Intersection Marking Tool Tutorial - Cities Skylines

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hey everybody welcome back my name is yumble and today i'm here to talk to you about intersection marking tool so of course we're we're here in city skylines we're here in a in a bit of a city that i've whipped up for example's sake just to show off things like this um and i just want to point out look at this these these two big empty areas here now the road system in city skylines operates on what are called nodes which are which are these things here these the places where roads meet one another are called nodes where any network meets itself so networks can be roads paths fences water pipes uh keys you know key it's pronounced key it's the things in here i was surprised too so like this guy that's a network anything that can be drawn and connected to itself is is a network in this game so road networks um are connected by nodes and when you connect multiple different road types together you get an intersection so that's a highway intersection you could say that's a that's a merge and a split you'll notice it's not marked at all though there's nothing you know how does traffic know that it's continuing on or leaving or like there's no um in the real world there's no intersection on the highway that looks like this because cars if they look like this cars wouldn't know which lane like this lane wouldn't know and it would merge over here and there'd be collisions here and it would be it would be weird so today i want to show you there's a few empty intersections and i want to show you how to how to fix them up using intersection marking tool so when you arrive in an intersection that you know you're going to modify first i recommend using traffic manager to figure out what your your lane management or what your turning arrows will be so maybe a separate video on traffic managers in order but figure that out first because you want to know where your traffic's going what each of your lanes do otherwise marking the intersection you may mark it in a way that doesn't make sense so now i've got the intersection set up in a way that i like with traffic manager i'd say step two in my opinion once again is to go into what's called node controller i strongly recommend the the mod node controller to go along with this and i'm gonna hit the button no junction markings there may be other mods that do this too node controller does it really well and it's useful for other things so i'd say do no junction markings and you can decide this later too but i might recommend increasing the size of an intersection so that the cars can turn a little bit a little bit further if you know what i mean the turning radius becomes a little less sharp and the turns look a little more natural rather than like a a 90 degree you know at this angle it's very much like a 90 degree little corner if you make that 90 wider then it's you know much easier in the cars much like in the roundabout video so maybe i'll do 25 here you can do this after two but doing it before for illustration purposes is fine no junction markings the initial crosswalks we're actually going to replace using using node excuse me using intersection marking tool now for me here's the funny thing i've seen other people talk about intersection marking tool and usually theirs appears right here but i have a couple other mods under the right now i'm in the roads tab i've got a couple other mods there so for me somebody please comment why this works this way but for me i know that it's i have to click erode a transit network and then i'm able to see intersection marking tool and node controller the two most recent mods that fall under this slot so now i'm going to open up intersection marking tool and we can begin by throwing down the crosswalks if that's what you what you want to do so hold shift to draw a crosswalk and click the end where you want the crosswalk to begin you know um i want a crosswalk here as well these crosswalks actually look much cleaner than the stock crosswalks a lot nicer and they also unfortunately these don't go all the way to the edge i might be able to fix that later but they look a lot cleaner and they also can be changed you can do a zebra crossing um you can do double zebra so that's a wider zebra parallel solid lines uh ladder would be the us style typically not all the time you know zebra is fine though we'll just do zebra because it's the stock for the game now we've re-added our crosswalks um so i would say that's one thing probably the first thing intersection marking tool does we'll say it does crosswalks thing two is probably the thing you're going to be spending the most time doing and that's drawing lines so we're going to end up the the next thing i'd recommend doing is drawing all the lines that you want displayed on the road or not displayed all the lines draw all the lines you'll know what i mean by the end of this i promise so this left turn we're going to draw a line there to illustrate that left turn so it exists that's that's cool we'll let that be dotted we can change it later once you've drawn a line from a point to another point you can change the style here much like the crosswalk you can go to this menu here for crosswalks it was under the crosswalks tab for lines it's under the lines tab um so this is the first line if you if you highlight each of these it shows you which line it's describing so you don't have to try to remember these point designations the intersection these are all the possible points in the intersection you don't have to memorize any of the names just hover over this scroll through it with your mouse it'll show you there let's say i want this to be a a solid line you can do that let's say i want it to be double solid you know for now i'm going to leave it as dashed because i'm not sure what's going on yet this is going to be a bit of a bit of trial and error to see what's going on so i know i want a line there i also know if you right click it exits the exits the interface i know that i want a left turn here so we'll do that i'm going to leave it dotted as well or dash rather i know that i want another left turn here and let's say you know that you want this to be solid you know rather than going in and clicking clicking and and going and changing it to solid which is fine to do you can do that but if you um if you hold shift so let's say i've clicked here i'm highlighting this one oh okay highlighting this one hold shift and it'll draw a solid line if you hold other things if you hold double here let's i'm not actually going to draw this line but if you hold shift for a solid line dashed without modifier so dashed is nothing dashed is the default generally i think you can change this in the settings too a double solid is ctrl shift when you're making the line and a double dashed is hold ctrl while you're making the line so like this one here if i wanted to be solid i think i do want it to be solid eventually so hold shift there two solids uh this one we're probably gonna want solid as well i find it's even quicker to redraw the line if you're familiar with traffic manager this is the same thing this is the same idea so i'm drawing all these lines also i think every country has different ways of marking intersections so don't take my word for it you know i'm showing you how to use the mod but if you're built doing a certain build if you're doing a us build or a european build you know asian countries might have even different markings in different colors and different configurations that are familiar feel free to look around you know google images will be very powerful when it comes to that so line drawing is step step two in my opinion do your crosswalks first do your line drawing second you can modify where the lines start and end by holding ctrl so if i want this to line up which i do let's say we want that line to line up there hold ctrl and then click on the point and you can change where that point is on the on the line here you know i wish there was a slightly more refined way to do this but there we go like move it has the option to to hold control and you you get a lot more control over the thing not in this case but that's okay so we're drawing lines drawing lines drawing lines so my goal here is to create all the lines that this intersection needs and then modifying it after so you this will take a lot of trial and error for everybody this will you know this will take a lot of trial and error for me i know roughly what i'm going for but i recommend drawing all the lines that you want and it will probably be too much initially this one i actually want it to be dashed i think or actually no it can be it can just be invisible if you want to make an invisible line this is important to remember if you want your line to be invisible you can click here and turn this all the way down this is your alpha channel so we have a line there but it's invisible but it's there but it's invisible i'm going to do the same thing for this one i know that i'm going to want to use this space for something for the bike lane spoiler alert you can do fillers with this that's the next step we're going to do a bike lane using fillers so i drew those lines so we can guarantee guarantee ourselves the ability to build a filler so we've got some lines drawn let's say hold off on the filler for one second let's say you want the line to stop and start again at some point you know let's let's say that let's check this out what if i wanted um i want to i want to select this line from this blue dot to this purple to find it i'm going to scan this cool found it and let's say i want the line to be only in this little section here so i'm going to click the start point and i'm going to click where i want it to start i'm going to click the end point i'm going to say where i want it to end cool i don't actually want that line to go all the way across down to there i just i just want it to to be that one little section there that's what we're going for and that line next to it the line so the orange to orange here that line is here i want it to do the same thing i just want it to be this little this little section here this little noodle doodle so i'm going to say the start point is actually here i'm going to say the end point is actually here so we've done the same thing there you know so we've taken that path that that direction that it's going and we've cut it down to this level if i wanted to let's say i wanted one of these to to still have a a dotted line to it we can do that that's easy i can add a rule and then i'll click where the rule starts and where the rule ends it could be there sure good so now this illustrates where this turn is actually happening if you see that there so now the turn is marked with that dotted line and the first part of that line is solid so that's a rule when you want a solid line and a dashed line or if you wanted a solid line and then no line and then a dashed line the point is if you wanted to change just a segment of this you don't want the whole thing to be the same thing or you want part of it to disappear you can add a rule or you can affect where the from and two markers are and everything highlights what your if you hover these it it selects the no the the point that you're that you're about to change so hovering over this is very powerful so that's good for starters i want to do the same thing to this you're going to watch me muddle through for a little bit so i'm going to i don't need a rule just yet but let's start here i want to make this line go from here to here i want there to be a break there and we've added a rule and i want the rule to cover here to here with a solid line and then i want to add a second rule i don't think i've ever done a an intersection with two rules so check it out start point there and point there awesome so making breaks for these essentially um let's do the same thing to the next line the next uh vertical line here so we're gonna do start point will be here end point will be oh i take it back start point will actually be here end point will be here because i want to make a break in the road so these guys can turn left through it essentially i'm making a median and then at the at the end here let's find the next line boom so i want to get rid of uh i want to or i want to alter i want to alter this one i want to make the starting point here and the end point here it doesn't actually matter which one's the starting point and which one's the end point you know it's not totally relevant i want to add a rule from here to here that's dotted just so they stay in their lane and this other turning line here i want to alter what's going on so we'll do i'll make the whole thing dotted initially dash rather i keep saying dotted want the whole thing to be dotted so they nail their left turn and that should actually be good i don't like this spot here usually this might not be a rule for everyone but generally the turning lanes are on the inside if you know what i'm saying so cool so we've covered lines essentially that that basically does it for lines i'm going to make one small modification to this one i don't need the the rule here get rid of that easy enough cool so now i want to add fillers to this intersection that we've just created in real time we're doing it live people we're doing live i've not done this i've not pre-gamed for this intersection i've prepared nothing i've prepared no notes um so let's say we want to do a filler for the bike lane which makes sense we we do want to make a filler for the bike lane so if you're if you're here and you hold alt if you're at this point i'm actually going to start it here no we'll go all the way to the end if you hold alt everything turns red and you're able to connect points that have been connected in the past either adjacent points or points that have already been connected at one point or another so now we've got this that is not what i want at all we want this to be a filler so i want this to be solid so much like all the other ones there's a little drop down menu um i want this to be solid and i want this to be a certain green color i want it to be the same green color as this specifically so i'm going to try to match that using a couple things here so i'm going to try to match the tone of the green and then we're going to reduce the opacity using the alpha channel because it's a bit see-through you can you can see the texture there we can kind of see the texture there but that tells me that if we reduce the alpha channel a little bit it may end up looking similar so i'm just going to try to match this as best i can so the bike lane is clear that's actually pretty good for on-the-fly you know all these things can be saved as templates as well that's an important fact if you ever have an important line or a color that you've drawn and you want to uh you want to save it as a template you can hit this flag here the plus flag and that gives you the ability to name that thing that you've just created so that's pretty good for a bike lane i'm going to save that actually we're going to hit save as template i'm going to name this um bike filler assuming i haven't already called that i've got a couple bike ones already for other cities i've built but bike filler that's good and now we've got it cool so let's go to this other one this other lane here because i'd love for the bikes to to know what they're doing in this intersection so we'll start here i'm just going to reconnect all of this and we're going to do a slightly different filler we're going to do a um there's a better way to do this if you go the the long way first it'll probably work better if you're trying to make like a bike crosswalk which is effectively what we're about to do that's the goal here that was silly uh maybe i have to do it short way first once again this is live this is me learning teaching learning loving living laughing loving in real time so we're going to try it short way first okay same result that's okay stripes is correct i'd like to angle it 90 degrees that was essentially 90 degrees off from what i want so we're gonna go we're gonna go to 90 degrees we can see that it's 90 because of this little marker over here boom so i did 90 degrees there awesome and i actually want it to be i want to apply a template and i want to be our bike filler but we're going to change it to stripes live and learn live and learn so we've got this bike crossing effectively now you can also just type the value in so as to not waste people's time if you ever make a video about this like i do cool so i want to change the end of this crosswalk as well just because it doesn't go far enough hold ctrl to do that everything's flexible too you can copy stuff paste stuff move stuff it's all malleable so now we've got this this kind of cool scenario going on here i'd like to do a couple more fillers couple more cool guy fillers watch this so we're gonna connect oh that doesn't connect oh oh no all right we're gonna start a filler here why you know exist i desperately want to fill in this spot but we'll come back to in a second i know this one will work we're gonna start a filler right here and this is gonna be a striped filler just like the just like this here so the goal is to to match this essentially i'd like to do that here and here on the ends as well so we're going to do i'm going to type 90 and then we'll modify it from there so we'll go 90 and then we'll we'll tilt it the right direction i'm comparing it to the already existing stripes here and we're going to do negative 90 instead because that's what you got to do and we're going to increase that until the angle looks the same and the step and the width are wrong as as well so we're going to change the step so it's a little bit more spaced out we're going to make the width a little greater too because the width of these is a little higher than the stock one all right we'll reduce the step back down a little bit there we go so the goal here is to have some continuity in this intersection trying to match the the tone you know the color of the bike lane trying to match the angle of the stripes which i've done pretty well there's always room for improvement but there's angles the angle of the stripes now if i were me and i wanted to okay this may work this is good we'll start with that and we can actually copy this filler so i'm just going to take this one i'm going to create a template out of it now you don't even have to create a template you can just you just hit the copy button and then go down to the one we just created and hit the paste button that's cool oh so the angle is wrong once again so i'm going to use the scroll wheel to try to match the angle a little bit you know that kind of thing so eventually what you get is a is a properly marked intersection these are just concepts this whole thing here is a is a slight bit of a mess we'll say could be better room for improvement but uh i'm not really sweating it these are just the concepts like i said look up look up your local road systems or look up the the municipality you're trying to replicate and try to try to see how they do things you know don't take my word for it that kind of thing cool that looks that looks pretty good we're just matching what's already there for some continuity here um this one could be filled in as well that is the idea i'm probably going to do uh one more set of roads in just a second just to show you how i do things there's one and this one we're actually just going to fill it in all the way solid so the takeaway from that is there's three things this does one is crosswalks one is fillers and another thing is lines lines can be built in segments uh lines that you've already drawn can be can be cut out by picking the end and the and the starting points you can add fillers once you've drawn the lines and crosswalks should probably be done first in my opinion just just an opinion um but yeah let's go see how a highway looks when it's all marked up so right now we're back to our original highway interchange here's the interchange in full here are the highway exits and this is actually probably the best way to dip your toe into uh into intersection marking tool so bring up your intersection marking tool you'll see that there are these big empty fields i've already used node controller to increase the offset of the nodes so 20 here should be 20 here as well cool so we've already got this nice 20 offset by default it would look like this which is really really just awful that's no highway looks like that so increase this to 20 just to make it so it's not such a sharp contrast when you change roads when you go from three to two and split one off that kind of thing so the best way to do this is to start with your solid lines by holding shift click your point a to point b uh hold shift again point a to point b this will continue on as dotted this one's going to be solid and this one's going to be a solid line as well so we've got from right to left and right hand traffic solid solid solid dotted solid dash rather but solid so now you can see this illustrates exactly what the road is doing this is our exit lane these are our through lanes and there's one more thing you can do to uh to make this extra cool we're gonna add a filler to this highway actually one more thing one more one more thing if the lines don't quite match up hold uh control once again for best for best results hold ctrl and line these up visually yourself different road types won't always be exact it's usually pretty close though so now we're going to hold alt to get into our fillers and starting at the point of this we are going to go from all three of the oh we're going to connect these two i almost forgot connect these with a solid line too for additional best results and what we just did there normally this would cut across but because we drew this line here it'll actually follow that line with the filler and for this one we're going to add chevrons which are really nice for uh highway splits it shows the cars exactly which way they're going the the chevron in this direction denotes that you're both going the same way and splitting off you know the slash is going the right way you can study uh road markings to figure out more about the slash the slash slashes in the road and chevrons and which where the way they're supposed to go this is correct and we can actually take this entire thing so if you see this copy marking i'm going to copy that i'm going to right click to get out of that one left click on the one we want to paste it to and we hit the paste button and then yes i do really want to paste that so this is something that's kind of fun this is um if you look at what we just pasted that's all wrong this is not this is not what this road does this this lane does not go over here everything's all wrong but we haven't finalized it yet you can actually click the rotate arrows once again completely wrong this is not happening so we're going to rotate again and maybe even a fourth time and a fifth time okay all right in a perfect world so we're going to cancel that cancel that we're going to copy this one which is virtually already done i did this like at an earlier point so i'm going to copy this one which is oriented correctly um i could have copied this one to the mer to the split over here so we're going to copy the uh this one over here do paste yes rotate it into position there we go that looks pretty good so hit the check mark to apply hold ctrl to adjust any points this is usually copied over let's see and this is correct for this one um this guy should actually be um inverted from this one which it already is so those are both correct and that's how you mark up a highway that is the idea um there's there's a bit more to intersection marking tool than that even but that's kind of where i'm at regarding intersection marking tool you can make you can draw lines you can make line segments once you've done it here's the real magic get ready for this you take move it just for this for the sake of example if you take move it and and move this you'll see that the lines are baked into the to the network which is just awesome control z to undo and move it and you'll also see if you go into a node controller and you decide to increase the size of your node or decrease the size of the node after make any changes it'll it'll adjust accordingly which is just brilliant it's baked into the network completely makes things really easy makes things much cleaner than they than they would be otherwise makes the intentions of the road much more obvious and makes things a lot more realistic guys thank you so much for checking out this one this is going to conclude uh intersection marking tool my name is yumble once again i stream on twitch several days a week feel free to check me out there yumbletv um there's a bunch of other youtube videos as well so feel free to follow me here uh subscribe to me here uh more educational stuff to come more more uh you know stuff about mods stuff about vanilla whatever fun cities stuff uh having a lot of fun doing this so far the the the response has been really really good so guys thanks for watching the videos and i'll absolutely see you in the next one
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 78,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: city skylines, intersection, steam, mod, detail, beauty, marking tool, Node Controller
Id: gqdX2RrQD2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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