Dreams and Encounters Night 3 | Troy Brewer & Jamie Galloway

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friends welcome to night number three of the dreams and encounters conference guys let's welcome the whole world to open door Church boom welcome everybody welcome welcome welcome guys I want to introduce a good friend of mine he was here last night and I spent the day with him today and you know what I love this guy he is my friend he's my brother guys this is brother Jamie Galloway he's in the house come on up here brother Jamie I don't know yet so today Jamie and I mean we we did a bunch of running around he stayed out at the he stayed out the ranch last night when I came down and picked him up this morning he was feeding my ducks you really were weren't you man I really was yeah and then when we pulled up last night there was a fox it was after my ducks right yep absolutely friends don't let the little foxes Bowl the vine amen and we're going to talk a little bit about the I think we're gonna get into what the spirit of Herod is but the spirit of Herod goes with the verse where Jesus was talking about Herod he said you go tell that Fox this yeah and before we get into that I want to say this you know the difference between 77078 is what I'm one-one and I want to tell ya so one one one one one one is so crazy cool guys it's really my favorite number besides 120 but really anytime God uses any number it turns out to be my favorite number every time there's like that's my new favorite number that's awesome it is awesome so one one one is there any one one one people you just see one one one everywhere so one of course represents unity right one of course represents unity and and when I first started searching out one one one okay I the first layer of Revelation I've got is simply I'm here with you we're unified it's a prophetic marker that represents the presence of the Lord being made manifest okay but I want you guys to understand that you know if you do if you see two two two which has all kinds of cool meanings including signs miracles and wonders because the only verse in the entire Bible that has all three signs miracles and wonders is acts 2:22 okay or if it's three three three or if it's four four four or five five five or whatever so like 444 is one one one times four mind-blown eight eight eight Jesus is one one one God being made manifest in the form of new beginnings Jesus eight eleven eleven you're not seeing that or yeah I'm just teasing man I'm that's not good now I see I see eleven eleven everyday I saw I saw it last night I saw it this morning I was praying with momma Virginia yesterday morning on the way in and as soon as we got done she said and King Jesus I see that it's 11:11 and I know what that means that you're just here with us and we love you so much I meant like wow okay cool so what were we talking about before he starts we were talking about the leaven of Herod which is interesting because the leaven of Herod and the leaven of the Pharisees Jesus mentions this when he's in the boat with his disciples right after the the multiplication of the loaves and fishes and so here's how it's so interesting plays into the numbers and everything like that so they get into the boat and there they begin to argue that they have no bread but the scripture specifically says that they brought one loaf of bread with them in the boat so where did this bread go they buy the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod could not see that loaf of bread with them in the boat Wow they couldn't identify it they couldn't see the miracle that was leftover miracle from the miracle that Jesus has just done and so what you know what happens is when you have the leaven of Herod in your life it actually stops you from being able to see the miracle okay so let's let's define what the leaven of Herod is now there's different first I want to just tell you if if you have a next-level revelation on any of this this doesn't cancel your revelation okay there's layers to this okay and it's one of the one of the criticism that I tend to get when I really you know when I'm preaching really deep things is really deep thinking's we're saying you don't know what that means it actually means this and what no no it means this and that right totally come on come on I mean it's I'm not my revelation does not cancel your revelation but the first leaven of Herod would be a political spirit yes absolutely so the first understanding that I can think of would be a political spirit that you can't even operate in the kingdom because you're so political yeah and and there is a very fine line there between government and politics right come on he doesn't tell us not to be a government oriented and understand how to infiltrate even our own government because we need to yes bad bad bad but to to also at the same time embrace the political spirit yes where you try to look good to get ahead and all of that stuff and and you end up compromising your values just like Herod how about that that's pretty cool right okay but now let's go to another revelation you now we're talking about this earlier and I honestly had never thought about this before until you said this to me in a way oh my gosh that's awesome and I'm gonna preach that all over the world people are gonna think I'm brilliant yeah came to take you take it I steal all good you know it's it's the leaven of Herod is you came to see magic and not see the miracle because there's a very big difference Herod wanted to see Jesus perform but it says perform some cures as if Jesus was a magician but he didn't understand that Jesus was not a magician because what does magic do it might wow you but it doesn't change your heart and so he he refuses to show Herod Jesus refuses to go to Aaron and show Herod about what he's capable of because he knows all he's gonna do is embrace it as if it's a form of entertainment and so he's saying don't just be entertained by what you've seen but allow it to change you you know the type of people I like to be around like you Troy right you see 1:11 where you're driving down the road it turns 111 you're like oh you know like you're in the spirit already because somebody else might be like what's the big deal but you're gonna let that 111 change your life that's the leaven of Herod and you have to be careful because if you let that leaven in and according to the the feast one of the feasts they were to go to the house through their own house and actually eliminate all the lemons in their house leaven in the house whatsoever and so we have to do this annually we have to have an annual checkup in our life and I jesus says be cautious will be aware don't let this leaven get ahold of your life are you staying fresh in the miracles that God is doing in your life you know you're going God I need I need Lord I need a breakthrough I need a financial breakthrough and you find a dollar on the floor are you gonna let that move you to believe that God's gonna provide the rest or are you just gonna go a dollar it's a dollar and you gotta let it move you it's it's the exact opposite okay and by the way looking for the big dramatic thing goes with the political spirit totally yes it goes with the political spirit so so it's it's the difference between okay Lord if you barely move my response is gonna be awesome as opposed to I expect you to move in a huge way and then you might get a response out of me yeah I was where I was with Bob Jones at lunch and Bob he's gone out today with the lawyers I was with you know not today it was Bob there I didn't seem we were good we were to get I was with Bob at his favorite stop sizzler and so this is years ago when Bob was still here with us he's now with the Lord but Bob if you've ever heard his name he he was one of the most premier prophets of our time and he had shaped really a lot of the move of God today through his prophetic revelation and prophecies but I remember going out to lunch with him and he had several questions odd questions every time they were on but it was always had meaning but I was sitting there and he's eaten this steak this grizzly steak from sizzler it looks down in the middle of the table he says there it is and I and I go what and I looked down and it was a tiny gold Fleck just a tiny gold Fleck and I go what is it Bob he goes it's the glory of God now it was the tiniest group this is a man that has had you know thousands of angelic visitations you know full-on reports and raising from the dead you know crazy stuff he's seen the Lord Jesus he was dead he came back to life seen the Lord you know seen him in his glory and and he says this is a glory of God and I looked at it I looked at him I said all of it I'm thinking how is it he sees so much from so little but it was a revelation to me that I love how you just said that guys are you guys gonna be the kind of people are we going to decide that we're going to see so much from so little amen that we're not Herod Jesus doesn't have to come in you know doing a backward somersault like he's you know John Belushi right and the Blues Brothers are here right Jesus ain't a soul man I'll tell you that oh no he's a spirit man so anyway so so but nonetheless I can we catch up something so subtle because the way that the spirit wants to work is he knows that we are in this environment that is so fleshly in carnal yeah and he's like but are you looking for me because I won't whisper to you and you know we hear about the word of God being called the still small voice of God right but there's a setting for our heart that has to be still it has to be small we can't be too big and too busy in the midst of everything that we're doing that would go whoa you see that little bitty tiny thing right there the Spirit of God is here he didn't have to show me gold didn't show I had to show up everywhere he look he's here right here and I'm just gonna celebrate it I'm in I'm all the way in right now he's not gonna have to work on me for another two hours before I finally get there I'm in and that has to do with how you a lot of people are like okay I want to have next-level encounters here's what I'm saying you've had the gold flake show up and you went and then you went right back to watching Fox News and griping about everything and saying then say in our whole country going I don't know why God doesn't move for me I did you just didn't see it he has you just haven't recognized it and when he has you have not stewarded it you didn't let it impact you and so like okay that's a natural response if you're going to tell me that on the first night we had 777 people and then on the Wednesday night we had eight eight eight and this is a dreams conference and encounters conference where I'm talking about numbers and gods like your stuff is cool but my stuff is cooler that's the way that you respond to that you go wow you just go well but I don't know where God was at today when that lady was yelling at me today no you got you have to let it impact you and that's it that's a predetermined setting yeah totally it's from hunger you know when you're hungry everything gets exciting to you right I mean I don't know about you but I've been sometimes so hungry that even the book of ecclesiastes looks good wow you really are holy brother no I'm certain you know like you can take from something I get hungry now I've been on the other side we're have no hunger no emotional response and I'm dead in the water I'm like god I can't feel you I don't know where you are but I'm going to do my devotions as if I'm hungry and in those moment that's what your force-feeding yourself see you have to go you don't just hunger just doesn't happen it happens because you force-fed yourself in the spirit and then you grow in your appetite because it's something that is it's it's like you know strong coffee you start off with the sugar and the extra whipped cream and all that type of stuff and pretty soon you're graduating yeah you want to drink it with a fork after a while I hang and that doesn't happen overnight your you your palate begins to hunger for more and so the hunger and thirst for righteousness is sometimes it's it's lifting up holy hands when you don't feel like it and you're right you're about to pass out because you had a long day of exhaustion kids are wearing you out you know you have no idea how you're gonna pay the bills all that stuff and you got to get some sleep but before you do while you're passing out you go Oh Lord Jesus I worship you I need you to speak I'm gonna you you that breath that you prayed in that moment that took energy that you didn't have and God honors that he sees that as hunger and he'll pour out on that hungry soul it's it's about maintaining your desperation for the Lord okay and that you have to decide okay you have to decide at whatever age you are but don't tell anybody man what a nut nut you keep so anyway so so I forgot I was talking about desperation desperation maintain that had at whatever at whatever age that you are in however you've walked with the Lord you determine if God has invited me to end to have a deeper walk and if he is saying I have more for you that you go I haven't really lived a lifestyle of going after that but I am now and I'm going to start going after that and this is even you know I've been walking with God since 86 and and and I mean I've had a really awesome incredible walk with Jesus I mean I really have it I'm about to share an encounter a pretty recent and killer that has changed things for me but but on top of that friends I there is there's never been a time that I have not been in transition when have I ever not been in transition when is this church ever not been in transition I tell everybody brother when they sign up you know at the one-on-one class I say if if you don't like change you're not gonna like us because how we are now is not going to be how we are six months from now we're gonna continue to change we're gonna continue to change you're going to continue to grow and we just learned you like like do when I hire somebody I ain't hiring I'm gonna do the job they're doing now I'm hiring them to do the job ten levels from now because we're gonna be there quick Wow come on and so that's a lifestyle that and that's a that's that's a kingdom lifestyle and that doesn't come from Texas man that comes from heaven that comes from your father I want to just I've had some crazy encounters I'm gonna I'm gonna do some pretty major ones that are down that are low and then I'm gonna get to the big one okay is that all right oh yeah I want to hear I'm tell her crazy encounter I had you know that but then I'll but then I'll get into one that I would that we really need to spend time and pack what's long as fast you've ever been on I've just Joe up Joe's like man he's like a chick is embarrassing I swear he's like a girl I'm like okay I did a 40 day I've done a 40 day 40 now it wasn't a 40 day water it was smoothies and water liquefied chicken-fried steak yeah yeah I've done those fast too if it's liquid it's legal to me totally promise you especially if I'm gonna do like a 40 day fast dude I will wear out a blender on top about us Liana do am I gonna need to go buy a new blender yes ma'am if I make it you know if I make it into the 30s you know or close to 40 yes ma'am with you yeah oh yeah so I was on a 40 day fast seeking got in a very very very incredibly radical way and by the way friends if you seek him in a radical way you will find him in a radical way and and it's one it's a principle that I learned very very very early in my walk with King Jesus is that if I want God to show up in incredible ways and and if I want God to respond to my prayer in incredible ways then I have better learned how to respond to him in incredible ways and I had better learn to if I if I'm going to seek Him if I want to find I have to believe that he is like you watch Troy I bet you anything he's gonna seek me right now watch out look at it there it goes oh here he comes he's awesome he's awesome okay so you have to believe that that God wants you in his presence you have to believe that he's happy with you seeking Him and I mean and if you have hardcore daddy issues you're you're gonna have to get you're going to get past that I mean you just are you just gonna have to get past that and you're gonna have to say father reveal your heart to me so anyway I I went to Big Bend National Park which was a to me at that time was like really far away okay and went to Big Bend National Park I drove my truck until the road ran out and then I drove across the desert until I couldn't drive anymore and I had several gallons of water and I had a little bitty tent and I made this little bitty tent and I had a Bible a flashlight and a pistol that sounds like a proper fast that was it and I sought the Lord on a certain night after that man guys the stars are just so you know that's the darkest place on the North American continent and that's why that a big observatory is there you guys know I love the Stars and I was sitting in the tent door and I want to tell you I found out later on that Abraham was sitting in the door of his tent whenever God showed up to him and so I was in a prophetic posture that I didn't even know okay I didn't even know I mean you do know that there's certain prophetic postures right so while we raise our hands is why it's all that and and heaven responds to that so I'm there bro and I I have this it wasn't a dream because I was awake it was definitely a vision but it was very much like a dream it felt like a dream I saw it very very very clearly and it was crazy cool so much so that when it was over I didn't know if I had just if I had been asleep or if I was awake I didn't have a clue okay so but nonetheless I saw this this cloud of glory and it was alive somehow and it was kind of softly moving and this this cloud of the tangible presence the heaviness the weightiness of God and then I saw this hand come out right in front of me and I honestly when I saw it I thought God's gonna feed me because I was starving to death how about what is it totally freaking out man I was freaking out starting to hit my flip pop-tart yeah yes you're so good to me Jesus and in this hand I saw nine marbles in in his hand and it was just right in front of me and when I looked at it Jamie I could zoom in shoot and I zoomed in on one and it was the jawbone of a donkey and then i zoom back out and then I looked at another one zoomed in on that and it was a tent peg and I was in back out and then I looked at another one Jim and I zoomed in on it and it was a left hand and then I zoomed in on the fourth one and it was a small army and I backed up and I said god what is that and he the Lord spoke to me and he said these are the nine small things in the book of Judges search out the matter so he told me now I know that nine represents judgment and fruit-bearing that you can tell what you you can judge something by the fruit that it bears okay and he said these are the nine small things in the book of Judges and then he said search out the matter so I spent the rest of the day I spent the rest of the day searching out the non-small you know there's a job owner the donkey all right there's a lady that kills a king with a tent peg Wow ooh scary woman there is dude the brother went to sleep she nailed it in the side of his head that you don't mess with her man like yeah you go right to sleep right there baby it's gonna be all right Wow there's another king who gets killed by a small piece of a millstone that a lady dropped off a tower and it hit him in the head there Gideon's army of 300 and so what God told me through this was the smaller you get the greater I'll use you the smaller you get the greater I'll use you come on man okay this is amazing okay so so that I went home with that and I was like this has to change my life I I don't know how many people have had encounter like that before but I have and if I don't let it impact my life because I want to tell you it's very easy to go on with your life after you have a mati encounter with God you know it'll change me no no no no miracles do not change you you submitting your heart to Jesus changes you and that's why that's why the Israelites man when they came out get there after they'd seen all these signs and miracles and wonders they still didn't have a heart you know for the things of the Lord and like well dadgum it what they were still conformed to Egypt right and then Jesus himself whenever he was talking to the cities around Galilee he talked to confer naam and Bethesda and there's another one there and he said you know what I did all these miracles among you and because you do not respond to me I'm putting a curse on these towns you guys remember that and he also said he he basically said if I don't I'm gonna have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah because they would have jumped through amazing hoops if they had seen the things that you guys saw and he said and so Jesus put a curse upon those cities and friends to this day all of Galilee is all rebuilt but those three cities are nothing but two runs you come go with me to Israel next year you'll see that I'll take you there so there is actually listen it insults the Lord for us to not properly respond to his encounters that he has for us totally I've seen that in thing is when when you do have an encounter with Jesus you will be transformed you will even after a miracle Jesus says no one could curse God directly after they've seen a miracle it's as if there's a space time constraint you got it where they actually live in in awe and awareness of the holiness of God after they've after you performed a miracle now it doesn't mean they won't ever go on to make a mistake or anything like that or sin or or whatever but there is something holy about God's presence that will change you but it's all about abiding it's not just a one-time thing or you know 20 years ago when I was in my you know hungered and I was in my glory days and all it's a continual abiding and when you abide that doesn't mean that you abide in the end just in one season you buy it in every season because that every season has its own issues victory struggles all of that that type of stuff and and yet he's giving us the strength to abide in those seasons and what can separate us from the love of God what can separate us from the love of God so how so listen guys we have to be able to respond we we you predetermine your responses to God I mean you have to do that it says it says in Romans 1 I was just thinking about this verse it says I love this verse it's like a key scripture in in my own life Romans 1:24 the invisible things of him even in creation even even the eternal power and Godhead are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made for they are without excuse and then it says this for when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were they thankful but their foolish hearts were darkened and I'm just centered thinking about that that okay yes there is the the transforming manifest presence of Jesus and there is also a miracle something that Jesus will do and what determines if your impact or not is are you thankful are you going to be the one or are you going to be the other nine and are you going to come back to Jesus and let Jesus change your life because if he says your faith has made you whole literally meaning okay those guys they left here they're healed of leprosy they don't have open wounds but they still don't have a nose they still don't have fingers but your faith has made you whole Wow right I know I know about I know about lepers because we have thirteen leprosy colonies in India did you know we have thirteen leprosy villages I did not know that I'll take you there do ya you so love it man Wow so so I there if if we do not respond to when God begins to bring his encounters to us our hearts become darkened and your hearts will literally get hardened so I think that just going into this thing knowing and understanding that if you seek him in a radical way you will find him in a radical way if you if you determined that you will be passionate about King Jesus right and then also that you will respond in a way that is thankful in in a way that glorifies God what is it what is it guys that Jesus says hearing is my father glorified that you what bear much fruit come on okay so this is how we respond to an encounter with the Lord so I know that you've had some crazy encounters can you can you give me a brief one can you give me one I don't know what's what yeah so you know there was a time in my life where I was not having encounters and I was watching friends of mine and other people I would Minister to have encounters all around me so I got hungry and I and I had been living in a prayer life at all that stuff but I didn't know how to Ashley come by faith to the Holy of Holies to the mercy seat right and so I'm going Cod you got to show me so I start waiting on God and this is at a time in my life where I had free time I had no kids at that point in my life you know and so I was waiting on God two to four hours a day in stillness I'm talking about I would I would everything was done and no other you know no distractions or anything like that and I would sit in stillness for two to four hours a day like this if I had an itch on my face I wouldn't eat it I would let it go I mean it was like I was disciplined and I was hungry now seven months later I was burnt out I did that for seven months I was hungry and you I didn't have a could've been a vision I didn't have a warm fuzzy there was nothing I was like and I literally broke down I had a nervous breakdown I was like god this is ridiculous I had a nervous breakdown of the presence of God I was like what is your problem and so you know what he told me he said I want you to get up in the middle of the night at two o'clock and I will speak to you wait on me at that time so two o'clock parent parent parent parent alarm goes off I wake up splash some cold water on my face and I got all right Lord Here I am right I I sit I'm cross-legged in my bed and I like speak Lord your service listening I banged my head like a few times on the bed behind me and you know the and I'm sitting there going kako 45 minutes into it I go I don't believe you so I was I was so disheartened and I go I did this and you haven't come good night Jesus and I and I go to lay down now when I lay down just as I'm about to lay down and fall asleep I'm drifting off all the sudden the spirit realm opens up and I see an angel in with like my eyes even though my eyes were closed my eyes open to another world I saw an angel of God come out of the corner of the room and there was a harp being played while he was walking towards me and as he's walking towards me I hear this harp the first thing in my head is a harp are you serious this is the devil I'm thinking this like you're trying to con me and you think the Harper's gonna soften me or something I know it you know is you're too predictable right but it wasn't the devil it was an angel from the presence of God and when the angel spoke it literally sounded and I've never heard this sound before but the only sound I could connect it to was what revelation calls the voice of many waters it's his voice sounded like many waters speaking at the same time have you heard that book and and and when I I saw him and he says he literally says to me hi like like he's excited to be there and I was like I go oh no and and I'm like trying to force my body even though my spirit is awake I'm in this this is not a dream this is not a vision I'm in this my spirit is awake my body is asleep and and I am I know because your body is connected to your spirit it's called the silver cord in the book of ecclesiastes but when your body is still connected to your spirit and so when when when I'm there in the spirit I'm trying to get my body somehow by my willpower to wake back up and get out of this thing so I do I manage to wake up out of this thing and I'm I when I get up out of this I immediately flip the lights on and ever since then I've been sleeping with the lights on literally I don't ever sleep with the lights off not because I'm afraid of the devil but because I'm afraid of God and so I get on my knees on my bed and I begin a prayer I said don't you dare do that to me again Jesus you think you're gonna play it - that's I didn't like that at all I am NOT for that I want you to know and and so I went back to bed and I kind of was like you know shaking but I fell back asleep and so the next night I didn't get up I didn't get up I was like I'm done with this waiting game and all that type of stuff cuz when the Lord really does show up that's when you're like I'm in trouble okay and so I wake up in the middle of the night what I have been fully asleep I wake up and this time I'm literally out of my body and I know it because I see my body there now you might go what kind of conference is this when it's oh hey hold the phone did he just say out-of-body yes I said that Paul says this in second Corinthians twelve and if you read between the lines it's actually even more fascinating because Paul was confused whether he was in his body or out of his body when he went to heaven now here's the thing we maybe we might have faith that Paul was out of his body when he went to heaven but I thought man Paul Ashley thinks that he can go in his body to the third heaven that is even more fascinating to me that this man pre-death pre resurrection in his mortal body yes he's a believer in Jesus but he still got mortality in him as scripture says he has yet to receive the celestial body and and so he's going to heaven possibly in his natural body his physical man and I thought man this is that's amazing so here I am back in bed and I know I'm out of my body and I'm looking there but my my bed is literally in-between my torso it's going between my torso and I'm telling you what happened in my life after that seven months was three months of visitation where every night whether I was asleep or waiting on God I would go in to visit visions and visitations until a night I saw Jesus and when I saw Jesus I remember I was waiting on him I laid down I fell asleep and boom all of a sudden I'm out of my body and I'm with him at a bus station now I didn't make this up he planned this whole date not me okay first date at a bus station that's not my my idea of romance with Jesus okay but he liked it he was there and I'm telling you he looked like something out of a romance novel when I saw him he had hair blown in the wind his hair was gold and black and beautiful and it was just gorgeous and I zoomed in on his skin he was floating literally levitating before me floating and kind of being ushered to me by the glory of God and and the wind was blowing in his hair and he's looking right at me and I'm like you know I'm an I'm blown away and I remember he had these big blue eyes that were like pools of oceans literally and I look in his eyes and I know he knows everything about me yet he still is so radically in love with me he's not ashamed to call me his own he loves me who I am and I literally in that moment I look at him and this is what I say you're the real Jesus he looks down at me he smile and he's like as if to say uh-huh like that's all you got and that and then here's what I here's to here's the parable in it he then takes me to the bus state but to the bus I get on a bus in this encounter and and I see Jesus is at the back of the bus I see a man who is driving the bus he's got some addictions he's got some issues he's got a bunch of different problems he believes in Jesus but yet he has not fully yielded and I know this bus represents all right while this is happening I have the interpretation happening right in my spirit that this bus represents his relationship with God yes he has a relationship with God as Jesus taking the wheel not yet but he's still on his bus and as time rose in this man's life Jesus is gonna get closer and closer until he takes the wheel and that was the end of that account that's incredible Wow okay this tonight I want to I we were supposed to end at nine o'clock and it's like 9:00 right now uh but I want to I'm not gonna end right now and I want to say this it's not treason if you need to get up and go okay I'm not gonna be here until until 10:00 o'clock but I don't want you to feel bad I don't want you to you know of course Judas got up and left you know I just throw that out there you know I really do mean that I mean that man it's nine o'clock man we all we all work for a living this is gonna go it goes Jerry yeah there it goes Jerry right there there he goes but honestly man if if you need to get up and if if you need to go I just I just bless you okay I don't want you to feel condemned or feel like you're in trouble but I'm going to I'm gonna spend the next 15 or so minutes telling you about an encounter that I had with Jesus that changed everything okay now I have I have never publicly got up and said this what I'm about to say to you and I say this to you and I also say this that at the end of this encounter that I had with Jesus Jesus gave me a gift and he said I'm gonna give you the ability to impart it when you tell this story and I heard that from the Lord Himself now now friends you know whenever you whenever I hear people say things like you know they had this encounter with Jesus and he showed up and he did this and he did that and he did this and he did that you know I there have been times in my life where I have been very critical of those kinds of things and but I want to say after a while when you have enough crazy encounters with Jesus and there's some stuff that's happened between me and God I ain't never gonna tell nobody it's so far out there man it's crazy I I had the Lord tell me one time go down to [Music] Padre Island go get an ocean and I'll meet you there I said okay so I went down to the island of the father Padre Island and at 11:11 I went out and got in the water and I was the only person out there there's nobody else out there at at 11:11 I didn't want to touch the water into 11:11 no you're like dadgummit roid that's just so stupid that's just ridiculous you know I just want to just tell you that there's there's a life that you can live that it's just so intimate with Jesus and and unless I know there's there's a lot of things that I don't have and there's a lot of things out don't do ride and I've messed up so many times but I want to tell you man I love Jesus and I love to love Jesus and you have to learn to love to love Jesus it's one thing to say you know man I love God but it's nothing to do die I love it that I love God and I want to loving more today than I loved him yesterday and I want to be more responsible today and more responsive to him today than I was this anyway to make a very long story short with this I was I was I walked out to where the water was like maybe knee-deep and it was pitch black and yeah I'm an ocean is just pitch dark and so I just sit down and kind of put my arms behind me and I'm just sitting there and way down the beach I can see this guy walking towards me and I'm praying I'm like lord I really felt like that you asked me to come here and this is my privilege and there's a billion stars when I'm out in the ocean all by myself at 11 o'clock at night it's just crazy cool and I love it and I'm like lord I want to pray I want to pray for my bride and god I want to pray for God for my kids and in Lord I do I want to present some things to you that I'm concerned about and I just want to spend time with you but I can see this guy walking way down I mean he's like more than a mile away and I see him in every so often he comes into the light that's on the beach and he's in a darkness and then he's healed closer do you know what I mean you know how there's kind of a circle of light you know around those lights and I see him and I think well he can't see me you know and he's got like a hoodie you know and he's walking down the beach and so I get real quiet and I'm not gonna pray anymore I wanted to get past me you know and I don't and I'm you know I'm just just like this I'm just sitting down and I had looked I can't see him anymore so keep waiting to see him you know now she'd see him go down there right and I wait and wait and wait I'm just like yes Jesus no way where did that guy go and I turn around he's standing directly behind me I'm talking about standing directly behind me oh yeah I'm ready I'm about to swim to Cuba I didn't have my pistol on me and I'm just like no went hey and he said hello and he goes what are you doing out here I said I'm seeking the Lord and he doesn't say anything and I said did you hear what I said and he said yes and I might can I help you dude cuz he's like you know 40 feet back directly behind me and he's just freaking me out and I'm like okay Manuel I'm gonna keep praying and i'ma I'll see you man have a good evening dude and he just starts to walk and I'm watching him walk off on Jesus I was a weird man I can't believe he saw me out here in the dark like this and I'm praying and I'm like okay Lord I'm gonna get back in the groove and all this and he gets probably I'm gonna say 60 to 80 yards away and I'm just kind of kind of keeping my eye on him because I know that he knows I'm out there now right and I'm just kind of dude to do and he stops and he turns around and this is what he says he has to yell this because he's far away and the wind is blowing in a huge way it's you know Audrianna he says this he says hey Troy and I said yeah he said it's cool that you seek me like this and then he turned around he kept right on walking and I just sit there no I I didn't have the nerve to chasing I I was just I was I was totally freaking out and went when the Lord took me to meet him at 11:11 in the ocean I honestly didn't believe he would show up and I'm checking everything within my spirit and go I believed I was supposed to do it I believed I could do it I did do it but I didn't think he would actually show up and I thought it's just my responsibility to seek Him I don't think he's actually going to show up in physical form he's not gonna do that why would he do that because he asked me to meet him there and he showed up and I couldn't remember guys I got out of that and that was a game-changer that was a big big big game-changer for me that that changed things for me and then I went and preached at Jeanne's Church and it got crazy now in 2015 I was going through something incredibly horrible and something very very very personal and something that was trying to kill me and i i i i had handled it well at first but after after a couple of months i wasn't handling it very well and i wasn't handling it emotionally very well and i don't know if anybody in here you mentioned you had a nervous breakdown i had a nervous breakdown in 2011 and we went through a big huge church split in 2011 we had some really bad things happen in 2011 and i i once you do that and i saw how long it took me to come out of that I'm just very aware I can never let myself go there again ever and and I recognize that I can't you know it's kind of like you know people who used to be drunks they stay away from alcohol right well when you when you go through something like that you're like I I can't ever go there again ever I just can't you you just don't go there and I started to go there in 2015 we don't have been here in this building for two years and the Lord had been so good to us and so gracious and there had been something that sabotaged me in the midst of this whole thing that was just really bad and particularly a person that that I really loved with all my heart and it was next level bad what this brother did that's all that's all I have to say about that I it was on a Wednesday night and I had to preach and I did not want to preach that night and I just was freaking out and had a had a very bad thing happened there was somebody that came into my office and yelled at me over this issue and and just said I don't know what kind of man you are that you would allow this type of thing to happen and yada yada yada and I I mean literally I'm about to have to go out and preach and this guy was yelling at me in my office and I got mad I'm talking about next-level mad and I told him I said you know what you know I'm not that this I you know you you you involved yourself in this I did not involve you in this and this thing happened to me I've literally been victimized by this thing but you signed up for it so you quit telling me how how stupid I am and I and I was going off and I was telling him this kind of stuff anyone okay okay okay and they just got up and left and I was just shaking and I got a walk out here you know and people are bringing their family here and they're they're wanting to have an encounter with God and I'm just in no shape to be able to do anything as soon as I got on the stage Jesus hit me in a hardcore way and we had an incredible Wednesday night and as soon as I walked off the stage I just started crying just started just bawling again just as soon as I got off the stage I was freaking out I told Lana let's go to Glen Rose this of the floor I lived in Glen Rose and there's this cabin out there and let's go to this cabin and let's just out there and it's got a Jacuzzi in it and I just want to shout there in the jacuzzi and look at the Stars and just kind of try and get right and she said okay so my daughter and my daughter and her husband when it were out there and I it was in that kind of context where I was totally defeated that I had this encounter now I spend a lot of time talking about the importance of seeking God and going after and being hungry but I find that the most powerful encounters I have with God happened when I didn't see it coming Wow okay and I'm very intentional about seeking the Lord I'm about living that lifestyle but the most because I live a lifestyle of looking God knows I'm gonna see it yeah so he'll show up in times that I don't expect him to show up so I I had this dream that I'm walking through the forest and I'm there and it's exactly like what Paul described and where was that at was at first Corinthians 12 yeah second Corinthians 12 where he says you know I remember one time I don't know if I said my body or not in my body I don't know if I was here or there or whatever in fact I don't even want to if I tell you it was me it's gonna act like I'm boasting so I once knew a guy that's what he does it's true and and and when you when I do this I I'm telling you up front that this didn't happen because I had my act together I was a mess okay and I had this encounter where it was a dream at first and then I went into this place that Jesus had for me and I'm walking through the woods and I'm saying things like father I know that when I seek you I finds you and I know God that when I ask you answer and I know Lord that when I knock that the door is opened unto me and I'm saying that over and over and over again and I have this incredibly I'm so excited I know I'm gonna find God I know I am I I'm so I'm excited about it I know that Jesus is gonna show up and I know that it's crazy cool and yeah man this is going to be awesome so I'm walking through and there is this beautiful canopy of trees over me and there's this spot where there where there is you know that's like a hole in the canopy and light is shining down and I stand underneath that and man it feels so good to be in the light and I could see a beautiful blue sky not a cloud in the sky and then in my field of vision I see this small little little little bitty cloud come over and I could see it a long ways off and then as I'm watching this cloud it begins to morph and shape into a cloudy picture of two horses in a chariot and some cloudy dude in the back of the chariot and I'm like oh wow cool Jesus Jesus you're the one that fights my barrels and I thank you God for sure me that Wow God I see you in the clouds King King Jesus you know when you see Jesus in the clouds it's when he comes back for you and all of a sudden the cloud became animated and the two horses leaped these cloudy horses leaped and the the rider in the back of the chariot was like let's go and he grabs the hood of these cloudy rains and turns the horses towards me and starts coming directly towards me as it gets nearly to me the clouds blow off and it's Jesus in the back of this chariot and I made eye contact and he zoomed over my head and it was like a 747 flew over this immense power went over me and as he went over the top of the far as he went over the top of the force I could tell exactly where he was at because he was rattling the tops of all the trees when I first told pastor Gloria about that pastor Gloria being the amazing bible-thumper she is she opened up the Bible to whenever brother David said how shall I know that you go before me into battle and David says when I shaked the top of the trees that was God's response when I shake the tops of the tree and I had never heard that verse before and it means he goes before you in the battle and of course he's in a chariot he's in full battle mode right he stops over me and he overshadows me and I was no longer in a sunlight I'm completely in this shadow and I look up and I can tell the diminutive one of the one of the wild things about this this encounter that I had was as soon as I entered into it I was aware of a clock Jamie and I knew it was one hour and 33 minutes long and I knew exactly where the timing of everything was all the way through mark okay it's cool I got one hour in 26 minutes and 14 seconds left of this encounter and I was aware of the timing I was also aware of distances I was aware of north south east and west I was aware of when I looked around a tree I knew how tall it was and I knew what the circumference was I knew all the numbers associated with everything and the Lord overshadows me and he's 40 feet up and I knew that he was 40 feet exactly 40 feet up and I can see the bottom of this chair and I can see the bottom of these horses I can see the underneath of these horses directly above me and I see the Lord and he looks over at me and I barely see man I can see his crown as he looks over the edge of this chariot and he's got something he's holding in his hand and he drops it and I catch it and it's fruit and it's unlike any fruit I've ever seen it's perfectly round and it's got these perfectly round little knobs on it it's a dark color and it smells unlike anything I've ever smelled in my whole life ever and it smells so good I look up at him and he's just kind of looking at me like are you gonna get a bite or what it sounds like okay and I put my mouth on it I'm just gonna get a little bitty tiny nibble and then it goes boom and it just explodes into me and I supernaturally consume this fruit and when it went into my face I felt it wrap around inside my head and go all the way down in both of my legs and I felt it hit the ends of my toes and I and it felt so good and I was like what and I heard the Lord laughs guys can I tell you because I've looked up every scripture of all of this and the Bible says that the Lord laughs at his enemies it means when he's in war mode he's laughing the whole thing would be an overshadowed shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty right so he drops five pieces of fruit to me and all five are completely different completely organic they all look they're different colors they have different smells and they feel different when I consume them and by the way guys Oh taste and see that the Lord is good amen and when I ate the fifth one and we're not going to caught the fifth one it was it was super heavy and I'm he's like wow I can't believe you dropped that top thing and when I consumed it when I put my lips on it just as soon as I barely barely barely put my lips on it it would just go boom and it would just jump into me somehow and the last one was such a huge experience that I had to close my eyes and when I opened my eyes I was elevated and I was forty feet up and I was standing directly behind the chariot I was facing north this was East this was West and I didn't see when I was down below now I could see now that I was elevated was he had a circle of people around him and they were all talking to him and there were men and women and their different ages and they're saying things they they there's this a game in the presence of God I don't know why you didn't find it because I you know but there's this a game in the presence of God that these guys have that is so impressive Jamie and this one person is saying okay I know what my part is in this next great move of God I know what it is and my part is this this this this this is this and all Jesus would do is point on them and go yes and it's a big deal when Jesus points at you and says yes to what you're saying and I know who these people are and as soon as I see them I know who they are I know where they are I and what I know is how much Jesus loves them and it's mind body it's like wow oh my gosh that woman is so loved to the Lord oh my god she's so important oh my gosh that dude oh man wow it's cool how he loves God and how the Father loves him and I know all this information about these people but guys to tell you all the truth I didn't really pay much attention to them because I can see Jesus in the back of this chariot and there's no door and I can see him I can see him from the top of his crown to the soles of his feet and I know the second I put my eyes on him I have 17 minutes exactly to look at him and if I just look at this little crease I hear there's information in that if I look at this part right there there's a there's a miracle in that that I know and realize and I know I have exactly 17 minutes to look upon Jesus and I start looking I literally start at the top of his crown and Jamie when I saw his crown I knew about crowns like I've never known about crowns before and this is what I saw as soon as I saw his crown I knew that it was a war crown because it was a crown on the front was a Helmand in the back and I knew that there was a crown room in heaven and I knew that this crown was the crown of somebody else who had given it to him that there was some saint who had lived more than a thousand years ago and I think that the number was 1100 years ago that there was a saint who had lives who had had lived 1100 years ago that fought warfare for Jesus and the Lord gave him a crown and he gave it back to him and whenever Jesus wears a crown he changes his crown for everything and he changes his wardrobe for everything and he uses the Crown's that we give him because it glorifies him and I knew that and then as I'm I'm looking at his face and and and he is he is the oldest person in the universe but I was surprised at how young he looked he didn't look you know I was really shocked at how young he looked you know he looked like he might even been like in his late 20s or something and I'm looking at his face and I realized everything about him is so supernatural how his hair comes out from under his helmet is exactly the way he wants it to come out and it comes out in a very supernatural way so when he turns his head and does this his hair kind of slowly does that kind of follows behind and the way he moves when the Bible says that the Lord moves in mysterious ways guys I want to tell you there's a way that Jesus moves this unlike anybody nobody can move like him and how he moves is if his hands go from here to there it goes there instantly but when you think about it you can see it in 24 frames per second and you can zoom in on any part of it and so if he barely tilts his head he it just happens and there's no from A to Z it just happens but when you think about it you can zoom in and you can see 24 frames per second and you can zoom in on any part of it and how he moves is so beautiful it's it's just I'm just crying what should he move going so incredible so he knows exactly every spot that I'm looking at okay I'm looking at his eyes he knows and he's not acknowledging I'm there and nobody knows that I'm there I know that he knows I'm there but he's continuing to point and say yes to what people are saying right which means he's kind of to turn a little bit then he turns a little bit more and he's doing this to show me things about him and I'm just standing there and you know I'm super afraid of heights and I'm 40 feet up and I can feel you know like there's grounded or anything there's no fear at all France can tell you something when you get to stand in the presence of Jesus you will not be afraid he is the most powerful amazing person ever but the most non-threatening person in the universe at the same time he pulls it off and you know he's wearing all these war clothes and he's in this war chariot and he's on his way to go fight my battle and he stopped to meet these people on the way to go fight my battle for me okay so and I'm and I know all this and I'm sitting there and I'm looking at him and when I look just to the left of his eyebrows when he he knows exactly where I'm looking he kind of tilts his head like that so I can see inside his crown because his crown comes down over his ears and I can see inside and when I do i zoom in on his hair and a zoom man on the beautiful color and he's right it's it was like black and brown with these with these gold parts to it that was just so supernaturally awesome and I'm looking at his hair and when I do guys he turns like this so I can see inside past his ear and what I see is this tiny little silly red ribbon tied to his hair and I'm like what's that and instantly I see when he was getting dressed to go to war for me he was sitting on a chair in his dressing room and he has a dressing room right and he had his arms out like this and they were dressing him and all of these incredible war things right but there were little bitty tiny kids sitting in his lap time little red ribbons in his hair and he kept them in I couldn't find a verse for that they suffer suffer the children to come unto me so it would take me more than an hour in 33 minutes to tell you all the details of this but I'm telling you I know the details to this the sword of the Lord guys I saw the sword of the Lord in it's it's not an inanimate object it's him and it was a sword but it's him somehow because he is the word Wow right on and it's him and it's it's commanded by his mouth and I I knew and whenever whenever he would say yes it gone it was so powerful was like it was nuclear it was like it was be like okay here we go here we go here go you know and I saw he had this sash across him and he had all these jewels on it and they all were like they were like medals you know of achievement but they were they were jewels and he dressed that to state who he was and to show who he was in the situation that he was about to go into so I saw all these things about him and I'm aware oh man there's only ten seconds left of this there's only nine seconds eight seconds and at zero at zero the volume goes up to what all these people are saying and I heard this woman speaking in this Austrian accent and she says I know exactly what my part is it's the nation's and I've got this great work to do among the nations and she starts talking about this you given me the nation's Mountain Lord and I'm gonna do this do this do this do this do this and then the Lord says yes and everybody's just like wow it's just so cool and nobody is jealous there's no sexual tension between the men and the women there's no there's no Envy there's no pride there is just we are also loved of the Lord we are also loved of God and it's just this amazing way that we are together in the presence of God and it's just so beautiful and I'm I'm a very social person and I pay attention to how people act whenever they're around each other I really pay attention to that and I'm I'm floored and I'm staggered staggered by how the things that people say it's like the most brilliant things they've ever said ever like how these people are so bright and it's like you bring your a-game in the presence of God in such a such a huge way and then the last person he says okay God you given me the media mountain and I'm gonna do this and do that and do that and do that do that and I'm going to work with that guy over there and this is gonna happen and that's gonna be that and the Kings you just said yes and then this guy says but Lord and Lord had already turned away from him and he said yes and he said we're missing a piece and the piece has to do with this this is assist and I'm not gonna tell you all what he said but I heard what he said and he said and that person is not among us he's not here and the Lord said yes he is he's right over there and Jesus pointed to me and when he did everybody turned and looked at me in the AH way and I knew they could see me the way that I could see them they're like okay that makes sense and then Jesus looked at me and he said Troy come to me and I walked to him you know guys I'm very conscious of the way that I walk you know I weighed I weighed over 400 pounds for about 15 something years and I waddle really bad when I walk and I hate to be filmed walking I'm like what idiot just walk straight and I just when I walk I just kind of walk like this you know and dude when I walk to him it was like James Bond and it and and and and and and better-known done and I was so aware of how cool my walk was and like this of what I'm talking about dude look at this dang and when I got inside the circle they closed the circle and I went straight to Jesus and guys there's no door on the back of this chariot there's no door and he's standing there and I mean I'm I - I face to face with Jesus Christ the king of the universe and I'm just sitting there looking at him I'm looking in his eye and he said Troy I have a gift for you I said okay and he holds this gift his hands was instantly in front of him and he's holding this gift and I don't want to look at it because I'm aware I've got a minute and 30 seconds I got a minute and 29 seconds and I'm aware of this man I don't want to not look at him so I can see in my peripheral that it is a wooden box and I instantly knew that the wood it's not it's not gold silver or precious stones which is for eternity this is wood which means this is for my lifetime okay are you with me so I know that I'm like okay when I when I come out of this encounter I'm gonna have this gift and I also knew that it you know it had five sides I knew that there were five gifts that were within it and I knew I was instantly gonna know what the first one was and I'd have to find out what the other four were okay and he's holding it up for me to grab it and so I didn't want to take my eyes off of him so I put my hands on it and when I did these three fingers accidentally touched his hand and when I did my fingers started worse Jesus and I wasn't making it happen and that was the only time in the entire dream that I was not comfortable because my fingers just lost their minds we love you too and I'm just looking geez like what and and the Lord just looked at me he didn't speak these words but he somehow told me no dude that's what happens when you touch me your atoms are going to worship me that's what they're gonna do and so I'm like okay and I I grab this box and I hold it to my chest and I'm aware 20 seconds there's 19 seconds and I'm just looking like don't don't let this in and as I'm looking at him I'm honed it to my chest to cherish it and it goes disappears and I said Lord that gift you just gave me went into my heart didn't it and he went yes zero when it zeroed out I was in another place I don't know where I was at but I was in another place I couldn't see anything there was no fear at all but I heard God speak to me and it was like it was like I was in a cloud and it was like he was in my face talking to me and he said he said Troy you're gonna remember this you're don't worry you're not gonna forget this you're gonna remember this and you're gonna remember the details of it and you're gonna find out what the other five gifts are and you're going to meet the people that you have met in that place in your lifetime and he said don't worry about how it's all gonna come together just when you wake up you're gonna want to wake up the in and tell her but I'm gonna let her rest tonight I want you to go tell your son-in-law JC go wake him up and you can and you can tell him you can earn in the Lord tell me I'm gonna give you the ability to release the gifts that I'm giving you when you tell this story so for the past four years I haven't publicly got up and told this story I I I'm careful who I tell this to and I really felt like the Lord told me this year this is the time for you to start telling this story and when I woke up I tried to wake up Liana she wouldn't wake up and dude she snores talking about okay so I sleep in perfect silence do y'all believe that so so man she wouldn't get up and I went oh that's what the Lord said and then I went and and there was this weird part to where he said go he said go tell JC and tell him in the jacuzzi that's what he told me I thought that's weird I go I go to go knock on the door and JC opens up the door before I even knock he's like what's up man and I'm like I just had an encounter with Jesus and he goes let's go sit in the jacuzzi and tell me I said okay and so that's what we did and I set out there for more than two hours telling him every single detail that it happened friends I want to tell you when I woke up I knew exactly what the first gift was and it was the power to gain wealth I knew it now this was in 2015 okay I have since discovered what three of I've discovered three more I think I know what the fifth one is but I have not had it confirmed yet but I have also discovered the third and I have met two of those people from my dream I had this crazy woman from Australia came up here of the church and tell me I gotta meet your pastor I met your pastor I got him and those kind of people I don't typically meet with I got a dream you know I got in hire to talk to your pastor I okay we'll get to you next year hallelujah I got a team of pastors here that can meet with people I'm like man no so she's like I wanted me in I wanted me to I wanted me to want to me everything I am even on here ma'am and she just won't stop and she starts coming these services hey I need to talk to you and I just run away right and so finally pastor Jerry says to Troy are you ever gonna meet with this lady I said dude tell her this if she'll come out to the ranch with you guys she'll come all the way to Glen Rose Texas with you guys we can go to lunch together because if it starts a she's if she's crazy or whatever then y'all can intervene but that's my day off and I'll come in and I will spend one hour with her and she's willing to do that then I'll do that when he said okay sounds good she said yeah I'm in I'm in no problem so I I'm like well this would be fun this would be fun it has to be fine and I know there's people there and and she comes over and she gets out of the car and when I see her I just I nearly fell down because I remembered her from this dream I'd had and remember I told you that at the end there was a lady with an Austrian accent that was talking and I'm like there's no way that that is that woman there is no way there's no way and she walks up and she says hi Troy and his hardcore awesome accent and I said hi and I'm just looking at her she said before I say anything the Lord told me to ask you something I said what and she says this do you recognize me I'm not making this up oh wait yes I'm like this is Troy Brewer shut up time this lady has come all the way from the other side of the world to talk to me and I have been resistant to it and I had no idea who she was Gerry am i telling a true story pastor Jerry I am so I I when I woke up I knew that I had the power to gain wealth guys in January the 1st of 2016 I owed 170 thousand dollars on a house that I had bought for $50,000 25 years ago because I had mortgaged my house seven times to pay for this stuff we pay for human beings and buying people out of slavery and feeding people in the orphanages okay because we had a small church and we couldn't fund it so me and Leanna funded it personally by you know mortgaging the only wealth we had which was our house a little bitty tiny house and not even 1200 square foot we raised our whole family and that I was just awesome and praise God for the house well at the on January 1st I owed a hundred and seventy thousand dollars on that place guys within the first four months of 2016 I got five new income streams and I want to just tell you this up until just recently up until just recently my salary of the from the church was super super super low talking about a couple hundred dollars a week and the Lord we're talking about honestly is either what was it Jerry was a 600 bucks is that what it was 600 bucks a week okay 600 bucks a week and and I was so happy to get that because that was the biggest salary and it ever had but we had that from from 2010 and told just recently and so these income streams came to me dude and I didn't even go looking for him I just figured out a way to make money here I forgot a way to make money there and then I got invited on John Paul Jackson show and then people started buying my resources and then my book numbers that preach became required reading and theological seminaries all over the world and then they shared their books and we went from we went from I don't know 20 dollars every three months in book sells to more than twenty thousand dollars a month okay now if you guys if you guys buy anything through Troy Brewer ministries all that money goes straight into Troy Brewer ministries but this is Amazon sells yeah just Amazon sells and then and then I started being invited I started getting on shows you know and there was one show that I was on and they paid me ten thousand dollars in episode and said we'll just pay you ten thousand bucks let us sell your books and I said okay I did six of those shows that air okay I'm not gonna go into the other three new revenue streams but I got them and guys by the end of the year I had that other house completely paid off and on my 50th birthday I signed on my ranch on my 50th birthday I'm not going to say that I've had it easy financially since then but I can tell you I do have the power to gain wealth I have it and I'm never ever ever gonna be poor again ever I'm not so I I could go on and on and on about that and just tell you the unbelievable financial miracles that the Lord has done for us and he continues to do for us and he's about to do a huge I've had it recently prophesied to me that within the next three days there's a huge huge financial breakthrough coming yeah okay and I had somebody yesterday come up to me and say I'm trying to think exactly what she said she said she said God has a three day miracle for you and I said oh really like yeah I said what does that mean because I don't know but God has a three day miracle for you and then today I had a way next-level prophetic person come to me and tell me God told me to tell you that in three days you have a huge financial miracle coming and I had somebody tell me last night that God has a three day miracle for me and then today somebody came said three days from today now I what I'm telling you this stuff to say this that this is not theory this is how we live and we are normal people we're flawed we're messed up we hurt we do stuff that we shouldn't do we're human beings we we don't get things right yet God shows up and and I and I want to just I want to close on this to say this I'm about to pray for you and then Jamie's going to pray for you but because the Lord told me he told me you have the power you have the power to give this away now it's one thing to receive the gift it's another thing to activate the gift and that's a whole different thing and I believe that God's gonna give you wisdom on how to activate this gift but I can only give you what the Lord has given me or as Peter said such as I have I give unto you I am NOT a smart guy and everybody thinks I'm smart I'm not a smart guy and I am NOT a smart business guy and I am not any of those things yet I'm in charge of multi-million dollar ministries now right okay all of that happened in 2016 right after this encounter that I had with Jesus and this is something that is in my heart is something that I carry with me and it's for this lifetime it's what I have you can have an encounter with God that in one single encounter absolutely everything can change for you absolutely everything can change for you and the price that you pay for those kinds of encounters is that you have to learn to love how you love God and you have to learn to love how you're passionate about God you have to believe God that God thinks it's hilarious that you're crazy about him that God thinks it's it's absolutely hilarious that you're willing to get up at two o'clock in the morning and seek Him until finally you're like I'm done I'm toast because that's the place where where he will actually meet you though I'm with you always even to the ends of the earth even when you're done with your map and go that's as far as I can go I can't go in he says he says look for me there lo I'm with you right on come on and then and then he shows up there so I want to ask her by stand up if you would
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 50,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: qblV5G0VOoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 6sec (4806 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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