a message to my fellow college age friends | Sadie Robertson

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so how's everybody doing are we doing good yeah yeah I can sit this is so awesome y'all like wow I haven't got to go to college yet so I feel like I'm kind of a part of a college right now so this is super super cool but uh anyways yeah I'm here and I'm a lot of y'all's age of 19 about to be 20 smooth and uh and yeah Jesus got ahold of my heart and whenever he grabs your heart as you know a passion lights up and and you just want to share that with the world and so that's what I'm here to do and you know to start this off it's something my family does it's kind of funny you know we have a group text and it's called swag fam pretty cool pretty cool and the other swag fans in the house no alright then we're weird we're just as weird as we are on TV and maybe a little weirder and so we have this group tags Todd swag fam and it's funny how in a group text it's like everybody's personality in real life but like extra extra extra it's like you kind of know what to expect from everybody so like for instance if I'm having a bad day and I send it to the swag fam and I'm like what's up Sam like I'm just having a really hard day and like this happen and this happened I kind of know that like from my sister's they're going to be like oMG Sadie call me and for my mom she's going to be like all babe I'm so sorry for my brother's probably gonna get nothing honestly I mean you know how it is and then from my dad it literally never fails if I'm like going through something it doesn't matter if I'm being so serious he'll spin the tag well at least or not that guy and he'll spend like a picture that's like so stupid I'm like are you kidding me like I'm hurting here do you not see my pain and it's funny so one day we were all sitting around the house and we're just like chillin and we're all trying to come up with the funniest situation of at least you're not that guy that job just think I have some pictures to describe a little bit what I'm talking about I think we have some pictures you know what if it doesn't worry it's okay because y'all get the idea it's like basically there's a picture that I was going to show and it's this girl and she's like how the dog and the dog not service Yeti everywhere which is the story of my life because I had a dog for a total of three weeks and I've already given her away because it was just too rough it was just too hard but I gave her to a sweet family so it's all good but one day so we were going through this pattern of like at least you're not that guy trying to come up with the worst oh yeah there it is that's hilarious why they were in helmets I don't know so that was 20 I would like the eggs probably wouldn't hurt that bad but anyways and I took the liberty of saying the one that was like not funny at all you know the last person that says a joke that everybody's just like silent and I go well at least I'm not a plankton what like why is that why did I say that like why and it was like so awkward and like so quiet and everybody was like what do you mean I was like at least I'm not a plankton I don't know what I mean but we're also so defensive in our family I thought you know what this has to be something bad this Cantus has to be so I look it up and of course the first thing in Wikipedia is this little guy the evil villain from Sponge Bob with the little then it says the definition of a plankton and it says it's a small microorganism unable to swim against the current of the ocean that provides food for big fish and large whales eat so my okay that's terrible like honestly is there anything worse than a plankton so I win thank you everybody I am going goodnight but something happened in my heart that night I was weird when I said that it was almost like I heard God just speak to me hey but what if you were I was like huh what if I was a plankton is getting weird you know I'm thinking at just what y'all are thinking this is the most random thing ever but God was like what if you were a plankton are they really the lowest of the low could you find passion and could you find purpose and something that seems so low but something that I gave life to who I was like okay sorry about that I'm gonna go figure that out so I go back to the Internet and this time I surpassed Wikipedia and look at what a plankton really is and it was astonishing you see these play Wikipedia was right they are unable to swim against the current of the seat they float they drift in the Greek language plankton means to wonder a wonderer okay so they're floating around in the ocean which kind of seems pointless until you understand where they're floating to and where God's taking them you see they start at the bottom of the ocean in the darkest part surrounded by the most bizarre companions that all are trying to eat them for food source but they flip past them and they make it to the very top of the ocean to receive light for a process of photosynthesis but then it doesn't stop there the most breathtakingly beautiful part is once it receives the light they don't stay in this safe haven place but they go back down to the bottom of the ocean with all the things I want to eat them and they provide 90% of the oceans photosynthesis and by doing that they provide 50% of the oxygen that we are breathing right now come on you know this little plankton that I thought was the worst thing that you could possibly is actually providing life for all of us through the energy and through the light that they had to go and receive first you know that's crazy when I read that I was kind of like a fear of the lord moment of like wow god it's so crazy how you do that how you put these amazing little things like messages and the tiniest of creatures and a mentor friend of mine said you know Sadie what passion does is passion fuels you it gives you the fuel to press past your fear in order to fulfill the purpose that God has called you to so as I'm about to read what passion cities Foundation versus and Isaiah 26 starting at verse 8 it says yes Lord walking in the way of your laws we wait for you for your name and your renown are the desires of our heart in the next verse verse 9 it says my soul yearns for you in the night the morning my spirit longs for you and as I read that I thought about those acquaintances at the bottom of the ocean of Darkness the swimming around floating around they can't help anything but every single night when it's dark just sing it oh well I can't wait to get the light I can't wait for what I'm going to receive today and they're expectant of what they're going to receive because they know that when they go there they're going to get what God has promised in the light just like when I text my family I know what I'm going to get from each person I'm expected of it because they showed me their character God shows us our character and he stays in the same place and sometimes we wonder off and we get lost and we swim with the current and we become routine to the darkness and we just get blinded instead of stopping for a second looking up and saying oh wow that could be something cool stop the pattern leave everybody else that is not following the light and receiving God's promise you know I feel like sometimes we're a generation that we sit here on passion city college night and we praise God and we sing songs and we say all your promises are yes and amen God but sometimes we don't take the time to go look and see what those promises are you see there's over 7,000 8,000 promises in the Bible and I don't know that I could name that many honestly but I want to seek because I want to know because when I go back to the darkness when I go back on college campus when I go back into the world of bizarre people around me I want to be able to say you know what God promises that he's going to protect me God promises that he's got to give me a peace that surpasses all understanding God promises me that he's going to be my right-hand man and he is going to save me and carry me whenever I go there first you want to know the promises when you go back you know there's a there is a study on growing leaders calm and I'll look this up because what the plankton thing is I thought it was really cool it's the biggest migration that is happening in the world daily the biggest migration little things receiving light to give life to the world interesting so these little micro organs can do it I thought why can't we I think sometimes because we're fearful so I looked up this study on growing leaders and I said what is the number one fear that college kids have today in a license study because it went past the normal fears that you would think of like the ones of like I wonder who my roommates going to be is she going to be super weird or super cool we're like I don't know how to do laundry all these like kind of having I really sometimes like that stuff is really appear but this is a bigger fear see what it said was they're not happy with the direction that the country is going and they are fearful to go into that they are scared that they are going to sacrifice their beliefs because the odds are against them and they want to possess values that life has always been very convenient for them with little need to sacrifice for what is right interesting when I read that at first I was like wow that's awesome that that's such a you know big fear but then I thought that actually really bothers me because this is something that we so have an opportunity to change we're scared to go into college because we're scared that we're going to join the way the country is going so really what what like you're willing to give up your relationship with God that you've worked on for your whole life in order to save a reputation with people that you haven't even met yet you know we're willing to risk our whole relationship for a reputation and that's what we're really scared on because we were scared of this sacrifice it's not a sacrifice it's a relationship it's a walk of obedience it's a walk of saying god I want to go in college and walk with you because you're the greatest thing that they have to offer you know and I fear that we walk into it thinking it to sacrifice and you know what people think other college kids when they look at us and they think they see us feeling as though this is a sacrifice and a burden on us they're like why would I want to be with them but when we walk into their and we're celebrating and we're like yeah all your promises are just in the noon they're like wait what's not yes on your phone and then it becomes the biggest migration ever because it's exciting there's a parable in Matthew it's about the ten bridesmaids or the ten virgins and when I was reading this honestly I didn't really understand it the first time I read it so I read it again then understand it write it again I didn't understand it again so what okay i'ma have to ask somebody and I asked a mentor she says Oh Sadie you wouldn't understand the significance of this unless you read up on ancient Jewish culture of engagement processes back then because that's the coolest part about it some might do tell check this out so in ancient Jewish history the engagement process was a lot different than it is today because what would happen is the bride and the bridegroom when they got engaged they didn't settle went for a date for their wedding so they didn't know what it was going to be which all makes me thinking what that is crazy because you have to prepare well they did prepare but they weren't going to get married until they were fully prepared you see what happened was the bride went her own separate way and she prepared in a way of like giving like he bathed every day she put her perfume on every day she got she had to get completely ready every single day as if that was the day of her wedding because she didn't know when the bridegroom was going to return so the bridegroom what he would do is he would go off and he would prepare the home for the family for his future wives and for his future family and he would get ready in that way well once the bridesmaids would do is every day they would have to go get the oil to light the lamps because they were in charge of when the bridegroom would return they would light the way to the celebration and get the whole town excited and they would say the bridegroom is here the bridegroom is here it's time time we're going to celebrate there was an exciting time and they had to be prepared to lead the way to a celebration so in this parable it picks up and what happens is the bridegroom makes his return the brides made the return of them five of them did not have the oils prepared the other five did now these lamps weren't just like a little lamp back in the day they were big torches that really light up the way so they had to get jars of oil so you really really had to be prepared for this and they had to be expectant of his return so there was a day he came back and the five of them are ready another fiber and they were like oh no give me your oil please because we don't have it and we can't light the way and the other five were like we can't sorry like we only have enough for us and they were like oh so they ran and the other five lit the way and they say the priority of the bridegroom is here and they all win to celebrate and they all had a great time well at the same time the other five come running and there knock on the door they say lettuce and lettuce and we're here we had the light and it picks up with the Lord say you can't commit surely you you weren't ready for my return you didn't know when the day was coming they weren't ready because they weren't expected so they didn't get to celebrate and they their effect on the whole town with it didn't really like the whole way it was in complete celebration you don't see that is half of us Christians go in and we're like yes and the other half don't it honestly sets this tone to the world with wait what are they trying to do but if we all go in together with the biggest migration of the world after first for seizing the light and getting our spiritual preparation ready and imagine the change we can make it would be huge it would be huge David Louie Giglio talked about David all the time so I'm not even going to try to touch it he is awesome but him get a read on this verse because I think that this is really cool this is a cry out from David to God it's a second samuel chapter 22 starting at verse 17 and it says he reached down from on high and he took hold of me he drew me out of deep waters he rescued me from my powerful enemies from my foes from those who were too strong for me they comforted me in the day of my disaster but the Lord was my support he brought me into his spacious place he rescued me because he delighted me you know David what I love about this is David wasn't crying out to God from just a place of save me he was crying out to God from a place of deliverance of a relationship that he had already obtained with God way before this moment you see before David was saved in this moment for he was saved from saw before he was saved from the enemies before he was even saved from the giant he was delivered and the Lions and the Bears that's just a shepherd boy and David actually kind of started out as anyone but that guy he was the not that guy because when Samuel the Prophet showed up in this town and he was like hey Jesse let me see your kids to see if any of these people can be king as John know Jesse went through the list but he didn't say David no way not David he said Jesse said the prophet Samuel said so there's no one else oh yes there is one more sorry um and the he's a shepherd boy he couldn't he can't do that not knowing that David was out there maintaining and preparing and really in this place of prospering a relationship with God that was going to last him there were all all these other things that God was able to deliver him from because David knew the character of God when he cried out you see when you read this in 2nd Samuel he calls on all of these names and they're so intentional the Lord is my rock my fortress my deliverer it my god is my rock and whom I take refuge he is my shield and the Horn of my salvation he is my stronghold my refuge and my Savior from the violent people who saved me he will reach down and grab me from the fires he drew me out because my god takes delight in me and I've seen it for all these years so he believed because he was coming from a place that he had seen so if we want to walk in through a college campus and we want to deliver his promises and we want to light it up then we have to go and we have to receive and we have to get our spiritual preparation ready and rooted you know Emily over here she gave me a book called anonymous it was so good it was about the hidden years the time for Jesus was in the desert the times were Jesus stepped back and took a moment to just pray with God his father and it was really cool because there was this part in the book where it said in Jesus's hidding years whenever he was out whenever he was in places that were painfflly people were painfflly watching him like so many people he was so popular he was able to maintain a spirit as hiddenness but he had obtained from that one-on-one relationship he had with God and I'm going to tell y'all something y'all may not want to hear that moment of reaching out for light that moment of hearing what God it doesn't just happen here on Wednesday night no no no that's not it it's going from here to your room or nobody can see you it's going from here to your car ride when you have the opportunity to turn on the radio and just stop or just stop for a second and talk to our Father it's going to come from those moments where you get to choose I'm not going to go off there and I'm going to go to this party because it would really be good for my reputation if we're like my sorority sisters or am I going to go and I'm going to pray because tonight I need to be with my father because I am hurting and I'm too weak to go into that place and I am NOT ready for that you have to know your limit we have to push ourselves from that and friends we have to be accountable to each other y'all are sitting here tonight I just asked that before y'all leave her in the car ride home that y'all talk about that and say hey listen you I need you to keep me accountable this year and do not let them waver not just accountable in the spotlight but accountable in the private moment accountable when y'all are in the dorm accountable when you're in the car in every place because that's what it's going to take for us to get to this place you know I was listening to Priscilla I don't know Jonah her she's an amazing speaker yes shout out to my girl and she said it's really cool thing and I was listening to in the car right here she said all of God's promises it's like God is just going to put them in our way and we're just going to like you know like all the sudden just have them but he's going to put them in our reach so that we can reach out and grab them so we're on our way here and I had this whole message prepared and everything was cruising and you know you're just slide mints it's a great day thank you Jesus and then he speaks the words and you're like did you just say that to me because I'm really confused now and he spoke a word to me threw me off I was three minutes from being here three minutes I was so close almost faded and we were driving and all this traffic which y'all have a lot of traffic there's not like that in Louisiana Wow and so we dried past this homeless man and our eyes locked and I just felt something in my heart but God said - he said that man I died to take his pain away he said go out and put it in his reach and then you're gonna see how I feel I was like okay are you sure can somebody else do it I literally prayed that somebody else would do it as I'm watching this happen and I watch this man walk by Jesus the homeless when he walks by he looks and he keeps walking and then all of a sudden I didn't go I'm like yes and then he walked away I was like oh now I'm really gonna have to do it so we keep driving and I tell my friend that driving I said look I'm sorry this is not going to make sense I know we're already running late but you got to turn around you got to turn around and I grabbed my Jesus Bible and I walk up to this man I said hi I'm Sadie said I don't have any money honestly I don't have anything on the right now but I do this and this is everything and I want to get this to you and he looked at me and I still would sear he said no I can't take that I was sure you can sure you can like please take it please like I really want to give this to you I said no is it I'm an atheist okay well justjust take it please like please take even he said no I'm not going to take that I can't so I said okay I'll respect that so I start walking away and I turn around and I look at him and I said are you sure he said yes so I lay the book down he goes no don't leave it don't leave it I was like you wanted it he's like you know I don't want it but don't leave it I said okay why he said please give it to somebody that will take it somebody needs it but it just can't be me and my heart broke and Jesus said that is how I feel because Jesus is extending his hand to us with truth with promises with something that can't save us from a dark world and sometimes we just say no no we don't want that we're just gonna lay here we're just gonna stick with this life we just walk away and Jesus is saying no are you sure please take a side for this please fake it and so on it's just I know we don't want that Jesus he tried his back but it does take us pursuing him it does there has to be a moment that we have to pursue him and that guy knew somebody would he knew he didn't feel worthy and that breaks my heart is were all worthy but he knew that something in that book was good because he didn't want me to lay it on the floor he didn't want me to give up on it he saw it in my eyes what I was holding was truth and something I believed in and so I challenge you when you walk onto that campus you beg people to take the truth but when you beg you better know the truth because they are watching you and they're saying do you believe it enough to take it on to the next person do you believe it enough to act it out do you believe it enough to give your life for it to know how Jesus felt that's heavy no I don't try that much but I cried about the whole way here when I saw Emily I was just weeping I just can't do it is like I'm overwhelmed because his love is overwhelming but he did for us is over lucky there's a really cool thing about plankton as I was reading if you ever add a tropical beach or something sometimes you may have seen this actually in this fan when you're walking this fan if you step something glows just happen to me once I was walking the sand with my cousins and the sidestepping and something was going was like whoa whoa whoa glitter what is that there's like catch nothing is a it's glowing this is crazy this is so cool well when I was reading about the plankton this is years later it was like hey that's saying that you're stepping on that was a plankton but what's interesting is that you had to step on it for it to glow you had to step on it for it to glow I'm going to tell you all a personal story about my life from a place of brokenness you know I would talk to this those fearless Geller gifts tattoos really sorry big part of my life I'm gonna share with y'all so I realized for a moment done I thought I was fearless I thought wow I am fearless I am free of this this is awesome but one day it hit me it wasn't that I was fearless but I was just running from the place for fear was because I was actually afraid of that and I was like oh no God hot fearless yeah and he's like all right put a tornado rhyme for Nia now are you scared oh my god I'm about to like a freak out you know like I was it fearless I was running from fear and more specifically there is a place of brokenness in my heart and after it happened it was actually a breakup and a lot of you saw it on YouTube which is kind of weird because you don't want to talk about breakups on YouTube it's awkward but a lot of good came from him I didn't want to do that because I was in a place of brokenness and for a long time I was mad now it's hurting I was afraid I was broken now it's just like oh I don't want to talk about it I don't want to deal with it I don't even want to cry about it so if I talk about it not crawl about it I'm not going to talk about it I'm just going to run from him so I just ran at his cats just like all the other fish I was just running on my own current I was just swimming around in the darkness and I was okay with that because everybody else was with me and it was fine and they thought I was fearless so we're all good right know what I saw it was that time would heal it as I know it's okay time is going to heal this but no guys time does not heal jesus heals what time does it time fog things a little bit it makes you forget about it from time to time but whenever somebody's name comes up or whenever something's right in front of you if you feel a drop in your stomach and you don't feel peace and you feel fear and time did not heal you know and for me I called my mentor nest eggs I don't think I really am healed from this and I think I'm really so afraid and she said Sadie the good thing is you can be but the bad thing is you're gonna have to go there oh but I don't want to go there well she said well you're gonna have to you if you want God to cover it with truth then you have to speak out the lies if you want to experience God's beauty you have to exhale your ugly Oh I do but you have to so I got down on my knee has broken heart and I went back to the moment and the words that were spoken to me and the times that I'll still afraid and I had to go there the times of the world stepped on me and I had to remind myself of it in every single situation every time the road stepped on me something hit me begin to glow because Jesus was covering it and he was redeeming it and he was restoring it cos he promised me he would I just didn't promise him that I would and finally when I promised him I would he took it from me just as he has promised you and we became in an intimate relationship that cannot be broken and yes now I am fearless and I have all the way from that but and I want you to understand that because when the planes that are up at the top receiving lie in this safe haven when they go back to the ocean in the darkness don't think for a second but they're afraid don't think that they're going back into a darkness of pain know what photosynthesis that process does that fuels the activity they are being fueled with passion to walk back not to a life of pain so walk back to a life of purpose to bring life through the world to light it up the guys what God is going to do in your heart tonight what Holy Spirit has the ability to see it's to instantly heal you and cover you completely and fill you completely with light but you have to go there to get it you have to go there and ask him to receive it and what's going to happen is anytime you talk about those broken parts those bad parts of scary times you're not going to be talking about it from a place of pain but you're going to be talking about it from a place of purpose rooted and the passion that God is going to install in you to change the world and make a difference in a life around you he has the ability to do that you because his word that he puts in your mouth it's just as powerful as his word always amazing he interests us
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 1,306,940
Rating: 4.9388652 out of 5
Keywords: college message, college, sermon, college sermon, sadie robertson, sadie rob, legitesadierob, live original, LO, college students, students, duck dynasty, duck commander, dancing with the stars, willie robertson, relationships, sadie robertson preaching, sadie robertson sermon, christian huff, sadie huff, sadie robertson huff, sadie and christian
Id: syPL8TvtT8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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