh keep your hands to yourself there good start good no yeah well as they grabbed over their stuff it's great fantastic let me just throw it uh got an ID badge that's very fun and cool very fun they can add up with my day team oh you better pick it up with my dainty finger sir pinkies up means your fancy IRA monogrammed interesting great fantastic well there's a lot just in this Lake a temporary terminal wha oh this totally feels okay this totally feels like me where there's just like a bunch of hidden stuff everything I feel like this is almost accounting plus e alright Ultra it's an ultra version but oh Mack oh oh wha nope okay shake it Jake will kill me oh my gosh oh he's gonna kill me yeah it's going try it I know how many deaths come from vending machines oh oh no it come from ending oh right I am very strong and holding this up I would not be able to hold us up in real life come on yes yeah super strong okay but seriously this orange locker is screaming to me right though it's like hey I have an orange locker drew my head it is my bust I found my bust made this is a green orange thing and the Warrens thing combined with blue thing no not with that attitude steps something right it feels important in some way sandy says to turn on spectator mode it'll fix not having to look up getting shat coming to the rescue wow it's almost like the chat is researching stuff that our team should have done long ago Oh burn burn Victorian I'm just gonna keep ragging on Christmas Victoria Senna says Chris is getting his recommendations from Jack instead of feud's now I guess I've been out of the loop I haven't got to watch a whole lot lately oh wait I can shoot this thing oh no oh no what happened uh-oh I'm in a zone of black and flying I've teleported did I beat the game did I win chris has come in to the rescue did my random flailing win the game Chris is rescuing everyone am I the best Matthew has destroyed the game now we don't even get past the title screen right that's a new record I think new record title that looks like a lawbreaker says er I yeah yeah I look like a ruffian yeah I look I look like I am auditioning to be a member of the Kingsmen we went somewhere where people told him that he looked like he was going to pick people's pockets yeah that was at the streamys yeah someone said that they were afraid of me beating them up and stealing their pocketbook so people are pressing f to pay respects in the chat thank you to the game the television screen is just melting in front of us what happened oh really you can see about a quarter of Chris's face on the screen right now and to that Hannah Rose says Oh Chris is so cute he is right I I you know as a guy who now has a beard I appreciate the beards of other guys Chris has a very full very well-maintained yeah you're very well-kept kempt kempt you're the most kempt thank you for being so kept the capital P people are really there's a lot of there's a lot of F's for a P respect the chat thank you ah was I too slow in the game come in faster quote looks like a thug wasn't referring to you but up up up I'm not bugging it but hey look at his socks so it's impossible for four but but I'm outside an outsider of the law to where game theory is gonna say you can thug it well why that's one guy's kitten kauai asks for thoughts on cats they don't mean the animal i assume they mean the movie we're seeing it tomorrow tomorrow we've been waiting for sofia Nygaard yeah yeah yeah they're our good buddy we're gonna be cats buddy we're very excited we double date to see all versions of cat that is true we've had I think like four double dates 50% of the 50% of them are cats related 25% were Game of Thrones related yeah a good number L brisk says Chris's face reveals are rare but always appreciated right I appreciate them too I know right right now Chris is giving me a personal crack reveal which I was appreciative of the cameras over working on the computer I was excited about the crack reveal gonna say reveal that I owe a lot of people right can we start that as a YouTube show everyone was doing their like face reveals for a long time but now that everyone's face is revealed like that's old hat at this point I'd love to reveal the crack those won't get D monetized at all fifty thousand legs crack is wack yeah crack is wack yeah we can get this video to 50 thousand likes will do the crack reveal so weight windows is down now what the heck sorry is our alien we're dead now we help you what hap what did you do I did I did nothing so choice how you don't shake a baby you don't kick your alien where don't you don't shake baby don't kick your alien where I don't think you kick most pieces of technology unless it's like a highly sophisticated I insist you to expose those cheeks oh that's a bit more than a crack reveal my friends they're already out right here oh those cheeks you can chiki chiki chiki chiki yeah you got cheek and yet she cheek and he got GGG can you cheat cheat cheat cheat so you're asking for the Chi Chi Chi cat the Chi Chi Chi Chi revealed which no that's that's you my cheeks what one stream can't handle that many times for Chris you already got three cheeks available right now I know so many cheeks Oh cheeks can't handle more cheeks than that I was so looking forward to playing VR portal wait oh oh wait windows is back online go back on we're back on I'm in the zone we're ready boot up we're ready Chris boot up hit me with the future hit me with the future beam it into my ice loss Oh be me put me in the matrix matrix me Jack me in you are Jack me gems all of you get jacked I'm so glad to have you here with us total jacket ood shove the cable into my eye hole just stop right there let's do it just stop Jack me in the matrix it's like that episode of are you afraid of the dark where the kid had a modem outlet in his hand except now it's a Ethernet cable into my forehead everyone with the scariest episode of are you afraid of German with dollhouse episode ok incorrect that is absolutely correct no one even knows are you afraid of the dark anymore no that's true they need to reboot it they are rebooting it really aren't they ah wait doesn't count if all the kids aren't Canadian and just constantly say the word story first level zero trust level zero was just little zero was OH duck hunt duck yeah duck game duck hunt but it wasn't duck on it was no it was duck hunt I thought right come on it was the duck game guys yeah I thought duck season thank you thank you Dan here's a fun fact I only wait only perfection says Chris's eyebrows are beautiful oh my gosh you know Chris your eyebrows wait with Vezina fall with this being stress level zero that means we got to really pay attention cuz here's the thing I saw a post from them from a couple years ago apparently would be first did the duck season theory where they're like hey man Pat got most of it right and then a certain point he kind of went off the rails which is I mean as you do that's pretty much every episode right it's like you get it and then at a certain point you don't get it and it's I don't know have a certain point you have to extrapolate stuff that you don't have a whole lot of or you have to like make the fun twist or whatever so a certain point to go off the rails or overreach what they're like hey he got most of it but then he went off the rails but our new game that we're working on will in some way tangentially answer or kind of like course correct you okay you're back you're back goes well before it crashes oh so anyway so the reason why he expected to expected action camera using white do it just say yes Siri wait using white camera lenses comes at a serious performance cost ever you're calling about the answer is yes let's do it what [Music] gonna throw things officer how could it be thrown off more than this game has already been thrown off it's pretty where computer just shut down what right did it no no it's fine I'm gonna keep it off I'm afraid of it no you're fine fine yeah yay girl it's better its own story but worst and it's better arena [Music] Arina story school remot story right - by Joel [Music] Maryna sandbox locked story so that's where we start new game I guess yeah alright so um but no so they said that whatever new game they were working on presumably this was going to like tie into duck season so that would be cool oh boy oh wait is it that the game developer yeah I mean or something right that's that reason feels very familiar does right huh that's weird I can leave it to through I don't want to leave this room really [Music] oh I'm so excited about this going that cuz dice except I'm really excited duck season had a great story yeah duck season if you haven't seen our playthrough of duck season it is terrifying it's worth going back and checking out it's really fun it's worth checking out it's one of the the better VR games that we play it's great and it's one of the few PR games that actually paid a lot of attention to the story yeah a lot of names I was gonna say you're a tease Ballad will will begin shortly right seriously though can I could I have gone through that back door I don't know I bet probably I wanted to get a sense of what's going on here all right well you're speeding up I'm gonna read a couple things from Twitter at TC George 89 hey at least it's not a TriCaster failure not ya at family huh and give it time to see a good time at Tamlyn 17 says good thing about Matt Patton Stephanie is that they don't need a working game to be entertaining hey sweet that's what we strive for okay object coffee cup Oh it looks just like right I mean even down to the spare versus salvage stuff this reminds me of companion cube right coffee cup indestructible I missed meta corruption oh hey there please listen I know I look like a clipboard but actually I'm fully sentient white please don't throw me into the recycling just because I've just become aware of my reality that color boy this is the only life I know everything is new and exciting please I have so many tasks to keep track jerking and dreams of helping people communicate please don't kill me Clippy the clipboard oh and we have to archive hymns right please don't throw me of the recycling archive I missed sorry Clippy it's so clear dude I'm so strong my gosh curse my push my strength yeah light Pro TOI excessive occupation lights occlusion so accessible in Heights beep oh squeaky oh he's so cute oh you're such a hoarder you're totally gonna keep him ah your super card you gave me my caste you can kill him now I'm gonna are Kevin I'm gonna throw him so he's slightly off of the archive area but yeah what happens if I disagree with this oh my god why is everything so hard to throw the appropriate amount there we go Gavin Gavin Gavin huh what hey put the battery in the socket huh all right what was the last thing you just it was a it was a USB Drive what if I throw it well fine fine new archived one incinerated just wonder if that thing sets us up for something different I'm so excited about this right go yeah oh I'm so excited what happens what happens oh my gosh are you gonna pull the lever I'm working on it pull the lever there you go right great can I do anything with no I am doing that at denial t23 says duck season was an experience definitely worth a watch and a rewatch and at austin b2b 203 just said that they will rewatched up summer Messing I know but I'm I'm moving in by pressing the direction left and I'm doing that I'm doing that I'm doing that I'm telling you I'm oh I know great yeah why how would I have know it Stephanie here we go roll the fritz rolled so it's interesting right you unlike a lot of other VR games where you kind of just kind of make the gesture and it does the rest of it for it like if you do that it's like okay that's the gesture here I'm feeling like even with the throwing I'm feeling like I actually have to do more of the realistic gesture in order to get what I want accomplished it's actually interesting right Monogue on the our legs look emotion crouch snap turn well it's Felix going for at least jumping menu Oh a closet I throw open the door be our legs override whoa oh this is so exciting already oh there's so much it's total stuff to you or oh there's a lot ooh particle waste I don't want to override the legs come over I the legs why not because Stephanie where rule-abiding citizens this is gonna come back and haunt us in some way oh so oh so it really is like physics-based that's really like you have to actually do the moat it's not just like have to Andy whoa whoa oh so it just dropped a bunch of legs on you no arms Oh heart oh oh they are tarts hello you floppy floppy floppy floppy arms VR VR teleport I guess not so how do the arms override the legs give you a clap and a half burn elbow and a half great delightful oh the monkey all the monkeys from duck season oh we are computer Oh poop really oh yeah did we kill are we killing this because this computer just dying or is it the game oh no the computers on curses suit curses right right we've never had a problem like this well I need you like a G the admin did want you to really stop flopping the the limbs it was just yeah I think it was everyone's everyone feeling really uncomfortable with you waving their arms around no just just floppy loose arms making people uncomfortable arms yeah go get worms is that uncomfortable for everyone flaccid do flaccid limbs make you awkward and uncomfortable what I was at nope at Shino wolfy says Matthew maybe didn't break a bone yet but he did break the stream yikes whatever flaccid hmm like Gumby yeah like Gumby okay shoot so we can play this game apparently in like five minutes d'arnot okay the computer is tired and needs the sleep or the glider flop Matthew the game crashed now I apparently the flop physics were too much for the alien handle right I thought this is a good computer what kind of piece of junk did Jason buy it wasn't it was sent to us by oculus back when they first sent us oh just kidding that it's a wonderful computer as we love you know it's continued to send us free stuff no it's been what no it's bad for yours yeah that's the same it's a three or four year old computer got it around the time the start of life yeah not that far after the live stream started when we first got our very first like we're like hey we're gonna need a computer for the live stream and then all of a sudden oculus also came out with their headset at the time and they sent us a computer here well they were like hey here's our headset and since we want it to run properly here is it and we don't trust that you guys have a computer like which was accurate which was that was accurate so they were smart to do that they sent us and I'm sure everyone else that they sent a headset a computer that was like hey here's a computer to make sure that everything is running up to kind of like the standards that we would hope it runs yeah cuz this is one of the first ever VR headsets that came out that we got that computer with and so it was like no one really knew what the what the optimized specs were for VR so so okay it may be time to retire this puppy he's had a very good run but perhaps perhaps give us one more chance I think just to try and give us a little more CPU I like you guys can't see what I'm seeing Kenley no oh what do you see well cuz I was gonna say there's a bunch of games that are that used to cost money in there now free and VR and I was gonna be like but they didn't do a good job of crossing it out so it says free $29.99 it's like that's confusing um no but there's a lot of good VR stuff no that's because it is a couple years old it's it's free which is really exciting yeah it's awesome and honestly it's it's interesting right like talking about VR and like the evolution of VR since we started a livestream and since we started doing VR stuff like I would love to do more in the oculus quest quite honestly like even today like this wire feels too short relative to where I'm standing with that VR headset things like I would love to use the oculus quest it's just you can't do like it live which is tricky yeah um it's more for like because the quest is like my favorite are you see our thing right now but it's it's so but yeah it's because it is on not wired and listen that it's a bit harder to do these sorts of live streams with yeah but then again you know you see how much success we're having today so micro tall says it said that your CPU was not recommended did it apparently somewhere Oh No ah let's see Adam Tiernan says put the hair back on oh yes let me get my wig uh his wig was snatched I'm sorry yeah sorry guys it's gone it's been snatched off my head office yeah not not snatched as in looking great snatched as in taken office removed from the knot he was working snatched but his wig was snatched by a wig Napper Wow Wow I know uh let's see people are like maybe your drivers need updating that's always what it is so do we have a fallback do we fall back game we do we have a fallback if you like experiment with this off-camera and happy for like later this week see what we can do because it looks so fun right I'm really excited I actually I'm already super excited that it has like a Stanley parable portal s vibe to it which is really exciting yeah I'm super stoked about it and with it being stress level zero I like I'm actually very intrigued about what they have in store for us because their last game was so good okay here I'm gonna I'm gonna just stay seated cool why not sitting offset I great I'm caught in the receipt the box it doesn't do forget rocking around I'm just gonna sit it's gonna be easy we're gonna try to limit as much variable as possible to try and make this work for as long as we can great loading screen fantastic I've seen a lot of loading screen you got this see it's a great loading screen I really think that the font works well strong strong fun strong font strong choice third time's the charm as the chat look there's an emergency exit second but what is this this is nothing weird I wonder if something appears here at some point I bet horrible geometry there's monkeys or the best there's punch again oh I got a crowbar Hey and okay more importanly you got a table you have your coffee cup over there I got a plant yes lot to put won't plants whoa Oh charity with my bear I am a god now ha ha ha ha ha no no it's not working Wow okay leaps on this are really good that's a really interesting all right let's try this overtime French shall we we're gonna do this we're gonna try to continue even though I probably break room I'm gonna continue from the break room yeah fantastic gentlemen here we go boat works more like bone work oh my god wer que no no button I liked it I liked it welcome to the pit welcome to the bone zone I don't know that doesn't sound quite right no you like both works better oh now we're back here again shoot all right all right ready speed run throw away the coffee cup it's a no caffeine all funny okay speed run the TS oh my gosh oh my gosh everyone for those keeping track at home Matthew is on eight with no diet coke no Cola of any kind we're all very proud of him thank you everyone for celebrating my victories great okay here we go speed run speed run and bone works done done done done speed rotten Boat Works you this is my audition for GDQ okay here we go so we played oh look there's legs oh look there's arms in the other room great fantastic crew there's gum melon where I says no the coffee cup brick it seems like there's plenty of company I am the void way do you die in real life everyone is too afraid to try we have to patch out anyway for security breaches if you die [Music] Oh work all right great JK o Diegan mythos just resurrects you over and over we had to code resurrection for myth that doesn't connect to the point oh we got theories oh oh we got we got a we got some theories when did this game come this year for 2019 okay this year really at 2020 like in the last eight days oh it's our buddy so I was gonna is it fully out or is this like a beta or alpha or something it is fully yeah great awesome man this looks totally fear risible I'll write everything about this oh yeah damnit there it is this is the old game set that we were playing on Wow in duck season oh yes like so much fun oh it's so excited about this oh Campbell's convinced No oh it's also connected to bendy I'm in that game oh my gosh now why are there so many games with soup right soup is very popular it's games developers like as sending a cry for help being like I have no time for self-care all I eat this is condensed soup inoperable p.m. it's the only kind of food I know about please help me if you die in real life do you die oh this is so excited so excited about this right our minds are directly connected to the boy phone works back-end is the only thing fermenting what if immortality is possible huh oh I can already see why this might connect to duck season cuz duck season was all about potentially the father getting locked into the game or like sacrificing himself to some demonic force or whatever what like now we know it might be connected yeah maybe it's the boy oh that's really interesting oh I'm so excited about this oh oh I'm so excited about this I hope it lasts for more than five minutes right all marked packages are property of Mont Madigan industries any Lewis Veterans Day we crank up the tunes great we're just gonna I'm gonna hold on to my crowbar because this has a I mean the orange locker and everything screens orange box half life portal stuff so oh yeah so I'm gonna hold on to my crowbar because I think that's gonna be important with a super tourist hello very nice that's a jump drops it is not recommended to consume more than three crisper snacks per hour ah crisper as in like the DNA manipulation take that spelled out yes yes no way RISP oh no oh that's horrifying that's really the snack that modifies your DNA oh boy it's the snack that smiles back Chris Berg you're no stop Lego open just not good try right was worth an effort remember to identify its accurate Namba anomalous items prevent anomalous accidents categorize plastic objects before opening day I wanna make video games how to make video games don't poo texturing for morons hey what brush do you use that's great making everything harder that's great I feel like there might be some some secret feelings being let out here mark we got dates ladies and gentlemen someone called a faff time line we got important dates oh no we've had what we got we got October 1968 October 1968 February 68 March 1666 the 60s that doesn't seem right that seems really early right this is what you want the cat clock from duck season people are spotted oh good one next to the vending machine and this is December 62 all right oh this is great I'm so excited about hold this oh my gosh I literally am too strong for my own good I'm literally knocking over everything at this game they're out there's a lot in drawers there's right there's a war oh my gosh yeah wait for me everyone's very excited about the cat claw put it back you crazy whoa whoa so what are that filing cabinet duty you know I know boss filing captain Kate up there oh hey what's that clipboard oh my gosh let me out oh sorry I don't know where I am Stephanie I'm in a VR landscape I don't know what's going on come on oh here we go this living stress free radical decency solutions for every situation PS you don't know you're talking about the why and then just eBook copyright neutral book great okay and when we're drawer and then we can read this clipboard paper it is Monica an internal audit accountability log 24 21 22 10:00 p.m. Madigan employee Arthur Ford was seen eating lunch keep the anomalous object disposal break room while still in lunch break employee began shaking time on various devices have any audit recommendation employee Arthur Ford seems to be interesting communicating with non monoghan employees double monitoring is requested here that's not that is Ford so that's maybe me maybe that's uh destroy everything I touch everything so I'm gonna come to me my crowbar come to me my security pass let us go forth so it's saying to check the time 311 ish various devices laugh third museum archive Bunji what does what does to archived movies the employee promotion raffle that doesn't sound promising Museum of technical demonstrate on meritocracy Hanuman object disposing ode object dispersing systems morning by batteries report null man be conscious thought whoa we're gonna have oh here we go like the way I yeah what's going oh man okay oh this is so cool hey check wat o'clock the void wake could allow for occasional starts in the beginning theoretically if we could somehow stop the system clock we could disconnect the resurrection field outside mythos chambers the resurrection boy if I disconnect the server's I could probably buy Wow if Boyd Wade could allow for immortality Lonnegan [Music] we got a bunch of screws we've got the Freak oh boy even with both work their faces were covered like the immortality matrix yeah I was gonna say does he come at the best AI version of yourself or something the virtual version of you better alright oh boy would I eat some crisper snacks yeah um I guess this feels like meat bits we guess we're like playing man and a half a yard threadbare edition all prepare for major weather ain't it grab Anita's death yeah I guess surprising okay you can only pick up your own litter apparently so this seems oh come on come on come on no attention right thumbstick snapped Ariane 45 degrees that resets [Music] that one of those creatures whoa hey whoa what is that thing what are you doing to my hand whoa there's a lot of them hey what do you guys do it oh boy I trust you what are you doing out here oh yeah what are those a hamster balls oh this is super fun what what are those supposed to be okay grab the baseball bat as well just because Oh what they're pushing the boxes and destroy their little robots no trespassing huh interesting indestructible hello pipes okay so we got some plates who's that no crisper snacks I need to eat you I must eat you crisper snacks I want to see what happens if I eat three of you I might become like a god or something endurance nuts no won't drop them on your face welcome welcome to gameplay a 2000 games good one they tell me this is indestructible I disagree lost potato 24 says meat pits are almost as good as disappointment chips all both almost almost oh they are they are destructible even though they say indestructible Oh Kyle Rodriguez says sacks so you have to hit the corner wow I'm shocked by how much like interactivity there is with every single light on the whole I'm shawnzy oh hey Oh oh this is gonna be important I guarantee like this is hidden behind a box that says indestructible that's actually destructible I bad that this is some sort of light or something I guarantee it oh I'm so excited about all of this yes gonna smack every box you seem good friends right they seem okay we're okay with something well yo yeah there we go what's this do No curse you curse you cardboard no I know no cardboard okay there we go you're not touch really what if I do you're the first one who's thought of that Matthew oh go good I think that's it okay oh I want to touch maybe it's just that's what the symbol means baby physics are so awkward there we go here good one okay whoo hey there whoa-oh it disappeared in my hand no it looked like a cartridge oh that's so funny there's a box behind you you didn't break by the way okay well now that we know that we can break the box something in them oh jeez now I have to break all right we gotta do everything and oh I missed the door that's about oh my god this game Lego okay they're asking why you're crouched we're attempting to have him sit down while playing this game so that it'll hopefully run a little better on our computer which is apparently jankier than we knew that's kind of the long and short of it whoopsie right cuz like cuz I deserve to sit down for a little bit right just wanted a break you just need a break give him a break he's an old man now right with the hook okay so I can't get through there all right oh there's a couple boxes in here what do we get this I like on the boxes just kind of pop you're being watched of course of course [Music] let's continue let's continue down the bone work strain there we go oh look at all our friends there we get over here lots of poppy boxes oh oh so many pop boxes pop pop you or nothing you're nothing to me private no trespassing well I'm in restricted area GLaDOS is gonna be mad at me right GLaDOS lest the g-man is gonna be mad at me come on box this is a good exercise game apparently oh there's so much okay there we go yeah yeah nice huh get out get out the way we have to go through another door yeah I don't think that one's I think they find another way what about this thing that kind of looks like a door maybe I'm supposed to question by assumptions now I can go through the new trespass labyrinth yes I mean it could be right oh there you go are you gonna take away play man sees this no well things can phase out but they just throw them down BAM No must check everything now their secrets hidden everywhere I don't know what any of it means right shoot don't know what any of it means but you know what I'm gonna start looking for a Museum of technical demonstration presented by ultra immersion gamer and jmb says just saying keep the crowbar for real and you must know for the future your fists are stronger than you think that you could break boxes it's ammo you can pick up the small guys so just so you know your hands are useful Oh Joe Chico xiii says this game feels so meta and spoopy memory dump Oh Carolyn my hands are not that strong not strong enough to punch through that Cal Monica go scary robots come out to get VR Matt who is minding his own business smashing a bunch of boxes right don't mind me just smashing my boxes you know how I do danger natural gas no smoking okay there's there's now a critical mass of people who are asking me to move the mouse so I love [Music] Oh what this a secret I found a secret no it's just everything info okay yeah it's the pec digging something got a lot of cans of soda around there you go that one was for you I'm shy kid monk don't doesn't stay there Giulio Vasquez and also the other people who are a member of members of the Mouse squad Bell squad mouths spam Mouse them Mouse gang rubik's cool but you might say the Mouseketeers me hume aus cat ears Brooklyn Fletcher says the mouse is gone wait was not what she wanted me to do I thought that's what you wanted me to do yeah maybe they were celebrating celebrating the the presence of the mouse reloading a new realm meows a 12m cat says Thank You Steph which makes sense because your screen name is a cat and you wanted me to get rid of the mouse I understand okay I'm very excited and optimistic about what this game has hidden in it and what it has to offer ma no cat wait what happened we believe I'm in the loading screen I'm hoping I'm in a loading screen yeah I was gonna say it is taking a long time to load which makes me a bit nervous creamy but hey the screen is still on I know the computer has not shut down like you know my hands are still moving I like to look around okay that's good but it is a very low so maybe we're just entering a very very robust section of the game Alex man uh the most robust erotic says I still see the mouse I think you're fibbing moe healthy rules don't see I'm starting to get a little concerned though right it's wrong I'm gonna flip over to Twitter there's lost secrets in this game just need to get to the point where we can start discovery oh there we go hey at painting souls's welcome to the land of the living let's see stand clear confetti at sim please you saw our field codes or their Hey okay at Jacob did well 14 says staff killed the mouse can we get an F in the chat for the maps Stephanie killed the mouse I liked how respectful the chat is you pay respects to pretty much anything you doing Mike rival all of you the loss of Matthew's hair loss of the mouse on screen hello Oh Holly would be so stoked about this VR broom I'm just saying oh my gosh Holly is very into sweeping things that's that's his kids deal lately I love sweeping nope at kaiserburg boring lockers nothing for you at Chaya March on Twitter says Matt Pat's sitting down while he plays the are is very close to aligning with my personal creed why stand when you can sit why sit when you can lay down you know this how like your personal I was gonna say this thank you and I would get along very well with them right here oh hello @e 5 1 5 right says just a heads up that there are barely any checkpoints if the game crashes it'll show them the very beginning of the level with those city opening day myth air for the future if there's gonna be something like this that actually launches some day where it's like just stop living your regular self that's gonna be our chat come come join come join this virtual existence that everyone will be in be our chance definitely the thing where you can look like anything you want gallery of mechanics and interaction [Music] virtual control instruction index movement ill with just the tutorial grab we knew this we'd establish this are you following me [Music] heyyo heyyo thank you thank you for this appreciate it that was good good to learn welcome to the Museum of technical demonstration at the at the MOTD you will be guided through the history of monoghan industry is leading virtual operating system learn about interaction discover virtual physics explore what's possible study the history of mythos city what we really need is a place to belong [Music] would you be in favor of a virtual world that everyone spent like most of their time in we talked about like the Oasis and ready player one yeah sort of they spent their time cuz you would you could like run a business in it I mean I think at a certain point businesses will be able to do stuff call them virtual metropolis designed as an all-encompassing operating space for a digital lifestyle constructed almost entirely by artificial intelligence yeah this is what I mean City provides infinite user instances with space offering educational institutions parallel office space for holo conferencing a multitude of entertainment options and virtual vacations services yeah you'd like go to school there you go to work there all that kind of stuff I mean it's a mixed bag but for a lot of for a lot of things I think I would be in favor right I don't really see a reason why not to love think about think about even just like the basics of you could define whatever you wanted to look like and how much that would change like people discriminating against each other all of a sudden the the playing field is so much more equal if you can decide what you look like and what abilities you have oh I can jump and run also because it's a little setup in a computer it's harder to like steal from each other they need each other arbitrary [Music] since double-tapped profit xt7 yeah for us gamers first hardcore gamer bros monoghan carrying a virtual world on our backs yeah bros physical presence something virtual simulation is all they gonna go rocking out and then you are also getting great fantastic okay Rick jump hey button I like at a book at Kosta Roth on a but who says Matt isn't sitting he just said his floor offset hahaha I like it I like it David made it to the top I feel so accomplished thanks game at Jenna Germain says VR environments would be good during illness outbreaks and we don't have to catch each other as cold I like that idea there's all sorts of good that's cool you could just do a lot more because you're not using like physical recent like digital resources are almost infinite I granted they're limited by like memory space and server space but right compared to like physical resisted like it's that far to just crouch three go climbing gym yeah okay so we want to jump down to here oh cool okay latter the arms are climb the infinite ladder good to know physically grabbed off the environment mr. cork head says make a theory for this game please I beg it seems very theorize Abal actually Samuel Giles recommends beard conditioner thank you and Doron the grape gives me a very the compliment that I may never get again in my life so I have to say it staff looks like a punk-rocker doughnuts or Joe asks is Steph looking at the chat always but my eyes are everywhere it's always watching you guys getting up this long we're getting up there in a hurry record time new record here we go totally there you go there you go you got it now yeah now we got it okay here here or here I get tired are you in a virtual world Steph there is no people there we go okay whoo yay oh yeah it celebrates your victories so are you are we supposed to be thinking that you are currently in the void right now well that's the question I think right is we got a we got a Faro oh cool mmm oh they all speak yo that is so awesome little freaky oh how fun right I think we got to figure out what like the void I think the big question right is what is the void what is myth os oh oh hi all right just it's just TV screen physically pick up objects some objects break grab handles interactable it handles keep in grab points to be found in the environment throw we can throw each gesture and release the grip yep don't be too aggressive huh Thank You forth grab reach out with an open hand in its direction what you see a highlight close your hand okay great just for scrap yeah [Music] yeah yes yeah there's two in the bottom right I know get the fourth grab one oh come on man over here you will be mine and Sam got him got us all break break feel my strength oh there's the brick textures okay box destroyed this thing oh hi guys even hardcore so these have grip handles okay good to know handles sticks blocks unbreakable fantastic punching bag what's bag sure great Oh both punching bags aren't made of wood traditionally I feel like right this thing come on man I feel like most punching bag trolls that's a bit too hard here guys heavy move heavy objects slowly if you physically imagine you are holding the heavy object don't have an easier time moving it [Music] it's better ball go missing ball go gonna want it I'm really loves it just over climate nope Eve Eve Eve I'm imagining like I'm really controlling it I'm doing it I'm controlling it it's gonna be some hit by here right got to be I don't know man I think I might just be a staff I think it might be a stay yeah yeah just you just go oh snap what does this felt we can roll this dough we go pull it pull it here we go okay oh that would have knocked it over I bet oh what a full life it Stephanie possible versions F&E I'm working on it there we go oh that's just another block that's thinking yeah push yeah yeah so they go I'll wave my hands back it blows up with my hands back and forth I heave my own virtual reality on this morning that's what you think okay yes look at that look at what we did look at the amazing things that we accomplished today I said on the floor and through virtual reality objects around I think you're tomorrow right thank you this is a good workout yeah I'm starting to work up a little bit of a sweat here was this so I think it's a is it a trampoline box - a trampoline oh I was hoping that those like in the middle there those were like Esprit sections so you could jump on one any of the sides so there's either that or I'm assuming this looks like it goes somewhere right no no I don't think they're safe to get something else pull it up they caused it to go up that looks really i definitely lifted it you did yeah he saw did you see it go down no [Music] look look Matthew look you said you're so sweet no come on Stefano come on Steph I'm guys do you not believe that if you stand on that platform over there or put something on it the door will go up which is why you have oh that's that's like portal just put the Box on the button and the door is gonna open fine or I could probe force it okay if you could see the look I'm giving you right now hello this is uh this is a room this yet my family sees this I don't see oh I always got a little glimpse of it how do I get in there I'm like I'm like what this door looks tip like this those blocks look different yeah here look around or something to open it yeah I don't think you need to brute-force it look around for some in the hammer [Music] I think you want to break something over there and that'll cause them so you say [Music] let's get worse hey brutal first beat my head against the wall it's gonna do it real Stephanie do you think if you just like walk into it you might just face your such there we go alright broken wall for you forest for scrap whoa roll away my friend he's like I'm out do you think if I just lost it well that's that's a wall it feels like a place that you like you should be able to phase through or something like I caught just the tray you can see it you can see you can see it well on our screen we can spectator mode we can't see it as well what are you looking at in spectator mode by the way I mean the same thing you are basically it's just a wider angle view so we can see more but I don't see you clipping through stuff oh yeah I click through there's there's definitely something there I mean I caught a glimpse of it like just a tiny bit fine by trash handlers mana god oh there we go oh that's exciting oh yeah we got no damn nail bat mace or nail bat mace looks like a walking dead weapon it is straight up block you good break it all break it all oh great good one I'm so oh there's a barrel up there hmm can we force grab I feel like I need to break the arrow of the mace right it feels like that's it there I feel like that's a challenge waiting to happen right huh I missed okay you know get up get up all right just rolling around in birthing class oh Jesus you say that as though it's a bad thing right we got to be able to break mojo Chico 13 says negan's bat all right we've got to be able to break that I guarantee it awesome I don't know about that employees only room staff I think there's gonna be oh no I there's gotta be ready puzzles are fit our physics and not scripted events take your time and solve them hover you can even quote unquote cheating that's interesting that's fascinating actually okay just so you know you only have a couple minutes left ball [Music] puzzle demonstration [Music] they showing you how to solve [Music] I think there just give you an example of the first puzzle [Music] this doesn't I'm not gonna read you don't care about your stupid solution [Music] Wow okay that went up [Music] emergency elevator loud [Music] haha bridge the elevator override oh boy weird okay oh this is so interesting yes I know I said the word interested a pig builder [Music] [Music] oh there we go trouble jumping [Music] I love the nice momentum right here we go okay stay on it huh Stephon film yeah yeah I think you fell I fell fell stuff did you fall wait what I know you were up there what happened you fall everything falling I fell for you once I do everyday [Music] okay so yeah we got you oh yeah you got to just call it call it out go to my hands ooh [Music] love it when my videogame characters are made of velcro [Music] you're stuck on there tighter than the quarters of iron bread climbing is a bit we're really afraid of this jumpers gonna have to do at the end of this right I feel like that's actually gonna be really Taylor no Oh No [Music] very disappointed you fall yes Maddie what happened oh man that Bell Bell step that's a bummer I have to go get our baby so I don't even get to see you do it again wait what yeah the type yeah oh I know this is so fun I have to run to get Olli your fancy is gonna wind up try one more time babe I know we will be there tomorrow tomorrow we'll see you guys then in the meantime remember that's just a stream that's the sign off Steph and he's getting way too ashamed sign off worried I want to have my own special moment doing your own sign of weight over these play to its side offing we do it signing off don't be signing off let me know if he falls again don't let her know if I call again tell her that was super successful there's question do you think I could potentially cheat yeah bye no no by climbing either on the light or what do you think this is oh hey oh I get it that's what it is that's what it is we move this along with us here so it's not that makes so much more sense because I'm like this is not a game where I'm gonna be able to do like a backwards this is not a platformer we're not playing Mario here I'm not doing like a wall jump off the spell through a wall there we go this makes so much more sense now hello neighbor BR get out he's just shut up right now you're done that's it you're not allowed to talk anymore there's hello neighbor BR where you where you've jumped pasta box and onto sconces yes great all right so now okay elevator lock so now the elevator is law which means if I go back up I'm just gonna preload [Music] now that the elevators locked this should be all set to go right my perspective differently [Music] ah okay yes there we go so now go up here whoa hey drop off there we go now we should be here elevator override things up oh cool [Music] the following chamber is you'll learn about various advanced virtual concepts we find using that it's more complex and somewhat challenging please take all the time you need to are to grasp these mechanics we recommend taking a short break and we're turning to these concepts and you feel comfortable complete existence means foundation [Music] interesting [Music] okay that makes sense so that's that's physics [Music] virtual potty work all very interesting okay okay I got cut it off oh oh this is super enlightening I like that I'm literally on the bottom at the camera this whole time I didn't realize how although I was um this is great I know it's it's a bit slow right now but you can already tell that there's a lot hidden in here right between all the hidden symbols that we were saying at the beginning between the hidden lore about like it's not really hidden it's not written on the walls the the void and the myth OS and and being reborn multiple times the connections that are very obvious and very early on to duck season there's a lot and even like I said that hidden employees only room which blends into the wall that if you're not looking would be very easy to miss and clearly we didn't figure out exactly how to open it properly to barrel that's on top might have a key that's involved in some way there's a lot here so I'm very excited I just sat on something computer I'm very excited I'm very optimistic about where this is leading actually I'm really intrigued about what this has in store and what it has hidden inside because this is very clearly similar to duck season this is very clearly a game that has a lot that exists under the surface so you know us that's the sort of game that we love to do as theories on the channel as live streams so I would expect more of this guy I'm very very curious where this leads to and what else is going on here so um so we're back tomorrow I believe four o'clock p.m. Pacific time might be a little bit earlier so keep an eye out but I believe it's gonna be four o'clock and in the meantime guys remember that's just a stream a live stream Chris is gonna say goodbye in the chat because I shut Stephanie's computer after I sat on it but I'm gonna pull it up real quick real quick Matt watch jeopardy goat oh my gosh I I am absolutely watching jeopardy goat I am so excited to see what's going on with it um I I started ie I didn't realize that it was a primetime because I record jeopardy I like I like jeopardy a lot and so I record jeopardy and I'm like this isn't the Jeopardy tournament but I didn't know that it was like you had to record a special it's a special separate event Jeopardy event happening in primed you know Jeopardy's hittin big time when it's prime time so I like to think that maybe we had a hand in that but anyway awesome Bradley says by Denis Elton Morano at denial t23 on Twitter in the words of Matt Pat this is so interesting it is right Claudia at call me Claudia on Twitter hope to see more of this game on GT live I bet you will
Channel: GTLive
Views: 681,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boneworks, boneworks vr, boneworks trailer, boneworks vr trailer, boneworks gameplay, boneworks vr gameplay, boneworks game, boneworks vr game, vr, vr game, boneworks vr ending, game theory, game theorists, gtlive, matpat, gtlive vr, vr physics
Id: TwzbKkwYwgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 59sec (5279 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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