Women on the Front Lines, 2019-Friday

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[Music] we just moved we finally got out of Utah I know right it took us forever and but we did we moved and we're in Texas now and I love it I've had fried okra something Utah doesn't know about and a really funny story we have a really cool house God just gave us a house that is so it's a smart home I think it's smarter than we are because it's got an app for everything like and none of us know how to work them so you know we we got stuck on the temperature app and we had it hot and cold at the same time in different rooms and so but it has a community pool and this just happens so those of you that know me know that you know my stories can get a little crazy so anyway my grandkids came to down because my daughter Haley is moving to Red Rock our Red Rock Round Rock which is near Austin and so we're up in the Dallas area so they came down ahead of time and we're there running through the house and we've got no furniture in our house we just have like a bedroom set and like a couple couches and dishes literally we're standing at one end of the house to the other yelling and it's echoing her I have blowup beds in all the rooms it's hysterical it's like okay well you know sleep there then if that deflates there's another one over here I said I think we might have to get beds at some point I remember when you gave all your furniture away Patricia and you drew pictures or something and I'm facing to do that because I'm fixing I'm fixed I'm fixing to do that but anyway so we went to the swimming pool I took the grandkids to the community pool right and I put on this bathing suit that our swimming suit but then see whatever y'all call it anything you swim in and so I put it on in and I bought it like several years ago maybe six like it Maui when I was there and it's still fit and it was great and I thought this is awesome so I put it on we went to the pool and I thought wow you know it fits really well like I'm surprised because you know I one of us had either it had shrunk or I had gotten a little more fluffy so anyway fit really well and while we're in the pool I thought this is really fitting well like it fits really well and so I'm mmm I think you know where I'm going so I'm playing with the grandkids right you know and they're they're like nine and eleven and thirteen and so I'm doing a right weight resistance so I'm like you know doing them I like thrown up in the air and then we're all doing cannonballs so we decide we're going to do that after we had pool noodle wars and I noticed my granddaughter goes grandma vet that man over there is looking at you [Applause] [Laughter] and I was you know I took it as a teaching moment and I thought well I said grandma spends time with Jesus and so when grandma spends time with Jesus I calls himself the light and I have lied that actually and I noticed that some of the other kids playing around us we're starting to go into other areas of the pool so I got out got a towel got home started to get the shower to wash the chlorine off my swimming suit caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror the back half the back side of my bathing suit swimming suit was almost see-through so the reason it felt so good and I looked at Tim and I said did you see this you know it's like the airport rule if you see something say something [Laughter] welcome to our development I now have a reputation if they go on my website and see what I do it's just gonna make sense well that's to be expected oh yeah yeah you pretty much lose all your fear you just you know you just live life so needless to say I've ordered another one and we'll see if that fits but so that was my intro to to Texas and I love it because that we're in a new season how many know that and we are in fact the kids got into the house and came into our house and said have y'all played hide and seek in your house and I went well not yet I never thought of it you know but we will and so it's a new season it's a new time for us and I think that basically what we're stepping into is gonna be so exciting and so real and so honest we're gonna lose our religion you want to lose your religion me too I lived in Utah for a number of years and I know exactly what that feels like and it is not fun it is not fun so we have you know we're developing more and more and more boot camps to be able to launch people into the world we actually live in and of course I use dream interpretation and prophetic which one leads to prophetic words and I've had several words over us about media media media I've had dreams about media and all this and now I'm looking for some like big cool-looking professional looking like real I mean true cameras like I mean that looked like they're real you know because we when we first started doing the documentary it's Sundance Film Festival we were head I had fifty dream interpreters on the streets at Sundance Film Festival and we didn't have any camera and so we're telling people oh yeah well we're producing a documentary because that's what everyone does so we just fit in there and said it yeah we're just doing that and I went into a store and they said well what are you doing here and I said we're interpreting dreams and we're going to create a documentary and God God said to me oh are you and went well yes so we had no idea how to do it and we're talking about these are independent filmmakers these are people that know what they're doing and so one of our team members said I will spring for a camera you know we'll raise money to buy it so I'll put it on my card and then we'll raise money to buy it back well he got one of those cameras it looks cool looks like 20 years that you had in the early day so they surely had a smiley face on it except is this step up above that so I was thinking this is like I've seen this before I've seen Patricia and Shirley use this so I know this is like legit the only problem is we had it upside down and someone on the street who is a filmmaker went you might want to turn that the other way and we we were playing the part you know or like we know how to do this we're making you know and then I the same guy who sprung for the camera we walk into some kora like a quarry like a teaching session or something for filmmakers and I'm looking and he is a Salesman anyway and he ends up being on the on the speaking panel at Sundance he doesn't know he's never made a film in his life we had the camera upside down we don't know what we're doing we're just interpreting dreams and he's sitting I'm looking there he is on the panel I don't know how he got there he's just sitting there answer yeah and he's got a prophetic anointing on him so he's answering questions we're with him my whole outreach ministry stuff has been like this we just take we just try stuff we just try stuff and see if we can get away with it it's the truth we got into the the food and wine private party I greeted the person at the door and I went oh my gosh it's so good to see you again he's the guard he's the one that's not supposed to let people in I said it's been like I care oh my goodness here's Frank and I just walked right through the door and brought my team with me so we're in there and he's like okay okay so we have no credentials we made up fake credentials they look like it Sundance something and and we we saw what other people wore and so we kind of made something that looked like what other people wore and so we just went into places and just got in there and started eating their food and interpreting their dreams and having fun with them and you know out rubbing elbows with who knows what you know is in this so is it was it's fun it's like you just try stuff see if you can get it and if you do well then that's God just call it God so we ended up I almost got into the they call it the queer lounge I don't call it that they call it that it's their word that's their language queer lounge it's about the homosexual and lesbian community and they have their own channel and at that time it was an HBO show called The L Word and I didn't know what that meant so I was standing outside and I was looking at this and I thought what is he l word and it said HBO and so I'm like I went in and asked them and they said I'm well it's L is lesbian and I went oh okay I said well I want to go in and they said well you can't and I said but what if I wanted what if I want to know about being a lesbian and I have a running ring on and I'm thinking that is a weird statement for me to make but I was like educate me it was kind of like that you know like tell me and they go get out of here I didn't get in but then I went back and told my whole team okay if you see the l-word this one means and they said we all know that Cindy because we're looking to interpret dreams you know it's like and so we finally actually did get favored in those places we got favored and they invited us in and we got to take our camera that we finally learned how to work and we actually got film and footage of people who were you know wanting to have their dreams interpreted and it's a when you use that particular lure of a dream interpretation you're like lowering a bridge into their life I mean it is like they're not gonna turn you down because they're dreaming they want to know something and here's the cool thing you know I was I was listening to someone on the radio one time and he said a statement it was a Christian radio station and he said we in the church have a problem with people who sin differently than we do and I went you know that is exactly right we have a problem with people who sin differently than we do so therefore we put them in a box and I remembered that Billy Graham was on Larry King Live and he was being interviewed and that and Larry King tried to trap him he tried to bait him and he said when you think about the gay and lesbian and the homosexual arena and all that and Billy Graham said the most wise answer I've ever heard and he said well that's not my message my message is people become saved they get connected with Jesus Christ and they come into the kingdom and then I watched as and Joanna Gaines also were baited with the same type of question they tried to trap them they tried to get them into into all these things in and I immediately emailed someone that I knew worked for them and I said look at Billy Graham had the same thing happen on Larry King Live and this is what he said and so it was like they didn't take the bait they didn't take the bait so with dream interpretation you have the same opportunity just don't take the bait well what do you think about this or what do you say about that or what about if I do this what if I do that and it's all about we want to try and trap you in that was their idea Satan wants to try and trap you into making some sort of a statement that they can take and twist in the public forum well you just don't go there and with with any of the ministry that we do we don't even address what they're into we don't talk about the fact that they've gotten themselves into same-sex or gay pride or whatever it might be we talk about let's interpret your dream and its really awesome how they just oh all of a sudden now we're in a different room of a house we're not looking at all the things that people are trying to to convince you of the same thing happens in religion if they're in religion like we lived in Utah that they wanted us to be Mormon really bad we were there for a long time I think I even got a shirt once it said I'm not a Mormon the missionaries finally stopped showing up at our door they're like we love you just don't talk me don't you prayed in tongues last time I was here I was like what do you think I just said [Laughter] y'all have a language school what language you said and um so I know what it's like and so you know we went completely around it we don't address those major things we don't address what's right in front of you I call it knee-jerk reactions you know you get somebody and all of a sudden they're like well I mean yeah and you're like okay well I'm a dream interpreter and they're like oh wait wait what what well I wanted to get a fight about this thing or that thing or you know this this is area of doctrine or whatever and so we've learned how how to go out and we've learned how to craft our words and we've learned how to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and Jesus tells us how to fish men he tells us what to say and what not to say and he tell it because we're in weird areas we're in areas where people are looking to fight they're looking to get you they're looking to wall you up they're looking to you know we don't want this we don't like you and what they think is they think that love hurt them they think that God hurt them but God didn't hurt them people that don't know how to love hurt them and so when I go into different arenas and I see people and they have an encounter with the Holy Ghost which we call the Spirit of Truth because we say would you like to have an encounter with the Spirit of Truth well who doesn't know lie to me and so they have an encounter week oh well this is yours we've had ours put your hands out and go Spirit of Truth come and he does and then all of a sudden they're like mmm you know you can see it happen and you're back what you eatin popcorn this is good this is good Holy Ghost takes over gives them an encounter we watched the whole thing go down they throw their head back they start speaking in tongues they're like what's happening to me I feel like I've been possessed some things come over me I don't know what that is these are burners these are people who go to Burning Man these are people that are in the porn industry these are people that are that are that are not conscious of God they're there they don't have a God consciousness they think he doesn't but exist right now they've just had an encounter something way over the anything they've ever experienced and now they're going what just happened to me and you're like well you just had an encounter with the one who made you and they're going are you saying God and I go well I call him God I don't tell them to call him God I call him God well I don't believe in God well that's the one that just encountered you you can't be unencumbered [Applause] I had one guy go he's a doctor from New York he goes don't do that to me again I said I didn't do that to you in the first place I said you asked the Spirit of Truth to come that's just what happened like deal with it now they want to know more well I don't go to church well sometimes I don't either I had a major breakdown from pastoring a church I had an emotional breakdown true story not even a joke yeah so I'm like oh I get that but you know because what happens when if I were to take a Burning Man person who's had an encounter with the Holy Spirit and now they're getting connected or they're awakening to the fact that God because people are in process there are those that are saved and those that are being saved and so if they're in a process of being saved I can't take them I can't tell them go down here to the Assemblies of God Church in San Francisco and they're gonna slap a ribbon on you and make you stand up and tell your name you're a new visitor they never fit in so they've got this creative Vantage they've got something and we have to be able to say to them you had an encounter with the one who put you together now I will help you understand because there's a hookup they go how do I get this that's always the next thing I love that one it's almost 99 98 percent 98 percent sure that they're gonna say how do I get this I want another one don't do that to me again they'll come and get their friends they bring their friends back they want an encounter now they want more and they want their friends to see it watch this same thing happens they watch the Holy Spirit encounter them they watch their friends speak in tongues they're like right right did you feel that did you I felt that did you feel like the light went on do you I mean then we had this one guy and he's sitting there he gets an encounter with the Spirit of Truth and he's got a dank handkerchief on his head where this isn't Burning Man got a handkerchief on his head sitting on the cross I get like indian-style on the floor and he has this encounter and all of a sudden you know he's in the lotus position kind of thing you know has a Holy Spirit encounter him he stands up in a very stoic way very weird very you know and he starts going around the tent now we have a very full tent we have probably 40 to 50 people in the tent right now and this is we got to remember Burning Man is 85,000 people seven miles long and we are just one of a hundred thousand themed camps but we have people lined up to get in so he stands up we have a whole tent full of people we don't want to have any more room for people there's that many people and he starts going around putting his hand on their chest going the spirit of truth is Jesus the spirit of truth is Jesus the spirit of truth is Jesus and I'm watching it and so is Caleb Caleb's watching it we're both going and I said what's your name and he goes Abraham I think [Laughter] why didn't I know that we had another guy he saw he's from Iran he comes into the freedom lounge you know we have a menu board you know how it goes we have the menu board on the menu board we had to speak the language of the culture remember you have to consider your field okay if you're considering your field who are you going into and what are they hungry for right so you can't go in with God and Jesus language cuz they're not gonna they're gonna turn you off they won't come in because they're gonna they're gonna already profile you as a churchgoer and as some kind of person who wants to seal the deal and make them do things because that's what that's what Satan has done he has confused them with the love of God and religion he has confused the world he blames Jesus for the things that he don't he does himself Satan does Satan blames Jesus for the very things he does and so we've created language like organic restart welcome to your new life original root recovery spiritual cleansing and redefine minh that's deliverance organic spiritual alignment we had true reflections we stand with a mirror they tell us what they see we tell them what we see we create a new identity it's an identity revelation for them and so they come in and they're like we want to have this this guy from Iran I don't know what happened he was in his whole family's military and he comes in and he just sits down now remember we don't have God and Jesus stuff on our signs we just don't because we just don't want to already alienate them before they ever get a chance to come is it very much reminds me of Mark to where the guys carried the paralytic guy up the side of the house because he couldn't get in the way they normally goes blocked that is a a prophetic message for now the way you used to go is blocked it's not accessible you can't get people to Jesus that way at least not these people there will be some people that you'll be able to reach that way but not the creative ones not Hollywood not the people who are making movies and different things they have to encounter the bread of life in a different wrapper they have to encounter him in a different way because they aren't gonna eat the old stale bread they've got to have the new understanding they have to have personal encounter and it's got to make sense it's got to be language they can understand for themselves so he comes in this guy from Iran from a military family sits down we just begin to you know just ask the holy ask the Spirit of Truth he asked the Spirit of Truth to come and all of a sudden he goes into a trance now I get nervous when I see people going into a trance right especially at Burning Man I'm like where'd you go so I get to other people and we restore surrounding this guy you know like praying quietly in a language that connects us to God what language is that oh it's the spirit language it connects us to God it's a spiritual language it causes me to have a flow from you know from a from the Creator to me and then it flows out into you so you can pray in tongues and they don't care they're like wow we do it at the temple too and so we're praying and all of a sudden he starts shaking violently and we're like okay what's going on now I've never been in the New Age so to me all of this is weird like I don't know what I know about trances from the Bible but I don't know about what people do I don't know about these energy things and all that had to learn it I didn't know I had no understanding I got saved I was 20 so anyway he's had violent ly shaking and I'm watching him and all of a sudden he's got tears rolling down his face and I said okay what do you see and he goes I see light and we said we'll go toward the light [Music] and then he starts almost hyperventilating and I said what is he said there's a man appearing to me in the light and we said who is it and he said it's Jesus and we said go toward the one who's introducing himself to you and grab on to him this is a guy from Iran he was Muslim his family is in military in their Muslim he gets radically saved he stays with us all week long he comes back every single day to have another encounter to learn more about this man Jesus who who showed himself to this guy in a trance very much like a dream that's why we're seeing a lot of Muslims getting saved right now through dreams and God is just on it he is doing things I've never seen him do before I've never seen God do what he's doing right now and it's fun we never know what's gonna happen we never know what he's up to we don't know how this is all going to work out you know we've had people come in people come in for marriage counseling into our tent we have no marriage counseling on the menu board one woman's dragging her husband and I need he won't listen to me and we're having trouble and I'm thinking well sit down [Laughter] that's where my pastor stuff comes here yeah I've heard it I know it always just like that right so it's been really interesting to watch how God has begin to you to cause us to to be flexible pliable teachable and moldable in this season in order for us to be able to reach the people that will never come in and there are many many many that won't come in they're gonna start now their spiritual hunger remember whenever there's a move of God there's always spiritual hunger and so it's poured out but what happens is there only though they'll go back to where they'll go towards something that someone has said to them in the past that's where they're first gonna start looking and oftentimes it'll be the new age or it'll be something you know where I'm gonna go back to my friend who's a into eckankar which is an ancient science of soul travel and so if we can make ourselves available with language that's palatable to a world that's seeking and looking and the other thing too is that I don't let like our team we don't call them sinners we've just labeled them they're people who fell who need God they're just people right they're sinners of course we all were you know but but if we call them sinners well you're a sinner well all of a sudden that you just pretty much labeled them yeah sinner well why don't we just call them people why don't we call them seekers why don't we call them people that Jesus loves you know people asked me I just did an interview with Sean with a pup shambo's with a podcast and he goes why do you go in there and I said because there's people in there that Jesus died for he died for them like why wouldn't I go in there he loves them and they're going on every which way they're doing all kinds of things because of hurt and brokenness and things that they've that you know they've they've had we had a guy come in into our tent at Burning Man and he had his eyes were crossed he had quadruple vision and what that means is he could see double out this way and pull out this way and he'd been on every kind of spiritual journey he'd been to Peru he'd been to Brazil he'd been here he'd been there he came in he had on a pentagram a shrunken head a shark's tooth a crystal a bag of something I don't even know what and his I looked at him and it was like his mind was spinning around like a blender and so and I had this is we were being interviewed with Lorna Dueck how many know who she is she has a she's from Canada actually and she has a ministry called context right well she found us on the plan she's doing interviews for her show it's still on her um you can go on her side and see it and she found us and so this guy he comes in and I'm like oh man okay so I look at him and I said well first off you we need to do some spirit work on you and because he was white he was that's his language spirit work yes yes yes so I said first off and I grabbed all that junk around his neck and I held it because I don't want it influencing him and I've got authority over that junk all of it and you can feel it moving in your hands sometimes and you're like you can and it'll start jerking you know and I'm like hey you're breaking the power because whatever they've given attention to they've given power to it matter has memory so you just grab onto it while you're doing the encounter right and then I said now and I have to have my other hand so I put my hand on his head and I said let's get your vision straightened out and he goes well I don't know he starts talking you know it was just it was something in him talking and I said shut up and learn is like this okay well he starts to feel the power of the Holy Spirit then he starts to breaking out into song and he goes he says I've got to sing this song it's a spirit song that I've learned and he starts singing some weird song he's not saved and he's jacking the healing moment right so I put my arm around Lorna and I still had this stuff in my hand and I said oh I know this one cuz she's looking at me like should we get out of here is this okay and I went we're fine so I put my arm around Lorna and I put my I still have this junk in my hand and I in and I'm hugged up against him with an arm you've only got so many appendages you know and I started singing in tongues and I was singing louder than he was and pretty soon he shuts up and I went I told you I know this one by the time he got done as far as we could go with him that day he at least had his this part of his vision was corrected so we were working on this part when he had to go and he it's all about gifting so they bring you a gift because they it's all you can't buy anything at Burning Man you can't it's all about gifting so he brings me a quart size bag of weed I'm like I'm looking at Caleb do it do we take it so no one else can get it and Caleb's like I don't know if we go down the hill and they're gonna bust us you know for having this Center and I said I don't know what to do with it he goes give it back I said I don't want him smoking it so we're having a conversation me and Caleb are having this conversation with this quart size bag of weed I'm like what do I do with this and learn is like I don't think you should take it and I'm like well I want him smoking it I don't want him given it's probably got god-knows-what in there you know and I'm worried it come from so we're having this in the guys going I'll just takes you know I'll just oh I'll be back and he took the bag like how you do with that you know and so cuz you can't I mean they'll stop you on the way out and check your they have dogs and stuff now for drugs so even though you're taking it so they don't use it because they're getting free and you don't want them to have access to it you can get busted so we're having to learn what to do and you can't put it in the porta-potties we probably could've actually nobody's going after that [Laughter] I dare ya I dare ya go get it we did another fun thing called porta potti prophetic we just tried it and we waited for somebody there's a whole line of them you know and so we just picked one and said and we rolled out a red carpet had a chair in an umbrella so people come out you know we're like you [Laughter] what you like sit down so we're gonna do some spirit work on you and of course they do now and we do and he just gets rocked he's like I start slurring their words it's really funny to watch burners normally you know they just got on high from being out all night and they're just sobering up and then they get drunk in the Holy Spirit and now they don't know what to do it's like one is better than one had when I was a temple caleb was in there kind of went into the temple with his flags flagon a change in the atmosphere never seen anyone do it I've never seen anyone do what caleb does it's just he's just absolutely brilliant he's actually leading my camp he's leading freedom lounge now because he's so good at it and he's got things to offer I can't bring right and he goes into the temple cuz there's this big temple out there and he starts shifting the atmosphere and he's singing in tongues and people start falling over they're going out in the spirit they are and they're flopping like / like you know coming out of seances people are wounded you know walking over that the the guards were there that with walkie-talkies and they're like we need to call the paramedics we have people passing out with the heat and then the temple and I and someone who was with Caleb I wasn't there but someone with him said Caleb I think they're getting ready to call the paramedics and he walked over to the garden he goes I think they're okay and all of our team got around these people that had fallen out in the spirit and we're giving them power encounters with the Holy Ghost and people were like who are you where are you now we've gotten so popular at this event Burning Man they actually contact us and go where would you like to be placed I just went online to change my address to my new address in Texas because I have a new address in Texas and I looked and it said how many years have you been at Burning Man and I looked and it said since oh three and people come huntin for us because they're looking for encounter with the Spirit of Truth the person of Jesus the one who made them and they get filled with the Holy Ghost they their heads go back they're speaking in tongues and we can't get people in the church to do that their spiritual hunger is off the rails but if I'm going to expect burners people who are creative people who are artistic and they are just and they've been burned in church some of them we had a man come in holding another man's hand and he was a burly guy he looked like he was a truck door everybody was also I'll tell you what he was in a minute cuz I don't want to blow the story it's called a spoiler spoil it anyway comes in holding another man's hand and we said you know would you like to have an encounter with the Spirit of Truth yes and so I put my hand on his hand he wouldn't let go of this guy's hand and all the sudden he starts crying now he's a big burly guy was a big beard and he starts weeping sobbing sobbing sobbing he has a petticoat on and nothing else the girl working with me goes don't look down and I'm like would you say that for you know you're gonna want to eventually look down he's holding his hand Spirit of God comes all over him he's crying weeping tears rolling down dripping off of his beard and he goes I know what this is and I said what is it and he goes it's the Holy Spirit and I said yes it is and he goes I'm I was a pastor and he said my wife left me for another man and my denomination closed our church and kicked me out and fired me and I said I am so sorry that that happened to you and I said that is not God's plan for you by the way I you know that is not God's plan God did not do that God has plans for you he still has a purpose for you he's got a new restart for you he's got a place that he's gonna take you because you were called and you knew this you were called saved and appointed and anointed for service in the kingdom of God just because it didn't work out and because something really bad and awful which it is bad and awful happened to you that does not discredit or cancel out God's plan for you he goes I got to get back with God now the partner here right who wanted him to be homosexual he's like get leave him alone I said shut up I said you sit down over here he's like [Applause] I'm telling you I have done some weird stuff and he did he left he went and sat down he was fuming mad and I told the man who'd been a pastor I said you were welcome to stay here all week long if you need to you have a place we will we will feed you we will take care of you and we will bring you back into a place where you can be restored into the call and the purpose of God on your life and we have people here who've got some extra clothes if you need them or you can go when you need them because you need them and we will help you and get you back into restoration these are some God's stories that you can't make up these are wonderful times when people are just starving for truth they are looking for truth they are trying to find their purpose they're trying to find their destiny they're trying to find how to connect with God without it being religious without having a big red sticker slapped on them without having Jesus and God words thrown at them that they don't understand we had to dumb it down we had to make it very easy for them to understand what we were saying to them we had to bring it into a five I I was when I was learning to be deprogrammed because I had to be deprogrammed from church words I was like how do I do this and people would say to me when I would teach courses and freedom launch they go what language are you speaking I said English but he said he said speak to them like they're five years old like make it really easy for them to understand and so we we did we begin to talk with them in very easy understandable language and they would say well what what what is your and I said I have actually a spirit path and I have a spirit guide and it's Jesus my my testimony my my story don't use testimony my story is that in my life a story is that I follow Jesus I said there were plenty of choices I had just like you Buddhism Hinduism you know any kind of ism and I I had all of those things I could have chosen but I didn't want to give my life for someone who didn't give theirs for me and there's only one that did that and I said that was in 1973 on August 24th and it's never been any different and I loved it my whole life is in fact people had said to me well what would you do I had this post question to be posed twice in like six months and they said if you had a million dollars in the bank and you just were completely fluid financially you had no bills nothing you had everything you need which I don't even I don't think I've lived I said I would never only live differently because I love the way I get to live I just I like small stuff I'm I could be one of those little small people except Tim six four so anyway but they said what would you do and then someone else said if you had ten million what would you do and my answer was the same both times I said I would do what I do now because I love what I do I love what I get to do I wouldn't change a thing I just have money now to be able to do it all I hate I get to give it away I get to buy cameras I get to do film I get to do media you know Cindy Jacobs said media over me someone else just recently said media and I'm like I'm the worst I feel like you I'm like I can't get a good people take pictures of me I'm like you know I've always got some weird expression on my face or my clothes are so big and I'm sticking way out here and way back there and I'm like can you get a better angle I mean is there someone who knows how to take a picture that doesn't look like I'm seven months pregnant you know I mean I get it you know but let's work with it here and and in every interview I do I either look like I'm ready for a funeral i I know the porcelain doll thing you know I I was on 700 club and they put makeup on me and I had to go to the restroom before we went to air and I scared myself in the mirror I did I was like oh my came out and I told him I look like a corpse yeah and then I look over it um Robinson what's his name the lawyer no the son Gordon I look over at Gordon and he's sitting there he gave me nothing he gave me nothing but he had makeup on that was like yeah you look like one too and and he didn't even like really greet me or anything you know he's a lawyer and he'd been with us to see the TV and had been with us to our CBN had been with us to Sundance so we had footage that we were showing and then we had live Colin's and it was in and I had to sit back in the chair for a second you know and I thought hmm this is a live TV this isn't filmed and this is live and I set back in the chair and I went I know how do I know what to do I know what I'm God I know what to do and I just set back and the interview just flowed it was just so good it was like God just went I got this you know and it just teaches you how to be unafraid so what you know it's like okay just get the message out just get it out so um it's it's been an interesting journey and we've had a lot of fun with it and we're just gonna keep doing it and then so I want to show you two little clips cuz I'm at twelve twelve and you told me I get to go to twelve thirty is that right twelve twelve I love double numbers okay um let's do clip number one Susan Oh tell me about your encounter what's your name and how you relate to me basically that was the most incredible pure and deeply cleansing experience of my entire life I'm a Reiki Master I've gone to school for these type of things and nothing I've ever experienced in my life compares to what I just had it was peace it was easy it was pure clean and left me feeling like whatever happened there is still gonna take place over the next couple days and I just kind of have to readjust to whatever the hell I am right now that's the moment I've been looking for since I got on the plane so thank you whoever's watching this tell me about your encounter no he got he got um he got drunk in the spirit because when he after that little interview right there they caught him just coming out of the tent and he was like thank you you know whoever's watching this and he start going I don't know where would which way am I and he couldn't and he couldn't find the tent and we're like okay you came in this way and his friends grabbed him and then after that he's every year that happened probably in a what number is that I was 16 or something I don't know what at 13 anyway he's come back every year and he brings people now he can't we found him at the heebie jeebie camp it was I know right and it was a great big old camp it's got this big old new-age looking thing there and they bring all this stuff I mean you would not believe the kinds of money that they put toward these camps I mean they are extreme they have concrete you know it takes a truck to bring things in to make their camp and they have different cat tents where they have Reiki healing they've got meditation they've got seances they've got you know and so I just go over and I'm interpreting their dreams in the New Age camp I'm like I'll volunteer and they're like good we love it yeah come on well you know you want some of this something to drink you want one of these and no I'm good I actually get clear have clear message when I'm just can let this piece blow and I let the you know presence just come through and I don't really need any artificial stimulants and I'm able to just flow and go and I can just I can feel your energy right now it's been fun because you can get as mystical as you want and they're like whoa I love it I love it I feel it I can feel your energy I'm breathing it in yes you are so we take a team over and we interpret their dreams and they're like wow where's your camp we want that so we found him over there and he came over he is very skeptical he did not want to sit in the chair he wasn't gonna do anything we told him to do and so we're like we'll stand up yeah you know we don't care you can sit lay down you know squat down sit in the chair not sit in the chair we don't care what you do we had a bunch of people come in one time and they all laid down on the floor that's the first thing they did saw our whole team laid down on the floor too we were right next to him Mike everybody looked like fish sardines you know and other people came in afterward and they were like would you lay on the floor I said seems like we do so we were all laying on the floor and one guy had a rock you know and he kept holding on to this rock and a head crystal things in there and so I just laid in between them I have a picture or somewhere I'll have to see if I can find it and I took my hand and knocked the rock off and it went rolling across the floor and that guy kept grabbing for it and it wasn't there and I said you don't need it you don't need it and I put my hand on his tummy I said can I always get permission can I put my hand on your tummy and I'm a mama and a grandma and so they're really very comfortable with me and I have clean touch but some people have been inappropriately touched so you always want to get permission and they're like yeah for sure and so I put my hand on their tummy and they could feel the power they could feel the heat of God going through them and they start weeping and crying and I had one guy he was military he came in and he didn't want anything to do with anything it was hard and callous he hated women because his mother things to happen to him when he was young and his mother and he hated her and he was hating me because I was a mother you know and all that and I just reached down I grabbed him by the neck and I started hugging him and I said I just love you so much this and I just want you to know how much you're important and I'm gonna give you a mama hug I know that you're mad at your mom but you know I on behalf of her I want to apologize for whatever was going on when I did things I said the way I treated you all this kind of stuff he broke down crying sobbing in the tent and that's when we went we started to give mother and father hugs we give mama and father hugs and so we have people that that in fact somebody even said we need to have a granny tent like why they you know rocking chairs because people because in and when they said it I was like oh that is ridiculous you know and then I then I go to the temple and at the temple they can write tributes to people all over the walls because they're going to burn it down it's like their confession it's like their time of grieving and getting past or getting rid of her or unloading some of the grief and they said I miss my grandma was written all over the wall I'm my grandmother my grandmother died this year I miss my grandmother and I thought oh my goodness somebody's onto something like because we have to be able to tune ourselves to listen what are they hungry for what do they have need for you know so I thought maybe we should have a granny tent you know I mean and just have rockers and people in there that give them cookies and love and whatever is like why not okay we could try it you know if nothing else we'll have something nice to sit in for the rest of the timer and so anyway I'm going to talk more about the other outreaches that we do and this one is with patricia we went into the adult industry and we'll just show you a little brief clip of what we did in that in that environment because this one let me just tell you before you start it we have a responsibility I'm starting now to turn my eyes toward not just equipping us and our age and also the Millennials I have Millennials around me all the time that is my audience they're the young people that go I get it and but now I'm starting to want to even reach down a little lower and get the 11 to 14 year olds and start taking them out giving them wristbands and letting them start giving out words and get rescuing them from any kind of hideous you know trap that would try and take the kids this this the porn addiction is epidemic level children are talking about things they have no business talking about from the age of 5 to 6 years old it is blatant everywhere and so we have to raise up teams it's not optional we have to raise up teams of people who will go in and be unafraid to go in and be able to give life into people that are trapped in a dead thing that in their taking their lives because they've got no hope so this is that and that I'll talk about that on then my next time [Music] hey we're here at the AVN las vegas adult industry awards so we have a team of about 30 people we're gonna go in there we're gonna bring light into the darkness we're gonna watch and see how things begin to progress as we unfold destinies of people that they they don't see they don't know the hidden treasures things inside them that they're not even aware of we're the dreamers we do the interpretation of dreams come spin the wheel get a future forecast or get a dream interpreter [Music] [Music] [Music] pour yourself out spending your scope on something that's not going to pay out for you in the long run [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and then you spin the wheel and we give you a lot message for the year [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll come back around and if you have a dream I'm happy [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Cindy McGill
Views: 2,274
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: iyh6g2I8wCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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